
Chapter 1

by IshtaroftheFall

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #drones #f/f #D/s #microfiction #sub:female

Please do not read this if you are under legal age.

As Maria slowly and reluctantly returned to consciousness, the first thing she became aware of was the smell. Incense, lingering in a thick, heavy cloud that completely enveloped the young woman, its heady aroma laden with citrus and herbal notes, as well as a rich, earthy undertone hidden just below the surface. The second thing was the sound, a low, rumbling wave, harmonised with what sounded almost like pipe organs and a low, droning choir chanting in strange, impossible tones.

Groaning as she struggled to open her eyes, Maria made an attempt to rise to her feet, before her arms gave out and she was forced back onto the cold floor. Her body felt heavy and numb, with strange, tingling sensations flaring in her joints, her mouth was dry and her head was filled with cotton, her thoughts coming together painfully slowly.

Pushing herself up again, she decided to remain sat on the floor, supporting her feeble body on the wall behind her. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she looked around to take stock of her situation. She appeared to be in a small room, the walls, ceiling, and floor made of a sleek, black material, illuminated by a multitude of candles set on shelves just above her, their golden light reflecting off the shiny material of the walls. A number of small devices on these shelves seemed to be responsible for emitting the incense that permeated the room, as Maria found herself taking slow, deep breaths, she found the smoke relaxed her muscles just a little more with each breath in, making her feel a little more light-headed.

The young woman realised with a start that the room didn't seem to have a door, in any other situation that would have triggered a rising panic as her claustrophobia took over, but at this moment, there was nothing, no concern, no fear, only a relaxed acceptance. The fog in her mind cleared somewhat as Maria fully awoke, she thought to herself that she must be drugged, not something she was at all unused to.

Though she was only twenty-four, Maria was attractive, with curly black hair, a small frame, and tanned skin. She had always been desired by men and had fallen in with the wrong crowd early on, attending frequent parties and indulging in all kinds of illicit substances. Being in this room and in this state reminded her of what it used to be like, trapped in a small room, unable to move, struggling to put together a single thought, at least she didn't feel nauseous.

Maria yawned and stretched out her limbs, making an effort to drive out some of the lethargy lingering in her muscles, she gasped in surprise, the fabric of her panties had brushed over her pussy as she had moved, pleasure racked her body like a bolt of lightning, she had never felt this sensitive before. The low chanting that surrounded her on all sides seemed to pick up in pace as the arousal steadily climbed her body, rising in intonation as it passed through her, leaving her breath shallow and quickening her pulse, a noticeable damp patch quickly forming on her jeans.

Memories of the previous evening were finally starting to pierce through the wool in her head. Grace, her girlfriend, the woman who had fallen into her life and pulled her out of the the awful place she had been in, the woman who, with her infinite patience, helped and guided her as she cried and shouted her way out of trauma and addiction. Grace, the woman who had awakened her bisexuality as well as a love of latex and bondage, showing her what real, passionate love was and could be. Grace had come to her flat, seeming very happy and excited to try something new, she had rolled a blunt and offered it to her, something Maria still partook in from time to time. Now that she thought about it, the smell of what she had assumed to be weed had been very similar to the thick smoke she was now inhaling, and after taking a long drag of it she couldn't remember anything that had occurred afterward. Maria felt another surge of arousal as her thoughts drifted toward her girlfriend. It was all too much, she needed time to process, but the stimulation rocking her body, along with the overbearing incense and droning choir were all proving too taxing for any kind of critical thought.

Her jumbled recollection was interrupted as a space in the wall in front of her opened, a door, completely flush with the wall and almost impossible to spot, swung inward, revealing a long corridor lit by candles and filled with yet more of that intoxicating incense. Maria's eyes widened at the sight of the figure in the doorway. Grace, her tall, broad-shouldered girlfriend, stood before her, sporting her usual blonde pixie cut, her smile just as warm and radiant as ever. Despite the alarming situation she found herself in, Maria couldn’t help but feel a small sense of relief at the sight of her lover.

What took Maria by surprise even more was what Grace was wearing, the trans woman was usually rather shy, hiding her large frame with baggy clothes and hunched shoulders. Now, she was wearing what looked like a latex catsuit, fully encasing her from the neck down and perfectly sculpted to accentuate her feminine curves. Her feet were padded with some kind of rubber soles, and a notable bulge between her legs hinted at her erect cock. Adorning the catsuit was an elaborate harness made of black rubber, linked together with gold rings, it seemed to be holding in place a large, latex cape, draped regally over her shoulders, as well as a flowing latex skirt, cut in half at the front to show off her powerful legs. Her waist was cinched with a tight corset that pulled her figure into a perfect hourglass, in pride of place at the centre of the corset was a strange symbol, a set of five stars, orbiting a sixth, bigger star.

“Good, you're up,” Grace stated as she leaned on the door frame, her deep voice filled with relief. As she spoke, the low chanting seemed to carry her voice, lending it a gravitas that might have knocked Maria back if she wasn't already on the floor. All the shyness and awkwardness Maria's girlfriend usually expressed was entirely gone, replaced with an almost overwhelming confidence, if it weren't for her familiar face and voice she would be completely unrecognisable.

“Grace?” Maria asked, her voice raspy and weak. Her lover quickly crossed the room to kneel in front of her. Holding up what looked like a golden cup filled with water in her rubber-coated hands.

“Have some of this. Small sips,” Grace instructed, gently holding out the cup and lifting it to Maria's lips. Maria weakly snatched it with both hands and started to take large, greedy gulps of water, feeling immediate relief from her dry throat and mouth, coughing as she struggled to pass the water through her gullet.

“Easy, easy,” Grace cooed, a concerned look in her eye “You're still a little woozy, but it will settle.”

Maria inhaled sharply, letting out a moan as she adjusted her sitting position to sip from the cup, her needy cunt had rubbed against the fabric of her panties again, sending another wave of pleasure surging through her body, her skin was starting to shimmer with sweat as her cheeks flushed with red and the heat climbed within her. Again there was that rising intensity in the choir, carried with Grace's enrapturing voice, pulling her arousal to heights she'd never been able to reach before. Grace chuckled, clearly enjoying her girlfriend's current state, it sounded heavenly.

“What did-?” Maria forced out, words were proving hard to come by. “You drugged me!” she eventually exclaimed, her voice still weak.

“I did say it would be potent” Grace responded sheepishly as Maria finished the last of the water, revealing some of her usual bashfulness, “Our sacred incense is overwhelming to the uninitiated, but soon you'll barely notice it's even there” she added with a smile.

“Sacred wha-?” Maria asked, her voice distant, she wondered if this was all some kind of dream. It all seemed real enough, but she couldn't imagine that Grace would ever do something like this to her, not without reason. The absurdity of the situation was being dulled, not only by whatever she had been dosed with, but also by the well of emotions in the pit of her stomach, she trusted her girlfriend, they had been through too much together for her not to.

“All will be explained in time,” Grace answered, “Just know for now that you are safe and I'm here for you, same as always”.

Rationally, Maria knew that she should be a lot more concerned or scared than she currently was, she'd been drugged, kidnapped, taken to a strange place and was seemingly being drugged further, but Grace's warm smile seemed to wash most of those thoughts away. Grace had been there for every step of her recovery and had done so much to drive away those who wanted to pull her back into her old life, she couldn't fathom anything her lover would do could be insidious. Her head was starting to clear a little, but the fog in her mind lingered like the incense around her. The low sound she'd been hearing since she awoke seemed to be getting louder, those chants still frustratingly out of reach, teasing her, if only she could listen closer, she might be able to hear what they were saying.

Grace placed a latex hand gently on Maria's shoulder, the black material glistening with an almost mirror shine, there wasn't a single crease or imperfection on its surface, Maria's eyes were drawn toward it, entranced by the strange sight.

“It's something else, isn't it?” Grace said in a low, seductive voice, “You can touch it if you like,” she added invitingly.

Maria's own hand felt as if it were a million miles away as she brought it up to Grace's arm, slowly moving her palm up and down the length of it, the sensation was incredible, smooth to the touch like marble, but with the warmth of her girlfriends body just beneath the surface, she gave it a gentle squeeze, feeling flesh give way under her delicate grip. Her arousal jumped another notch as she found herself moving her other hand up Grace's thigh, a gasp escaping her girlfriend's mouth as her own cheeks began to turn red.

“Where have you been keeping this?” Maria asked luridly, leaning forward and moving her hand to caress her girlfriend's hips, moving her other hand to squeeze Grace's breast, drawing out more moans from the trans woman as they leaned into each other. Any thoughts of the danger she might be in melted away with the familiar sounds of the woman Maria loved, being teased out by her gentle stimulation.

“It's not for outsiders to see,” Grace gasped between breaths “I wanted to tell you for so long, but you weren't ready.”

Maria was only half listening, lost in the exploration of her girlfriend's body. The chanting in her ears seemed to be encouraging her, cheering her on, each little gasp and moan the two women drew out of each other harmonising with its angelic choir, Maria had a sense that the voices of the chant were saying something very important, something she ought to be listening to, if only the words made sense to her.

Slowly, carefully, Grace pulled Maria into a loving embrace, resting her hands on Maria's hips. Maria was utterly captivated, the feeling of the latex was like something out of her most intimate fantasies, it looked incredible on her girlfriend. Maria started caressing more and more of Grace's body, squeezing and rubbing her hips, thighs and ass, eliciting even more moans as she caressed all her most sensitive places. In turn, Grace began gliding her own hands over the small woman's body, holding her head possessively and placing a hand on her ruined jeans, teasing Maria's pussy with well-practiced motions, causing her to cry out a muffled scream as the stimulation sent more waves of pleasure crashing through her body.

The two continued to enjoy each other's bodies for a time, just as they had many times before, they knew each other intimately, both knowing exactly what to do to get each other going, both crying with passion as they reached orgasm. The choir rose to a triumphant crescendo in time with their screams, drowning out any and all doubt or hesitation. The two women became as one, their shared arousal and love pushing them to new, incredible heights. Maria had never even imagined feeling this way was possible, she didn't want it to end, she wanted to stay with her girlfriend like this forever, bound together in an eternal dance of ecstasy.

Then, suddenly and without warning, Grace took both of Maria's hands in her own, cutting them off from the burgeoning orgasms they both so eagerly yearned for. Maria let out a long, whining groan as her girlfriend gently pushed her away, the choir settling back to a low, droning intonation. Maria looked deeply into Grace's piercing blue eyes, a pleading look falling across her delicate features.

“As much as I want you to utterly ravage me,” Grace finally said after a long pause, a smile played across her lips, but her eyes were filled with a steely determination “There is still a great deal we have to do.”

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I'll try and get the next one submitted as soon as I can!

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