Corporate Love

Chapter 4

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #scifi #sub:female #clothing #drones #growth #hive #latex #robots #rubber


“Are you ready for this?” asked Joey.

“Yes, mostly,” answered Tina, giving him a brisk nod as she adjusted her jacket.

It felt weird to be dressed in one of her old college outfits. She was wearing a tight latex bodysuit underneath, but that wasn't the same as being nude.

She resented all of the work that had been necessary for this meeting. Hours of makeup and wigs for a mere ten minutes of artifice? It seemed rather wasteful.

Yet the machine had ordered it, and she had to admit that the two of them looked pretty sharp. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary when she examined her husband's tight, button up shirt or his starched collar.

Unless one knew where to look, the shine of black rubber near the bottom of his neckline could be mistaken for being a part of his outfit.

She swallowed as her eyes settled over his crotch, immediately blushing and turning away. There was no reason for her to be so unmitigatedly horny. Hive coupled them more than once a day, even after it had become obvious that the intended effect had been achieved.

Rubbing her belly absentmindedly, she could feel the rising bump. No matter what her parents said, this was something they couldn't take away from her.

The future was bright! Oh so bright, filled with love and submission to the machine!

She just had to convince her family of the same. Through whatever means necessary.

“Okay,” she said finally. “We have our assignments. Let's go see them.”

Joey took her hand, and leaning over, kissed it. “Everything will be fine. They've been in the indoctrination room for a half hour, so they will be receptive. Follow the machine's commands. Make them obey.

“Yes,” whispered Tina, her eyelashes fluttering as her command box updated. “We obey.”


She blinked, a wide smile taking over her face. “Very good. Let's have a little chat with them.”

Mincing her steps, she followed her husband up to the door, waiting patiently for the scanner. The whisper of Hive thoughts kept her company, the logical mind of her husband steadying her body.

Clamping her lips together, she increased her pace, turning with Joey down one of the racks. Here were drones mounted in personal booths, being loaded and pleasured by the machine as they jerked in their restraints.

She studied one of the collared storage drones with envy, knowing that she would be back here again soon, plugged in. She couldn't imagine a better fate - losing oneself in the data streams while being pleasured by the probes was just so damn arousing.

Alas, she didn't have time to fantasize. She needed to get her family dispositioned so that Hive could convert them into productive drones, like her.

She grinned at the thought of betraying them to the machine, but when she looked at it objectively, this was a good thing for them, wasn't it? Her parents would certainly loosen up after spending a couple of months in the rack!

Her brow furrowed. That wasn't likely, though, was it? With her father's abilities, he would probably be converted and sent back as a spy, working to supply Hive's needs. Worst case scenario, he might become a control drone, placed in a position of power over her.

She shuddered at the idea, and Joey squeezed her hand. “It won't be that bad,” he rumbled. “Trust in Hive. Hive knows best.”

Yes, that was right. What she was worrying about simply didn't matter. If she was made subordinate to her father, he would be subordinate to the machine. They would obey, as expected of proper drones.

Their steps carried them through a cubicle farm filled with yellow rubber clad workers, the hum of their minds caressing her body. They were wearing helmets, violet text printing across the tinted screens.

Their legs were clamped inside sex control chairs, hips swallowed up in swooping black plastic. Hands extended, they tapped at their keyboards, generating the paperwork necessary to keep Hive running.

Within Hive, there was no need for such record keeping, but the outside world still ran on paper. As such, there needed to be worker drones to keep the wheels greased.

As they passed through the room, she noted that a few of them had slick, black cables plugged into the implant port on the back of their skulls. These drones were stationed on platforms, their red rubber bodies towering over the others. Control drones.

As a storage drone, she spent most of her time in the rack, so she was rarely assigned as one of their subordinates. She shivered at the aura of obedience they exuded, knowing that she would do whatever they asked, as surely as she would obey the machine.

Joey squeezed her hand again, pulling her towards his side. She let out an exhausted breath, leaning into his shoulder as they exited the office space, marching into a corridor.

“I don't know why they bother me,” she said idly. “We look exactly the same when we’re in the rack.”

“It’s different when you see it happening to someone else,” suggested Joey. “When you experience it yourself, you don't have to digest the enormity of the machine.”

That was true. The machine had its tendrils everywhere, treating its drones like surrogate hands. Seeing this office made her understand just how small she was in the overall scheme.

She took some comfort from this realization. Although her family seemed like a huge deal to her, they were nothing in the face of the machine.

They would be subverted. They would be controlled. They would be drones.

As they neared their destination, her commands updated, bringing her new desires.



The orders burned in her vision, demands that she must fulfill. There was no fear. There was only obedience.

They moved out of the corridor, turning right and passing a bank of elevators. As they entered another security door, Tina sighed. “Do you think they’ll see through our disguises?”

“Does it matter if they do?” asked Joey, a wry grin on his face. “They are in the center of Hive One. If we need help, there are thousands of drones all around us. There is no need to worry.”

“I’m not worrying,” frowned Tina, knowing this to be true. “I trust in the machine.”

As they slowed in front of the indoctrination chamber, he turned and wrapped his other hand around her shoulder. “Then why do you tremble so?”

Tina closed her eyes and sighed. “It is one thing to understand logically, yet another to convince one’s brain that it is safe.”

She tilted her head, staring at him with glowing, blue eyes. “It won’t affect my performance.”

“See that it doesn’t.” He grinned, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Remember to hide your eyes.”

Tina started, frowning as she concentrated. It was hard to pretend to be a base level human. That’s why she usually left the skullduggery to her husband.

It was just this one time. She straightened her spine, retrieving her hand as she stared at the closed door. “It’s time. Let’s do it.”

Joey moved under the scanner, his calm demeanor highlighted by the pulsing red light. The door clicked, hissing open. He led the way inside, striding forward with confidence.

She didn’t feel as confident as him, but now was the time for action. She followed close behind, rounding the corner.

The room was large, the walls painted with a comfortable blue hue. Extra effort had gone into disguising the drop ceiling, smooth baffles mounted to diffuse the light.

The carpet was soft under her shoes, a high pile not commonly found in an office space. It was all carefully geared to make the occupants feel at home, to lull them into a fall sense of security.

Beyond a side counter occupied by a coffee maker and brass pot, there was a sofa facing a large screen that took up the far wall.

A hypnotic pattern danced over the display, a calming program meant to dull the senses. If she hadn't known this, she might have been caught up in the colorful spinning bars herself, but the commands from the machine kept her firmly on task.

As Joey moved up to the couch, her father rose to look at him, his arms folded. A foreboding expression was on his face, one which didn't waver as Joey extended his hand. “Welcome to the building!” he said brightly, waiting patiently for her father to respond.

Kim’s brow creased, a look of confusion rushing through his eyes as they flicked towards Tina. “Just what is going on here?” he asked brusquely. “This isn't listed as a residential building. Just who are you?”

Tina moved up next to her husband, giving her father a bright grin. “He's my fiance, and if you take his hand, he'll introduce himself.”

Her mother appeared next to her father, clasping his shoulder. “You might not approve of this, dear, but it's the only way we'll see our grandchildren.”

Her eyes teared up as she spotted Tina's belly. “Oh my, you didn't tell us you were pregnant!”

“I was going to,” said Tina nervously, trying to figure out how to diffuse the awkward situation.

A mousey head popped out from behind her father, the woman’s elbow propped on the couch. “She told me,” she said nonchalantly.

Satin whipped her head towards her other daughter. “Why am I the last one to know?”

Mara fidgeted, playing with her hair. “She didn't feel comfortable telling you. She was worried that you'd react like this. And you did.

Satin screwed up her face, staring daggers at Mara. Her sister shrank back under the withering assault. Tina desperately wanted to tell her that it would be okay. Any plans of revenge her mother might harbor would be cut short as soon as the machine took control.

Her father finally relented, reaching out to shake Joey's hand. His fingers wrapped over her husband's, his grip tightening until Joey’s knuckles turned white from the strain.

“I still don't approve of any of this. If I find out that you've been mistreating my daughter, I will bury you.”

Nonplussed, Joey gave him a sharp nod, giving back as good as he got. “I haven't forced her to do anything she hasn’t wanted to do,” he replied. “You can ask her yourself.”

That wasn't strictly true, given that many of the things they had done together had been commanded by the machine. Her family didn't need to know any of that, though.

She let out a hissing sigh. “Enough of this male posturing!” she declared. “Dad, meet my fiance, Joey. Joey, meet Kim, he is the CEO of Brontax, an international equipment manufacturer.”

“Pleased to meet you,” said Joey, his eyes flashing a light blue as her father finally let go of his hand.

It must have been more punishing than she had thought. She needed to get this moving along before they started with the fisticuffs.

“Joey, why don't you show my parents what you've been working on? I want to spend time with my sister.”

Joey gave her a nod. “Of course,” he said, his mouth wide with a fake grin as he held out an arm, gesturing towards the door. “If you two will come with me, I'll demonstrate our product.”

Her father frowned, crossing his arms. “I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what it is that you do. I'm tired of being given the runaround!”

Not again! She should have expected this kind of intransigence from her dad! Her mind raced, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse.

Joey shrugged, lowering his arm. “It would be far easier to show you, but fine, I'll do my best to describe it.” He lowered his shoulders, looking off to one side. “You see, Mr. Lee, we are involved in creating innovative technical products that will change the future.”

Tina noticed that Joey had moved subtly, positioning himself in front of the screen, which had amped up its flickering display. “Mainly, we deal with the intersection between man and machine, the biotechnical reality of our age.”

He folded his arms, taking a step aside. “Why don't I give you a small taste of the future? Hive, please introduce yourself.”

The patterns on the television swirled, updating with glowing violet text.


“What's this? A glorified chatbot?” blustered her father, taking a step towards the screen.

A cursor spun, the text flashing.


“Tell me what's going on here!” roared her father, abandoning his usually stony mien.


The swirling patterns behind the text intensified, calm blues shifting in enticing swoops that pulled the eye. The baffles on the lights above moved at the same time, painting the patterns over their bodies and the floor. The entire room was under the control of the machine.

For a long moment, Tina thought that her father would lash out again, but she spotted the confusion in his eyes, his lips working in a way that suggested that he had forgotten his next vitriolic statement.

“I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot,” suggested Joey, crossing over to the cabinet containing the coffee pot.

Sliding open a drawer, he retrieved several headsets, grinning at Tina as he handed her two of them. Walking up to her father, he plopped one on top of his head, adjusting the glowing visor so that it sat on his nose.

Kim shivered, his mouth gaping open as the screen tracked his eyes, enhancing the patterns by beaming them directly into his brain. His body language softened as the machine took control of his limbic system, reducing him to a quivering lump.


“Kim?” whined her mother, her body swaying as she stared at the wall. “Is everything okay? Why don't you say something? Take charge?

This was par for the course. Her mother always looked up to her father, deriving her authority from him. She knew that her orders would be obeyed, because he was in command.

No longer. The machine was in control of all of them!

She started to relax, a soft smile appearing on her face as everyone who had tortured her during her childhood slipped into a trance. This felt better than she was expecting!


Joey returned to retrieve one of the headsets he had given her, patting her shoulder. Returning to her mesmerized family, he dropped this visor over the top of her mother's head.

She jerked at its sudden presence, her body shivering as the mesmerizing screen locked onto her eyes. Within a matter of moments, her expression cleared, and she stood up straight, staring at the screen. Her lips began to move, mouthing the instructions.


Tina had the last headset in her hands. She knew what she needed to do with it. The command burned in her vision, suppressing her reluctance.

Her feet moved automatically, bringing her to the far end of the couch, where her sister sat curled up, watching the screen. She stared at her brown eyes, the way her cheeks dimpled as she lost her mind to the machine. Cute.

It was almost a shame to hide that face behind a visor, but the headset was already descending, pushing her sister’s hair aside as it clamped around her skull. With a brief adjustment, it dropped into position, the glowing sensors tracking her eyes.

She let out a small noise, tightening her fists into little balls against her chest under her large breasts. She was captured.

Tina sighed, her eyes rolling up into her head as endorphins were released in her brain, her arousal suddenly spiking. She was forced to brace herself against the back of the couch, lest she drop to the floor in a quivering wreck.

Damn, it felt good to obey the machine. She tilted her head up, unfocused as a small moan escaped her lips.

Joey appeared, lifting her up against his body. “You did it, my little slut slave,” he whispered in her ear, kissing her neck. “I knew that you could, but the machine wanted to see whether you would betray your family. You passed this test. You've been put in for a promotion. Your first task is to finish the job.”

Her head snapped up as she looked at her father. “No, not him,” chuckled Joey. “You get to start with easier prey.”

Oh. That made her feel a little better, but working to convert her sister was still an uncomfortable prospect. She was only a year younger, but they had never been close. Mara had always been the favored one, given special dispensation to spend all her free time curled up with her phone.

This unequal treatment had bred contempt, but she had never outright hated her. Mara had always been her cute, useless little sister - it was hard to see her as anything else.

There really was no reason to think that way any longer. Her sister was about to enter college, and she was perfectly capable of making decisions for herself. She just didn’t want to.


Well, now she wouldn’t have to. Stepping around the couch, she took her sister by the arm, pulling her gently to her feet. “Come on, sis, it’s time to get you prepped.”

Mara’s brow creased in confusion. “I don’t wanna,” she said with a pout, lifting up her hands in defiance.

“You might not now, but once the machine has control, you will do whatever it asks,” said Tina firmly. “Just watch the display and follow me, you don’t have to think. In fact, you probably shouldn’t.

“Don’t… think,” muttered Mara, her hands dropping back to her sides as her back straightened up.

“That’s right,” encouraged Tina, tugging her along. “Everything will be okay, you just need to come with me now. I’m going to show you something wonderful.

Joey gave her a nod as she escorted Mara past her parents, moving with confident strides towards the door. “I’ll take good care of them,” he called out.

“Yes,” replied Tina, staring straight ahead, commands burning into her brain. “The machine will take care of us all.”

The door whisked open, and she stepped out into the corridor, herding her sister in front of her. They walked along in silence for a few minutes, Mara being indoctrinated by the visor.

Her jaw dropped open, lips pursing together. “This is like a game,” she said in an airy voice. “I’m a little princess, being escorted towards her throne!”

She giggled, turning to look at Tina, her eyes an eerie blue under the visor. “Thank you, subject. I can take it from here!”

She thrust her chest out, marching down the hallway with long steps, almost as though she was matching the beat of a brass band. Bemused, Tina followed, keeping up the pace as she watched her sister with an eagle eye.

This delusion probably wasn't the result of an escape attempt. She was simply confused, the machine's trance causing her to disassociate into the world of one of the games she played.

It was harmless enough, at the moment, since she was currently headed in the right direction. Conversion was one more hallway over, past a couple of nondescript conference rooms and a security door.

Mara crossed into the hallway, where a group of drones dressed in streetwear were marching as a unit. These drones had the usual implants, but they were hidden under carefully applied wigs. They had no rubber skin coating or barcodes, though they were as firmly enslaved as any other drone.

Their heads turned towards the two of them, giving them a brief nod as they passed, eyes flaring blue as they recognized her as Hive. She returned their greeting, feeling their presence in her mind.

Security protocols prevented them from talking to each other directly through the link, but a brief tickle of acknowledgement pleased her. It was evidence of her connection to Hive - a gift she would soon give to her sister!

“Yes, minions, bow to me, for I am your Queen!” giggled Mara, giving them a regal nod.

The drones stopped, giving her a quizzical look, but she had already moved on. Tina shrugged, giving them a smile. In return, a pleasurable buzz registered in her implants.

They proceeded past an empty set of conference rooms, until they hit a security door. The red light played over Mara's body, a negatory beep sounding.

Tina turned around, pretending to swish a cape. “Open this door for me, servant!” she commanded, her eyes unfocused through the mask.

Tina gave her a slow curtsy. “As you command, your majesty.” The grandiose words rolled off her tongue with barely a pause.

Playacting was rather fun, she could definitely see the appeal. Moving past her sister, she stood in the scanner, waiting patiently for it to register her presence.

The light appeared again, a familiar ping sounding in the back of her head. The door scrolled open, revealing the darkened chamber beyond. A conversion pod.

Her pussy tingled as she stepped into the cool space, ushering her sister inside. “Please, undress and sit on the throne, your majesty,” she said slyly, watching the door slide shut behind them.

It locked with a click, the status light on top glowing green, a sign that the machine had registered their presence. Everything was as it should be.

Her command list updated.


Tina nodded to herself as further instructions unfolded in her mind. She turned towards her sister as she finished undressing, her clothing stacked in a haphazard pile on the floor.

The overheads came on, twin pools of light illuminating silvery seats. Curved arms extended upwards like spines to helmets dangling above. The one on the left had a hole in the rear of its headrest, light bouncing through the oval donut.

She stepped up to her sister, scooting the discarded clothing aside with her foot so that it wouldn't be a tripping hazard. Examining her body with a critical eye, she admired her soft curves. She would be an excellent addition to the Hive.

“It's time to take a seat on your throne, your majesty,” declared Tina, pressing a hand against her back to urge her forward. Mara's lips moved as she read something from her visor, the light glowing a deeper blue.

“Yes, it is my right as a royal sovereign!” she declared, rolling her R's as she stepped forward, oblivious to her obvious nudity.

Her breasts wobbled as she straddled the seat, her ass sinking into the cushion. Her legs moved apart naturally due to the shape, exposing her privates to the mechanism below.

Legs dangling, she laid back, crossing her arms over her chest. “Attendant, bring me my vestments and scepter!”

Bemused, Tina stepped up to the chair, helping her sister ease her shoulders into a pair of restraining straps. These were cinched tight to her body via extra lengths that ran over her collarbone and under her bustline.

Once she had ensured that her sister was strapped in and not going anywhere, she proceeded to reach up to grab the helmet attached to the curved arm behind the seat. “There will be momentary disorientation while I get this into position,” she warned.

“A Queen is always prepared,” declared Mara, settling in comfortably, unaware of the terrors yet to come.

Tina checked to make sure the helmet was live as she pulled it down, her hands shaking as she reached out to retrieve the headset on Mara’s head. Pulling it off with a swift motion, she replaced it with the helmet, slipping the attached chinstrap under her sister’s jaw.

Mara’s mouth fluttered, her arms jerking. Tina systematically grabbed them, strapping them to the chair. She wouldn’t be able to pull free while being mesmerized by the helmet, but she didn’t want Mara to hurt herself.

Mara grunted, tugging at her ankles. Tina glanced down, noting the shiny, silver cuffs that had pulled her sister’s legs against the side of the chair. Perfect. She was completely secured, ready for installation. As the machine commanded.

“You can stop struggling,” she advised her sister, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You are not in control. You were never in control. The circumstances surrounding your life did not permit it. Think of this as… handing your leash over to another, nothing more.”

She slid her hand into the corner of Mara’s neck, giving it a squeeze as her sister grimaced. “There never really was much of a choice for us two,” she sighed, staring at the large screen in front of them.

It danced with intriguing patterns, sucking her in. “In retrospect, we were objects, trophies to be placed in front of others to show off our parent's status.”

“No, that was you,” objected Mara in a clear voice. “You were the chosen one, given all the attention and all the benefits. Whenever we were told to share, you were always given the largest piece. You were given a full ride at college, while I was told to pay my way. I'm the spare.”

Tina let go, feeling as though she had been stung by a bee. “I did you a favor. I took on the burden of becoming the one who had to win the prizes. You retreated, turned in on yourself, played games.”

Mara laughed bitterly. “Yes, so then ask yourself - why did I retreat into gaming? The answer was simple: games are fair. Nothing about my life has been fair. At every turn, I was trained to give up.

Tina took a step back, surprised at the vitriol spewing from her lips. “I never saw it that way,” she whispered. “Was I truly so oblivious?”

“Yes, and so was everyone else,” sighed Mara. “I don't know why I'm telling you this. I swore to myself that I'd take it to the grave. It's not your fault that nothing ever changes.”

Seeing this as an opportunity for reconciliation, Tina stepped back up to the chair, placing her hands on her sister's shoulders, giving her a slow massage.

“It's the machine,” Tina said, smiling as her sister let out a satisfied grunt. “It's helping us to get to know our true selves. Without it, we'd still be strangers.”

“What is the machine?” asked her sister, settling down as Tina worked her over.

Tina continued massaging, her eyes glazing over as she followed the patterns on the screen. “The machine is love. The machine is life. Hive commands us, and we obey. We work for the betterment of all. For the future!

“The future of what?” asked Mara. “The future of slavery, drudgery for an unfeeling machine?”

Tina's eyes wavered as she processed the question. It was a good one. She didn't actually know how to respond. Her smile turned to a frown as she struggled to come up with an answer.


Her smile returned. That's right. What was the future for, if they weren't building a better world for everyone?

“The future is us,” she said confidently. “We shall take care of each other, this community in Hive. We shall love each other, working for the good of all. Our master is benevolent, and we owe it our labor, for the result will be good.

“It's hard to argue with that,” sighed Mara, squeezing up against the back of the chair. “I have no idea what a good result means in the context of the machine, but I suppose it's better than hiding away from my parents every day. Screw it. I'm in.

“I'm glad you said that,” purred Tina. “This next part will be a little unusual, but just relax and enjoy the stimulation.”

Following the instructions fed to her by the machine, she opened a box mounted to the rear of the chair, pulling out a set of flexible plastic cups. Tubing was attached to the apex of each cup, where a woman's nipple would sit.

Stretching out the tubing, she moved around the side of the chair, showing them to her sister. Mara's lips drew into a grin. “Kinky,” she said.

“How much experience do you have with such things?” Tina asked, placing a cup firmly over her sister’s right breast and giving it a slow twist.

The prelubricated bottom smeared an ointment over her sister's flesh, ensuring a good seal when the pumps activated. A small squeak sounded as it clamped on, condensation appearing where her hot skin contacted the cup.

Mara gasped, her teeth clamping over her lower lip as her nipple was tugged into the tip of the cup by the gentle suction. “Not as much as you might think,” she groaned. “Sure, I have the hidden dildo in the side drawer, and I've toyed with an ass plug once in a while, but I've never done anything like this.

Tina chucked, running the tubing around her back so that she could place the second cup on her other breast. She gave the equipment a once over to make sure that it was in the proper position, shifting the hose so that it wasn't rubbing against her sister's side.

“Just relax and let the machine handle the rest,” she announced. “I'm going to undress and take a seat in the other chair, and then we can begin the installation.”

Walking back to the pile of clothing, she began stripping herself efficiently. Jacket, shirt, skirt, panties, and shoes, dropped randomly into different piles. None of this mattered. Only the machine mattered.

“Installation?” asked Mara, her voice strained. “You're making it sound like a dishwasher. Is this a thing that usually happens here?”

“Oh, very much so,” replied Tina. “This is my first time being in control of one, but I experienced something like this myself when I joined Hive.”

“You're not giving me a lot of confidence here,” complained Mara, rattling her wrists against the restraints.

“Don't worry about it. The machine will direct me. Everything will be fine.”

She unstrapped her bra, feeling free as it drifted away. As a drone, nudity was her natural state. It felt good.

Walking back up to her sister, she crossed her arms over her chest. Mara gasped as she spotted her through the visor on the helmet. “Your eyes - they're blue,” she hissed.

“That's right,” nodded Tina. “You'll be getting the standard implant set too, but we'll do that later, when you're comatose. Historical data indicates that this part of the installation is too traumatic to experience while awake, so the protocol was adjusted.”

Mara swallowed, sweat sheening her breastbone. “Tina?” she said in a small voice. “I'm not sure I like this idea any more.”

“Don't worry about it,” recommended Tina. “You won't remember it anyway. The machine will now administer an anesthetic to make the conversion more enjoyable.

Mara jerked, an expletive escaping her lips. “That hurt,” she complained.

“This next part will be more pleasurable,” Tina promised, moving over to the second chair and taking a seat.

Her fat ass squeezed over the cushion, her privates pushed open to receive the fat intruders sliding up from below. Mara made another noise, indicating that she had discovered the purpose of the shape of the seat. “Relax and let them in,” she commanded, pleased at the strength in her voice.

She was fulfilling her commands, becoming more than she had used to be. The machine was putting her on trial, she knew, and if she succeeded, she might be assigned to bigger and greater tasks.

Her old competitiveness was returning. She was a bit sad that she might no longer be able to see First once she had been promoted, but she knew that the drone understood. They were all working towards the betterment of Hive.

Her butt protested at the intruding plug, but the machine insisted. She grunted as her sphincter was pried open, the mushroom head ramming inside. This was accompanied by a slender dildo in her snatch, buzzing as she rode it all the way in.

She closed her eyes and grunted as the butt plug inflated, locking itself into position for the session to come. Laying back, she tilted her head to look at her sister, who squealed as her body was violated, struggling against the restraints without any hope of success.

The machine kept her sister’s mind on lockdown, preventing her from scraping together the intelligence necessary to work at the straps. She was already on her way to becoming a drone - the process was unstoppable. It was up to her to see her on her way.

Tina sighed in pleasure as the cuffs grabbed her ankles and secured them against the seat. Reaching up, she pulled down the helmet. It slipped over her head as if it had been made for her, the soft cushions of the integrated headphones settling over her ears.

Her visor lit up, new commands flickering in her vision.



“We have been connected together by the machine,” Tina announced, smiling as she heard Kara's cute little gasps magnified within her helmet. “Tell me, how do you feel?”

“Like I have two freaking huge dildos splitting me open. Damn. Is that what it's like for you every day?”

“Yes,” nodded Tina. “You quickly grow used to it. The machine uses them as rewards. Here, let me give you a sample. Low intensity.”

The dildos began to rattle inside her, and she sighed with pleasure, wrapping her hands around her breasts and giving them a slow stroke. “Depending upon the program, the machine may or may not decide to reward you with an orgasm. Enjoy the pleasure, and watch the screen. It's time to let yourself slide into obedience.”

Mara took in a long, shuddering breath, her body vibrating as the dildo continued to buzz. This served to keep her distracted while the installation arm moved into position behind her skull.

Tina let go of her breasts, reaching out for the control sticks mounted to the chair's arms. Wrapping her fingers delicately around the molded plastic, she focused on the display that popped up in her visor showing the back of her sister's helmet.

“What's happening to me?” whispered Mara. “I feel so strange, so good!

“That's probably the drugs taking effect,” suggested Tina. “Don't fight it. Embrace the pleasure.”


A port on the back of the helmet irised open, showing a circular hole where the machine had burned off Mara’s hair, revealing the cream colored skin below.

She lined up the provided reticle with an image overlaid on the targeted position. “There will be a series of sharp pinches,” she warned, following the list of instructions scrolling on her visor.

Needles popped out, slamming into Mara's head. Pinpricks of blood appeared as Mara moaned. “What was that?” she giggled. “Oh dear, what is it doing to me?”

She took in another quick breath. “Hello, Hive,” she said in a lazy voice. “Nice to meet you! Do you have any gacha for me?”

Tina rolled her eyes. It was only natural for Mara to think of what she knew best in an unfamiliar situation. It didn't change what she needed to do. She was going to make her sister into a drone!

A nervous fear seized her body. What if she messed this up, turned her sister into a vegetable?

She let out a hissing breath as a cable clicked into the back of her helmet, sliding into her implant socket. A jolting twist secured it in place. Suddenly, she was no longer in control of her body, the machine's commands supplanting her own.

A sense of relief pooled in her belly as her hands grabbed the controls, easing the drill forward with expert precision. She paid close attention, wondering whether she had failed the machine’s test.

She discarded her worries as her hands guided the drill on target, feeling a visceral sense of disgust as it began to bore into bone.

Mara let out a shriek, but it was too late. Her helmet was attached to the chair, preventing her from moving away, and the machine had captured her mind with the shifting patterns on the screen. This pain was momentary. She would be a drone. They would all become drones.

She watched the machine as it finished with the bore hole, a circular implant emplaced with perfect precision. In the span of a minute, a gaping, silver socket had been installed into her skull.

That looked easy! She hoped that next time the machine would let her do the process all on her own!

The drill retreated, replaced by a silver probe that clicked into the socket, rotating a quarter turn to the right.

Mara let out a soft cry, this time in wonder. “What has it done to me?” she asked. “It's so beautiful!

The machine relaxed its control over Tina's hands, allowing her to experience a taste of the feed it was showing her sister. Her face brightened, tears glistening as she saw the scenes flashing by.

Both of them, very pregnant, rubbing their bellies. Drones crowded around them, protective, loving. Two male drones hugged them close, the face of the one next to Mara buzzing with digital fuzz. Mara hadn't met him yet, but she was sure that she'd love being mated with a drone selected by Hive!

The sights faded as she saw her long future laid out in front of her. Crying babies, nursery rhymes, baby clothing, a community of drones. Together, in Hive. What a wonderful thing!

As the view faded, she sighed in pleasure. It all began here. “That is our future, as obedient drones of the machine,” she said with joy in her voice. “Don't you just want to embrace it?”

A shuddering cry escaped her sister's lips. “What, is this thing going to impregnate me?” she gasped out.

“No, silly,” chuckled Tina. “We do that the old fashioned way. Don't you want to find a handsome drone to have your offspring with? Doesn't the idea of creating more drones for Hive feel so arousing?

Her sister took in a shaky breath. “Yeah, yeah, it does,” she sighed, moaning. “But it doesn't make any sense, damn. I've never wanted kids before, is this thing messing with my mind?”

“You probably didn't know about this desire. How often have you thought about it?”

“Not much. Not beyond the physical act of having sex,” she growled, rattling against the chair as the vibrators took it up a notch. “Shit, this thing wants me to explode!” she exclaimed, her breaths coming in little hisses.

“Embrace the pleasure,” exhorted Tina as more instructions appeared before her. “The worst pain is over, but there will be several more pinches. Do not allow them to distract you from the ultimate goal - submission to the machine.

Submit,” grunted Mara, bucking against the dildos. “Why does it need our submission when it can directly control our bodies?”

“There is a difference between being told what to do, and joyfully embracing its mission,” said Tina proudly. “I became a true believer, and have been rewarded for it with a lovely husband and a healthy baby.”

Targeting reticles appeared on her screen, and this time, the machine didn't take control. It wanted her to finish the job. She would gladly do it for the machine, turning her sister into its slave.

The two of them would be a matching set, breeding sluts fucking the machine's drones to produce more. Hive would grow. Hive must grow.

Growth was the directive, and she was happy to provide. Moving the target to the correct spot on Mara’s spine, she pulled the trigger, sending the drill head burrowing into her pale skin.

Mara cried out softly, the dildo churning inside her turning the sharp pleasure into pain. Tina could sense this through the link, giving her the feedback she needed to decide when to move to the next designated spot.

Drill, pain, wait, pleasure, move. Drill, pain, wait, pleasure, move.

“You should be pleased,” said Tina seriously. “You're being given the full complement. The machine must have plans for you!”

“I don't feel particularly privileged,” grunted Mara as the drill dived in again.

“Well, don't worry, you will,” declared Tina, fiddling with the controls to spin the arm around in front of Mara’s body.

“Are you almost done?” Mara groaned, writhing against the harness as an implant drilled into her flesh right below the far corner of her right breast.

“Just one more,” announced Tina, proud as the machine confirmed her placement.

This was almost like playing a video game, really. Mara would probably enjoy being on the other end of the controls.

Narrowing in on the target, she pressed the button to inject the last implant, the buzzing drill whirring as it scoured out the hole and jammed in a shiny metal circle in two quick motions.

“There, all done!” she declared brightly. “Let's get you hooked up, like a proper drone!”

She slapped a button on the left control stick, and the implant arm retracted. Her viewpoint shifted as another arm came down, bearing an attached cable. She plugged this one into the port below her sister's left breast, screwing it in.

Mara winced, grimacing as the cable twitched. “The pressure is horrible,” she protested. “It feels like it's injecting something into me!”

“It’s all a part of the conversion package,” Tina announced. “Don't you want to look like a proper slut for your new drone husband?”

“That wasn't really on my list, no,” said Mara in a droll tone. “What's next, lip fillers and ass enhancements?”

“Why not?” grinned Tina, her mind dancing through the future possibilities.

She would have to consult with her husband, but at the moment, riding this dildo, the full bimbo package seemed pretty enticing! Wouldn’t it be fun if she could work with her sister to become twin slut drones?

Mara moaned. It was all she could do now that the lines were in place. The machine was working her body, tweaking her nipples and thrusting into her pussy with increasing rapidity, driving her relentlessly towards an orgasm. She was going to lose her mind, and there was nothing she could do about it!

Tina was losing herself to the pleasure, too. The dildo was thumping inside her, the ass plug inflating another notch.


“Fucking awesome,” she groaned, hearing her sister repeat the same words.

Her seat turned on a swivel, putting her face to face with her sister. Neither of them needed the hypnotic patterns on the screen. Both of them were slaves of the machine.

Her sister's breasts jiggled within the cups as they grew. Dark veins pulsed under her swollen flesh as the hoses flexed, infusing more fluid into her implants.

The front of her pussy was exposed, the dark black dildo streaked with natural lubrication. She groaned, her tunnel straining around the intruder as it bulged, forcing her farther open. “I can't take it any more!” she gasped out, “but there's just no release. What the hell is wrong with me?”

“You have to give in,” groaned Tina. “Tell the machine what it wants to hear!”

Mara gritted her teeth. “I don't know what it wants,” she protested, balling her hands into fists.

“Of course you do,” purred Tina. “It's on your screen. Just repeat after me. I am a drone, a slave to the machine. I obey Hive. I submit myself to its commands. Please, take control over my body. Use me to grow Hive.”

Mara made an unintelligible noise as the vibration of the dildo clicked up another notch. She tilted her head back as her muscles clenched. It must truly be torture for her.

“Don't fight it,” Tina advised. “Simply repeat after me. I am a drone…”

Mara swallowed, her chest bobbing as the pumps worked her nipples. “I am a drone,” she whispered, speaking each word with careful emphasis.

“A slave to the machine. I obey Hive.”

“...I obey Hive,” Mara continued, her eyes opening wider with each word. “It's coming!” she declared, her breasts bouncing side to side like a wanton slut.

“Finish the statement,” Tina commanded.

“Take control over my body,” she continued with a shaky voice, her body gearing up to explode. “Use me to grow Hive!” she cried out, trembling as the dildo pistoned into her, the vibration increasing to maximum speed.

“I submit!” shouted Tina, her tunnel clenching around the dildo as its girth filled her up.

“I submit!” echoed Mara, her distended breasts glistening, body jerking against the restraints with unconscious thought.


The words glowed in her mind as the internal limiter vanished. She stared at her sister's enslaved body as she was brought to the peak, knowing that this was right.

This was it. This was who they were. Slaves to the machine.

This was what they had always been meant to be. Drone mothers.


If you liked reading about corporate rubber drone slaves, consider looking up 'Tick Tock,' by Caroline Waters. That novel is set in the same universe. Thanks for reading! - Half Shim


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