Change of Plans

by HypnoBunny

Tags: #f/f #hypnotic_object #microfiction #petplay #pov:bottom #sub:female #buttplug #collaring #compulsion #D/s #dom:female #puppy_girl #tailplug
See spoiler tags : #memory_alteration #memory_play

Leah is supposed to go to the movies today. But when she finds a cute, fluffy tail at her friends house, it gets a bit hard to focus on her afternoon plans…

The characters in this story are all over the age of 18. This story is pure fantasy, in real life hypnosis and sex should be done with consent!

Leah waited patiently before her friend’s doorway for her knock to be answered. Anxiety and excitement filled her stomach with butterflies. Making the mere moments before the door opened draw out into a very uncomfortable eternity. This was the first time the two friends were really hanging out, outside of a friend group, that is. Leah just wanted to make a good impression. That was all.

As if to punctuate her thoughts the door swung open, revealing Mona in a tank top and jeans smiling vibrantly.

“Leah! You’re early.” She said, making Leah blush with embarrassment at her lack of punctuality, or, over punctuality, maybe.

“Mona! Hi, yeah sorry I overestimated traffic.”

The red-head took Leah’s hand gently pulling on it as she motioned to the interior of her home. 

“Come in, come in! Make yourself at home. I was just finishing up getting ready.” Mona led her to the living room, offering her a spot on her spacious coach.

“Want some water? Might as well get comfortable.”

Her friend beamed. To be honest, Leah wasn’t really that thirsty, but she said yes to avoid being rude. “That sounds nice, yes please.”

Mona left to the kitchen, the occasional sound suggesting how far along the process her friend had gotten. It was… oddly comforting. Familiar, almost. Soon after, she came back, placing the cold glass on the table in front of her guest. “Here you are! Alright, give me like ten minutes, I have to finish doing my make-up. Then we can either hang out for a bit or we head out early.”

Without even waiting for a response, her friend quickly disappeared down the hall and into what Leah could only assume was her bedroom. She gingerly picked up the glass and took a sip. Now she just had to wait. Her eyes wandered around the apartment. She’d never really seen it before, maybe she caught a glimpse of it once, when she picked Mona up to go to a party or something? Her eyes scanned the room. It was a little bit of a mess, evidence of her different hobbies scattered almost haphazardly. It was clear Mona had at least tried to make the place a bit tidier before Leah got there, and maybe if she had gotten there on time, Mona would have had the chance to finish. It wasn’t like she minded. It was kind of nice actually, not overcrowded with stuff. Cozy. Plus it let Leah get a more realistic sense of what Mona was like in her own house. She could almost see her friend using the sewing machine on the kitchen table to work on her cosplay, leaving an organized mess that only she could really understand. 

Finishing her water, Leah leaned back, her hand brushing against something soft, clearly a different material than whatever the couch was made of. It was some sort of fur scarf or something, probably from one of those aforementioned cosplays. Leah grabbed it and lifted it up, wanting to admire her friend's handy work. It was way heavier than she expected. Suddenly, a smooth piece of metal attached at one end began to swing like a pendulum as it stopped making contact with cushions. Wait… this wasn’t a scarf! Reflexively she tossed it away from her. Sending it flying like a ribbon through the air before plopping down on the other end of the sofa. Leah’s face flushed with embarrassment, she looked around wildly to make sure her friend was still in her room. That was… that was a tail! Not like a cosplay tail… one of… one of those tails. Leah couldn’t even bring herself to fully think about it.  She--- she wasn’t supposed to have seen that probably. In fact, it would probably be better if she forgot all about it. And she did try to forget about it. The whole time she waited for her friend to return, she tried with excruciating difficulty not to think about the fluffy tail plug. But… but she couldn’t. It was there in her peripheral vision taunting her. Goading her into delving into its purpose on the coach there next to her. She threw a cushion over it, hoping that with it out of sight she could just let the whole thing go. But there was something, curiosity maybe, that had her turning her head on occasion to look at where she knew it was hiding. 

Leah didn’t know Mona was into… into whatever that was for. She hadn’t really thought about her friend in that way or anything like that. Mona was cute, but she and Leah were just friends. Platonic, normal friends. Mona probably wasn’t even into girls! She absolutely couldn’t think about her beautiful face looking up at her while she had a cute little tail trailing between her legs. Leah smashed her face into the backrest of her seat, almost screaming, but realizing she probably didn’t want Mona running in here at this very moment.

She took a few breaths to slow her heart rate and regained her composure. It didn’t matter what her friend was into! She wouldn’t judge if Mona liked having a cute fluffy tail sticking out from under her. It would be rude to keep thinking so much about it, she just needed to push it aside and wait for her friend to come back so they could go to the movies. Except… except she couldn’t. Something kept nagging at her to look at it one more time. To feel how soft it was again. Against her better judgment, she lifted the pillow and brushed her hand along the fur again. It was sooo soft, it was probably the softest thing she’d ever felt. Picking it up she started examining it again, frequently glancing over her shoulder afraid and embarrassed of being caught. It was long, like about as long as her torso. Almost like a long pillow, that felt right somehow. Big, fluffy and soft, like a pillow. Leah shook her head. It was--- she should put this back, hide it somewhere and just wait in peace. But she couldn’t seem to make herself let it go. It was pristine, the fur perfectly clean, brushed and fluffy. Inviting. As though it was begging to be played with. Despite herself Leah brushed her fingers along it. Soft, warm and fluffy. Her eyes fluttered. It… it felt nice. Wonderful. She just wanted to let it drape over her skin. It was relaxing. She almost didn’t care about what it actually was. Maybe she could just pretend it was a scarf. She thought, as she passed it through her hands, as she held it up to her face to brush her cheek on it. Soft and warm and fluffy. Leah sighed, feeling herself falling, falling into an almost familiar dream of floating on a cloud, a soft fluffy cloud. She changed her mind, she totally got it now, feeling this brush against the inside of your legs must feel… feel… Leah shivered at the thought, it must feel wonderful.

Too bad she had to put it down. She had to put it down right now, before her friend got back and caught her playing with a tail plug. Mona would be so embarrassed, or maybe upset that she was cuddling her… toy. Or… or maybe she’d understand. It was hers after all. Maybe she’d understand why Leah couldn’t let go of it. Maybe she’d understand why Leah couldn’t make herself stop feeling the wonderful softness and relaxing.  Maybe she’d even talk to her in gentle whispers and encourage her to feel the fur some more, encouraging her to get even more lost in the sensation. That sounded nice too... 

How… How long ago had Mona left? Maybe she had a little more time. Maybe she could keep letting her mind drift off into daydream as she felt the tails wonderful comforting touch. The image of Mona on her knees looking up at her like a needy puppy dog filled her mind. Her friend would look so cute with it on, anyone would. But, that didn’t feel right. This tail was perfect, soft and perfect, yes. Yet, somehow Leah knew Mona had never used it before. It was too perfect, almost like it was fresh out of the box. That made sense, there was something that wasn’t right about her friend with this on. That made Leah a little sad. This tail felt so nice to play with, someone needed to use it. It would be a big shame if it just lay here unused… forever… maybe… maybe she could try it.

The shock at her musings partially shook her out of her stupor, blushing profusely. That was crazy! She couldn’t, she couldn’t put her friend's sex toy on! Especially not in her living room when said friend could catch her at any moment. It would be so… so… Leah daydreamed of Mona returning from her room, finding her dressed up like a cute little puppy on the couch, the tail gently caressing her as she looked at her friend embarrassed and ashamed. Leah grew flushed, feeling a slight dampness begin to grow under her skirt. Ok! Ok. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… B-but she couldn’t just strip here and put it in! It wouldn’t be right! Besides, she didn’t even have lube…

Except there was lube on the table. Leah blinked dumbfoundedly. Had… had that always been there. How did she not notice it before? It taunted her, opening up to her the possibilities her mind had been drifting to. She suddenly became far more aware of the tail she was holding. She suddenly found the promise of having it between her legs grow more and more appealing. When had she stripped off her panties? When had she grabbed the bottle on the table, applied it to the metal end of the tail she held? It was, well, it was a little too late to worry about what was happening. She had an obsession. Compulsion that needed to be satisfied. She needed to slip the plug in. She needed to have that wonderful tail inside her. She savored the slight pressure as the cold tip touched her, as the metal bulb easily started to slip into her. There was one last semi-panicked look back. It had definitely been more than ten minutes, hadn’t it? Mona should have been back by no--- The plug slipped securely into place cutting off her thought mid sentence. She yelped


Leah’s hand flew to her mouth. Where did that come from!?! Mona was going to hear! Her friend was going to hear and find her with a plug in her and… and… Leah quickly turned over to look at the hallway behind her. As she did, the tail fell down the length of her legs, Leah moaned. It was so warm, so soft, so fluffy. Her fears were momentarily forgotten. It was surprisingly hard to think with this thing on. The plug kept reminding her of its presence by applying its gentle pressure, winding her up in a way that had her wishing for just a little more stimulation. Why did this feel so hot? Why did it feel so hot to have a plug in her ass and a cute soft fluffy tail between her legs? Like a cute little puppy. A cute little puppy girl. SHe just barked like a cute little puppy girl…

Mona would see her! Mona would see her any moment if she didn’t stop. She’d be so ashamed… so disgusted. Why did that make the whole situation even hotter? She started subconsciously wagging her butt around, causing the fur to gently caress her legs once more. Soft. Warm. Her train of thought derailed. What was she thinking about again? Puppy girls? Is this what being a puppy girl felt like? Leah looked down, seeing the tail now through the gap in her legs. That’s right, she was a puppy girl right now, a cute little puppy girl with a cute fluffy tail she could play with. She found herself grabbing it again. Gently. Pulling it up from under her and hugging it against her chest. It somehow felt even better with the plug end in her. Softer, fluffier. The way it just barely brushed against her clit. It was heavenly, and it almost felt. It almost felt real. Leah could swear she almost felt like it was her tail, swore that as she brushed her hands and body against it she could feel it as though it was a part of her. Her head was spinning. It was like her mind was filled with cotton candy. But that was ok, puppy girls didn’t need to use their brains. Puppy girls didn’t need thoughts to slow them down. Puppy girls could just play and have fun and not worry about anything. And Leah was a puppy girl right now, she had a tail. A soft, fluffy beautiful tail, and it made her so, so very happy.

There was only a small fragment of her concern left. Leah knew something was wrong. Leah knew there was something important she was forgetting about. But puppy Leah didn’t care. Puppy Leah just wanted to lay there on the sofa and play with her cute little tail. And she did, for a little while. Fully and completely enveloped by whatever daydream had overtaken her. But her puppy brain got distracted easily. Her puppy brain wanted to play and explore and she was getting bored here in the living room by herself. When was Mona going to come back? Mona! Leah perked up at thoughts of the other girl. Mona would know what to do. She’s the one that left Leah’s puppy tail out! She definitely knew how to play with her. Leah crawled on all fours off the couch. She wandered down the hallway and straight into Mona’s room.

She wasn’t here! Mona wasn’t in her room. Leah looked around excitedly for her friend.

“Arf! Mona! This is no time for hiding!” Leah whimpered. The vague sense of shame she felt at her words was heavily damped by the fog in her brain. If anything it just turned her on even more. ONly made her body hotter and her pussy wetter. Wait? Wasn’t there a plan to do something else today? It didn’t matter. Puppy Leah wanted to play! Her eyes continued to wander until they locked onto Mona’s bed. It looked so soft and comfy. She should hop up there! Her search for her friend was instantly forgotten, a new single minded purpose becoming the only thing her addled dog brain could handle. Leah practically jumped atop the well-made bed. It WAS soft! Almost as soft as her new favorite tail. Leah curled up on the bed really burying her face into the sheets and pillows. SO soft! Leah nuzzled her face deeper into the fabric. She was having so much fun! So much fun, she didn’t even have the presence of mind to notice the bathroom door open. She didn’t have the presence of mind to notice Mona sneak up next to her and gently pat her head. 

“Monaaaa…” Leah moaned, only after a moment realized it was her friend and that she wasn’t just dreaming. Mona? Wait… if Mona saw her like this she’d be… she’d be so… so- *CLICK*

Her mind went blank. Leah’s panic, completely obliterated by the sound of a collar locking around her neck. Her body flushed with arousal. Her friend had just collared her. Mona had just walked up and collared her. Her puppy brain knew, somehow her puppy brain instinctively knew what that meant. Leah could practically feel the heat spread over her body. Girls with collars had owners, and hers was right in front of her. The prettiest girl in the world. Her friend Mona. She owned the pretty pink collar around her neck. That meant she owned her. Leah could only stare at her friend giving her the warmest, cutest, most endearing smiles. Leah couldn’t take it anymore. It was a dream come true, a dream she didn’t know she had.

“Mona--- arf!” Leah’s voice was cut off as her friend grabbed her collar and pulled her into a long passionate kiss. A kiss that unlocked all the memories Leah had locked away. Memories of sharing her fantasy with her girlfriend. Of Leah asking, no, begging Mona to do this to her. Begging Mona to hypnotize her to think they were just friends, to make her fall into inescapable puppy space without realizing, to kiss her owner just like this and have the truth crush whatever resistance she had left. To fully become hers, just like this. Leah practically came, and her lover could tell. Leah knew she could tell because as her eyes started to roll into her head, Mona started whispering in her wonderful husky voice, the one she used to brainwash her to be like this.

“You’re such a good girl Leah, Such a good girl to do exactly as you were told. Such a good girl to wind up here, needy and desperate. You are needy and desperate right?”

As if to emphasize, Mona tugged once more on the collar, complimenting the action with a gentle caress of Leah’s face. It was heavenly. The pressure from the plug, the softness of her tail, the absolute bliss of getting exactly what she wanted, it all left only one answer,


Only then did Mona’s hands start to roam her body. Only then did she caress Leah’s aching nipples, only then did she pull her into a full embrace, reach under her skirt, brush up her tail until she got to her needy, dripping pussy and slip a finger in. Blissful orgasm blanked out Leah’s brain, leaving nothing in its path but a horny, needy, whimpering puppy girl. And puppy Leah was so glad that had been the plan all along.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed! Follow my page for when I sporadically post next!


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