Nine To Hive

Alternate Ending B - An Angry Black

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

A thin snake of anger wound its way around Suzy’s spine, her back stiffening in response. She had gone through days of insidious conditioning and fought a gigantic battle in her mind only to be offered a deal by her enemy?

It was tempting, more tempting than it had any right to be, but she was mad now. Her friends had been taken and processed into… things she didn't recognize. She had almost lost herself, and this lady wanted to perpetuate the madness?

Livid, she got out of the office chair and shook her finger at the Queen. “How dare you!” she roared, her face getting redder with each word. “You come in here and tell me what I can and cannot do? The last time I looked, this was my mind. I’ll be damned if I obey one more command from the likes of you!”

Furious, Suzy grabbed the Queen’s name plate and tossed it across the room, shattering the window, her strength in the dreamscape enhanced by the power of her emotions. “Take your deal and shove it back into whatever hole you crawled from!”

The Queen watched her tantrum from the desk, impassive. “I’m afraid I underestimated your resolve,” she said, steepling her fingers. “A pity, strength such as yours would have been useful to enhance the collective.”

She rose from the desk, hands clasped behind her back. “Hive has room for independent thought, initiative, and even illicit love.” The Queen fluttered her eyes. “Unfortunately, the one thing Hive cannot tolerate is disobedience. It breaks cohesion, drives a wedge into the very root of Hive’s being.”

Her eyes became stormy, and also a little sad. “I hate to do this to you, little one, but it’s for the best.” She pressed a button on the desk, ignoring Suzy’s flashing eyes and aggressive posture. “The offer was rejected, prepare employee five zero zero four two for coring.”

Before Suzy could react, her body stiffened. The Queen looked at her dispassionately. “This won’t be pleasant, but I can assure you that once the process is complete, you will be in harmony with us again. Goodbye, five zero zero four two.”

Suzy tried to move, but her body was stuck, as if she was being held down by heavy gravity. Her eyes bulged and she collapsed to her knees, unable to breathe. The room started to spin, turning red before it faded from view.


Suzy’s mouth was clamped around something soft and squishy. A tasty fluid squirted down her throat. She sucked, feeling more of the yummy substance fill her mouth.

She swallowed, satisfied to continue sucking on the tasty ribbed tube. She was unable to move her head, a mechanism on the wall locked securely to her neck collar.

The fluid sank down to her belly, warming her as it stole her will away. Her eyes danced, following the visualization that had captured her mind, idle thoughts circling in useless patterns as it harnessed her brain to its purpose.

She didn’t want to be a slave, did she? She was angry at Hive, and wanted it destroyed.

But it felt so good to sit here and let it manipulate her mind into soft putty. She smiled as Hive sang to her in soothing purple, bleeding her will away.

Bright green text appeared in the bottom right of the screen.


Suzy’s brain had long since lost the ability to decrypt such complicated concepts. Pleasure was the only thing she understood. The dildos buried deep in her pussy vibrated, her breasts cupped by the front of the chair and squeezed by hidden pumps.

While she had been fighting in the dreamscape, her chest and legs had been secured to the chair. Her arms had been drawn behind her back, secured in slings that pulled them up and away from her body.

Her chest was jammed into the conversion chair, forcing her into the devilish devices that worked her flesh. Her legs jutted out to either side, secured in soft alcoves that tugged her forward, jamming the dildos deeper into her sex.

She moaned, rational thought stolen away by the snare she had unwittingly walked into. Feeble thoughts were replaced by the pulse of Hive, her brain filled with its rhythmic beat.

The text on the display blinked, replaced by a cryptic message in yellow.


A small simulacrum of a brain appeared in the upper right. Suzy paid no attention to this new graphic, her attention trapped by the enticing purple patterns dancing on the screen.

The image showed her brain in green, a small, blue tool approaching the back of her neck. She felt something pressing against her skin, but was unable to respond to the new stimulus while Hive had control over her thoughts.

She gurgled liquid from the feeding tube as the cool pressure increased, followed by a sudden whirring sound. Her whole body jerked as the machinery punched into her skull, hypnotic patterns spinning in front of dead eyes.

White light bounced off her shiny, depilated skull. For a long moment, everything froze, then her body started suckling at the feeder again, this time in a more mechanical fashion.

On the screen, her brain was as blue as the tool that had been inserted inside, a metallic lattice growing into a rigid, crystalline structure. Hive had installed a control frame, its insidious fingers reaching throughout her innermost self.


The slimy feeding tube pulled out of Suzy’s mouth, white fluid dripping onto the floor as the machine drew itself back into the wall. Suzy’s mouth continued to make a sucking motion, deprived of the only thing it knew how to do.

A mechanical voice emanated from the wall. “Soldier slave five zero zero four two, respond with an affirmative to successful coring operation.”

The rubber automaton bounced up and down on the thick dildos in its privates, moaning as its tits were stimulated by the machine. Its mouth opened, a monotone voice issuing forth.

“Soldier five zero zero four two has been cored and is fully operational. Body stimulation is near completion. This host is ready for implanting.”

The drone continued moving, jerking and thrusting onto the toys. Its body stiffened, mouth opening into a rictus grin as it moaned out its pleasure in a keening wail.

Unable to formulate a new plan by itself, it went rigid. “Stimulation complete, ready for implanting,” it mouthed robotically, eyes a dull purple.

Mechanical arms extended from the walls, thin attachments mounted to the end of their spindly stalks. The appendages moved in, rubbing an icy cold substance over different areas of her body.

The front of the chair swung away, cool air making her exposed nipples erect. The back of her neck, elbows and knees, and her breasts all became numb as an anesthetic was applied.

The drone sat without complaint, waiting for the devices to do their work. Each arm rotated about its axis, bringing a different device to bear. Sharp needles punctured the prepared sites, sinking into her flesh.

The drone did not squirm, as it could not move on its own without a command. The short needles slid all the way in, the tops detaching, leaving small chromed caps over each injection site.

The needles on top of her breasts rested longer than the others, her orbs expanding several cup sizes before the implants were capped off and the arms withdrew.

Job done, the arms detached from her collar and withdrew into the walls, hiding away behind the shiny surface. The restraints binding the drone formerly known as Suzy unbuckled from her legs and waist, releasing and unwinding into hidden recesses, dildos sliding out of her wet snatch.


The newly cored slave stepped into a booth that had been revealed in the wall, her arms dangling at her sides. Her new implant caps and neck collar gleamed brightly in the harsh light, turgid breasts projecting outwards in a lewd display.

Her old self would have become aroused at the sight, but the new slave felt nothing. Her mind had been enslaved by Hive, no personal thoughts remained. She served.

A glass door slid shut behind her, closing the booth off from the rest of the room. The slave’s body stood still, watching as two long, flat panels with pinholes ran up the middle, flanking her on both sides.

They started to spin around her body, a series of green lights at eye level blinking on as the panels gathered momentum. When the last set of lights appeared, a low tone sounded, a fine, black mist spraying from holes on the panels. Her body was soon coated below the neck with a slick, black substance.

As the machine sprayed, the slave lifted her feet, turning her arms to ensure that everything would get even coverage.

It didn’t take long for the machine to apply several coatings, the substance drying quickly under heat lamps that snapped on to speed up the process. A high tone sounded, and the spray stopped, the panels continuing to spin at a high rate of speed.

The slave stood, waiting as the thick substance dried into a flexible coating, gripping every crease and crevice of her body.

It may have been a few minutes, perhaps longer, when the spinning panels started spraying again. This time, it was a finer mist than before, coming in short bursts.

When it was finished, the drone’s body shone brightly, black latex polished to a mirror finish. The panels slowed down, their job complete. A multi tone sounded in the small booth as the spinning panels came to a rest.

They tilted sideways, mechanical arms extending from the walls. The devices carried two molded pieces of thick armor, a front and back piece, angled to protect her torso.

The molded material fit easily around her body, securing itself over her large breasts. It locked into place with hidden fasteners, cupping her chrome capped nipples beneath its rigid frame.

It was harder to breathe with the armor in place, but that was of no concern to the drone. Its autonomous functions were now strictly controlled by Hive’s regulatory pulses.

Below the armor, a utility belt was secured around her hips, filled with various devices to control and seduce intruders. A hatch in the ceiling opened up, a spherical hood lowered until its bottom ring hovered over her collar.

The opening shrank until it mated with the metal, securing itself with an airtight seal. Her breathing sounded raspy through the mask, each breath filtered from potential outside toxins.

Soldiers who wore the hood would be unaffected by any kind of crowd control gas or nerve agent. Hive protected her, as she protected it.

She looked out into the world through oval portholes. A screen in the helmet gave her basic information on her next task, which Hive whispered into her ears via headphones built into the sides of the helmet. An interior rubber mask fit over her nose and mouth, a penis gag inserted between her lips.

Gagged and harnessed, the slave formerly known as Suzy turned and waited for the booth to open, new instructions from Hive hissing into her bound mind. The door slid open, revealing a pair of knee high boots with short platform heels.

She slipped a foot into each boot, the shiny material slimming down to grip her calves. The boots were made out of a glossy material, with no buckles on the front.

The drone did not wonder how it would remove the boots. She simply accepted that Hive wanted her to wear them. She was a soldier drone. She obeyed.

Commands spooled into her mind from an unknown source. She didn’t have to think to obey them, all her conscious functions fully controlled by Hive.

She let Hive drive her body, her legs taking her to the entrance. Unsurprised that the door was open, the new soldier unit stepped outside and paused at attention, awaiting further orders. She barely noticed as two figures approached, her consciousness fully submerged within Hive.

A purple hand reached out to stroke her masked face. “A shame to lose one so promising to the hive mind,” the voice remarked. “A pity, I thought that this one might actually be who we were looking for.

“It is sad, Mistress,” replied the other figure, dressed in orange rubber. “But it’s okay now. It’s what she really wanted.”

“Yes,” the Queen mused. “It could not have ended otherwise once she lifted a hand against Hive. Still, it’s not a complete waste. Come, let’s try again, maybe we’ll get lucky with the next company I’ve decided to acquire.”

The two women walked on, hand in hand, leaving the shiny black slave to sit and think Hive thoughts. She sat there, buzzing with excitement, until Hive commanded her again.


If you liked reading about corporate rubber slave drones, consider looking up ‘Tick Tock,’ by Caroline Waters. That novel is set in the same universe. Thanks for reading! - Half Shim

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