Nine To Hive

Alternate Ending E - Hounding Red

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

A strange desire to run, to chase rose within her, drowning out her reluctance. She wrinkled her brow, turning the idea over in her mind. It was strangely attractive, and if she didn't say anything the opportunity might slip away.

She opened her mouth and let out a hissing breath. “You're offering me true power.

The Queen's brows flicked upwards. “That's right. If you want it. You've demonstrated here that you have the mental fortitude necessary to become any type of drone you like.”

Suzy snarled. “That's exactly the problem. I've been locked up for so long, hiding my emotions and feelings, all I want to do is run free! I can't imagine choosing to be a Queen like you, tied to a desk. Decision after decision, all that responsibility. It sounds just as bad as being a thoughtless peon!”

The Queen folded her hands, her eyes glowing purple as her lips slightly curved. “And so?” she asked, her posture calm.

“I want a position where I don't have to think or worry about mundane operations. I want to experience the thrill of the chase, adrenaline pumping in my heart. I want some damn excitement in my dull life. Can you give that to me?”

The Queen's eyes creased. “I believe we can accommodate your desires.”

Good,” hissed Suzy. “When can we start?”

“We’ve started already,” chuckled the Queen, snapping her fingers.

A screen popped up from the desk, showing a collection of female drones gathered around a figure seated in a steel chair. She was leaning forward, her head hidden under a helmet. A hose was connected to her mouth, spilling out onto the floor in black coils.

Wide cups were attached to a harness on her chest, her breasts distending as two additional metal tubes wiggled back and forth. Suzy frowned as she moved closer, realizing that the woman was being milked like a cow.

A shudder ran up her spine. “That’s my physical body, isn’t it?” she asked, feeling up her breasts to see if they felt anything like what she was seeing on the screen.

The Queen nodded solemnly. “That’s right. I’ve kept you secured as I’ve tested your mettle. Now that you’ve made a decision, we can proceed with the conversion.”

The drones surrounding the bound individual swayed, their gloved hands moving, caressing the woman. Suzy shivered, knowing that this was her, but none of the sensations were flowing through to her mental body.

The hands continued to move, popping the hoses off the cups. They unstrapped the harness, letting it drop to the floor, exposing her swollen breasts. The hose on her helmet came next, a slow tug and twist to release the dildo crammed into her mouth. The flesh colored dick squeezed against the sides of the metal O ring gag, juices dribbling down the front of the curved helmet.

One of the drones grabbed the helmet with a firm grip, tugging it up and away. Light bounced off her bald head, her skin glistening with steam. The woman leaned her head forward and coughed, a gush of pink fluid escaping her lips.

Suzy laid a hand over her throat, a faint sense of disgust washing through her mind. The colors at the edges of her mental landscape roiled, reflecting the reality of her physical self.

The drones unstrapped the woman's naked body, helping her to her feet. Eyes dull, she licked her lips, a tongue piercing clicking against her teeth as she was led away from the camera.

“What are you going to do with her?” she asked, her back rigid.

“Exactly what you've asked for,” purred the Queen, waving a hand in the air. “After a quick wash, they'll put you into my hound suit.”

“Your what?” Suzy pounded a fist on the table. “I demand to know what you're planning. I don't want to be turned into a freaking dog!”

The Queen's brows quirked. “Not into pet play? That's a shame. But no, you won't be a dog. However, you will be harnessed, your anger, your ambitions funneled towards a useful purpose. My purpose.”

“And what is that purpose?” she asked, wetting her lips as the camera view on the screen changed, showing a darkened chamber.

She blinked, shivering as she followed the curves of the thick rubber suit suspended in the center, chains running to the ceiling. It was a glossy black, seams on either side, waiting for an unlucky occupant.

The Queen stood, folding her arms behind her back. “Running a successful Hive takes work, and this one is starting to get larger than I can handle on my own. I’ve divested a few drones to keep my numbers down, but if we want to pursue further growth, we need more Queens.”

Walking to the edge of the desk, she turned and braced her heels together, like a drill instructor. “Since you’re not interested in becoming one of my Queens, my next best option is to enlist you as one of my elite recruiters, my hound. I shall use you to chase down and bring back one of my primary targets. She will become my new Queen.”

“Oh.” Understanding flooded her brain, and she nodded. “So, your plan here is to enhance my body so that I can chase down your prey.”

Her muscles trembled, eagerness replacing her disgust as she imagined pouncing on an unsuspecting victim, tying them up and bringing them back to Hive as a slave. This was actually starting to sound rather interesting.

“Precisely.” The Queen’s lips curved into a cruel smile. “You had better get used to being treated like a pet, because that’s exactly what you’ll be when I’m done with you.”

Suzy squeezed her hands together, rolling her shoulders to hide her excitement. She didn’t like the idea of being treated like a dog, but it sounded like she was going to get everything she wanted. All of the fun, none of the responsibility!

Reality wasn’t that simple, naturally, and she was certain she’d be pushed by the Queen’s demands. She wouldn’t have to decide what needed to be done, though. She would pull her weight and be rewarded appropriately.

The Queen moved around behind her back and clasped her shoulders, resting her head on top. She felt the imprint of the Queen’s breasts on her back, her close presence surprisingly comforting.

Her eyes fixed on the screen as motion grabbed her attention. It was her physical body, being directed by a group of drones dressed in slick, red rubber. Their tall heels clicked on the metal plating as they navigated up the ramp, herding her nude body in front of them.

She frowned as the Queen placed a knee in her ass, her hands moving possessively over Suzy’s shoulders. This kind of attention was more than she was used to, but she ignored the discomfort, knowing that if she pulled away she’d be in for a bad time.

She had asked for this. She repeated the words in her brain, feeling them on her lips. This was her choice.

If she repeated that often enough, she might actually come to believe it, though the deeper she slid into the Queen’s dark world, the less she worried about what seemed normal. This might be weird, in the moment, but once she got used to it, being treated like a toy could be pleasurable.

The Queen’s hands rolled over the back of her shoulders, massaging around and under her arms. It was actually starting to feel good, distracting her from the images on the screen.

She tried to concentrate, watching as her body was led up to the rubber suit, the drones helping her to put her legs inside. They were swallowed up by the flesh colored interior, her body sinking in up to her hips.

The sides of the suit were zipped up, her hands jammed into purpose built holes. Within a matter of moments, she was sealed into the glossy cocoon, hidden underneath the curved exterior.

“Your body isn't that muscular right now,” whispered the Queen. “I aim to change that. You'll be pumped full of my custom hormonal mix, trained until you are stronger than any man, enhanced with custom implants to make you a superhuman beast. You'll be my animal, chasing down and capturing whoever I please, anywhere in the world. What do you think of that plan?”

Suzy sank into her grip, enjoying the feeling of being wanted, desired.Yes, Mistress,” she gasped out, her heart flipping as the Queen's hands stroked down her sides.

She stared at the woman held in the thick rubber suit, the exterior bloating as air was fed into the outfit via tubes the attendants had attached to the shoulders.

Straps were wrapped around the captive, the rubber bulging as they were cinched tight. The woman in the suit groaned, twitching inside the cocoon. The chains rattled as the suit swayed back and forth, the inflated rubber near her feet bouncing off the circular opening in the base of the platform.

Suzy knew that this was her, but it was hard for her brain to comprehend. If she imagined that she was bound up inside that suit, gripped tight while her mental body was being caressed by the Queen - ooh, that felt good!

She let out a shuddering breath as the Queen extended her hands, making a small flourish with her fingers before she settled them over Suzy’s breasts. “This is too much,” Suzy complained, unable to focus.

Is it?” purred the Queen. “I reserve the right to touch every piece of your body, to stroke you, to love you like a real owner.”

Suzy jumped as the Queen pinched her nipples between her forefingers. Tilting her head back, she sighed as her body responded, a needy throb coming from her pussy.

“See? There's no need to complain. You already know the truth. You're mine, and all that remains is to twist your body into the animal you really are. Don't you want to accept my leash?”

Suzy shook her head, but there was no force behind it. Her denial was perfunctory at best… the way the Queen was working her flesh was so addictive, she couldn't form the words to deny her. Didn't want to deny her!

On the screen, one of the slick, red drones was moving up to the captive woman in the suit, bearing a glossy black helmet in her hands. It was molded in the shape of a human head, twin oval grids filled with holes to provide the wearer rudimentary vision.

A cone shaped mask was attached to the front, curved into the main helmet. Two rounded attachment points on either side provided for air flow, though it was doubtfully restrictive.

Wearing the helmet was likely a trip. The sides would tightly hug the head, and every breath would be a struggle. Oooh, she trembled at the thought, wiggling against the Queen like a beached fish.

“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” chuckled her Mistress. “I think you've changed your mind. You've already accepted this outcome. You want to be mine more than anything, to experience the pleasure of being owned.

Suzy froze, her gaze pinned to the helmet as the control drone dropped it over the captive woman's head. Her dull eyes twinkled with pleasure before they were lost forever, her body turned into a jiggling coffin.

A hose was connected to an attachment point on the top of her head, a sudden burst of air filling the hidden bladder inside. A bag of rubber inflated around the neckline, the helmet rattling as the interior became rigid against the woman’s skull. There was no escape!

Her eyes were watery, her chest a sweaty mess as her heart beat out of control. This was really happening, in real time. She was becoming Her slave!

The Queen began to hum, a familiar lullaby filling the air as the Queen's hands milked her chest. She cooed as the words caressed her ears, altered by the Queen to fit the situation.

“Twinkle, twinkle, little slut, by my hand you'll sway your butt. Up among the drones so high, a slutty beast within my eyes. Twinkle, twinkle, little slut, just you wait until we rut.

Suzy gasped as something hard pressed between her legs, and she looked down. A thick, black dildo pressed between her thighs, jutting out in front like a hungry snake. When had the Queen put that on?

She bit her lip as she realized what was coming next. The Queen was going to claim her. It was inevitable.

She swayed her ass, pressing up against her owner's body. What could she do to convince her Queen to plunge that glistening toy into her needy snatch? Did she need to confess her joy and obedience?

The woman on the monitor certainly didn't have any need to figure this out. She was well and truly secured, the attendant drones bringing over a set of dangling hoses.

Her body drifted back and forth as a gloved hand secured the tubes to her mask, one by one. She twitched, a sudden inhalation hidden by the inflated rubber. Sparkling lights appeared within her eye holes, a light show just for her. Was this a special brainwashing program, her brain being turned into molten putty?

This was the answer she had been seeking. She didn't need to do anything. She was Hers.

“Control me Mistress, pilot my body,” she hissed, wiggling against the Queen's voluptuous breasts. “Bend me over, treat me like your toy, your pet, which I truly am. I give myself to you, everything I have. Please, treat me kindly.”

The Queen's hands slowed as she made a surprised noise. “So soon, my pet? I thought it would take at least a few sessions to convince you of the truth. You giving in so easily makes me question whether you are actually ready for this bliss.”

Suzy squirmed, her hands seeking out the Queen's ass and giving her butt cheeks a cheeky squeeze. The Queen jumped, her dildo rattling against Suzy's privates. Suzy released a breathy gasp, trembling as the Queen took her breasts in hand.

“Yes, that's the fire I was looking for. Very good. I have no qualms about training you now.”

She let go of Suzy's breasts, running her hands over the sides to squeeze them together. “Bend over, slut, it's time for your first lesson.”

Suzy blinked, realizing that the desk had vanished. In its place was a piece of furniture in the shape of a hobby horse, low against the ground.

The creature was on all fours, its head arched upwards to scan the area ahead, a helmet hiding its features. The front of the mask had a long nose, painted teeth on the end to make it look fierce. This was no horse at all! It was a drone, bound as a work animal!

She leaned over, wrapping her arms around the drone's belly. She could feel the creature twitch as her thumbs bounced off the drone's rubber coated breasts. Taking in a bemused breath, she turned her hands over, resting her palms over the tops of the creature's swollen orbs.

It was curious to know that this had once been a free, thinking human, before falling into the Queen's clutches. She squeezed a breast, pressing her chest into the woman's glossy yellow back.

The creature groaned in pleasure, but she didn't move. This demonstrated how great her discipline was. Oh, how she wished that she could be the same, obeying her Mistress’ commands to the letter!

A hand slapped her ass, and she stopped ruminating, her pussy wet with desire. Oh, right, she shouldn't be slobbering over this faux animal when she was about to be converted into one herself!

The Queen stroked her ass. “You are a pretty thing,” the Queen murmured. “Wide hips, a strong frame. Yes, we'll make a proper hound out of you yet. You'll be tracking down my bounties all over the world. Won't that be fun?

Suzy grunted as her Mistress stroked a finger over her pussy, lingering on her clit. She let out a high pitched squeal, but her Mistress didn't tease her for long.

Her inner lips were parted roughly by the thick girth of her Mistress’ rubbery dildo, the length plunging inside her sloppy tunnel. Suzy let out a low moan, shifting her body on the drone, her nipples sliding against the animal’s rubber back.

The drone beneath her moaned, a buzzing sound reaching her ears. The drone was being rewarded for her good behavior, just as she was. They were both slutty pets for their Queen!

The Queen didn't seem interested in more dialog at this point, her body moving roughly as she thoroughly fucked Suzy's needy pussy.

Her body slid back and forth as she desperately grabbed at the drone's breasts for purchase, her fingers slipping over the thick straps that bound the woman’s body. To be harnessed like her and used - the idea was simply intoxicating!

The straps creaked as the bound animal finally yielded, a bell around her neck jangling as her arms folded underneath her. “Bad girl,” hissed the Queen, slapping the drone's ass with a wet crack.

The drone squeaked, her back rolling underneath Suzy, tickling her nipples. Suzy let out a sharp breath, feeling her pleasure rise as the Queen continued to ream her out, the fake dick jostling in her tunnel.

A gloved hand caught her hair, gathering a thick lock. The Queen jerked on it, forcing her head back as a squeal escaped her lips.

“This is a silly affectation, not worthy of a drone,” the Queen announced. “Your mental model will be adjusted. You will be bound, like she is, nothing more than an animal to service my needs.”

The Queen's hips rocked, her thrusts jackhammering into Suzy’s sore tunnel. The pleasure was rapidly increasing, though an orgasm seemed stubbornly out of reach.

“Your thoughts will be harnessed, your body will be owned. Everything you are will be given to me.” She gave her hair another jerk. “Say it, slut. Say that you submit.”

Suzy reached for the orgasm again, but it wasn't coming. She knew what she needed to do. Knew that she needed to give in. That was the only way through!

“Yes, Mistress!” she squealed out. “I submit to you, body and mind. I am your slave. I am owned.

Her words turned into gasps, which descended to grunts as the Queen continued pounding. The thrusts increased in tempo until her body couldn’t take it any more. She trembled under the Queen’s dick, needing release.

Finally, the Queen halted, patting her back. “Yes, good! You may have your reward. Release yourself, like the animal you are. Orgasm as my slut slave. Pet.”

The pleasure spiked, exploding into an all encompassing climax. She moaned, writhing under her Queen like a sexual beast.

The Queen slipped her dildo out of Suzy’s pussy, leaning over to clasp her body. “Feel the beat of your heart,” she whispered. “That heart beats for me, now and forever.”

Suzy let out a mewling grunt, shivering as her base desires took over. She was truly Her animal.


It was dark, the air in her lungs cool as it hissed through the tubing of the mask. She was tightly bound, gripped in a warm hug by the inflated rubber, unable to move a muscle.

None of that mattered, however, as she was completely mesmerized by the training being fed into her brain by the light display projected over her eyes.

The throbbing beat of Hive was all around her, infusing her body and mind with the singular rhythm of obedience. She had long since forgotten any sense of individuality, her pulse and thoughts synchronizing to the beat of Hive.

It had been integrated into her at a base level. She would never forget this music, and it would never desert her. She would sing its song forever.

She took in another breath, remembering the horrible state she had been in just a short hour ago. Her entire body had been flooded with a mysterious fluid, and for a short while, even her air had been cut off as the gelatinous substance had been forced down her throat.

Her mind twisted as she tried to forget those terrifying moments, but they were burned indelibly into her brain. Fortunately, the training patterns on the display sucked her back in, pushing away her terror.

She was grateful to learn these lessons for Hive, to forget her worries. She was bouncing forward, with the grace of a panther, chasing after the red dot buzzing over the virtual obstacle course laid out in front of her.

She landed on a box with perfect precision, counting the milliseconds in her brain as she launched herself off towards the hanging wall. Swinging over with her hands, she used her momentum to jump onto a spinning circle.

Below, there was a pool of pink fluid, which she had fallen into many times before, but this time she was able to catch onto the edge, hissing as she watched the light getting away from her.

It was so frustrating to wait, but she knew that it was required. If she left just a moment too soon, she'd miss the transfer to the moving bars, dropping into the drink.

At the prescribed moment, she pounced, her elongated fingers flexing as she let out a roar, hooking the closest bar. Her body swung triumphantly as she locked onto the next, and the next.

From here, it was a quick dismount to the inclined wall, which she climbed up with ease, hitting the buzzer right before the dot caught up to her.

She tingled as the training scenario vanished, replaced with green text.


She had long since accepted that this was her new role, gasping as the machine began to reward her. A set of rubber nubs pressing against her privates vibrated, being drawn back and forth by the mechanism, sawing at her pussy.

The first time she had experienced the tickling nubs over her clit, she had exploded in a premature orgasm. Now that she had gotten acclimated, she could use them to her advantage. Licking her lips with her elongated, swollen tongue, she pulled at her arms as she thrust her hips into the device.

She could barely move in the suit, though with practice, these small efforts could enhance the stimulation, bringing her the pleasure she deserved for her obedience.

She clicked her tongue ring against her teeth, keeping time with the pulse of Hive as it gradually brought her to another peak. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.

Sooner than she liked, her pussy responded, her muscles locking up as a rush of pleasure flooded her body. She struggled against the suit, moaning out her joy at being so tightly bound.

The machine didn't seem to care, loading up another training scenario. The light appeared again, and her mind was redirected, forced to consider this new situation.

The training proceeded on autopilot as her thoughts began to wander. She knew that she should be giving it her full attention, but she had been at it for hours, and she sensed that something was about to change.

How could she not be distracted at that prospect? She was like a pupae, gestating within this cocoon, transforming into Her weapon. It didn't matter how long it took, for when she emerged, she would be magnificent.

She simply couldn't wait to examine herself, to see how the Queen had changed her into the perfect tool to execute her will. The thrill of being given a mission, the chase of the hunt was within her, and she was eager to bring her Queen whatever She desired.

Groaning to herself, she gave up hoping that she would be let free to do Her will, focusing on doing the scenario correctly.

The laser showed her the path, but not how to execute it. Every time failure occurred, she would be reset, an optional ghost of her past self supplied to show her the pace.

She decided to try again without it, throwing herself at the curved wall in front of her, jumping as high as she could to grab onto the ledge and pull herself up. The next obstacle looked like a pain in the butt - a high wall with small hand holds set into it.

Any miss would guarantee failure, but it was the last obstacle before the end! She gritted her teeth as she spotted the finish line, gasping as she saw the figure waiting for her. The Queen!

She was wearing her strict purple rubber bodysuit, looking bemused, a hand set against her chin. She giggled as Suzy lost her grip, dropping into the pink fluid. Cute!

A newfound desire to finish the course gripped her as the world reloaded. She didn't like failing in front of her Queen. She would make her pleased.

Surmounted the curved wall with the least effort possible, she ignored the red light. She needed to find a path to the Queen, regardless of how slow it was. Then, she could start chasing her ghost, increasing her speed run after run. She would grind it out if she had to, practicing until her fingers were raw, for Her.

She leapt as far as she could, sliding off one of the odd shaped handholds as she dropped into the goop with a yowl. The next attempt wasn't much better, her slow but steady pace failing once she reached a hand hold that was just out of reach. She needed a combination of dexterity and speed, or she'd never reach her goal!

Grumbling to herself, she shook her body off as the world restarted again. She hadn't given up. She would figure it out and deliver victory to the feet of her Queen.

Adjusting her approach, she moved faster, skipping some of the handholds that were obvious red herrings. Her pace was reasonable this time, her body swaying as she neared the final jump. Her vision wavered as the red hand hold appeared to shift, moving farther away right as she made the leap. What the hell was this?

She let out a cry as her body dropped, spotting a smirk on the Queen's face. Oh? It was going to be like that, was it?

Scowling to herself, she jumped up the curved wall with a single leap, growling as she looked at her Queen. Her Mistress was watching her with curiosity, obviously wondering what she was going to do next.

And just what was she going to do? If the course could be altered at the last second, she had little hope of making the jump. Unless she faked her out!

Yes, this must be a test, like all the others. A brainless drone wouldn't be capable of the flexible thinking needed to catch a canny prey. She couldn't afford to underestimate those she chased. She had to use her brain, overcome all obstacles if she hoped to be her Queen's number one slave.

She jumped onto the wall, scooting her body along as before, but when she neared the end, she faked her final leap. When the hand hold moved, she wasn't surprised, swinging herself back onto her precious purchase as she studied the gap.

When her body swung forward a second time, she pounced, grabbing the hold with a cry of victory. Using her momentum, she leapt onto the Queen's platform, bowing at Her knees, her lungs heaving.

The Queen touched her head, rubbing her bald skull. “Very good, hound, you've passed my test. You are ready to be set free. Prepare yourself.”

A thrill ran down her back at the praise, and she mewled, fearing what was to come. In this shell, her body was safe. She didn't have to worry about the changes that had been made, she could concentrate fully on being Her hound.

All of that was about to be ripped away. She was finally going to have to face reality, deal with the consequences. Was she prepared to be set free?

A hand reached down, scratching at her neck. “You look distressed, my little pet. There's no need to be concerned. Mommy will take care of you.”

Mommy. The word felt strange in her mind, but comforting. She closed her eyes, purring as the virtual world faded away.

When she opened them again, she was at peace inside her rubber shell. The world was waiting for the new her. She would show them what she could do.

Her fear faded as the tight rubber around her throat deflated, the helmet cracking open. She took in a deep breath, waiting as it was pulled off her head, the hose lines dangling like spider legs.

The dim light of the conversion chamber was plenty for her highly attuned eyes. The control drones dressed in slick red rubber moved out of the way, giving her a clear view of the room.

Various equipment was positioned on the ceiling above, cranes and spare rubber suits, helmets dangling. They looked vaguely sinister in the shadows, but she knew that was just an illusion. This suit had changed her life for the better!

She tilted her head, surprised that she could see the lone figure standing at the entrance to the room. It was her Queen, with her arms folded, tapping a finger against her shoulder.

She gasped, joy welling within her chest. A purr escaped her lips, muscles activating on her head. She frowned as she felt twin somethings rising up, turning to follow the Queen.

That felt weird. She badly wanted to touch them, but her hands were still secured within the suit. What other changes had Mistress made to her body?

She waved away the question, secure in the knowledge that her Mistress, her Mommy, had personally overseen her conversion. She had been enhanced, made into Her perfect tool.

The muscles on her skull relaxed as the Queen stalked up the ramp. The tenor of the Queen’s heels against the metal grating changed, and she frowned.

She must have been given new ears, since if she focused, there appeared to be frequencies she couldn’t have possibly heard before her conversion.

She shook her head, banishing the extra data. She was getting distracted, and she didn't want to be overwhelmed with her enhanced senses while in the presence of her Mistress.

The Queen stopped in front of her, her purple bodysuit glistening as she cocked a hip. Her hands wrapped over her elbows as she considered her slave's head, an intense violet roiling in her eyes. “You've turned out rather well,” she said, a pleased grin on her face. “Let's see what the rest of you looks like, my little Hound.”

She shivered in the suit, understanding that this was her new name. Her old life was still there in her memories, but it was different, another person. That wasn't her. She was her Queen's animal, wild and free of the constraints of society!

The control drones removed the straps around her suit, opening the ports at the shoulders. Air wheezed out in a long stream, the tight restriction around her limbs and torso suddenly loosening.

Her legs felt powerful, full of energy. She wanted to jump, dance, and chase, but she had to be patient. She could not do any of those things without an order. Her Queen was in control.

The Queen leaned in, petting her head as the zippers were undone across her shoulders. She purred, leaning into the strokes as her owner placed a hand under her chin, scratching her glossy skin.

She rolled her shoulders as the suit fell away, trembling in her Mistress’ presence. Rolling her tongue, she tried to speak, surprised to find that her words were gargled, her tongue working differently than she had expected.

Her Mistress chuckled. “Keep trying, little hound. You are intelligent enough to figure it out.”

Was she? She rolled her tongue back and forth, trying to get used to its girth. The multitude of piercings along its length clicked and rolled across the top and bottom of her mouth, reducing her dexterity. She howled as the curling tip caught against one of her fangs, a streak of blood slashing across her lips.

The Queen pressed a finger on top of her nose. “Slow down, Hound One. You must learn to walk before you can run.”

Hound One swallowed, letting her tongue settle against the floor of her mouth. She turned her head up, sighing as she fumbled with the thick flesh. “Yesh, Mishtresh,” she slurred, tasting the sharp tang of blood on her lips.

Good hound,” said her Mistress, patting her jowls.

Hound One crooned, licking her lips as she noticed her elongated snout for the first time. Stunned, she lifted a hand to touch her face, stroking her claws down her cheek.

Jolting, she curled her fingers to examine her talons. They were neat, short, but sharp, hard, bone-like projections sticking out of her glossy, black hands.

They weren't long enough to prevent her from manipulating objects, but plenty tough, ready to rend her Queen's enemies to bits!

Rotating her arm, she noted that the material coating her skin ran all the way up, a bright shine that seemed to change based on the viewing angle. She frowned at the rubber, annoyed at how it trumpeted her presence. She wanted to hide, to be a black shadow.

The sparkling light suddenly changed as a pattern appeared on her skin. Pleasure coursed through her body as the shiny reflection was snuffed out like a candle.

“Ah, I see you've discovered ‘stealth’ mode,” chuckled the Queen. She ran her hands over the sides of her head, leaning in to give her a wet kiss on the snout. “You're a beautiful being. I can't wait to watch you discover the other gifts you've been given!”

The Queen placed her hands under her hound's shoulders, lifting her legs out of the suit. She landed lightly against the edge of the platform, staring with suspicion down at her feet as she was greeted with an unexpected clicking.

She let out a pleased growl as she noticed the large pair of rubbery breasts in the way, piercings winking at her from her nipples. Placing her hands on the Queen's shoulders, she thrust her ass out, her boobs swaying attractively.

She would be the envy of the other drones. Many would want her, but she would give her all to the Queen.

Now she could finally see the floor, and the changes that had been made to her feet. Her toes were curved, talons scraping against the metallic decking. If she flexed her feet, she could almost form a fist.

On her heels, there was a second set of talons. She backed up a step, locking her foot around the edge of the platform. Oh, this would be excellent for catching prey!

The Queen pulled her forward, chuckling. “There will be plenty of time for experimentation later,” she admonished. “I want to see whether my latest major alteration worked.”

She touched Hound’s shoulder, giving her a gentle nudge. Hound let out a lonesome yelp, turning around so that her Mistress could examine her back.

The Queen stroked in semi circles, and Hound frowned. Why did her skin feel so strange?

“Oh, yes, they've formed just as I had hoped,” the Queen whispered, sounding quite satisfied with herself. “Come, pet, spread them out. Show me your wings.

Surprised at the reveal, Hound flexed muscles she didn't know she had, a fluttering noise rippling in her ears as the new appendages stretched all the way out.

Oh, that muscle ache felt good after being held in a cramped space! The way the wings rustled sounded kind of nice. If she turned her head, could she get a look at them?

Her breath caught in her throat. They were glorious, extending twice the length of her body, sinful black rubber dripping down each feather onto the leading edge.

She reached up and grabbed the thick part of the wing, hearing and feeling the squeak of rubber as she massaged her flesh. That was nice. She could simply stand here for ages, admiring each ridged curve.

She dropped her hand as her Mistress ran her fingers over the connection points, massaging the joints. Purring, she arched her back, enjoying the soft pleasure as the Queen worked her over.

“So obedient, so mine,” whispered the Queen. “When I was prototyping this, I wasn't certain it would work, but now I'm glad I ordered this adaptation for you. You are unique.

Hound shivered at the praise, flexing her wings to test their dexterity. They flipped up and down, blotting out the light as they swung in front of the fixtures. She would be able to swoop down from above, invisible, plucking out her victim and bringing them to her Queen before anyone realized she was there!

The Queen stroked her shoulder. “I find it amazing how comfortable it feels to have a pet. I didn't think it would be nearly this satisfying, and yet, here we are.”

She sighed, letting go. “It's unfortunate that I already have a mission lined up for you, otherwise I'd spend all day stroking your feathers. As it is, we need to get a move on. Let's introduce your new assistants.”

She clapped her hands, and a series of spotlights snapped on, highlighting three more dangling rubber suits.

Each of them was a different color - orange, yellow, and red, rubber straps drawn tightly around the inflated coffins. Hound's breath caught in her throat as she realized the implication. There were more drones being converted into Hounds, just like her!

She wrinkled her nose at the thought that she wasn't her Queen's only pet, but the pique dissolved as she thought about having new packmates. They would live together, fight together, chase together. With numbers, they couldn't be beat!

The hand returned to her shoulder as the control drones worked to remove the helmets from the suits. “Rest assured, my little pet, you are still my number one. You can't do everything by yourself, however, so I've made you some friends!”

Her heart purred as she spotted the shiny heads of her new packmates. They had rubber skin, like hers, colored the same as their suits. It glistened under the lights, and she wondered whether they had a camouflage ability similar to hers.

It would be useful if they did, but she couldn't help but hope that this was one of her unique talents. If they were all the same, they'd be boring.

The suits were unzipped, revealing their bodies, one by one. The control drones helped them out, lifting them up onto the platform.

The Queen embraced her, pressing her chest into Hound's wings. They rattled in protest, but Hound held back a hiss. The Queen owned her, she could do as she liked.

“I took special care to select candidates you know,” said the Queen softly, turning her body. “Why don't I introduce them to you? On the left, your new front liner, formerly known as Lainey, Hound Two!

Hound swallowed, her mouth opening in a pant as she examined this new hound. Her body appeared thick as rock, a tough layer of rubber stretching over her bulbous belly. The way it was built up in layers made it look like scales, her breasts hidden underneath a separate, armored shell.

Hound Two waddled forward, giving her a little wave and a smile. A funny look crossed her face, and she burped, a jet of flames escaping her lips.

“Sorry,” she giggled as steam leaked out of her ears, pressing a thick, armored hand over her mouth. “I don't know how any of this works!”

The Queen chuckled, turning Hound One towards the next drone. “Hound Three is a master of evasion, useful for infiltration and recon missions. You used to know her as Shiori.”

The drone lifted her arms and yawned, ignoring all of them as she licked her thin lips. She had a snout, tiny little eyes set deep into her shadowed head. Her body was sleek, made for speed, with small breasts and slim thighs.

She shifted her pose, and suddenly, she was difficult to see. Hound blinked, tilting her head, but she still couldn’t make her out. It wasn’t like the active camouflage her skin had displayed, this was something else. How intriguing!

“Marvelesh,” she whispered, her mind buzzing with possible use cases.

She could see the reasoning behind these transformations already, and she was becoming excited at the possibilities. It would make it more difficult to plan missions, but the flexibility in their operations would be greatly magnified!

“Who's nexsht?” she growled, eager to see what her Queen had created.

She turned her head to the last open suit, but there was nothing there to see. Confused, her eyes darted around, looking for the last subject, but she had vanished.

A blur of motion came from above, and she tilted her head back, the ears on top of her head extending in surprise.

A feminine form hung upside down, her taloned feet clinging to one of the chains. When the drone noticed her staring, she let out a screeching cry.

The Queen placed a hand over Hound One’s chest. “I can feel your heart pounding. Your surprise is so cute!

The Queen braced her feet, holding Hound One still. It was a good thing she had, as her new instincts were urging her to attack, to leap up there and pull down this new creature so that she could get a better look at her.

“Hound Four. Nancy. Come down here,” the Queen ordered, her voice brooking no debate.

The new hound's wings fluttered as she cocked her head, releasing another cry. Her talons let go, and she fell from her perch in a whoosh, her body flipping as she landed on the metal grating, her arms extended for balance.

Straightening up, she folded them, staring with hawk-like intensity. That only made sense, as her transformation had turned her into a drone bird of prey.

The rubber coating on her body had an iridescent orange sheen, running in strips over her torso. Her breasts had been streamlined, smooth lumps that were spread out over her chest.

Her arms were spindly things, with delicate fingers, a fine membrane stretching out below her armpits. She was built for speed.

When the hound’s body shifted, a flash of red on her chest in the shape of an R peeked out at her, the brand of their allegiance. Hound One gasped at the way the logo shimmered, hooding her eyes as she checked out the other drones.

Sure enough, they had the logo as well, though it was subtle. She probably had one too, a sign of her Mistress’ favor. Good. There would be no question as to where she belonged.

“They're beautiful,” she breathed, her tongue loosening up as she studied her pack.

Hound Four stretched out an arm, cleaning her rubbery feathers with an extremely long tongue. Her eyes closed in pleasure at the praise, a soft squawk emitting from her curved nose.

Hound Two beat her chest and hooted like a caveman, while Hound Three began licking the back of her hand. They were a unique group, and she couldn't wait to start working with them.

Her neck strained as she pressed against her Queen's body. “Send us on a mission,” she growled. “I wish to serve.”

The Queen's hands slid over her belly, curving up to cup her breasts. She squeezed them, pulling back to feel their full volume. Hound purred, her body thrilling at being touched by her Mistress.

“You’re almost ready,” her Queen sighed, darkness coloring her words. “It’s time to get you leashed, my pet, and then, as your first mission, you will pleasure me.”

Rigid, Hound’s ears swiveled as her Queen let her go. She folded her wings, nestling them against her back as she turned her head to follow her Mistress.

The Queen didn't go far, accepting a metallic ring from a control drone that trotted up to her. “Present yourself,” she commanded, turning back towards Hound.

Hound leaned forward, presenting her neck to her Mistress. She wouldn't do this for just anyone - this posture made her look weak, vulnerable. Only one person could demand this of her.

She growled as the heavy collar was wrapped around her neck, the weight reminding her that she was owned.

The sides clicked shut, and the Queen patted her on the cheek as she attached a leash. Giving it a sharp tug, she pointed towards the floor. “Down, pet. It's time for you to service me, as a slave should.”

Hound mewled, tensing her knees as she dropped down, her eyes racing over the Queen's chest. The glossy bodysuit she wore glimmered an enticing purple, making her want to lick it.

This desire only increased as her view slid down past a garter belt, thick straps running to her glossy rubber stockings. Her crotch was bare, her hairless mons looking waxy.

Upon closer examination, it didn't look like skin at all. It was more like colored rubber, a coating that included her vagina and inner lips.

Hound seized her legs, wrapping her talons around her Mistress’ thighs. The Queen grunted, but showed no apparent pain at being pricked by the sharp tips. The coating must really be thick.

Well, she was about to find out! The Queen placed a hand on her head, urging her in, and she was more than happy to oblige!

Sticking her snout into the gap, she touched her nose against her Mistress’ clit. The Queen made an amused chuckle as she gave it a sniff, enjoying the scent of her owner.

There came a tug from her leash. “Stop playing around,” The Queen commanded. “Lick me out. Wash my pussy with your thick tongue.”

Hound whined, tilting her head so that her lips were positioned correctly. She gave the Queen's pussy a light kiss, the barbells on her tongue rattling as she stuck it in.

The Queen grunted, her hands flexing around the leash as Hound swished her tongue back and forth, the first piercing catching against her folds.

“Mmm, good pet,” The Queen moaned, sliding her legs apart. “Give it to me good, push it all the way in!”

Hound wiggled her tongue, leaning forward to apply extra pressure. When that didn't work, she arched its length, forming a wavy ripple as she humped it up and down. The Queen moaned as the barbells rattled against her tunnel, thrusting farther in.

This cleared the initial obstruction, but she faced the same problem again with the second piercing. Utilizing the experience she had just gained, she combined all her movements together, wiggling and jolting until her thick appendage was in.

The Queen's tunnel clenched around her questing flesh as she squeezed deeper. She frowned as she kept thrusting, amazed at how much she could pack in. Her tongue felt impossibly long, perhaps she could reach the end of the tunnel?

She was certainly eager to try! Pulling back a short distance, she shoved it back in, her piercings scraping along the sides of her Queen's tunnel. The Queen threw her head back and cried out, using the leash to keep her balance.

The resulting tug almost jerked Hound free, but she was determined now. She was pleasuring her Mistress, and she wanted nothing more than to bring her to climax!

Choking against the collar, she thrust her tongue in, flexing it as she sought the end of her Queen's rubbery tunnel. Poke. Slurp. Poke.

It was definitely dropping farther in, but she hadn't reached the bottom, and the base of her tongue was getting thicker, making it more difficult to plumb her depths.

This only made her more determined, but the game of diminishing returns was starting to get to her. Just how long was her Mistress’ tunnel?

Her Queen hummed, helping her out by shoving her hips towards Hound’s mouth. Hound synchronized the motions with her thrusts, ramming into her determinedly.

The Queen might be deriving a lot of pleasure from this, but now she really wanted to know what was going on!

Her tongue suddenly popped out the other end of the tunnel, landing in a rubbery pocket that clamped down around the tip. She frowned, pushing and shifting, but the sensation didn’t change, moving along with her.

After a couple of minutes of trying to find a solution, she had to admit defeat. The internal layout of her Queen was just different from what she would expect of a normal human body.

Her owner chuckled. “I won't fault you for trying, pet, but there isn't a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unfortunately, I had uterine cancer, and I was forced to have a hysterectomy. What I've implanted up there is simply a large bladder for drones like you to play with. It's quite fun and stretchy, no?”

The Queen laughed as Hound shot her a concerned look. “No, I'm not in any danger of dying. Hive has cured me. I became its Queen, and in return, my life was saved. I believe it was an equivalent bargain, though some days I admit the work does get to me.”

Her eyes drifted off into the distance. “I probably would do it again, faced with the same choices.”

Hound detected a hint of sadness in her voice. There was only one way to fix that.

Determined, she braced her hands on her Mistress’ ass, yanking her in until her nose pressed against her Mistress’ clit. She then thrust her tongue in with all her might, pulling back with an equal amount of force. At the same time, she moved her head in a circle, ensuring maximum stimulation on her owner’s most sensitive bits.

She was rewarded with a surprised squeal from the Queen, and she grinned, pleased that she was able to break through her protective shell.

Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. She wasn't going to stop with that success. What she wanted was a full on conflagration, turning her Mistress’ legs to rubber as she melted into her arms.

Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. After a couple more hard strokes, her Mistress gasped, her face closing down as she clenched her teeth together.

Her body vibrated against Hound's mouth, but she stayed fully in control, her eyes roiling a deep purple as she peered down at her pet, humming with pleasure. “Nice try, slave, but what did you expect? I’m your Mistress. I will always be in control. You can rely on me.”

Hound hooded her eyes as she slowly withdrew her tongue, cleaning out her Mistress’ snatch. She leaned back, closing her mouth as she studied her Queen.

Rely upon. Yes, that was true. She didn’t have to worry about making life decisions. She was a kept animal, subservient to her owner.

She bowed her head. “Thank you, Mishtress,” she purred. “I am pleashed to be your servant.”

Mistress leaned over, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Indeed. You shall be my weapon, little pet. Rankotech shall be ascendant. Hive above all!”

Hound tingled, filled with pleasure. For Hive, and her Queen!


The mid afternoon sun scorched the rooftops, reflecting off the air conditioning units. Hound scowled, keeping watch with a pair of binoculars, scanning the designated area for anything out of the ordinary.

They had been posted here for a solid week in anticipation of this motorcade, studying the area and creating contingency plans in case their initial attempt failed. During their stakeout, they had seen the vehicles of interest passing several times.

Due to the tint on the windows, it was impossible to determine the occupants of the heavily armored vehicles. However, their intelligence suggested that their target would be visiting the headquarters of Rad Technologies Incorporated within the hour.

She lowered her binoculars, clicking her teeth together as she curled her lip into a snarl. Rad Tech was the umbrella company that owned PolyCorp. By kidnapping and converting the college aged daughter of their CEO, her Queen would accomplish multiple goals. Not only would she gain a new Queen for Hive, but she would also have someone on the inside of her greatest Rival. A win, win!

That all depended upon whether they could execute this mission successfully. This was complicated by the necessity of grabbing the woman in broad daylight, but that couldn’t be helped. They would have to utilize all of their abilities to ensure victory today.

She checked the watch on her wrist, waiting for the top of the hour. When the second hand clicked over, she lifted her binoculars again. Yes, there they were, right on schedule!

A sleek, black sedan had turned the corner, followed closely by two more. Working their way through traffic, they paused at the next light.

She touched the rhythm of Hive in her head, injecting a pulse that propagated through the network. In response, there came a drumbeat, confirmation that her message was received. It had taken them all some time to get used to this, but they had practiced together, and now it was second nature.

Her mouth slid into a vicious grin as the lights turned green, the motorcade crossing the intersection. At the last moment, a woman entered the crosswalk with a stroller, stepping directly in front of the lead vehicle.

The driver jammed on the brakes, but it was too late to avoid a collision. The stroller went flying, the lady falling under the right front tire of the vehicle. Hound Two was going to use this to gain sympathy points, no doubt.

Their path blocked, the two other vehicles in the motorcade revved their engines, steering around the accident and speeding up as they crossed into the next street over. They probably suspected foul play. They were right!

She watched the accident scene as they rolled the car off the woman's body, the driver getting out to investigate. She narrowed her eyes as she zoomed in on Hound Two, spotting her screaming up a storm. Was she actually injured, or just playacting?

She shrugged, turning to follow the other two vehicles. Hound Two was a tough lump of metal, she was sure she'd be alright. If not, Hive would take care of her.

She double checked the position of her teammate, clicking her teeth together as Hound Four dropped into view, swinging around a building. Her arms were spread wide, catching the thermals as she closed in on the position of the racing vehicles.

A drumbeat clicked in her head, and the hound dove, heading straight for the lead car, which had been hung up by cross traffic.

Before it could extricate itself from the mess, Hound Three zoomed in, dropping her first payload right onto the windshield. Splat.

The entire window was coated with blue paint. The driver tried turning on the windshield wipers, but this only served to stir up the sticky fluid. It was a special mix, cooked up in Rankotech's labs. Removing it would require a special solvent. Lacking that, the entire windshield would have to be replaced.

Hound chuckled to herself, turning to the last vehicle. They had seen what had happened to the other car, and had turned down a side street, trying to get away from the assault.

Go, go, go! She ground her teeth, wondering whether she was going to have to get involved. The car was coming in her direction, so she could intercept it. And deprive her packmate of the thrill of the chase? No way!

Besides, Hound Four was already on the move, floating up into the sky, steering using the directions Hound One was sending through the Hive gestalt. As long as she had eyes on the car, they were toast.

She frowned in dismay as a crane suddenly obscured her view. The vehicle had driven into a construction zone, but it wasn’t slowing down. Through the obstructions, she spotted the vehicle barely missing a flagger, skirting awfully close to a break in the pavement.

There was a flash of dark color, a zipping figure diving in from above and dropping her payload. A splash of blue billowed over the windshield, and the driver lost control. There came a squeal of tires, the vehicle spinning out of the lane, workers diving away.

The vehicle smashed into a work truck with a terrific crash, the hood popping up as a spray of coolant burst out of the radiator. The back lifted off the ground, coming back down with a jittering bounce.

Hound scowled at the mess. The whole point of this was to capture their target with minimal damage. If the target was in that vehicle and suffered injuries, there would be hell to pay!

She hesitated, watching as the car doors popped open. Men and women dressed in suits spilled out, looking dazed. Nobody in civilian clothing. Good.

This was where everything got tense. She trusted her team, but she needed to know who to reinforce as soon as possible. She quickly moved back to the second vehicle, which was currently unattended. Nothing.

Shit. They could have already extracted the package and gotten her away while she had been distracted by the crash!

A shimmering form appeared from behind the car, her skin rippling as she dropped her dynamic camouflage. A pair of violet eyes stared right at her, and she shook her head.

Good, but also annoying. For some reason, Hound Three preferred to use body language to communicate, instead of Hive thought.

She had always been a rather reserved individual, even before she had been transformed. She seemed to be opening up the more time she spent with them, but there were still these peculiarities they had to work around.

She spun, seeking the first vehicle. They had obviously tried to fake out any attackers by speeding off when the lead car was taken out. That meant her target had to be back at the start.

Sure enough, a small group of sharply dressed security goons wearing sunglasses were crowding a woman dressed in a demure skirt and blouse. She spotted Hound One grimacing as she pushed the car off her belly, but she wasn't in any state to pursue. It was a good thing she had wings!

She sent a command to converge on the target’s position through the beat of Hive, spreading her wings to their full width as she jumped off the roof.

The joy of flight was addictive, providing a certain grace and calmness she couldn't get anywhere else. As long as she wasn’t on the hunt!

Right now, adrenaline was pulsing through her body, pushing her forward. There was no need to rush, however, she still had them in sight. Unless they decided to move into a building, they wouldn't be able to get away.

They had purposefully made this assault in an area where there were no nearby subway stations. Their opponent’s only options would be to turtle up, or take their target to the nearest safe house. Of the two, there really was only one. They were going to keep moving.

She increased her speed to catch up, swooping around a building as they threaded through the urban jungle. If they intended on going where she expected, they would be headed right into her trap. Just a few moments more, and she would know for sure.

They entered a large dual carriageway, hugging the side with the taller buildings. They appeared to be slowing, but why?

Another black sedan rounded the corner, and she growled in anger. They had made a contingency plan! Damn!

Before she could whistle up her allies, however, a whoosh of darkness appeared below her. The graceful figure of Hound Four dropped her final paint bomb on the windshield, forcing the driver to stop. They weren't going to escape that way!

The doors opened, more security personnel piling out. They glommed together, moving as a unit towards the first group. More reinforcements to deal with. Great.

She communicated this information through Hive net, continuing on to her original destination. Passing between two tall buildings, she entered an alleyway.

Folding her wings, she dropped like a stone, legs churning the air as it rushed past her. Her loins bloomed with pleasure as the sex belt gave her a small buzz for following the Queen's commands. She was her obedient slut!

This was only a reminder of what it could really do. She lived for the pleasure of her Queen's approval!

That would only happen if she managed to succeed here, however. She touched her control collar as her wings popped out like a parachute, carrying her safely to the ground.

The thick chunk of metal at her neck was a reminder of who owned her. Who loved her, disciplined her, corrected her. If she failed, she would be in for a world of pain, and she would deserve it. That's why she would succeed!

Their prey was running, but the trap was closing in. She just needed to spring it!

Folding her wings, she stepped behind a dumpster, crouching down as she leaned forward to study the empty alley. Half closing her eyes, she slowed her breathing, listening to the song of Hive for further information.

A picture began to emerge, and she grinned. They were heading straight for her! The final confrontation would be her responsibility. Just as she had hoped!

A crunching sound behind her made her ears swivel in alarm, but she soon settled down as she spotted the approaching figure.

Hound Two had a smug look on her face. “You should be happy to see me. I just got hit by a car and took it like a champ!”

She grabbed a section of her armored chest, pulling it out to show off a discolored blotch. “See? I might even get a bruise!”

Hound One waved her over, pressing a finger to her snout. “Quiet!” she hissed. “They're just about here!”

Hound Two pumped her head up and down like a bird, hiding her bulk against the wall. “Do you think they're going to be surprised when we step out in front of them?” she rumbled.

“Shhh!” Hound One growled, holding up her finger again.

Her packmate finally subsided, an insouciant look on her face. Hound One rolled her eyes, but she was secretly glad for the support, even if it meant that she would have to deal with her loudness. Hound Two had never been subtle, even when she had been known as Lainey.

Her ears twitched and she sniffed the changing air. “It's almost time,” she whispered. “Get ready.”

She turned toward a large box mounted next to the dumpster, punching in the lock code. The top clicked, and she flipped it open. Reaching inside, she pulled out a body length shield.

It was light, made of a slick material that she suspected was derived from their body coatings. Another Rankotech special.

Whatever the source, she had been told that it was bulletproof. Hound Two might have a hide thick enough to stop bullets, but she didn't have the same built in armor plating.

“Plan twin prong,” she ordered, stepping out to face the security forces.

They spotted her as soon as she stood up, fanning out to cover the target. Men in suits bundled the protectee towards the rear, leaving her with an impression of white hair and glasses with thick lenses. That matched the profile. Good.

She didn’t bother trying to talk with the bodyguards, opting instead to rush them as fast as she could before they could pull out their weapons. At the same time, Hound Two attacked from the right, ramming into the lead elements like a bulldog.

What happened next was a rapid cacophony of sound and light. Gunshots rang out in a staccato beat, humans shouting, faces scowling as she slammed into them with her shield.

Unable to retain their balance, many of them fell, limbs tangling together as they desperately tried to help each other back up. She was relentless, however, using her wings to give her a height advantage, shoving them over like bowling pins.

Hound Two opted for a more straightforward approach. Climbing on top of the writhing mass of humanity with sure feet, she slammed back down onto them with her overwhelming weight. More shots rang out, but Hound Two wasn’t fazed, an immovable bullet sponge.

There came cries from some of the other guards, though, ricochets injuring several of them in an instant. Hound One frowned as she spotted a guard at the rear with a submachine gun. It was him who had caused this disaster!

Beating her wings with a sudden burst, she flew towards him and slammed into his skull with the shield. He dropped the weapon with a sad groan, his body slumping as she tucked her wings in and rolled over the top.

Jumping to her feet, she spotted the woman they were after, her face blank as she hid behind a pair of guards. Streaks of purple eyeshadow glimmered over large eyes, a black choker at her neck. Her oversized t-shirt swayed as they tugged her back, a proud unicorn graphic prancing on the edge of a cliff.

The guards lifted their weapons to draw a bead on her, but the light shimmered behind them. The target made a girlish squeal as Hound Three suddenly appeared, jamming a needle into her neck. Wrapping her arms around the target, she pulled her away from the guards, sending everything into bedlam.

One of the men whirled about, his pistol going off as Hound Three gave his forearm a vicious chop. The other tried to hook her leg, but she used her superior strength and position to pull him off balance instead.

Free and clear, she shot Hound One a proud smirk. Her body glistened as she lifted the target off her feet, charging down the alley.

The bodyguards hadn't given up, but Hound Two wasn't giving them time to regroup. She opened her mouth, burping out a horrible torrent of flames that forced them back. A few brave guards near the rear tried to hit the rapidly disappearing Hound Three, but it was useless.

She was now almost totally invisible, the struggling body of their target flopping like a rag doll as the drugs took effect.

A sudden streak of pain ran up the side of Hound One’s cheek, and she growled, dropping down onto all fours. The guards at the back of the group had given up trying to get Three and were now taking potshots at Hound Two and her.

They were starting to come to the realization that Hound Two's hide was impervious, so they were focusing more firepower on her. She sent the withdrawal message through Hive net, bunching her muscles up in preparation for a great leap.

A guard's sunglasses gleamed as he held out a hand and pointed at her, yelling out a command to the others. Too bad for him, this was already over!

She sprung out of the crouch, holding out her hands to catch onto the edge of a fire escape. Swinging her body in a long curve, she used the momentum to lift herself up onto the first platform.

From there, she pressed her feet against the edge, springing off to the other side of the alley, her nimble fingers catching the edge of an air conditioning unit. Pulling herself up, she jumped again, spreading her wings.

She could have launched herself directly from the ground, but her erratic maneuvers made it difficult for the guards to get a good shot. Pumping her wings, she lifted up and away, taking a steep angle for maximum lift.

They fired off a couple more shots, but with her body almost directly overhead, it was impossible for them to hit anything. She chuckled to herself as she flew out of range, circling over the building to check on her pack.

Hound Two had bulldozed herself to the end of the alley, where Hound Four swooped in, dangling her legs. Hound Two caught on and was lifted away, the two of them soon vanishing into the trees of the local park. Good, they wouldn't need to be extracted.

Hound Three still needed her assistance, however. Although she was quick, it was likely that someone would call in the comatose girl dangling in her arms.

Following the pulse of the beat in her head, she dropped down onto the main street, winging in towards her packmate's location. Hound Three gave her a saucy grin, saying nothing as she passed the dangling target into her arms.

Her eyes did go wide as she spotted a pair of bodyguards boiling out of the alley behind them, and she promptly vanished. As expected. Direct confrontation had never been her strong suit.

Cradling the woman in her arms, she jumped back into the air, heading for the same park the other Hounds had vanished into. Faint alarmed cries echoed behind her, but with her head start, there would be no way for them to catch up.

She gazed into the target's eyes, snorting as the somnolent woman moaned, her long eyelashes fluttering. A small butterfly was painted on her right cheek, a fluttering trail curling up to her ear. Whimsical. I wonder why my Mistress believes she's Queen material?

It wasn't her place to say. Her owner wanted this woman, and now she would have her. Her thighs trembled as the sex belt buzzed against her clit. Oh, yes. She would be rewarded. Soon.


A faint pulse of light from the saucer shaped fixture played over the pale face below. The woman's black hair had been pulled up behind her head into a tight bun.

Her body below had been stripped and secured in a rubber sack, restraints wrapped around her ankles and waist. Her arms were secured behind her in an armbinder, tight laces up to her shoulders.

A set of integrated metal rings had been built into the top of the sack, at her shoulders, allowing her to be suspended via nylon ropes. Her body hung still, a faint hiss of breathing the only sign that she was alive.

Hound One watched her with gimlet eyes, her hands bound in rubber balls. Her wrists were chained together, her sex belt hooked to the wall with a solid chain.

The buzzing vibrator did not allow her to sit, removing its blissful stimulation whenever she relaxed her pose. It was pleasurable torture.

Her breath hissed through her animal mask, the long, molded rubber snout jutting out in an exaggerated parody of her transformed face. Her view of the scene was filtered through dark lenses, though her hearing was excellent.

The whispered movements of her packmates came from both sides, brief moans punctuating the low hum of the air handlers.

They were bound as she was, experiencing the thorny pleasure of success. Unable to orgasm until their Mistress commanded it, they remained on the edge of pleasure, awaiting Her presence.

Hound One chewed on her bar gag, tugging against her collar as the sex belt buzzed at her pussy. The metal cup was sodden with her wetness, but it had nowhere to go, reminding her of her submissiveness. Another moan was forced out of her as the buzzing peaked, the stimulator shutting down for another rest period.

That was the devil of the situation - she didn't want the stimulation to stop, yet she could never reach the ultimate peak!

Her wrists jangled as she tugged at them, a yowl escaping her lips. Her other packmates yipped and cried in solidarity, forming a choir of muffled voices.

The woman in the bag jolted, gasping as her eyes flicked open. As soon as she spotted their rubber clad bodies, she screamed, her head rattling back and forth.

This accomplished little, her bondage sack swinging as the light above flickered over her bound body. Hound One ignored her distress, far more interested in the spotlight that had popped on near the bottom of a ramp.

A svelte figure swayed her hips as she stepped up, sharp heels clicking against the metal plate. Spines on her corset flashed as she crossed into darkness, her eyes glowing with purple swirls.

The woman slowed as she reached the platform. Hound One took in a deep breath, anticipation tingling down her spine as more overhead lights turned on.

The woman was wearing a glossy, purple rubber dress shirt, a thin belt securing a pencil skirt to her waist. She wore lavender colored rubber gloves, the material running up her arms to her shoulders. Her hair was drawn back into a bun, matching her captive's hair style. Was that on purpose?

It didn't matter. Her Queen was here, and she would soon be rewarded for her efforts. She moaned through her gag, gnashing her teeth as she pulled at her collar, eager to greet her Mistress.

Their captive stared at them, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. She let out a whimper, her head shrinking into the bag. The front bulged as she wiggled her hips, unable to escape.

“There's nothing to fear from them, my dear,” purred the Queen, glancing at their bound forms. “They're my animals. Slaves. Drones. They won't touch you unless I command it.”

She reached out a hand, caressing the woman's chin. The captive recoiled, her body swaying in the rubber sack as she screwed up her face. The Queen chuckled. “I see the rebellion in your eyes. Good. You will be trained to utilize that energy as my new Queen.”

“A… what?” choked out the woman, her high pitched voice filling the room.

The Queen nodded graciously. “That's right. You won't be bound like a common slave forever. Once you have accepted the beat of Hive, you shall be elevated, becoming Rankotech elite.”

She gripped the side of the woman's face. “I know more about you than your family does. You're chafing under their restrictions, aren't you? You want to spread your wings, fly free under your own power. To be in control of your destiny!”

The woman scowled, turning her head to break the Queen's grip. “If you know that much about me, you damn well should know that I won't give in to whatever you're planning!”

“You won't?” chuckled the Queen, clasping her hands together. “It's easy to say that when you have no experience. How about we have this conversation again after you spend some quality time with the machine?”

She took a step back, and an electric whine filled the room. A thick, purple hood descended from the ceiling, molded into the shape of a woman's head and shoulders. Their captive looked up and blanched, spotting the hollow, purple interior as it descended next to her body.

She wiggled like a worm, but the Queen ignored her, waiting until it stopped, level with their captive's shoulders. Grabbing the side, she swung the back open on a set of hinges, turning the front so that the concave interior was visible. A thick dildo was mounted to the mouth area, the dark length glistening as light bounced off the bulbous head.

“Making a Hive Queen is a laborious affair,” explained the Queen. “I've been working on some prototype machines to automate some of the process so that I don't have to babysit each step. What do you think?”

“Fuck no,” growled the woman, shaking her head.

The Queen shrugged. “Don't disparage what you haven't tried. I'll come back and ask you again after an extended session.”

The woman struggled again, but hidden speakers in the room began to play a pulsating beat. Hound sighed in pleasure, knowing what this was.

The music of Hive. She ground her hips into the vibrator, which had begun buzzing against her pussy.

Their captive's eyes glazed over as the thrumming music pounded into her ears, disrupting her thoughts and anesthetizing her brain. The Queen patted her shoulder. “So easy,” she purred, placing a curled thumb into the woman's mouth.

Roughly yanking her jaw open, she patted her cheek. “There you are, dumb and brainless, ready for your programming.”

There was a faint hint of anger in the woman's eyes, but it wasn't enough to overcome the victorious rhythm of Hive. The Queen pulled the hood over, positioning the dildo in front of her face. “Give it a good suck,” she advised. “Let your old self go. It was never very useful, anyway. As a Queen, you'll move mountains. Something to look forward to.”

Gripping the back of her skull, the Queen pushed the hood onto her head, sliding the dildo into her mouth. Her face was soon hidden behind the thick rubber, eyes sockets covered by flat, purple ovals.

The Queen checked her throat to ensure that everything was in the proper place, caressing the rubber tubing that ran around the edges. Grabbing the back side of the hood, she swung it around, a bulbous projection poking out the rear to accommodate her bun.

“Say goodbye to your old self,” the Queen said, her voice warm. “Welcome to Hive.”

The shell of the hood clicked shut, the Queen latching it together. The rubber seam hissed as it merged, providing an airtight seal between the two halves.

Her entire body was entombed within the device. Who knew what sorts of programming would be beamed into her head by the mask?

Hound didn't know, but she was sure that the transformation would be pleasurable. It was always really, really good for her!

Ugh, she was melting watching this. Her Queen was so dominant, she wished that she could bow before her and worship her heels.

Oh, and now that she was done with her captive, here she came!

She suppressed her excitement, breathing in short bursts. The other Hounds did the same, watching their Queen through their masks.

The Queen folded her arms, a bright smile on her face. “My loyal Hounds,” she said in a sultry voice. “You've done as I've asked, succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. You deserve some personal time with me, but before that…”

Her face leered at them. “Cum for me, little pets, squirt out your pleasure at my command. Show me your obedience.”

The pressure in her pussy let go, and she howled, gurgling as the orgasm seized her body. Hanging in her restraints, she wiggled as her vision whited out.

The woman entombed in the hood was wiggling too, just like her packmates, though it was only the last dregs of resistance before she gave in. They all did.

As the pleasure peaked, she knew that she would do it all again. The joy of the chase, the victory of the capture, the ecstasy of completion.

Her and the pack, bound together at the directive of one person. Love burned in her heart.

For the Queen!


If you liked reading about corporate rubber slave drones, consider looking up ‘Tick Tock,’ by Caroline Waters. That novel is set in the same universe. Thanks for reading! - Half Shim


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