The Necromancer's Doll

by HypnoWitch

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #hypnosis #Master/slave_language #sub:female #zombie #bondage #D/s #hypnokink #pov:bottom #sleepwalking #spiral
See spoiler tags : #consensual_kink #wholesome

Risen from the grave, Emily exists only as a slave to the dark necromancer Alicia of the Tower, cleaning the tower day by day. Only, her newly-sewn body makes it hard for her to stay focused on her tasks. This story doesn’t contain necrophilia!

Hi there! I'm HypnoWitch or HypWytch if you prefer! I've been reading the stories here for a long time, but its my first time ever posting one myself! (Or at least, its the first one I feel is high enough quality to post!)

Please let me know what you think and I hope to be posting more in the future! You can contact me @hypwytch on discord or at

“Oh my god Em, you’re such a dork!”
Sh-shut up! You wanted to know!!
“So, like a zombie? Like in a movie?”
“I knew you were into being hypnotized and stuff, but really? That’s kinda.. Adorable, actually.”
Stop! Oh my god. When you call it cute it's somehow even more embarrassing!
“Okay okay! I’ll stop.”
“Wanna try it?”
Clack, clink. Drag. Clack, clink. Drag. Clack, clink. Drag.
The sound of sandals and chains striking the hard stone floor in uneven gait echoed down a long corridor lined with flagstones, the twisting hall of the mage tower lay lit by carefully maintained torches alight in their sconces.
Their keeper, wielding a torch of her own, carefully lit each sconce one after another, shambling in uneven steps. Around each of her ankles was an iron clasp attached to a loose chain that clattered along the floor with her every step.
Being undead wasn’t something new to her, after all it had been an unknowable amount of time since her dark mistress, the dark necromancer Alicia of The Tower, had risen her corpse from her grave. The zombie was merely a servant, the sole one in Alicia’s employ, and it was her job to tidy the tower. Her mistress called her Emily, but she was unaware if that had been her name in life.
Emily’s long brown hair, which had been carefully braided into one long braid that stretched all the way down to her rear, swished back and forth with every step she made down the long, bending corridor. The outfit she wore was rather skimpy, a set of nearly translucent red lingerie gripped to her ghastly pale skin, an outfit for a far-eastern belly dancer. It openly revealed her most sensitive areas to any would-be prying eyes, something Mistress enjoyed, so it didn’t bother Emily in the slightest. Her body belonged to Mistress after all, and she had used quite the sum of gold to pay for the silks. Around her neck was a leather collar, attached with a heavy chain that rustled as she walked about, it was for Mistress to lead her around when she needed to, and lock her up when it was time to sleep. But for now Emily was free to tidy and walk on her own.
Mistress had said that once she saw the beautiful face of Emily beneath the earth, that she knew that she had to be hers, laboring for hours and hours to turn her into the perfect servant. One that could follow orders as perfectly programmed. Her body was covered in stitches now, to make sure everything was held tightly in place after unholy animation.
Walking was unstable and sometimes difficult, but Mistress taught her that she could walk with stability if she stretched her arms out in front of her, wrists limp as she marched down the hall, eyes blank and devoid of life. Thinking was impossible for her outside of what tasks she had been ordered to complete, but that was alright, because Mistress was there from the moment she rose from her coffin, arms outstretched, to use her magic to fill her empty mind with new commands every morning.
Emily would have been grateful that her mistress had taught her to walk, that is if she could form thoughts on her own. She needed to walk a lot. Up and down the tower’s halls to get from task to task through the day, and second on that list of tasks was to clean. The old tower was floored with flagstone and cement, and it grew dusty and dirty as Mistress walked over it day by day. With a wet rag Emily went about scrubbing it all away, cleaning the hallway that led down from Mistress’ bedchambers. It was easy for Emily to get lost in such a monotonous task, occasionally she’d drool onto the floor and have to clean it up again, something that might have been a bother in life, but in mindless undeath it didn’t concern the girl in the slightest.
“Washing up the floors are you? Such a good zombie you are!” The dulcet tones of Mistress Alicia’s voice filled the stone hall as she walked by, something that Emily was made to crave hearing, it made an electric pleasure shoot up her spine as she stood to greet her Mistress with a dumb smile.

“Uuh!” She grunted. Her arms hanging idly in front of her, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alicia as she passed by. Before a warm hand pressed against the top of her head, patting her scalp affectionately.
Emily’s mistress was wearing her usual garb, a set of comfortable black robes that covered her from neck to ankle, and embroidered upon them in yellow thread were runes of all sorts of symbols and sigils that the zombie couldn’t possibly hope to understand. Alicia’s long, straight and well-brushed ginger hair spilled over her shoulders as she bent over to praise her servant.
“Grruh..” Emily grunted a second time, Mistress loved to pet her servant’s head, but occasionally it had the effect of loosening something in her brain. Even if it felt so, so lovely whenever Mistress laid her long, warm fingers on her body. The zombie’s eyes crossed and her jaw fell slack, and Emily’s foggy mind became truly blank. It was a flaw that had occurred ever since her Mistress made her. One that she had never bothered to fix.
Emily sank to her knees, a thin line of spittle dripping off her chin onto the floor, she was nearly incapable of independent thought before, now she was completely devoid of thoughts. Lost in a sea of endless blankness.
From above Alicia only giggled, her flowing black robes only faintly visible to Emily, her mind unable to process what appeared in her staggered vision.
“Oh dear.. I only meant to praise you, darling! I didn’t mean to turn off your brain again.” She smiled softly, cupping her hand underneath Emily’s chin and tilting it up to face her. The zombie’s eyelids fluttered, her vision still crossed, helpless to do anything but stare upwards into nothing, arms limply by her sides.
“Let's fix you right away then, shall we?” The necromancer’s smug grin across her black painted lips gave off the impression she had intended for this outcome all along. Alicia reached into her robes and produced a glowing glass orb, inside which was a swirling mist of pink clouds, forever turning and turning into an endless spiral.
“Look here, my little zombie, it's your favorite!” She held the glass orb just a few inches from Emily’s eyes, as they slowly refocused, her crossed eyes correcting themselves as they became completely enamored by the swirling, spiraling clouds contained within.
Drool practically poured the zombie’s lip now, slowly soaking her nice silken bodice.
“Good girl. Drop for me.” The necromancer snapped her fingers close to Emily’s ear, causing her to straighten her back with a bit of a jolt, her eyes widening. “Entranced by the pretty spiralling clouds. Just like always, my little zombie.
Gods. Emily shuddered, shivering head to toe for a moment. Whenever mistress called her that, it felt calming, natural. It was a reminder of who she was. What she was. A thrall to her wonderful caring mistress.
“Mmuh!” Emily had to vocalize something, anything as she was filled with this sudden pleasure. Alicia merely watched and smiled, almost mischievously.
“Close your mouth darling.” Emily did so, as Alicia wiped away the drool from her lips with her pale painted thumb. “Good girl. Focus now, as hard as your mind can. Focus on the clouds. Focus on the spiral.
“Remember who you are.” Alicia snapped her fingers, Emily shuddered again, a feeling was rising in her, a heat coming from her belly.
“You are my servant, my thrall, my slave.” Another snap, the slave tensed her legs.
“You exist to serve me, as you always have. In all your body and mind. They belong to me.” Snap.
Every snap of Alicia’s long fingers was like thunder inside of her mind. Resetting her. Refocusing her. And filling her with a heat she didn’t remember feeling in her life as a thrall, one that started below her waist and rose to her chest.
“What are you, Emily?”
“Mmnrgh.” The zombie groaned.

“You’re my slave. Say it.”
“Yursh.. Shlave..” Emily slurred out, like from lips learning to speak for the first time.
“Good girl!” Snap. “Again more clearly.”
“Ahm, yshlave”
Snap. “Again.”
“I’m.. yur slavve”
“Better!” Snap. “Again.”
“I’m.. yourslave.”
“Again.” Snap.
“I’m your slave.” Snap.
“I’m your slave.” Snap!
“I’m your slave.” Snap!! “Good slave.”
Without realizing, Emily had begun to pant, her lips parted once more. Although this time it wasn’t to drool all over herself. She was breathing heavily as Alicia called her a good slave. Snapping her fingers, reprogramming her to be a mindless pet. The thought of that alone made her unconsciously rub her thighs together, looking past the glowing orb to attempt to look her mistress in the eye, but she quickly felt a tug on her collar in return, forcing her to look at the spiral.
“Look at the spiral, not me. I guess we’ll have to do some more reprogramming after all…”
Alicia took a long breath in, pursing her black lips.
“Emily, it's time to walk down the stairs.”
Alicia giggled, looking down at her girlfriend as she started counting down from ten. Sitting there on the floor in her nice red lingerie, just a moment ago she’d been panting, staring at Alicia’s phone as she repeated herself like a robot and mindlessly humped at the air on the apartment floor.
Emily really got worked up when it came to hypnosis, so much so that sometimes she’d get too turned on and break the roleplay, which was fine, Alicia didn’t mind, she just wanted Em to have a good time. Though Em always insisted, always wanting to be put back into trance, rather than being allowed to climax on her own.
It’s kinda strange, Alicia thought, I’ve never had a girlfriend that got mad at me for making them cum before.
“Zero.” Emily said in monotone. Her eyelids drooped as she blankly stared ahead.
Back to work. Alicia smiled.
“That's right, my servant! Rise.” The dark necromancer Alicia pulled her arms up above her head as Emily rose to her feet once more, her arms extending in front of her as she struggled to regain her balance.
“All better now, back to being my little zombie. Just like before.” The smile of the sorceress never left her face as she looked into Emily’s vacant expression.

Emily groaned in reply. A wetspot now blatantly apparent between her legs. Alicia pretended to not notice.
“Now, for your next task..” She pulled a ledger and stylus from her robe. “I suppose you’ll be preparing dinner!”

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