
Chapter 5

by GlassO

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #exhibitionism #sub:female #sub:male #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #solo

Naomi giggled.

“You obey?  Oh fuck that’s hot.” she looked at LIzzy with predatory eyes. “I’ve always wanted a hot sex doll to fuck.  Are you a sex doll LIzzy?”
“Yes Ma’am.” LIzzy said respectfully as she pulled off her skirt.  
“Ma’am!?” Naomi objected.  “I’m like at least 5 years younger than you!!!  I’m not a ‘ma’am’ for Christ’s sake!  Call me....” Naomi searched around in her head for a moment.  “Call me Mistress!”
“Yes Mistress” LIzzy replied naturally as she stepped out of her panties, and stood there nude before this stranger.  In a strange room.  In sex shop.  She was aware that something was off.  Way off.  Why was she feeling this stranger?  Why was her head awash with sex?  Why did she feel this urge; this compulsion to follow these strange desires?  She was aware she didn’t want it to stop.  She was also aware that she didn’t think she could make it stop.  Her body felt like it was a puppet she was inhabiting.  Just along for the ride.  For a moment...she wondered if this was some residual effect of the severance process.  That whatever they had done had accidentally turned on this unnatural sex drive.  She made a mental note to report this to Dr. Frohm tomorrow.  For now, she stood there, awaiting and anticipating for Naomi to command her what to do.
Naomi circled LIzzy.  Inspecting her good luck.  She rubbed the back of LIzzy’s neck and LIzzy let out a small moan.  She moved in close behind LIzzy and pressed into her.  LIzzy felt Naomi’s breasts on her back.  Felt her heat.  She wanted to turn and kiss her, but she felt utterly unable to move.  Like she was waiting to be told what to do.  She just let Naomi feel and kiss her.  Massage her breasts.  Slide a hand between her legs and tickle her kitty.  
“So would you say you’re a pillow princess, LIzzy?”  
LIzzy was confused.  “What’s a pillow princess, Mistress?” she asked, kind of embarrassed at lacking what was probably common knowledge in this circle.
Naomi laughed. “Oh you can’t be that naive!  That you’re someone who enjoys receiving pleasure without giving.  Wow, that sounds kind of selfish when I say it out loud.”  Naomi nibbled on LIzzy’s earlobe.  “Good thing you found someone like me who likes giving pleasure.”
“No...I like to give pleasure...I like to fuck Darren” LIzzy couldn’t believe the things she was saying.  Just saying the word ‘fuck’ seemed like she was shattering so many taboos.  And confessing that she ‘liked to fuck Darren’...what would he say if he knew she had said that?
“...and I imagine Darren likes to fuck you” Naomi said, completing her thought for her. “I mean, these tits...that ass.  You were built for sex my dear.  I’ll bet you come like a freight train.”
The word ‘come’ rolled around in LIzzy’s mind.  Clearly she had never ‘come like a freight train’.  What does that even mean?  Like moaning and bucking and screaming?  Sex felt...nice.  It was intimate and seeing Darren take his pleasure with her...well that was fine with her, and it made her feel good...emotionally...  But now she was wondering...had she ever ‘come’?  
“Mistress,” she said.  (She didn’t mean to call her mistress!  She had meant to call her Naomi, but somehow ‘mistress’ just felt...right) “I...I don’t think I’ve ever ‘come’ before.”

LIzzy felt shame at admitting this.  She’d never told a soul.  Not even to her closest girlfriends.  She always sold Darren as this amazing lover.  But the truth was...he was just as inexperienced as she was.  To her knowledge, she’d been his only lover as well.  And well, she didn’t demand much (anything really) in bed.  She was just happy to make him happy. 

And here she was spilling her secrets to this stranger.  This stranger seemed shocked.
“Do you mean to tell me, “said Naomi, “that you’ve never had an orgasm?”  Naomi clutched at her chest in feigned disbelief.
“No mistress...I...I don’t think so....I’m...sorry.”
It was at that moment...that Naomi regretted her sarcasm deeply, and that she could see LIzzy for exactly what she was.  A naive woman who, for whatever reason, found some courage to take this leap of act upon her own desires...and that it was Naomi’s job...nay, her responsibility, to guide this woman to the pleasure she deserved.

Naomi stepped in close and embraced LIzzy.  She whispered in her ear.
“Do not be sorry.  You have nothing to be sorry for, nothing to be ashamed about.  It takes courage to admit to your own desires, to want to take your own pleasure.  You are very brave coming here today, and very fortunate that you have found me...someone who delights in the pleasure of others.  I want you to be truthful with LIzzy.  Will you be truthful?”
“Yes mistress.”
“Does it turn you on to call me, ‘mistress?”
“Yes mistress.”
“Why does it turn you on to call me that?”
“I...because it gives you power over me.”
“Good girl”.  Naomi kissed LIzzy’s neck tenderly.  “Lie back on the bed and spread your legs for me LIzzy.”
“Yes mistress.”
LIzzy climbed onto the bed and laid on her back.  She spread her legs, feeling terribly exposed...but also very safe.
Naomi climbed on top of her and positioned herself between her legs.  She kissed LIzzy as she played with her breasts.  LIzzy tried to kiss back, tried to move her arms to embrace Naomi, but she felt like she was wearing a lead apron.  Everything felt so heavy and she just laid back and enjoyed it.  Like a pillow princess, she thought.
Naomi began to work her mouth down LIzzy’s body, kissing her breasts, her navel, and then, she began to suck on her clit while very gently she entered LIzzy with two fingers that met no resistance.  LIzzy’s body began to twitch.  Her legs began to quiver.  No one had ever kissed her down there like that.  She had no idea that...
LIzzy felt Naomi move her mouth away from her kitty.  (Her kitty!  How silly that sounded to her now!)  and a new sensation began there.  It was like a mouth but different..and more intense and then...Naomi’s tongue...running around her was this happening?  How was this possible?  She tried to imagine what was happening as if she were standing there watching this.  Or what it would be like if Darren was there watching this.  Seeing his wife getting fucked by another woman, seeing her tongue dart around, while her clitty...her little clitty. Was...what was happening?  It was all too much for LIzzy.  Imagining this scene in her head while it was happening to her, this complete overload of her senses, these feelings of intense submission, all of this...was building something inside her...she was afraid of it.  But she wanted it so badly.  Wanting to come...the ultimate surrender of control.  Obeying something else.  Something primal...she felt it coming...and she cried out.
“Oh god...what...what is happening...Oh...Oh!”
She felt Naomi pull her closer to her mouth and her fingers deep inside her, and she knew she was lost.

Her veins turned to butter.  Her vision blurred.  She felt spasms spread throughout her body from her center.  She savored every moment, every feeling.  Her hands clutched at the sheets.  Her toes curled.  She might be screaming.  She wasn’t sure.  She wasn’t sure of anything.  Was she really LIzzy?  Was this really her? 

Slowly she began to come back down and she felt a wave of sleepiness overcome her.  Unnaturally sleepy.  She vaguely thought about how Darren would get sleepy after he came, and she wondered if this was the same sort of thing.  It was a welcoming sleep.  She closed her eyes and leaned into it.

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