Nine To Hive

Day Five

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

She had played until the early hours of the morning before her body had shut down on her and she had collapsed into a deep, dreaming sleep. She had originally thought that she was tired enough to sleep like the dead, so she was surprised to find herself swaying side to side, her body in gentle motion.

Confused, she looked away from the laptop sitting in front of her, orange fingers pausing as her mind caught up to the new dreamscape. She was sitting in the jump seat of a nondescript van, hidden away in a small nook. The laptop in front of her displayed various video feeds, shots of the exterior of the van.

From her angle, it was hard to see, but every so often she could catch glimpses of the driver. The drone moved robotically as she maneuvered the vehicle in response to unspoken commands from her headset, a yellow dronesuit hidden underneath an inconspicuous company uniform.

An adjustable chair was mounted in the center of the van, banks of computers and metallic arms hanging from the ceiling. Further back, two benches lined the sides, currently occupied by six shiny, black female figures, their shady forms indistinguishable from each other. Helmets hid their heads, and unlike Suzy’s orange outfit, no logos adorned their bodies.

Satisfied that the arrangements were suitable, Suzy clicked her tongue stud against her front teeth, studying the camera feeds on the laptop. Information about the mission began to crowd into her mind.

Hive was always on the hunt for new employees, and sometimes their recruitment wasn’t always sufficient. It would be easy for Hive to increase salaries until their offices were flooded with new drones, but that might draw too much attention from their competition.

Hive always strove to operate above board, innocent looking as it drew more and more clueless people into its inescapable clutches. Recruiting people off the street risked raising their profile higher than Hive would tolerate. Once the resistance of their captives was replaced by obedience to the song of Hive, however, the new employees could actively help to mitigate any problems that might arise.

The van roamed the streets of the city, the cameras on the roof and branding on the exterior looking similar to that of several popular online mapping companies. It didn’t take long for Suzy to locate a new target, the equipment’s automatic acquisition algorithms highlighting several possible alternatives.

She tapped on the screen, focusing on a young redhead walking by herself near an alley. Her attire was dated, and she was far enough away from other pedestrians that they might not notice her abduction.

“Prepare for new hire protocol,” Suzy whispered into her headset. “Acquire participant number five zero one three two, the redhead near the alley.”

“Affirmative,” whispered back the rest of her crew, their synchronicity of speech eerie in the enclosed space.

Thrilled at the prospect of a new intern to train, she rested in the happy glow of Hive for a few beats as the van pulled up next to the unsuspecting woman. Purple eyes locked onto the screen, Suzy hissed “Now!”

The six soldiers in the back of the van worked like a well-oiled machine. As soon as they stopped, the two nearest the rear cracked open the doors, jumping out into the street.

The next two crouched next to the door, waiting their turn. Before their target could detect their presence, the liquid black forms had grabbed her off the sidewalk and shoved her into the van.

The two waiting drones grabbed her struggling body and forced her into the reclined chair, while the two outside leaped back inside and slammed the doors.

It had taken them under four seconds to grab the girl and get back underway, barely enough time for their victim to let out a short, muffled yelp. The soldiers held her down with an iron grip as she screamed bloody murder, the sound absorbed by the padded sound proof walls of the van.

The rest of the soldiers assisted, snapping restraints around the captive’s arms, legs, waist, and neck. Slipping behind the melee, Suzy pulled a hanging mask down from the top of the van, forcing it over the victim’s mouth.

Gas hissed from the mask, causing the victim to choke and inhale vast amounts of the sopoforic. Soon, her struggles calmed, her body jiggling less violently. Suzy held the mask in place until her body became supple, then she let it float back up to the ceiling.

Underneath, the new recruit had become docile, a dopey grin replacing her panicked shouts. “Wha… was that stuffs?” she slurred, giggling uncontrollably. “It’s sooooo good!”

“Strip!” Suzy ordered, ignoring the woman's delirious comments.

The soldiers did as she commanded without any audible acknowledgement. The gratitude of Hive was acknowledgement enough.

Undoing the restraints on their logy victim, they removed her clothing without ceremony, each piece dumped into a pile near the rear of the van. “It’s c-c-cold!” complained the woman, relaxing in complete nudity.

“Where am I?” she asked, a small spark of awareness slowly returning to her eyes. “And why are you an orange?”

“Irrelevant,” stated Suzy. “I am a slave recruitment trainer, and you are a new Hive slave, employee number five zero one three two. You will learn Hive truths, and become Hive body. Prepare yourself.”

Before the woman could react, Suzy slipped a needle into the new slave’s inner elbow, an IV hanging from the roof dispensing drugs directly into her bloodstream. The soldiers held her down as a precaution for several moments until her eyes glazed over, then they returned to their sitting positions.

With the new recruit sedated by the drugs, Suzy took her time retrieving a second apparatus. It was a shiny, domed helmet with goggles and integrated breathing tube. She lowered it into position, locking it onto her victim's skull.

Unseen bellows forced more gas into the captive’s lungs, pretty patterns dazzling her eyes. To complete the ensemble, Suzy folded down a set of headphones, clicking on the song of Hive to keep the new slave company.

With everything prepared, she glanced over the brain readout on her laptop display. Everything was nominal, as expected. The woman's brain was adapting to Hive’s pattern, internal heart rate pounding in time with the song. The respirator forced a hypnotizing gas mixture into her, lungs inhaling the music of slavery.

Satisfied, Suzy took a little time for herself, shivering in ecstasy at the birth of a new Hive drone. It was hard to tell during the initial abduction, but it seemed likely that this one would be converted and ready to help with new recruitment drives before the week was out.

Her nipples sizzled with excitement. Obeying Hive was better than any other feeling she had ever experienced!

“Are you pleased with yourself?” asked the purple lady standing next to her. “Does making new slaves for Hive turn you on?”

Surprised at her familiar form, Suzy scooted back, biting her lip. Wait a minute, this wasn’t her. She wasn’t an instructor drone for Hive! What had she been doing?

Detached from the scene in front of her, she watched as the training drone adjusted the feeds on the new slave, making sure that its brain was properly following the music of Hive.

“Hello? Anyone in there? Where are those vaunted smarts you like to think you possess?” The purple rubber lady clacked her pierced tongue and put a hand on her hip, watching Suzy’s dream spirit with amusement.

Suzy blinked a few times to regain a semblance of individuality, focusing on the new guest. Standing next to her was the latex lady from before, a frilly purple skirt layered over her undergarments. The woman’s entire body was clad in smooth latex, bereft of any identifying marks, the perfect masked apparition.

“You? Why are you here?”

“Yes, it’s me!” the doppelganger said cheerfully, balancing on her extreme heels. “I’m not sure you’re taking the danger you’re in seriously. Are you the one in charge, or the one being taken charge of? Have you figured it out yet? You’re running out of time.”

She applied bright red lipstick to her curved smile, peering at an antique mirror. Grabbing it, she turned it around to face Suzy. “Don’t we look lovely?”

Suzy brushed the impertinent question aside. “Why is this always about time? Why can’t I make my own time? Why do I always have to follow someone else’s schedule?”

“Life simply isn’t fair, my dear,” replied not-Suzy, snapping the lid of the mirror shut. “You’re already a corporate drone, living day by day, chained to your desk, slowly hypnotized by spreadsheets. This was true even before you started working for Rankotech. It was never about you, Hive is bigger than that. It’s stronger, more powerful than any individual in this world. Even a Hive queen is not truly in control, as her needs are subservient to the greater collective.”

Smiling wide, her lips gleamed. “You’re acting as though you could give your two weeks’ notice tomorrow and nip off to the spa, forgetting about our little world of drones and slavery. How droll! But I tire of this - if you decide to become me, you’ll end up knowing all this anyway.”

The fetish figure tucked the mirror and lipstick away, the objects vanishing into thin air. This seemed perfectly normal in the dream atmosphere.

“I would never become someone as annoying as you,” said Suzy, scrunching up her nose. The know-it-all attitude of the apparition was starting to get on her nerves.

“Oh, wouldn’t you?” the lady replied benignly. “If not, what will you choose? There isn’t really a scenario here where you go free. Unless, of course, you consider letting go a form of freedom. Control. Controlled. Will control. Enslave. Enslaved. Will enslave. They’re all equally possible. I’m quite interested in seeing which course of action you take. Of course, once you do, I won’t really exist any more, but at least this won’t be so confusing for both of us. I won’t have to be a shadowy reflection of you, doomed to wander dreams and provide expository advice.”

Her figure became ill-defined, fading like an afternoon shadow. “It shouldn’t be a particularly difficult decision. It wasn’t for me, at least. See you soon!”

“Always with the last word,” growled Suzy, the dreamscape swirling into blackness.


It took longer to surface from her sleeping state the next morning. Bleary eyed, she peered at the alarm, vague images of perky redheads dancing through her brain. The clock read an hour earlier than when she normally got up.

No wonder she was still so sleepy! She could just lie back down and rest her head for a few moments, no, wait, why was her body getting up out of bed?

Shocked at the situation, she watched her body get itself ready for work, her mind passively in the back seat, as though she was in the dream state again. It was a curious feeling, being divorced from reality.

As she tried to work out her emotions, she watched her body slip on a coat and long skirt, a thin attempt to disguise the fetish clothing she wore underneath. It wouldn’t fool anyone for long, but she might not attract too much notice while driving.

She made up her mind after most of the morning’s prep work had finished. If she truly wanted to be obedient, she would be the one to decide.

She felt a slight pressure, and suddenly she was back in control again, no longer a third party to her fate. Whatever awaited her at the office, she would face it of her own volition.

With that dilemma settled, she let herself enjoy the tight grip of her attire for a few moments before locking up and heading to work.


Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when Suzy arrived at the office. The gray walls were just as imposing, the dull cubicles hiding the existence of the mindless collective that toiled inside.

It struck Suzy that she hadn’t seen Nancy since she had started working for Rankotech. Where was she, and what was she doing? Knowing Nancy and given her latest dreams, it wasn’t hard to imagine her commanding a legion of slaves to do her bidding.

“You look curious, recruit. What do you wish to know?” Erin appeared at her cube as if by magic, her orange suit shining brightly in the harsh glare of the fluorescent lighting.

Suzy was hesitant, but realized how silly that feeling was - they were all a part of Hive here, on the same side. “Could you tell me where my friend is? I know she works here, but I’m not sure where. Her name is Nancy, she’s short, blonde, and has brown eyes.”

A calculating look in her eyes, Erin gave her a severe look. “Employee five zero zero three two has exceeded expectations and is currently entered into advanced training. She is being adjusted to her new role, and will serve Hive admirably.”

She tilted her head, considering. “Since your former lackluster performance has been corrected, you may soon enter advanced training as well. Perhaps you will work with your friend again soon.”

Her eyes flashed purple. “Idle chatter is not desired at this time. Please be seated and continue work.”

“Yes, Mistress,” said Suzy, her eyes hazy. “That would be a good idea. Hive commands and I obey.”

Unable to stop herself, Suzy sat down at her computer and prepared to continue working, noting the absence of Lainey and Shiori. Had she arrived at work earlier than them?

The computer chimed, a text box appearing on screen. It was a standard notification, requesting that she put on her headphones. Seeing no reason to disobey, she slipped them on, their soft weight as comfortable as an old friend. A soft hiss rippled over her ears, distant music of Hive shutting down extraneous thoughts, helping her to concentrate on what was most important.

Soon, she was typing away, oblivious to the outside world. She was thrilled at being a useful worker, satisfied to sit blissed out and do whatever Hive told her to do.

It wasn’t long, however, before dissonance entered her ordered world. Something was out of place - Hive wanted her to do something. She relaxed deeper into Hive’s music, the song waves undulating through her barren mind. She knew what to do, or rather, Hive did. She just needed to let it guide her actions.

She slid out of the clothing she had worn on her way to work, standing to let the skirt fall down around her ankles. She tossed it away, the disguise no longer needed while she was in the heart of Hive.

Sitting back down, her hand moved on its own, opening a secret compartment underneath the table. Something oblong and slippery was inside, her mind registering the strange sensations as a passing interest.

It was a large dildo, the tip pressing firmly into her wet loins. A small moan escaped her mouth as her hand continued to press the object deeper and deeper, until its flared bottom rested against her outer lips.

A light buzz from the device jiggled her body. Everything would be just fine, Hive knew best. She relaxed into the chair, continuing to work, her pussy tingling at regular intervals to reward her for her obedience.

Time passed, meaningless to the drone, the buzz of arousal never quite rising high enough to push her over the edge. A worker drone did not feel frustration, so the continuous stimulation only enhanced her connection to Hive’s harmony.

Her sexdrive and thoughtdrive had been adjusted to better gel with the Hive matrix. She was an efficient drone, content to continue her work while letting her consciousness fall ever deeper into Hive.

And yet, there was still something missing. She was Hive, but not of Hive.

There was a base incompatibility that was preventing her from slotting into Hive thought. The dissonance magnified, the sound of the discordance producing an out of tune note that grew loud enough to be uncomfortable.

She was submerged so deep into the Hive matrix, it was a strange feeling when Hive pulled back. Her brain was so closely in tune with the music that she continued to feel it inside her. Without the community of Hive to support it, however, instead of a full orchestra it felt like a single violin with a frayed bow.

She sobbed at the loss of such beauty, tears slathering her rubbery chest. It took some time for her sense of individuality to reassert itself, her canal juicing around the vibrator still stuffed into her pussy.

Like a puppet without her master, she sat there, dumb, her curiosity percolating through thin layers of gauze. Hazy, she looked around, startled to realize that she wasn’t in her cubicle.

Instead, she sat at a row of computers, in the middle of a group of people she didn’t know. They were all wired like her, sitting in bliss as they stared at their screens. Some of them appeared dazed, calm expressions on their faces as they looked around.

Although she had regained some sense of self awareness, she continued to sit at the desk. The situation should be alarming, but she didn’t feel the need to worry about anything. Taking action was too much trouble. Instead, she stayed still and watched the others with curiosity.

She must have been moved to a classroom. A few rows away, she could see orange figures moving among the drones, speaking softly to the other students. They were doing something with them, but it was difficult for her to make out.

It wasn’t long before two orange suited drones appeared at the end of her row. One of them carried a bin containing shiny equipment. As they moved towards her, they whispered to each individual along the way.

Suzy watched a busty blonde dressed in pure black latex, her face transfixed by a screen. Without ceremony, one of the drones grabbed a slick gas mask from the bin of her assistant, slipping it over the head of the trainee.

A long, slinky hose led out of the nose of the mask, the end wobbling between the trainee’s legs. The straps at the back were aligned and tightened, the woman turning into an automaton with gaping black holes for eyes.

Finished, the orange drones moved on to the next trainee in line. Suzy watched as the process was repeated with several more individuals, some clad in black, others in yellow.

The ones wearing yellow rubber received masks with a slightly different design, the eyes narrower, nose more aquiline. Feeling hazy, Suzy wondered whether she would get a mask, too, since her body was already so tightly wrapped in yellow latex.

When the trainers approached her, the one on the left peered at her with an inquisitive expression. “Employee five zero zero four two, why is drone thought not engaged?”

“I am not sure,” Suzy replied, giving them a beseeching look. ”Can you tell me what’s going on?”

“Uncertain, insufficient data,” said the first drone, her green eyes gleaming with a flash of purple.

“Further study may be required,” stated the second drone. “Additional training may also be necessary.”

The drone stared at her for a long moment. “Continue as you were. Hive will find a place for you. Everyone has a purpose in Hive. Nobody will be left out.”

The trainer drone nodded to her, turning to leave with her assistant. Unsatisfied by the answer, but unable to argue with them, Suzy relaxed and waited.

The sound of computer fans was punctuated by the labored breathing of the drones in their masks. She felt like an alien without one, confused as to why she had been left like this.

It wasn’t long before another orange rubber drone appeared at the front of the room, clapping her hands together. “Your attention, please, everyone!”

This new drone was short, and it was hard for Suzy to get a good look at her. She leaned forward, gasping with sudden recognition. It was her friend, Nancy!

Struck by a sudden urge, Suzy raised her hand, and Nancy turned towards her. “What is your question, employee five zero zero four two?”

Suzy felt hurt by the response. Even though her body had been turned into a fetish dream by Rankotech’s clothing, she should still be recognizable, dammit! “It’s me, Nancy! Suzy! I’ve been looking all over for you! Where have you been?”

“I’ve been where Hive needed me, Suzy. New recruits don’t turn themselves into valuable employees by themselves. It’s up to me and the other trainers to ensure that productivity doesn’t slip as new drones are integrated into Hive.”

Nancy stepped down from the front of the room and approached the row where Suzy was seated. Despite her desire to know more, Suzy didn’t feel any urge to get up or detach herself from the dildo secured inside her. It felt amazing right where it was.

As Nancy approached, Suzy saw that she had a device in her hand that looked like a shopping cart scanner. Was this used for cataloging drones, she wondered?

Nancy played the light of the scanner over Suzy’s arm, revealing a fluorescing number, followed by a large ‘W.’ “It’s…my number!” exclaimed Suzy, surprised.

“That’s right,” said Nancy. “I have one, too.” Shining the light on her arm revealed a different number, five zero zero thirty two T. “It’s ultraviolet ink, only visible under a black light.”

“If we’re all just numbers to Hive, why don’t you tattoo them onto people?”

“Don’t be silly, Suzy,” Nancy sighed. “This isn’t Nazi Germany. What happens if you get transferred? Assigned to a new Hive? Hive decides to renumber? No, it’s much better to have them printed on the uniforms. This way, Hive can easily keep track of different drones when they check in at their work stations.”

“If the numbering is so efficient, then why do I still have my name?”

Nancy rolled her eyes. “Hive does not kill individuality on purpose. It tries to subsume it into the whole, creating a gestalt that is greater than the sum of its parts. We are not all automatons. Those who have greater knowledge and intelligence are integrated into Hive and work to improve Hive on their own initiative. You wouldn’t second guess your commander on the battlefield from the command bunker, and in the same way, Hive will use your individual intelligence for the betterment of all.”

Her friend shot her a dazzling smile. “It’s like a commune, but better,” she continued. “Greed cannot take over, the worst attributes of humanity are instead suppressed and redirected by Hive to push our mission forward. Duty, honor, work, and Hive. We are one in goal, but many in spirit.”

“But what about the workers and soldiers?” asked Suzy. “They don’t seem to have much individuality left.”

Nancy looked a little sad. “Some people can’t accept the message of Hive, or they accept it too readily. Those people lose themselves in the gestalt and can’t pull themselves back out again. If that happens, Hive will care and provide for them, and in turn they will work to protect and secure Hive from all dangers.”

Now Nancy looked stricter. “That’s enough for now, Suzy. I’d love to catch up, but I need to teach this class. Please save your questions until afterwards, I’m sure we’ll answer most of them during my lecture anyway.”

She smiled, stroking Suzy on her cheek in a provocative manner. Suzy found herself leaning into it, but Nancy was already turning to march back to the front of the room. “Listen up, class, and welcome to Advanced Hive training! I, trainer drone five zero zero three two, will be your teacher! You may call me Nancy.”

Nancy gestured to the classroom. “Depending on your alertness, you may have noticed trainers walking the aisles with control masks. Those people who failed to respond when asked for their number were unfortunately unable to separate themselves from Hive control, and can no longer operate as independent individuals. They will instead serve Hive as defenders and builders.”

As she spoke, the now faceless drones were led outside by the other trainers, who had infiltrated the room. The dangling hoses from their masks made them look insectile, the swaying sections rattling against their legs.

Nancy spread her arms wide, gesturing to the remaining people in the room. “That means that you have all passed the first round. Congratulations! However, there is still a long journey ahead of you, perhaps longer for some than for others.”

She snapped her fingers and a hidden projector turned on, the screen showing figures in various rubber outfits. “You’ve already seen soldiers and workers,” she said, pointing out the two figures dressed in black and yellow respectively. “Since you haven’t lost yourselves in Hive, you need not become a soldier or a worker by default. However, you can always choose to do so if you wish.”

Nancy licked her lips seductively, her eyes glowing with a purple sheen. “Some people choose to forgo their thoughts and individuality, if only for a while, to experience what it’s like to be a mindless asset to Hive. Or, they don’t possess the assertiveness that the upper echelons require. Rest assured that Hive will find a use for you, too, no matter what kind of social skills you possess.”

As she spoke, the display behind her showed pictographs of various jobs. Workers tied off steel trusses and soldiers patrolled on security details.

“Many of you will decide to become trainers or overseers. I am a trainer, so I wear orange. We’re in charge of recruitment, training, and teaching in various capacities. As a trainer, you may be out on the road, seeking new recruits, in the classroom, or doing reinforcement for existing drones back at Hive.”

Nancy pointed to the last slave type on the board, a drone dressed head to toe in a striking red latex outfit. “Overseers provide local and regional oversight for Hive drones. Depending on your rank, you may control a local troop, or even become the right and left hands of a queen, organizing and making sure Hive units run efficiently.”

Confused, Suzy raised her hand, sheepish when she recalled Nancy’s earlier request to save any questions for the end. “What about the queens?”

Nancy narrowed her eyes at her impertinence. “Queens are absolute, the most powerful agents of Hive. It is unlikely that you will ever meet a queen, and it is even rarer for recruits to become one. Purple is their color, purple is their rule. I would suggest that you bow to them when they draw near, but you won’t be able to help yourself. They personify the power of Hive.”

“Any other questions?” asked Nancy brightly. The rest of the room blinked, but nobody else was brave enough to ask anything further.

“No? Excellent, it’s time for your continuing education.” She snapped her fingers, and the projector turned off. Simultaneously, the vibrators embedded inside everyone clicked on, ramping up in intensity.

Suzy squirmed, a fat nub pressing against her clit. Her arousal was making it difficult for her to concentrate, distracting her from the cartoon that had appeared on her screen. It appeared to be depicting the act of taking a solid collar and snapping it shut around a neck. Peering around the room, Suzy noted that all of the screens were showing the exact same thing.

One by one, the other trainees began to lock themselves into collars, each metallic snap followed by a low moan of pleasure. Concerned, but also aroused, she saw that a box had been delivered to her desk.

Leaning over, she spotted a two inch thick metal collar, same as what was pictured on her screen. It seemed like a bad idea to put it on, but everybody else was doing it. Did she really want to be different from them?

It was all well and good to think about becoming a Hive drone in an abstract manner, but now that she was faced with the reality of becoming a slave, she wasn’t so sure. Her pussy said yes, but every time she had followed her libido in the past, she had gotten into trouble.

On the other hand, she was in too deep to do anything else. She couldn’t even find the motivation to get out of her chair or remove the vibrating dildo from her snatch!

She was still waffling, indecisive about what she should do, when the choice was made for her. Nancy’s voice rose behind her, sounding exasperated. “I’ve never seen a more stubborn slave. This will help keep you docile until Hive can restructure your mind.”

She felt a cold flash around her neck, followed by a piercing pain. The collar clicked into place, built-in needles jabbing into her flesh, pumping drugs into her system as it locked together. She started to fall, down, down into her mind, looping around and around as the drugs followed her thoughts until they were dull, dull embers.

Her curiosity vanished, her mind sluggish. The tight, steel collar forced her to keep her head upright, staring straight ahead. It felt good to just sit there, dildo pumping inside her vagina, drugs circulating throughout her body. It was fun to relax and wait for someone to tell her what to do.

It was disappointing when the dildo stopped, the computer ordering her to put the toy away. This wasn’t sufficient to disturb her flat-lined mind, or to prevent her hands from following the orders. She barely noticed when the trainers lined them up in a row and marched them out of the room. Her neck was pulsing, the drugs singing sweetly in her system.

They marched together, their glossy forms shining in the harsh light. Orange trainers shepherded the group, directing their mindless bodies. They crossed through an armored vault door, transitioning into an area where the floor and walls were covered with a slick substance.

The coating looked soft and pink, but it didn’t yield to the touch of her platform boots. The sound of the class moving over the surface made a loud clatter, but passing Hive drones took no notice of the new recruits.

They continued down the hallway, walking past more Hive activity. Work parties browsed down various intersecting hallways, each group accompanied by a red overseer. This was a secure area, so less allowance was made for the foibles of the outside world.

At the next intersection, the accompanying trainers called for a halt, a large cadre of soldiers blocking the path for some unknown reason. The pause didn’t bother her, though the nagging need in her loins begged for the sort of attention she had no volition to give.

The steel at her neck had become warm due to body heat, its presence more comforting than alarming, though it was impossible to tell if this emotional change was due to the drugs.

As they waited, a work convoy trotted up the hallway next to them, stopping at a piece of wall that had a long crack in the pink overcoat. A red overseer pointed to two fat workers, ordering them to work on the wall without audible discussion.

A light shock tickled through Suzy’s body - one of the two workers was definitely Lainey! She looked different, thicker in body than she had yesterday, flesh squeezed tight in yellow rubber. Her rotund shape was now past the curvy end of the scale, eyes glazed over as she began to work, a happy grin on her face.

In one hand, she held a white bucket that appeared to be filled with a sort of clear liquid, in the other, a putty knife. As Suzy watched, her former co-worker put the bucket close to her mouth, spitting a pinkish substance inside.

The liquid in the bucket immediately firmed up, swirling into a solid, pink mass. Lainey used the putty knife to start applying the goop to the wall, filling the crack as though she was repointing brick work. Her partner began to help as well, working from the other end.

Suzy wanted to stop and find out how Lainey was doing, but the drugs were still singing to her. The collar around her neck shackled both her body and mind, bringing her in line with the others in her troop.

Soon, the convoy started again, and she was forced to continue forward, leaving Lainey behind to continue her work. They marched, making turns every so often, walls becoming indistinguishable from one another.

There were no markings to direct the uninformed, as Hive drones didn’t need them. The general architecture of the office hadn’t been changed - it retained its regular, ordered corridors, but all landmarks had been erased by the pink coating.

As they marched past another intersection, the walls became transparent. Naked people floated in small tanks filled with viscous fluid, relaxed with their eyes shut. A black mask ran from the mouth of each slave to the roof of their individual tanks, black coils of hose floating lazily like venomous snakes. Every so often, one of the figures would shudder in their sleep, as if they were having an exciting dream.

The strange slaves were soon left behind, the walls once again becoming a smooth surface. Suzy followed along with the rest of the trainees, in the middle of the pack, hoping that they were close to their destination - the frustration of arousal denied was increasing with every step.

The joy from the drugs wasn’t sufficient to quench her desire for an orgasm. As she walked, the latex panties rubbed against her privates, but the stimulation wasn’t nearly enough to get her closer to the edge.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for her wish to be granted. The convoy of drones squeezed single file through a doorway into another chamber, flanked on either side by trainers. Suzy marched onwards, taking her place in line.

After she passed the trainers, she noticed a row of enclosures along both walls, each of them sealed with a door. At the top of each door was a glowing green light, the meaning of which was lost on her.

Before long, she had moved up near the front of the line. Here, the alcoves with closed doors transitioned to ones that were open. The slave in front of her was wearing yellow rubber, like her, patiently waiting.

A trainer standing nearby directed the pre-slave into the next alcove with an open door. The woman stepped inside and the door slid shut, the green light above turning yellow.

More of the trainees in line were directed into alcoves, yellow lights flickering on, one by one. As she stepped forward, some of the yellow lights closer to her winked out and were replaced with green ones.

A curiously analog device for a highly digitalized Hive, she mused. She felt less euphoric, the drugs losing their battle against her raging libido. Still, she hadn’t regained full awareness by the time she had reached the front of the line.

The trainer flashed a scanner at Suzy’s rubbery arm. “Employee five zero zero four two, welcome to the advanced training room. Please enter your hiving pod and await further instruction.” She gestured at the alcove to Suzy’s right.

Suzy did as she was commanded, entering the small room. It was nothing more than a gray box, not much larger than a bathroom. A dull gray door slid shut behind her, and the lights dimmed, a short chime resonating. A dark square at the end of the room lit up, Erin’s smiling face peering at her.

“Welcome, five zero zero four two! I will be your personal trainer as we figure out where to fit you into Hive!” Her voice was bubbly and cheerful, as if they were about to spend a day shopping at the mall.

“Please strip out of your current uniform and put everything into the chute on your left! When you are ready we will continue further!”

The lights switched to a scattered pattern, more soothing than before. To her left, a handle jutted out of a rectangular area on the wall that was only about as large as a bread box. Inside was a dark, deep shaft under negative pressure, air forming a cool breeze as it rushed into the small opening.

Suzy wanted to obey, yet felt hesitant. The clothing felt like an integral part of her. The idea of throwing it away was causing her distress.

The drugs were no longer keeping her submerged and subservient, rebellious thoughts able to make their way to the surface without being properly repressed.

“Why?” she asked the small screen. “Why must I throw away this clothing?”

The screen fuzzed with white noise, resolving into an image of trainer Erin. “Your pre-slave outfit was generated based on your original R.A.T. test, five zero zero four two. The test is accurate for most new recruits, but there are always a few outliers. After sorting out those individuals with insufficient willpower to become more than workers and soldiers, we re-test to find out which role is ideal for each remaining participant.”

The image of the trainer paused, her eye movements rapid as she scanned over Suzy. “Please discard your current clothing and prepare for processing. I promise that your needs will be fulfilled.” She smiled and winked, the screen going black.

Suzy sighed, trying to decide what she needed to take off first. Here she was again, trapped in a box, awaiting the pleasure of Hive. Even if she decided to disobey, she was trapped until Hive decided to do something else with her or to her. Might as well do what the trainer suggested.

The steel collar was fixed in place, wrapped tightly around her neck, so she ignored it. The gloves slipped off easily, each one making a crinkly noise as she dropped them into the chute.

The shirt was more difficult to take off, the collar in the way. Fortunately, it had a wide neck, so she was able to stretch it far enough to fit over the collar.

Next came the bra, and when she dropped it into the return slot, she regretted it, her breasts feeling floppy and cool from dried sweat. Speeding up, she removed the rest of the outfit, the boots and panties slipping away into cold blackness, a brief glimpse of the Rankotech logo waving to her as they sped away to parts unknown.

Naked but for the collar, Suzy shivered, awaiting further instructions. It wasn’t long before the back wall opened up, the screen lifting up and away on an accordion.

“Congratulations on becoming a valuable employee!” Erin chirped enthusiastically. “Take a seat on the sex trainer and prepare to become a specialist!”

Behind the fake wall was a pinkish platform made out of the same material she had seen coating the walls earlier, angled at a forty-five degree angle. It resembled nothing more than a crude chair to lean into.

The front of the chair looked spongy, two soft depressions meant to accommodate her engorged breasts. Her inspection was cursory, as her attention and thoughts were drawn to the long, thick dildo mounted at the bottom of the chair.

Excited to try out the large prominence, she shuffled forward. Grasping the dildo, she was surprised to find that it was slick and warm, yielding to the touch.

Wasting no time, Suzy climbed over the bench and lowered herself into position, the slippery rod grinding itself into her snatch. Her eyes flickered rapidly at the pleasure, sensations riding hard over raw nerve endings.

She bottomed out, the soft, warm surface of the chair supporting her ass. Moaning aloud, she let herself fall forward into the embrace of the chair, the dildo shifting inside her. The spongy surface accommodated her breasts, squeezing around her mounds as it sucked them inside.

She let out a soft gasp as they were tickled by soft nubs in the concavities, wrapping her arms around the front of the chair. Hugging it tightly, she proceeded to ride the dildo, hard, rocking herself up and down.

The material around her breasts started to undulate, cupping and squeezing. This simultaneous action drove her wild, her body exploding with delight as she bucked against the hard rod.

Soon, it was too much for her to take, her body writhing in delight as she moaned out her pleasure, jerking uncontrollably. The first orgasm danced from her pelvic floor to the tip of her nose and back again.

She lay still, savoring the waves of pleasure that coursed through her. Resting her butt on the chair, the dildo still buried deep inside, she tried to recover, feeling momentarily satiated.

The lights snapped off, the small display lighting up in front of her face. Background music filled the room, plucking her thoughts like a harp. “Very good, slave five zero zero four two, your sex drive is firmly in control. Now watch closely, please.”

The screen burst into colors that seemed random at first, but they soon formed into a pattern. Suzy’s jaw dropped open as she relaxed, her lust addled brain easy prey for the hypnotics, eyes unfocused as they tried to decode what the pretty colors meant. Staring, her brief moment of lucidity fled in the presence of Hive’s power.

The chair tilted forward, restraints unnecessary to keep Suzy in place, her mind harnessed. A half-bowl device extended from the wall, held by two mechanical arms. The bowl pushed over her head, the claws locking around her collar to keep her in place.

There came a tight suction, accompanied by a buzzing sound. The device then retracted back into the wall. She could feel a breeze over her head, concluding that the device had removed her hair.

The chair tilted into a horizontal position, the two metallic arms from the wall still locked around her neck. Several more extended, one of them with a clamp, another with a needle.

Suzy stuck her tongue out when ordered, automatically obeying the voice of authority. One of the arms held her tongue while the other manipulated the needle. There came a sharp pinch, the brief pain fading into a dull ache. Another arm acted like a rivet gun, securing a tongue ring in the area that had just been pierced.

The new jewelry was foreign, but familiar, like what she had experienced in her dreams. She rolled the barbell over the roof of her mouth, enjoying the sensation as the ball rattled against her palate.

Suddenly alarmed, Suzy recalled that her dream doppelganger had her tongue pierced in exactly the same way. This realization was enough to spark an internal struggle to break free from Hive’s grip.

The mesmerizing pattern held her in its thrall, however, and the small rebellion died before it had a chance to take hold.

She clicked her tongue while staring at the dreamy pattern. Why did she want to resist? This was inevitable. She would rest and follow Hive.

Dazed, she opened her mouth when a long, black tube tipped with a penis head nudged against her lips. Suckling on it like a newborn, she could feel a cool liquid trickling down her throat. It was probably drugged, but she had lost her capacity to care.

“Very good, slave. You’re a good girl, a pierced slut for Hive. Keep sucking, and relax. You feel good, you want to feel good. Sleep and feel good.”

The display continued to speak, its voice calm and monotonous, the background music of Hive filling the room, crowding out any thoughts she might have.

She sucked, her eyes drooping, dropping, until there was nothing left but Hive, pleasure, and sleepy times.

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