Emma's Thrall

Chapter 11 - Attack of the Werebear!

by GlassO

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female

Emma drove the four of us and Victoria the mastiff back to her house.  Nick left his car at the hospital.  We continued to get plenty of stares on the road.  No one expects to see a bear sitting in the front seat of a Mercedes.
Pulling into Emma's, she made a slight detour.  A small unpaved road that went into the woods.  She went in for a distance and then pulled over.  We got out.  Emma got a blanket from the trunk along with a small basket.  We followed her further into the woods.  
She found a small clearing and set out the blanket.  Inside the basket were drinks and a few snacks.  We sat and ate, talking about our experiences at the hospital.  Victoria was pretty tired and just collapsed on the blanket and began to softly snore.  Apparently they'd been doing this a while.  Sometimes the rest of the gang helped out too, but they all had other things happening that day.
“So what's the plan now?” I asked.
Emma got a devious smile.  “Well now, you and me and Bonnie are going to get undressed.  It's just a lovely day.  Would be a shame not to take advantage of this unseasonably warm day.  We're going to get nice and naked and one of us is going to be the recipient of a lovely massage from the other two.  We'll throw for it.  Maybe things will get a little heated...who knows?  Probably.  However, unbeknownst to us, we are being spied upon!  By a bear.  But not just a normal bear!  A werebear!”
“Werebear!?” said Bonnie.
“There bear.” said Emma. And she pointed at Nick who was still wearing his bear costume, though without the head.
“There Liz.” and she pointed at me.
“Why are you talking like that?” Asked Bonnie.
“Oh, I thought you wanted to,” she replied.  “So anyway, this werebear is going to get very sexually aroused watching these 3 comely maidens pleasuring each other, and then it's going to have its way with us.  How does that sound?”
“Fuck yes.” said Bonnie.  And she started to remove her wolf costume.  I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure.  I think Emma realized she might have been pushing me a little too far.
“Liz...” she laid a hand on me.  “If you don't want to get raped by a bear, I completely understand.” 
I tried to play it cool, but I also wanted to congratulate her on coming up with a sentence that had surely had never been uttered before. “Well...I mean... I'd LOVE to get raped by a bear...I mean...someday.  But I'd like my first time with a bear, or anyone really, to be a little more...special.  This sounds like something I'll be talking about in therapy one day.  Like maybe next week.”
Nicky laughed.  “Who among us will not end up in therapy one day?!  I've resolved to it, and frankly I'm looking forward to all the shocking stories I'll get to tell.  I'm determined to win therapy.  But seriously.” and he put a gentle paw on me. “It's totally cool being a virgin.  There's no pressure here.”
“Well I'm not that virginal,” I protested, thinking about last night and this morning. “But yeah, I've never had a human and/or animal penis inside me before.   Do you guys mind if I sit this one out?”
“What if you're here for the werebear attack, but he doesn't touch you?” Emma offered.  “Would that work for you?”
“So I get to watch my friends raped by a werebear and I'm spared?”  I asked.  And I thought about it.  
“I promise there's a happy ending.” Emma added, hinting she had a whole story in mind.
“For us?  Or for him?” I asked.
“For all of us, you'll see.” Emma said. “Wait.... I know what will protect you.”
She reached to her neck and lifted a necklace over her head.  
“Here.” she said, presenting me with a medallion. “This magic medallion will render you invisible to werebears.”
I took the necklace.  The medallion matched the clasps of her cape.  A hollow circle with three stylized barbed forks pointing upwards.
“What are these?” I asked.
“It's the tip of a pitchfork.” She replied. “It signifies my membership in the Hellfire Club.  And it has magical properties in terms of visibility to werebears and other lycanthropes.”
I should have made the connection.  Emma Frost...White Queen of the Hellfire club.  She was a monster back then in the comics.  Truly evil.  Beyond redemption.  Or so one would think.  So many in the comic book world have fluctuated between being on the side of good or evil.  This Emma...I don't think she battled between good and evil...but good and her definition of evil...which was being a slave to her unconventional desires.  
I put on the medallion and I looked at her.  “I trust you Emma, but this had better work.  I've got zero protection and I don't want to have to explain how I got pregnant by a werebear.”
Emma leaned forward and gave me a sensuous kiss.  “You have nothing to fear, Kitten.”
She leaned back and had us sit and face her.  She slid her hands up to her top hat and the spiral began to whirl.  Immediately I felt myself getting sucked back in, thinking about the room in the hospital.  I noticed Bonnie and Nick begin to sway slightly where they sat.  Whatever I was feeling, they must be feeling it multiplied, probably having been entranced by this hat many times.
“Yes...that's right,” Emma said softly. “You've all seen the power of the hat before and you are all helpless to resist its control over you.  Focus yourself right here.” She pointed to the swirling disc, “And find that you are being drawn in by it's endless swirl, unable to look away, unable to form your own thoughts, your attention being completely consumed by the gentle swirl that pulls you deeper and deeper into my control....listening very deeply and very closely to my words....”
And she was right.  I tried again to look away from the vortex but I found I couldn't move my eyes off it.  Everything around me began to fade, Bonnie and Nick, the woods, even Emma herself, all I could see was the swirling disc on her hat; I tried to find its center, to see where it was taking me.  I tried to think about where I was and who I was with, but even those thoughts seemed intrusive...all I wanted to do was stare at the hat and listen to what she was telling me, but I found I could no longer understand her words.  I could hear her voice, I knew she was speaking but I wasn't sure what she was saying.  I felt my eyes getting heavy and my body getting heavy.  I remember thinking how good it would be to just close my eyes for a moment....
It was surprisingly warm for an early November afternoon.  Sunlight dappled on us as I laid on the blanket.  Bonnie was caressing my feet, she'd lifted them onto her lap and my right foot was pressed deep into her breast.   Her hands felt like magic.  Strong and determined.  She must be using some kind of massage oil.  Like me, she was completely naked.  She was so beautiful.  Without her wig she looked so sleek, so stylized.  I looked at her bald pussy.  Such a cute 'innie' with just a hit of labia peeking out.  Still such an odd thing to see, but I was getting used to it.  I wondered if I should shave myself like that sometime to see how it would look.
My head was cradled in Emma's naked lap.  I could feel the top of my head pushing against her sex.  She was massaging my temples, and working her way down to my breasts.  When she leaned over me, her massive breasts would hang in my face and I'd suckle at them.  I felt so relaxed and lazy here.  Here in the woods.  With my friends.  Getting my massage.  I recalled that we'd thrown for it; Emma and Bonnie had thrown '2's and my '1' had beaten them out.  Oh well, their loss is my gain.  
I reached my hand up to my breasts.  There was something metal against my skin.  Oh yes, I remembered it was the magic amulet that rendered the wearer invisible to magical creatures.  I noticed that Bonnie and Emma did not have one.
“Girls,” I said. “This is a most exquisite way to spend an afternoon, however I am concerned for your safety as I understand there have been sightings of a werebear in the area.
“Oh pish posh,” said Emma dismissively. “That sounds like superstitious non-sense from the villagers!  Besides, I happen to know how to deal with werebears, should we encounter one.”
“Oh?” Asked Bonnie.  “How’s that?”
“Well,” said Emma. “Werebears can be quite dangerous.  They have sharp claws and even sharper teeth.  They are deadly hunters and go after almost any prey...but... they have a weakness, that we can exploit!”
“What weakness is that?” I asked.
“Werebears,” she said. “Are very very horny creatures.  Most people don't know that.  If they did, they would probably try to seduce them rather than hunt them.  So should a werebear stumble upon our camp here, chances are it will become very sexually aroused by the sight of three comely maidens enjoying each other's company.  If that happens I would wager the werebear would try to mate with one or all of us...though not you Liz, as you are invisible to magical creatures.  And legend says, that if a werebear comes inside a person, not only is the spell of werebear broken, but the lucky maiden, or lad, (werebears are very LBGT friendly) will become a werebear themselves, though able to transform themselves at will and not at the mercy of the cycles of the moon.”
Just then I heard a twig snap.  We were quiet for a moment.  Maybe there was a werebear nearby!  
“Quick,” said Emma. “ We need to make sure the beast is sexually aroused!  Bonnie, I need you to go down on Liz, lickety split!  The sight of your bountiful ass and the scent of Liz's arousal will definitely do the trick!”
“Bountiful?” asked Bonnie. “Not sure if I should be insulted or not...but brace yourself Liz!”
“What are you going to do?” I asked Emma with genuine concern.
“I,” announced Emma, “Am going to come around over here and kiss you deeply to further enhance your arousal.  I'll also present my ass to the creature.  Werebears are notorious ass fiends.  In fact, should a werebear emerge from the woods, Bonnie, lay down on your stomach and hold still.  Werebears love to fuck in that position.
“Mmmgph!” said Bonnie and gave us a thumbs up.  It was hard to understand her as her tongue was already finding it's way into, oh my God, that felt good.  Bonnie was a most enthusiastic tongue lasher.  I wanted to say something, but Emma quickly smothered my other lips with her deep kisses and her hands roamed over my breasts and down my stomach.
It was so odd being kissed twice; it felt like an impossibility.  Kisses North and South at the same time.  I wanted it this way always.  I kissed Emma back and I imagined there was another her at my nether parts.  
The excitement built in me quickly.  I reached down with one arm to push Bonnie's head deeper into my pussy, and Emma's head closer to lock her to me.  I felt my legs quiver and hips begin to buck as I came hard.  Emma untangled herself from me and I moaned gutteraly.
And then I heard something else moan.  Except it wasn't a moan.  It was more of a growl.  I sat up quickly and there, over by a tree emerged an actual werebear.
It was much smaller than I'd imagined.  More human-sized, than bear-sized.  There was fur all about its body, but at its crotch...there was a decidedly human looking penis sticking out from all that fur...and it was pointed straight at us!
“Guys!” I whispered. “The werebear is here!  Don't move.”
Bonnie and Emma looked behind them to see the werebear staring lasciviously at their asses.
“Liz!” Emma whispered.  “Move back.  It might not be able to see you but it can still hear you!  Quiet as a mouse! Bonnie don't move!”
I slid out from underneath Bonnie.  Emma crawled next to Bonnie.
“Okay,” Emma said. “When I count to three, lower yourself onto the blanket!  The werebear won't be able to resist the temptation of prone-boning us!  This is our chance to stop its reign of terror!”
Bonnie looked frightened, but not terrified.  Emma looked concerned but confident her plan would work.
The werebear emerged from the woods.  As it approached the girls, it got down on all fours and began to sniff around their butts.  Its mighty paw gently pressed each ass cheek as if to test for firmness.  I got down low to get a better look.  It's erection throbbed and glistened slightly at the tip.  
The werebear positioned itself over Bonnie, placing its hind legs outside of hers.  It placed the tip of its penis right against her...and inserted itself deeply.  Bonnie let out a guttural moan and the werebear growled loudly.  As it fucked Bonnie, they moaned and growled over and over again.  I wondered if I should intervene, but then I remembered that letting a werebear ejaculate inside a person would end its curse.   Then I wondered what would happen if Bonnie became a werebear.  That would mean she'd be a werebear and a werewolf.  A wearbearwolf!  What kind of creature would that look like? 
Bonnie came hard.  It looked like she had been stroking herself with her hands while she was being fucked.  I saw her shudder and utter that long moan, and then I saw her collapse.  Her eyes closed and she seemed dead to the world.  The werebear withdrew itself from her.  Had it come inside her?  Its penis was still very stiff though now thoroughly coated with Bonnie's juices.  Before my question could be answered, it positioned itself over Emma and quickly began to fuck her similarly.  Emma's face was twisted up in pleasure.  I wanted to go forth and kiss her, let her know it was okay, but I didn't want to draw the attention of the bear. 
Emma's hands were thrust forward and she grabbed at the ground through the blanket.  I could see her straining as she pushed back against the beast’s vigorous strokes which were growing faster and harder.  Suddenly Emma's eyes shot open and her mouth emitted an unearthly howl.  I was fascinated watching her come.  I was jealous of the bear.
The bear sped up even faster, and in short time I saw one last, final thrust, and it emitted a long throaty growl....
The bear collapsed forward on Emma... then unceremoniously rolled off her and onto its back.  Did it work?  Would the curse be broken?
Emma crawled forward to me.  “I think we are going to cure the werebear.” she said to me.  “But don't look...the transformation can be rather gruesome.  Close your eyes for a moment, Kitten.”
And I did.  I wondered what the transformation would look like, but I didn't dare open my eyes.”
In short time I heard Emma say, “Okay, it's safe to open your eyes now.
I looked over at the werebear.  It was gone! And in its place...was Nick!  Naked and asleep exactly where the werebear had been!  Poor Nicky was the werebear all along.  I wondered for a moment with him having worn that bear suit for so long had anything to do with him turning into a werebear.
I went over, laid naked next to him and placed my head on his chest.  Poor Nicky!  But now the curse was broken.  I ran my hand up and down his sleeping body.  He was a bit rotund, but he felt nice.  Soft.  I reached down and touched his softening penis.  It was still very moist.  A went further and touched his balls.  I'd never done any of this before.  Such an odd sensation.  I felt a little guilty about doing this while he slept, but I also felt free, like I had an unspoken permission to do this.  And I felt it would comfort him.  
Emma gently roused Bonnie and she crawled over and laid on the other side of him; her hands roamed his body as well.  At one point we were holding his penis on either side.  
Emma came around and lifted his head into her lap.  She began to stroke the side of temples.
“Listen to me Nicky,” she said. “You have been under the influence of a powerful spell...a spell which we have broken.  When I count to three you will find that you are no longer a werebear, you will find that you are human again, saved by three lovely maidens who risked everything to save you.  One....two....three.”
Nicky opened his eyes.  
“I'm...I'm human again!” He exclaimed.  He did not move his body though.  Clearly he was enjoying this female attention.
“What do you remember?” asked Emma.
“I remember I was in the woods...looking for my next meal.  Maybe a rabbit or something.  And then I heard sounds.  I went over to investigate...and I saw you two!”  He pointed at Emma and Bonnie.  “You two were...I don't know what you were doing.  It seemed like you were both kissing an invisible spirit or something!  Wait!  Liz!  Where did you come from?”
“I was that invisible spirit,” I said. “This enchanted medallion hid me from your sight.”
“Oh well that makes perfect sense now.” he said. “I don't mean to sound uncouth, but Bonnie, Emma, your magnificent backsides put a terrible lust into me!  My penis became painfully erect and I had to find relief! I am sorry I violated you both so rudely!”
“Put yourself at ease!” said Emma. “It was our intent to inflame your lust, so that we might receive your seed and end this curse!  It was also our desire to experience this mighty lust of yours and gain relief ourselves from our own lusty thoughts!”
“Yes,” said Nick, “that explains it.  After I felt Bonnie reach her climax and grow limp, I felt compelled to finish inside you Emma!  And when I came...it felt...it felt like all the 'bear-ness' inside was fading away from me.  I grew unnaturally tired and when I awoke, I was in this human form!”
Nick sat up and began to kiss all of us, in gratitude.
“Thank you!  Thank you all for putting yourselves at such terrible risk to free me from this curse...” he said.  But then he looked at Emma with all seriousness.  “But...but the curse has been passed on....Emma...I...”
“Hush.” said Emma. “It is now my responsibility....to bear.”  We all groaned at her awful pun.  And she looked off into the woods.  An owl hooted to no one in particular.  
“But enough of that now!  If we hurry we can still make kick-off!”

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