Dear Maria, Count Me In

by HypnoGriff

Tags: #cw:noncon #comic_book #dom:male #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female #music #rubber #superhero

The elastic super hero, Twister, has been investigating a string of missing women. The trail has led her to the private manor of a major recording artist. Will she be able to rescue the girls or will she become the latest disappearance?

Preface: This is the first story in the Aether-verse, my own super hero world. Each story will stand alone but will also form a larger, connected narrative. This first arc is titled “Fractionation”. I want to dedicate this series to Jukebox, whose super hero universe inspired me to start writing my own stories. I hope you enjoy.

Twister skulked towards the mansion. The black leather of her costume blending into the long shadows of the street. She wore a black leather jacket and pants, all with a pattern of leather bands with yellow stitching, meant to evoke a tornado. A black leather mask obscured her delicate features, leaving only the tan skin of her mouth and cheeks exposed. Her straight, black hair fell to her shoulders.

She’d been on the trail of a series of missing women and as unlikely as it seemed that trail led here, to the private estate of Dorian Fields. Although most people just knew him as Dorian, the name on his albums.

Maria still couldn’t believe she was about to break into his home, but she had no other leads. Hopefully she’d just take a look around, see everything checked out and clear his name. But if her suspicions were correct something sinister waited for her inside.

She peered through the iron bars of the fence. The manor itself was a statement in modernism. Large, curving, concrete shells rose up from the hilly San Angeles landscape with glass curtain walls hanging between them. The whole place had the look of a band shell wrapped in glass. Maria muttered under her breath, “Well no point turning back now.”

The fence surrounding the property was easily 10′ tall with curved spikes sticking out to ward off any aspiring burglars. It would be almost impossible to climb, well for most people. Twister reached out a hand, stretching it up through the cool night air. She gripped the side of the curved spike and pulled her body the rest of the way up to meet her hand. When her arm had returned to normal length she anchored her other hand to a spike. Then she swung experimentally back and forth before flipping over the fence.

“8.5” she thought to herself as she landed in the grass. The landing hadn’t been perfect, but the ground was uneven and hopefully no one was watching her tonight.

Keeping a careful eye out for cameras, Twister crawled across the manor’s grassy yard. She picked a section of window that should be out of the camera views then crouched down beside it. Twister pulled the glass cutter from her utility belt. Slowly she traced a perfect circle on the dark glass. Then she carefully pulled it away with the cutter. An 18″ hole now adorned the smooth surface. It was clearly too small to get in through, well for most people. Twister squeezed her body down to a sinuous, black ribbon and shimmied her way through the opening. Taking a breath she returned to her normal size inside. She found herself in a dark hallway. Slowly, and carefully twister began maneuvering through the mansion. She heard some stirring down the hall, but managed to make her way to the office without incident.

Gold record after gold record decked the walls of the well appointed room. Maria started with the desk. The drawers all slid open freely and seemed to contain nothing incriminating, just marked up copies of recording and marketing contracts. The computer didn’t yield much more. Dorian didn’t even keep it locked for Christ sake. She skimmed through his recent emails, and besides the fact that he was working on a Dippin’ Donuts collaboration didn’t learn much of interest. Maria breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like the singer was innocent after all.

Just then the lights in the room flicked on. Twister instinctively jumped away from the desk and braced for a fight. But her mouth fell open in surprise at the figure who had entered the room.

A young woman with blonde hair wearing what could charitably be described as a maid costume stood in the doorway. She looked just a surprised to see Twister as she was to see her. Despite herself, Maria couldn’t tear her gaze away from the woman’s supple curves. Her outfit left little to the imagination. Even so that didn’t stop Maria from imagining what they could do together. She stammered to try to speak “what who what are you doing here?“

The woman replied cheerfully, “oh I’m Stephanie, master’s maid. I take care of the house for him. you know how busy he gets. And who are you? Are you another one of master’s guests? He hadn’t told me about any new arrivals today, but I’m sure I can find a room for you.”

“A room? New arrivals? Stephanie? You’re Stephanie Williamson. You’re one of the missing girls!“ Twister’s body stiffened “So you’re saying he has a steady stream of women trafficking through this house?“

“I’m not missing. I’m right here silly. And I don’t know about all that. You probably just wanna talk to master about it. I’ll get him for you.”

“No don’t…“

“Master you’ve got a visitor!“ Stephanie shouted down the hallway. A few moments later Dorian strode into the room, looking completely calm and not at all surprised to find a masked vigilante breaking into his house. Curling locks of black hair fell over his shoulder and he wore an open, button-up shirt. He carried a strange instrument in his hand. It looked almost like a loot with odd, twisting, geometry, and carvings of runes covering it surface.

“If you wanted an autograph, all you had to do was ask,” He smiled condescendingly

“Cut the crap Fields! I know you did something to Stephanie and the other missing women. Just talk and maybe you won’t spend your whole life in jail.” Twister slammed her hand on the desk for emphasis.

Dorian remained unbothered “Did something to them? What can I have done? I’m not aware of any drug that would make someone give up their old life to become my personal maid and trust me, I’ve done my share of drugs.”

Twister thought for a moment. She knew what he was saying was true. But there was no way Stephanie was in her right mind. There was just no way she’d go around dressed . . . So damn sexy like it was normal. “You don’t fool me for a second. You can either tell me what you did or I can beat it out of you.”

“How about I just show you instead. You’d make a fine member of my little fan club.” Dorian lifted his strange loot and prepared to play.

Twister didn’t know exactly why but she knew she had to stop him from playing. She stretched a hand across the room to grab the loot.

But as soon as the first beautiful notes drifted out from it, her arm went slack and drooped to the floor. The music vibrated in her ears making Twister sway gently on her feet. Why had she ever wanted to stop him from playing? It was the best thing she’d ever heard. “So prettyyy,” she mewled.

“So are you my future pet.” Darrion chuckled.

Those words sent Maria over the moon. He thought she was pretty. She never cared what a man thought of her appearance before, but this wasn’t an ordinary man. She couldn’t help imagining what those fingers could do playing with her. She hoped she’d get to find out. “Oh thank you.”

“Of course it’s hard to tell with that costume on. Why don’t you take it off and come over here.”

“Ok.” She said meekly. Her hands moved with a dreamy fluidity as they unbuttoned her leather jacket. Her jacket fell to the floor soon to be joined by her pants and undershirt. She felt almost embarrassed of her utilitarian black underwear. She would have dressed up for him if she’d known the night would go like this. She suddenly became very aware of the damp spot on her panties clinging to her tender flesh. So she took them off and added them to the pile.

Maria glided across the room, stepping in time with the melody of his strumming. She saw the blissful smile on Stephanie’s face. The woman looked like she was in a trance. Faintly Twister felt like that was bad, but she couldn’t think of why. The other woman looked so happy. She didn’t need her help. Maria reached Dorian and knelt. It just felt right. Plus it gave her a perfect view of the bulge forming in his pants.

“Now why don’t we get rid of that little mask too.”

Maria reached up and felt the black leather mask that wrapped around her eyes and cheeks. “My mask? It’s just. . . I’m not supposed to . . .”

“It’s ok. It’s just us here and you trust me completely don’t you.”

She did trust him. She’d just met him moments ago but somehow she trusted him more than anyone else in her life. A tiny part of her thought that was strange. But it was hard to think of why with this melody dancing through her mind. So she unclasped the mask and let it tumble to the floor, exposing the dark olive skin of her face.

“That’s better. Such a good girl.”

Normally if someone had called Maria “Good girl” she’d have slapped them. But coming from Dorian it sounded like the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. “Thank you” she reached out and began gently stroking his leg.

“Now tell me, pet, who are you and what are you doing here.” His words blended perfectly into the melody resonating deeply in her fuzzy mind.

“My name is Twister and I’m a super hero with elastic powers. I can bend and stretch my body in . . . All sorts of ways.” She put a mock innocence on those last words. “And I’m here investigating the string of missing women. They had nothing in common besides being young and hot and having had backstage passes at one of your shows. So I came here to find out if you were involved.”

“I see. I guess I’ll have to be more careful where I get my toys in the future. But I have a feeling that’ll be easier now that you’re my slave.”

Even in her daze that set off an alarm in the back of Maria’s mind. Although she could barely hear that alarm over the sweet harmonies of Dorian’s playing. “Your slave?”

“Yes you’re my slave now Twister and you’ll happily obey my every command.” His voice was firm and imposing and the music shifted to match, pounding the words into her.

His command boomed and echoed in her mind drowning out her own thoughts. Maria opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was, “Yes Master.”

“Such a good girl. Now if you’re going to be my slave and serve me for the rest of your life, I can’t keep calling you Twister. Tell me who you really are.”

Maria tried to keep her mouth shut, but she could feel her resistance crumbling around her. “Master, my name is Maria Fernanda Espinoza. I’m 28. I live alone and I run a gymnastics studio across town in the hills.”

“Very good slave. Does anyone know you’re here?”

Maria shuddered in pleasure from hearing his praise. “No master, I work alone.”

“Perfect. You did so well to come here to me Maria. I think you deserve a reward. Pull my pants down and suck me off.”

“Yes Master!” Maria gasped in nervous eagerness. Her hands fumbled with his studded leather belt. But she was able to overcome her nervousness enough to open it and pull down his pants, letting his member spring free. She stared at it in awe. Maria had a lot more experience licking pussy than sucking dick, so she hoped desperately to be able to please him. She started by licking the tip, quickly at first, then more slowly. Next she ran her tongue up the length of his shaft. He seemed to enjoy that.

She opened her mouth and plunged her master’s prick into it. She used her powers to match her lips perfectly to his shape and adjust her mouth to fit him snuggly. Maybe she didn’t have as much experience as his other slaves, but she knew they couldn’t do that.

Dorian bucked his hips involuntarily at the feeling of her wet warmth. “Oh wow your powers really are something.” Then his voice took on that commanding tone again. “Blowing me feels better than the best sex you’ve ever had.”

And suddenly Maria’s throat felt like a second clit. She let out a low stifled moan. Then she began eagerly bobbing her head up and down, fucking her throat with her master’s cock.

“To think I have my own super hero. I was nervous when I saw you in here, but I shouldn’t have been. Hero or not you’re just like everyone else. Once you hear my music there’s no escape.”

Hero? Why had he called her a superhero? She was just a slave. But his words sparked a dull awareness. She remembered when a mugger had tried to shoot her and the bullets had bounced off her rubber body. She saved her whole gymnastics team that day. She was a hero. But already she could feel that awareness fading back into the blissful oblivion of the song. She knew her master was right. As soon as you heard his music you were his. There was no escape, well for most people.

The idea came to her in a flash. Maria had never tried anything like it before, but it was her only hope. She focused the last embers of her fading self control on her rubber ears and folded them in. The world went silent. The echoes of the haunting song faded from her mind and she could think for herself again.

Maria gagged immediately, rearing her head back and coughing. Dorian looked down at her and mouthed . . . something. Maria couldn’t hear it, but from her lip reading, she was pretty sure it included the words “more practice.” He didn’t seem to realize she’d broken free. Her hair covered her ears! He hadn’t seen. He didn’t know. That was going to make this even sweeter.

Before Dorian could react she closed her hand into a fist, and dug a savage uppercut straight into his balls. He tried to stumble backwards but tripped on his pants and fell straight back. His head hit the desk with a crack and he slumped over unconscious.

Even so Maria wasted no time. She stretched out a hand and pulled the strange instrument from his limp grip. The second it touched her skin she felt an unspeakable rush of power. She could feel them. All the girls Dorian had enslaved. She didn’t know how but she knew she controlled them now.

Twister looked across the room at the other woman with her blissful smile. No more awkward speed dating or trying to juggle romance around hero work. All she had to do was give the word and Stephanie would bury her face in Maria’s crotch and happily. She obeyed Maria now, they all did. They were her slaves. It felt so . . . so . . . Wrong. They’d be like she was when Dorian enchanted her. Sure she felt happy on the surface but it was a distorted, delirious feeling.

Before she could second guess herself, Maria slammed the loot into the desk as hard as she could. It didn’t break. It just left a huge dent in the hard wood of the desk. So she dropped it, and as she did she could feel the temptation lifting, the spell breaking.

Stephanie began to blink slowly. Then she shook her head, letting the white, frilly headband fall from behind her ears. “Where am I? What’s going on? Who are you and why are you naked? Why is it so cold in here?” She looked down and saw herself. Then she began to tremble. “W-What I am wearing? What have I been doing? Oh god I think I remember.” She started to cry.

Maria pulled her in a soft hug. “It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s all over now. We have to get the others. You’re all going home.”

Maria could see Stephanie smile at her, holding back tears.

* * *

Maria stumbled through the door of her gymnasium’s basement hideout, and slammed it shut behind her. She threw the instrument down onto the floor. She’d put it in a violin case, then put that in a guitar case, then put that in a cello case. She wanted as many layers as possible between her and it.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a while now. It’s rude to keep your guests waiting you know.” The woman sat in Maria’s computer chair with her back turned. She spoke calmly and confidently.

“Oh great.” Maria was not in the mood. She was exhausted, she still had a phantom urge to suck something, and worse she was hungry. She hadn’t eaten since wrapping things up at the mansion. She wouldn’t be able to stretch much like this. “Listen Tía. I’ve had a long night. Can I just kick your ass in the morning?”

The woman let out a deep, hardy laugh. “I’d like to see you try.” She turned around and Maria recognized her immediately. The long braid of chestnut hair, the leather armor, the gleaming sword at her side were all unmistakable. It was Freya, The Freya, in her basement!

Maria rarely felt starstruck. Even celebrities like Dorian didn’t do much for her. But Freya was a capital H Hero, world famous. “Oh my god. Miss Freya Ma’am. I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you. Can I um get you anything? Also why are you in basement? Also how are you in my basement?” She stammered.

Freya placed a reassuring hand on Maria’s shoulder. “All will be clear in time. Suffice it to say that we saw everything you did tonight. We had been watching Dorian as well, waiting to recover Nyckelharpa. You were truly impressive.”

Maria went pale. Had Freya seen her sucking Dorian’s cock? She almost became another of his obedient thralls. Then she almost became a super villain herself. She didn’t feel very impressive. Why did it have to be tonight of all nights that the big leagues finally noticed her. “So you saw all that huh? All of it?” She hid her face behind her hand.

Freya laughed another deep laugh. “Oh please don’t be so coy. We’ve all fallen for a spell a time or two. It happens to the best of us. What matters is that you broke free, you recovered the artifact, and most incredible of all you resisted the temptation to use it yourself. You are a true Hero Maria.”

Maria blushed even more. “Oh well thank you.”

“But enough talk. Nyckelharpa there is not the only one of these artifacts. I fear your struggle tonight was only the beginning. Will you help us recover the others? There are so few who can resist their siren’s call. Will you lend us your strength?” Freya took Maria’s hands in hers and looked earnestly into her eyes.

Maria felt a deep happiness well up inside her. Not like the hazy joy of earlier but a true, deep satisfaction. She finally had her chance to make a difference. “Of course I will. Of course I will.”

“Excellent. Then there’s someone you should meet.”

Maria’s stomach growled. “Ok but can we stop at a drive-thru or something on the way. I’m starving.”

This is the first in an interconnected series of stories in my super hero world. The next story will follow a conflicted hero with psychic powers. The next several stories are live on my patreon now. If you enjoyed this story, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Supporters get early access to all my stories by several months, exclusive content and other benefits.


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