Corporate Love

Chapter 1

by Half Shim

Tags: #bondage #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #scifi #sub:female #clothing #drones #growth #hive #latex #robots #rubber

This story ties into the 'Nine to Hive' universe, taking place slightly before the events of 'Tick Tock.' There is no need to read the other stories in this series before reading this one, though if you would like to read 'Tick Tock,' it is available on Amazon under the author name 'Caroline Waters.'

Chapter One

It was a curious sensation, having one’s mind suspended, but Tina was used to it.

It had happened often over the last few months, as her mind was molded into the object required by Bright Times Incorporated.

In fact, it had been so long, that she didn’t even really remember how she had gotten here. Yes, she recalled the splashy advertisements, the lurid displays of happy people using visors during their daily activities, and yearned for one of her own.

There was the excitement that filled her body when the box had arrived at her apartment, but then, nothing. The machine had taken control of her, reducing her mind to a buzzing screen filled with singing, dancing, and other silly antics that people liked to post online.

She was storage. A rubber coated storage drone.

That was all she aspired to be. It was just too addictive.

She squealed as a rounded bulb buzzed against her clit, causing her body to rock within her rubber tomb. It was difficult to see anything with the gas mask pressed tight against her face, the dark server room lit by whirling lines of blue and violet lights. Like a nightclub.

If she was dancing right now, however, it was a solo affair, something she very much wished wasn’t true. Yes, there was plenty of pleasure to be had as the machine worked at her pussy, buzzing with ever greater frequency, but there was something missing, a hole that only a fat, thick dick could fill.

Her breath came out in a shudder, hissing through the breathing hose. She flexed her arms, sliding them through the tight, rubber sheeting that held her to the frame.

She was suspended horizontally, looking up at the ceiling, but this was only a temporary state of affairs. If this followed the same course as before, she would soon be rotated, encountering another drone being worked over by the machine.

She wiggled with excitement, knowing that the male drone she had seen earlier had been mounted into the same rack as her. He was nicely proportioned, his adonis belt clearly visible, even underneath the layers of blue rubber that coated his body.

She still remembered the sly grin and wink he had given her before she had been installed, the husky whisper in her ears. My name’s Joey. I want to be your copy.

The two of them were going to couple, their mating controlled by the inexorable programming of the machine. As her data fed into him through their implants, their pleasure would rise, bringing them both to the edge.

An earth shattering orgasm was inevitable - the only question was how long the machine would work to hold them back while it checksummed the data.

First, though, she had to sit through the introductory spiel. Her vision fuzzed as a cable attached to the back of her head, the probe slotting into the socket of her implant. Connection.

A bright smile of a male greeted her, followed by an insipid jingle. “Welcome to Bright Times Incorporated!” he declared in a cheerful voice.

A logo floated above, formed out of two hands enfolding a crystal tower. Below, there was the company logo. Experience the future!

The male’s face glitched, eyes sparkling a plastic blue. “Congratulations, Drone Hive One Storage Drone Sixty Nine!” he said in an unctuous voice. “You’ve sorted and stored one million videos, a new personal best!”

Sparkling fireworks appeared around his figure, starbursts overloading her vision. “You will share your reward with drone Seventy Five! We need a full copy this time, so don’t hold back!”

He leaned over, light sparkling off his perfect teeth. “Expect some extra stimulation this time. Be careful not to lose yourself in the ecstasy!”

The shady salesman vanished, and Tina rolled her eyes. The warning was unnecessary. She had been trained to withstand the machine’s most pleasurable methods. She would not fail her assignment.

A whine came from somewhere outside the machine, and her body began to tilt, being turned vertical. She sucked on the rubber dildo planted in her mouth, breathing through the built-in tubing as she spotted a sea of more racks lining the walls of the dark room.

The machine needed plenty of drones to keep the system running. Cold storage, copies, on demand data retrieval, they handled it all, and they had to keep growing. As long as people keep creating more videos, there must be a place to store them.

As it turned out, wetware was the best way to keep videos alive. She loved being a part of the process, but she had to admit that she wasn’t certain whether that idea had been implanted into her by the machine.

The frame kept turning, the whine fading as she faced downwards. Below her was another rack, blue rubber, the muscled form of a male drone straining against the rippling material. His dick was upright, fully turgid, pointed straight at her torso.

She pressed her lips around her gag, gasping as the frame jerked, inching her downwards. Closer, inevitably closer, bringing them together with tantalizing slowness.

She had time to examine the curves of his gas mask, the tinted lenses sparkling as his faceless gaze looked back at her. He curled one hand into a fist, giving her a thumbs up through the tight rubber.

They slid closer, the vibrator making a parting buzz as it retracted. She felt its loss, her hole wet with arousal as the tip of the male’s dick teased at her inner lips.

She flowered open around his head, the male straining against the sheath, wobbling back and forth with the strength of his maleness. The last few seconds were maddening, the desire to be filled driving her insane.

The rubber over her lips gaped open, the thick head of his cock driving inside. She squealed, lifted her head as her eyes rolled, the two of them shifting together until she was filled.

She jerked as the vibrator returned, pulsing against her clit. The frame began to move, thrusting them together in preprogrammed motions.

The last time she had experienced this, the machine had elected to mate them quickly, passionately, but this time it was moving with agonizing slowness. The circular rings embedded in her pussy clacked against the connector pins scattered over the male’s dick, data beginning to flow.

Images floated through her mind. People dancing on planes, in parks, in offices, singing popular songs. There was a person physically acting out various animal movements, another trying to balance toothpicks on the head of a soda bottle.

Serious videos, silly videos, anything a human could imagine, being downloaded through her pussy, directly into the man’s dick. It was the most erotic thing she had ever experienced, far better than last time!

Her pussy shuddered as the scenes drained out of her, each one being examined and checked over for errors before being fed through the connection. Her hips trembled as each drop of data was copied through the rings, her tunnel tingling as the bytes dribbled into the male’s cock.

She so badly wanted to speed up this process, but there was nothing she could do. The machine was double checking each copy, reading back the data into her secondary node to confirm the file hashes against the master database.

She could feel the warmth at the small of her back where the secondary connection hooked into her spine. In theory, it would be faster to feed this new drone directly from the primary sources, but it would be inefficient, given the need to locate all of the individual files from disparate data sources.

The male drone hissed as she was lowered back down, heat squeezing between them. The data flowed, and she was pulled back up, her muscles twitching.

She grinned under the mask, knowing full well that she could bring this process to a premature orgasm, if she so wished. All she had to do was bear down on the male’s dick with her pelvic floor, milking him like a cow’s udder. No man she had yet encountered was able to hold back when she gave him her full effort.

There would be consequences for doing so, however, so she held back. This would be the final treat for both of them, once they reached the end of the data transfer. If only it wasn’t going so slowly!

Her hips tilted as the next video tingled through her loins. Another scene flashed through her mind. This time, it was someone gluing a plastic pocket to the knees of their denim jeans so that they could insert different photos of ripped threads. Utterly banal and rather pointless, but it drove engagement.

That was all that mattered, really. If people wanted to see it, they needed to store it. That was the ethos of the modern Internet. This was what drones like her were for.

Ecstatic at being used, she strained against the tight rubber, enjoying the way it cupped her body. The pulsing suction was a constant hum, squeezing tightly at her ass and nipples.

She studied the thick creases on the male drone’s body, knowing that she looked just as helpless, just as sexy. Her eyes lingered on his chest, wishing she could grope him.

There was no need to touch. The machine was in control. She was being controlled. This was so erotic!

Wired, her body vibrated as the male drone’s penis rattled against the rings embedded in her vagina once more, the machine bringing them fully together. The hoses of their masks brushed against each other, the vibration of their shuddering breaths buzzing in her ears.

With their bodies mashed against each other, she felt as though she was melting into a warm goo, her flesh distending under the creaking rubber. Her eyes rolled as the pleasure peaked, muscles trembling as she squeezed around the base of the male’s dick.

He shuddered, the sparks caused by the next video upload almost more than he could bear. A disturbing, blended twin tone sounded in her ears, the machine pulling them apart at a rapid rate. Damn. It had detected how close she was to orgasm, and was enforcing a rapid separation.

A burst of violet letters flashed in her field of view, demanding her attention.


A hot tingle of electricity assaulted her nipples, and she squealed. For a moment, it was rather pleasurable, but as it dialed in, the voltage became painful. Twin, red hot pokers stabbed into her chest, frying her brain.

She couldn’t think beyond the immediacy of the pain, struggling against the constricting rubber. She would do anything to make it stop!

It didn’t. Instead, the painful buzzing spread, running down her sides, following the traces embedded in her skin.

Her jaw dropped, limbs spasming as the pain built to an unbearable roar. All thoughts fled, her mind focusing on one thing - she was a naughty drone.

Naughty. Naughty. The word rattled in her mind, unbound from reality.

She giggled and gasped, shaking her head in desperation. No, she didn’t want to be naughty, didn’t want to be disobedient. “I obey,” she hissed into the mask, squealing in perfect agony.

The pain continued, just a second longer than she thought she could stand. When it finally cut out, her mind went blank. She didn’t know where she was, didn’t know who she was. She was a blank slate, a puppet waiting for her next command.

All she could hear for the next few moments was her breath rattling in her lungs, vision sparkling. The masked drone below her appeared to be in the same state, though she had no clue why he would be punished. This was all her fault. She should have known better than to taunt fate!

Her pulsing heart slowly calmed, the bitter taste of regret gnawing at her mind. Had it been worth it?

A slow grin grew as she stared down at her partner’s faceless mask. Yes, yes it was.

She would do it again in a heartbeat. She might be an obedient drone, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t room to stretch a few rules in the pursuit of personal pleasure.

Besides, the punishment was over now, and she knew the machine wanted to finish the copy. Given the number of videos left that were marshaling in her brain, it wouldn’t be long before she would have her prize.

She took in a deep breath, waiting with anticipation as she studied the bound drone below. The latex stretched in a tight sheet over his chest, his nipples clearly visible. In places, it was almost transparent, giving tantalizing glimpses of the muscled creases in his neck. Yum!

What she wanted most, though, was down below. She allowed her eyes to slide down, lingering on his chest, savoring the increasing pressure in her loins. The shadow of his erect length played over his mons, dipping and swaying as his muscles flexed.

She couldn't help herself. She needed the full view.

Grunting, she tried to slide her body further upwards in the frame, with little success. Fortunately, it was just enough to increase the angle of what she could see through the rounded lenses. Her breath hissed in her ears as she took in the bulbous head of his cock, the thick shaft supporting it below.

Veins ran up the length, thin data rings wrapped around the sides. A thicker one was right at the base, squeezing at his appendage, ensuring he was rock hard for the session to come. Right below that was the swell of his scrotum, twin bulges swollen with pressurized semen.

She jiggled in the rubber, savoring the familiar creaks. It would be over soon, right? The machine didn't want to lose his erection, otherwise they'd have to start all over again!

She made an enraged noise as the machine refused to budge. A soft chuckle wafted up from below. He found this amusing, and he was the one in greater danger of losing his sexual satisfaction. Did he not see how close to the precipice both of them were?

Making a purring growl, she forced her hands to turn over in the rubber sheeting, flexing her fingers to show the drone her claws. In response, he chuckled again, a masculine rumble that set her heart fluttering.

She scowled at how her body reacted, but she couldn't help herself. She really wanted this drone to explode inside her.

He was fit, smoking hot, and had a thick dick that fit her tunnel like a glove. What else did she know about him? He was a drone, like her. She didn't need to think.

She blinked. That's right. She didn't need to think. She was a drone.

The violet text that had appeared in her vision vanished before she could remember what it said. The words had been internalized in an instant, triggering a reflexive response.

Her curiosity about the situation was terminated as the rubber sheeting jolted, her body sliding downwards towards the other drone. It was almost as though the machine knew what she was thinking, and was manipulating her towards an intended outcome.

That was a crazy thing to think, wasn't it? She was a storage drone, not a highly intelligent heir to a multinational equipment manufacturer!

She gasped as her memories unfolded inside her mind, flashes of the past puncturing her with photorealistic jabs.

There she was, acting demure as she graciously received her valedictorian reward during her high school graduation. The chafing restriction at having to enter the college her father had prescribed for her. The friendships she had nurtured while there, the relationships (flings) she had enjoyed. The ineffable feeling of being alone.

Her jaw worked as the male drone's dick entered her. The images were still coming, a suave male chatting her up at a bar, illicit trips and trysts.

His name was Joey, he had marble blue eyes and curly brown hair, a small mole on his cheek. He was cute, and he was hers.

She gulped as her body pressed into the male drone, the data links sparking in her pussy. She knew this man's body, had worshiped and fucked him night after night, and now here she was.

Her concerns floated away as her thoughts were redirected down a better path. She enjoyed fucking this man, wanted to touch every crook and crevice of his body.

This would have to suffice for now. She closed her eyes and moaned, feeling her branching thoughts being trimmed off as they were sucked into the cabling attached to her brain.

It was so much easier being a drone. She didn't have to satisfy her family or worry about their business. She could seek this shallow pleasure, multiple times a day. She loved being a drone.

Her body rattled against the male, the machine pumping them together with purpose. This was it! Her final climax was rising, bringing her up to the peak!

Her breathing came in shuddering gasps as she gave herself to the pleasure, embracing the joy of being owned.

Text appeared in her mind, giving her the pace. The peaks of her pleasure matched the pulse of the data links, the strands waving as the final copies were made and verified.

In just a few moments. Soon. Now!

Her bound form tilted, the male's dick bottoming out in her pussy. The data links buzzed, clenching around his length as his cock strained, a masculine moan caressing her ears.

Letting go of her worries, she let the text guide her to orgasm, praising the machine as the male drone's dick surged inside her, spraying her tunnel with thick cum.

There was no protection, just pleasure, her pussy gulping his juices as he twitched and jerked. Impregnation felt fantastic!

The faint worry of the possible consequence of this sexual congress was washed away by the rapture of obedience, her mind letting go as her body tingled with the warmth of submission.

She was a drone. She obeyed Bright Times. She was being bred for Bright Times. Bright Times gave her pleasure. She was a slave. A corporate slave. Praise the machine!

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