Working Late
by HypnoGriff
Part 1
“I love to obey . . . I love to obey”
I didn’t know what I was looking at. I came back to the office to grab some files. I thought there might still be a few of my employees working. But I certainly didn’t expect to see Heather slumped over in her chair saying she loved to obey with Connor standing over her.
“What’s going on here?” I raised my voice. Connor whirled around, clearly startled. But Heather didn’t react at all. She just stayed seemingly asleep, repeating that she loves to obey.
“Oh, Vanessa. I thought you had gone home for the evening.” He quickly looked down to Heather’s crumpled form. “Heather wide awake.” He snapped his fingers and Heather’s eyes shot open. She pushed her long, red hair out of her face, stood up and straightened her skirt.
“Oh Vanessa, I can explain. . .” Connor started.
I couldn’t believe this. As a woman CEO I’d had to put up with all sorts of bull shit over my career, mostly sexist comments from my male colleagues. But I never thought I’d have to deal with . . . Whatever this was. “Look. Whatever you two are into, do it on your own time and not in my office. Also if . . . Whatever this is, is some kind of romantic relationship, then file it with HR in the morning. I don’t want to see this again and if I do it means I won’t see either of you in this business again” I turned to head into my office, but Heather places her hand on my shoulder.
“Please Vanessa, just let me explain. Connor was just helping me relax and focus.” She was staring into my eyes so intently. I never noticed how blue her eyes were before. It was like she was looking through me. “I told him I was having trouble concentrating and taking direction. I couldn’t focus. I couldn’t let everything else in the world drop away and just focus on what’s in front of me. You can understand that can’t you?”
“Listen Heather.”
She cut me off. “Yes Listen. That’s it exactly it. He’s helping me listen. You’re so good at listening and focusing aren’t you Vanessa?”
“This isn’t about me Heather. It’s about you.”
“Yes that’s right. That’s why you need to focus on me. Focus deeply into my eyes. And focus on the soothing sound of my voice. Let everything else melt away as you stare. Just stare and listen and focus. Now you’re completely focused on me aren’t you?”
My head felt funny. I was lost in her eyes. They were so deep. I had almost lost track of what she was saying. It took me a moment to realize she had asked me something or even remember I should be disciplining them. “What. . . Oh yes. Focus. I’m focused. But Heather you can’t act like this at the office.”
“Act like what? Completely focused or deeply relaxed?”
“What no that’s not what I meant.”
“So it’s ok to be deeply relaxed and completely focused at the office?” Heather smiled, never breaking eye contact.
“Yes but”
“That means it’s ok for you to relax now Vanessa. You feel so tense. Just let yourself relax. Feel the tension in your muscles start to melt. You don’t have to worry about anything. You know it’s ok to let all that go. You just said yourself that it’s ok to relax here.”
Her hand on my shoulder began to gently rock me back and forth. A small part of me felt like I should stop her, like it was inappropriate. But I felt so calm. So focused. So deep. My grip on my bag loosened and it fell to the ground, slumping onto its side.
“That’s just how I felt when Connor offered to help me relax. At first I wasn’t sure. But the more he talked the better I felt. The more lost in his voice I felt. It just became so peaceful, so focused, and relaxed. That doesn’t sound so bad does it? “
Her eyes looked so deep. So focused on me. So deep . . . Oh had she asked me something again. I tried to respond but my mouth felt numb. “Mhmm?”
“Of course not. If sounds wonderful doesn’t it?”
“Mmm. . . Wonderful.”
“Then after that, everything just felt easy. So easy to accept his words deep into my mind. So easy to drop for him. So easy to SLEEP.” Her grip on my shoulder tightened and she pulled me towards her as she yelled sleep.
My mind felt fuzzy and empty and her voice was commanding. I just slept. My body crumpled against her. Even deeply asleep I could hear them talking. Heather’s voice was clear in my mind. But everything else sounded distant and foggy. I heard her say “How did I do master?”
Connor said something I couldn’t hear. Then it sounded like they were kissing. Then he said something else and she responded.
“Yes of course Master. Vanessa can you hear me?
“Yes . . .”
“Now you’re going to find that Connor’s voice has just as much power over you as mine. Anything he tells you will sound like it’s coming from deep inside your own mind and you’ll happily accept whatever he tells you. Do you understand?”
“From inside me?” something seemed off about that.
“That’s very good Vanessa.” I heard Connor’s voice for the first time since I fell asleep. It sounded loud and powerful. “Even though you’re so deeply asleep, you’ll find it easy to stand up. You’re going to open your eyes remaining deeply asleep.”
I slowly pulled myself off of Heather’s chest and stumbled to my feet. My eyes half opened, staring vacantly ahead.
“Now when you wake up, you’ll find it completely natural that I hypnotized Heather. In fact anything you see us doing will seem perfectly natural and normal. You’ll even thank me for teaching her to focus and obey. Do you understand?
“You . . . hypnotized her?” I said groggily
“I did. Hypnosis isn’t anything scary. It’s just a state of deep relaxation and focus. You want your employees to be focused don’t you?”
“Yes. . .”
“So it only makes sense you’d thank me for hypnotizing her.”
“Yes. . . Thank you.”
“That’s right. Now when I wake you up, you’ll completely forget you were hypnotized. But the more you think about hypnosis, the more you’ll want to be hypnotized. Now tell me you want to be hypnotized.
“I want to be hypnotized?” I sounded unsure.
“Yes you want to relax don’t you. It’s so nice to be this relaxed and just let yourself sleep. Let your mind take a break. It feels so nice to be hypnotized. Now tell me confidently that you want to be hypnotized.”
That made sense. “I want to be hypnotized”
“Very good Vanessa. Not only do you want to be hypnotized. Being hypnotized turns you on.”
Somehow that sounded wrong. Even as deeply asleep as I was something in me knew I shouldn’t be getting turned on by my employees.
“What? No I . . .”
“It’s ok. You’re hypnotized right now and don’t you feel good?“
“Yes . . .”
“Say being hypnotized makes me feel good.”
“Being hypnotized makes me feel good.” Just as I said it, I felt Heather’s hand slide between my legs and start gently rubbing me.
“Now how do you feel?”
“Very good.”
“Do you feel turned on?”
“Then say it.”Connor said with a smirk.
“Ahh I feel turned on.”
“And you’re deeply hypnotized. So being hypnotized must turn you on.”
“I . . Yes” something still felt off. but I felt so good it was hard to disagree.
“Then say it.”
“Being hypnotized turns me on.” It’s like it became true as soon as I said it. All of a sudden I felt hot.
Now repeat it. Each time you say it feeling it become more and more true and more powerful.
“Being Hypnotized turns me on. Being hypnotized turns me on. Being hypnotized turns me on. . .” I don’t know how long I droned on, while Heather rubbed away any resistance I had left. But I know when he stopped me my panties were soaked.
Even through my heat Connor’s voice was still perfectly clear in my mind. “Now when I snap my fingers you’ll awaken with no memory of being hypnotized. But you’ll know it was perfectly normal and natural that I hypnotized Heather. Even though it’s perfectly normal for one coworker to hypnotize another, you’ll find the idea of it turns you on and you desperately want to be hypnotized. Do you understand?”
“I understand.”
I heard a snapping sound and suddenly came to my senses. “Oh excuse me. I must have spaced out for a second. Anyway I think I overreacted before. Connor clearly you were just hypnotizing Heather. So there’s nothing out of the ordinary going on here at all.”
Heather leaned close to me. “I’m so glad you understand. He was just making me blank and horny and obedient.”
“Uh yes of course. That sounds wonderful.” I say trying to conceal the deep flush of arousal in my cheeks. “Well keep up the good work. Thank you for teaching her to focus and obey. She seems much more confident under your guidance.” I happen to see the time on my apple watch. “Is it that late already? I could have sworn it was earlier. Well anyway I just came to grab a file and I’ll head home. Don’t work too late you two.” I bent over to pick up my purse and then headed for my office. It’s so strange I don’t remember dropping it. I must be working too late.
“Of course Vanessa. We’re just going to have sex in your office and then head home.” Connor replied.
“That makes sense. I’ll leave it unlocked for you.” It was only natural they’d have sex in my office.
Heather seemed to be laughing to herself as if something I said was funny when Connor put his hand in front of her face and snapped. “Heather Blank.”
Her deep blue eyes drooped and her jaw went slack. “Now strip for me.” Connor said.
“Yes Master.” She began slowly pulling off her suit jacket. I was tempted to watch. But I didn’t want to give away how hot I found it. So I hurried to my office and grabbed the file. By the time I was heading back towards the door she was naked. But I tried not to look at her soft, pale skin or the blank, peaceful look on her face. Even though it was so fucking hot. How was I already this wet? “Have a good evening you two.” I yelled over my shoulder
“You too.” Connor responded as Heather took his hand and began mindlessly walking towards my office.
I slammed my car door behind me in the parking lot, breathing heavily. “Fuck that was hot.” I said to myself. She was so deeply hypnotized. So deep. I feel my hand slipping between my legs almost like it has a mind of its own.
Fuck. What’s wrong with me. I pull my hand back. Why did I find this so hot? He was just hypnotizing her and fucking her. That’s such a normal thing for coworkers to do. But I can’t stop thinking about that blank look on her face. Oh fuck. I start stroking myself in my parked car again. I’ll just masturbate about it this one time get it out of my system. Yeah . . . Yeah that would do it. Just this once then I won’t want to be blank and obedient and oh fuck.
Part 2
I must say things had been going surprisingly well ever since I hypnotized Heather. I always thought she was hot but had no idea how kinky she was.
I approached the printer and grabbed my papers. And I couldn’t believe she hypnotized Vanessa for me the other night. I thought we were both going to get fired when Vanessa walked in on me hypnotizing Heather.
“Good Afternoon Connor.”
I turned around and saw Vanessa enter the print room. “Oh Vanessa. Nice to see you.” Her long dark hair fell over the shoulders of her perfectly pressed gray suit. She looked oddly nervous.
“So Connor, did you know you’re the only hypnotist in our office?”
“Oh is that right?” I said hiding a faint smile.
“Why yes. I’d been asking around. Even though being hypnotized at work is . . .” She paused for a moment, biting her lip. “perfectly normal. No one I asked seemed to know anything about it.”
I took a step closer to Vanessa. “Why were you asking around about it? Did you want to be hypnotized yourself?”
Vanessa blushed and began nervously fidgeting with her papers. “Who, me? Hypnotized? What? No. No of course not.”
I took another step towards her almost pinning her against the counter in the small room. “Now Vanessa look deeply into my eyes. Allow yourself to relax and focus completely on my eyes.” She met my gaze and almost immediately took on a glazed, distant expression. “You know you can be honest with me. It’s very important to be honest with your employees.”
“Honest . . .” Her voice sounded soft and far away.
“Now tell me the truth. You do want to hypnotized don’t you?”
“I . . . I want to be hypnotized” she hesitated for a moment before saying it in a quiet voice.
I knew I’d have to work quickly. No telling when someone else could come in here. I needed to find a way to get her alone for longer. I closed the distance between us pressing my body against hers and leaning her up against the counter top. She didn’t pull away or seem to mind. It looked like Vanessa was already in a light trance just from thinking about being hypnotized. “You want to be hypnotized?” I asked again.
“I want to be hypnotized.” She answered more matter-factly this time.
“Hyp-no-tiz-ed?” I slowed the word down, lowering my voice and lingering on each syllable.
“Hyp-no-tiz-ed” she repeated following my cadence and still sounding dreamy.
“Hyp. . . no . . . tiz . . . ed” I dragged the word out letting it hang in the air.
Vanessa began mindlessly repeating again “Hyp . . . No”
“SLEEP!” I cut her off and yanked her towards me. My boss’s body collapsed into my arms as her eyes rolled closed and her head fell onto my shoulder. “Now Vanessa can you hear me?”
“Yes.” She sighed dreamily
“In a moment I’m going to wake you up Vanessa. You want me to hypnotize you somewhere private. So you’re going to invite Heather and me over to your home this evening. You’ll be sure it was your idea to have us over. Do you understand?”
“I understand.” She answered quietly, still leaned against my shoulder with her dark hair falling into her face.
“You’re quite sure you’ve never been hypnotized but you desperately want to be hypnotized because it turns you on so much.”
“Being hypnotized turns me on.” She robotically mumbled into my shoulder as I ran my hand up her body.
I smirked seeing her programing still very much in effect. “Now standing up straight, not remembering any of this but still acting on my suggestions. And awake.” I said and stepped back towards the printer.
Vanessa blinked slowly a few times and then brushed her hair from her face. “Oh sorry I must have nodded off for a second there. Anyway I wanted to ask if you and Heather would like to come over this evening? We could have some wine and maybe you could try hypnotizing me.” She said trying to sound nonchalant.
“Oh yeah? Well I’ll have to check with Heather but we’d love to come over.” I said knowing full well that Heather would do anything I told her at this point. “But I have to say I’m surprised. What made you want to be hypnotized?”
She blushed again. “Oh uhm well it’s um nothing in particular. I just want to be hypnotized.” Vanessa said repeating my suggestions without realizing it. “I mean, I just figured Heather’s been doing so well since you started hypnotizing her. I thought maybe it would help me focus is all.”
“Of course. I’m happy to help.” I leaned closer to Vanessa. “I’m sure I can give you a thing or two to focus on.” Like becoming my mindless slave. “We’ll see you tonight”
Part 3
I picked up a pillow off the couch and straightened it. Then a few seconds later I straightened it again. Why was I so nervous?
I’m the president of a successful marketing firm that I built myself. So why was I so nervous to have a drink with a couple twenty somethings? We were just going to do a little hypnosis. All perfectly normal. They didn’t need to know how incredibly hot I found the whole thing. I’d just play it cool. Still I couldn’t get Heather’s hypnotized face out of my mind. Was I going to end up like she was that night, naked, and obedient, and wet and . . .
DING DONG. Just as the thought forced its way into my head again, the doorbell rang.
I opened the door to see two young faces smiling at me, silhouetted against the sunset. Connor, smiled confidently as he came in Heather close behind. “Vanessa, thanks so much for having us over. I have to say I was surprised to get the invitation.” He said with a chuckle.
“Oh yes, well you know I just figured this would be a quieter place where we could talk and try some hypnosis without so many distractions.” It was strange. It’s like the idea to have them over just popped into my head. But it made sense. I didn’t need to try and hide my newfound hypnosis fetish from the entire office.
“Yes of Course. Looking forward to it.” Heather responded with a sly smile as she walked through the door.
We settled into the plush furniture around my living room. “So what do I need to do? Do you have a pocket watch or a spiral I’m supposed to look at?”
Connor chuckled. “Oh nothing like that. Maybe another time. Vanessa why don’t you just lie back on the couch and pick a spot on the ceiling to focus on.”
I did as he asked though I felt a little like I was in therapy laying down while they both sat in comfortable arm chairs. I picked a spot of crown moulding in the corner and fixed my gaze on it.
“Now Vanessa take a deep breath in, pause, and let it out. Just let the gentle rhythm of your breathing relax you. Keep focusing on the spot on the ceiling and my voice.
I tried to relax though my heart was still pounding with excitement. But I kept taking those calm, slow breaths. Eventually my heart rate started to slow down.
“Now as you stare feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier. Every breath just brings that warm relaxing heaviness into your body. The more you try to keep your eyes open the heavier they feel until they just can’t help but close.”
I tried to keep my eyes locked onto the crown moulding but they felt too heavy and eventually they closed.
“Now feel that heavy sleepiness making its way through your body. All your limbs feel so warm, heavy and relaxed. You feel so relaxed Vanessa that you can’t even move. You don’t even want to move anymore. It feels so nice to just let yourself melt.”
My body felt warm and heavy. I let myself relax and sprawl across the couch, one leg hanging off the side.
“Now Vanessa let that warm sleepiness make its way into your mind, all your thoughts feel warm and heavy now. Too warm and heavy to think for yourself anymore. Just let yourself sleep.
My head felt warm and sleepy. I stopped thinking. I could feel Connor’s voice washing over me. He talked for a while, but I couldn’t focus on exactly what he was saying. I knew I didn’t need to. I just needed to sleep.
“. . . And awake.”
Suddenly my eyes opened. I stretched on the couch and slowly sat up. “That felt so relaxing. I. . . Oh wait where are my manners.” I felt so embarrassed. I completely forgot to do a strip tease for my guests. Everyone knows that you’re supposed to do a strip tease for guests when they visit your home. I know it had been a while since I had company, but I can’t believe I totally forgot. “Well I won’t keep you two waiting any longer.”
I rose from the couch. I could hear music even though I could’ve sworn none was playing before. I swayed my hips back and forth as I slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I kept my eyes on Connor who was grinning broadly. Im glad he was enjoying the show.
As I let my blouse fall to the floor I turned to Heather, my thumbs playing with the waistband of my pants. Much to my surprise ,Heather rose from her seat and began dancing with me. She ran her hands up my body and began unzipping my pants. Somehow I couldn’t remember the etiquette for if your guest started dancing with you but I decided it must be a good thing. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, the way she kept her body so close to mine.
I stepped out of my pants as gracefully as I could. Heather placed her hand on my back and pulled me towards her. I felt the warmth of her body up against mine. She pulled me in and kissed me. I’d never kissed a woman before but it felt nice. Her lips were soft and warm. I kissed her back, meeting her tongue with mine.
“And Realize.” Connor called out from his seat.
My eyes shot open and I pulled back. “What was I just doing? I kissed my employee! And why did I do a strip tease!?”
Heather smiled at me playfully, stepping towards me. “What’s wrong? You were enjoying yourself a second ago Vanessa.” She reached out to pull me back toward her and I stumbled backwards. I tripped over my discarded clothes and fell back onto the couch. I stared up at Heather leaning over me.
“Don’t you get it Vanessa? You did those things because you’re hypnotized and under my control.” Connor said, joining Heather.
“I am? You . . . You really have that much control over me?” I could feel myself getting wet at the thought of it.
“Isn’t this exactly what you wanted? You wanted to be hypnotized remember.”
“I want to be hypnotized” i answered automatically “ but but not like this. This is over the line. It’s wrong! You’re my employees. We shouldn’t be doing any of this.” Even though it was so hot.
Connor seemed smugly pleased with himself. “Heather Blank.” As soon as he said that the light went out of the red head’s eyes and her arms fell loosely to her side. “I think this is exactly what you want. You want to be just like Heather, blank, mindless and obedient.”
I did want it. I wanted to have that empty expression she had on her face. To be totally under someone else’s power. But somehow it felt wrong. I worked so hard and overcame so much to build my own company to have power and success. But it was like a chorus in my mind that being hypnotized turns me on. But I’d throwing all all my work be my own boss. But it does turn me on. But it’s wrong. But I do want it. “Yes” i said quietly.
Connor smiled. “Yes what?”
“Yes I want it. I want to be hypnotized just like her.”
“Well that’s good to know. But I actually meant What should you call me. From now on I’m your master and you’ll refer to me as such. Is that understood?”
“Yes . . . Sir?” Somehow I couldn’t bring myself to say it. A voice inside me felt like I’d be giving up something I couldn’t get back.
“That’s ok. Heather will help you learn.” He whispered something in her ear. Then before I could react, Heather fell to her knees and pulled off my panties. Moving swiftly and without hesitation, she buried her head between my legs and began licking.
“Vanessa feel my words reaching deep inside you. When you cum you’ll submit to me completely. You’ll become my slave just like Heather. Part of you may want to resist but you’ll feel that part of you slowly fading away. Every stroke of heather’s tongue will wear away more of your resolve until you give in.
I knew I needed to get up, to run away. But it felt so good. My body just wouldn’t move. I just sat there with my legs spread, basking in the warm glow of submission. Heather’s tongue moving almost robotically across my pussy. I knew it was wrong. But I wanted to hypnotized. I wanted to be controlled. I could feel the pleasure building inside me. I knew that soon I’d be just like Heather.
Completely under control
Totally powerless.
A slave.
I came.
Connor leaned over me as I stared blankly up at the ceiling, my eyes glazed over, my face locked in a vapid smile. “Now are you ready to become my slave Vanessa?
“Yes Master.”
“Welcome aboard Chloe. We’re all excited to have you.” Vanessa Wallace extended her hand and gave mine a firm shake.
“Thank you so much Ms. Wallace. As such an accomplished female founder, you’ve always been a role model for me. So I’m thrilled to get to work with you.” I had to say I was surprised at how Ms. Wallace dressed. For an executive her skirt was quite short and her top was awfully low cut. I had to work not to stare at her cleavage.
“Oh please just call me Vanessa. I’m flattered you think so highly of me. You’ll find we highly value our female employees and make the best use of all of their assets.”
She paused for a moment eyeing me up and down. I hoped she wasn’t judging my outfit. It was much more modest than hers. I know I just graduated but I thought I looked very professional. I wore my best blouse and had my wavy, blonde hair pulled back into a short ponytail. “Yes. I think you’ll fit in well here. We’re expecting great things from you Chloe. Now let’s get you over to our new director our HR. She’ll get you up to speed on how things work around here.”
I followed Ms. Wallace I mean Vanessa through the open office and towards a row of private offices. I noticed most of the employees seemed to be women. But that made sense. Vanessa probably wanted to help young women like me advance their careers. What made less sense was their clothing. They all seemed to be showing a lot of skin for a workplace.
Hmm maybe Vanessa was trying to help us be more comfortable with our bodies. I suppose that made some sense.
Vanessa opened the door, revealing a young, red-headed woman sitting behind a desk and smiling happily up at me. “You must be Chloe. I’m Heather, head of HR. Please take a seat.”
“Nice to meet you Heather.” I sat down across from her while Vanessa left the room and closed the door behind her. While Heather seemed friendly, her piercing blue eyes stared at me with an unsettling intensity. I felt almost like a rabbit staring down a hungry fox.
Never breaking eye contact Heather spoke “Now Chloe I’m going to need you to listen to me very carefully. Focus completely on my words. . .”
By the time Vanessa returned I was slumped over the back of the chair, my head lolled to one side. A small puddle of drool forming on my nice blouse. “I love to please. I love to obey.” I mindlessly droned.
Vanessa smiled as she observed me. “Looks like another successful case Heather. I have to say I’m impressed. She’s supposed to be quite intelligent.”
Heather Smirked. “Oh she was. That actually made her easier to hypnotize. Chloe here is a quick learner and a good listener. Aren’t you slave?”
“I must always listen and obey.” I said in a flat monotone.
Vanessa turned my head to look at her. “I’m sure master will be pleased with her. Chloe dear wake up. I’m taking you to meet your master.”
I blinked a few times, the room slowly coming back into focus. I saw Heather and Vanessa standing over me. “Oh my gosh. I must have dozed off. I’m so sorry. I promise that never happens.” My face felt oddly wet. Had I just been drooling in my sleep? This couldn’t be any more embarrassing.
Heather laughed. “It’s quite alright. I’ll just have to be a bit more exciting the next time you see me.”
Vanessa spoke with a stern voice. “Now before our next stop we’ll have to address the matter of your dress code violation.”
“Dress code violation?”
“Yes I’m afraid it’s a rather serious infraction.” She said sternly, looking down at me. “We like to take pride in our bodies here. It’s a critical part of our culture. You are to wear a short skirt at all times. Long pants aren’t strictly prohibited. You’ll have to leave them here with Heather.”
She must have been joking, but her voice sounded serious. I opened my mouth to object, but all that came out was “I obey.” Then my hands quickly undid my pants, slid them down and handed them to Heather. What just happened? It’s like my body had a mind of its own. A very obedient mind of its own. I must always obey. Where did that thought come from?
“Oh and since your blouse has this drool spot on it you’ll have to lose that as well. You can have your clothes back at the end of the day but I don’t want to see you wearing anything like that in the office again.”
I quickly unbuttoned my blouse, handing if over as well. I stood in the cold office air trying my best to cover myself.
Vanessa gave a curt nod. “That’s better. Now follow me.”
“I must follow.” I responded, before we headed back into the open office. I did my best to disappear behind Vanessa as we walked. But much to my surprise, no one seemed to care that I was walking around the office in my underwear. None of the other women seemed to even find it unusual.
Finally we arrive at a large corner office. Vanessa opened the door and led me inside. A young man sat behind a wide, imposing desk. He barely looked any older than I was, but he must be pretty important to have an office like this.
Vanessa walked to his side and kissed the man deeply. as she bent over to kiss him I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. “Master, Chloe’s orientation is complete.”
Have you heard how baby ducklings imprint on their mothers when they’re born? That’s how I felt in that moment. As soon as Vanessa called him “Master” I knew without a doubt that this man was my master too. Even though I’d never seen him before this man was the most important person in my life.
Master looked me up and down. “Yes I think you’ll do very nicely. Chloe bow down to your master.”
I fell to my knees instantly. The carpet felt rough against my soft skin. But that was ok if it’s what master wanted.
Master smiled. “Now crawl over to me.”
“Yes master.” i began crawling across the scratchy carpet. I made my way around the desk and returned to kneeling this time beside the imposing man.
He undid his pants. “Now Chloe I have something very important for you to do. You’re going to suck my cock. Please me as much as you can.”
I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around him, gently bobbing up down. I tried to disguise how nervous I felt. This was a big responsibility for my first day. I wish I’d given more head in school. I was always too busy studying. If only someone had told me blowjobs would be an important skill for the workplace, I would have practiced it more.
Not that I really wanted to practice on the boys in college anyway. They were just boys. This man was different. My master. Just his presence felt so powerful and commanding. Master grabbed my hair and pushed himself deeper into my throat.
Normally I’d have gagged, but I didn’t resist. I couldn’t resist master. Before long the warmth of his cum filled my mouth. It tasted hot and salty but I swallowed it happily because it meant I’d pleased him.
I released him from my lips. I smiled up at my master, a thin, white trail running down my cheek. “I think I’m going to like it here Master.”
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