Corporate Love

Chapter 2

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #scifi #sub:female #clothing #drones #growth #hive #latex #robots #rubber

Chapter Two

Tina sighed, staring at herself in the mirror. The cleanup had been rather pedestrian, and now she had a few moments to herself before she would need to rejoin the rack of storage drones in their next task.

What would it be? Would her body be hooked back into a machine and used, or would she be forced to do more training?

Either way, it was certain to be pleasurable. A smile graced her lips, a slice of red within an expanse of gray rubber.

The symbol on her bare forehead glowed, declaring her number. Sixty Nine. The curves were large, and round, the lines glowing with the pulse of her heart.

Streaks of black ran below her eyes, over her cheeks. Machine readable barcodes. Along with her shiny, bald head, this marked her as property of the machine.

Her eyes blinked as she caressed her bare breasts, letting out a low groan as pleasure tickled her chest. Being a drone felt so good! She had always wanted to be a storage drone, to be a slutty obedient whore!

Her mouth hung open as she stared into the mirror, the last thought fading as another perspective lurched into her brain. The fanaticism in her dull eyes faded, worry taking its place. Was this really her?

Sure, letting herself fall into the mindless bliss of drone pleasure was fun, but it was really just another form of running away. Her family was still out there, and she was sure they wanted her back, but she just couldn't take being smothered by them.

As a result, she had done things she knew were wrong - running with the wrong crowd, sex, and drugs. When she had met Joey, it was simply a logical extension to say yes when he had asked her to come away with him.

She had not expected that both of them would be captured and turned into drones, but she found it hard to be worried about her future. This was the ultimate way to stick a thumb in the eye of her father. Here, he couldn't touch her, couldn't make her do anything!

Her thick lips parted as she placed a hand over her pussy, pressing a forefinger against her clit. She was free to rub one out here, to be lewd as she liked. The machine didn't care. The machine liked it when she disavowed her family.

She stroked her clit as she massaged a breast, sliding her fingers down to the tip and tweaking a nipple. It was so hot to play with her gray flesh. She had been a full drone for several months, and the synthetic neural net in her rubber coating was fully operational. This kind of stimulation was twice as effective as it had been with her base level body, bringing her arousal to a high buzz within a matter of moments.

She tilted her head back and moaned, feeling the cold hardness of the metallic implant installed into the back of her skull. Although she had pierced her tongue in college, this was a level of physical alteration she still wasn’t comfortable with.

She did have to admit that it was freaking hot. She ran her tongue ring over the top of her mouth, hissing as she spotted the two blue rings glowing in her eyes. Another visible sign of the permanent implants installed by the machine!

The pleasure rose, small coos escaping her lips. She stopped stroking her clit, swiping at it with her thumb as her hips twitched against the table. She was a slave of the machine, its slutty little fuck drone!

Her eyes rolled as her arousal spiked, pussy clenching as the orgasm took hold. Her butt squeezed into the bench as she bucked, a long sigh escaping her lips. She hung her head, enjoying the wash of pleasure that took hold of her mind.

For several minutes, she could think of nothing other than how pleased she was to obey the machine, limbs dangling. She did have a rather submissive personality, and the machine knew every button to push to bring her to heel.

She sighed as her desire fled, satiated. Giving herself a hard look, reality stared her in the face. Her body had been altered beyond recognition, into this gray thing, and she didn’t even care!

She also knew that some of the thoughts she had experienced leading up to the orgasm weren't hers. The machine demanded her loyalty, and she was helpless before its might.

For the first month after her capture, she had plotted an escape attempt with Joey, but that had ultimately been thwarted when they had been unable to restrain their libidos. The man was just too hot to be real!

She shook her head in disgust. That was exactly what the machine had wanted from them. It had amped up their horniness, encouraging their relationship because it knew that they would fall into its grip together.

Since then, she had descended further, becoming lost. Whenever she brought up escape plans, both of them were struck with desire for each other, the machine controlling their minds with pleasure.

Now, she rarely thought about leaving. She didn't think she could, given the current state of her body. She could imagine the looks of disgust she would receive stepping into a police station. Nobody would believe that what had been done to her wasn't some form of self mutilation. It was like something out of a science fiction novel!

This wasn't fantasy, though. Drones existed, and she was one of them. She would obey.

Shaking off the intrusive thought, she stood, her body obeying the violet text that had appeared in a glowing box. Her body turned, stalking towards the door, which swished open as it detected her presence.

When she blinked, the glowing box did not disappear. It was being projected directly into her brain, notifying her of what she would be doing next.

She didn’t even think of disobeying it. She had been trained to execute the commands without question. At this point, low level directions didn’t even require conscious thought.

She swerved to the left, joining the main hallway that led back to the rack. For a few brief moments, she hoped that the machine would move her into the room and plug her in again, but she proceeded past the door without stopping.

Revisiting her instructions, she cursed internally. She didn't want to do more exercising, even if it was good for her body!

The machine didn't care what she wanted, however, steering her around the center core until she stopped at a bank of elevators. Another drone was already waiting there, and her heart leaped when she noticed who it was.

“Joey!” she squeaked, suddenly feeling shy.

She folded her hands over her breasts, shifting her stance so that her hairy privates weren't as visible. Her male lover turned towards her, his flabby dick exposed. He didn't seem to care about modesty as much as her, which was a little strange. He had only been a drone as long as she had, why was he so used to being nude?

She instantly dismissed the thought. He had probably spent a lot of time on nude beaches. He certainly had the complexion and the body needed to draw a lot of attention!

The old inferiority complex raised its head. With the chiseled body he possessed, why had he chosen her?

She didn't have the face or the body of an attractive woman. She was as plain as plain could be.

That was all behind her now, though. She was a drone. She gave him a thousand watt smile, confident in her new body.

He returned her smile with a frown, folding his hands as his eyes glowed an artificial blue. “You’re in trouble, little birdie.”

She arched her shoulders, choosing to ignore the diminutive. “What kind of trouble are you talking about?” she asked, feeling out of sorts. “I rather thought we both had a good time in the rack.”

Ha nodded solemnly. “That's right, you did. The machine never forgets, you know. Your punishment is only beginning.”

The elevator dinged, the car doors sliding open. He stepped onto the lift, turning around to wait for her. She slid up next to him, mincing her steps to avoid revealing her nipples as she turned around.

He glanced down at her hand bras as the doors slid shut. “I don't understand this affectation,” he rumbled. “The other drones don't care, and you've seen everything I have to offer on multiple occasions.”

Her face blushed as she wiggled her hands against her breasts. “It's hard to break habits you've had a lifetime to get used to,” she retorted.

The door chimed twice as the elevator came to a halt. Joey offered a hand, but she growled at him. She wanted to take it, but that would require her to expose a nipple, which would invalidate the entire point of hiding her breasts in the first place!

Joey was her rock in this place, though. Without him, she would have gone mad after being sent through drone conversion. He had been with her every step of the way, comforting her even when his body was changed just as much as hers!

She couldn't imagine why he was able to take all this in stride. He seemed to be adjusting to the strange rhythms of Hive faster than she was, which was really annoying.

Still, he was always there to help her whenever she got confused. She seemed to be confused a lot lately.

That being the case, she owed him more than she wanted to admit. There was no need to be churlish. She should suck it up, even if it was embarrassing to show her body to drones she didn't know.

Making an annoyed grunt, she succumbed, grabbing his hand. He responded with a light chuckle, leading her out of the elevator, hand in hand.

“Just because I forgive you, that doesn't mean the machine will,” Joey warned. “You shouldn't assume that this will be like our usual scheduled exercises.”

“Oh boy,” she said under her breath, already becoming self conscious as they neared the exercise facilities.

Drones from other roles were already showing up, dressed in various colored catsuits. Reds, oranges, and yellows blended together in a glossy melange, small groups gathering together as they entered the changing rooms.

Hive society tended to be rather stratified, though while exercising, those boundaries were temporarily erased. Everyone needed to be in top shape to continue serving Hive to the best of their abilities.

Already naked, they crossed directly into the main room, entering the starting path, which was made of soft rubber. The landscape around them was fake, carefully curated to look like an outdoor park.

The ceiling was high above, the exercise chamber comprising two floors, with a pool and fake beach off in the far corner. She rather hoped that the machine would send them there to play with the wave machine and water slides, but that sounded like too much of a reward.

A drone couple frolicked over a nearby hill, embracing each other as they descended to the ground, their mouths locked together in a kiss. Tina clenched Joey's hand, desire rising within her chest.

He squeezed back. “You know, we might be assigned that kind of exercise if you would simply obey,” he admonished.

“I know, I know, it’s another bad habit I’m trying to break.”

“You seem to have a lot of bad habits,” he observed, giving her a wry look.

“Blame my parents for that,” she said bitterly. “The only way to get their attention was to act out. I don’t know any better.”

He patted her shoulder with his free hand. “You don’t have to be like that any more. You’re a Hive drone. As long as you obey the machine, everything will be fine.”

That's what she was afraid of. It was getting far too easy to let the machine think for her. Just the other day, she had caught herself following its commands without thinking, her body moving on autopilot. It had been scary when she noticed it, but since then, there had been several situations where it had just seemed like the natural thing to do.

It didn't help that Joey was encouraging obedience. In fact, she couldn't recall a time when he hadn't.

This odd thought stuck in her brain. She tucked it away, hoping to revisit it later, but as they strolled along the pathway, it vanished. She smiled, admiring the fake plants. A lot of work had gone into making this place seem cheerful, probably because drones had few opportunities to go outside.

There were a whole raft of reasons why this might be the case. Outsiders wouldn't understand their need to wear dronesuits. If they got too far away from Hive's infrastructure, the machine would have problems delivering new orders.

Get away. This idea floated around her brain before it vanished, just like the other interesting thoughts she had been having recently. She felt the weight of the implants on the back of her skull, smiling as she rubbed a finger around the edge of a connection port. Being plugged in was ecstasy, but that's not what they were here for.

They crested a small hill, the pathway curling around a playground area. There were bars for doing pull-ups, exercise bicycles, and weight machines. The pathway ran around a hillock in the distance, behind which she could see the rounded plastic shapes of water slides.

Happy cries reached her ears, but the glowing text in her command box directed her towards the playground. Damn.

They stopped near one of the bars, her text updating. She had been assigned to this row of rowing machines. Her feet automatically moved, spinning her towards a blue mat.

Many of the machines were already occupied, nude bodies flexing as they pulled back on the handles, their asses bulging against the seats as they slid backwards. She admired their form and their muscles, but she didn't have time to relax. She was here to work.

Taking a seat, she shoved her feet into the provided boots. The machine detected her presence, automatically tightening the laces to hold her down.

Squeezing her ass into the cushion, she leaned forward, grunting as her pussy rocked against a device she had affectionately nicknamed the ‘buzz box.’ It vibrated for a brief interval, just to let her know it was there, before going silent.

It was a mechanism meant for dragging maximum effort out of an exercising drone, reducing them to quivering wrecks if they pleased the machine. Indeed, some of the other drones were resting with their heads between their knees, cries of carnal joy filling the adult playground.

The stimulation device worked differently for male drones, but she didn’t want to watch. It was too much like being a voyeur, and she had eyes for only one drone.

The box buzzed in warning, administering a sharp tingle of pain. She reached out to grab the handle in front of her, following the glowing commands beamed into her head by the machine. Straightening her back, she pushed off with her feet, pulling in with her arms at the last second. The resistance belt hummed as it converted her horizontal momentum into a spinning fan, the whirring sound caressing her ears.

She knew that it wouldn't take long to get herself into the rhythm, and if the machine was feeling benevolent, it might even decide to tease her pussy with a dildo!

So far, however, the box remained silent, and when she slowed, a faint electric buzz encouraged her to speed back up. Annoying!

Getting back into the rhythm, she moderated her breathing, looking around to see if she could spot Joey. Ah, he was at the pull up bars.

The chiseled drone had wrapped his hands around a bar close to her, pulling himself up with his bulging biceps. His rubbery chest flexed, his drone coating creasing with each movement. Yum.

She found herself synchronizing her rowing to his movements, enjoying the light buzz that tingled against her clit every time she leaned back.

Her arousal was growing, the heat of desire curling in her chest. She licked her lips, knowing what was hiding just below the drone's hairy bush.

She wouldn't look, she wouldn't… ah!

It was too late. His thick cock bulged between his thighs, glistening with a black rubber coating. Behind the shaft, his fat balls hung, bouncing every time he hit the apex.

She could imagine those balls smacking against her privates, his erect cock plumbing her depths as she writhed in pleasure. She bit her lip, barely able to contain herself

The machine must have sensed this, as there came no further stimulation. Damn.

There was no punishment, but it didn't matter. She couldn't reach orgasm just from her imagination. She wanted to touch herself, stroke her inner lips and flick her clit until she exploded, but for now, she would have to settle for watching his dick jiggle.

Ah, it was so virile and masculine! What would it feel like to place her lips around his length, to run her tongue over the straining tip?

She was down bad, sweating heavily. The machine held her there, her body swaying forward and back, desire tingling. But nothing happened!

It was maddening! Usually, the machine would bring her up to the edge, keep her there until she squealed, then toss her off the cliff. Right now, it wasn't even trying. Was this the punishment Joey was talking about? Damn!

Another five minutes, and she was pretty strung out. This was already longer than the machine usually had her row. Was it going to tire her out until she was a sodden mess?

No - the text box had already been updated with a new set of instructions. Letting out a shuddering breath, she let go of the handle and slid forward, wiping the sweat off her forehead. The boots released her feet, and she stood, her thighs burning. What a workout!

It wasn't over yet, though. The machine was directing her through the jungle of weight equipment, drones pumping iron to the lash of an invisible master.

They were improving their bodies for Hive, an admirable goal. It was healthy, too, something she should really have been doing before becoming a Hive drone.

Her legs carried her to the top of a small rise, heat between her legs. Joey appeared next to her, matching her pace without complaint. “I see you've made it through the first trial without melting down,” he chuckled. “How are you feeling?”

She glanced at his dick, clamping her lips together in embarrassment as she tilted her head up. A stretch of sand was built into a large box on the floor, happy drones jumping to hit the ball over the net.

“Quite well, thank you,” she said primly, flexing her hands at her sides, trying to suppress the sudden lick of arousal that attacked her loins.

She wouldn't allow the machine to succeed that easily! Joey’s presence wasn't helping her to keep her word, however, his sweaty body near enough that she could study every crease.

Her commands updated, and Joey laid a hand on her shoulder. She shuddered, her desire to sit on top of his dick and ride it to oblivion rising.

The machine had trained her well, however. As long as she had a direct command pending, she would not deviate.

Her skin tingled at the nearness of her paramour, both of them proceeding down the hill towards a black circle marked out next to the beach volleyball court. Pressing her knees together, she twisted her body as she leaned down to pick up the provided jump rope handles. She squeezed her shoulders together, giving Joey a sultry look, but he seemed unaffected, his arms folded as he stood at the edge of the circle.

“I am to be your taskmaster in this exercise,” he announced. “You will start with two sets of fifteen jumps, then a rest period. Ready? Begin!

She stretched the rope out, letting it droop to the ground. Stepping over it, she lifted the handles, whipping it over her back. She hopped, her body getting into the rhythm. One skip, two skip, three skip, four.

She began to pop her knees, making a hop skip to shake things up. She stared at Joey, a smirk on her face as she finished the first set. “Not even difficult. When is it going to give me a challenge?

He seemed unimpressed. “Next set. Keep up the pace. Follow the beat.”

Tina was surprised to find herself being crowded in on both sides by a pair of male drones. They wore tight latex briefs, their members bulging underneath the stretchy rubber. Chests slick with sweat, light glistened off their rubbery flesh.

They had jump ropes, too, the handles splayed wide as they matched her pose. At the sound of Joey's hands clapping, they began to jump, their ropes whirring through the air with a loud buzz.

Astonished, Tina forgot to join in, but her resolve soon returned. She wouldn't be beat!

Raising her hands, she whipped the rope around, hopping at the right moment to avoid tripping herself up. The rope spun, whirring over her head as she popped her hips, jumping again.

Soon, she was spinning like the drones, but the beat was off. They were moving faster than she was!

She tried to speed up, but their ropes continued whipping like metronomes, just out of beat. “Halt!” cried out Joey, and everyone came to a stop.

He stepped in, placing a hand on her cheek. She gasped at his nearness, rubbing her sweaty legs together at the sudden heat blazing in her core.

“I can tell you're trying, but it's not enough. Here, let me help you. You need to focus.”

He placed a finger on her nose, her eyes being drawn to the tip. “Calm your mind. Count to three with me. One. Two. Three.

Her lips quivered as she counted with him, her mind calming. As her ancillary thoughts faded, her raw arousal took center stage. Bodies. Sex.

Her heart fluttered, attraction increasing. He was so close, and he smelled so good. Her body swayed towards him, and he was forced to push her back.

Chuckling, he laid a hand on her shoulder to steady her. “It’s working,” he rumbled in a low voice. “But you’re not quite there yet. We must follow the process. Remember what I told you.”

“Remember,” she repeated, frowning.

She felt unfocused. What was she supposed to remember again?

Her eyes focused on his, staring at the intense blue glow of his irises. They were very pretty. Just like the obedience that glowed in her own eyes.

Ah, that's right. It wasn't an event, or a particular phrase she needed to remember. It was a feeling. Submission to the machine.

When Joey clapped, her body moved of its own volition, speeding up to match the movements of the other drones. Swish, swish, swish, the rope moved to the beat of their feet, her focus on obedience intensifying.

When the set was complete, Joey clapped again, a smirk on his face. “Very good. You've demonstrated that your training is complete. You are a very obedient drone.”

She preened from his praise, lifting a hand to her neck as she turned her head in a come hither pose. Joey wasn't interested in her body, though, at least not at the moment.

“Bring her,” he ordered, and the male drones on either side grabbed her shoulders.

Bewildered, she looked at them in askance. She tried to tug away, but their grips were firm. “Joey, what is this?” she asked in a small voice. “I should be rewarded for my obedience, right?”

“And you shall,” purred Joey. “Allow the men to guide you, and you'll experience more pleasure than you can possibly imagine!”

“I don't know,” she muttered. “I can imagine quite a lot.”

This sudden change in the exercise routine annoyed her, but she trusted Joey implicitly. Relaxing into their grip, she allowed them to take her outside the jump rope circle and past the volleyball court.

Here, the ground lowered, the fake beach up ahead. She could hear the faint sounds of drones frolicking in the water, the whooshing rush of waves as they impacted the sand. Her excitement grew as she was escorted closer, up a small hill.

At the top, she had a good view of the surrounding area. Off to the right was a twisting mound of colorful plastic tubing that led from a high platform all the way down to a secondary pool meant for catching drones rushing out of the pipes.

Up ahead was a beach, chairs and umbrellas laid out as though they were seaside. Beyond was the wave pool, water crashing into a reinforced window pane on the exterior of the office building. The views were spectacular below the surface, and her anticipation rose, hoping that they might play a game of water polo.

In this, she was sorely disappointed. The male drones held her steady, turning her to one side. Joey was waiting for her, standing next to a swing.

Her eyes widened as she took in the thick, dangling straps. This wasn't the sort of swing you'd find at school. It was decidedly more adult in nature.

He stretched out the bundle of straps, revealing the open places where her breasts and hips would sit. She took in a deep breath, shivering with desire. “Is that what I think it is?”

“That depends entirely upon you,” Joey replied, his eyes creasing. “If you reach the proper trance level, I am authorized to reward you. If you cannot submit, then the punishment will remain in effect. What will you choose?”

Tina worked her lips, feeling funny inside. The way her body had followed his commands during the jump rope exercise had made her feel good, but her level of submissiveness towards him was becoming excessive. Did she really want to give herself to him?

He waited patiently while she decided, playing with the straps as a knowing sneer graced his lips. She wrinkled her nose. This was a new attitude that she hadn't seen before, and she didn't like it.

Given his smugness, it would be easy to decline. In doing so, however, she'd deny herself great pleasure, and wasn't that more important than counting coup?

If he got too arrogant towards her, the machine would take care of it. That was the real question here. Would she accept her training, and submit to the machine?

A mysterious smile played over her lips as she stared at him, waiting him out. His sneer faded, changing into a frown. Got him!

“Yes, I submit. To the machine.

He nodded. “Yes, of course. We should never forget what has brought us here together.”

He jangled the straps. “Now, come on, it's time for a little swing.

She took a step forward, looking at how high the straps were off the ground, and blanched. Did he mean for her to jump into the swing face first? That seemed like a recipe for disaster!

The male drones moved in, their faces blank as they paused a courteous distance away. She blushed. Oh. Duh.

She gave them a brisk nod, and they leaned over, grasping her body on both sides at her hips and shoulders. Together, they helped her off the ground and into the swing in a graceful arc.

Her chest and legs pressed into the straps, the rubbery material stretching as it took up her weight. She was in an uncomfortable position, but Joey moved under her, adjusting the straps until they ran around her bust instead of over it.

The other drones were busy, too, wrapping more straps over her back, cinching them down until she was trussed up like a turkey.

She leaned her head back and frowned. “This might look cool, but it's not all that comfortable,” she complained.

Joey dipped his head as he reached out his hands to another drone, spreading out the headphones he had been handed. “That might be true, but you won't care for long. Listen to this, and relax.”

He slipped the headphones over her ears as she scowled, annoyed at how her breast flesh dangled below. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she played with them?

Grasping a nipple, she gave it a little tug as a quiet susurrus invaded her ears. She couldn't quite make out what it was saying, but it seemed to be urging her forward, so she grabbed both breasts, stroking them as she heaved her belly into the straps.

She barely noticed as her legs were yanked open, more straps being wound around her ankles. This was nice, as she could relax into the suspension harness.

The text box glowing in her brain kept her company, the words pulsing along with the beat in her ears.


Thump. Grope. Thump. Grope.

She sighed, realizing that her pleasure was growing. She needed to slow down, or she might not achieve the explosive orgasm she was aiming for.

But she couldn't! Her strokes had become synchronized to the whispering words in her ears. She strained, trying to hear them better, but they became quieter, just out of reach. Maddening!

Joey was suddenly there, next to her head, another set of straps dangling from his hands. “You look lovely when you're a brainless slut,” he rumbled, his coarse words caressing her sweaty body.

She shivered, letting out a soft mewl. He took this opportunity to strike, shoving a rubber ball into her mouth. Her teeth reflexively clamped down around it, the spongy material yielding under the pressure.

He didn't wait for her to sort out her confusion, running a strap around the back of her neck and cinching it tight to her skull. She groaned as the gag sawed against her lips, unable to eject it with her tongue.

The awful smirk had returned to his face as he slipped off the headphones, laying them on her back. “You can be a feisty little slut,” he chuckled. “I much prefer it when you can do nothing but moan.”

His agile hands wrapped the remaining straps around her head, twin lines running up her jowls until they met at an intersection above her nose. From there, they split off again, running over her bald head around to the back, where they were buckled into the initial strap at the base of her skull.

Once he was done, there was no way for her to shake free. Pressing against the ball with her tongue, she tried to shove it out again, but it refused to budge. She wasn't going to be able to say anything!

“There, much better,” Joey announced, retrieving the headphones and setting them back over her ears.

The quiet whispers returned, her pussy throbbing as they dulled her thoughts. Gnawing on her gag, she felt herself losing the battle to understand the words, letting them slip into her mind unnoticed.

Joey adjusted the headphones so that they clamped tight, preventing them from coming loose, even if she twisted her head. He patted her cheek as he studied her glowing eyes. “We're just about there. How do you feel about a reward?”

Her eyes opened wide, and she moaned around the gag, jerking her body like a dolphin. The straps flexed, her hips rocking up and down as she strained, a wide grin on her face.

He growled, running a hand down her neck. “You're already slipping into a trance, like a good little drone. Would you like to hear the story of a betrayal?”

She frowned, making an annoyed noise. What was he talking about? It was time for a reward, not more conversation!

He clutched his hand around the apex of her neck, giving it a possessive squeeze. “Yes, you're almost ready to know, but I can't have you understand. Hive doesn't need another rebellion, though I can't imagine you'll have the strength to resist after this.”

His words were becoming even more confusing. She let out a honk through her nose. Less talk! More reward!

“That's right, you've become an increasingly slutty bitch since you've joined Hive,” he chuckled, slapping her ass.

She squealed, wiggling in pleasure. “See? You're already putty in my hands. I suppose that's the reason why you succumbed so quickly.”

He vanished, sliding his hand down her back as he moved around behind her. “I shouldn't complain. That made my job easy. Too easy in certain ways, but much harder in others.”

He wrapped his fingers into her ass cheek, giving it a rough squeeze. “It's only now at the end that I find myself in rather a conundrum. I didn't expect to catch feelings for my target. In fact, the idea has me in a rage. How could the machine possibly know what I wanted, better than I know myself?”

She creased her forehead. What the hell was he talking about? This was all very simple. Reward. Sex. Why did he have to overcomplicate things?

She hissed around the gag as he teased her clit with his thumb. “As expected. You're a wet little bitch, ready for breeding. Once I've broken you in, this farce will be over. You'll know once and for all who owns you.”

She made a low noise, rolling her eyes. All this foreplay was boring her. When was he going to get to the action?

There came a long pause, his hand hitting her butt with a wet smack. “You're not going anywhere, and I've stalled long enough. It's time to tell you the truth.”

Cold sweat prickled along her shoulders. She sensed that he was about to say something momentous, but the whispering words were distracting her. She wanted to give this her full attention, dammit!

She pushed the whispers back, shuddering as he stroked the base of her spine. “You used to ask me why I was there, at that party,” he mumbled. “A good looking man, college aged, rich, choosing a lady who appeared mediocre at best. Well, I knew you weren't just anybody. I had the dossier to prove it!”

His hand paused, a finger tapping against her skin. “Valedictorian, daughter of the CEO of a major equipment manufacturer, overbearing parents, loose morals? A recipe for utter disaster. It was inevitable that you would fall into the wrong crowd. In fact, it was fortunate that you became Hive's target, or you would have ended up a roofied whore.

Her mind skittered over his words, her brain avoiding the truth. An image of that night appeared, Joey stumbling into her and splashing her drink onto her chest. He had gotten her a towel and a new drink, his smile suave as he apologized for being so clumsy.

She tried to hold onto the memory, as these times with Joey were some of her most treasured, but it flitted away from her like a bird. The images rushed around her as she sank deeper, the pulsing whispers coming closer.

She pushed them back, straining to hear what Joey said next. She wanted him, she loved him. He deserved to be heard.

His voice broke as he stroked her gently. “You weren't the first mission I've been sent on, but you were the hardest.

He let out a long sigh. “I've been rambling, haven't I? I doubt you have the brain power left to put it all together, so I'll be straight with you. My name is Joey, designation Hive One, Spy Drone One. It was my mission to seek you out and bring you into the fold. You have become a Hive drone by my hand.”

She squeezed her eyebrows together, choking around the gag. He was a Hive drone. She was a Hive drone. It all made sense! The synchronicity was perfect!

The whispers caressed her ears, encouraging her to believe this. And why shouldn't she? Becoming Hive was the inevitable outcome for all who encountered its rubbery embrace!

The hands on her ass disappeared, reappearing around her thighs. Joey’s solid dick thrust into the crack of her privates, rubbing against her pussy lips as he leaned over her bound body.

A warm whisper licked at her ears, barely louder than the churning hiss coming from the headphones. “There never really was a choice,” he growled. “I actually kind of feel guilty about that. You're my perfect partner, and I made you.”

He patted her side. “It's all academic now. We're together, and we will be happy. Because Hive commands it!”

He leaned back, her body rocking in the restraints as he adjusted his dick. “With this coupling, we shall consummate our slavery!” he declared. “Glory to Hive!”

Glory, yes. She trembled, saliva dribbling over her chin as she grinned around the gag. She didn't understand any of the other drone's concerns, didn't really know who she was. She just knew that she was going to get fucked, and she wanted it so bad!

She snorted through her nose as the dick plunged in, her swollen lips clamping around his length. Finally a reward, yes! She was a drone. Glory to Hive!

The male growled, slapping her ass as he plumbed her depths, rocking against her swaying body. He used their momentum to synchronize their movements, achieving the same effect without having to thrust as hard. Efficient!

Her pussy shuddered as he bottomed out, his rubbery balls slapping against her clit. She squealed through the gag, eyes crossing as the pleasure stepped up a notch, her thoughts being smoothed by the whispering in her ears. She was a Hive drone, she was a slut slave, she was his!

The glowing text box in her mind affirmed this statement, repeating the same phrase over and over again.


She submitted herself to the machine, becoming the male drone's fuck toy. Losing control, her head sank, slobber dripping from her mouth to the ground unnoticed as he squeezed his hands around her thighs.

“I take great pleasure in being the one assigned this task,” growled the male drone. “You were more than I had ever imagined you would be. I petitioned Hive to become your partner, and Hive agreed. You are now mine, slut!

The commands in her brain updated, incorporating this new terminology.


It was indoctrinating her to think this way, but that wasn't a problem. Her mind was already adjusting, she wanted to be his wife!

Joey was moving faster now, ramming his rod into her pussy like a freight train. His hands flexed around her flesh, pulling her back towards him at the apex of every thrust, increasing the speed of each penetration.

Thrust, slap. Thrust, slap. Thrust, slap!

Mind overwhelmed, she lived on the edge of pleasure, moving rapidly towards a climax. Her moans through the gag were almost continuous, her dangling arms jolting with each thrust.

She couldn't even scrape together the will to touch her breasts, to tug at her swollen nipples. She was a thing, an object, a drone. She did not have any will. She did as she was told by the machine.

“I'm getting close,” hissed her partner. “Prepare yourself to submit!”

The warning jolted her spine with the knowledge that she was about to be told to cum. Her most basic bodily processes, under the control of the machine. Her body wiggled as she swung over the ground, preparing for climax.

“Now, slut! Cum for your master. Cum for the machine!”

The words caressed her body, but she did not obey him. Not until the command was beamed directly into her brain.



Her head jerked up as her body submitted, the climax hitting her as her partner bottomed out in her sodden pussy. She groaned around the gag, her eyes watery as she watched happy drones playing in the surf.

Waves crashed against the glass wall, rising along with her pleasure. Eyes hooded, she let the sloshing water carry her away, rapture soaking her thoughts.

All that remained was loyalty to Hive.

She was a drone. She obeyed.

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