Corporate Love

Chapter 3

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #scifi #sub:female #clothing #drones #growth #hive #latex #robots #rubber

Chapter Three

“How do you feel, dear?” asked a comforting voice, the words tamping down her anxiety.

Tina blinked, taking in the solid presence of the other drone. Her body was dressed in glistening black rubber. Her breasts were prodigious, held in place only by tight rubber bags decorated with red stripes leading up to her nipples.

First was a bedrock for the storage drones, and Tina had been afraid of her for a long time. As her marriage date approached, however, there was a sequence of awful chores that needed to be completed. Informing her parents of her decision was one of them, and she had decided that she simply couldn't do it without some help.

Joey had suggested that she talk to First about it, and despite her trepidations, she had finally acquiesced.

This was easier said than done, but one day after their required rest period, she had scraped up the courage to visit her rack - with a little encouragement from Hive at the last second.

She had discovered First to be a veritable fount of advice, helping and scolding her as she approached the critical day. She took a deep breath. Here she was, ready to enter the lion's den.

She pursed her lips as First turned towards the makeup kit, dusting her brush with more foundation. “I have butterflies in my belly,” she admitted. “I know that my parents love me, in their own fashion, but I began to rebel once I left for college because they were stifling me. If I had spent one more moment with them, I'd scream!

First nodded, carefully applying the makeup over her cheeks. “It's a common tale,” she sighed, empathy in her voice. “You just wanted the ability to try and figure out things for yourself without being told what to do!”

A bemused smile graced her face. “And now, here you are, being told what to do by a machine.”

“That's different!” Tina exclaimed immediately. “Before, my parents controlled my life, because they claimed to know what was best for me. Here, I'm working for the greater good of Hive. There's no question that what I'm being told to do will help everyone!

Excellent,” chuckled First. “I had wondered whether you would require more deprogramming, but it appears that you are a true believer.”

Tina frowned, not liking the sound of whatever that was. Oh well, she didn’t have to know everything! She was free to embrace her lover and serve Hive as the obedient slutty sex slave wife she was!

There was some mental friction at this thought, as becoming a wife was one of the things her parents had seriously pushed on her. The concern was quickly forgotten, however, overridden by her desire to be a proper sex slave for her husband to be.


She beamed at the praise, knowing that she was thinking the correct thoughts. All she had to do was finish up her makeup and tell her parents of her decision. Simple!

First moved to her eyes, applying dark eyeshadow and mascara with a flourish. “What kind of look are you going for here?” she asked.

“Dark,” grinned Tina. “Completely dark! What's the point of rebelling if I don't look like a slutty, shiny, sex drone ready to take on the system?”

First made a noncommittal noise, continuing her application with delicate strokes. “Let’s set aside the fact that you’re a part of the ‘system.’ Is this the point where you're planning on revealing some of your… other alterations?”

“What, this?” asked Tina, dangling her tongue out of her mouth, revealing the barbell piercing gleaming on the surface. “Nah, if someone picks up on it, then I'll bring it up, but otherwise I'm not going to bother with it. The whole point of this meeting is to get them to come to the ceremony, right? I don't want to scare them away!”

First gave her a bright smile. “It depends on how well the machine has performed its calculations,” she said mysteriously.

She flicked her wrist. “There, done. Take a look!”

Tina twisted around in the seat, taking in her appearance in the mirror. She was wearing a wig with long, black hair that dangled over her shoulders. Curling a lock in her fingers, she gave it a slow stroke.

It felt weird to have hair. She had long since gotten used to being denuded, and having to deal with the annoyance of getting hair in her eyes again was annoying.

The overall effect with her whitened face was amazing, though. She certainly wouldn't underestimate First's talents going forward!

Pulling back the wig, she studied the perfect edges of her dark eyeshadow. The way it shimmered with a purple undertone when she moved her head was absolutely stunning!

The makeup on her face had hidden her barcodes, and the number on her forehead had been disabled. Unless you looked closely, it would be difficult to tell that there was something odd about the glossy texture of her skin. She didn't look like a drone at all!

She pursed her lips, frowning. “I don't like it,” she declared petulantly, folding her arms over her enlarged breasts. The rubbery frills on her dress bounced as she stared at her dull, boring eyes. “I feel like I don't belong here any more!”

First chuckled, taking her by the shoulders and spinning her around. Leaning in, she pressed a finger into her chest, right over her heart. “What you look like on the surface doesn't matter,” she declared. “Underneath, you'll always be a drone. This is simply a disguise. Tomorrow, you can go back to being a nameless storage drone, if you so desire.”

She snapped the makeup kit closed, stretching out her fingers. “Now, stand up. I want to get a full view.”

Tina hopped off the stool, hearing the rubbery layers of her dress creak as she angled her arms at her sides. She couldn't see the black buckles of her boots underneath the wide hoop of her gothic lolita dress, though she could feel the tightness of the rubber stockings against her legs.

When she took a step back, the click of her heel against the tile sounded solid, the straps from her garter belt stretching against her waist. Cool air billowed underneath, making her bare privates pucker in protest.

Normally, it was a given that she would be exposed, but it seemed odd to be wearing no underwear with this outfit. Nobody would notice as long as she didn't lift up her skirt, but still.

First examined her with a critical eye, her irises glowing a vibrant blue. Stepping in, she straightened up a couple of black ribbons, patting her shoulders. “You look stunning, my dear,” she announced. “You seem ready. There’s just one more thing.”

Opening the box on the table next to the mirror, she pulled out a bridal veil, made of white rubber. The material dangled awkwardly as First picked it up, turning to place it on Tina's head.

She frowned as strips of rubber flipped in front of her face, large perforations providing a thin semblance of vision. “How am I going to talk to them like this?” she complained, blowing a strip away from her lips.

“It's meant to be ceremonial, silly, you don't have to wear it down all the time!”

First gathered the strips in her hands, sliding them around either side, where she collected them on stylish hook attachments. “Oh!” exclaimed Tina, turning back towards the mirror. A tiny tiara made out of diamonds was mounted to the top of the hood. “That actually looks pretty nice.”

First patted her shoulder. “Good girl. Let's get you over to the signal chamber so that we can get this day moving. Everything is waiting on you!”

Tina's shoulders stiffened as First led the way. The drone’s glossy hips swayed as she folded her hands, waiting patiently for the door scanner to recognize her svelte body.

When it opened, she followed the woman into the hallway, trailing behind. She knew that this meeting was a necessity, but she dreaded having to do it. What if her parents tried to convince her to choose someone else?


Her concerns faded. It didn't matter what they said, because the machine was in control. It would backstop her decisions. She would not change her mind unless it did.

Letting out a sigh, she tried to banish the tension in her chest as she took in the dark scenery of the rack. A grin suddenly appeared on her face as she spotted the couple being mated at the back of the room.

Their heads were hidden under molded rubber masks, but their drone designations were clearly visible on the visors of their helmets. Control drones sixty and seventy.

Jenny, and Ben. The two of them had been kind to her since she had arrived at Hive, helping her to fit in with the rest of them. They deserved this reward!

Ben groaned as his length plunged into Jenny, the two of them writhing within the blue rubber as their bodies pressed together. Tina perked up as she caught a glimpse of Jenny's belly. Was the drone pregnant?

As they approached closer, it became obvious. Yes, indeed, she was, and it was evident that she had been with child for some time.

She ground her teeth together, holding back a sigh. Oh, how she envied her! To be encased in rubber, feeling one's body grow fat with Joey’s child - it was almost too much to bear!

She didn't know when this desire had appeared within her, but now it was her most important goal. Could she convince the machine to let her get pregnant, too?

She clamped her hands to her sides as she focused on her footsteps, making sure she didn't lose First in the jumble of equipment. She wouldn't impress the machine if she couldn't even follow simple commands!

They passed out of the rack, moving through a dimly lit hallway. The implants in her eyes made it easy to see the way. Any casual observer would be dissuaded from wandering until a drone apprehended them.

That wasn't terribly common. Unauthorized personnel would never penetrate this deep into Hive without being picked up and taken care of by the machine. Tina shivered with pleasure at the idea of converting such an intruder, wondering when her thinking on the subject had changed.

If being a drone was pleasure, why not share that pleasure with the world?

First's steps slowed, the floor changing from a high traffic carpet to a matte black steel. They were almost there.

The drone stopped in front of a closed metal door, folding her arms as it scanned her body. Tina minced up next to her, feeling tense. “I don't want to do this!” she blurted out, squeezing her hands inside her tight gloves.

“I know,” replied the other woman with a kind gaze. “There are many things in life that are horrible to deal with, and this is one of them. Trust in the machine. It will support you.”

The door slid into the side of the wall with barely a hiss, revealing a small booth inside. A lit screen was mounted to the far wall, a soft light beaming onto the platform below.

Tina gritted her teeth, glaring at the standby logo pulsing on the display. Soon, it would be replaced with an image of her family, and the pressure to conform to their wishes would be on.

First laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. “Look, it's not the end of the world. Think about what's going to happen next. If your family rejects this marriage, no harm, no foul - you remain a drone. If they do want to come celebrate, then they will be brought into the fold, implanted and turned into Hive drones. Isn’t that wonderful? A full family of Hive drones!”

Tina felt troubled. Did she really want to suck her parents and her sister into this life? It was admittedly quite an odd existence, being hooked up and loaded with data. Would they be able to adapt to being slaves of the machine, or would they rebel?

“They’re pretty self-reliant,” she said, sounding dubious. “Are there people who can’t be droned?”

First’s hand went limp, her eyes dimming. Tina was surprised to find actual terror lurking deep in their depths. “At the beginning, there were many,” she admitted. “We were experimenting, and sometimes the results were not as… intended.

Her face brightened. “The good news is, we were able to help them, in the end, though the outcomes were not what any of us had wished for. These days, though, the process is mature. There is very little chance of anything going wrong. Bring them here, and they will be droned.”


She blinked when the sudden command appeared, swallowing back her fear. “The machine agrees with you. It shall be so,” she said, turning on her heel and entering the booth before her reservations could come back to haunt her.

The door slid shut behind her, sealing her inside. The Bright Times logo on the screen glimmered at her, the B spinning around a crystal spire at regular intervals.

Eyes fixed to the pulsing screen, she spread her legs, sitting on the blocky ‘chair’ mounted to the platform. It was more of a saddle, really, a spongy wedge of material sliding between her legs.

She held her feet against the sides, squeezing her privates around the wedge as the chair activated. Metal cuffs projected from within, wrapping around her ankles and clamping them down. She could now use them as attachment points to pull herself more firmly into the seat.

Her garters stretched as she rocked her hips in a slow, undulating motion over the knobby surface. She groaned, adjusting her skirt so that it would hide the machinations below.

The automated system activated, a sharp suction tugging at her privates. This was soon followed by a thick dildo pressing against her inner lips, slipping into her tunnel with barely a pause.

She whimpered as an ass plug joined the fun, twisting slowly back and forth to ensure that her sphincter would stretch around the bulk of the head. With a hard lurch, the plug jumped inside, being sucked up into her rectum.

It wasn't particularly comfortable, but her trained ass had become accustomed to being plugged in this way. Indeed, she suspected that the machine had been surreptitiously increasing the size with every encounter. For what purpose, she didn't know, but it certainly did increase the pleasure when it decided to vibrate the dildo.

Like it was doing right now! She gasped, trembling against the seat as it slumped back, hinging her hips so that her head was at a more comfortable height with the screen.

The logo spun, her thoughts calming as a chime sounded in the room. Her shoulders relaxed, her mind becoming entranced by the spinning tower.


It was all well and good to be told what to do, but it wasn't that easy to convince her subconscious mind to give up the anxiety induced by a lifetime of living with strict parents. Still, it did help, and she found herself feeling a bit better, her mind beginning to float.

There came a swishing sensation from her veil, a solid click sounding at the back of her skull as a warm hand appeared on her shoulder. “Let the machine guide you,” said First, her breath caressing an ear. “All of Hive is with you. You're not alone.”

Tickling whispers licked at her thoughts, a sense of encouragement coming along with them. The outside world faded as the dildo throbbed within her snatch, her worries and concerns feeling insignificant when weighed against the desires of the drones.

They wanted her to do well. She would do well. The Hive was with her!

The logo on the screen melted away, shimmering colors blessing her eyes in a cool embrace. A lurid red light on the camera above the screen flicked on, but she barely noticed, a dumb smile appearing on her face.

When the image of her father appeared, she didn’t react, her eyes twitching as they focused on a new command being fed to her by the machine.


That was what she had planned on doing, but it was good to have the machine’s encouragement. She sighed, studying her father.

His hair was short and black, cut in a military style, his gaze severe. She shivered as she studied his sharp suit, the company pin attached to his collar next to his red cravat. Immaculate, as usual.

She folded her hands over her chest to hide the way they were trembling. “Hello, Kim,” she said, surprised at how smooth her words were coming. “I’ve invited you here to make an announcement.”

His eyes became hard. “You dropped out of college, and now you show up dressed like a fetish maid. What are you getting up to?”

This was just like him - strict diction, and demands up front. Well, she knew exactly what to say to him.

Her smile widened. “I’m finally doing what you wanted, father. I’m getting married!”

A sprightly woman jumped in from off camera, gathering her stolid father into a bear hug. He didn’t move at all, his eyes didn’t even flicker. He might as well already be a drone, for all intents and purposes.

“You’ve finally found a man!” announced her mother, eyes sparkling. “Who is it?”

Satin was dressed in a loose jacket, a yellow shirt underneath. An opal amulet hung on a gold chain around her neck.


Tina gave them a strict nod. “His name is Joey. I am inviting you to our wedding, in April. I’ll send you the details after the call.”

Her father frowned. “I can’t sanction this. He didn’t even ask my permission.”

An old disgust seized her chest, muscles tight as she felt intimidated. She could do this, couldn’t she?


The tension broke as the dildo inside her pulsed. That’s right. She didn’t have to fear his disapproval. The machine was in control.

“That’s too bad,” she said smoothly. “We’re getting married, whether you attend or not. It’s your choice.”

“Then we won’t come,” he said brusquely. “I don’t approve of your… style, or your choices.”

Her mother sighed, leaning against her father’s shoulder, looking up. “Oh, come dear,” she said in a whiny voice. “You know how long I’ve been longing for a grandchild. Are you truly going to disavow her? It doesn’t look like we’re going to see progress from Mara any time soon.”

Mara was her sister, a shy thing that would never give her mother what she wanted. The perfect tool for breaking through her father’s crusty exterior.

She waited patiently for her mother's argument to settle in before she pounced. “If you reject me now, you reject my offspring as well. You'll never have a relationship with them. I'll go no contact, cut you out of my life completely.”


The dildo buzzed, the plug in her ass joining in. Her pussy juiced under the skirt, a trickle leaking down the saddle seat, which she ignored.

The pleasure of obedience caressed her mind as she waited, a fake grin fixed to her face. Who would crumble first?

Her father's scowl increased, and she could see the stubborn set to his chin. His nostrils flared. Was he about to say something unforgivable?

“I will put him to the test,” he ground out as her mother tugged on his arm. “If he doesn't measure up, I will not approve.”


Tina choked back a laugh. This was so simple, it boggled the mind! Why had she feared him so much before?

It was because she had been alone. With the machine backing her up, she had no fear of failure.

“What are you going to do, ask him for a no holds barred fist fight? Or will you decide my marriage based on the result of an arm wrestling competition? Absolutely not!”

Her mother cupped a hand over her mouth, making the tittering laugh she hated. “Seriously, dear, we should at least grant her this much.”

Her mirth faded as her brows narrowed, shooting Tina a sharp look. Ah, now the fangs would come out!

“You’re not going to be wearing that for the ceremony, I hope? It looks dreadful. I have a closet full of outfits you could choose from that would look much better for such an important occasion!”


“I’m sure that you do, mother, but there’s no way I’m going to wear your wedding dress. I’m doing this my own way, just as you did during your nuptials.”

Her mother's mouth gaped open like a fish. Tina kept the earnest expression on her face, pleased that she was able to retain eye contact without wavering.

The machine was pleased as well, the dildo churning within her pussy. It was actually becoming more difficult to hide her arousal than it was to disobey her parents!

“Oh. I see,” her mother muttered, looking disappointed.

This was one of the many ways she had coerced Tina into doing her bidding in the past, but it wouldn't work now. She obeyed the machine, not them.

Now came the interesting point. Would her father give in, or would he reject her?

The chances of him deciding to come seemed low, so she braced herself against the chair, steeling herself.

He wrapped an arm around her mother's side, giving her a squeeze. “Send us the details,” he said finally, reaching out to terminate the call.

The screen went blank, and she sagged, letting out a long, shaky breath.


The plug in her ass inflated as the dildo in her pussy twisted, buzzing and jerking. She squeezed her hands into fists and threw her head back, letting out a low moan.

Relief and pleasure mixed in a heady brew, making her feel like someone other. That person didn't have to worry about the caustic relationship with her parents, or what she would do if they hadn't agreed.

She was free, finally able to be the drone she had always dreamed of being!

The pleasure at being a good, obedient drone licked at her loins. She looked hopefully at her command window, licking her lips as the previous text vanished.

When it returned, both dildoes began to vibrate in high gear. The length in her pussy inflated, knobs popping out of the interior to grip the walls of her tunnel




The top line flashed, matching the rhythm of the dildo as it thrust into her, twisting as it bottomed out. Her body trembled from the strength of the vibrations, pussy gushing with the pleasure she had been forced to hold back during the call.


The idea that the machine was in control of her body was just so hot, she couldn't hold back! She bucked against the saddle, moaning as her body tipped over the edge.


The letters flashed, reinforcing the immediacy of the command as her muscles locked up. Her head shook, her body limp from the pleasure shooting into her core. She was helpless in front of the machine, being used as its puppet. She loved obeying so much!

She wished she could obey every minute, every hour, every day, forevermore!

Her face lit up with a beatific smile, but she realized that it wasn't enough. She wouldn't be happy until her family also accepted Hive's embrace, submitting their minds to the machine.

She knew that the machine had trained her to believe this, but she did not doubt its arguments. Her family would be happier as drones. They deserved to be drones.

Sighing, she relaxed into the seat as her imagination began to go wild. Would her father be able to maintain his strict demeanor after being converted?

She could already see his barrel body, dressed in a slick, skintight red rubber dronesuit, bellowing orders to a group of workers. He might actually be pretty good in that role!

She idly wondered what tasks her mother and sister might be assigned, but that sort of categorization was beyond her. She was nothing more than a storage drone. She stored.

The dildo inside her slipped out, retracting into the seat, while the ass plug deflated. The fun was over, at least for now.

The restraints at her ankles retracted with a hiss, but she was in no hurry to get up, savoring the aftereffects of the orgasm. The screen had blanked, and her command box was empty. She had the time she needed to compose herself.

Sliding her wet pussy off the saddle, she stood, her ruffled dress dropping back into place. Her thighs were slick with her lubrication, and she felt messy. She wanted a shower before the ceremony, but she had to wait until the machine told her what to do.

A cold flash of surprise tingled through her body as the new command came in.


Really? She was going to be sent out like this?

Her thighs slid together, the sticky wetness feeling gummy as she headed for the exit. Sweat beaded her brow as she stepped down into the corridor, turning left as she followed the map glowing in her mind.

No, she wasn’t ready to greet her fiancee like this!

Ready or not, the machine was in control, and her feet kept moving forward, heels clicking on the floor.

Her anxiety kept growing. It was a good thing that the machine was pushing her forward, or she might consider fleeing.

No. She would do this, because she was strong. She was a drone. She was Hive.

Turning a few corners, she stalked down a corridor, nodding to other drones going the other direction. Most of them ignored her, lost in their own world, but one dressed in black sidled up next to her, matching her pace.

“That wasn't as bad as you feared, now was it?” asked First, taking her arm and holding her hand.

Tina squeezed the friendly grip, shuddering. “It was both awful and exhilarating,” she admitted. “I don't know what the future will bring. How will I handle my family when they show up?”

“I wouldn't worry about that,” said First airily. “Trust in the machine.”


She did, really, but that didn't mean that it wasn't going to be uncomfortable to deal with her family. She was going to have to betray them to the machine, to see their reactions as they finally understood their new place, as slave drones.

She wanted to see that, more than anything, but she also hated the idea of them being disappointed with her again. It was frustrating that this trauma was still with her, but there it was.

Her shoulders drooped. “I just have to keep reminding myself that it will be over soon. As the machine wills it.”

First squeezed her hand. “I know this is scary, doing anything new is. We're here to help you, support you every step of the way. You'll never be alone again.”

Tina nodded, hiding the sudden tears that appeared in her eyes. “Enough about that,” she sighed, swallowing back the sudden lump that appeared in her throat. “What can I expect from this ceremony? It's not going to be like a traditional marriage, is it?”

First barked out a laugh, pulling her briskly to one side as another drone approached. When the drone noticed her presence, his eyes widened, and he gave her a short bow.

“No, not at all,” said First, giving the drone a merry nod as he passed. “It isn't going to be like any kind of religious ceremony you might be familiar with. It doesn’t have to be - you can do something more traditional when your parents arrive. This is all about the joining of two drones, bringing them together as one. A celebration of Hive's expansion, of our allegiance to the machine.”

Tina pursed her lips, imagining a crowd of drones dancing to pumping techno beats and flashing lights with a cyberpunk backdrop. “I don't think I know what that means,” she said after a pause, trying to banish the odd idea.

“You don't have to know,” replied First. “Just enjoy.

She pulled Tina to a halt, stopping in front of a plain looking door. The scanner flicked over Tina's body, opening with a light whirr.

First let go of her hand, moving in behind her. “This part is up to you,” she whispered, laying her hands on Tina's back and giving her a light push. “I will join you in a bit. I know you'll do well!”

Tina had no idea what that meant. The way her words sounded, it almost seemed like she was about to put on a performance.

Her trepidation peaked as the door slid shut behind her, the wooden floor leading up to a purple curtain. Was this a stage?

She took mincing steps forward, hiding behind the curtain as she pulled it aside to peek into the room. Her mouth gaped open as she studied the raised galleries in the rear, her vision blurred by the strong lighting and glossy bodies shuffling in the rows.

It looked like a damned theater! She wasn't going out in front of those drones, she'd be too embarrassed!


Before she could register another denial, her hands moved on their own, sliding the curtain aside. Her body swayed as she moved onto a large, semicircular platform, her wide eyes blinking in surprise.

In the center of the stage, a drone dressed in shiny black rubber was waiting for her, his hands folded around a bouquet of red roses. As she stepped towards him, the sticky wetness of her recent orgasm chose this moment to become itchy.

The crowd of drones turned towards the stage, clapping their hands. She scowled, annoyed at being thrust into the limelight. The drone in black turned towards her, the rings in his eyes glowing an intense blue.

Joey gave her a wide grin, reaching out to take her hand. “There you are,” he chuckled. “Why the grim face? This is our happy occasion!”

Leaning in, she whispered into his ear. “I've just been on an unpleasant call with my parents, and the machine decided to stimulate my pussy. I haven't had a chance to clean up, and I'm a sweaty mess!”

Joey laid a hand on her shoulder, giving it a soft pat. “You might be sweaty now, but there isn't a good reason to get clean just yet. This ceremony is going to be a participatory affair!”

She wrinkled her nose, and Joey laughed. Taking a rose from his bouquet, he slid it into the veil on top of her head, tilting it to give it more appeal.

“You look cute,” he declared. “And sexy.

She folded her arms, feeling miffed. “This isn't going to be another ‘you're cute when you're angry’ situations, is it?”

“And what if it is?” Joey asked, handing the bouquet to another storage drone who trotted up.

“Then I shall be very put out,” she declared, curling her lip.

“Oh, don't be like that,” came a purring voice, the spotlights in the room moving to highlight the drone stepping around the rear curtain.

It was First, but she was dressed in a fetish rubber costume. That wasn't too unusual, given what the drone usually wore, but Tina couldn't help but think ‘rubber nun’ when she looked at her outfit.

She was wearing a dark blue wimple, a white stripe outlining the edge. Light rippled over her glossy, black hood, her eyes hidden behind perforations.

Her tight, rubber bodysuit was the same as usual, containing the stripes and reticles that highlighted her breasts, but she had changed her footwear to absurdly high heels. A long cape dangled down her back, swishing with each step.

“Dearly beloveds,” she intoned. “We have gathered here today to witness two Hive drones coming together in sexy matrimony.”

An amulet dangled from her neck as she approached, slapping against her latex covered chest. It was the familiar crystal spire, a large B wrapped around the sides, followed by the T. Bright Times, the corporation they belonged to.

First reached out to grab their hands and pull them together. Tina looked at her in askance as another storage drone appeared, shuffling forward in her hobble skirt.

The drone raised the cushion she bore, and First plucked a ribbon cable off the surface. Turning to Tina, she wrapped one end loosely about her wrist, securing the other to Joey's.

“Let this ribbon be a symbolic mark of the bond you both share in the machine. What memory has been addressed to love shall always remain so, never to be deleted or overwritten!”

Tina found the text to be cheesy, but Joey seemed to be taking it seriously enough, so she remained silent. Her excitement was growing, but she couldn't say why. The idea of being bound to her man hit her at a more primal level than she had thought it would.

“Checksum your feelings, you know them to be true! Hashed together as one string, you can never be reverse engineered!”

Joey turned his hand over, clasping hers. He shot her a serious look, giving her a squeeze. She smiled back at him, a hot pulse of desire interfering with the solemnity of the situation.

She wanted to take this seriously, she really did. This man was her hope for the future. The two of them were going to make lots of drone babies together, train them up right, to love the machine.

“... Now, as a duly ordained storage controller, I now pronounce you, drone, and wife!”

A surge of surprise ran through her body as she realized that she had been drifting. How much of the ceremony had she missed?”

“You may now kiss the drone!”


Joey leaned in, cradling her skull with his free hand as his lips swallowed hers. She took in a short breath, closing her eyes. The crowd of drones cheered as he sucked on her lips, playing with her tongue ring.

She leaned into him and took it, enjoying his touch as he plundered her mouth. The tingle of arousal in her loins grew to a low roar, her pussy jolting as she thought of his thick drone dick.

Would he? Was that even the right thing to do in the middle of a wedding?

He pulled back, his breath hissing against her nose. She shuddered with arousal, her eyes hooded as he caressed her neck. The crowd cheered again, but she ignored them, too wrapped up in her new husband.

He owned her, and the machine owned them. It was a neat kind of symmetry, the rightness of the situation flooding through her.

Her pussy was hot and slick, she needed him, but she wasn’t sure what came next. Swallowing her saliva, she looked around, suddenly becoming aware of her environs.

A crowd of drones was standing around the stage, couples clasping each other as they eyed her with eagerness, their drone numbers glowing on their foreheads. They must have been tasked to be here by the machine, to celebrate their oneness in slavery.

She could feel their thoughts whispering just out of reach, the drone network humming with pleasure that buoyed her up. She felt happy.

It took her a while to recognize the feeling, as it was something new to her. Sure, she had felt pleased at various successes throughout her life, but she had never felt all that comfortable due to the various demands placed upon her.

She had to look good for society, had to succeed for her parents, had to attend a prestigious college. Here, she didn’t have to do any of that. She could just be, and that was enough for the machine.

Sighing, she rubbed her thumb against the palm of Joey’s hand as she gave him a bright smile. He smiled back, the surprising warmth causing a thrill to run down her spine.

She knew that he had been reluctant to get involved with her, that he had seen her as just another assignment. All that had changed. The two of them were on a new journey of discovery, finding out what they could achieve as coupled drone slaves!

First grinned, untangling the cord from their wrists. “Stand over here, please,” she said, ushering them towards the edge of the stage. “It’s time for the main event!”


Tina followed the command with alacrity, turning around as Joey reached a hand around her side, pulling her in close. She stiffened as a platform descended from the ceiling above, made out of a metal lattice. “What the heck is that?” she asked, running her eyes over the angled supports.

“At the end of a marriage ceremony, what usually happens?” rumbled Joey.

Tina's mouth gaped open as her brain started to understand the jumble of straps suspended in the middle of the platform. They were going to be mounted in there and… do it!

“Oh no, not in front of everyone!” she hissed, trying to pull away from Joey.

“Why not?” he asked, holding her in place. “You don't mind when others watch us going at it in the rack, do you?”

“That's because I'm hypnotized, out of my mind, being controlled by the machine, and the pleasure is so good I don't care,” she wailed, shrinking back from the murmuring masses.

First appeared, touching her on the nose. “Calm down,” she admonished. “It will be no different here. Check your commands, submit and obey.”

The text glowed a deep violet in her vision, and she gasped, feeling woozy.


Oh, oh. She was feeling cold, and her anxiety was decreasing. The machine must have taken pity on her, administering a light sedative.

Her fat lips formed into a pucker as a light jolt attacked her nipples. The wetness in her pussy returned, as though it had never left. She was prepped for sex, with her husband!

This new relationship set her free from her reluctance, and she let out a light cry of pleasure. She forgot the shiny masses of drones that were watching behind glazed visors, for she knew that they felt the same. They wanted to be her, they wanted the sex she was about to have. They wanted to obey!

“I think she's ready now,” announced Joey, and First gave her a warm smile and a wink, retreating.

The dangling platform was in front of them, the bottom making contact with the stage floor. Crunch!

Joey escorted her forward, helping her over the lip as she giggled. He was careful to sway her body away from the high frame on either side, barely avoiding it taking a bite out of her ass.

She didn't care, laughing again. She knew that she wasn't her usual self, but she didn't care. She was going to get sexed up by her husband and submit to the machine at the same time! How fun was that?

Joey growled as he tried to get her into the dangling chair, annoyed at how her skirt obstructed his view of the straps. She wanted to help him, but she was too far gone. She'd simply make a hash of things if she tried to assist, irritating him further. It was far better to sigh and give him coquettish looks to inflame his libido further.

Flipping up her skirt on both sides, he maneuvered the chair into position against her ass. “One, two, three, hup!”

Lifting her body in one go, he flipped the chair underneath. She fell into the bucket seat, laughing like a maniac as her limbs splayed in all directions. Her skirt billowed out as she fell back, the chains creaking as the rubber chair cupped her ass.

Grabbing hold of the chains, she held on as she swung forward, kicking her feet out like a little girl.

“No, not like that,” admonished Joey, holding up a hand. “There's a few more restraints to go.”

Petulant, Tina placed her hands over her waist in a huff, blowing air through her lips. “Don't be annoyed,” sighed Joey. “Just bear with me for a few more moments, and we'll be ready for pleasure.”

Her eyes widened at this pronouncement, and she settled down, waiting patiently as he knelt next to her feet. Lifting up a leg, he placed a rubber cuff around her ankle, cinching it tight. Once it was properly secured, he clipped a dangling chain to one of several metal loops attached to the side of the cuff.

This was soon followed by two more. When he let go of her leg, it fell down a short distance until the chains snapped taut, preventing her from touching the floor. How annoying!

“This is kind of uncomfortable,” she complained, frowning as she ran a hand over her wrist.

Joey moved to her other ankle, securing it in a similar way. “Just think of the pleasure we'll have together. Soon. The machine has great plans for us!”

Tina subsided, letting her legs dangle as Joey stood, moving in to reach out for her arm. She almost pulled away, but the machine's commands were throbbing in her head, gently commanding her to give in.


She swallowed her annoyance, choosing instead to allow her husband to string up her arm. She made a strained laugh as one of her hands dangled from the chains. “I'm going to look like a marionette!”

“That's right,” nodded Joey seriously. “We'll both be dangling, puppets of the machine. Our performance will be a spectacle talked about for months, with other drones vying to become the next couple to test out this sex machine!”

Intrigued by the idea, Tina squeezed her hands into fists as Joey finished up with the last buckle. When he was done, he moved towards his own swinging seat. She shifted her weight, noting how the chains jangled as she rocked back and forth.

It wasn't that uncomfortable! In fact, she was starting to get rather eager to find out what was next.

She had originally thought that her husband was going to take her in this position, but First joined them on the platform, helping to secure her husband's limbs as well. They were both going to be dolls on chains, teased by the machine in a stage play demonstrating their slavery to the other drones!

First was efficient, and it didn't take long for her to finish securing her husband to the seat. Once he was properly bound, she tapped her fingers over his pelvis, releasing the dome shaped crotch guard. Popping it off, she revealed the thick erection hiding beneath.

She turned her head to Tina, a dark glimmer in her glowing eyes. “He's been prepped. Are you ready to be his slutty sex slave?”

Tina moaned, yanking on the chains to better expose her pussy. Her skirt was getting in the way, though, making for a disappointing showing.

First marched over, gathering it up and squeezing the ends into her seat so that it would stay in place above her mons. “If you shift around too much before the mating starts, this isn't going to work,” she warned.

Tina gave her a serious nod, settling down. She was too aroused now to even think of messing this up!

First retreated to the edge of the platform and clapped her hands. The spotlights swiveled, focusing on Tina and Joey as the platform trembled, ascending off the stage.

They swayed back and forth in what felt like a precarious manner, but she was secure in her seat. That didn't mean she liked seeing the ground disappearing below, her anxiety rising as she grabbed at the chains.


When the music started, she forgot her anxiety. It was a classic opera, one she wasn't familiar with, a rich, stentorian voice booming through the hall.

“Ladies and gentle drones, welcome to the final act! We have here today a tale of love, woven together with one of woe!”

The chains at her wrists gently tugged her arms apart, soon followed by her legs. Her hands were crossed as her seat rose, floating across the platform towards Joey.

It was an odd sensation, being controlled by the chains. She was a doll, a mindless tool to be commanded and controlled by the entity above. She was putting on a play created by the machine.

How unusual! Was this a creative outlet for their master? Had someone checked the output before allowing the play to be put on?

Her questions vanished as Joey loomed in front of her, sweat beading his brow. The number on his forehead glowed like his eyes, the barcodes on his cheeks glimmering as he tilted his head.

His expression was sly, welcoming. She wanted him.

Her gaping pussy lurched as her legs were tugged farther apart, flowering her open. His knees were down low, tilted at a forty five degree angle, exposing his crotch. His erect dick hung there like a hungry slug, bouncing as his eyes ran over her curves.

She said nothing, biting her lip. What the machine intended was clear, and there was no reason for her to object.

“Our female drone spent all her time trying to please her parents, who were never satisfied. ‘Clean your room. Improve your grades. Get into university!’ She did all these things, and more, but they would never praise her for her efforts!”

Tears shimmered in her eyes. It was all true. Why was the machine trying to make her cry in front of everyone? She didn't want to remember those days, she wanted to forget!

She choked back a sob as she neared her husband. He stared at her with sympathy. “Why so sad, little birdie?” he rumbled. “The past cannot hurt you. The machine has set you free!”

“And so, she found her knight in shining armor!” boomed the narrator. “Unbeknownst to her, he had been sent to capture her for Hive, but in time, he caught feelings for her. Just as the machine predicted!”

Joey frowned. “Was I manipulated into this, too?”

Tina choked back her sobs, a small giggle escaping her lips. “That makes two of us, then. The machine brought us together. Who are we to say no?”

Her limbs vibrated as she was brought down into his lap, her seat settling against his thighs. She wanted to embrace him, kiss him, but with how she was currently bound, that was impossible. She turned her palms up, nodding her head forward. “Neither of us expected this outcome, but are you disappointed by it?”

His eyes filled with hunger. “No. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

“Together, they mated, as good drones do. Good drones. A happy couple, they will be productive members of Hive. Now, we shall all join together in praise!”

The moans coming from below indicated that the drones had descended into an orgy. Her pussy itched, neediness coloring her thoughts.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything herself. She was sitting here at the pleasure of the machine!

First was suddenly there, pulling the seat out from under her butt. “There are still a couple of kinks we need to work out of the process,” she muttered. “It's not quite as automated as the machine would like. Still, it's a fun way to consummate a marriage, no?”

The chains rattled, moving behind her until her legs were bent below. Her wet snatch was close to her husband’s trembling length, so close she couldn't wait. She grunted like an animal, trying to shimmy up his legs with pure force of will.

First slapped her side. “Stop being silly. I'm going to get you mounted, just wait a moment.”

The motors above whined, lifting her wrists until her body was dangling above her husband. First reached in and grabbed Joey's dick, placing the swollen end against Tina's inner lips.

She let out a shuddering sigh as her body descended, the warm rod splitting her open as she sank all the way down with a cry of pleasure. Joey grunted, his ass shifting in the seat as he plugged her up thoroughly. “Thus joined, let us never be apart,” he rumbled in a sonorous voice.

“That's all well and good, but what are we going to do now?” Tina hissed. “We don't have any leverage!

“Give me a moment, goodness!” interjected First, moving around behind Tina. “Now I'm really going to have to convince the machine to come up with a better methodology for this. The attendant gets no respect!”

“Sorry,” murmured Tina, feeling her husband's length inside her with more intensity. “I just can't wait to start!”

Joey shot her a funny look. “Neither can I. Can you keep shifting around? I might lose my erection if this goes on for too long!”

First made a nondescript noise, running straps under Tina's shoulders. “I'm going to ask the machine to have someone else run the pilot program next time,” she said under her breath.

You could do that? Tina had never considered that the machine might take a drone's requests under advisement. Something to remember for later.

She squeezed her legs around Joey's waist, causing his dick to rattle within her pussy. He moaned, she moaned, they all moaned, but there was no release. This was torturous!

First finally finished with the straps. “There,” she said in a loud voice. “Take it away, Hive!”

“The two drones mated in carnal ecstasy, providing a happy ending to this sordid tale!” the narrator announced.


Her body began to move, at first with short jolts, but soon with increasing regularity. Joey's dick slid inside her lubricated pussy, the two of them moaning as they were manipulated by the machine. Artificial sex to produce actual insemination. What a strange world!

Her breasts bounced within her dress as his balls slapped against her privates. Plap. Plap. Plap.

The light around them flashed, giving her brief glimpses of the drones below. They were laid out over the chairs and on the floor, rutting like wild beasts.

Shiny bodies glistened as they pumped into each other, wet sex sounds filling the air, moans and grunts coalescing into a maelstrom of pleasure.

She tossed her head, limbs moving at the commands of the machine, her arousal growing. “We are controlled,” she gasped out. “We are fucking machines!

“We are drone,” growled Joey, his penis twitching inside her.


Her resistance was gone. Her body did what the machine commanded, as her mind submitted to its power.

They had been made perfect together, in submission. Obedience to the AI.

She loved the machine with all her heart.

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