Nine To Hive

Alternate Ending C - Grateful Yellow

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #clothing #dom:female #f/f #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #hive #mind_control #transformation

The Queen waited patiently at her desk, twiddling her fingers, while Suzy privately panicked. How could she possibly make such a momentous decision? There were so many implications she had to consider!

If she reached out her hand, grasping for power, would she be shut down, discarded? Could she handle the pressure of command, or would she be just as dreadful at that as she had been at her job? But if she chose a menial position, keeping her head down as she always had, wouldn't that be a cop out?

Paralyzed, unable to decide, she stared helplessly at the Queen, feeling her time run out.

The Queen raised a delicate eyebrow, standing on her heels and pirouetting around the desk. “This does happen every so often,” she sighed. “You've been so beaten down by your past corporate experiences, that you simply don't know how to be anything else. It's very sad.”

Suzy took a step back as her thoughts tangled up into a ball, the fear in her belly growing ever greater as the Queen loomed above her. Pity coloring her face, the Queen reached out, shoving a thumb into Suzy’s mouth.

In shock, Suzy gurgled as the Queen seized her cheek, her eyes growing larger in Suzy’s mind. Her mouth closed around the finger, her lips beginning to suckle on it as though it was a nipple.

She jolted, her thoughts vanishing, mind going glassy. It was just easier to forget about her worries and taste the Queen's rubbery finger, her mouth working without conscious volition.

The Queen sighed in dismay. “I wonder why I ever thought you would be suitable for management? It’s obvious that you’re begging to be told what to do.”

Suzy nodded, her eyes fixed on the Queen, waiting eagerly for Her next command. The Queen's finger had become sweet, like a lollipop, and she never wanted to stop sucking.

Twisting her hand, the Queen locked her fingers under Suzy's chin, pressing her thumb into Suzy’s tongue. “Come, slave, it's time to fill you up with Hive fluid so that you can become a good little maintenance drone. I think you'll like that - one of your friends has already succumbed. Don't you want to be like her? Dumb, fat, and happy.

Suzy nodded yes, her lips working ever harder. They felt thicker now, swollen as she smacked them together, worshiping the Queen's thumb.

The Queen gave her a tug, and her body moved forward, following the implicit command. “That's right,” she purred, “fall under my sway. It's so easy to do, to give in.

Blinking, Suzy found it curious when the world around them twisted, the office replaced with some kind of cybernetic cave, black cabling forming an arch above them. The large room was lit from the walls, colored spotlights winking as the Queen led her into an alcove.

“This is made much easier by the fact that we're in your mind,” said the Queen conversationally. “Here, we can discover what you truly want. It also makes it easier to change you into what you should be. Infinite malleability, informed by perfect obedience.”

Suzy protested around the thumb in her mouth, spittle dribbling from her lips as the Queen dragged her towards a pit filled with bubbling pink fluid.

“Why protest? This is what you wanted, isn't it?” She paused in front of the pit, massaging Suzy's chin. “It's very simple. You want to be mine, therefore your body will change until it matches my specifications. I desire you to be one of my worker drones. To do so, you must be remodeled. The changes made here will trickle down to your real body, and then you will be mine.

Tightening her grip, she stalked around Suzy, forcing her to turn until her back was to the wall. The Queen placed her other hand against Suzy’s chest, applying gentle pressure.

When Suzy failed to move, she sighed. “Don’t you trust that I’ll take care of you? All workers within my Hive are valuable. I ensure that they have what they desire most.”

Her eyes creased. “As it turns out, they don’t desire very much. Fat. Happy. That’s what you’ll be.”

Suzy’s muzzy mind couldn’t put together a cohesive thought on whether that idea was good or bad. The pressure from the Queen was overwhelming, pushing aside whatever resistance she could muster.

Her brow creased. And why should she be resisting? Was she being contrarian just because?

Her breath hitched in her throat, her forehead smoothing. There was no reason to be confused. This was the Queen. She would take care of her. She was Hive.

Her face settled into a bland smile, her feet shuffling back at the Queen’s command. The pit bubbled around her, pink fluid spattering onto her skin.

The Queen was getting wet, too, but the fluid didn’t stick to her outfit, colorful streaks running down her thighs. She was unperturbed by this, her irises a swirling, glowing purple. Pretty.

Suzy sucked on the Queen’s thumb, getting lost in her eyes as she kept moving at her command. A jolt came at her ass, and she stumbled, her legs collapsing as she settled onto a soft seat.

She let out a soft coo as the thumb popped out of her mouth, her lips twitching into a small O as she continued trying to suck on the absent appendage. The Queen chuckled at her expression. “Don’t worry, little drone. I’m going to get you hooked up here, and then you’ll feel much better.”

Kneeling in front of Suzy, she leaned over and wrapped her gloved hand around a nozzle sticking up from the floor. She pulled it out, the cable shimmering with light as she showed Suzy the acrylic cup attached to the end. A fleshy dick stuck out from the center.

Giving her a mischievous grin, the Queen stuck the bulbous end into her mouth, rotating it as her cheeks sucked in, eyes sparkling. Pulling it out with a loud pop, she smacked her lips together. “Tasty,” she exclaimed, twirling the cable in the air. “Guess where this is going next, little drone.”

Suzy's lips stopped pulsing in the air, her mouth settling back into a grin. “Put it in me, Queen,” she breathed, her toes curling against the metallic floor.

The Queen shoved her legs aside, moving the hood into position. The rubber seal around the cup pressed into her skin, incomplete suction causing air to hiss uncomfortably between her ass cheeks.

Suzy rocked her hips forward, and it snapped into place, tugging at her flesh. She moaned, her fingers wiggling against her thighs as she thrust her chest out, nipples hardening.

The Queen grinned at her, clamping her hands around her legs. Pushing down, she lifted herself up until her head was level with Suzy's breasts.

“Now, the fun begins,” she chuckled. “Watch carefully. I call this tongue control.”

Opening her mouth, she stuck out her tongue, moving it lazily up and down. Suzy gasped as a metallic appendage touched her inner lips, streaking across the surface, matching the Queen's motions.

The Queen slipped her tongue back inside her mouth, giving Suzy a knowing grin. “Do you get the idea?” she chuckled.

The Queen laid a hand on her cheek, cocking her head. “No, of course you don't,” she sighed, reaching out with her other hand to poke Suzy in the side. “You're my brainless little toy.

Suzy's breath caught as the Queen’s tongue darted out, flicking at her clit. “Soon enough, you won't even be able to think for yourself at all, filled to the brim with Hive secretions. Won't that be wonderful?

Wouldn't it? She tried to form words with her lips multiple times, but soon gave up. She didn't need to say anything!

Her face settled into a dumb grin as she relaxed into the seat, letting her shoulders fall back. The Queen nodded gravely. “Yes, it's what you want, isn't it? Otherwise you would say no.

Her fingers lifted to Suzy's lips, touching them gently. “But you don't want to say no, do you? You've already given in. You want to be my puppet slave, dancing at the end of my tongue while I wash all of those silly little thoughts out of your head.”

Eyes bright, Suzy's chest trembled at the idea. She nodded vociferously, her pussy tight in anticipation.

The Queen dropped her jaw open, her tongue curling out to tickle at Suzy’s pussy with the proxy tentacle. It felt hard, but yielding, warm, hot. Her tunnel trembled, waiting, desiring. She let out a long, hissing breath, pleading the Queen with her eyes.

The Queen moved her tongue around in a circle, in no hurry to give her what she wanted. The appendage streaked upwards, settling on her clit, tapping it with light pressure. A high pitched squeal emitted from her lips, her head bobbing.

“Is that good for you?” whispered the Queen. “Just wait until I start filling you to the brim.”

Leaning forward, Emma sat down on her knee, wrapping her hands around Suzy's right breast, giving it a little squeeze to make her plump nipple protrude.

Her velvet lips opened wide as she moved in like a shark, her eyes a sheen of glowing purple as she swallowed the nipple whole. Glomp.

Suzy's eyes went wide as the Queen's tongue began to tease her nipple. At the same time, the curved appendage below dove into her pussy, thrusting deep.

The Queen gave her an amused smile as she began to play harder, faster, the dildo playing inside Suzy’s tunnel. Up, down, left, right, around in circles, tickling, teasing.

Her Queen’s tongue and the artificial appendage were so perfectly synchronized that she couldn't tell the difference, her mind settling on the idea that it really didn't matter. The Queen was playing her like a fiddle, and her body was primed to explode.

Her breathing came in short bursts, gasps of pleasure escaping her lips. Pressing in, the Queen laid her tongue flat, sucking on her nipple as she drew her bumpy flesh over the surface.

This was mirrored in her pussy, the prosthetic device curving against the wall of her tunnel, tugging at her flesh with the embedded nodules. It was the same, yet different. She wanted to savor these sensations for longer, but she couldn’t stop her libido!

Letting out a whine, she bucked her hips into the Queen, her face blushing as an orgasm shuddered through her body. The Queen continued sucking, tasting her as the dildo jerked inside.

There came a sudden pressure, pain building to an uncomfortable level. She squirmed, but the Queen laid a hand against her chest, keeping her firmly in the seat.

She continued to suck at Suzy's nipple, unconcerned about the soft bulge forming in Suzy's gut. Suzy burped, going cross eyed as the pain spiked.

She was about to say something when the blockage within her was released, a loud gurgle coming from below her tummy.

The bulge moved farther up, fluid squirting into her womb. As she took in a deep breath, her belly wobbled like a balloon, starting to feel pleasantly full. Was this what it felt like to be pregnant?

She didn’t know, as she had never been with child, but she doubted amniotic fluid would slosh around her insides in the same way. It was enough to make her sick.

And yet - with every passing moment, the queasiness was fading, replaced with a sense of warm satisfaction. She burped again, placing her hands on her belly.

Grinning stupidly, she massaged her flesh in circles, enjoying the low grade pleasure that swooped around with the Queen's tongue.

She didn't have to worry about obeying her now. She would just relax and let everything come naturally. She was being filled with Hive's essence, inflating like a balloon. How much could she hold? She was eager to find out!

The Queen gave her nipple a final suck, pulling back. Suzy made an annoyed noise, and the Queen chuckled. “There's no reason to be dismayed. Look, your milk is starting to let down. You're going to be a very productive milkmaid.”

Suzy let out a gurgled coo, moving her hands to clasp her swollen breast. It had changed under the Queen's ministrations, growing nearly twice the size of her other breast!

Her flesh was an intense pink, the area around her nipple a deep red, the pulse of her heart faintly visible within the spidery veins that ran to the tip. There was a faint glossy liquid on the surface, smeared in a circle.

Curious, she tugged on her breast, squeezing the flesh. More of the glossy fluid appeared, dribbling down onto her swollen belly. She groaned, delighting in becoming more like a mother.

The Queen patted her shoulder, as if she was encouraging an animal. “You're a producing worker, very good. Let's get your other breast to the proper size. As they say, two teats are better than one! You're a mother to Hive, now, we need everything you can produce to nourish the nest!

Suzy let out a low bellow, confused as to what the Queen meant. She didn't understand any of that Hive stuff, she just wanted to be useful! If becoming a mommy drone would help, then that's what she wanted.

It helped that more pleasure was tickling at her loins, a second orgasm lurking just out of reach. She stared at the Queen hungrily, letting out another gurgled squeal.

“So needy,” the Queen purred, folding her hands around Suzy’s other breast. “If I had doubts about your designated role, they’ve all vanished. You’re going to fit right in as one of our Yellows.”

Was that true? She was going to belong?

Happiness clasped her heart as the Queen dove onto her other breast, the throbbing, licking appendage returning to her pussy.

She howled, feeling her remaining intelligence departing as the Queen bobbed up and down, her hips rattling as more of the fluid was injected into her.

Cupping her free breast, she gave it a squeeze. A spray of pink fluid spurted onto the Queen's rubber outfit, pink trails drying up into transparent resin blobs.

She let out a hissing breath as her chest pulsed with pleasure, more of the liquid gushing out every time the Queen applied her tongue.

The bright smile on her face widened as her eyes went dull.

No, they weren't breasts, they were boobies! Fat, happy lumps that gave her so much pleasure!

Losing the ability to speak, she let her cries of pleasure suffice, tossing her head back as her belly expanded further. The Queen wasn't stopping, her breast becoming heavier. She was being turned into a worker slut!

She burped, pink fluid lurching up her throat. There came the taste of sweet bubblegum as she sampled it, spitting it out into the palm of her hand.

It solidified before her eyes, becoming a thick, hard blob, like the resin that had sprouted from her nipples. She had been transformed into a Hive factory, producing the secretions necessary for it to expand!

The utter joy of this thought filled her brain as her body shook under the stimulation. She was a slut, a slutty Hive cow!

Her body bucked against the twirling appendage, her nipples exploding as her mind accepted her final transformation.

She was the Queen's worker, her toy, to be directed as She pleased. Bless the mother of all! Bless Hive!

Her mind dissolved into a collage of bubblegum pink secretions.


Worker drone Suzy floated happily in a sea of liquid resin, bobbing up and down in the bubbling brew. A roaring waterfall of the pink fluid splashed out of an opening high in the wall, rolling over a spout shape and tumbling freely into the large pool below.

A group of drones frolicked, gathering up the fluid and splashing each other in a joyful frenzy. Their fat bodies jiggled as they laughed, yellow rubber squealing as they pawed at each other.

Suzy sighed, a small smile on her face as she watched festivities. She had been encouraged to join in on the fun, but she just felt tired after her encounter with the Queen.

Recognizing her lassitude, they had left her to drift alone in a lazy river, enjoying the way her rotund body floated in the strange fluid.

She didn't know what it was, didn't care. Her body seemed to burp it up every so often, gumming up her mouth. Strangely, this only made her want more.

Dipping her hand into the pool, she brought it up to her swollen lips, tipping the fluid into her mouth. A large dollop dribbled onto her rubber coated chest, streaking over the Rankotech R.

The logo was an obvious sign of her fealty to Hive. The glossy yellow dronesuit was another. She didn't know how it had been put onto her body, but she hadn't taken it off since she had arrived - hadn't felt any need to.

It had probably been melded to her body, but she didn't think to ask. It was too hard to use her brain, much simpler to leave those kinds of questions to others. She was happy enough to float, bloated full of pink.

Her breasts pulsed with happiness, and she sighed, cupping one of them. Here, the dronesuit thinned, forming a permeable layer over her skin.

She gritted her teeth, hissing as she massaged her flesh, pulses of pleasure accompanying small squirts of fluid that emitted from her areolae.

It was just a drop in the bucket, lost in the expansive pool, but it made her feel good to contribute. A worker must pull her weight.

Ah, that was what was really bothering her. The lassitude that had seized her limbs since being ejected from the Queen’s presence had drained all desire to work, yet that was her role. Why was she such a useless lump?

Burping, she drank another mouthful of the fluid to suppress these bad thoughts. Swallowing, she burped again, pleased when her concerns drifted away, suppressed by the lovely brew.

She drifted around in a circle for a couple more minutes, listless, staring up at the vaulted ceiling. A series of arched domes ran in a grid pattern from one end to the other, marble figures mounted on plinths where the swooping ceilings met the walls.

The marble women leaned forward, their large chests thrust outwards, mouths gaping open. The sections of their torsos that were visible were painted yellow with latex paint, the bright gloss sparkling as she floated with the current.

A sudden alarm sounded, a rising wail that rattled her teeth. A whoosh of pressure emitted from the lips of the statues, pink fluid gurgling out in high pressure streams.

The drones stopped their play, standing up straight as they lined up into a squad. Suzy frowned, feeling a sense of urgency. This was an alert. She should join them.

The lassitude returned, and she yawned. Why should she bother? She was just so tired.

A set of hands grabbed her upper arm, pushing her along. She turned lazily, giving the drone a questioning look. “What’s going on?” she murmured, pressing a hand to her chest as another large burp escaped her lips.

“It’s the daily call to work,” replied the worker drone, her bald head sparkling with dried resin. “You are a new drone, you are not expected to know this. I will help you to get dressed in your suit. This will give you the energy needed to work.”

Suzy squinted her eyes, recognition growing from somewhere within her addled brain. “Laim…ey?” she croaked, studying the curves of the drone’s face.

The woman’s lips broke out in a wide grin as she leaned over and kissed Suzy on the cheek. “You remembered!” she said in an excited voice. “Usually, it takes a week or two before a new worker can think at all!

Suzy burped happily, grinning like a child. “Thannnmks,” she said, stretching the word out.

“Ah,” nodded Lainey. “You’re still at a very basic level.”

She touched Suzy’s nose, and Suzy giggled in response, wiggling her shoulders. “You’re a pretty little newborn,” she chuckled. “Come on, baby drone, let’s get you suited up.”

Grabbing Suzy’s shoulder, she turned her around, leading her to a shallower section where the other drones were climbing out of the pool. Her friend helped her up a series of concrete steps, the fluid on her body drying rapidly into hard resin. The remaining chunks didn't seem to stick to her at all, falling free as her friend brushed her down.

She moved her hands clumsily over her chest, trying to help out, but she seemed to lack fine motor control. Sighing, she gave up and grinned. Lainey was such a good friend.

She was also quite fat, though now that she possessed the same body type, that attribution rang hollow. Not fat, filled with Hive.

Her belly gurgled as she patted the swollen surface, her breasts bobbing as she burped, tasting the lovely fluid in her mouth. She was primed and ready to go, ready to work.

This happy realization buoyed her upwards as Lainey tugged her hand, leading her to a rack of equipment mounted to a stand jutting out of the concrete floor.

“Move over here, good,” Lainey remarked, patting her shoulders. “I'll just get you dressed up, and then we'll be ready for duty.”

She stood still as Lainey grabbed a rectangular backpack off the rack, rubbery tubes attached to a dangling mask. She tugged out a strap, gesturing at Suzy. “Right arm,” she commanded, slipping the strap up to Suzy’s shoulder as Suzy held her arm out like a wing.

“Left arm.” Repeating on the other side, she moved around to the rear, grabbing the tabs at the bottom and cinching the straps tight.

The stiffness of the backpack's frame forced her to straighten up, feeling like she was carrying the weight of Hive on her shoulders. She was a proud worker, proud of Hive. She would work to expand Hive.

The desire to work welled up within her, impatience tugging at her heels. Lainey wasn't done with her, however, and she wanted to be properly outfitted.

A low gurgle escaped her throat, and Lainey chuckled. “I'm so glad that the Queen selected you to be our next worker!” she exclaimed. “We're going to have so much fun together!”

Moving around her side, Lainey smashed their bodies together, bellies jiggling as they flattened out. Their nipples squeaked as they slipped over each other.

Surprised, Suzy's mouth gaped open as Lainey cupped the back of her head, staring straight into her eyes. The purple glow of Hive sparkled through her irises, lending them an attractive air. Curious at how comfortable this felt, her face settled into a dumb grin, her lips parting.

Damn, girl, you're so attractive when you look stupid,” exclaimed Lainey, licking her lips. “How about a sloppy Hive kiss before I slide on the mask?”

Suzy gave her an inquisitive look, trying to understand the strange emotions running through her core. There was a base reluctance, telling her not to give in, to follow the cultural taboos ingrained into her since birth, but - why?

She wasn't a normal person any longer, not by any stretch of the imagination. She was a Hive drone, and drones should love one another. That was the best way to ensure the harmony of Hive!

Tilting her head, she let out a coo in assent. Lainey grinned, pulling her head in until their fat lips met, their flesh squeezing together as Lainey invaded with her tongue.

Suzy was startled to find her body automatically reacting, fluid gushing up her throat and into her mouth, filling up the interstitial spaces. Soon, their tongues were dueling with each other, squelching back and forth as their cheeks bulged.

It was a highly unusual sensation, but she went with it, feeling her swollen breasts start to respond as well. They pulsed in time with the beat of her heart, trails of fluid spurting out onto Lainey's chest.

Lainey ignored all this, moaning as she sucked on Suzy's tongue. Suzy was surprised to find that her libido was beginning to respond, a flush of pleasure licking at her loins.

The only way this could be made better was if she could stroke Lainey's clit. Choking down a swallow of the Hive fluid, she stretched out an arm, questing for the goal. Her fingers ran over Lainey's hips as her friend moaned, darting closer with each breath through her nose. She had almost reached the target, almost.

“What is going on here?” asked a familiar voice, a sharp tongue lashing at the two of them. “You are both on duty, but I find you playing with each other instead of working. Get yourselves together, sluts.

Suzy gasped as Lainey drew back, her lips disconnecting with a loud pop. Fluid dribbled out of their mouths, splattering over their chins and onto their wobbling breasts.

She let out a forlorn coo as Lainey took her by the shoulder, giving her an apologetic look. “Straighten up!” barked the authoritative voice. “It falls to me to get you dressed and online!”

Lainey turned around, slamming her shoulder into Suzy's. She lifted an arm in salute. “Worker drone Lainey reporting for duty!” she announced, her face flushed a bright red.

A woman dressed in a skintight red catsuit stalked behind the rack, her arms folded behind her back. A crop was held in one hand, her fingers holding the leather grip with a light touch.

She scowled at them, wicked eyebrows highlighted by the tight hood she wore. Her lips were colored by a bright lip gloss, enhancing her air of authority.

Moving around the rack, she stopped in front of Suzy. Leaning back, she smacked the business end of the crop into her other hand, the whipping crack startling Suzy. “What is your designation, drone?” she asked.

Suzy's lips worked as she tried to remember how to speak. “S… mm..oozy,” she gasped, a bright smile coming to her face.

The control drone frowned, pressing the tip of the crop under Suzy’s chin as she studied her critically.

“She's a new worker, Nancy!” blurted Lainey, her eyes blinking vociferously. “You can't blame her for not knowing the job!”

The control drone turned towards Lainey, smacking her belly with the crop. Her skin burned red, flesh swaying freely from the impact. Lainey didn't look fazed, her face truculent.

“No, but I expect you to know better,” growled Nancy. “You need to serve as a good example to the new workers, or they'll spend all their time fucking!”

Her eyes narrowed. “Like you.

Lainey folded her arms, squeezing them against her breasts as she blushed. “It's just a side effect of our secretions,” she muttered. “We have to deal with the horniness somehow.

Nancy shook her head, sighing with exasperation. “Lainey, we can be friends off shift, but I've just been promoted, and I need to prove myself. I've been tasked with getting this unit moving, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't care how needy you are.”

Lainey's blush rushed down her neck, eyes hooding. “Command me again, Mistress.”

Nancy rolled her eyes. “Put on the new drone’s mask and get suited up, slave.

Lainey emitted a soft sigh. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Turning back to Suzy, she reached her hands around behind her back, grabbing the mask dangling from the hoses attached to the backpack. Pulling it up and over Suzy’s head, she moved it into position.

Pressing the rubber cup over her mouth and nose, she drew the rubber webbing over the back of her skull. Smoothing out the hoses, she gave Suzy a cute grin. “Breathe deep,” she exhorted. “The more drugged you are, the better you will work.”

Suzy didn't care too much about that, but she certainly needed to breathe! Grabbing one of the hoses in her right hand, she felt the ribbed length as she stretched her neck.

A cool breath hissed through the hose as her belly inflated further, sweet air caressing her lungs. She blinked, her eyes going glassy. “Nicesh,” she muttered, her body relaxing.

Lainey nodded at her. “That's right, keep taking it in, let your body sink into the beat of Hive as we move to the workplace.”

Suzy's brow wrinkled. What beat?

A set of headphones settled over her ears, clamping down against her skin. Pulsating music stroked her eardrums, throbbing into her brain at prescribed intervals. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Her eyes widened as she pulled in another breath, understanding blooming. Letting go of the tubing, she felt her lungs inflate in time with the music, the rhythm of Hive vibrating in her bones.

She waited in anticipation of what came next. Her fat lips pursed as she stared at her friend, watching as she shrugged on a backpack of her own. Yes, that's right, they were both worker drones. They needed the music to focus.

Throb. Throb. Throb. The desire to work rose within her, leashed by the knowledge that it wasn't yet time. When it was required, she would be told what to do.

Lainey put on the mask, shrugging her shoulders as she situated the hosing. Strapping it to her head, she looked at Suzy, purple twinkles in her eyes as she took a deep breath.

She looked like an alien with the rounded mask hiding her lips, the domed oval sparkling a glossy yellow. It was made of rubber, just like their outfits. The stylized R labeled each side, next to the inlet hoses, a rounded grill at the front easing their exhalations.

Lainey knew that she looked the same as her friend, a carbon copy, and this pleased her. The two of them were drones, Hive drones. They were not humans. They were things, to be used as Hive wished. Units to be allocated. Objects.

The red overseer sidled up behind Lainey, slipping a pair of headphones over her ears. Lainey blinked, her eyes unfocusing as she took in a deep breath, her fat chest wobbling. The purple sparkles spread out, becoming a thick coating that throbbed in time to the beat in Suzy's ears. They were both Hive workers, dancing to the beat of Hive.

With nothing more to do, Suzy inhaled to the beat, staring at Lainey's attractively large breasts, following the red overseer out of the corners of her eyes. Thump. Thump. Thump.

She wanted to work, but there was nothing to be stressed about. The beat held her in thrall, and she was ready to be commanded. This was the proper state for a worker drone.

She waited patiently until the red overseer reappeared, light sparkling over the glossy R on her chest. Suzy had forgotten the woman’s name, could barely remember her own.

That was inconsequential. She was a worker drone. She existed to be used. This made her happy.

The overseer handed her a bucket, which she took without question. It was filled with pink fluid from the pool, sloshing back and forth as it settled next to her thigh.

It was heavy, but she could handle it. She was a worker, she existed to serve.

Her pussy trembled, a thrill of pleasure running through her tunnel at the thought of submission. It was not as good as direct stimulation, but she knew that the low grade pleasure would keep her company while she worked. While she obeyed.

It was an extra incentive to pay attention to the overseer, to jump at her every command. She watched the drone's well defined ass, the red rubber of her outfit stretching across the valley. She desired to touch it, to see how the material sprang back after she pressed her hand into the gap, but right now the drone was handing her friend another bucket.

Now they were twins again, slaves to the music. Her heart throbbed, excitement rising as their overseer lifted a gloved hand, gesturing for them to follow.

She turned in step with her fellow worker, their bare feet slapping against the resin encrusted floor as they followed the drone out of the chamber. Their feet pounded in rhythm, hips swaying to the beat, the music driving their brains.

They made several turns, took an elevator. It was uncomfortable to stand in, because the floor was not coated like the rest of the Hive. A desire rose within her to coat it with resin, but she suppressed it. The overseer had not ordered it, and her friend had not moved, either.

She wanted to be more like her. A serene, obedient, thing. She gurgled in her mask, making an unspecified noise.

Her friend lifted an arm, stroking her shoulder. She knew. She understood.

Joy welled up within her. She would not disobey her overseer or her Hive. She was an obedient worker. She was meant to work.

Her eyes distorted with a purple tint, and she burped in the mask, fluid coating her throat. The sense of urgency was growing. She must work. She needed it. Needed to obey.

The elevator doors opened, the overseer leading them out onto an upper floor. They were surrounded by humming computers mounted in racks that extended to the ceilings. The room was cool, kept at a regulated temperature by the large air conditioning units mounted near the walls. Large hoods on the back of each rack carried the waste heat into ducting that ran the length of the room, vanishing somewhere into the walls.

She did not understand it, did not need to understand it. What she did understand was the group of workers at the far end of the room, wearing glossy yellow rubber over their fat bellies, clustered around two red overseers. They were being given directions. They were working.

An extra spring appeared in her step as she followed the overseer, her eagerness rising. They stopped near the group as the overseers turned to look at each other, their eyes glowing purple.

“More workers,” said the tall one near the rear in an acerbic voice. “Good. We need to finish this experiment.”

“Are we still on schedule?” asked the overseer who had brought them.

“See for yourself,” murmured the third overseer, shifting aside.

Nestled against the wall was an alcove made from Hive resin, layers upon layers built up from the floor. Sitting on a ledge was a naked man, held down by a worker drone on each side.

His mouth was covered in a mask, twin hoses attached to the wall behind him. Bent back, his pelvis was thrust outwards, the head of a worker drone planted on top. He moaned, his shoulders rattling against the resin, light sparkling through his silver beard.

One of the overseers marched up to the drone sucking on his crotch, tapping her on the shoulder. “Let me see,” she commanded, and the worker pulled back, revealing his throbbing dick.

The overseer leaned over, stroking a gloved finger up to the tip. “He's ready,” she announced. “Give him a full coating.”

The overseer who had brought them turned to Suzy and Lainey. “You heard her. Service him.”

The male moaned as Suzy trod forward, feet thumping to the beat. She wasn't interested in the man, but she had received her orders, so she would obey.

Stopping on his left side, she set her bucket on the floor, the desire to work pounding in her brain. She didn't know what this meant, but her body did.

Bending her knees, she cupped her hands, grabbing a healthy handful of the fluid from the bucket. It dribbled from her fingers as she turned towards the man. She slapped it onto his left shoulder, as if she was a bricklayer.

It landed with a wet splat, but it refused to stick properly. It lacked the proper adhesive. Lifting her hands to her mask, she pulled it up, setting the bottom on the ridge of her nose.

The rhythm of Hive pounded in her ears as she stroked her belly. Rub. Rub.

There came a gurgle, and her throat expanded. As she leaned forward, a stream of pink fluid erupted from her mouth, dousing the man's shoulder.

When it slowed to a trickle, she laid her hands over the top, massaging the combined mixture into his flesh. It immediately began to firm, creating a hard, sticky shell that clung to his body.

Pleased with the result, she moved back to the bucket, grabbing more of the goop. When she returned, she noted that Lainey had already moved down the man's arm, coating it in a thick layer of the substance.

Suzy couldn't speed up, as she was following the beat. Apply. Regurgitate. Mix. Firm up. Apply. Regurgitate. Mix. Firm up.

The process continued, her movements smooth as she moved to the music. The worker drone planted over the man's crotch moved up and down, following the same rhythm.

When her bucket ran low, it was replaced by another worker drone. She continued to work, helping her friend to coat the man in a hard, pink shell.

“Halt!” commanded an overseer, and all work stopped.

The man grunted in protest, but none of them moved, solid as statues. An overseer marched up to him, tugging off his mask and peering into his eyes. “Finish him,” she commanded.

The worker drone grasping the man's dick began to suck like a vacuum, pistoning her head up and down to the beat. Suzy tracked her motions to the song in her headphones. Up. Down. Up. Down.

The man's groans increased, his neck turning a dark red as his breathing came in short bursts. “Please,” he mumbled. “Please.

The overseer rested a hand on his shoulder. “Not yet, Dean. Obey Hive’s command. Hold it back until the beat is right.”

Dean groaned, tilting his head back. “It's impossible!” he complained. “I just can't hear it!”

His face screwed up as a hiss of pleasure escaped his lips. “It's coming!” he declared. “I'm… cumming!

The worker drone's head descended, suckling at his thick cock as it trembled between her lips. She didn't pause her motions as his dick began to jerk, drinking him down as he exploded inside her.

The overseer leaned back, shaking her head. “It didn't work,” she announced, sounding disappointed. “We still haven't found a way to integrate males into Hive.”

“Never mind,” responded one of the others. “We still have another experiment we can use him for.”

They stared in eerie silence at the man lost in the throes of pleasure, the worker sucking down every drop of ejaculate.

Suzy shrugged. This was not her problem to solve. She was a Hive drone, and she had done as she had been commanded. She would be rewarded for her efforts.

Pressing her shoulder into Lainey, she giggled, reaching out a hand to pat at her swollen belly, following the beat of Hive with every motion. Lainey turned and purred, promising future bliss.

Her friend grabbed at her breast, tweaking her pierced nipple. A trickle of fluid emitted from her teat, flowing down over her swollen belly.

It was good to be a drone.


If you liked reading about corporate rubber slave drones, consider looking up ‘Tick Tock,’ by Caroline Waters. That novel is set in the same universe. Thanks for reading! - Half Shim

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