Nine To Hive

Alternate Ending D - Accepting Orange

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

Suzy folded her arms, frowning at the Queen. “I feel like I've been called in front of a tribunal, but it's not me on trial here. You've invaded my brain, messed with my mind, and for what? To give me an ultimatum, force me to choose to be one of your servants? What if I choose freedom?

The Queen rolled her shoulders. “You could tell me that, but this isn’t like a visual novel, and there are no secret endings. You're physically inside my Hive, and I can work you over as much as I want. You either submit to me here, or I core your brain, turn it into mindless mush. Your choice.”

Suzy shivered. “That's not much of a choice, is it? But I take your point. You can't allow me to just leave, which puts me in a tough position.”

She bit her lip, staring at the floor as her mind whirled. She had just proved that she could kick the Queen out of her mind, but for how long?

That was just one battle in a long war, and she didn't feel confident in saying that she could hold back the Queen indefinitely.

The Queen leaned over the desk, resting on her shoulders, her rubber gloves creaking at her elbows. “I think you're approaching this conundrum from the wrong direction,” she suggested. “What is it that you want from life? What have you been unable to do because of the need to work?

This instantly set her mind down different paths, and her neck jerked up. “I want a family,” she said abruptly. “Multiple kids, a loving home. I want to nurture them, watch them grow. I've been denied this my whole life, and the more I work, the fewer my options. I can't meet anybody, can't start anything. I'm stuck.

The Queen nodded, bracing her hands together under her chin, eyes swirling a dark purple. “An all too common affliction these days. I can help you with these desires, if you will let me.”

Really?” asked Suzy, marching up to the desk and setting her hands on the edge. “I can't see how that could be possible, unless you're running a secret matchmaking service. I notice that you don't seem to have any men running around your Hive.”

Emma stared her down, her lip curling. “That's a problem we're actively working on,” she grated out. “I can see that you're going to be obstinate. Will you take my offer, or should I hook up your body to the machine and decant your brain out through your nostrils?”

The threat rang hollow, but Suzy had no doubt the Queen was capable of it if she was pushed far enough. She sighed, tapping her fingers on the desk. “Fine,” she croaked out. “You win. I'll be your good little drone servant. I'll take on this role, whatever it is.”

Good,” grinned the Queen. “You don't have to do anything. Just stand there, I'll take care of the rest.”

Before she could ask what ‘the rest’ might be, there was a loud clunk, and her muscles lost all control. She collapsed forward, grunting through her nostrils as her belly hit the edge of the desk.

Moaning, she slid off like a sack of potatoes, collapsing onto the floor in a heap as the world spun around her.

“Huh?” she said, feeling dumb that this was the only thing she could say in the face of her world crumbling around her.


She blinked, her breath hissing out through the tubing of the mask she wore. Condensation obscured the faceplate, but the outside world was dark anyway, filled with shadowy objects her brain couldn't comprehend.

An impulse to stand up arrived out of nowhere, and she tried to get up. Her body strained, unable to pull away from the thick straps that held her body to the seat. She tried again, but it was useless.

If she tilted her head forward, there was a small amount of give, allowing her to see the curved R that marked her chest. It appeared that she was locked into a bulky, orange rubber suit, and she wasn't going anywhere.

She gave up trying to comprehend what was going on, relaxing back into her restraints. She didn't know where she was, or what she was doing here. Her memories of her conversation with the Queen were spotty at best. What had she agreed to?

There came a hissing jerk, and her head was pulled back against the headrest. A cool wave flooded her mind, and her vision became glazed with a purple sheen. Her lips formed words, blurting out a phrase before she could realize what she was doing.

“Training drone five zero prepped and ready for synchronization,” she said, her words coming out in a monotone. “Initialize hookup procedure.”

The seat shuddered, her head swaying as her body rotated to the right. Another woman dressed in an orange rubber suit appeared in front of her, the stylized R in bold type on top of her chest.

As the seat came to a halt, she thought that she was looking into a mirror, but a familiar voice soon emitted from the other helmeted drone. “Training drone five one prepped and ready for synchronization,” she said, her voice muffled behind the mask. “Initializing hookup.”

Both chairs whined, their legs being lifted and spread apart. Suzy grunted as she felt cool air running over her privates, indicating that she was exposed. Her eyes darted to the other figure, confirming a hint of pink flesh at the V of her crotch.

Arousal flooded her loins, and a gasp escaped her lips as she spotted a black mass mounted to a pillar between them. Were those… dicks?

Her chair jolted, bringing her closer to the other woman. She pulled at her legs, but the heels of her boots were secured tightly against metal stirrups, the pointed ends splayed akimbo.

Light sparkled off the glossy rubber, streaking up their legs as they were brought closer together. The other woman's body flexed like hers, hips jiggling as they approached the dildos, neither of them in control.

A hiss escaped her lips as the head of the dildo penetrated her pussy, the machine slowing down as it encountered resistance. Frozen solid, she let out a gasping breath as the thick rod penetrated her, squeezing into her passage.

The knobby edge caught against her flesh, causing a grinding pain. She squealed, rattling in her restraints.

The machine paused, almost as though it detected her distress, but it didn't halt for long. The dildo began to twist inside her, like a snake, her bulging lips pushed aside as a burst of lubricant spurted out from the interior.

The length began to pulsate, sending shockwaves into her core as it broke free from the obstruction. Her tunnel yielded, the dildo pushing deeper and deeper, vibrating like a jackhammer as it filled her up completely.

Her back bucked against the restraints as the pleasure rose, but it wasn't over just yet. She hadn't received a legitimate orgasm, and the machine seemed determined to give her one.

The thumping, throbbing dildo was distracting, just as it was meant to be. She could barely spare any mental power to understand what the spinning mechanism above them was doing.

A round globe halted above the other woman's head, sparks of blue shooting out from the interior. The bound drone was highlighted by the buzzing light, the skin of her bald head looking pallid.

There was a glimmer of silver near the back of her skull that Suzy did not understand. That just didn't look natural!

A dark tube lowered from above, capped with a silver fitting at the end. It was vaguely phallic, with a cone shaped tip that contained large threads. A rounded nut sat at the rear, allowing the entire cable to be tightened on to something.

To her horror, that something was soon revealed. The cable swayed in the air, gathered up by a pair of gloved purple hands.

The woman leaned forward, her grin slashing through the darkness as the sparkling lights cast her face in shadow. “I remember what you asked for,” announced the Queen, her regal voice filling the room. “You wanted to help someone grow. To nurture Hive. I think I've found a suitable candidate.”

Taking the head of the cable out of the cradle, she turned the business end towards the other drone's skull. “This is your friend, Nancy,” announced the Queen. “She has not been meeting her performance metrics due to mental health problems. I suggested this experiment to her, and she agreed. For the good of Hive.

The other drone didn't appear to be capable of speech, her body jolting with each rude thrust of the dildo into her sloppy wet snatch. Suzy groaned. What the hell did you agree to, Nancy? If you were having problems, we should have talked them out! This wasn't the way!

The Queen shoved the end of the connector into Nancy's skull, holding it steady with one hand while she cranked on it with the other. “This isn't meant to be removed,” she continued conversationally. “Since this is the first time we're trying this, it's possible that the projected deleterious effects will be worse than what I have predicted! Still, the only way to find out is to try!”

Nancy’s head tilted against the headrest, a squeal of joy escaping her helmet. The Queen continued to turn the connector, screwing it deeper into the drone's head. “Given how pleasurable it is to have it inserted, I imagine the loss of connectivity will be ten times worse than that for a regular drone. I’m eager to run some tests and find out!”

Her hands stopped moving, and she patted Nancy on the shoulder. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Nancy's body trembled, her thighs tight as her breaths came in gusty moans. The Queen slid a hand down the side of her skull, grasping her jaw. “There's nothing quite like being installed, realizing that you were never going to amount to anything more than a slave. Tell me, how does it feel?”

She pushed a fist against Nancy's shoulder, but her only response was a thready moan.

“Good!” exclaimed the Queen, turning her glowing, purple eyes towards Suzy. “Only one more to go.”

Suzy yanked at her restraints, groaning. “Why are you doing this?” she protested. “You've twisted my words into a pretzel! I never asked for this!”

The Queen's hands settled on her sides, her corset creaking as she stalked around Nancy's chair. The inadequate lighting glimmered about the Queen's stole, forming shifting shadows on the back wall that looked like horns.

“You didn’t? I'm granting what you asked for, to the letter. Whatever pie in the sky possibility you were dreaming of doesn't matter. I can only give you what lies within my domain.”

She spread her hands, her voice descending to the consistency of cloying syrup. “Without your assistance, Nancy might become a brainless drone. You wouldn't want that, would you?”

Suzy curled her lip, realizing that there was no escape. If she turned the Queen down, Nancy would be left adrift. She couldn't desert her friend. Damn the Queen!

“Fine,” she croaked. “Make it quick.”

The Queen advanced, light bouncing off her glossy front. Suzy squinted, confused. Her bodysuit contained the Rankotech R as well. Did that mean she was owned by the corporation, too? If so, was she really the one in charge?

The thought fluttered away as the Queen ran a possessive hand over her neck. “This is so satisfying,” she purred. “Chasing down a new drone and convincing them to submit is thrilling, but nothing quite beats the final submission. The knowledge that you are about to become mine is throbbing in your brain, pulsing with the beat of your heart and the thrusting of the dildos, hammering into your consciousness.”

Suzy grunted, feeling overheated by the stimulation. “Stop gloating, just put it in,” she sighed.

The hand around her neck tightened. “Right at my moment of triumph? Don't be a spoilsport.”

She pulled back, and Suzy sensed that she was grabbing a cable. “You've been vexing, but I suppose there's no need to punish you. Once you've been hooked in, you'll see things differently.”

Suzy clenched her teeth, feeling the imprint of the circular donut hole at the back of her head. This was where the connector would be thrust into her skull, locked into some kind of port. She wished she knew more, but it was too late. She was going to have to live with it.

She trembled as there came a metallic clicking sound in her ears, a vibration rattling through her skull as the connector slipped into place.

She frowned. Wasn't there supposed to be something more? There wasn't as much sensation as she had thought there would be, not for a phallic device plugged deep into her head. It was almost as though… oh.

Her jaw dropped open as the Queen gave the connector a solid twist. Coolness flooded her thoughts, an annoying buzzing sound appearing in the back of her brain that she couldn't understand.

Another twist. The buzzing became louder, thin strands of data rushing past her. She sampled one of them, registering the temperature of the room, the relative bit rate, and more.

It was too much for her to understand, so she stepped back, awaiting the next twist. She was literally being screwed in.

The dildo slamming into her pussy reminded her of its presence, the buzzing increasing in intensity. Her whole body seemed to vibrate, her lips smacking together as she lost all control.

There came one more twist, and the pleasure exploded, sweeping her along with it. She was rushing down a water slide, her legs secured to the raft, her insides filled with delicious plugs, twisting and buzzing as her body jerked in response.

The tunnel was so close on either side that she could reach out and touch the walls, but she was too wrapped up in the pleasure to do so. Her breasts pulsed like beacons, her hands squeezing and groping at her rubber coated nipples to get all the pleasure out.

Her mind flowed deeper into the tunnel, a light appearing at the end. She simply didn't care, she was so full, she had to experience it all, loved being controlled by her pussy!

A flash of light overwhelmed her, and suddenly she was floating in a calm pool, surrounded by a stand of trees. There was another figure bobbing in the water ahead of her, approaching closer with each pulse of pleasure. Another drone.

The woman was bound to a raft, just as she was, her bobbing body dressed in tight, orange rubber. The Rankotech R blazed on her chest and her forehead, the corporation they owed all this pleasure to.

Her heart throbbed as they floated closer, love glowing for the other drone and the wonderful organization that had brought them together. It felt artificial, but here, in this headspace, it was the truth.

The other drone's head was wrapped up in a rubber hood, twin stalks of blonde hair sprouting from either side. A mouthpiece covered her lips, forcing them into an O shape, the rubbery material making them look like they had been stung by bees. Odd, but sexy.

Suzy grinned as her mouth relaxed, and she realized that she was wearing the same outfit, her lips held open by soft rubber. She lifted her hands, touching the ends of the tubing that contained her twin tails. She was a clone of the other drone, just as she had been in the hookup chamber!

She giggled through the mouthpiece, savoring the throbbing pleasure in her loins. It had reduced after the climax, but the dildos were still vibrating, keeping her at a low level of arousal.

Her libido rose as she drifted closer to the other drone, a sense of sameness gripping her mind as she studied the twinkle in the other woman's eyes.

She worked her lips, feeling the gummy rubber slapping together. “Who are you?” she gurgled.

The other woman stared at her for a moment, the two of them circling in the pond as their rafts followed an invisible current. “I am you,” the woman buzzed, her rubbery lips slurring the words.

Suzy frowned, curling her hands around her thighs. This other drone looked like her, dressed like her, but she couldn't be her. Could she?

Her lips worked again. “Prove it,” she commanded, the other woman echoing her words as soon as she said them.

Her heart lurched, her curiosity spiking. “We've synchronized,” they both said in wonder. “Our thoughts are the same.”

The more they talked, the less delay there was. They were literally becoming one.

Their platforms floated closer together, and her heart rose. Her clone was so pretty in that skintight rubber, and she knew that she looked the same. Both of them, copies of each other, one mind, two bodies. What was there not to love?

They both lifted their hands at the same time, clutching each other's rubbery skulls. “We are together. We are one. We are drone.

Leaning in, they kissed each other on their rubbery lips. The delineation between them vanished, their world collapsing into a singularity of pleasure.


“I thought this would work, but I never expected it to be successful so quickly,” murmured a velvety voice.

Suzy unit and Nancy unit blinked their eyes at the same time. “You should know, you're the one that made us,” they both said in unison.

“I know, but it's surprising how well you two have synchronized with each other. It's eerie hearing you sound like that. You should concentrate, make sure you only speak through one unit at a time.”

Suzy unit blinked again, struggling to work the body as a single entity. “That requires more processing power, my Queen.”

“Too bad. You can let yourselves mirror each other on your own time. When you're working for me, I require that you pretend that you have two minds.”

Nancy unit frowned. “Inefficient. What was the purpose of making us one if you do not expect us to act as one?”

“It was a crazy dream of mine - two minds, one body. Now that it's been accomplished, there are a lot of edge cases to iron out.” The Queen paused, pursing her lips. “I suppose there's one thing we can test right away,” she said, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Grabbing the connector at the back of Suzy unit's head, she began to unscrew it. “Please, don't,” growled Nancy, glaring at the Queen. “We've worked so hard to meld our minds together, we can't bear to be apart!”

The Queen nodded, her eyes glowing a fluorescent violet. “That's exactly what I'm testing. Will the wireless link be sufficient to run your gestalt? If so, the possibilities will be endless!”

“No, please don't,” mumbled Suzy unit, her vision going double as the Queen unscrewed the connector another notch.

The data streams were starting to go crazy, the well synchronized connections stretching like rubber bands. Some of the primary functions were remapped into the smaller bandwidth space, but she could feel herself starting to drift, unable to determine which unit body she was in.

The Queen spun the connector again, and Suzy unit's mouth opened wide. “Please don't. Please don't. Please do not. Not please do. Plmb$45. ERROR. ERROR. ERROR. Desynchronization detected. Unit unavailable.”

Nancy unit’s mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. Her body buzzed, unable to retain a sense of self. They were still one, but they couldn’t think. Couldn’t operate.

The Queen let out a long sigh. “It’s as I expected, then. Not enough bandwidth. Unfortunate. Perhaps with a future upgrade we’ll be able to delete the hardline connection, but for now, you’re stuck with it.”

The Queen’s grip increased as she spun the screw the other direction, slotting the connector back into Suzy unit’s brain. Suzy unit gasped as the data streams re-initialized, their bodies approaching homeostasis as they relinked together.

The Queen spun the connector once more, and the unit jumped, curling her lip. Both units turned towards the Queen, glaring at her. “Don’t do that again!”

The Queen chuckled, letting go of the cable. “I can’t promise you that. There will be further experiments.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I do pledge to take care of you, as you take care of Hive. My little toys.”

Both units blinked, their faces going blank. “Yes, Mistress,” they whispered. “We are your drones. We obey.

Their bodies wiggled with pleasure as a spray of lubricant ejected from their pussies.


Suzy unit scanned the room, noting the characteristics of the rowdy classmates as their voices rose together in excitement. This being their first day, she didn't blame them for their eagerness. They would learn to settle down, to obey, given sufficient training.

Nancy unit clapped her hands together. “Good morning, initiates,” she announced. “It's time to focus.

The murmuring faded as the eyes of the drones turned towards the screen on the wall behind them, fixed on the curious patterns that spiraled around in a circle. A low, thumping beat filled the room, the purplish smear in their eyes glowing with each pulsation.

Without being told, each drone lined up next to their desk, their chests heaving with the Rankotech R as their minds emptied. Nancy unit grinned as she spotted two familiar faces.

Lainey and Shiori were standing next to each other, dressed in yellow worker uniforms. They must have impressed Hive if they were here. They were true Hive slaves. It was time to take them to the next level.

“Good morning!” she announced, pressing a hand over her chest and giving them a low bow. “My name is Suzy unit.”

“My name is Nancy unit!” chirped her other half, bowing a calculated half second later.

Both of them waved their arms in the air, the cable dangling between their heads jiggling as it glowed with cerulean colors. “Together, we're Noozy!” they said in unison. “We'll be your trainer today!”

Nancy unit folded her arms. “Before you ask, yes, we're always connected. You may treat us as one unit. We like doing it that way.” She turned towards Suzy unit, giving her a lascivious grin.

Suzy unit pretended to keep herself aloof, though it was all an act. They really were one entity, or as close as made no difference.

Their minds had adjusted to the change, linking them so tightly together that neither of them could survive on their own. They both praised and cursed the Queen for this outcome, but they couldn't imagine being separate. They were one. They were Hive.

The student’s mouths opened as one. “Yes, Miss Noozy!” they said, their obedience induced by the music of Hive being pumped into the room.

The hypnotizing pattern on the screen shifted. “Very good,” nodded Nancy unit. “Today, we'll be taking you through a lesson on sex toys. Some of you may be more experienced on this subject than others, but by the end of the series, you will be expected to apply what you've learned to break in new recruits.”

The drones nodded their heads to the beat. “Yes, Miss Noozy!”

She was already starting to like this, having these students in the palm of her hand. It was no wonder the Queen put up with running the Hive, if she could experience moments like this!

Nancy unit picked up a box sitting on her lectern as Suzy unit approached the class. “Please, move your desks into a circle,” she ordered. “We shall begin with a presentation.”

Following the pulsing beat of Hive, the trainees grabbed their desks and pulled them away from the center of the room, exposing a rounded depression in the floor.

Nancy unit sent a wireless command, and a round platform began to emerge, pushed up by hydraulics. It was large enough to contain two drones, the sides curling up into a lip so that overly amorous activities wouldn't cause them to fall out.

She could feel her other half approaching with a box, closing her eyes to savor the sensations. It felt so good to be one, she was already having problems concentrating. Muffled laughter circled through the gestalt of their minds, followed by the thumping beat of Hive. Ah yes, that's right. The students came first - both figuratively and literally.

Eyes snapping open, she gazed at the gathered students. “Which of you consider yourself experienced with ass play?” she asked, tapping her fingers against her thigh.

A couple of drones hesitantly raised their hands, but Lainey jumped up eagerly. “Me! Me!” she crooned. “I'm both a large size and a size queen!”

Nancy unit grunted, moving in towards the platform. “Get on the table, then. We shall demonstrate starting with you.”

Her gaze flipped over to Shiori. “You. Join her. You were her coworker, and now you will act as her co-trainee.”

The asian woman's eyes fluttered, her long lashes masking the purple glaze in her eyes. “Yes, trainer,” she mumbled, following Lainey.

Lainey jumped onto the table, giggling as she bowled herself over, her legs splaying apart. She used her arms to straighten herself, resting her palms on her knees.

Shiori leaped up next to her, like a gazelle, folding her long legs as she sat on the lip of the platform. She stared demurely at Suzy unit, a picture of obedience, but for the faint curl of her lip.

Suzy unit ignored this insouciance, marking time in her head as she approached with Nancy unit. It was a strange dichotomy, the way their fusion worked. Their bodies were still separate, in a sense, but all the nerves and senses from both of them were fully accessible if she concentrated.

This might seem overwhelming for one mind to control, but in reality, they were two minds, presenting as one. No, that wasn't really the correct way to explain it, either.

She shrugged, leaving further categorization to the scientists. They just were, and they were happy.

Suzy unit leaned in, resting one hand on Lainey's hip as she worked to release the zipper over her privates. “Lift,” she commanded, prodding a finger into Lainey’s ass.

The drone responded by placing her hands against the table, twisting her hips upward to provide Suzy unit with better access. Suzy unit pulled the zipper under and around to the small of Lainey’s back, the rubber bursting open to reveal her pink pussy lips.

Suzy unit rubbed them, swirling her finger in a circle on top of Lainey’s clit. The drone grunted, her face shining as she gave Suzy unit a broad smile. “Use me, Mistress,” she hissed. “Fill me up, expand me until I'm unable to hold it any longer!”

Suzy unit chuckled, smacking her thigh. “You're an eager little slut, and normally I'd reward that, but you're not a mindless worker drone any more. You're going to have to learn to control yourself.”

Lainey frowned, her back arching against the lip of the platform. “I don't wanna,” she said petulantly.

Suzy unit's brows rose. “Control yourself, slut, lest we control your body for you!”

A hiss escaped Lainey's swollen lips, but she subsided, her eyes going wide as Nancy unit approached. She was about to say something, but the glare Suzy unit shot at her forced her to reconsider. She turned up her head, lifting her hands to brace them against the side of the platform.

Nancy unit proffered the box to Suzy unit, and she reached inside without looking, knowing exactly where her other half had placed each object.

She raised her hand so that everybody could see the knobby end of the ass plug. “This plug is a trainer. It's small, used for virgin assholes that are not used to being plugged.”

She laid the plug in her hand, reaching out to compare its size to Lainey's gaping asshole. “As you can see, our drone friend here has been working herself for a while. If I were to place this inside her, she'd gobble it whole - that's why it has a flange at the end.”

She turned and glared at the students, who were stretching out to get a better look. “Whatever you do, don't insert anything that can get lost. Otherwise, you'll be visiting one of our clinics to get it removed… very uncomfortable.”

A couple of the students blanched, looking less certain of themselves. Good. It was only the overconfident fools she would have to worry about now. There wasn't much she could do to dissuade them - only hard won experience would prevent them from being idiots.

She placed the plug back into the box, retrieving another. Lainey's eyes widened as she saw it, a pleased gasp escaping her lips.

Suzy unit held it up, the end wobbling to and fro. It was built like a pyramid, with the largest knob sitting on top, followed by a flange. The bumps grew progressively larger as one moved down the plug, like waystations along the path to ultimate butt pleasure.

Gripping the hilt, she retrieved a bottle of lube with her other hand, popping the top open. “You always want to make sure to use plenty of lubrication to reduce friction during ass play,” instructed Suzy unit. “Too much will create a mess, which is why you should have towels on hand.”

She nodded at Nancy unit, who was holding a couple of hand towels, watching her with a grin. It was all an illusion, really. It didn't matter which of them actually performed the task, as both of them could feel what the other was doing. Two extensions of the same mind. Two bodies, two pairs of hands, double the efficiency!

Suzy unit closed in on Lainey's butt while Nancy unit placed one of her towels underneath the drone’s ass. The way the drone’s glossy rubber outfit clung to her skin was quite appealing. She sighed in pleasure, praising the Queen who had made this her job. Every day she would see something sexy, and she could play with the poor little drones to her heart's content. Who could possibly ask for anything more?

She pressed the tip of the plug against Lainey's opening, giving it a small twist as her hole squeezed around the soft rubber. Lainey sighed, sinking against the side of the platform, biting her lip. “Don't get too lost in the sensations,” warned Suzy unit. “I want you to use your muscles to help pull it inside.”

Lainey nodded, moving a hand to play with her clit as she flexed her ass. “Notice her illicit attempt to increase her arousal,” said Suzy unit pointedly. “I will allow it, as this will help to loosen her up to take the plug.”

She patted Lainey's side. “You're right on the edge of insubordination,” she warned. “Make another move like that, and you will be punished.”

Lainey's eyes were bright. She seemed to like that idea. Suzy unit scowled, but Nancy unit's eyes were hooded. They bandied about various ideas for future punishments. When they settled on an approach, both units were grinning.

“We'll dress you in a hobble skirt and armbinder, tie you up in ropes, and suspend you from the ceiling,” threatened Suzy unit.

“Then, we'll allow the other drones to tease you with a wand, until you seem ready to pop. After that, we'll mask and gag you until the end of the lesson, letting you think about your actions.”

Lainey gulped, nodding her head, though there was a faint sparkle in her eyes. Inevitably, she would do something naughty that would require punishment. They had best get the suspension harness out and rigged for their next lesson!

Suzy unit twisted the plug, please to see it pop inside the drone's ass. “That's looking good,” she announced. “Can you take the next knob? Let's find out!”

“You know it!” hissed Lainey, thrusting her butt into the plug.

Her hole flexed around the rounded bump, her ass sucking on the next rung as Suzy spun it back and forth, providing constant pressure. Lainey moaned, tossing her head back as she swirled her fingers over her clit, her inner lips glistening with her own juices.

“There's no need to rush, just keep up the pressure. If your subject is willing, they'll be able to take it eventually.”

Lainey wiggled as her ass expanded around the toy, her rectum hungrily eating the next knob. “Good,” chuckled Suzy unit, examining the pink flesh clamped down around the toy. “I think we'll leave it there. Despite her past experience, she'll need to practice some more if she hopes to take the largest plugs.”

Lainey groaned, squeezing a breast as she hissed with pleasure. “Please, Mistress,” she choked out. “Fill me to the brim!

Nancy unit smacked her ass as Suzy unit worked on pulling the plug back out. Lainey whined in protest, but she didn't care. “We are conservative about trying new things in this classroom. We don't intend on sending our students to the clinic on their first day.”

Lainey looked forlorn. She had clearly been hoping to work up to a climax. It served her right for being so cheeky!

“Don't give me that look,” said Suzy unit, shaking her head. “We're not done with you just yet.”

“You aren't?” breathed Lainey, immediately perking up.

Suzy unit dropped the used plug onto the towel, returning to the box as Nancy unit bundled it up and took it away. “On the subject of cleaning your partner out before play,” she said as she grabbed another toy. “I would recommend that you always do so before anal sex to avoid making a mess, but it's not strictly necessary for this kind of play.”

She turned towards Shiori, handing her a rubber plug with an attached squeeze bulb. “Now it's your turn. Insert this into our rambunctious friend and dilate her open.”

Shirori's face lit up as she leaned out of her curled up posture like a cat. “Can I?” she asked, the words spilling from her lips.

Suzy unit handed her a bottle of lubricant. “Absolutely. Show me what you've learned.”

Shori grabbed the plug by the base, the squeeze bulb dangling down as she lathered the bulbous tip with plenty of lube. Setting the bottle down, she gave Lainey an evil stare. “Prepare to be violated!” she said in a low voice, choking back a giggle.

Lainey's hands squeezed the lip of the platform, her mouth dropping open into a wide O as Shiori knelt next to her open pussy. The woman struck like a cobra, shoving the tip of the bulb into her coworker's ass without ceremony, twisting and pushing.

Lainey's ass was already slick from the previous toy, and she groaned as the new plug slid straight into her core with barely a pause. She rolled her eyes, shivering as Shiori took up the pump.

“It's time for revenge,” Shiori growled with a malicious grin, giving the bulb a quick squeeze.

Air rushed into the plug, the bulb expanding in Lainey's rectum, pushing against her walls. The bottom of the plug became visible as her hole expanded, the slick wetness of the lubricant glistening against the rubber sides.

“This is for all those times you teased me for being reserved, for getting the job done instead of playing around. Now, I can play and do the job at the same time, you little slut!” she hissed, squeezing the bulb again.

Lainey didn't appear to be paying much attention, her ass gaping as her back wiggled, small, squeaky exhalations escaping her lips.

Suzy unit watched demurely, amusement tingling in her shared mind. Lainey deserved this for being so rowdy with her workmates. She had been annoying, and now she was reaping the consequences for her actions.

She wouldn't allow Shiori to damage the drone, however. That wasn't good business.

When she had reached five pumps, Nancy unit held up a hand. “That's enough. Release the pressure, and start again.”

For a moment, Suzy unit thought that Shiori would disobey, but then the side of her mouth quirked upwards. “You know what? That's a great idea. I’m going to drain you all the way down, then pump you up again. Over and over, until you piss with pleasure!”

She grabbed the valve under the bulb, giving it a sharp twist. The air whooshed out in a rush, the bulb deflating all the way down to nothing. The other students whispered to each other as they watched Lainey’s face change from pleasure to terror. The drone’s lips began to move, wobbling as her breath escaped in short bursts.

“What’s that?” asked Shiori, placing a hand against Lainey’s thigh. “Speak up!” she glowered, leaning in until they were face to face.

“No, no, no, no, no, no… Yes!” Lainey moaned, her face bright as Shiori squeezed the bulb again.

“That’s right, you whore. Every time I pump you up, you slip deeper into slavery.” She moved in, grabbing Lainey’s breast, tweaking a nipple through her latex bodysuit.

Lainey’s lips pursed, a coo escaping her throat as Shiori squeezed the bulb again. “I hold you within the palm of my hand,” said Shiori in a low voice. “Your pleasure is dependent upon my whims. I can stop at any time. What will you do to achieve orgasm?”

Lainey's head rattled back and forth, her hands sliding down her thighs as her chest popped forward. “Anything, Mistress, anything!

Suzy unit grinned at Nancy unit as agreement circulated through their shared mind. It was time.

They sent a wireless command to the room’s systems, and a set of spotlights hidden in the ceiling clicked on. The overheads shut off, the room bathed in stripes of violet light. The pulsing beat of the Hive filled her ears, driving her lust.

She was not immune to the temptation, but she held herself back to observe the drones. Which ones would give in, and which would take charge?

They were being secretly evaluated. The results of this test would control which ones would be put in charge of others, and which would be given to them as their servants. She was especially interested in seeing what happened with her friends. Would Shiori be up to the task, or would she succumb with the rest?

Moans filled the room as the other students began to pair off. Some of them melted where they stood, unable to stop themselves from stroking their heated pussies. Their eyes went wide as they squeezed their hands against their rubber bodysuits, the Rs distorting as the material wrinkled against their chests.

Failed. Failed. Failed. More of them gave in than she was expecting. Disappointing.

Shiori clasped Lainey's body, leaning forward to suck on her rubber coated nipples. For a moment, Suzy unit thought that she had given in like the others, but then she pulled back, the rubber material pinched between her teeth. Lainey shook, caught in the throes of orgasm as Shiori released her, smacking her face.

“I knew you couldn't resist, slut,” she laughed, watching as Lainey stared back at her with abject worship. “I can do whatever I want to you and you’ll take it, isn’t that right?”

Lainey nodded vigorously. “Yes, Mistress. Hit me, use me, but don't stop. This slut needs to be punished!”

“Is that so?” she said in a dark voice. “Well then, I'm going to suck on your pussy now, with that fat, inflated toy in your ass. You're going to hold yourself back until I tell you to cum. How about that?”

Lainey's eyes lit up, her back settling down as she tilted her hips, the bulb attached to the plug swaying back and forth. “Yes, Mistress!” she groaned.

Shiori pressed her hands into Lainey's pussy, spreading her pink lips wide. Her head dipped down like a bird, tongue sticking out as if she was going to collect nectar.

Lainey trembled, face red as she moaned out her pleasure. Shiori was in control, knowing exactly how to manipulate her coworker's body. She wouldn't be able to last long under this assault. Good.

She was going to make for an excellent Mistress. Lainey would probably be demoted again at the end of class, but she wouldn't be too put out by that. She was far too much of a slut to care.

Secure in the knowledge that the surveillance cameras would catch anything else they needed to know, the units turned towards each other, intent on satisfying their own needs.

Their cable rattled along the floor as they approached, studying each other's identical bodies with glee. They were twin pierced sluts, working together for the greatness of Hive. Glorious.

Clasping each other, they kissed, a feedback loop of pleasure running through their dual bodies as their tongue rings clicked together. The sound of drones orgasming around them pushed their consciousness higher, joy spilling through the connection.

They were molding their trainees into useful Hive drones. They would soon train more drones, spreading Hive to new office buildings, growing organically, bringing the truth of Hive to more downtrodden workers.

Nancy unit broke free from Suzy unit’s kiss, caressing her face. “We are one,” she whispered.

Indeed, they were.


If you liked reading about corporate rubber slave drones, consider looking up ‘Tick Tock,’ by Caroline Waters. That novel is set in the same universe. Thanks for reading! - Half Shim

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