Pretty as Sin

Chapter 2

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #multiple_partners #plantgirl #power_struggle #succubus #tentacles #bimbowned #D/s #f/f #f/m #fantasy #sub:female #sub:male #tail_play #turning_the_tables

First published on 09/14/18!

Yumi bounced through the forest, giggling as she went.

The nymphs' defenses so far had been, well, a joke. Three emerald-skinned women lying in a big old pitcher plant, blowing her kisses and cooing for her to join them. Their pheromones had been intoxicating. So had their bodies—absurdly sexual, just the way Yumi liked them, with big, gigantic, soft boobs, big doe eyes and thick lashes, stupidly plump lips, and wide, childbearing hips.

But Yumi wasn't of Gluttony for nothing. She knew fast food when she saw it, and sure enough, all three had been totally soulless—not even fey, just plant puppets. Flowers to attract pollinators—or, more likely, lures to draw in prey.

She'd still fucked them. She'd fucked the plant puppets breathless, kissed them stupid. She smirked at the thought. Whatever intelligence governed that plant was probably used to its prey stumbling in half-asleep, ready for the puppets to coo and fawn over them. Yumi had, overall, found the pitcher trap a bit disappointing.

She wanted more. Always, always more.

She couldn't wait to see Mistress Ella again. Now, there was a succubus who knew how to treat a lady. Or Poppy. Oh, how she loved Poppy. But most of all, she couldn't wait to fuck the mortals seeking asylum in here, to turn this little glade into a big, sticky honeytrap for the ambassadors. It would be as easy as a wifwolf in heat.

She hadn't tasted a mortal's submission in so, so long. She licked her lips of the remaining pitcher juices, absently stroking herself, edging herself. With any other succubus, indulging herself like that would be too much of a risk. But Yumi couldn't help herself. Of all succubi, Gluttony addicts were helpless pleasure addicts to the last.

Besides, Yumi thought, grinning, dumb, horny bimbo was her best state. People were always tempted to indulge themselves when they thought she was indulging herself.

This war really was a treat and a half. Before the Silken Summoners, demons had been largely cut off from the mortal world. Without their wicked gods to help them get inside—Yumi bit her lip, her lust cooling just a fraction as she remembered—they had been unable to reach this dimension at all save the actions of summoners.

And then they had begun to hear calls. A lot of calls. The Silken Summoners, heads of the Spire Court—that council of great, proud mages who had been so sure they could control Yumi and her ilk—had begun calling in demons by thre scores, appointing them to leadership positions. Yumi had been one of the first, entrusted with serving as Queen Mother Esthe's faithful chef and confidante.

Yumi licked her lips. And when the Silken Summoners had commanded them to claim their targets, Yumi had gleefully shared in the bounty with her siblings of Hell. Oh, how they had indulged. Silly Esthe hadn't even lasted forty-five seconds past her coronation before the crowner—himself an imp—had milked her own name from her, before Esthe and three other succubi had licked and kissed her soul into their bellies, earning her the delicious nickname: The One-Minute Monarch.

And now the whole world was wonderful. Yumi beamed brightly as she entered a densely wooded thicket. Everyone was fair game. There were hundreds—maybe even thousands of demons free to tempt and devour. Yumi seldom went a day without drinking up someone's tasty soul, to say nothing of having access to lots and lots of new and exotic playthings.

She paused, hands on her hips, looking around her with her tongue stuck into her cheek.

Well, this was neat!

The thicket had opened up into what was essentially a room—densely packed grape vines and plum trees forming "walls" around her. Yumi knew she was essentially next to the glade—she could sense her sister, Mandy, devouring someone even now. She giggled. How delightful. Apparently Mandy had gotten free and made it to the nymphs' captives already.

There was a firepit nearby, covered by a metal contraption Yumi decided was most likely a kind of oven. Pots and pans were stacked nearby. A large flattened smooth stump bore a small collection of knives, fuits and vegetables, and next to it was a woven chair amid a patch of wild herbs.

Oh. It was a kitchen!

Yumi took a moment to admire the tidiness of it. How... quaint.

She walked over to the counter and picked up a basket, raising an eyebrow. Whatever was inside, I smelled... yummy. She raised the cloth.

Inside was a small collection of colorful sweets.

Boring. She rolled her eyes and tossed the basket aside.

She felt a tickling at her toes. Blinking, Yumi glanced down

A little tendril had crept from the flower patch and was tickling over her feet. It was just an ordinary strand of creeper, with a few white buds yet unopened. It grazed along her foot, almost teasing her.

Yumi beamed down at it. Oh, now here was something fun. She reached down and picked up the little vine, as tenderly as someone might pick up a baby bird, and brought it up to tickle her lips. "Heehee!"

The tickling felt nice. She let the tendril dance over her lips, flitting about, grazing her cheek. "That's right, little flowers," she cooed, stroking the slender tendril. "This is what a real mistress feels like. And maybe one day, when you're nice and thick—"

The flowers opened, brilliant violet in color, and released puffs of perfumed smoke into her face.

She blinked, breathing in. "Oh." Her pussy throbbed. Her mind spun. "Oh, that's... almost..."

The flowers released another trio of puffs, bathing her in the floral scent.

Yumi licked her lips as the tendril continued to tickle along them. "That's better," she cooed, smiling lovingly at it. "Do you have some nice, brainwashy pollen for me, sweetie?" She stroked a flower, giggling. "Maybe some nectar to go along with it?"

The vine almost seemed hesitant, reticent, as she tenderly took the bud between her lips and started to suckle. Her eyelids fluttered, and she let out a moan of delight as sweetness hit her tongue. "Ooh, you do!" she said, slurring slightly around the flower in her mouth.

She felt the vines guiding her to the chair, and giggling, she complied. She wasn't in any hurry.

And much as the plant probably thought it was brainwashing her, Yumi was completely immune to any poison she knew to block. She knew a mortal sucking on this flower would be halfway molten by now, but she was only allowing herself to be pleasantly buzzed.

Besides, if she wanted to turn this plant into her wanton toy for capturing the nymphs, she first had to know it. To make it love her.

These plants always did.

She sighed happily, eyelids drooping, as more flowers arrived for her to suck on, to puff pollen into her face, as the tendrils pulling up her skirt were joined by a much thicker, slicker set of vines.

She released her current flower and gave the tendril she was cradling a sweet kiss. Three more blossoms slipped between her lips, and she started to noisily suck again with a happy moan.

The thicker set of vines climbed into her pussy as little tendrils started to delicately stroke around her clit. She started to moan louder, bucking eagerly into the vines' attentions. They knew just where to touch her, and they were merciless in their strokes and thrusts

She came with a muffled squeal. The plant trembled around her with the force of her orgasm, of her sensual power.

Eyes glimmering, she sat down upon the chair and spread her legs wide. "There's a goo' pet," she slurred, speech muffled by the flowers she was currently being fed from. "Take as mush as oo wan', swee'ies."

Already, she sensed the plant fucking her a bit faster, the flowers pumping more and more nectar, puffing out more and more pollen, bathing her in a chemical cocktail that would reduce any other unaware succubus to little more than, well, cock tail.

But Yumi had other plans for this lovely plant. She knew what she was doing. She was totally in control.

She beamed and leaned back in the chair as it began to fuck her in earnest.


Poppy gave a leisurely sigh, absently stroking her pussy as she made her way down the old deer trail.

By her guess, Mistress Ella had most likely gotten in over her head at this point—no matter how strong she was, she was never as strong as she thought, and the fey ate up people like that. Myna was probably off lurking somewhere, waiting to captivate whichever succubus slipped up first. Myna was always looking for a new get-rich-quick scheme, and for succubi, that meant finding whichever succubus was vulnerable and turning them to your side.

And Yumi... Yumi was either fucking someone's brains out, or getting her own brains fucked out. Poppy smiled at the thought. Or both. Yumi was fun that way. Hopefully she hadn't gotten caught up playing with something mindless or unimportant, like minor fey or a plant creature.

Poppy tried to stay on-task, of course. She had to get to the clearing and free Mandy. Once Mandy was freed, then they could start fooling around. But she knew it was vital to get all five succubi on the loose, if only to make up the numbers on whichever succubus screwed up first.

Poppy licked her lips. She almost wished she could be like Myna, standing back and watching to see which succubus melted first. Her finger tenderly worked around her clit as she envisioned what Yumi was probably doing right now, kissing and bouncing and squealing...

"Mm." Poppy tugged her hand away with a sorry shake of her head. Work before pleasure. Pleasure in work.

She yawned, stepping over a cluster of bright pink poppies. This clearing certainly had a theme. It was so pink, Poppy could almost imagine Yumi lying somewhere amid the blossoms, camouflaged effortlessly.

Once Poppy made it to the clearing, she could make sure that Mandy was free—at least, if she wasn't already. In her distant senses, Poppy could swear she sensed Mandy's essence out there working mischief.

Although.. Poppy paused midstride, yawning. If Mandy was already free, Poppy didn't need to do anything. She could get to work fucking nymphs, or maybe finding Yumi and fucking her—er, saving her.

Or she could use the time she'd saved to just...

Poppy stretched and yawned, a lazy smile crossing her lips. She could relax a little bit, if Mandy was already free. She was awfully sleepy from all this walking.

But what if she wasn't? She frowned, the thought instantly unappealing now that the notion of Mandy being free had occurred to her. She entertained the thought almost as a formality as she sank into the meadow. If Mandy wasn't... well, then, surely Myna would be on her way to save her. No great big deal.

"Ooh." Her lips parted as her fingers slid into her cunt, and she sank onto her back, hips bucking slowly as she lay amid the brilliant pink poppies. Her head sank into a daze. She had time. She could wait.

Everything felt so nice right now. Why ruin it by getting up prematurely?

But the thought of Mandy not being free nagged at her as it reluctantly occurred to her that Myna would be looking for an easy target—a succubus she could claim without risking getting captured herself. Myna was cheap, but she wasn't reckless.

Poppy wanted to put he thought out of her head, but it bothered her—especially since she really, really wanted to just fuck herself stupid right now. If only Yumi was here to help with it. But she could always think of Yumi as she stroked.

It felt so good to abandon her duty. So natural to be so irresponsible. But... oh, fuck...

Poppy's eyes were slits as, in one last desperate bid at responsibility, she worked a quick magic to check on local demons' status. She knew she probably should have done it sooner.

The information sparkled in her mind instantly, in order of reverse proximity.

Mendicuizl is clear of major effects and is drinking a mortal's soul.

Yuminimeve is fucking a vine plant and has allowed roughly a quarter of the dosage needed to fully intoxicate her so far.

Ellesetvio is under the effects of a lust-infused shrinking spell, an inhaled love mist and thirty-four lust-infused love potion kisses, and she is begging a minor dryad to kiss her again.

Mynaletris is clear of major effects.

Xelapapicu is under the effects of a sleeping spell.

Poppy smiled happily as her eyelids drifted shut.

Okay, good.

Mandy was clear.

She began to easily edge herself as her mind sank into dreamlike bliss.

Time for a nice... little... nap.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lapis gave a slow, sly smile as she strolled into the kitchen. "My, my," she purred. "What have we here?"

Seated upon the Nectar Chair, eyes wide with lust, totally immersed within crawling tendrils and a cloud of shimmering, almost metallic violet pollen, was a gorgeous pink-haired woman with short, curving horns. Her gossamer wings fluttered uselessly behind her as the tendrils tickled her beneath her shirt. Her hips bucked helplessly as several thick, slick vines eagerly fucked her dripping pussy.

"MMMM!" she screamed, her plump, lovely lips wrapped around several flower stems as they pumped her full of... nutrients. Very important nutrients. Nutrients to help the brain work right. Nutrients to help the body keep its shape.

"Yes, darling," Lapis cooed, strolling over to examine this most unfortunate demoness further. She noticed with sly delight the succubus's long, almost tongue-like tail twitching helplessly. "I know. You've been a very silly girl, haven't you?"

As she sat down in the succubus's lap, Lapis easily intercepted the tail's clumsy attempt at reaching between her legs. She smiled at the tail, stroking a single finger over it—and feeling the slender demon trembling beneath her. "Naughty thing. You want some of my juices, do you?"

The succubus whined helplessly as Lapis reached over, taking one of the pollen-puffing flowers away and gently winding the tendril around the tail. The flower quickly had the tail tightly bound, and began to dribble its nectar right on the tail's tip.

Lapis giggled as the succubus's eyes went momentarily glassy. Ah, so it was something like a tongue to her. How wonderful.

"What's your name, dear?" she asked.

"Yumi," the demoness whined, staring helplessly into Lapis's eyes. Such pretty, submissive red eyes.

Lapis caressed her cheek with the back of her hand, savoring the demoness's puppydog whimpers. "Let me explain how this works, Yumi," she said sweetly. She ran a finger over the thick vines, and they started to slide into a rhythm as Lapis's tone went wispy as cotton candy. "Bad, naughty girls get teased and denied. When little Mandy first arrived, we made her go a whole week without cumming."

Yumi looked nervous. She squirmed, whimpering softly into her drugging gag.

"But good girls," Lapis hissed, and the vines matched her tone, speeding up, "oh, good girls get to feel so, so good." The vines sped up, faster and faster, until they were basically ramming into the demoness's hot little cunt. "They get to be fucked again—" The succubus let out a muffled squeal. "And again—" The succubus cried out, nectar trickling down her lips. "And again!"

Lapis triumphantly planted a kiss on Yumi's lips, licking up the lost nectar. Her eyes were open and smoldering as she captured Yumi's gaze, savoring the softness of Yumi's kiss, the sweetness of the nectar.

"They cum as much as they want," Lapis said, beaming. "Well, as much as we want—but that's the same, isn't it? A lot." Her eyes sparkled. "We always want lots and lots of pleasure, don't we?"

"'ots an' 'ots o'... 'leasure," slurred Yumi, her eyes shimmering with desire. Lapis giggled.

Lapis reached down, smirking, and picked up what it seemed Yumi had set aside—a basket of goodies. "Would this good girl like a treat for being so good?' she cooed.

"Mm! Mm-hm!" Yumi was practically begging, her eyes wide, desperate to please.

Lapis grinned, and had the flowers slip out. Yumi was left gasping for breath, her tongue lolling out. Panting like a dog. "Open wide!"

She plopped a little toffee treat onto Yumi's tongue, and joined it with a kiss to make sure Yumi swallowed. She laughed inwardly at how the succubus shuddered against her, how eagerly and passionately she returned the kiss. She held the kiss long after the candy was swallowed, then pulled back, beaming. "Would you like another?" she cooed.

The succubus babbled nonsense and nodded eagerly.

This time, Lapis selected a sucking candy, popping it into her own mouth and kissing Yumi to ease it between Yumi's lips.

She felt Yumi moaning, felt those wonderfully plump lips smacking against hers, felt Yumi's tongue slipping into her mouth, and Lapis came.

Her mind swam in pure, sweet pleasure as she enjoyed the kiss, savored Yumi's surrender, as her pussy tingled despite there being nothing inside her. Nothing except Yumi's tongue in her mouth, of course.

She finally pulled back, panting. Yumi's expression was so dreamy and vacant that Lapis giggled. When Yumi had the lucidity to look ashamed, Lapis only smiled wider. "Would you like another?" she asked, unable to hide her smugness.

Yumi's eyes widened. She looked like she wanted to say no.

But what crossed her lips was, "Ooh, yes, please, Mommy."

Lapis gave a wordless coo of delight and selected a rich chocolate truffle. She brought the chocolate towards Yumi's open mouth, relishing Yumi's helplessly bound form, her eager eyes...

Lapis's orgasm had her clinging to Yumi tightly as they kissed, those lips and that tongue positively fucking Lapis's mouth. Lapis moaned, pleasure flooding her, wonderful, sweet pleasure. She ground her hips against Yumi's legs, clutching the succubus tightly, drowning herself in the kiss.

At last, she pulled away. Lapis was breathless; Yumi had a dazed look on her face. The succubus licked her lips happily.

Lapis stroked Yumi's hair. "Would you... hm." She took a deep breath. I should probably get back to business...

But then Yumi let out a little whimper as the vines made her jump slightly in the chair. Lapis giggled. "Aw. Poor little thing."

"Another!" Yumi whined,. Staring at Lapis with big, needy, submissive eyes. "Another! Another!"

Lapis smirked. "Are you sure, little one? You've already had three." But she was delicately unwrapping a honeydrop already. She held it above Yumi's panting tongue, smile widening. "Would you really like another?"

Yumi nodded eagerly, inclining her head up to plant a daring, endearing kiss on Lapis's hand. That little kiss turned into a long one as Lapis giggled and allowed her to worship her hand, sucking on the fingers, licking and smooching with delightful finesse.

"Oh, you're good at that, sweetie," purred Lapis, petting the back of Yumi's head. "Maybe M-Mommy should give y—aaah!"

The orgasm caught her by surprise this time. She'd been slowly building in pleasure, staring at Yumi as those plump, perfect lips sucked one of her fingers.

Then Yumi had looked her in the eyes, given a coy smile, and planted a long, wet kiss on Lapis's palm. The feeling of her lips sensuously caressing her skin had been heavenly, but it had been the eyes that had taken Lapis over.

The pleasure sent Lapis's mind numb, and the next thing she knew, she was clutching at Yumi, giving the succcubus free access to kiss over her neck, her breasts, her nipples. Yumi eagerly obliged, making happy little sounds as her lips smacked tenderly along Lapis's neck.

And Lapis kept cumming. She was a mess, writhing and trembling in Yumi's lap, clutching the succubus tightly. But although she held the succubus within her embrace, as she had held so many good girls and boys here before, there... there was a strange feeling in Lapis's chest.

Somehow, even though Yumi was wrapped up in Lapis's plant creations, even though Yumi was still letting Lapis feed her candies, even though she held Yumi in a tight, dominant embrace, Lapis had the strange feeling that it was Yumi who held all the power.

But that as impossible. Silly. Absurd. Sexy. Delicious. Wrong. So, so wrong.

Lapis's mind was almost molten with ecstasy as Yumi dragged her through two more orgasms right there, lost in her sweet kisses. She was whimpering, moaning, quivering. Silly. Delicious. Wonderful. Wrong.

Yumi squirmed a little beneath Lapis, and realizing Yumi was having trouble, Lapis eagerly dispelled the vines restraining her upper body, allowing Yumi to wrap her arms around her. Lapis's arms fell to her sides, exhausted, happy to let Yumi take care of her for a moment as she kissed all over her nymph captor's body.

Finally, the orgasms subsided. Lapis was panting, her tongue lolling out, eyes wide and dizzy and dumb with pleasure. She felt like she had the time she'd tied Esca to the bed and had her do nothing but lick Lapis out for a week straight.

Except then, Esca hadn't had her arms free.

And hadn't looked at her quite so...

... triumphantly.

Lapis's eyes widened as she found herself gazing into the slight woman's beautiful pink eyes, held steady by the soft, gentle hands caressing her face. Keeping her from looking away.

She bit her lip. "Um... I... I..."

The succubus was still bound. For now. The vines were still fucking her brains out. Lapis was fine. But she needed... needed to...

She stared into Yumi's eyes. She needed... needed to make sure..

Yumi's eyes had begun a slow, lazy spiral. Lapis needed... needed to... needed...

Yumi smelled so, so good. Her juices were everywhere as the vines pistoned in and out of her dripping pussy. Lapis's mouth watered, wondering if succubus juices tasted as good as the stories said. She needed... needed...

She needed...

Lapis's vision was hazy. Her mind was pink. She stared into Yumi's beautiful, spiraling eyes, her lips parted, her breaths coming in low and heavy as she breathed in Yumi's scent.

What... What did she need, again?

"Mommy?" Yumi whispered softly. Lapis let out a little whimper. "Miss Nymph?" Lapis swallowed. Her eyes slowly drifted downward from the pink spirals, watching how Yumi's lips sensuously worked over the words.

Yumi giggled. Lapis watched her lips move as her smile widened, and the lips came closer. Lapis numbly realized that only one hand was holding her in the embrace, and for a moment she was worried about what had happened to Yumi's other hand—but then the hand returned.

A second later, Lapis shivered and gave a tiny, happy moan as she felt something like a tongue slowly sliding over her pussy, circling around her clit.

"Well, Mommy?" Yumi cooed, and Lapis's eyes returned to Yumi's, returned to that delicious, lazy spiral. "Would you like another?" She was millimeters away, now, and her lips brushed sensuously over Lapis's as she spoke. "Do you neeeed another?"

Lapis never wanted the kisses to end.

~ ~ ~ ~

Mistress Ella straightened, eyes narrowed.

This had been a humiliation she would have to take care to erase from history.

The cherry dryad lay behind her, eyes practically replaced with cartoonish hearts as she stared dreamily up into the canopy. Mistress Ella was proud of everything she did, but she wasn't very proud of what she'd had to do to make this dryad too pleasure-dumb to move.

Even though glancing at lovely, wonderful Anne made her heart flutter a little with pride at how happy she had made her.

The three-foot tall succubus expelled the thought from her mind with a scowl, hurrying onwards. She'd be back for Anne later. Maybe. Probably not. Maybe.

She'd feel better once she was out of this stupid swarm of invisible insects, anyways. She stomped towards where she'd sensed the center of the glade earlier, determined to escape and put all these silly thoughts of love and... and silliness out of her head—not to mention her accursed physical state!

Mistress Ella was so distracted fixating on not fixating on Anne's plump, kissable lips, on Anne's sweet, adorable smile, she didn't notice until it was too late that there was someone else watching her.

"Ooh, well aren't you just the cutest thing!" sang a high-pitched voice, and a slender green-skinned woman danced out of the bushes, beaming down at her. Ella's face went bright red as she realized there was another witness to this embarrassment. The woman looked Ella over, giggling. "Wow, they made you super tiny! You must've been really fun!"

Mistress Ella's eyes narrowed. She smiled slyly, and readied to cast a spell—

"And oh my gosh," the nymph cooed, eyes widening, "how many times did you let Anne kiss you? She must really like you!"

Mistress's Ella's face went bright red as she realized, glancing at her arm, that she was basically covered in lipstick stains. That realization filled her with a wave of conflicting feelings—anger, humiliation, pride, lust, and that familiar sticky-sweet feel of adoration that clung to her like barnacles.

"Did we get some fun kissies?" the nymph asked, unconvincingly covering her giggles with her hand. "Do we want some more?"

Ella licked her index finger and pointed. Black darkness welled at the tip. This particular spell wasn't exactly subtle, but it would get the job done.

A wave of black tentacles erupted from the ground, dark as ink and slick as oil. The nymph gave a squeal of surprise as they surged forward, immersed her...

... and began plunging into her pussy with the mind-melting power only this particular spell could muster, fucking her like no mortal lover ever could. Her squeals changed cadence almost instantly into cries of bliss.

Mistress Ella smirked. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"Aaah!" The nymph writhed like a worm on a hook as she tried in vain—and rather unconvincingly, in Ella's opinion—to close her legs against the tentacles rapidly filling her. She opened her mouth to scream louder, and instead gave an, "Mm?" of surprise as tentacles gushed into her open mouth and started to fuck that, too.

She was already dripping, Ella noted with satisfaction. She looked up at the only slightly taller woman struggling. She licked her lips.

Then she felt smooth, slender arms wrap around her waist, and her eyes widened. Oh, dear. Oh, no.

They'd woken Anne up.

"Little Ella," cooed Anne, picking Ella up as Ella struggled in vain, "why're you being so mean to Esca?"

"Let go of me, Slave!" Ella hissed, squirming. She was not in the mood for another humiliating reversal brought about by some... by some petty orchard dryad!

Anne was quiet a moment after this. Then she slowly set Ella down. "Sorry, Mistress."

Her voice was soft. She sounded... hurt.

Mistress Ella bit her lip. No. No. She didn't care. She didn't care!

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Anne sniffled. "I just... Esca's just really fun and I thought... thought maybe you'd like it if we could play with her..."

Don't listen. Don't turn around. Do NOT

Ella turned and looked at Anne, eyes widening as she saw tears in Anne's eyes. Anne had descended to the ground, and now wiped at her eyes, visibly holding back sobs. Anguish, alien and unwanted, filled Ella's heart, and words spilled from her lips before she could stop herself

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Anne!" she whimpered, running over and dropping into Anne's lap, kissing her cheek. "I shouldn't have snapped!"

"No, I was annoying." Anne sniffed.

"No, you weren't."

"I shouldn't have... shouldn't have interrupted. Go ahead and brainwash Esca. I don't mind."

Behind her, Ella heard Esca's screams of pleasure. It was difficult to tell if she was even hearing or remotely understanding this exchange.

"You didn't want me to do that."

"I mean... no, it's fine. Go ahead. It'll be fun. We can brainwash her together and everything."

"No, that's not fair to you. We don't have to do that."

Anne blinked at her. "We don't?"

"No, no, no," Ella said soothingly. "I mean, we can..." Her head was spinning with unwelcome empathy as she kissed Anne on the cheek. She bit her lip, heart pounding. She'd just been about to suggest freeing Esca! Was she completely losing her mind?

But... but Anne had looked so crestfallen. Ella had to make it up to her in some way.

And with the way Anne was looking at her now, Ella had a feeling she was about to.

The cherry dryad gave a dreamy smile and leaned in, kissing Ella on the cheek. "Maybe we can watch her," she whispered conspiratorially. "Watch her get fucked! Isn't that a nice compromise?"

Ella practically melted under that kiss. She ran her fingers over her own skin and felt all the kissmarks covering her, crimson marks of how much she loved Anne. She beamed and turned around, seated in Anne's lap as Anne eagerly kissed her neck, her shoulders, her cheek.

Esca, meanwhile, was squealing and writhing, a wide, rapturous smile on her face as she was fucked in every conceivable hole.

Ella sighed in bliss, wriggling slightly to get comfortable. It wasn't as though she was in any hurry She could have some fun first.

She giggled. And Esca sure was cute with her eyes so wide and her legs spread like that. None of them were in any hurry to go anywhere.

Anne planted kiss after kiss after kiss on Ella's bare skin, relaxing the succubus more and more as she swooned into Anne's arms and allowed herself to be pampered.

No hurry at all.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Am I good, Mommy?" Yumi kissed Lapis on the cheek, her eyes wide with eagerness to please as her tongue-like tail licked over the shortstack nymph's cunt over and over and over. At this rate, Yumi expected Lapis to be a mindless, squealing hot mess within roughly three minutes. "Am I a good girl?" she cooed.

"Good girl," whimpered Lapis, staring deep, deep, deep into Yumi's spiraling eyes, as the flowers pumped drugged pollen into their own maker's pretty face. She licked her lips, clearly hoping for another full kiss.

Yumi giggled, happy to indulge. She was a Glutton, after all.

"My, my, my."

Yumi's clit twitched as the vines thrust in and out of it, and she bit her lip, not daring to look away from her delicious new pet for even a second. But she knew that voice.

She heard Myna enter the chamber, giggling in amusement. Out of the corner of her eye, Yumi saw the succubus of Greed lazily stroking her cock, as two minor hamadryads eagerly kissed it, crawling after.

"Oh, h-hi, Myna." Yumi gave a bashful smile. "You caught two, huh? N-nice." She wriggled her hips and giggled, feeling a little dizzy as another orgasm rocked her slender body. "I only caught one, but she's a nice one. You wanna share?"

Too late, the succubus realized that she'd just suggested 'sharing' to a Greed demon.

But Myna showed no signs of offense. She just advanced, hips swaying, as the hamadryads hung back and started playing with each other."Are you sure you've caught one?" she purred, placing a hand on the nymph's shoulder. "Are you sure she hasn't caught you, you little bimbo?"

"Ooh." Yumi liked Myna's hand there, but she squirmed, knowing just how eager Myna was to... to do more than that to her. "Um. Um. Yes."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Myna purred, stroking Yumi's shoulder. "Just being... bathed in pleasure. Drowned in it. You never change, Yumi."

Yumi gave a happy smile, in spite of her nervousness. "S-Sure don't."

Lapis startled to mewl, clearly missing Yumi's kisses.

"But..." Myna leaned in close as Yumi kissed Lapis again, savoring the nymph's total submission to her whims at this point. "You know it could be more."

Yumi bit her lip as she pulled away, panting. "Oh, no," she whined, as Myna leaned in close, "please, please, Myna, don't... don't..."

"What's wrong?" Myna's voice seeped into Yumi's mind like whispering wind, blowing Yumi's thoughts away like... like... "Don't you want more?"

Yumi felt Myna's magic playing with her mind, but she was helpless to push it back in her state. Myna was toying with Yumi's mind like a kitten with a ball of yarn, unrolling it... scattering it... more...

She felt Myna's magic playing with her mind, and she started to play along. "Ooh, um, I dunno," she purred, nuzzling Myna's head. She finally tore her gaze from Lapis and turned to Myna, already driven to long to stare into the succubus's pretty golden eyes. "More... sounds... nice?"

She giggled.

Myna smiled smugly. "Don't you remember how you got here?" Myna cooed, slowly stroking her cock. Her pretty, pretty cock that felt so good inside Yumi...

"Yeah." Yumi nodded eagerly, the motion drawn out of her by Myna's insidious magic. "I came here an' decided to trap a nymph by pretending to be overwhelmed!"

Myna giggled, stroking Yumi's chin. "But that's not true, is it?"

And Yumi felt a little prickle in her neck. Felt the venom of the River Lethe flowing through her, bubbly and sweet as it filled her head with foamy fog. The bubbles popped in her mind, and suddenly, she remembered.

"No," she admitted, biting her lip. She hoped Myna wouldn't be mad at her.

"You lied, didn't you?"

"Yes, Myna," she whined. She felt awful for lying. She hoped Myna would make her make it up to her.

"How did you really come here?"

Myna's memories were as pink as the sunset as she bubbled, "I got caught here like a silly slut!"

Myna gave her a conspiratorial smile, as if this conversation would never pass beyond their ears. "That's what I thought. And this nymph caught you?" She patted Lapis's head, as the shortstack nymph moaned, her eyes empty of all save desire.

"Yeah." Yumi smiled guiltily at Lapis. "She's so cute, I just let her kiss my brains out!"

"That's what I thought happened. Golly, you're weak-willed, aren't you?"

"I just like feeling good!" Yumi squeaked, as the vines continued to pound into her. "Ooh, please don't be disappointed in me, Myna."

"Aw, don't worry." Myna planted a kiss atop Yumi's head, "I'm not disappointed. This is exactly what we expect from you, Yumi: Just being a silly, happy little slut. Isn't that right?"

"Mm." Yumi wriggled around the vines with a dreamy smile. "Um..."

She tried to collect her thoughts, but now Myna was guiding her head down, guiding her towards Lapis's breasts, and it was so, so easy to just... wrap her lips around a nipple... and suckle...

"Mm-hm," she moaned, as she felt Lapis quivering against her, felt Myna's magic pouring deeper and deeper into her dumb, horny mind. She giggled as the nymph started to lactate, as the sweet aphrodisiac nectar of the nymph tingled on her tongue. "Mm!"

"That's right," Myna cooed, stinging Yumi again, continuing to kiss Yumi, to pour the magic in. "And I'm so glad you are, because I've been wanting to talk to you about some things... if you don't mind listening?"

Listening to Myna was hard. Listening was hard when you felt this good. Hard when you were just a silly, happy little slut suckling at a nymph's breast and watching Mistress stroke her cock. But as the vines brought her to a mewling orgasm in tandem with her sweet fey lover, Yumi felt she wanted to do nothing else.

~ ~ ~ ~

Mistress Ella lay back in Anne's arms, dreamy and distant, relishing every sweet kiss the cherry dryad planted on her skin. As the succubus lay there, Anne slowly stroked her, allowing her to come again and again. She was submerged in pleasure, watching Esca squeal and squirm in the vines, savoring her lover's touch..

She no longer minded her size. She couldn't even remember why it had bothered her before. She hummed happily, running her hands over Anne's arms as the dryad clutched her and stroked her.

She loved Anne so much.

The petite Esca wriggled and writhed as best she could, but the tentacles had her completely helpless—bound spreadeagled, easy prey for the tendrils currently fucking her three holes with equal abandon. Her eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed as she stared at Mistress Ella and moaned.

"Such good girls," Ella breathed, smiling as Anne planted sweet kisses on her shoulder. "You love me, don't you, Anne?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress," purred Anne, her fingers gently rubbing Ella's clit. Ella longed to push Anne down, to have her plant those perfect, plump lips on Ella's dripping, tingling pussy. But in the time it would her to consider it, Anne would plant three more tender kisses, and Ella would feel too good to do anything about it.

But Ella didn't need to do anything. She had a doting loveslave to handle everything for her now. She had never known how wonderful it felt to have someone in love with you—someone who adored you, who thought you were wonderful in every way. Not just better than them, but wonderful.

The nymph recognized that, too, Ella thought with a smile. Esca's shining eyes had not left hers since Ella had rotated her around to face them.

As Esca let out yet another tentacle-muffled scream of pleasure, tears of joy streaming down her face, Ella smiled. On a whim, she flicked a finger, slipping the tentacle out of Esca's mouth.

"Ah!" Esca's eyes were wild, desperate. "Please! Oh please of please oh please..." Her voice was so strained, so pathetically needy, Ella felt an orgasm flow through her at the delectable sound alone.

Ella sighed, wriggling contentedly against Anne's comforting embrace. "Enjoying yourself?" she purred.

Esca gave a squeal and nodded. "P-Please, Mistress... please, I un-understand now..."

"Of course you do."

"May I please lick you?" Esca's voice broke on 'please'. "Please, Mistress... oh, please, I need... need..."

A part of Mistress Ella almost wanted to refuse. Oh, how delicious it would be to let this nymph writhe after letting her, of her own free will, beg to serve as a succubus's pleasure toy.

Or even to release her, Ella thought, licking her lips. The thought of setting little Esca free to go wherever she willed, pleasure-dumb, still desperate but denied the submission she craved...

The succubus of Pride shut the fantasy down. That was a little cocky, even for her.

She waved a finger with a sly smile, and the tentacles started to carry Esca towards them. Anne hummed with excitement. "Ooh, Esca's so good at licking. Please, love, may I have her next?'

Ella turned and smiled at her dryad toy. "Of course, dearest," she cooed, and Anne brightened and kissed her right on the lips. Ella moaned happily into the kiss.

She turned back. Esca hung over her now, tentacles thrusting into her ass and pussy. The nymph beamed, leaned in, and kissed Ella right on the lips as well.

It was a long, passionate kiss, as Esca's tongue slipped into Ella's mouth. Ella held Esca to her with one hand, laughing into the kiss. Esca obeyed Ella's touch at the slightest graze of the fingers, moaning like the hot, helpless whore she was. The whore her mistress had turned her into.

Esca pulled away with a loud smack, giggling. "Thanks for the t-tentacles!" she bubbled, bucking her hips slightly against the vines. "They're s-super fun!"

Ella blinked.

Before she could react, Esca was descending down between her legs, sighing softly in ecstasy. Anne continued to gently stroke her clit, but Esca was about to bring something much more... substantial.

Esca started to lick the top of Ella's pussy, making yummy sounds as Ella flinched. Esca's tongue was expert. Her eyes widened.

Esca grinned up at her. "I love tentacles!" she cooed, licking again. Ella whimpered as the tongue flicked delicately over Ella's clit. Promising. She tried to speak, but nothing came out. "But, um... maybe next time you shoulda done some actual mind control! You can fuck my brains out..." Esca's eyes glowed. "But I don't need brains to do this. Hee!"

Ella's eyes widened, lost in Esca's, as Anne giggled and continued kissing Ella's neck. "Isn't she fun?" the dryad cooed. "We all just adore playing with Esca, my love. She's gonna make you come and come and come..."

"Nn." Ella bit her lip, staring down into those pretty green eyes.

Esca beamed. "That's right! And don't worry—I won't totally lick your brains out." She leaned in close, her warm breath making Ella's pussy tingle. "We'll take some nice breaks in between for just kissing and playing."

Ella trembled. She needed to be strong. Needed to be proud. Needed to... resist... oh, but she was so sensitive.

And so needy.

She bit her lip, her gasps coming shorter, her chest heaving as Anne's kisses started to settle upon one breast. And so, so in love.

"And questions," Esca said sweetly. "Lots of questions."

And as Esca sucked Ella's clit into her mouth and began to rapidly lick, the succubus of Pride began to squeal like a nymph caught in tentacles.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ruby whimpered, staring deep into the eyes of wretched little Loralei—a fake Loralei, she knew, but a very, very convincing one.

When she had stumbled upon the nymph—the disguised succubus—in the bimblossom, squealing helplessly into the vines, she had been looking for Loralei. With Lapis clearly busy toying with some Esca lookalike succubus and Esca no doubt off getting captured, Ruby had wanted to make absolutely certain the succubus of Lust was still well-handled.

She bit her lip as an orgasm flowed out of her, as easy as molten butter on the tongue. She'd come so, so many times now...

"That's right," cooed Loralei's honey-sweet voice in her ear, taunting her. No, worse than that. Praising her. "Look at her. Isn't it delicious? Watching her get absolutely broken by that plant?"

"Mm." Ruby nodded, helplessly drawn to admire the disguised demon's flushed cheeks, her wide eyes.

When she'd found the demon trying to trick them again, pretending to be Loralei, Ruby had gotten distracted. She'd started playing with her, teasing her. Maybe brainwashing her a little bit. Hey, it couldn't hurt to be safe.

Then Loralei—the real Loralei—had returned, catching her in the act.

And she had been so amused...

Ruby bit her lip as her fingers traced around her clit. She felt Loralei's fingers there, too, now, gradually taking Ruby's place, slowing down the self-indulgent masturbation into edging. Ruby wanted to object to that. She really, really did.

But Loralei's vocie was as sweet and venomous as a Thriae sting. "I knew you'd like it," she purred. "You've always wanted me like that, haven't you?"

"Yes," Ruby whimpered, squirming. But Loralei held her still.

"Mean, sadistic little slut." Loralei kissed her cheek. "You've always wanted to fuck my mind away. To break me totally. You're no better than her, are you?"

Ruby had no idea when Loralei had gotten so good at... so good at... She stared at the squealing false Loralei, helpless to resist her ruination within the bimblossom's grasp. Ruby's mouth was hanging open slightly. "No.. better... than..."

"Just a slave to lust," Loralei whispered. "Doesn't matter who you hurt when it feels so good..."

Ruby wanted to argue. Wanted to claim otherwise. But she kept wriggling against Loralei's fingers, kept accepting the edging. Kept watching Loralei get fucked mindless.

"I'm going to take her vine out in a moment," Loralei hissed. "So she can speak. So she can beg. And then you can do every evil, mean, perverted thing you've ever wanted to do to me." She licked up Ruby's neck. "That sounds nice, doesn't it?"

All that escaped Ruby was a moan of desire.

~ ~ ~ ~

Poppy lay immersed in poppies. Sleepily, she giggled at the notion.

By now, she had, of course, attracted a small fanbase. Three maple dryads so far—a boy and two girls—had been curious enough to investigate her, and she now lazily sucked at one's cock while the other two took turns licking from her cunt. She glanced up, smiling at her sweet new boytoy's expression of sleepy, helpless bliss, then at the two pretty ladies down below, whose licks grew slower and more languorous with every passing second. Their whimpers, too, grew softer and softer, until they could very well be dreaming.

A nagging voice at the back of her head lectured her. Lying here was irresponsible. The succubi could still easily lose this matchup. She needed to get up. Needed to get moving.

But it felt far, far too good to stay still. Everything about maple dryads, male or female, was delightfully sweet. She so, so wanted to just lie here forever and suckle them into oblivion.

Not that they were controlling her. She giggled at the notion. The poor dears had practically melted at her voice, and though the subtle poisons in her boy's cum were delicious, they were not exactly having any effect on a demon of her power. She let him think they were, though. The sweet, sleepy thing was so confident in his sweet, bubbly wiles.

The only problem was, sometimes, Poppy just didn't feel like getting up.

As she lay there, though, promising herself she'd be up in just another minute, just after the next orgasm, she heard a girlish humming coming from outside the clearing.

She almost looked up. Almost stopped sucking the whimpering dryad's sweet cock. But what did it matter? Probably just another would-be conquering fey. Maybe a lavender dryad. Ooh, Poppy hoped so. They were always so confident, and so cute when they begged to cuddle in her arms.

"Aw, look at you!" cooed a new, high-pitched voice.

And a surprisingly slight nymph stepped into view, green pigtails bouncing as she came closer. She had several bright red lipstick marks on her cheek and neck, and two just within her cleavage. She was totally naked, but that was to be expected with fey. Especially fey immersed in Poppy's sleepy lust aura.

Poppy looked up at her, eyelashes fluttering, and smiled.

"My name's Esca," the nymph whispered. "What's yours?"

Poppy slurred her name around the cock.

"What's that" Esca blinked. "Did you say... Puppy? Mommy? Puppet?"

Poppy's eyelids drifted not-quite closed.

The nymph knelt down, beaming as she finally seemed to recognize Poppy's state. "Aw, do you like my poppies?" she cooed. "Ooh, maybe that's what I should call you: Poppy! 'Cause you love these flowers, right?"

"Mm-hm..." Poppy gave the cock a long, lazy slurp, eliciting a weak cry from her dryad toy. She smiled, waiting for the nymph to settle down with them. The lipstick stains reminded her of how nice it would be to have someone kissing her while she sucked.

The nymph clapped her hands in delight. "Yay! I worked super hard on them. They're so nice and... dreamy." She rubbed an eye drowzily.

Poppy waited patiently. Sometimes, the best seductions were the ones where she just waited and let them hang themselves.

"I love catching new toys here," Esca whispered, and almost without even thinking about it, it seemed, she took one of the licking maple dryads down below and moved the copper-haired woman's head to her own pussy. The dryad immediately started to eat the nymph out in mindless, sleepy obedience. "Ooh... n-nowadays Lapis and Loralei never let me. We have to, like, care about consent and stuff." She giggled, then yawned. "But I think—ooh—we both know it more fun for everyone if we just help those that don't know they want it yet!"

Poppy moaned and waited.

"Yeah..." Esca's voice was soft as she started to lie down in front of Poppy, slowly, jerkily, as if she was a puppet struggling against its own strings. "Yeah, like, um... boys and girls an'... an' the rest... are so cutenn—" She bit her lip as the dryad apparently found a sensitive spot and began to focus there. "S-so cute," she stammered, "when they realize they just wanna stop resisting..."

Poppy smiled and sucked and waited.

She felt Esca reaching towards her, saw those pretty green eyes moving closer.

Esca had been doomed the second she'd stepped within five feet of Poppy. Poppy gave the cock several quick licks, watching as Esca licked her lips, moved closer to kiss Poppy's neck. Her eyelids were drifting shut. These poppies likely had minimal effect on fey, or at least on nymphs, but Poppy's aura was very powerful when Poppy herself was sleepy. The poppies had turned her into an unstoppable force of lazy lust, and it was delicious.

"You succubi are s-so cute," Esca whimpered, as her eyes began to close. "I... can't wait to... introduce you to Anne and Ella. They're... such lovebirds. Hee!" She wriggled happily, like she'd just settled into a very comfy bed. "I'll take you to meet them... soon. Yeah. Uh-huh."

Esca's fingers entwined in Poppy's. Poppy giggled, savoring that look of growing realization in the nymph's eyes that neither of them was going anywhere anytime soon.

And then she felt cool metal slip over her ring finger.

She blinked.

Esca beamed dizzily. Poppy stared at her in confusion.

"How do you feel?" Esca cooed, nestling closer against Poppy. Poppy gasped, the cock slipping out of her mouth, at how... good Esca's body felt against her.

Unable to help herself, Poppy clutched at Esca, practically wrapping herself around Esca's tight, soft form. "G-Good," she whispered, confused. Her whole mind waas buzzing. Her whole body was humming. She felt the dryad's licking stop, and whimpered. "I... I c-can't..." She yawned.

"Ella gave me this," Esca said, giggling. "I guess it concentrates all those nice fuzzy feelings you were giving me back into you!" She waggled a finger in Poppy's face—a finger with a very shiny, pretty copper ring. "And it makes you, like, feel really really good near me. Stupid good. Isn't that neat?"

She slipped the finger into Poppy's mouth, and Poppy let out a soft, happy moan. Without thinking, she began to suck on the finger. Some nagging part of her told her to try to take the ring off—Esca was being foolish, reckless, this was her chance—but she'd... she'd do it in a moment. Just a few more seconds of feeling this good. Just a few more seconds.

As Esca's finger slipped back out, and her tongue slipped in, and they started to kiss, Poppy felt her mind scattering like dandelion seeds.

"Mm." Esca wrapped her arms around Poppy with a happy sigh. "You're all mine now! Let's go... go..."

Her eyelids fluttered as she nuzzled Puppy, immersed in the poppies, immersed in Poppy's embrace as Poppy's tail started to slowly thrust into Esca's pussy, to gently vibrate.

"Soon," Poppy whispered, almost pleading. "Soon."

"Soon." Esca's voice was distant and dazed as she shook with her own pleasure. "Yeah, sure. Soon."

And as her fingers dipped down between Poppy's legs, Poppy drifted into dreams of a Hell that was soft, warm, and full of lithe little nymphs with pigtails.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Having fun, dear Mandy?"

Mandy glanced over with a grin as Myna entered. The succubus of Greed carried a whimpering, suckling Yumi in her arms, as the nimble and smaller succubus happily bounced up and down on Myna's cock. Yumi was giving happy moans, lactate dripping around her lips from her messy eating. She was positively glutting herself on both succubus milk and pleasure. Stumbling after them on a leash was a familiar plump little number—a nymph whose once-elegant bouffant was now a total mess, whose massive tits hung like leaden weights, who looked positively dazed with the power of the two succubi's combined seductive might.

Mandy's lips curved upwards, noticing something else about those breasts. Oh, how delightful. 'Mommy' was leaking.

Though judging by he look in her eye, Lapis wasn't exactly up to be nurturing anytime soon. Then again, one didn't need to be dominant to be nurturing. Especially not with tits like that and a Yumi-inflicted eagerness to please.

"It looks like you've had your own fun," Mandy said with a giggle.

Myna smirked. "Ah, but to catch Yumi is as easy as to catch a clump of grapes on a low-hanging vine—isn't that right, Yumi?" Holding Yumi tightly, she forcibly bounded the smaller succubus on her cock, eliciting a muffled squeal. "Whereas you, it seems, have captured two of these delectable soulless. Well done, my sweet."

Mandy glanced back at her own two prizes. Loralei continued to whimper and cry as the vines pumped her. She had her words back now, of course. That was so that she could repeat every mantra lovely Ruby hissed in her ears.

Ruby had totally broken her spirit—more thoroughly than Mandy ever could have, for Ruby knew Loralei's every weakness, every sensitive spot, every dark secret. Both Ruby and Loralei would be very useful going forward, Mandy thought, as her tail continued to gradually fuck Ruby from behind.

Ruby would only get to cum when she'd absolutely ruined Loralei's cute little mind, of course. Loralei could still speak, so clearly she hadn't yet. Another day or two.

"I try." Mandy rolled her eyes. "I appreciate the rescue, cousin. These nymphs are... tricky. You all made a good distraction, if nothing else." She raised an eyebrow. "Or did you come here with just Yumi?"

Her approach was a bit unsubtle, it seemed, because Myna's eyes narrowed a little. "Oh, my dear, if you want to take that greenthumb's place in the flower, be my guest. Yumi here would be delighted to help you find your way, wouldn't she?"

Yum just babbled happily around Myna's breast and continued to bounce. Mandy had to admire Myna's self-control with a succubus of Gluttony absolutely going to town on her. Then again, Greed demons were often good at handling Gluttony demons. Poor Yumi hadn't stood a chance.

"Anyways," Myna said loftily, "I came here with Ellesetvio and Xelapapicu as well. Curious that they haven't made it here yet."

"There's one more nymph out there. 'Esca'." Mandy grinned. "She's a lot like Yumi, really. Even kinda looks like her, funny enough. Should be easy prey. That one—" She gestured with a giggle to the leashed Lapis, "—fucks her brains out at every chance."

"Aw. How sweet."

"Did someone mention sweet?" They turned. And to Mandy's mild delight, approaching the entrance to the Pitcher Chamber was none other than Mandy's old friend, Poppy. The plump, redheaded succubus was clearly out of it. Her eyes were heavy-lidded—moreso than usual—and she and a very sleepy Esca appeared to be supporting one another. Poppy gave a dazed giggle. "Because this one no doubt misses her mommy."

Mandy licked her lips. "Oh, she's delicious. I've been wanting to sample her since she..." She bit off the fact that Esca had been the one to capture her. That embarrassing tidbit was long behind them now. "Since I first laid eyes upon her. Mind if I...?"

"Oh, please!" Poppy nodded, gesturing for Mandy to proceed. "I... I need a moment." She leaned against the doorway and yawned.

Mandy left the hypnotized Ruby to whimper and brainwash poor Loralei as she advanced on Esca. The nymph stared at her with glazed eyes, biting her lip. "Um... hi." She yawned. "I, um... I won. I beat Poppy. Got the... ooh!" She gasped softly as Myna wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "Got the ring on her," Esca whimpered. "So... so I won. I won."

"Did you, now?" Mandy hissed, licking Esca's neck. "Sweet thing."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Myna approaching the drowsy Poppy. She recognized that glint in Myna's eye. The Sloth succubus usually served as their leader, but right now... oh, Poppy was in trouble. Mandy almost felt bad for her, but she loved watching an old friend get betrayed even more.

The nymph whined and nodded, leaning back to give Mandy easier access for kissing. "I won," she managed. "So... um..."

"Did you really want to win?" Mandy asked, her lips grazing Esca's ear.

"Um..." Esca was panting. She bit her lip, and Mandy leaned back, holding her kisses hostage. She watched Myna set Yumi down, watched Poppy's eyelashes flutter in vague concern as the succubus of Greed moved in to claim another...

"I'm so glad you won," Mandy whispered sweetly in Esca's ear. "Because now I get to reward the victor."

"Ooh... really?" Poor, dumb, ditzy Esca blinked up at her in confusion.

"Oh, yes," Mandy sang, licking her lips. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yes..." Esca's gaze was glassy. Her whole body shook with lust—the foolish nymph was currently in the presence of four succubi, and their auras were doubtless cooking her mind into a lusty inferno right now. "Yes, please, Mandy! Ooh, reward me!"

Meanwhile, Myna was taking Poppy by the hand, teasing her, guiding it to Poppy's own cunt. Oh, Myna was being very, very mean. The 'make them break themselves' technique. Cruel on anyone, but especially a fellow succubus who knew exactly what you were doing but was helpless to stop you.

"There's just one thing I need you to do for me first." Mandy's lips grazed Esca's cheek. "One little thing I need from you. Just so we know who's won."

"I-I know," Esca whimpered. "Here you g-go."


Esca's hand took Mandy's.

And Mandy felt cool metal slip over her ring finger.

She blinked.

Esca giggled. "Yay! Now we know I won." She smirked. "Don't we, Mandy? Ooh, I feel so much better now."

Mandy stared at her in a mixture of confusion, fear... and desire. She clutched Esca tightly, her lower lip quivering. Oh, Ella, you... b-bitch...

Nearby, she saw Poppy holding a struggling Myna to her bosom, slipping a copper ring onto Myna's finger. Myna's struggles started to slow as soon as the metal touched her skin, and she started to moan.

Mandy trembled. A little moan slipped from her quivering lips. "I... I..."

"Do you need something, Mandy?" Esca cooed sweetly, planting several kisses on her face. Mandy's knees weakened at every little touch.

"Lick me!" Mandy squealed.

But Esca's eyes glowed like green embers. She beamed at Mandy, her expression terrifying in its pure, hungry glee.

"First, tell me again how I won."

~ ~ ~ ~

Slowly—very, very slowly—a mind returned to Lapis. It took her a moment to recognize it as her own.

The strange sensation she'd felt ever since she'd approached that succubus being fucked by the vines was gone. The burning in her gut, the smoldering arousal—it had almost completely faded.

She pinched her nipples weakly, biting her lip. But that still felt very good. It would be a while before the effects of the succubus's corruption fully wore off and she stopped feeling like a milk kitten's hucow.

She staggered to her feet and looked around.

Loralei and Ruby were out of the flower now. They were double-teaming Mandy, in fact. The lust succubus screamed in ecstasy as Loralei sucked and licked at her clit, as Ruby rode Mandy's face and muffled her cries. Ruby was cooing praise, mocking the succubus as she licked. At least some of the mockery seemed to be directed at Loralei, though—at least, judging by Loralei's moans of agreement with every loving insult and degrading pet name.

Hm. That might require some intervention later on.

The sloth succubus, Poppy, was in the corner pleasuring herself. Her eyes were vacant and tired. She might have even been asleep, for all Lapis knew.

And there, as Yumi eagerly licked her, was Esca. The nymph squirmed, kissing and stroking the lovely Myna, her eyes glassy with pure, candied lust.

"W-Wow, Esca," Lapis whispered, shaking with effort. "You... you did it. You saved us."

"Mm-hm!" Esca seemed a bit preoccupied at the moment.

Lapis moved closer, licking her lips. "Such a good girl," she whispered, watching Esca squirm. "You know... you've earned a very, very nice reward for—"

A warm, slick tendril wrapped around her leg. Lapis glanced down.

And was promptly jerked off her feet as black tentacles surged around her. She opened her mouth to scream, but a tentacle filled it.

And then tentacles filled her pussy, too, and then her ass, making her squeal in surprised pleasure. She thrashed, but they were too slick, too fast to resist, too much to resist—

She saw a dazed little succubus, the height of a goblin maid, if that, held in the arms of a beaming redhead. Oh, it was Anne, the cherry dryad.

Anne kissed the succubus, who whimpered in gratitude.

Lapis writhed helplessly. She tried to muster some sort of magic that might save her, but even as a dozen ideas occurred to her on how to overcome this, an orgasm started to flood through her. Her whole body quaked, and she tried to close her legs, but the tentacles spread her whole body wide.

Totally vulnerable.

She heard Esca giggle. "Mm—don't worry, Lapis!" the nymph cooed. "She's just doing—mwah—what I tell her!"

Lapis realized she recognized the light in Anne's eyes. Recognized the glint in Loralei's and Ruby's eyes.

"We're gonna have way more fun from now on," Esca said smugly. "No more silly rules, no more asking silly mortals to make up their own minds. Heehee! Doesn't that sound great?"

And as Anne and the succubus moved closer, giggling, pulling the helpless Lapis down to bathe with their kisses, she heard Esca burble, "You're all my bimbos now!"


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