she's literally my bias

by HimeDelia

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #bondage #dumbification #fractionation #idols #microfiction #petplay #streaming #trans_main_character #vibrator #VR_hypnosis

A struggling YouTube music reviewer receives an incredible offer from the idol Enchanting ✨️ Echo after poorly reviewing her newest single. After being invited for a private studio tour, she finds that the idol is very persuasive.

“I am well aware that it is typical in the idol space for fans to promote their ‘biases’ with near religious fervor, but when I heard that Enchanting ✨ ️ Echo's newest single, ‘Girls make Good Pets,’ was her best work yet, I was expecting to be blown away. I was sorely disappointed. It seems vapid and uninspired music is par for the course. New video next Friday.”

I leaned back in my chair, the electric blue light of my computer screen burning my retinas in the dark room as I posted the update to my social media. It was another long night of work editing, but I felt comfortable enough with my progress that I could announce a concrete release date to my couple thousand subscribers.

Looking at the time, I sighed. It was getting late, and I had to open tomorrow. The couple dozen bucks I got every month from my fans certainly helped, but it wasn’t paying the bills on its own. I saved my progress, and turned off my computer in order to get ready for bed.

After completing my nightly rituals, I gave one last quick glance at my phone before crawling into bed. I had an incoming DM from… Enchanting ✨️ Echo? I broke out into a cold sweat. It wouldn’t be unheard of for a big pop star to threaten legal action over something as stupid as a bad review, but I was literally a nobody compared to her millions of fans. I’d probably make like, 30$ max from my supporters, two cents from ad revenue, and a whopping 0$ from sponsorships (I had yet to receive communication from any of the near ubiquitous VPN or meal prep brands). Meanwhile she just drinks a can of soda on camera and gets hundreds of thousands.

Steeling myself for the potential litigation, I opened the DM, only to be utterly confused by its contents.

“Hihi~! I read your post, and it really surprised me! I thought everyone loved my new album! I’m always looking to improve my music, so I’m really interested in what a smart, qualified girl like yourself has to say! As a favor for your feedback, would you like to come on a studio tour and interview me? It might delay your video a little, but you might learn a thing or two! x3 Think about it and get back to me~ <3!”

I was in complete disbelief. I checked, double and then triple checked the account to make sure it was the real deal, and everything seemed to check out. The speed at which she responded was astonishing too - not even ten minutes after my update. Was she stalking her own tag, or did she have an agent doing that for her or something? That being said, this was a rare opportunity that I couldn’t refuse - an interview with Enchanting ✨️ Echo would boost my viewership so astronomically high it’d be stupid not to accept, even if I found her music vapid and lacking in substance. If this went well I could quit my shitty day job. Cautiously, I began to type up a response.

“Good evening. First of all, thank you for your invitation. I was pleasantly surprised to receive it. Before I can accept, I would like to discuss some details - when will this tour take place? Will accommodations be provided? Will I have to sign an NDA?”

I waited for a moment, and sure enough, the typing bubble began to appear. Soon after, another message arrived, attached were reservations for a five star hotel penthouse suite and first class airline tickets, both in my name. They were dated for tomorrow.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about any of that, cutie~! It’s all already been arranged <3 As for the NDA, I won’t make you sign anything - I’m confident my cute charm will win you over!”

Her forwardness temporarily distracted me from the date - as well as price - of the tickets. Tomorrow was super short notice, but I really couldn’t afford to pass this up. Besides - flying first class sounded a little more appealing than dealing with customers or taking inventory.

“Sounds good! I think I can comfortably accept your invitation. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

“Good girl~! It’s a date <3”

Blushing at her now very apparent flirting, I put my phone down and began to pack for my sudden trip.

Greeting me at the gate of the terminal was a woman in a dark suit, presumably one of her agents. It made sense, I suppose. She probably wouldn’t want to be seen at the airport. Paparazzi and all that.

“Are you here for Ms. Echo?” She asked.

I nodded affirmatively.

“Come with me.” She replied, leading me to the taxi stand and drop off point, where a dark limousine with tinted windows was waiting. The agent opened the door, and gestured for me to enter as another woman put my suitcase in the trunk.

Ducking down and sliding into the car, I was surprised to be face to face with Enchanting ✨️ Echo herself. She was dressed appropriately for the weather, wearing a chunky pink sweater complete with a white, ruffled miniskirt and leg warmers. She was quite cute, especially in more everyday clothes, as opposed to those over the top stage get ups. “Oh my god, hiiiii~! It’s so nice to see you! Can I get you something to drink? Minifridge is right there!” She exclaimed as if greeting a close friend or family member.

Taken aback by her jovial attitude, I paused for a moment. “Oh, uh… water is fine I guess.” I said, reaching into the minifridge and taking a bottle of water that probably cost more than my hourly wage.

“Wow, you’re even cuter in person!” She praised, leaning in close to me. I caught a whiff of her perfume - it was nice and sweet, like vanilla.

I blushed a little, and leaned away. “Th-thanks. I’m looking forward to being able to interview you.”

“Me too~! It’s gonna be sooooo fun!” She beamed, as the limo turned onto the main road.

The drive to her studio was a little uncomfortable between her overt flirting and disregard for personal space, but it went by quickly enough with a little small talk and exchanging facts about each other.

After arriving at the studio, the limo left with my bags, presumably to drop it off at the hotel. Enchanting ✨️ Echo sprung out of the limo, and gestured for me to follow. I nodded, and followed close behind. Entering through a back door, we walked down a hallway lined with portraits of various stars the studio has produced, until we eventually entered what appeared to be a dressing room for Enchanting ✨️ Echo. She took a seat at the vanity, and turned the chair to face me as I set up my tripod and camera, before taking a seat myself. I pulled up the list of questions I had prepared on my phone, before clearing my voice and beginning to speak.

“Okay, basically, I’m going to run you through some like… standard interview questions, before I throw you a couple of curveballs. Just answer truthfully. Think you can do that?”

Enchanting ✨️ Echo nodded. “Easy peasy! Ready when you are, cutie!” She winked.

Blushing a little, I pressed the record button on my camera. “Hello, I’m here with a special guest, the idol Enchanting ✨️ Echo. Thank you for having me. Y’know, I was initially surprised when you offered to fly me out here for an interview and tour, given some of the things I’ve said about your music in the past.”

The idol giggled. “Water under the bridge! You are entitled to your own opinion.” She replied, sounding strangely bothered for a moment. I ignored it and pressed on.

“Well, that’s good to hear. Why don’t we start with an easy question for my followers who may not be familiar with you. Who are you?”

“Well, I’m Enchanting ✨️ Echo, the world’s number one most cute, beautiful and of course, enchanting idol! I used to be part of a group, Heart’s Desire, but I decided it would be better if I took the spotlight solo! Don’t worry, they’re all very supportive of me.” She smiled.

“Thank you. In summary, Enchanting ✨️ Echo is a very popular idol, number one by some metrics, and has been performing for the past 3 years, but her meteoric rise to fame didn’t begin until this year. Could you tell us a little about that?”

“Of course! Like I said, it all started with Heart’s Desire. I’m super super grateful for the opportunity to perform with them, but I started to feel like they were really stifling me. I couldn’t get my say creatively 100%. I had to share the attention from fans and the time during the show, that sort of thing. I just couldn’t stand it, so I went solo.”

“I see. You mentioned your creative process - could you walk us through that a little bit?”

“Oh, it’s not that interesting really. I just want my fans to feel good, have fun, and forget all stressful stuff! And of course, give me some love and attention too~!” She laughed. Something about it seemed malicious. “So I usually just wonder, how can I make them feel that way? And then it usually comes from there.”

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. “Your lyrics, or…?”

“Oh, everything really. Set design, costumes, special effects, everything. There’s so many ways you can captivate someone and demand their attention~!”

“I see… well, moving on… how, would you say, that our mode of economic production and it’s effects on the music industry as a whole influences your process?”

Enchanting ✨️ Echo tilted her head in confusion. “Well that’s a silly question. Your followers don't want to hear something boring like that!” She laughed.

I grit my teeth, starting to get a little annoyed. “My followers are a bunch of weird communists who listen to weird noise and ambient music. I think they want to hear about how capitalism influences creativity. Now, do you have an answer?”

The idol giggled, and stood up from her chair, picking up my camera, flashing a peace sign while pointing it at herself. “Well maybe you’d have a bit wider reach if you had some more fun stuff on camera! Like… hmm… wardrobe tour~!” She exclaimed, walking over to the large clothes hanger in the corner of the room with all her various live outfits.

“Hey, wait a minute!” I protested, but she had already taken charge.

“So, a lot of thought went into this costume…”

This day was exhausting - this idol was almost as vapid and vain as her music. Every time I felt like I was getting somewhere good or interesting, she’d just completely deflect and we’d end up talking about something stupid and inconsequential. Not to mention I kept getting weird vibes from her.

Despite all that, I did get a lot of footage, so this was probably still salvageable, especially after I listened to her record in the booth. I had to admit, she did have quite the beautiful voice. She had talent for sure, but it was just being wasted in my opinion. Not like I could do anything about it, though.

Dinner was nice too, definitely better than what I would have whipped up at home. If I was some lifestyle influencer type, I’d definitely be raking in views by the millions for sure. I could probably spin this all in a way that would be artistically satisfying to me and my viewers. That being said, it was getting a little late - and I didn’t really want to be alone with this weirdly flirtatious idol much longer. I still had a few more days of this trip anyway.

I yawned. “It’s getting late, I should probably head back to the hotel and work on the video some.” It wasn’t a complete lie.

Enchanting ✨️ Echo pouted. “Aw, you’re leaving already? Can’t you stay a bit longer?”

“Look, I appreciate your generosity. I wouldn’t have expected some hotshot idol to invite a girl with like, less than 10,000 subscribers to a private studio tour. But I only came here to get some insight for my review. But fancy meals and wardrobe tours won’t make a video. Maybe tomorrow we can do something more substantial?”

“Hmm… maybe I could entice you with a private listening to my upcoming album?” She suggested. “My fans are dying to know more. There’s this whole ARG and everything! Think about how great that would be for your channel to have some information about it!”

I paused, and thought for a moment. “Well… I guess you’re right. Sure, I’ll have a listen.” I agreed, turning around to return to the recording booths, only to be stopped by Enchanting ✨️ Echo’s soft hands grabbing my wrist.

“Nuh-uh! Not that way, silly.” She giggled.

“What do you mean? Isn’t all the sound equipment over there?”

“Well, yes, but this is top secret! I can’t just have my soon to be hits out there for anyone to copy to their phone! What would happen to the suspense? Come with me!” She smiled, before leading me down the opposite hallway with surprising speed. It took maximum effort to not stumble and fall over. I suppose it made sense - she was a physically active professional idol and I made YouTube videos.

The room she had led me too didn’t seem like much of a studio at all. If I had to guess, this was a bedroom, maybe for when she was working late at the studio. Covering the walls was pink wallpaper with a diamond pattern. The far side of the room was carpeted, and had a huge canopy bed with dozens of plushies, and a nightstand on either side. Opposite of the bed was a vanity table with a heart shaped mirror, complete with a ring light and stocked with various cosmetics. There was a closed set of double doors that led to what I assumed was some sort of walk in closet.

The other half of the room had wood flooring that seemed to be tinged ever so slightly pink. A fluffy white rug laid at the center of this space, along with a large sofa opposite a television, a coffee table, as well as a desk with a rather powerful (and equally cutesy) looking PC, complete with several monitors. A tripod with a big, expensive looking camera stood next to the desk.

With a click, Enchanting ✨️ Echo locked the door behind her, and smiled at me. “Well, now that we have some privacy…” she approached me, her voice oozing with seductive intent and a hungry gaze in her eyes, a complete 180 from her usual cutesy genki girl persona.

I slowly took a step back, confused. “Wh-what are you doing?”

She laughed sweetly, as if I had just said something endearingly stupid, before placing a single finger under my chin, and tilting up my head to force eye contact. “I lied. There is no private listening. Only me~!”

“I don’t follow? Are you coming on to me?” I asked, frozen in place from a strange mix of fear and arousal.

“You see, I just hate it when cute girls like you don’t like my music.” She whined, frowning. “It just breaks my heart! You could be having so much fun fawning over me and making friends with other fans and listening to my music, but you’re letting that pretty little head of yours get in the way!”

“It-it’s just not to my taste!” I argued as she stepped even closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and placing her other hand on my shoulder.

“You should just give me a second chance. Maybe you’ll have a change of heart.” She smiled, before taking a step forward and pushing down into a seat position onto the sofa behind me, one arm pinning each of my own and her knee slowly rubbing between my legs. “So, what do you say? Do you wanna devote your life to me as my number 1 diehard super obsessive megafan?”

I shake my head in refusal, pointlessly trying to wrest my arms free from her grasp, and let out an involuntary moan from her methodical rubbing.

“Awww, no? Too bad I don’t remember asking you. Don’t worry cutie, I’ll convince you~!” She winked, before forcing me into a lying position on the sofa, straddling me. From her purse, she produced a length of pink, silk rope, and began to expertly secure my arms behind my back, before doing the same at my ankles.

I struggled against my bonds, completely immobilized and at her mercy. Realizing it was futile, I stopped, and took a moment to catch my breath now that she had stopped stroking my crotch with her knee. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. You’ll thank me when I’m done~!” She exclaimed in a sing-song voice, before getting off the couch and walking over to her desk to retrieve a basket containing a few items, as well as the tripod. Humming one of her catchy pop tunes as she set up the tripod in front of me, Enchanting ✨️ Echo seemed to be having lots of fun doing this, skipping about and making cutesy gestures as she worked.

After finishing, she kneeled down next to me. “Awww, you stopped struggling. That’s sad. It was so cute hearing you squirm while I worked. You better bring that back for the livestream! The fans will eat it up! It was so adorable!”

“L-live stream?” I gulped.

“Well, duh! Girls are so much cuter when they’re embarrassed, and I want a big audience to see this! Plus, it can be a fun little souvenir for you after we’re done here~! Now, be good and stay still while I get you set up.” She blew a kiss at me, before reaching into the basket and pumping a squirt of lube into her hands, and lathering up. Reaching up my skirt, she pulled down my panties and vigorously caressed my dick with both hands, instantly driving away my objections with a cascade of hitched breathing and moans.

Once she was done, she placed a small silicone sleeve around my dick, which I recognized to be a vibrator - I had one just like it at home.

Wiping off her hands with an alcohol wipe, she placed a pair of headphones over my head and plugged them into the CD player. “Almost done~! After I start the stream, there’s going to be just one little surprise before the fun begins! Aren’t you excited?” She giggled, running over to the camera, and fiddling with the settings, before hitting play, and hurriedly running into frame next to me.

“Heeeeeeeello my lovely, captivated Echoes!” She waved cutesily at the camera while my face turned bright red at the thought of being exposed like this to her legions of fans. “Enchanting ✨️ Echo here, and I have a very special livestream for you today!”

While she spoke, the vibrator immediately began to flare to life, wracking my body with pleasure, and ceasing any attempt at calling for help.

“Here we have our newest, soon to be Echo! She’s been saying some really mean things about my music for a while now, and she’s been rude to me all day, even though I’m literally being so nice to her!” She pouted. “But with your help, I think we can convince her!” She exclaimed, pulling up my skirt with one hand and my panties down with the other, revealing the already pulsing vibrator as I pathetically moaned in protest, only getting more aroused from the embarrassment.

“She’s wearing a fun little toy that’s linked up to your chat messages! Every message you send will pulse once, and every 5000$ of donations I receive will increase the intensity by one step! How exciting! I can’t wait to see her cum herself stupid~! Ooh! Looks like we already reached the first threshold!” She giggled as the buzzing between my legs grew stronger.

I tried to struggle against the ropes, but it was just too hard to focus with the involuntarily shaking and deep moans set off by the vibrator.

“That’s not all, of course! She’s going to be giving my newest single another chance. A couple thousand more chances, to be precise! Worry not, I’ll sync the audio, so you can hear my lovely, enchanting voice at the same time she hears it~!” She giggled, pressing play on the CD player.

At once, the same song that I had previously bashed online exploded from the headphones. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it seemed to push out any other thoughts, rather irritatingly. I tried my best to ignore it, but the toy between my legs did it’s job at shattering my focus.

“And we can’t forget the fancams~!” She added, producing a VR headset from the basket, and sliding it over my head. “These will be synced too, of course!” Enchanting ✨️ Echo pressed a button on the side of the headset, flashing video of her dancing and performing on stage, striking poses, and wearing cute outfit before my eyes. A semi-transparent spiral was overlaid on top of the fancams, drawing in my attention to the center of the screen. Messages flashed by much too fast for me to read. I closed my eyes but the bright lights this close to my face still managed to shine through the eyelid just a little.

She continued to speak, but I couldn't quite make out her words amidst the sensory bombardment I was now subject to. The toy vibrated and rubbed away, steadily becoming more vigorous as donations came in. Tension built and built until a shiver ran down my spine, accompanied by a breathy moan - the anticipation and pleasure pathetically leaked out from my dick for everyone to see, only arousing me more.

It was already getting hard to ignore the music and videos. Whereas just a few seconds ago I was barely holding on, managing to focus on the pent up frustration to push the noxious sensations out of my head, my little release and the accompanying afterglow led to a momentary lapse in concentration. In the brief refractory period, I passively allowed her lyrics into my head.

“I know you wanna adore me!

It's clear - you can't ignore me!

Forget all that! Let's make a bet!

Wouldn't you be happier as my pet?”

Somewhere, deeply subconsciously, the fetish-y undertones of her lyrics were starting to make sense. But I had no time to reflect on that, as the vibrator began to buzz back to life, leaving me quietly mumbling her lyrics to myself between gasps and moans. I managed to make out her characteristic giggle.

“...So cute!” She cooed as I felt her soft hands glide underneath my shirt, nails lightly scratching me as they traced their way up my torso, stopping at my chest. She began to squeeze and play with my breasts, eliciting more embarrassing sounds out of me.

“N-no… stop…!” I gasped, my rising arousal somewhat shocking me back to the reality of the situation. Her groping seemed to drive the stream crazy, evidenced by the near constant torrent of vibrations torturing me.

“Awww~ someone still knows how to say no! How are you going to devote your life to me if you have personal agency, silly?” She asked, squeezing one of my breasts with one hand and stroking my hair with the other. “Tell you what - if you can use your words and form a full sentence, I’ll stop right now! Promise~!”

“Please st-stop!” I managed to retort, just barely. The drone of catchy pop music was giving me an awful migraine - that must be why I struggled so hard to say even two words.

“Only two words? Buuubuuu!” She imitated a game show buzzer. “It must be getting so hard to think, right? Every time you get over yourself and slip into that nice little empty headspace you’re going to go deeper, and every time you come back you’re going to come back a little more pliable! I know you find that just so so hot, I heard you mumbling some of my lyrics earlier! Not to mention your cute little penis is so hard~! Just admit that you want to be my diehard fan and make it easier on yourself!”

“You’re com- completely… insane~!” I argued, halfway between a scream and a moan.

“Oh well. Why am I even complaining? The easy way is never any fun! Breaking girls down into stupid brainwashed super fans is much better content anyway! Isn't that right, my lovely Echoes?”

In response to her question, my vibrator exploded with activity, teasing me until I reached my limit, spurting out another little pool of cum into my panties. I gasped and like the last time, any sense of clarity I had vanished. As I involuntarily opened my eyes, I saw her front and center, the fancams still playing ad infinitum. She looked so pretty and cute, I just couldn't take my eyes off her…

More lyrics wormed their way into my head.

“No need to think,

Don't you dare blink,

Eyes on me! Eyes on me!

That's my decree!”

On command, I began to echo the lyrics once more. Before long, my moment of respite was over, and the toy between my legs started back up again, pulling me out of that blissful headspace once more, into harsh reality.

While I sat there writhing in pleasure, Enchanting ✨️ Echo shoved one of her well manicured hands into my panties, getting my cum all over her fingers, before putting them on my lips. “Suck.” She commanded.

I weakly protested, still trying to offer any paltry resistance I had. “Mmmmnnnnn…” I moaned. It was getting so hard to think or even form coherent sentences now, as if all my thoughts were choked by a thick pink fog, and anything that managed to make it to the surface were obliterated by the vibrator.

“I said suck. Now.”

The second command was harder to resist, as the pink haze of the music and the video just made it sound so much nicer to obey…

Not that I had a choice to obey - Enchanting ✨️ Echo forced her fingers into her mouth and my body began to suck the sweet cum off her fingers, being thorough and using my tongue to clean up.

This was wrong. This was so wrong. I could barely comprehend what was going on, but I had the most base instinct that I didn’t want this.

“Awww~! So cute!” She cooed, petting my head. “What a good girl she’s becoming! That’s the first command she obeyed!”

Another cascade of donations came in, and with them, a new level of intensity on the vibrator. I came again, having lost all shame by now, bucking my hips wildly to try and add to the stimulation.

By this point I was completely fixated on the video of her. The words flashing by on screen and the spiral became more visible, assaulting my mind with their messages, along with a couple more clips of Enchanting ✨️ Echo making a heart with her fingers, blowing kisses towards the camera, etc.







The more and more these repeated, I felt my resistance erode more and more, any original thoughts I had were being erased by her words and her will. The music, of course, continued.

“Dumb girls are more fun!

Cute girls are number one!

Obsessed girls are the best,

Obedient girls don't protest!

My enchanted girls won't forget,

They ought to be a pet!”

I continued to sink deeper and deeper to the lyrics, only reinforced by the subliminal messaging I was receiving. The vibrator continued its work, but every time it brought me back up, I got weaker and weaker, thoughts becoming less and less clear everytime. I was barely even protesting or struggling anymore. My body went slack and my mind shut down, completely receptive to her suggestions. A small bead of drool rolled down the corner of my mouth as I mumbled the suggestions back to myself, the only sensation I felt through the growing fogginess was the mind melting pleasure from the continuous overstimulation I was receiving.

If this was wrong, why did it feel so good?

I let out a small giggle and shivered from the pleasure.

“Yay~!!!!! We broke her!” Enchanting ✨️ Echo squealed excitedly, before planting a kiss on my cheek, leaving behind a pink lipstick stain. “That’s just a mark of you being my newest fan!” She explained, hugging me from behind and feeling me up as the brainwashing continued.

“Just forget. Forget it all!

Be my enchanted thrall!

I am your everything!

Forget it all and sing!”

Any awareness of my situation I had left completely faded, completely surrendering myself to the music. I moaned and giggled and squirmed in complete full body rapture, letting my own thoughts, opinions, and wants leak out from between my legs and drool out of my mouth.

“Yes~! Yes~!” I exclaimed, letting myself feel so good and aroused and obsessed. Enchanting ✨️ Echo was so nice to give me a second chance…! A second chance for what exactly, I couldn’t remember, but I’m sure if she was upset at me I was being a very bad girl. And she still rewarded me despite that, how kind of her to treat a fan this well!

“So cute…!” Enchanting ✨️ Echo squealed, squeezing one of my breasts with one hand and feeling my cute little cock with the other, eliciting a long drawn out moan from me. “And so eager too!”

When she spoke, my entire world seemed to stop. All focus was on her, everything else drowned out.

“Buuuut I think you’re still not quite devoted enough. What a shame…” She sighed, letting go of me and standing up.

Her words cut deeper than any knife, a deep and sharp pain in my soul. I thought I was so devoted? Did I do something wrong? My whining and moaning ceased, replaced by a terribly sad sounding whimper.

“Don’t do that, it just hurts my heart to see a fan, especially such a cute one like you sad!” She pouted. “Hmm… tell you what!” She continued, as if she had just come up with a solution, and not had this planned the whole time. Not that I could tell a difference in my state. “Beg. Beg and prove to me you’re my number 1 Echo, and I might give you a little reward.”

Enchanting ✨️ Echo didn’t need to ask me twice. After all, I’ve always loved her and would do anything for her attention! Whimpering more, tears welling up in my eyes behind the headset, I looked up to where I heard her voice coming from. The fog from before seemed to clear, allowing me enough brainpower to beg satisfyingly. “Please, please~! I’ll be more devoted! I’ll do anything you ask of me, no matter how degrading! Anything! I love you so much I’ll be the best Echo you could ask for! I’ll devote my whole life and existence to you! Please give me the chance to be good~!”

“Hmm…. Praise me, and I think you may win me over.” She smirked sadistically.

“Enchanting ✨️ Echo, you’re the greatest most amazing and beautiful and cute and talented idol together! I’d gladly listen to nothing else but you for the rest of my life! I can’t imagine a more lovely girl to give myself to! Nothing else matters when I look at you, your voice is just so so so captivating, and you’re so so nice to have given someone silly like me a second chance! No one else even comes close to being as amazing as you! Please let me prove myself!”

A cute, yet restrained moan escaped from Enchanting ✨️ Echo’s lips. She definitely was enjoying herself. “Aww, you make me blush. And you’re getting so hard begging like that, you dumb slut!” She teased, driving me mad with arousal. “Okay, you win! You’re just really so persuasive.” She smiled venomously. “Now, be a good girl for me and sit there a while longer. Not like you have much of a choice.” She laughed, running a finger over the rope keeping me bound. “Unfortunately I’m a very busy girl. Places to be, songs to sing, people to talk to, that sort of thing. So I can’t sit with you while you’re doing that. But that’s okay, right?”

I nodded eagerly.

“Good girl. I’ll leave the stream there to keep you company, and I’ll check up on you in a bit~!” She then turned to the camera. “Thank you to all my lovely, Enthralled Echoes for tuning in! The stream will continue, but like I told this cutie, I gotta go! Bye bye~!” She struck a cute pose, before walking out the door, being sure to blow me a kiss first.

I continued to watch the video and listen to the music for what seemed like eternity. Seconds dragged on forever and simultaneously felt like no time at all. Minutes became hours, and I was so sore and tired and exhausted all over. It hurt so much to think, and even basic facts about myself got so hard to recall…

Where was I?

What was I doing here?

What’s going on?

Who am I?

All ran through my head, but any doubts I had were dispelled by another full body orgasm and appropriate conditioning. That’s right, I remember now.

Ms. Echo brought me to her bedroom because I was her number 1 Echo…

Ms. Echo told me I was so dumb and empty headed that I forgot how amazing she was…

Ms. Echo told me that since I was such a good and cute and adorable Echo, she’d keep me around since I clearly couldn’t function on my own…

Ms. Echo told me I ran all sorts of social media accounts praising her, and I’ve always followed her since the start…

Yes… I remember now, it all made sense. I ran a fan account, devoted to breaking the news about every little update in her career! And as thanks for my great service, she was showing me a good time! Ms. Echo was so nice. I was so lucky to be owned by her.

Owned? No, that felt wrong somehow. Was that always the case? I feel like something awful happened. Before I could question further though, that line of thought was banished with a headache and the headache relieved with another orgasm, and suddenly I couldn’t even remember what I was so worried about.

Ms. Echo was the best.

Ms. Echo is my everything.

Ms. Echo deserves my complete obedience.

Ms. Echo deserves my complete devotion.

I belong to Ms. Echo.

Ms. Echo was my past.

Ms. Echo is my present.

Ms. Echo is my future.

Ms. Echo is my forever.

I awoke on my side, with a killer headache, achy body, and an embarrassingly sticky wetness in my panties. A gentle tug on the leash I wore as a sign of my unending loyalty to Enchanting ✨️ Echo pulled me upright. Her gentle and cute smile greeted me as I shook off the grogginess.

“Good morning, my lovely little Echo! Quite the night we had.” She said, petting my head.

“Mmmm…. Morning…” I yawned, rubbing my eyes. “What happened…?”

“Oh, you don’t remember? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You are always forgetting things. You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise I might not go through the trouble of helping you out!” She giggled. “You were just sooooo busy working on that new review video for the fanclub, you got all stressed and freaked out! But I helped you…” she cleared her voice. “Destress a little. Fanclub benefits, remember?”

Was that right? I must have been really tired to not have remembered any of that… but Ms. Echo said it, so it must be right. Besides, the wetness in my panties proved it, I thought, blushing intensely.

“Anyways, you still have that video to put out, and I figured it would be better to get it out of the way early so you can enjoy the rest of your day~!” She suggested, gesturing to the webcam.

Yeah. That sounded nice. I nodded in agreement, before standing up to change into something a little more professional.

“Nuh-uh-uh!” She wagged her finger at me. “I’m thinking you could record like that.” She smirked.

I blushed intensely. “B-but… I’m not presentable!” I argued, gesturing to the sheer, lacy pink gown I was wearing along with the matching, frilly lingerie and panty set.

Enchanting ✨️ Echo shook her head, and sighed. “I was thinking you could use a little bit of an image change. You’re always so stuffy. Doesn’t that sound nice?” She asked, snapping her fingers. The crack of her fingers sent a shiver down my spine, and clouded my mind in simple, obedient bliss.

“Yes, Ms. Echo!” I agreed wholeheartedly.

“Good girl…” She purred, sending another shiver down my spine. She snapped her fingers again. “Good girls will eagerly show themselves off on camera and praise their idols, right? Even if they get so hard from embarrassment?”

“Yes, Ms Echo!” I chirped again, my mind adrift elsewhere.

“Good girl. Now, we’re going to record in 3… 2… 1… action~!” She exclaimed, pressing the record button on the camera.

“Hellllllo Enthralled Echoes! It’s me again!” I introduced myself, blushing hard and tenting in my panties. “I just had the honor of visiting Enchanting ✨️ Echo’s studio where our princess herself gave me a lovely tour!”

Enchanting ✨️ Echo smiled behind the camera, tugging on the leash a little. I stumbled forward a little, blushing more but trying to maintain my composure.

“A-and I can safely say that without a doubt, there are such big things coming for us Echoes! We’re gonna be so fed this year! Like…” I tried to search my mind for a teaser of what was to come, but strangely nothing came to mind. That’s weird. Wasn’t I supposed to know these things?

Another fingersnap. What was I thinking about?

I sat there dazed for a moment, before shaking myself back to reality. The embarrassment must have been really getting to me. “Oh!” I giggled. “Silly me. I got lost in thought for a bit! What I was gonna say is… we’re like, so lucky to be her fans! She’ll treat us so so well! Anyways, remember to watch my newest fancam! If you somehow haven’t seen it yet, make sure you fix that right away! It’s set to her new single, which is soooooooo catchy and honestly gets stuck in your head so easily! That’s the sign of good music! Only our princess could create such a masterpiece!”







I repeated the lyrics to myself in my head, shivering in excitement and biting my lip, barely containing myself now. Fuck. I was so close to cumming on camera, that would be so fucking embarrassing…

Another finger snap erased all my inhibitions. Forgetting all shame, I leaked out whatever reputation I had left, moaning loudly as Enchanting ✨️ Echo giggled, walking into frame. I threw myself at my idol’s legs, grinding wildly and desperately chasing friction as she chased the camera.

“Awww, isn’t our new fanclub video content creator so cute? I think I’ll keep her around~!” Enchanting ✨️ Echo smiled. “Thank you all my lovely Echoes for listening and watching, and special thanks to those who helped change her mind~! Before I leave, does my lovely little thrall have any words?”

“Stream Girls make Good Pets~!”

Don't ask me how you're supposed to pronounce the star in her name.


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