Emma's Thrall

Chapter 12 - Enter Malice

by GlassO

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female

Quick trip back to Emma's house.  A group shower, which included a daisy chain...of back scrubbing!  Good lord, did you think we had time for 'that' kind of daisy chain!  Though I gotta say, kinda enjoyable taking a shower with friends.  Good clean fun!  See what I did there?  It also gave me a little more 'penis time', in that Nick let me wash his penis, (let me?  I mean...what was he going to say?  “Umm, I dunno...what’s in it for me?”) which I was really, really curious about.  I mean...today was my first time touching and holding one.  It felt so nice.  It had weight to it.  And watching it grow in my hand...magical.  I was really, really tempted to see how it would feel in my mouth, but I didn't want to start something we didn't have time to finish.  Good lord I've become so slutty!  Where are all these filthy thoughts coming from?  Of course, we were on a tight schedule to....
Make the game!  What's high school without going to a football game on a Saturday?  And we had to support Rex; star wide-receiver!  Well, I don't know about 'star' but that's the position he played.  
The four of us (and Victoria the mastiff) got to the game just as kick-off was happening.  Quite honestly, I never really was much of a 'school spirit, go-to-the-game' kind of girl.  I mean, I never really stayed at a school long enough to form any bond to it, or had friends who were into that sort of thing.  So this was my first game.  I was a little surprised that Emma and her cabal were attending, but really it was to support Rex.  That was part of Emma's credo.  Support your friends.  She (almost) never would miss a play, a recital, a sports game...whatever it was you were into.  I loved her more for it.
Nick, Bonnie and Emma were surprisingly knowledgeable about football, and they gave me play-by-play explanations of why those men were tackling each other and chasing after the football.  Whatever, I just cheered when they cheered.  
My mood soured however, when the cheerleaders came out in front.  I mean I don't have anything against cheerleaders per se...but three of them....three of them were part of the CFH, or Cunts From Hell as we now call them; those three harpies who tormented me for sitting at their table on my first day.  I did everything I could to avoid them in school, and so far I'd been pretty successful this week.   I glared at them as they did their kicks and pyramids and whatever the fuck.  Why must there be people like the CFH?
Emma must have sensed my unease and she put her cape around me and snuggled me in close.  I saw CFH#1 glare up at me.  I stood up and headed towards the restroom.  I couldn't stand looking at that bitch.
“Anyone want anything?  Hotdogs?  Popcorn?  Cold Beer?  Orange Whip?”
There were no takers.  I left.  
In the bathroom I let my tough upper lip quiver a bit, but I was determined not to break.  I stood at the mirror, applying a little lip gloss...just something to take my mind off that awful girl.  When of course, the worst possible thing that could happen, did happen.
Girl Nelson (as I called her, like Nelson from the Simpsons) came in with her two flunkies.
“Everyone out!” she commanded us.  Don't have to tell me twice.  I tried to make my way out, but she grabbed me by the shirt collar as I was heading past.  Oh fuck.  Actual fucking bullying like a goddamned after-school special.  I would have laughed it I wasn’t terrified I was about to get beat up.
“Not you, lez.” she said.  Oh hey, she knows my name.  Wait, I think she said 'lez', not 'Liz'. 
The room cleared and it was just me and the CFH.  I started thinking about exit strategies, but had none, other than to run when I saw the chance.
“You know...”she began ominously. “This school already has its allotted quota of dykes and freaks.  We don't need another. I can't believe you and your freaky friends even showed up here.”
She leaned in close.  I could smell her breath.  It was sickeningly sweet.  It was like the opposite of her.  So pretty on the surface, but so rotten on the inside.  I wanted this to be over.  I wanted to take my beating of whatever the fuck she was going to do me and get the fuck out.
“I want you all gone by half-time.  I don't want to look up in the stands and see your ugly faces here ever again.”
“But then how will we show our school spirit?” came a voice from the entrance of the bathroom.  Emma!  Here to save me.  Again.  Though I didn't see how.  Two of us and three of them?   Was she going to start a fight?  That would not sit well with my parents.
She didn't.  She quickly brushed past CFH #2 & #3 and went straight towards the leader of the pack.  She extended her hand.
“I don't think we've actually ever been introduced, Heather. I'm Emma.” she said, more casually than I would have expected.
Heather had a quizzical look on her face, but instinctively reached for her hand, but before she could shake it, Emma quickly snatched it up with her left hand and held it in front of Heather's face.  She pointed to it with her right hand.
“Look at your hand Heather,” she said rapidly. “Notice every detail about it, every line, every crease, watch as it gets closer and closer to your face”  Emma was gently pushing Heather's hand closer to her face while she spoke.   Heather seemed transfixed by her own hand and was staring at it intently “Notice how your eyes lose focus and when it's just about touch you'll find that you will....SLEEP!”
Emma quickly pulled Heather's hand down and used her free hand to cover Heather's eyes.  Immediately Heather dropped down and went limp.  I saw the other girls just stare at Emma like she'd just killed their queen.
Emma looked back at them and gave them a fiery glance.  “Bitches leave!”  And they fled out the door, terrified they would be next.  “Liz, lock the door.”  I didn't move.  I was too stunned.  “Liz!” she called again.  I awoke from my stun, and went to lock the door.  Emma began talking to Heather in low hushed tones.
Now I should add here, that at the time, I had no idea what had happened.  Emma would later explain it this way:  This is what she called a ‘pattern-interrupt induction'.  It was similar to what she'd done to me the first day we met.  The mind gets confused when this very familiar and unconscious pattern, in this case, a hand-shake, gets interrupted, and it looks for something to grab on to...in this case it was Emma's command to 'sleep'.   See, there's a custom that's ingrained in Western culture, the handshake.  If someone offers you their hand, you automatically reach to shake it. You can't help it, it's so a part of what you learn growing up.  It's a completely unconscious action.  That's why when a handshake goes wrong, your mind gets confused and looks for something to make sense, in this case, a direct suggestion.  That's what Emma took advantage of.  Heather unconsciously reached to shake her hand, and then Emma interrupted that unconscious behavior, placing her into a momentary state of confusion, where she was able to start imposing her will, and her commands, to put Heather into a hypnotic trance.  
Emma was holding Heather close.  She had her head resting on breasts and she swayed her gently back and forth.  She spoke to her in low tones.
“Deeper and deeper, Heather.  So relaxed, so loose and limp, listening to my words, arms so heavy, body so heavy, eyes so droopy and lazy, just relaxing and letting go...and deeper....and deeper....and when you hear me say, “Deep Sleep Heather,” you will return to this peaceful relaxed state...your eyes will close automatically and your body will become loose and limp and will you drop even deeper than you were before.....and.....wake up Heather!”  Emma snapped her fingers.
Heather's eyes shot open.  It looked like she was about to say something, but before she could utter a single word.
“and Deep Sleep Heather” Emma commanded as she snapped her fingers.  The effect was immediate.  Heather dropped right back down into hypnosis and collapsed into Emma's arms.
Emma did this three more times.  Each time Heather seemed to go deeper and deeper.  By the third time, Heather's legs couldn't even support her.  Emma was holding her up completely.  She gently laid Heather on the floor.  Gross.  This floor was disgusting.
Emma looked at me.  I could see anger in her eyes.  Hatred.  
“So,” she said to me. “What shall we do with her? How shall we exact our revenge?”  She rubbed her fingers together and looked over Heather's helpless body.
I wasn't sure what to say.  I hated this bitch with a passion and I had thought about horrible things I'd like to happen to her.  But nothing that I'd ACTUALLY want to happen.  I mean, it's one thing to wish for someone to get hit by a bus, but it's another to actually wish for it to manifest.
“I could make her take off this ridiculous outfit and streak the field,” she began. “Or what about losing control of her bladder when she's atop of a cheer pyramid.  Or her bowels.  That would be a humiliation she would never forget...and neither would anyone else.  I'll have her go out to the field at half-time, do a strip-tease in front of the marching band, and then masturbate in front of the entire school.  Yes...I think that will be sufficient revenge.  Would you like her to kiss your ass?  Literally, I mean.  She could tongue your pretty little asshole and then beg for your forgiveness for being such a monster.  I'd like to watch that”
I was...shocked.  I mean...I'd never heard Emma like this ever.  It didn’t even seem like Emma.  Like someone talking through her.  And I wanted this girl to hurt, to feel humiliation like I felt...but this was...this was all too far.
“You couldn't really get her to do those things,” I said, trying to defuse her anger a bit. “I mean, you can't make someone do something in hypnosis they wouldn't want to do.”
And that's when I saw it.  I wasn't speaking to Emma anymore.  She turned to me.  Her eyes....they were no longer blue and green.  They looked almost black.
“Oh please.” this woman, who was no longer Emma, said. “can't I, Frozen Kitten?”
And suddenly my body couldn't move.  I couldn't budge; I couldn't speak.  This was terrifying.
“Go ahead, Elizabeth,” she said. “Try to move.  Try to wiggle your finger.  Try to tell me no.  You want to, right?  Well go ahead, show me you can defy my commands!”
She was right.  I tried with all my will to move but I couldn't.  
“You see!” not-Emma went on, “Hypnosis is much more powerful than you imagine.  Now tell me Elizabeth...why do you have even an ounce of mercy for this cunt?”
This woman began to walk around.  She didn't walk like Emma.  She walked like an animal in human form.
“I have some news for you Elizabeth,” she said. “The reason hypnotists push the idea that you won't do something in hypnosis you don't want to do, is that so people won't be afraid of them.  But they should be.  A talented hypnotist can make anyone do anything.  Here.”  She placed her hand on my jaw.  “You may speak.”
“You're not Emma.” I said, afraid of the answer I was going to get back.
She smiled wide.  Not Emma's smile.  It wasn't sweet.  It was predatory.
“No, I'm not Emma.  We haven't met.  Well, actually, I've met you, you just don't remember.  You can call me Malice.”  And she extended a hand and gave my pinky a demure squeeze.
“You see Elizabeth...” she began to pace the bathroom.  She stepped over Heather's prone body repeatedly. “There's some things that Emma can't do.  Or won't do.  But things she should do.”
She stopped in front of me.  She leaned in and kissed me roughly.  “Things I have to do for her.”
“She loves you Elizabeth,” she said, with anger. “She loves you so fucking much!  I don't know why she trusts you.  You're so...weak.  Having to come in here and save you like this...But I love you too Elizabeth.  When she kisses you...when she fucks you..I'm there too...her dark passenger...and I love you along with her.  We all do.”
She paced again like a caged animal.
“I don't know why I'm telling you this.  I'm just going to erase your memory of this whole encounter.  As I've done before...when I put all those little triggers into you.  There's a lot of things I can make you do, Elizabeth.  And you're helpless.  You can't resist me.  You're so obedient.  And so beautiful.”
She began to stroke my face.  I could see her softening a little.”
“Let me speak to Emma,” I pleaded.
She laughed.  She crooked her finger and spoke like Danny Torrence from The Shining.  “Emma's not here, Mrs. Torrence!”  She laughed at her cleverness.  She leaned over Heather again.
“Now then...time for revenge.” She softened her voice again. “Heather, I'm going to give you some important instructions and I need you to listen very carefully to my words....”
“Stop!” I said. “I forgive her!”
Malice turned and looked at me.  She rose and got right in my face.
“You forgive her?!” she demanded, “She is not worthy of your forgiveness!  You are an innocent mouse; a sweet summer child!  There is no malice in your heart, only love and kindness!  You should not be subjected to her cruelty and pettiness!”
“You're wrong!” I said. “I mean, wrong about malice in my heart.  There is malice.  I do wish her harm...but I don't want to.  I'm not forgiving her for her sake.  I'm doing it for mine.  For ours.  To let it go.”
Malice stared at me.  I could see she was conflicted.  She looked back at Heather.  Then she looked at me.  She closed her eyes and kissed me again.  She broke for a moment so she could say, “Kitten Unfreeze.” and I could move again.  I reached up and pulled her close to me.  When her eyes opened again, they were blue and green again.  Emma had returned.  She began to cry.  
“Liz....I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...” and she hugged me tight.  I hugged her back.
“It's okay Emma...I forgive you...it's okay...”
“We need to have a longer talk.” Emma said. “I should have told you about...Malice.  But now...”
She gestured over to Heather.  Sleep certainly bestowed grace upon her.
“None of those things Malice wanted.” I said. “There's a limit I don't think this Emma wants to cross.  Maybe something a little less extreme.”
Before the half-time show there was an unusual occurrence in front of the stands.  Heather, the lead cheerleader, took it upon herself to stand in front of anyone and declare that she was a little teapot, short and stout.  She showed her handle, and she showed her spout.  Apparently, when she's good and ready, you'll hear her shout, “I'm a little teapot!  Pour me out!”  All this along with accompanying dance moves.   When asked why she'd put on this little presentation, she was at a loss for an explanation.
For the rest of the semester, whenever anyone would ask her, “What are you Heather?” She would perform this little song and dance for them, and utterly happy to do so each time.  Again and again.

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