Nine To Hive

Day Three

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

She was kneeling in a fountain in an amorphous landscape, several yellow clad figures attending her. The fountain’s dark purple liquid was viscous, denser than water. It showered out of a central statue, splattering gently over all who stood near.

Suzy shuddered in joy as the figures scooped up the substance drizzling into a puddle at their feet and slowly massaged it into her pores. Her poor, aching muscles relaxed under the patient ministrations of the busy workers. There was no hurry to get anywhere, no worries to address. She was free to just be and soak in the moment and the attention.

She was sleeping again. She knew that she was sleeping, but that knowledge didn’t help her to reject this reality. It just felt too good to stay there and relax, letting the slickly attired attendants coat her with happiness.

There was a slight disturbance lurking beneath the serene surface, but her slave self was able to suppress any dissonant emotions. Too often she tried to analyze everything, taking any possible joy out of a situation.

This time, she wanted to be able to let go and have things happen to her rather than having to be the prime driver of everything.

The figures surrounding her were saying something in unison, chanting softly, but she was so aroused that it was impossible to tell what their shiny lips were saying. She sighed in pleasure as the hands of the slaves continued to roam, working on coating every square inch of her body with the succulent fluid.

No part was free from their insistent intentions, their yellow masked heads bobbing regularly as they concentrated on polishing the surface of her bodysuit. The hands struck simultaneously at her erogenous zones, smothering her breasts and private parts with groping lasciviousness.

She moaned continuously as the faceless creatures massaged her hard, doing their best to spike her arousal. As the heat within her rose, the less frequent any questioning thoughts became. She was encased by the suit, was becoming the suit, and nothing else mattered.

She felt a strange twisting sensation, and suddenly she was floating in mid-air, just outside the figures standing in the fountain. She could see her body being ravished, struggling helplessly under the ever moving hands.

It was hard to stop herself from wanting to be back inside the crush of bodies, letting them take her arousal to new heights. What would it feel like, she wondered, to lose herself in the lurid display?

The strange twist happened again, her consciousness rushing towards the slick, heaving bodies. A sudden change in perspective made her dizzy, but it soon stabilized.

She was inside a body that wore a skin-tight suit, the sudden change in costume making her juice up. She wasn't in control, her borrowed body mechanically moving to an unknown beat as her hands leisurely moved over another woman’s shiny buttocks.

She could feel the pinpricks of the piercings in her breasts pressing against the bodysuit, the warmth of her arousal increasing the amount of sweat trapped inside. Her mouth opened and closed to the rhythm of the music, forming the words of the chant as the syllables massaged her swollen lips - “through productivity, we obey.

The chant continued, her willing mouth continuing to follow the unknown rhythm without her conscious control, each syllable making the tongue piercing clank in her mouth. She couldn’t help herself, the need to obey and continue the chant seemed to be built into this drone’s very essence.

Her hands dipped, the ooze from the fountain covering them with a slick substance. As if listening to unheard instructions, they rose again and moved towards the captive figure’s obedient body. Now she was massaging the woman’s breasts, coating every centimeter with the gooey liquid. She watched bemusedly as a droplet crested a nipple, flowing over the swollen curve of her breast.

It was easy to get caught up in the moment and let the sensations overpower her thoughts. There was a brief glimpse of another slave as her body gyrated, the woman’s mouth opening at the same time as her own, a brief glimmer of light sparkling from a labret piercing.

Now that she had seen it, she became more aware of her own, its small weight easily going unnoticed. It felt good to be a yellow rubber pierced drone, together in sameness. It gave her purpose, her hands being more aggressive with their captive.

The person they were working on must become an obedient drone. She didn’t yet understand their more perfect reality.

Under her hands, the figure moaned and shuddered, gasping away her silly resistance while shouting affirmations. Soon, she would be another drone, pierced and helpless to disobey.

Everything was as it should be. So why was she beginning to feel distressed?

Even as her body continued to chant, her thoughts began to escape the prison of the drone’s mind. The pleasure of converting another could overwhelm her original consciousness for a short time, but it did not seem to suppress her for good.

She groaned. Why couldn’t she get rid of these bad thoughts and be one with the music?

Her drone body stopped working on the new slave, her mouth cocked half open, frozen as if made of glass. Her old self started to gain control, lips forming a new word - “no.

She whispered it at first, but soon she was chanting it louder than the other drones. “No, no, no, no, no!” she screamed, angry at her earlier submission. “This isn’t me, and I won’t accept it!”

She smiled in triumph at her strong will, doing her best to ignore the highly distracting outfit that squeezed her body. Her tongue clacked as she talked, a physical reminder of the power the strange landscape seemed to have over her.

Why had her imagination put her here? She had never worn an outfit like this in her life, despite the strange underwear she had recently received from Rankotech. Lip and nipple piercings were reserved for bad girls, not good ones like her! What kind of malign influence had infected her mind?

She backed away from the other drones as they continued to work on the woman gyrating beneath them. She felt no desire to join them, despite her current attire.

It was becoming scary how much she had enjoyed taking part in their activities. Fortunately, the drones didn’t seem to take any notice of her absence, continuing on as enthusiastically as before. She wanted to look away, but the display was riveting.

She yelped as she bumped into an object behind her, her inattention reducing her awareness of her surroundings. In this dreamscape, she hadn’t noticed anything else, so this was a surprise.

She froze as she turned on the immobile figure standing behind her, images from her past dream surfacing in her mind. Pure, purple eyes bored into hers with an intensity that pinned her in place.

It was the strange, controlling figure from her dream the day before, a purple latex outfit outlining her irresistible curves. She was suddenly unable to focus on anything but the figure’s face and striking eyes.

Her soft lips opened, curving into a familiar word. “OBEY!”

The single syllable penetrated her mind like the ring of a gong, striking her and spinning her consciousness out of the drone’s body. She flew as if thrown by a pitcher, her sight scooting over the visions below on the ground.

Instead of coming to a hard stop, her movement slowed, as if hitting molasses. Now her vision was fixed forward, a plethora of sensations coming from this new frame of reference.

She was above the events that were still ongoing, the amorous drones continuing to molest the newly minted slave. It was hard to see what was going on, as the figures were masked by a flow of a strange substance from the fountain.

It took her a few moments before she realized an important fact - she was the fountain. Sprays of the liquid jetted forth from her turgid breasts, drenching the participants below.

She was unable to move, mounted on a pedestal, her nether regions filled with stony projections that spurted the substance into her body cavities from below. Each hand had been positioned under her breasts, clutching the two large prominences of endless flowing joy.

The new sensations were overwhelming, fighting with her rational mind. To be stuck here forever, providing lubricant for the slaves below, was an unbearably erotic thought. If only it didn’t feel so good!

She wanted to moan, but she was stuck in the position the lewd creator of the statue had put her in, a rush of liquid flowing through her body and out her breasts, tingling the entire way.

Here she sat, a monument to eroticism, bathing enslaved subjects with her undying love. This thought was oddly appealing, and she wondered what might become of her.

Then, the field of imagination imploded into nothingness.


Her eyes flashed open. The sounds of cars passing outside her apartment made her relax.

Thank goodness! It was just another weird dream - but this was the second night in a row she’d had one.

She had once read that strange dreams could be interpreted to reveal insights about what was happening in one’s daily life. If so, what was her unconscious mind trying to tell her?

She started to pick apart the dreams. The random figures, drones - they might represent hidden desires, trying to drag her down to their level so that she would be as depraved as they were. It was hard to admit that what they had been trying to do to her was really tempting.

The lactating statue didn’t fit - didn’t make sense, given the context of the other activities that had occurred in both dreams. It was probably just her brain trying to fit pieces of her recent experiences into an imperfect jigsaw puzzle.

What seemed more important, however, was the lady in purple. Somehow, she seemed in control of the situation, possessing a gravitas that the other figures lacked. When she spoke, the drones listened and obeyed.

Maybe it was her bearing, or the concealed power she wielded, but Suzy found it hot just thinking about being like her. Wearing a skin tight outfit and commanding others to pleasure her? Yes please!

She shivered just thinking about it. Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to ruminate too much about her dreams after all.

She frowned as she sat up in her bed. It was all well and good to speculate about the ephemeral, but she still had real problems to solve. Not only was she out of work, but she hadn’t done anything about the strange underwear that refused to come off.

These strange gifts made her suspect that Rankotech might be up to something not completely above board. She had never heard of any other company sending potential employees addictive clothing that couldn’t be removed.

As she flexed, she could see the large ‘R’ on her chest twist its shape, her generous bosom outlined below the taut latex. It was hard to avoid just sitting there, staring at the clothing and stroking herself to climax. It would be a pleasant way to start the day, but she didn’t want to give up before she even rolled out of bed.

Considering, she made up her mind - not having a job wasn’t going to work out for her. She was too driven to let herself mope around, and even if she did, it would likely devolve into masturbation. If that happened, it wouldn’t be long before she really did become a mindless slave drone, pleasuring herself to a beat only she could hear. Besides, if she wanted to get some real answers about her situation, there was only one place to go.

She climbed out of bed, naked except for her new attire. It took only a few moments to locate her smartphone and dial the recruiter’s number from her contact list.

“Hello?” she said haltingly. “My name is Suzy. I was…that is, I attended an orientation at Rankotech yesterday.” With that small bit of exposition, she went silent, confused about what she was really trying to say.

“Ah yes, Suzy Willis, applicant number five zero zero four two.” The number was said mechanically, much like the voice of an automated telephone system. “Have you made your decision?”

There would be no going back. Once she accepted, she’d be through the looking glass, finding out what was going on from the inside. It was thrilling, in a scary sort of way.

“Yes, I think I’d like to accept your offer.”

The last bit came out in a rush. It felt urgent to get it out now that she had made up her mind.

Her clothing, which had been quiescent all morning, suddenly let her know its presence, a strong, warm pulse reverberating throughout her body. It was rather worrisome that the clothing was confirming her decision, but this was the only way to find out what hid behind the corporate veil of Rankotech.

She needed to know more about the people who possessed the technology to influence people with kinky clothing, especially since her friend had managed to get herself mixed up in all this. She thought of her grandparents - they had never given up on her, and she, by extension, couldn’t give up on Nancy.

“Excellent,” the voice said, sounding pleased. “Rankotech will offer you the originally stated position based on your skills evaluation. You are free to come in for orientation at any time.”

Suzy heard a click on the other end. Clearly they weren’t into being verbose, which was too bad, because now she had way more questions than answers. She sighed, bracing herself for another showdown in the shower with her kinky clothing. It was time to go to work.


They hadn’t told her when to arrive at the office, so after taking a shower she had eaten some breakfast before getting ready to leave. Her kinky underwear hadn’t bothered her as much as she had expected it might, for whatever reason, so she was able to finish getting dressed efficiently.

On top of the underwear, she wore a conservative black pencil skirt and a vertical striped dress shirt. She paired the ensemble with a chic pair of purple high heeled shoes and a clutch bag for a splash of color.

Conveniently, the outfit hid her new underwear. She wanted to make a good impression on her first day on the job, and she doubted that her kinky underwear met the dress code.

It didn’t take long for her to arrive at Rankotech, the trip taking no more than a few minutes from her city apartment. The commute was actually shorter than the one she had used to make to Polycorp, for which she blessed her good luck.

But was it all luck, really? Somehow, she suspected that the events now in motion were being carefully orchestrated. She would need to keep her eyes open and observe everything going on in this new office - perhaps her analytical skills would serve her well in this regard?

She stepped through the outer door, the inside looking the same as it had a few days ago. The receptionist was typing mechanically at her desk, attention riveted on her computer screen, just like before.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she decided to see if she could find out what the receptionist was looking at so intently.

She moved closer, walking across the atrium. Her heels sounded loud to her ears, but the receptionist didn’t seem to notice. Finally, she was standing right behind her shoulder, peeking at the screen.

The small excitement she felt due to her naughtiness was quickly replaced with wonder. On the screen swirled an enticing pattern that she just had to understand.

This was like when she was absorbed by her numbers, but magnified several times over. Her mouth dropped open as she stared at the display, the magnificent colors swirling on the screen and in her brain, the pattern throbbing in a slow, irresistible beat.

She wasn’t certain how long she had stood there, when something interrupted her view of the screen. She blinked, surprised at the sudden change. How had she allowed herself to be mesmerized?

Standing closer than Suzy would like, the receptionist stared at her. “Recruit five zero zero four two, this display is not for you.”

She enunciated clearly, speaking every number in a slow drawl. “Please present yourself to the orientation chamber, where you will be introduced to your new job.” She raised an arm off to one side, her finger pointing imperiously.

“I’m… sorry,” said Suzy, only a little embarrassed. If she wanted to find out what was going on at Rankotech, she needed to take chances like this, even if they resulted in failure.

“I’ll go there immediately. Have a nice day!” She turned away, pretending that the receptionist’s gaze wasn't burning into her back.

She moved with more speed than she needed to, hoping that the mechanical receptionist wasn’t annoyed enough to report her behavior. It would be inconvenient to get written up on the first day!

She considered ignoring the receptionist’s instructions and exploring on her own, but decided that would be tempting fate. After a few days, it would be less questionable for her to be poking around. Besides, she was actually curious about whatever this orientation was about.

She walked down the hallway, reading a series of signs over several nondescript doors. Orientation One A, One B, and One C. She hadn’t remembered seeing them during her first visit to Rankotech, but there had been a lot on her mind at the time.

Each room had a red light on top of the door, marked with ‘occupied,’ much like a radio studio. Room One B appeared to be in use, so she grasped the handle of the door to One A firmly and walked inside.

It wasn’t a very large room - the size of a closet, it was dimly lit and cramped. The only object visible was a large tan leather chair, similar to something a dentist might use. Placed on the seat was what appeared to be a white motorcycle helmet.

On the far wall was a screen containing a command in block letters. “PUT ON HELMET, SIT DOWN, AND BE COMFORTABLE.” A slow, rotating ‘R’ sat in the bottom right corner of the display. The light appeared to be coming from a projector mounted on the wall above the door.

The instructions seemed straightforward enough, so she put the helmet on and sat down, relaxing as she settled in. It was easy to see the letters through the blue visor of the helmet, but the words were distorted, perhaps due to the layer of refraction she now had to peer through.

There came a slight click, and a soft hissing sound enveloped her ears. The helmet must have built in headphones, she thought idly. The gentle sound intensified, blotting out the hum of the fan from the projector.

The screen in front of her blurred, a white background appearing. A lady she recognized from candidate testing stepped into the center and smiled. “Hello, my name is Erin Langley, and I will be your instructor today. I hope you are comfortably situated.”

The hissing sound devolved into a slow background pulse, unnoticed as she paid careful attention to every word the trainer was saying. She stared lustfully at Erin’s outfit, a slick orange bodysuit with tight fitting black latex gloves and boots.

The woman’s large breasts sat comfortably atop a solid black corset. A large, stylized ‘R’ graced her chest, matching the logo that had been rotating on the display. Suzy’s hands itched, wanting to caress that outfit.

The recording continued on, ignoring her salacious thoughts. “Our aptitude test has registered that you have scored highly enough to join the team. I am here to instruct you in what you will need to know to become an efficient, highly trained employee.”

She smiled, flexing deliciously in her tight suit, “At Rankotech, we work hard, and we play hard. That’s why our motto is ‘Prosperity through productivity!’” Her eyes turned glassy as she said the statement with pride.

Suzy mouthed the words along with the trainer, wondering why this simple act was causing her to become aroused. She was getting pumped up, wanting to do some work now, be efficient and solve some problems. The hissing in her ears modulated, becoming more attuned to her brain waves. She focused on the trainer, hoping for more words of wisdom.

“It is my goal to turn you into a productive member of Rankotech’s service division. As such, we need to instill the skills and techniques required of our technicians.”

Suzy thought that she might be dreaming again when Erin’s piercing blue eyes started to turn purple, the color swirling through each cornea. Taking no notice of this change, the trainer continued. “Before we begin, the pleasure unit must be installed properly. Please open the compartment between your legs and insert the pleasure unit.” The recording paused and static white text appeared. PLEASE INSTALL YOUR PLEASURE UNIT.

An interesting light display danced around the corners of her visor. It was comfortable to sit there and listen to the nice rhythm of the headphones, but she needed to do what the screen commanded.

Unable to look away from the fun, sparkling lights, she felt around between her legs and under her skirt to see if she could find what the presentation was talking about. After a few moments, she was able to locate a rectangular opening with a cut out notch that she hadn’t noticed before. Inside the compartment, there appeared to be something long and squishy.

It seemed natural that the object should be inserted into her pussy, so she lifted her skirt and pushed the length into the molded rubber canal of her panties. The material gave, allowing the dildo to pass through until it was firmly seated inside, its thick presence giving her butterflies. She smiled, pleased to have obeyed so easily.

“Good!” said the trainer, as playback continued. “You are already starting down the path to efficiency!” She gestured at her outfit. “As you may know, our clothing helps to control our actions and makes us better workers.”

She stroked her sides. “Its smooth surface reflects the texture of our minds, and how effortless it is to stay on task.”

She placed her hands on either side of her breasts, pushing them together, the rubber distorting deliciously. “The ‘R’ reminds us of who we are, and what we stand for.”

Her arms extended outwards in an all-encompassing gesture. As she spoke, each sentence was punctuated by a short spike of vibration from Suzy’s pleasure unit. “The color of your outfit reflects your role in the company. Black is for soldiers, protectors of all. Yellow is for workers, who have answered our call. Orange are trainers, enforcing our borders. Red is for overseers, drones within order. Purple are royals, the most powerful you’ll meet, when you bow to their thrall then obedience is complete.”

With every sentence, Suzy shuddered more, the vibrations from the dildo increasing in strength. The simple rhymes sunk deep into her thoughts, words echoing in her blank mind.

The trainer smiled beatifically, arms returning to her sides. “As you continue working with the company, it is possible that your role might change. This happens rarely, as initial assessment by the RAT is usually very accurate. Your supervisors will evaluate you over time, and changes will be made accordingly. Don’t worry about underperforming, as everyone has a role in this company, even if you end up cleaning the floors.”

“You will notice that headphones are provided for your work.” She spread her hands wide, and between them materialized a staff with musical notes. “This is the music we play together. Our music, your music, the soundtrack of our work. Let it carry you away each day, and help it to grow a new appreciation in you. In time, you may contribute pieces of your own song, but there is no need to force anything.” Her hands dropped, the musical bar evaporating.

“My presentation is now complete. Please watch the screen for further indoctrination.”

The screen went black, replaced with a different light display. These new patterns were intriguing, as they seemed to combine with those being shown by her helmet.

Her rational thoughts were being pulled apart by the twinkling lights. The mental subversion had happened slowly enough that she hadn’t realized how much of an altered state she was in.

She was already susceptible to the suggestions due to the training she had received from her previous visit, and the latex underwear just wouldn’t leave her alone. She felt intoxicated, the twisted reality bringing her to a new, pleasing understanding.

All thoughts drained away as she continued to watch the display, her body tuning into the sensual drone in her ears. The dildo pulsed in time to the music flowing through her brain, her bra flexing to the beat.

She moaned as the frequency of the manipulations increased, giving in to the pureness of the feelings. Her body was driven to the brink of climax before the automated systems backed off.

She rode the thin edge of pleasure for several minutes as the system took her measure, recording various attributes, determining what levels were necessary to keep her stimulated. A chime sounded, and the pulsing increased, the dildo vibrating wildly while it slid in and out.

As she climaxed, she could hear a voice in the headphones briskly chanting. “Obey, obey, obey.”

It was glorious.

The dildo slid out of her snatch and the hypnotizing displays flickered off. It was anticlimactic, the show over, and she was sad that it was done.

On the screen were more instructions, however, these informing her that it was time to join a work group. Invigorated at the thought of meeting new people, she dropped the helmet back onto the chair and exited the chamber.


The next few minutes were a blur of identical looking corridors. On autopilot, she navigated by instinct, somehow knowing where to go. She didn’t remember anyone telling her specifically what to do, but it just seemed correct to turn right at this hallway and left at that one, even though neither of them had any apparent identifying marks.

She stepped through the next door into a generic office environment. Cube walls were everywhere, and the gentle hum of an HVAC system was overlaid by a quiet murmur of voices. She looked around, confused about what to do next, when a voice shouted at her from across the room.

“Suzy!” Loud and boisterous as ever, Lainey came bounding out of the cube farm and clasped her hand.

Dressed in a casual work outfit, her face was alight with delight as she gave Suzy a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m so glad to see you again! It’s only been two days, but it feels like longer! I’m so glad you accepted!”

Lainey’s enthusiasm was catching, and she was already starting to feel her spirits rise. Seeing a familiar face was nice, though that didn’t change the fact that she was being controlled by the company. It was getting harder to tell which actions were truly her own.

Suzy made a wry face and attempted to extract her hand from Lainey’s embrace. “I didn’t have much of a choice - I ran into some issues in my previous job and got fired.”

Lainey’s face fell at the news, but then she brightened again, her cheerfulness insuppressible.

“I’m sorry to hear that, but look on the bright side!” She bounced on her heels. “At least you’re not out of work, right? And if yesterday was any indication, you’re going to enjoy working here as much as I do!”

She moved in closer and looked around, as if trying to keep a secret. “I almost like it too much,” she confessed in a hushed murmur.

Then she straightened up and seemed to dismiss the thought. “When you work at doing something you enjoy, it isn’t work at all!”

She grasped Suzy by the hand and pulled her into a series of cubes. The area they were in was a quad with half cube walls for semi-privacy while working. Only one of the other cubes was occupied, a short asian lady concentrating at something on her screen.

“Let me introduce you!” said Lainey cheerfully, standing between them. “Suzy, this is Shiori, our other co-worker! Shiori, Suzy!” Shiori turned from her screen and blinked owlishly, nonplussed.

“Nice to meet you,” she said in unaccented English, standing and bowing before extending a hand. “I, too, have been here only a day, and am still trying to fit in.” She seemed unsure of herself.

“Nice to meet you,” Suzy said as pleasantly as possible.

She was happy to be working with Lainey, but this new lady was an unknown quantity. She wanted to discuss with both of them the kinky underclothing she was unable to remove, but wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea.

Screw it, she thought, annoyed at her indecisiveness. Timidity wouldn’t get her anywhere, except turned into another willing corporate slave.

Nancy wasn’t shy when she had mentioned the topic earlier, but her friend had managed to deflect Suzy’s questioning when she had tried to dig deeper. She decided to broach the subject delicately.

“Are either of you wearing something… special today? Something that you can’t or won’t take off? And how much have you been… enjoying it?”

Her confidence started to fail her, eyes becoming twitchy. “I’m not sure if we’re allowed to talk about it, but the take home package from Rankotech during my recruitment was a bra that I can’t remove. It… massages me every so often. I’m wondering if either of you have any experience with that?”

Lainey started smiling again, cupping her breasts and shoving them together. A purple reflection flashed through her eyes as the flesh bunched up. “Yup, and that’s the best part of the whole deal! I’ve had more orgasms in the last few days than in an entire year!”

Shiori seemed more nervous than Lainey. “I’ve experienced the same thing myself, but I’m not as convinced that Rankotech has our best interests at heart. I’ve found myself trying to get off in the most inconvenient places.”

She blanched, worry evident on her face. “I think they might be training us to do something or be something, but I’m not sure what.” Her voice came in a whisper. “I want to leave, but I don’t think I can anymore.”

As she was saying this, an assertive voice broke in. “Ladies, how are you doing? It’s nice to see a fresh batch of new recruits. The company always needs new talent!”

The bold voice made all three of them flinch as though they were naughty teenagers. They turned to meet the new arrival, already cowed by her presence.

In front of them stood the trainer she had seen starring in the orientation video, Erin. She wore a more conservative outfit than she had earlier, but Suzy could see a peek of orange underneath the severe pantsuit.

“I see you’re about ready to get to work!” This was more a statement of fact than a request, as if the woman was confident that her commands would be obeyed. “I’ll let you get to it. If you have any questions, I’ll be sitting over there.”

She gestured to a nearby cube, giving them a look that suggested that she knew what they had been discussing.

When she left, they let out a communal sigh of relief. “Better do what she says,” remarked Suzy. “We can talk more during a break - I don’t really want to get in trouble during my first day on the job.”

Nodding assent, Shiori turned around and started typing, already cowed into submission. Lainey seemed to want to say something more, but she visibly deflated and sat back at her desk.

It hurt to obey the trainer’s command, but it didn’t seem as though any other choice would be more productive in discovering what was really going on at Rankotech.

She hung her coat on the back of her chair and sat down, moving the mouse to wake up the computer. When the screen reacted, she was rather surprised to see that it didn’t require her to login, and was in fact already running an application.

Most companies wouldn’t bother writing a custom app just for their organization, but Rankotech must have resources to spare. The standard Rankotech logo was embellished in the upper right of the program, the stylized ‘R’ now a very familiar figure.

In the center of the screen was a large entry box, the label stating ‘Recruit Number.’ She mouthed the words, confused as to what it was asking for, but when she was about to give up, her hands rose unbidden and mechanically typed in a number - five zero zero four two. Something unconscious must have memorized it for her - how convenient.

Green letters printed the word ‘ACCEPTED,’ the screen blanking and loading up new text. “WELCOME RECRUIT!” it said in block letters, a normal paragraph below. “The aptitude test has qualified you as a Data Analyst I. If at any point it is determined that you would be a better fit elsewhere, your immediate manager will be notified.”

That was great and all, thought Suzy, but what did it really mean? So far, all she had seen was pretty light displays and strange presentations. There was hardly any indication of what anyone at Rankotech actually did with their days. Perhaps she was about to find out?

After clicking the ‘Ok’ button, the screen went black and white text glowed. “Please put on your headphones before proceeding.”

Curious, Suzy looked around, noticing that both Lainey and Shiori were sitting calmly at their computers, typing away, their heads cupped with custom Rankotech headsets. Frowning, she clicked the ‘next’ button without putting hers on. How would they ever know whether she was using the headset or not?

She wasn’t indoctrinated enough to buy into everything Rankotech demanded. Maybe she’d be able to keep a clearer head without the unknown music pumping directly into her brain.

The screen cleared, subtle patterns with interesting colors starting to infuse the display. At first, it was difficult to make out any of the shapes morphing through the background, but she found that if she concentrated, there was some kind of method to the madness, each piece combining to create a larger whole. It was maddeningly difficult to tell what this all meant because the shapes refused to resolve into something sensible.

It sure was pretty to look at, however. Enthralled by the display, she barely noticed when someone slipped a headset onto her head.

The colors enhanced, their patterns making more sense as a rhythm started to pulse through her head. She loved to watch the nice colors as they throbbed purple, the melody of Rankotech soothing her soul.

She was lost in the images, allowing herself to swirl in awe at their eccentric movement. It wasn’t long before she wasn’t thinking at all, the hiss in her ears and the dazzling lights shaping her entire reality.

It was like being drunk - she knew she wasn’t in control, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, except to keep watching the display as much as possible.

She wasn’t sure how long it took, but after a while the patterns started to make sense, resolving into numbers. The numbers were organized in columns, much like the spreadsheets she had worked on in another lifetime. She started to type, blank minded but following the rules perfectly, never making a mistake.

She was being productive, and it felt good to give up control and let the music play her body like a fiddle. It was getting what it wanted, and she received the satisfaction of being used in return. Work had never felt so good to do.


Suzy blinked several times, eyes dry. It felt as though she had awakened from a deep slumber, remembering very little of what she had been doing. Startled at the light levels, she checked her watch. It was well after 5:30 PM, already late in the day. Where had all the time gone?

As she slipped off her headphones, she noticed a note on the screen that read: “MAXIMUM ALLOTTED TIME ALLOWED. THIS WORKSTATION WILL NOT UNLOCK UNTIL MORNING.”

A timer with red numbers showed a countdown. A vague urge to keep going seized her, but that was impossible with the screen lock. They had anticipated this.

Curiously, she didn’t feel hungry, even though it was around dinner time. There was a scattering of crumbs on her shirt, but she wasn’t sure where they had come from.

Feeling betrayed by the fact that time had gotten away from her so easily, she slammed a fist on the desk. There was no way she’d be able to investigate Rankotech now - it would be way too obvious that she wasn’t just ‘looking for a bathroom.’

Everybody would be heading home, and authorized personnel wouldn’t be roaming the corridors after hours. She couldn’t even claim that she was working late, either, due to the locking system on her computer. She frowned, debating what to do next, when a hand touched her on the shoulder.

It was Lainey, looking positively bouncy, her cheery attitude restored. “It’s the end of the day!” she exclaimed. “And we’re getting something new!”

“Yes,” said Shiori. “I’m sure we’ll all enjoy whatever it is.” Her enunciation was rather stilted.

Indeed, the round table at the center of the cube had several boxes on it. Closer investigation revealed that each one was labeled with their names. Suzy took hers, looking at it as if it was a snake. She was pretty sure that it would be another article of clothing, and if this was anything like the other pieces she wore, she definitely didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of the others.

“I suppose it’s time to go home,” said Suzy.

Why did that comment sound reluctant? Had she actually liked working at Rankotech? How could that be, if she didn’t actually remember any of it?

As she was speculating, Erin snuck up on them again. “An excellent day of work, that was most efficient. Metrics indicate that if you keep this up, your chances for advancement are assured.”

It wasn’t all roses, however. She turned and glared at Suzy. “Everyone that is, except for you. In the future, make sure you follow all given directives. If not, you will be disciplined. I think you will find that disobedience only needs to be punished once.”

The dire glower Erin delivered made Suzy quake inside, but that didn’t diminish her resolve to find some answers.

“Go home and get some rest,” exhorted Erin. “And make sure that you open your packages. Rankotech expects her employees to dress the very best.”


After exchanging pleasantries, Suzy went home with the package. She had thought about ditching it, but changed her mind when she imagined Erin giving her the evil eye.

She didn’t need that kind of friction. Getting fired right away wouldn’t help her to find out what was going on with Nancy, or to get Lainey away from Rankotech’s grasp.

She wasn’t sure when she had started to include Lainey in her rescue plans, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Regardless, she needed to keep working on her plan, or she might start to forget about her real purpose for being at Rankotech.

It was too bad that she hadn’t been able to talk to Lainey or Shiori before she had left, but they both indicated that they weren’t willing to stick around and chat. She probably needed to arrange a meeting with them outside of work to get their real thoughts. Maybe after a few more days of working with them, they’d trust her enough to open up.

She had initially decided that she wasn’t going to even bother opening the package that had been gifted to her this time. She couldn’t think of any good reason to increase her dependence on Rankotech, except that the idea of putting on more kinky clothing was starting to get really exciting.

That was yet another good reason to avoid even looking at whatever it was, but before she knew it, she found herself at her kitchen table cutting through the packing tape.

This time, the piece of paper enclosed stated ‘ARE YOU MUSICALLY INCLINED?’ Another cryptic message without any explanation - it must mean something. It was hard to tell at this point whether they were actually meaningful, or just purposefully cryptic.

Either way, it was useless to her, so she set it aside. The usual, tight packing material unraveled to reveal a pair of yellow latex gloves. These weren’t ordinary dishwashing gloves, however. They were opera length, and would probably reach up to her shoulders if she put them on.

She touched them, feeling the tackiness of the material. She could already imagine wearing them, the shiny yellow rubber running up both arms, clasping them in skin tight bondage. What would it feel like to have both arms tightly encased?

She couldn’t resist the temptation to put them on, or maybe she didn’t want to resist. She examined the opening for each glove, noting the precise cuts made at the openings.

Rolling a glove inside out, she paused when the interior of the rubbery fingers were visible. Flexing each digit, she thrust her left hand into the tight rubber. Sliding her fingers into place, she worked at them, one by one, until her entire hand was coated in the shiny rubber.

The black Rankotech logo stared at her from the back of her hand. Shivering, she clenched her fingers into a fist, smoothing the rubber up her arm.

As her skin became a shiny mass, her delight rose. She stretched her arm experimentally as she pulled the glove up over her elbow, the final extent clutching at her flesh near her shoulder.

With one arm fully coated, her arousal grew. Now that she had some experience with the process, the second glove took less time to pull over her hand. The tactile feeling from her left hand encouraged her to finish the process, and she quickly tugged the second glove up to her right armpit.

Now that she had finished putting them on, she surveyed the new additions. They clasped her hands and arms tightly, the material flexing at her elbows. Light bounced off the shined surface, the Rankotech logo evident on the back of both hands and at the top of each glove, facing out from her shoulders on either side.

Putting on the gloves had stroked her libido, and now she found herself sliding a latex coated hand into her pants, getting ready to manipulate her nether lips. As her fingers found their mark, she made a little gasp.

The bra and panties had started their pulsations again, approving of her choice. She was dressing herself as a latex slave, and she was helpless to resist the slow transformation.

She rubbed her inner lips, the sensation shooting up through her core and making her nipples start to stiffen. If she wasn’t careful, she’d end the night at the kitchen table, masturbating herself silly. Maybe it was time to clean up and move to the bedroom?

It took every ounce of will she possessed to force herself to remove her hand and clean up the mess she had made with the packing material. Everything she touched with her new gloves seemed to trigger all of the nerve endings in her hands.

It was a really distracting situation, but it was too late to take them off. By a major force of will, she was able to keep her hands out of inappropriate places until she had finished.

The bra and panties kept her at a low level of arousal with their constant pulsing action, her feet padding towards the bedroom. Now she stood in front of her mirror, admiring the shiny clothing, eyes being drawn to the Rankotech logos that graced her body.

She was starting to feel like she was owned, becoming someone else’s property. When she felt this horny, though, it was hard to care. She just needed to finger herself. Right now.

Her rubbery fingers slipped back inside her wet canal, her arousal lubricating her for the action to come. She stretched a rubbery hand underneath a breast, breathing heavily as the tacky surface rubbed along her sensitive tissue.

She juiced up even more when she spotted the spiral purple colors spinning in her eyes. Something unexpected was happening here, but it only served to enhance the pleasure she was experiencing.

Her hips pumped up and down to the rhythm of the mysterious music that pounded in her ears. It enthralled her with its presence, washing away any concerns about how strange it was to be masturbating while her eyes swirled purple.

She wanted, needed more, her fingers reaching deeper and deeper with each gyration, her groping becoming more desperate as she mashed her breast. It was just so unbearably hot to fuck herself while her mind was being infiltrated by the controlling purple presence.

She never wanted the feelings to stop, all her concerns about Rankotech and her friends vanishing in a purple haze as she lifted herself to higher heights of thoughtlessness. It wasn’t long before the hand in her vagina tweaked her clit, causing her to orgasm in ecstasy, her mouth forming words her ears couldn’t hear, mimicking the mysterious sounds made by the music.

Exhausted by her exertions, she collapsed on her bed, a crazed grin on her face. The last thing she heard before drifting off was an unknown voice repeating a single word in a calm whisper. Sleep. Sleep.

Her drifting subconscious silently wondered if she was already a slave.

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