Pretty as Sin

Chapter 1

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #multiple_partners #plantgirl #power_struggle #succubus #tentacles #bimbowned #D/s #f/f #f/m #fantasy #sub:female #sub:male #tail_play #turning_the_tables

First published on 07/31/18!

Original author's note: This story is set in the distant past of the Cloistered Lands.

"Help! Help, I'm stuck!"

Loralei paused by the doorway. "Hm? What's that, now?" She nudged the door—a woven mat of thick bark strips—open with her foot and peered in, brushing a stray strand of emerald hair from her eyes as she did so.

Within the Pitcher Chamber—a great, big hollowed-out tree in the middle of the glade, full of unusual hanging potted plants, sweetpeas that seeped pink fog, and caged briar roses that seemed to be moving—there stood a great mass of pink vines squirming around a gigantic red tulip-like flower growing straight up out of the ground. The vines came from both inside the flower and around it, and both vines and flower dripped with a glowing green slime, like sap.

The vines and flower were both thoroughly occupied with and by the form of a pleasingly plump young human lady with long, wavy red hair, large, jiggling breasts, and wide, gyrating hips. She was encased up to her neck in the flower, and her blue eyes were wide, her plump lips gasping, as she wriggled and writhed within the flower's embrace. The vines played all along her body, stroked along her lips, sand from the way she was bucking, there were most likely more making mischief inside the blossom.

Loralei, a tall, willowy nymph with hair the color of freshly-cut grass and eyes to match, dressed in only a very simple white toga, blinked slowly. "Oh! What seems to have happened here, Miss?"

"Th-The—" The human's eyes screwed shut as a shudder ran through her and she released a little squeak. "The demon! She... she tricked me!" Her pale cheeks were flushed a brilliant crimson as she gasped and moaned.

Loralei's lips curved upward in a sly smirk. "Well, that doesn't say very good things about you, does it?" she purred. "Surely you knew never to trust a demon."

"I—" The human was practically in tears. "She said she just wanted to play! Oh, g-gods—her eyes—she's still in the glade somewhere! You have to let me go!"

Loralei giggled. "Oh, really?" She turned and called out, "Oh, girls! Look what I found!"

The lovely redhead bit her lip, even as a little whine of longing dripped from her quivering, drooling lips.

"What have you found for us, Loralei?" hissed a voice in Loralei's ear. Another nymph, about her height but much more muscular, her breasts almost as big as the captive shortstack's, strolled into view. Her painted red lips curved upward in a sadistic smile as she saw the sight. "Oh, no..." She put a finger to her lips and tsked. "Whatever shall we do with this?"

"Please!" the redhead cried, thrashing as the vines slithered around her neck teasingly. "You have to believe me—she said you wouldn't—"

"Lips are for sucking," said the amazonian nymph simply.

The redhead had a chance to look horrified just before one of the vines slipped between her gasping lips. She gave a muffled scream... which seemed to lose its meaning halfway through. Then her eyelids started to droop, and it became a moan, and Loralei heard her beginning to lick with increasing eagerness.

"A bit harsh, Ruby," Loralei said, raising an emerald eyebrow as the captiveredhead sucked on the slippery vine currently fucking her mouth.

"She's just a little slut," Ruby hissed, giving the captive a sly smile. The captive stared back at her, awestruck. Ruby wore a short red skirt and a tightly laced corset that barely contained her pale breasts. Her green curls spilled over her shoulders like seafoam. "This is how she wants to be treated." She sauntered up, tickling under the captive's chin. The captive whined like a puppy, though it was clear she would rather be doing just about anything else. "Sluts like her need to be put in their place, don't they?"

The redhead was shaking her head frantically, but her hips were bucking even more wildly in response to Ruby's words. Loralei covered a giggle. Ruby laughed openly.

"What a poor little darling." Loralei and Ruby turned as Lapis entered the Pitcher Chamber. Unlike her sister, Ruby, this nymph wore a flowing blue-and-white nightgown. Her massive, pendulous breasts pushed the nightgown out, clearly an ill fit—Loralei could almost see her large, pert nipples through it. Lapis was also shorter, and plumper, closer to the captive's build than any of the other nymphs of the clearing. Her hair was done up in an elegant bouffant.

"Good morning, Lapis," Loralei said, clasping her hands behind her back with a bashful smile. Lapis smiled and patted her on the cheek, causing Loralei to blush a little. "This girl says that our pet demon tricked her into letting her free."

"Oh, how careless of her." Lapis giggled, looking on the redhead with clear pity. The captive gave a plaintive whine as Lapis advanced. Lapis stroked the redhead's cheek, cooing softly in her ear. "There's a good girl. Good little one. Aw... did a demon outsmart us? Poor thing."

Her tone was motherly, but there was a hint of mockery to it. The captive's eyelids were drooping shut as she gazed into Lapis's beautiful green eyes, but she seemed to notice that mockery, and her eyes widened again.

"Mmmmm!" she screamed.

Lapis giggled and patted her on the head. "Silly girl," she cooed, "Let us worry about the demon. You just be a good girl for Lapis and cum your happy little brains out."

The redhead started to squirm, her eyes widening as the vines seemed to speed up—as if recognizing Lapis's tone.

Well, of course they did, Loralei reflected. Lapis was the one who had bred this particular monstrosity. She liked to use it on the other nymphs when they were breaking the rules of the glade, being too disrespectful towards her... or just whenever she thought they were getting too clever, to dumb them down a little.

Speaking of which, where was Esca?

"Ooh, hang on, wait a second," burbled a voice as sweet as candy, and Esca—a slight, slender nymph with long, straight green hair currently tied into pigtails—came running in. She blinked thick lashes at the captive, cocking her head, then turned to Lapis. "Lapis, that's not the demon!"

"I know, dear," Lapis said, smirking. "But very clever of you for noticing!"

"She says the demon tricked her," Loralei said slyly. "That the demon wanted to play. Seems a bit reckless of her to accept, but hey, what do I know?"

Esca giggled, stooping to regard the squirming young human woman. "Ooh, you never play with demons!" she cooed, running a hand over a vine that was straying a little too close to the nymph's pussy. Or, judging by her treatment of it, not close enough. "Demons are super mean, y'know. Like Ruby, but worse!"

"Lips are for sucking," Ruby said cheerfully.

Eca blinked as the vine she was holding snaked up and popped between her parted lips. Her eyes were very surprised, but they drooped quickly into an expression of sleepy confusion.

"Really, Ruby?" Loralei rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't we wait until this is resolved?"

"Hm." Ruby put a finger to her lips, running her eyes over Esca as though examining a work of art. Esca was dressed in what were essentially lacy undergarments. The least powerful of the four nymphs of the glade was not known for subtly, but you didn't need to be, when you looked like that. "Very well. Let's resolve this. Then I say we play with this little slut until she forgets her own name again."

"Mm..." It was hard to tell, but Esca seemed excited about that plan. Then again, she might have just been excited about the taste of the bimblossom's nectar on her tongue.

"Oh, that sounds delightful," Lapis said happily. She pointed at the forgotten human captive, and the vine slid from her lips.

For a moment, all the captive could do was gasp and moan and babble, ad Loralei remembered—from personal experience—just how good the flower could make you feel, and how dumb you could get if speech was denied you.

"P-please..." she whimpered, "please, please, please..."

"Please what?" Ruby hissed, stroking one finger along the captive's cheek. She collected a bit of the nectar dripping down her face and slid her finger between the captive's lips with a grin. "Please use you like the little whore you know you are?"


"Ruby, dear," Lapis said warningly.

Ruby sighed and removed her finger, even as the captive's eyes were starting to glaze again. She smiled mockingly down at the human. "Well, then?"

"I n-need..." The captive wriggled, whimpering. "Need to get out... she's here, she's loose!"

"Aw, are you afraid of a little demon?" Lapis said teasingly.

The redhead's eyes were wild. "She's... she's irresistible! The Horny War rages on outside this forest, and the s-succubi... the incubi... the imps, the sweet fiends, the pit fiends... oh, gods, it's so... if you knew... nnuh!"

"Can you not resist them?" Ruby whispered with a grin.

"No!" she cried. "N-No one can!"

The nymphs started to close in.

"You must be pretty weak-willed," Loralei remarked with a smirk, "if she took you so easily."

"Yes," the redhead whimpered, "I am, I am, she's s-so sexy..."

"So sexy," Lapis cooed soothingly, running her hands over the redhead's shoulders, massaging them through the supple petals of the bimblossom. "So easy to submit to her..."


"Gosh," Esca bubbled, and Loralei glanced back to see her eagerly licking the vine as she held it in both hands before her, "you must be even hornier than I am right now!"

"Yes... so... horny..."

"That demon just drank all your will up, didn't she?" Ruby purred. "There's nothing left. Just a dumb, horny, submissive slut."

"Yes... I... she..." The redhead blinked blearily.

Her eyes widened. "Oh, fuck this!"

Her form shimmered and twisted, and a hollow ringing echoed throughout the Pitcher chamber as wings—captive within the bimblossom—sprouted form her back, enormous, black-feathered wings like those of a soaring eagle or vulture. Her hair turned jet-black, as did her unpainted lips. She grew slender, taller, and her eyes started to glow a pale light.

The succubus gave an angry, miserable hiss as the vines continued to fuck her.

"Aw, we almost had the little whore cumming to thoughts of herself." Ruby smirked, patting the succubus on the head—the succubus thrashed and tried to stab her hand with one of her sharp little pronghorns, but Ruby was far too nimble, and the succubus was far too exhausted. "Oh, well."

She turned and took Esca by the lip, gently leading the nervously giggling nymph out. Loralei and Lapis followed, giving knowing smirks.

"Wait!" The succubus wailed, trembling as the whole flower pulsated around her, as Loralei reached to close the door. "Y-You can't—we will make you rue this day—"

Loralei glanced back. Her eyes narrowed. Fun as this succubus was to torment, Loralei's stomach turned as she gazed upon... it.

These demons were invading the entire continent right now. Loralei took a very much perverse pleasure in making this one suffer—especially since she was, as a succubus of Lust, one of the most hateful varieties of all. To a fey, "lust" simply meant natural enjoyment of one of the most important pursuits in life. But to a demon, "lust" meant forbidden desires. Pleasure in the suffering of others. Pleasure in the suffering of innocents.

They had captured this particular fiend pursuing a father and his young son.

The fey had fluid definitions of 'innocence'. But they never, ever harmed children. Not even the Thriae, or the hags, would ever stoop to such lows.

Loralei would enjoy breaking Mendicuizl's brain in the years to follow.

"They'll come for you!" the succubus snarled, locking eyes with her. "My sisters will come for you!"

Loralei gave a cold smirk. "I'm sure they will," she said in poisonous sweetness. "But lips are for sucking, now."

And as the succubus started to moan, as the vines started to slide inside her mouth once more, Loralei closed the door.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Please!" Timen cried, as the slick, impossibly smooth, soft hand glided over his cock. "Oh, please, no!"

"You know you want it," hissed the succubus that was stroking him, a golden-haired beauty with great batlike wings and dangling lapis lazuli earrings. Those earrings jangled softly as she kept pumping him, edging him, holding him still with only her gleaming amber eyes. Those eyes made him feel so weak, so... slow. Like he was trapped in warm, sticky amber.

The succubi had come out of nowhere, trapping the two messengers against the cliff face. Molura had gotten off exactly one spell—a spell to hide the parcel from the demons' sight. It now rested at Timen's trembling feet as he lay against an old tree stump and gazed into Myna's beautiful honey eyes.

Across from him, held against the cliff face, was poor Molura. The dopterine's eyes were wide. Her mothlike antennae twitched and quivered as two succubi gently stroked them—a redhead they were calling 'Poppy' and a brunette who called herself 'Mistress Ella'.

They had introduced themselves, was the worst thing. When they had teleported around the pair, smiling as their lust auras took their toll, Myna had made sure to give introductions. They had been so, so confident their prey would never escape.

And they had been right.

More precum dribbled out of his cock, and he heard Molura whimpering, whining, but he could do nothing but stare up into Myna's beautiful eyes. "You deserve it," she cooed down at him, her voice as slippery as trickling oil. "Why shouldn't you? You've been a good man. You've served her ever-so-loyally. Your wife couldn't possibly mind."

"I..." He was panting. He knew he could resist—if only he could look away for a second, if only her hand would stop stroking. If only her thumb would stop playing along his glans. He could resist.

It was so easy to lie back and accept it. It seemed almost like too much to expect him to resist this much sweet. Pleasure. How could anyone resist four succubi so wonderfully enticing?

And Myna seemed to sense his imminent surrender, because she leaned in. "Yesss," she hissed, licking her lips. "I want you to give in for me, toy. Could you do that? For me?" Her voice was sweet and sibilant, and dangerously easy to agree with.

And behind her, as her smile widened, as he found his world bobbing and realized he was nodding along with her words, he saw the fourth succubus—a slight, perky succubus who called herself Yumi, with hot pink hair and very bright eyes—slowly stroking Molura's pussy as the mothgirl's wings fluttered helplessly, as her eyes began to fixate completely on his dribbling cock.

"Just a little suckle!" Yumi was cooing, giggling as her fingers circled Molura's clit. "Ooh, it'll feel so good... that's what you like, isn't it? Of course it is!"

To dopterines, the sexual fluids of humans were equivalent to the sweetest ecstasy. Too much could break their minds, drive them into a state of sexual oblivion. Molura normally satisfied herself with droplets, prepared in a bottle for safe consumption, like a human might drink a brandy from time to time.

But her eyes were shimmering with desire as she gazed at Timen's erect, waiting cock.

"Beg her," Myna cooed down to him.

"Beg him!" he heard Mistress Ella and Poppy cooing in Molura's ears.

Timen had to hold on. Had to resist. Had to ignore that look in Molura's beautiful gray eyes, had to ignore his throbbing erection as Myna slowly, mercilessly pumped it up and down, up and down...

Molura let out a high-pitched whine of pure need, and helplessly, his eyes flitted to hers—wide, beautiful, almost tearful with desire—then back to Myna's.

She was smiling in triumph. "Is there something you want, boy?" she hissed. Her finger traced around his glans. Down below, she tickled his balls with her free hand.

It was too much. Myna's eyes, Molura's moans, the hands...

"Please," he heard himself whimpering, in a haze of arousal, "Molura, please, I need you."

Molura stared at him in a mix of despair, betrayal, and ecstasy.

"You don't need her," Myna said, giggling. "You want her. You want to drug her into an addled little slut, because you deserve it." She leaned in close, practically baking him in her aura. "Isn't that right?"

He trembled. He nodded.

"Say it," she purred. "Tell her what she means to you."

Her voice melted his will into honey on her fingers.

"I want you, Molura," he whispered. "I... I want you... sucking on my cock... I need—I want to cum!"

Molura was panting, her tongue lolling up, eyes fixed on his member like they were magnetized.

"So selfish!" Myna exclaimed. "What do you think that will do to her?"

She released his cock, and suddenly, the edging pleasure stopped. He was sweating.

Oh, gods. He needed more. He wanted more. He stared up at Myna in horror, then, as her words echoed in his head, at Molura, shivering, desperately trying to resist.

"Make her a slut," he cried, melting into her luststruck eyes. "Oh, it's g-gonna... make you their slut, Molura! And I want it! Suck me!" He bucked his hips, whimpering. "Oh, please, suck my cock! Please-please-please give in to them! Oh, you'll f-feel so good... feels so, so good to suck, to submit, to—"

Molura let out a helpless cry and lunged for him. The succubi released her, and as she crawled up, she stared deep into his eyes, lowered down onto his cock, positively drooling...

And the dopterine gave him a lick.

Timen's eyes widened. He moaned as she licked again, her eyes sparkling with delight as the drug coursed through her. She licked her lips and licked him again.

"Whoops," Myna sang, stroking his hair. "I guess she wants to tease you a little, Timen. Isn't that sweet?"

"Gah!" Timen thrashed, but suddenly, all four succubi were around him, easily holding him down as they cooed down at him, admiring his helplessness. Molura gave him a tiny, kittenish lick, and he started to whimper. "Please, Molura," he said in a tiny voice, "please, oh, please, don't—nn!—oh, don't tease me, please..."

The succubi were giggling. He suddenly realized he now had all four focused on him. His heart started to pound.

"Well, then," the redheaded Poppy cooed, smirking, "looks like you've got some time to talk, now..."


"Who sent you, boy?" she asked.

He bit his lip. In spite of his lust, in spite of his humiliation, he couldn't—he could never betray—

Mistress Ella smiled down at him. She had great, majestic white feathered wings, like those of an swan, giving her an almost angelic appearance. Her hair was perfectly coiffed in long, flowing chestnut-red locks down to her shoulders. "It's okay if you can't remember. You're such a silly thing now." She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

Her kiss left a tingling sensation. Timen bit his lip. "Nn... no, I remember!" he said, feeling almost indignant.

"No, you don't," Mistress Ella said sweetly, kissing him on the neck, "and that's fine. This silly, silly boy is clearly too dumb and horny to remember it!" She gave a sad sigh. "We'll have to find another way."

Dumb. Horny. The words made his cock twitch between Molura's wickedly delicate tongue. But his cheeks burned. "I... I do remember! But I can't t-tell you!"

"Suuure." She planted a big, wet kiss on his chest. "Look at this silly bimbo, girls. Poor thing forgot where he's from!"

"Aww." The succubi were giggling at him, now. Mocking him. Mocking their dumb, horny little toy. The humiliation made his heart flutter with longing, but he fought it off with a groan. He couldn't let her degrade him like this!

"I... I didn't forget," he whispered. It took all his willpower and focus to get the words out. He had to resist. Had to fight her control, her humiliation.

"Oh?" She batted her eyelashes as she leaned in for a final kiss—one right on his lips. "I bet you can't even remember why you're here right now."

"I'm here to deliver a message!" he burst out. "T-To the V-Venom Knights!"

He was gratified to see Mistress Ella blink, clearly impressed. He managed a small smile. Even with Molura licking his cock, even surrounded by four succubi, he'd managed to defeat her in a small way, to keep his dignity. And he'd managed to impress her. "From South," he added, and grinned weakly as the succubi exchanged looks. As if to say, wow, this man is stronger than we thought.

"Really," Mistress Ella breathed, grinning. "And what was the message?"

He opened his mouth to speak, then stopped.

Wait a second. His eyes widened in horror.

The succubi erupted into fits of giggles.

"Wow, he was easy," Yumi cooed, beaming down at him. He flushed beneath her smile. The pink-haired beauty's gossamer damselfly wings fluttered, and she caressed his cheek with a finger. She leaned in close, almost conspiratorially. "I almost thought this boy was going to give it all up just to prove a point!"

Timen whimpered. But then Yumi was cooing nonsense, covering him with pink lipstick kisses, and his mind scattered with bliss. Every kiss was like a tiny little orgasm in his mind.

"But we need to know, sweetie," Yumi sang, stroking his head with both hands, almost like she was petting a dog. She was practically straddling his waist, he suddenly realized. Yumi could move over him as easy as walking, and he barely registered what she was doing until pleasure sparkled inside him. For instance, she'd just started nibbling his earlobe and whispering something in his ear, and he only now registered it. Yumi seemed to move almost outside time. "We need to know," she cooed in his ear, "what the message was for. And when you tell us, we can get Molura to go..." Her voice was a husky purr that made his mind tingle and his cock throb. "... all the way down on your big, dumb cock."

She pulled back, smiling brightly. "Don't you want that?"

Her eyes were so bright. He tried to look away, but Mistress Ella held his chin firmly. Yumi's brilliant orange eyes sparkled, flashed, glimmered, spiraled...

"Of course you do," her voice echoed in his ear. "Of course you do. Of course you did."

He realized she was whispering in his other ear, now, her lips tickling his lobe, her breath warm and wet. "You want pleasure," she whispered. "Good boys get pleasure. So much pleasure. Endless pleasure. So... you wanna be a good boy. "

She was kissing his neck, cooing wordlessly in delight with every loud, wet smack. Her lipstick left tingling marks on his skin. His eyelids drooped, realizing just how many kisses he had on him. He probably looked like a real mess.

Covered in her marks.

Claimed by the succubi.

Molura gave his cock another lick.

"You want to tell us," Yumi was cooing in his other ear, as seemingly at the same time, she licked his lips, thrust her tongue into his mouth, tickled his underarms, kissed his neck. "You want so much pleasure. You want to tell us. You want so much pleasure. Wanna be a good boy. So much pleasure."

Time was fast losing all meaning. She seemed to be everywhere at once, overwhelming him, drowning him in her soft, pink haze, in her fiery eyes. He wanted to... wanted to tell them... wanted... good boy...

He heard a warning cry from down below, and felt a squeeze on his thigh. Fingernails dug in. Timen blinked, looking past Yumi.

Molura was staring at him with wide eyes. For a moment, the dopterine illusionist had managed even to stop licking. Her eyes spoke volumes.

If they find out, all is lost.

He blinked.

For a moment, Molura's eyes held him more than Yumi's.

But then Poppy was cooing, pulling Molura away to cover her in kisses, whispering, "Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy!" And Myna was on the other side, her tail darting in and out between Molura's legs.

Molura's eyes clouded over.

And as Yumi's eyes recaptured Timen's own, and her whispers rose once more within his emptying head, he sank back beneath the rolling pink waves.

He was drowned. He was smothered. Her kisses silenced any complaint he could think to muster, as her voice repeated inside him, as Molura's licking resumed, as Mistress Ella held him steady and praised his every whimper, every nod...

"W-We were sent to n-notify them we'd be using the nymph's glade," he heard himself moaning. He heard Molura give a moan of despair and joy.

Once again, all four succubi were around him, staring down with gleeful grins. Yumi smiled happily and rewarded him with a big kiss on the lips that left him almost wordless.


"For what?" Myna whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"F-For a meeting," he whined, bucking slightly as Molura licked and licked and licked. But he could barely even buck anymore, with Yumi atop him. "A m-meeting of alliance. The... the Hollow Knights and the... the..." He bit his lip to hold in the words.

"Easy boy," Poppy cooed, stroking a finger along his lips. "Easy. Such an easy boy. Shh. Just finish. It doesn't matter anyway."

Her words lulled him, and he sucked in a deep breath of their intoxicating pheromones. "The Monk Knights," he managed, eyelids drooping. "They've allied with the Cloistered Monastery. The cambion South, head of the monastery... w-wants to secure the Venom Knights' support in the War."

~ ~ ~ ~

The succubi looked between each other, now.

"I thought we were seeing less and less of the Hollow Knights," Myna growled. "The last thing that little by-blow South needs is intel on us. And the last thing those Venom Knights need is some muscle on their side."

"The Venom Knights know the Evergreen," Poppy said, biting her lip. "They'll be able to go through the one place we haven't conquered yet."

"Glad you're keeping up, Poppy." Mistress Ella rolled her eyes. "Yumi, could you stop kissing him and pay attention?"

Yumi looked up, pouting her lips, the boytoy beneath her positively covered with her kisses. "Can we suck them up yet, or what?" she whined. She looked down at the mothgirl, whose eyes had gone a solid white as she continued drugging herself out with tiny licks. The mothgirl was letting out tiny whines, on the brink of going all the way down. Only the succubi's control stopped her.

"Have you been listening, you little ditz?" Mistress Ella roilled her eyes. "This is a little bit of a situation."

"Mm." Yumi licked her lips and giggled, her tongue-like tail slipping around between her legs. "I'm a little bit of a situation," she cooed.

"Glutton." Myna shook her head. "This could be bad. We can't get around easily in the Evergreeen. The Venom Knights have been enough of a pain without any real firepower on their side. Imagine if they start bringing South's people along on their little raids."

The succubi exchanged grimaces. Yumi shivered with delight.

There was a pause.

"Well, now..." Poppy said, giving a dizzy smile, "who said they get to team up?"

The succubi stared at her. Yumi stared at her tits—Poppy was plump and well-endowed, and she and Yumi were frequent lovers. Yumi was happy to get herself off to the current speaker's melodic lullaby voice.

"We have their messengers," Poppy sang, beaming down at Yumi. Yumi beamed back.

"They'll send more, you lazy fool," Mistress Ella said. She smirked between the two of them.

"Oh, I didn't mean we drink them." Poppy giggled, ignoring Yumi's plaintive whine. "We still send them on their way—together, of course to keep each other... focused." Her ran a hand through the mothgirl's hair, making the little slut's eyelids flutter. "But we pay a little visit to this glade first."

Myna blinked. She was starting to smile. "You mean..."

"Mm." Poppy reached down and gently pushed the mothgirl down onto the boytoy's cock, then pulled Yumi to her as the mortals began to moan and scream. "We simply must," she purred, as Yumi licked her own lips in anticipation, then Poppy's, "help the nymphs get ready for this little summit."

~ ~ ~ ~

It was an early spring morning, and as always at this time of day, the nymphs were in the Pitcher Chamber, immersed in their work.

Lapis lounged amid a patch of honeydew sundews, letting the sticky plants explore her body as Esca clung to her, suckling at her breast. Nearby, Ruby was working on a passion project of hers, using living creeper as thread to stitch up a pair of fuzzy leaves into a headband of sorts. Magic coursed through her fingers, and she hummed a sweet tune under her breath, as down below, Loralei reluctantly licked her out.

Not that reluctantly, mid. Loralei had hoped to take care of her own gardening, was all.

Nearby, the succubus continued to wriggle and moan, but they had kept her gagged ever since the shapeshifting attempt—more because she was getting distracting than anything else. Plus, Loralei had joked that she'd be able to hypnotize Esca into joining her, and Esca had looked a little too dreamy at the prospect.

Every pack of nymphs had a bimbo—a weak link who was weakened further by everyone around her wanting to use her as a surrogate mortal when there were no other toys to play with. Usually, the role was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once a nymph was branded the bimbo of the group, her colleagues would delight in toying with her and making her more and more vulnerable to their teasing. For this reason, many nymphs chose to work alone.

But Esca had always been a bit dumb and weak-willed, making her a natural bimbo for the group's delights. She was no less skilled a seductress for it, though. Indeed, her charming facade of naivete usually meant she was the one actually capturing mortal toys for the group to play with. At least, when they were capturing mortals.

Loralei was very glad Esca was in the group. Privately, she knew that without Esca, she would probably be the one occupying that role.

This didn't make her any less eager to take advantage of Esca, of course. Every nymph had needs.

Still, Ruby often liked to tease that Loralei was the real bimbo, especially ever since the time she'd accidentally let Esca domme her a little bit when she'd been denied Ruby's and Lapis's affections for too long. Loralei tried not to let the teasing get to her too much—if you showed you were bothered, it made teasing all the more fun for fey.

She just wish Ruby didn't taste so damn good.

She buried her face in Ruby's cunt and licked along Ruby's little clit, moaning loudly, kissing around Ruby's wet pussy lips. Soon, Loralei was rewarded with a little, "Unh," from Ruby- this indicated she was cumming, but didn't want to let Loralei gain the upper hand by surrendering fully to the pleasure. Loralei would have to lick faster next time.

She heard a bell chime.

The four nymphs froze. Loralei's head rose up from between Ruby's legs. Esca gave a muffled, "Mm?" and looked up, the nipple still halfway in her mouth.

The bell chimed again. Then a third time, very briefly.

"A visitor!" Esca squealed, half-slurring around Lapis's nipple. She beamed up at Lapis. "Ooh, can we fuck 'em! Can we? Can we? We haven't brainwashed anyone in ages! She bounced her ass from side to side, waggling her eyebrows.

"They rang the bell," Loralei said, standing up and wiping her face clean with a hand. She licked her hand off as she spoke, not even thinking about it—at least, not until she saw Ruby's smirk, and her face went dusk-red. "W-We should probably honor it, at least until we know what they want."

Esca gave a cooing whine. "But what if it's a boy? A cute boy? Ooh, or a cute girl with a nice, twitchy cock!" She wiggled her hips again with a sigh. "C'mon, its been forever since we had a nice, yummy cock worshiping us!"

"Now, now," Lapis soothed, patting her head and rising to her feet, letting the sundew leaves slowly slick off of her skin. She walked over and put on her dress, finally forcing Esca to let go of her so she could put it on. "Remember, we're playing nice during the War. I'm keeping you all honest." She giggled. "Though if they're seeking asylum..."

The nymphs giggled with barely-contained glee.

The Horny War had taken its toll upon the continent. The knighthoods were falling apart, some corrupted by the hordes of demons, some destroyed entirely, others scattered to the winds or disbanded. Entire cities were falling to the onslaught of seductive fiends. Not even the fey were spared the demons' cruelty—the succubi couldn't drink their souls, as true fey had none to give, but they could certainly fuck their brains out and use them for dark ends once they were nicely brainwashed.

In this time, many fey had agreed to reduce or halt altogether their wickedness, both to help with the war and to avoid being mistaken for the pawns of Hell. To some of them, like Lapis and Loralei, this hadn't been so difficult—Loralei had already been trying to cut back on her predatory ways, and Lapis had already been the patron for some local village nearby, so she'd rarely wanted for willing playthings. Until the War had started, and the village had evacuated, anyway.

Esca and Ruby, on the other hand, were voracious. The vow had made Esca all the more dependent on Ruby and Lapis—and Ruby all the more wicked to Esca and Loralei.

That said, the practice of 'fey asylum' remained a popular escape for mortals who wished to forget their troubles—and minds—forever. The nymphs already had seven mortals in their 'care'.

The nymphs rose up out of their work. Ruby smirked and patted the squirming, whimpering succubus on the cheek. "Don't go anywhere, slut."

As they exited the Pitcher Chamber, Loralei saw the ringer of the bell: A woman nearly four feet tall. Her skin was a lovely shade of green, her pink eyes a lovely shade of dreamy as she watched the nymphs approach (especially since Esca had forgotten to get dressed before they came out here). Her lips were very plump and kissable, making Loralei very sad that she didn't appear to be an asylum seeker—they didn't usually bring luggagre. She was small, but plump, dressed in a simple brown dress. Her orange hair was short and done up in an elegant chignon. She had a large backpack, and bore a peasant's polearm—a woodcutter's axe fastened to a pole to make a halberd.

She seemed to snap out of her aroused reverie and waved hey hand in greeting. "Hail, nymphs of the Glade of Desire," the goblin maid said.

Lapis smiled and nodded as she walked up, wrapped her arms around the goblin maid, and pulled her, squealing in surprise, to her bosom. "Hello, good little goblin," she said sweetly.

"Mm!" Before she could even react, the goblin maid was caught within the slightly taller nymph's breasts. Loralei's mouth watered as she saw the pairing—she knew from personal experience that Lapis's skin was as soft as silk, her breasts as soft as swan-down pillows. Goblin maids, however, were practically designed for comfort. Watching the smaller shortstack struggle in Lapis's embrace was almost intoxicating.

Seeing Ruby helping Esca masturbate out of the corner of her eye, though, and whispering into the nymph's ear as she did so, Loralei decided it was not a good idea to try to take care of herself right now.

"There's a good girl," Lapis cooed, smothering the goblin maid with a giggle. "Good girl. Nice and sleepy. Nice and horny. Good girl. Good girl. There's my good girl."

"Mm..." The goblin maid's struggles were totally futile, of course—Lapis was really quite strong, and the goblin maid was clearly no great athlete. Her moans of protest grew weaker, and weaker, until at last the halberd fell from her hands and dropped into the grass.

"Good girl!" Lapis said delightedly, and let go.

The goblin maid fell back, swaying, her eyes glazed. She almost looked sorry to leave Lapis's embrace.

The nymphs followed the 'ceasefire'. But they didn't much like weapons being brought into their glade, even by allies. Especially not axes that could chop at their lovely little plant creations.

"Um... yeah." The goblin maid blinked several times, rubbing her head. She licked her lips, staring longingly at Lapis's breasts for a moment—barely held within the dress, as usual—as the other nymphs walked up. "I... hail." She swallowed. Focus seemed to return to her eyes, and she looked up and met Lapis's (an excellent choice, as Loralei could see Ruby's and Esca's eyes already sparkling with hypnotic hunger).

"What brings you here, sugar maiden?" Loralei asked, trying very hard to keep her tone neutral. She knew that Esca and Ruby were a hair's breadth away from starting up the routine—Esca mock-naively commenting on the mortal's blushing, Ruby echoing the observations mockingly, knowingly, Esca bubblingly offering to assuage some of the frustration, Ruby encouraging the maid to accept, and so on. It was important to deescalate.

"I..." The goblin maid took a deep breath. "Do you know who I am?"

"You're Marionberry, the witch who lives nearby town," Lapis said, smiling. "Your husband and I have met. Before you were married, I mean." The second part was added rather hastily, as Marion's eyes had widened with what was likely about to become anger.

Goblin maids weren't easily angered, but a husband's or wife's betrayal was a good way to do it.

As it was, Marion just bit her lip. "Well... I'm leaving. I'm heading off to join the war effort. I've just received word that my sister has been eaten by an incubus. They... they need more mages over there." She took a deep breath, then straightened. "I have come to request that you watch over my family, as patron fey of this area. My dear husband refuses to seek asylum—the poor boy is hopelessly besotted, you see."

"Oh, I'll bet he is." Ruby smirked, licking her lips. "You sugar maidens always know the way to a man's heart."

"—but he may come seeking help if the demons come. And my son is nine."

"Well, of course we'll protect your son," Ruby said. Her tone was suddenly gentler, but very serious.

"We'll put a podpigeon on the house," Loralei said, nodding. "Any sign of trouble, we'll be there in a flash."

"Aw, poor kid." Esca bit her lip. "We should send him something. Do you girls suppose the cherry dryad's ready to start her harvest? Maybe a fruit basket."

"She wasn't finished," Lapis said. She locked eyes with the goblin maid, smiling. "What was the other piece of news, darling?"

The goblin maid hesitated. "I'm not a seer. And... I could be wrong. But there are whispers in the forest. A band of succubi are apparently on their way here. I couldn't tell you what they're after, but... well, they're succubi. They're likely after one thing."

"Our little toys." Ruby's lip curled. "How many mortals did we have in our asylum, again? Seven? Seems a bit much for a whole band to risk taking us on again."

"They must be here for..." Loralei fell silent, remembering that they had company. She raised her eyebrows meaningfully at Lapis, who nodded.

"Thank you for your warning," Lapis said, putting a comforting hand on the witch's shoulder, "and for your confidence. We will do our very best to look after your family, though I can't promise Esca will respect your vows if he does seek asylum."

"Mm..." Esca beamed. "The super fun thing about vows is breaking them!"

The goblin maid nodded stiffly. "I understand. Thank you for your audience May I...?" She gestured warily at her halberd.

Lapis smiled, as if the notion she would object were perfectly ridiculous.

Marionberry stooped, collected her weapon, and went on her way.

The nymphs exchanged looks. A heavy silence hung between them.

"Gosh," Esca breathed, "we're gonna need more bimblossoms soon!"

~ ~ ~ ~

The four succubi made their way through the Evergreen Forest. They were not using the path. This forest was strange to demons. Dangerous. Fey hated the fiends, and this forest was very much fey.

On the other hand, Poppy, Yumi, Myna and Mistress Ella were no bumbling imps.

"There's a good boy," Mynaletris cooed, as she stroked the whimpering satyr and led him along by his spurting cock. He had come three times already. "Oh, what a cute little thing you are. There's my good boy."

"Are you going to share him anytime soon?" Yuminimeve asked, licking her lips as she sized him up. The satyr met her gaze and visibly gulped. He was an adorable man—slender and curvy, with a cute ass, short, wavy black hair, supple, quivering lips and the most delightfully terrified, aroused eyes.

Myna ignored Yumi. The Succubus of Greed had her toy, and for now, that was all that mattered. The Glutton could wait her turn.

"How close are we?" Ellesetvio asked, leaning close to Poppy's ear to keep her voice low—and to establish dominance, probably. Her lips tickled Poppy's neck, and Poppy gave a lazy smile.

"Don't be impatient," Xelapapicu purred, stroking Mistress Ella's cheek. She heard Mistress Ella yawning slightly. "My spells say we're very, very close."

"So close," she heard Myna cooing, as the satyr's whimpers started to get louder. "So, so close..."

"We'll have to let him go, you know," Poppy said, putting a hand on her wide hips as she surveyed the verdant landscape before her. Nearby, she caught a glimpse of a colorful orchid seeming to retract up into the treetops, and sighed. "Oh, well. Looks like they know we're here now"

"Aah!" The satyr was almost screaming now, trembling as Myna pumped his cock into orgasm after orgasm. She and Yumi were giggling, Yumi drowning him in her kisses—which were designed solely to keep someone cumming as long and often as possible—as Myna milked him. "Aaah!"

"That's a shame," Myna said, kissing him on the cheek. "Because he's been such a good boy being so quiet these last two hours." She licked him as he quivered, crying out faintly as Yumi continued to plant kisses on his squirming body. Myna pulled back. "Um, Yumi..." Yumi was getting really into it, too. "Yumi, you should stop—" Myna kissed the man on the lips, then on the neck, moaning loudly, "Myna, we probably shouldn't—"

The perky demon pulled the satyr to his knees and straddled him, pushing him back into the grass and bouncing on his cock, kissing over his hands as she held them captive.

The satyr started to scream as he came, and came, and came, lost within the embrace of the succubus of Gluttony.

Mistress Ella tsked, walking over. "Naughty Yumi," she teased, rubbing the succubus's horns as she bounced and moaned and drank. "He doesn't even have a soul to eat. You're just being a slut."

Yumi squealed with glee.

"And you're a very good slut," Mistress Ella cooed, grinning ear to ear. Poppy knew she'd been wanting a chance to do this for month. And denying Yumi the two mortals they'd caught earlier had rendered her very, very weak to this sort of treatment. "Oh, such a good slut. You're the best slut in the whole world, aren't you?"

"Yes!" Yumi cried, beaming with pride. "I'm a good slut!"

Poppy knew she really ought to do something about this. Instead, she found herself stroking her pussy in lazy spirals, smiling as she watched her friend get brainwashed by the succubus of Pride. Unnoticed, the satyr continued to moan and thrust.

In the end, it was Myna who intervened, clearly still sour about losing her boytoy. "Okay, okay," she cut in, smacking Ella's hand away. "Let's get back on task. The nymphs know we're here, do they?"

"Mm. Almost definitely." Poppy giggled, taking her hand away and absently licking off her fingers as she watched Yumi reluctantly rise off the panting satyr. She walked over to them, admiring the satyr's helpless, quivering form. "We'll need a good strategy if we're gonna..."

"I will go and find one of the nymph's closer fey playthings," Ala said slyly, turning and starting off into the foliage. "The little greenthumbs will be whimpering messes once I'm through with them. How delightful to render the nymphs the pets of their own pets."

"Um," Poppy yawned, "maybe not the smartest plan, but—"

"They can't resist us," Yumi said, giggling as she bounced off the trail. "Nymphs are horny little things! I'll make one feel so wonderful she'll beg me to let her help me catch the others."

"Hm." Poppy gave a slow blink. "Splitting up isn't a very..."

Myna's head tilted to the side. "I think I need a new plaything," she said, nudging the satyr's cock with her toe (it dribbled a little even at this). "Especially if Ella's going to get her own. No way am I letting her have more pets than I."

"Aw, Greedy little whore, I'd be happy to let you share!" In the distance, Ella laughed. "You just have to join them.

Myna's eyes narrowed. She turned and sauntered off into the bush, eyes sparkling with some sort of plan.

Poppy yawned again.


She'd let the team split up again.

Oh well. The succubus of Sloth giggled and stooped, smiling down on the poor, trembling satyr. "They left you all alone with me," she cooed, gently stroking his cheek. His eyes widened. Then his eyelids drooped. "Poor boy. Left wanting."

"Nn... please..."

Poppy leaned in close, pouting her lips. "Shh, little one," she whispered. "Time for a goodnight kiss..."

"Nnnmmm..." His eyes drifted closed as he was lost to her soft, wet lips.

Afterwards, Poppy straightened, smiling with satisfaction at her work. She turned toward the direction of the glade and started walking.

In fairness to her partners, the nymphs really were way out of their league on this one.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Come on, then, you little whore," Mistress Ella cooed in the dryad's ear. "Resist me. You were so sure you could survive my finger in your pussy a moment ago!"

The succubus of Pride giggled as the dryad's only response was a weak, kittenish whine. She was a gorgeous little number—tall, with light brown skin and brilliant cherry-red hair. Her lips were plump and the same shade of red. She'd still been sleepy when Ella had found her, and a little teasing had gone a long way—clearly, the cherry dryad hadn't yet fully woken up from winter.

And with Mistress Ella looking after her, Ella thought with a self-satisfied smirk, she never would.

Ella led the dryad by the pussy, her fingers gently toying around her clit as they walked—not roughly, but dominantly, ensuring it was clear to the dryad who controlled her pleasure now. This thing would learn to love being held like this. Ella was very, very good at making people enjoy things that she enjoyed.

"So, little cherry whore," Ella cooed, stroking the dryad's lovely red hair with her free hand, "which way was it, again?"

"I..." The fey woman shuddered and squeaked as Ella stroked what Ella had determined to be a very sensitive spot for her. "West a little more!" she whimpered helplessly. "We're... almost there..."

"Such a clever girl," Ella cooed, making the fey woman shudder at the praise. "You're gonna me Mistress Ella's favorite toy, little cherry bomb. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress," whined the dryad, as a look of pathetic rapture that nearly made Ela want to shove her to the ground and brainfuck her right then and there entered her eyes. "Yes! I wanna be your fav-favorite toy!"

"Of course you do," Ella purred. "Everyone does. But you'll have to be very, very good if you want me to be proud of you."

Most succubi didn't much like playing with fey. After all, you couldn't drink them—they were basically just toys. At least catgirls and beastfey had enough soul about to get something out of them—dryads, nymphs, they were all just there for show. Useless.

But Ella privately sort of hated how, just when she got to stop flattering the mortal and started letting them know who was really in control of their existence... they stopped being people anymore. It was the eternal struggle of the Pride succubus—she loved dominating, but loved to make her toys destroy themselves in their own pride even more.

Ella loved fey. She adored fey. She loved being able to fuck their brains out again and again, being able to make them grovel, beg, then reset them and start again from scratch.

"You want to be my favorite," she repeated, smirking, "so you'd better earn it. What defenses have the nymphs got?"

"I... I..." The dryad was whimpering. Ella eased her finger's work just slightly, to give her breath to speak. "I think they have vines... f-fuck your brains out."

"Hardly a danger for you, are they?" Ella purred.

"Nn... they have pitcher plants along the southern side... a dreampoppy field up n-north..."

"And what defenses do they have here, precious?"

The dryad blinked. "Um... I d-dunno. Nothing ever comes after us here."


Ella wasn't stupid. That it never targeted the dryad frieds of the nymphs probably just meant there was something intelligent around here. That could be bad.

At that moment, as they entered a bright clearing, Mistress Ella heard a high-pitched hum.

She blinked. It was so loud, so sudden, it was unthinkable she was only just hearing it. The loud humming reverberated through her mind, resonant, echoing. She blinked rapidly. "What is that?"

"What's what?" The dryad giggled, suddenly seeming bright and excited. "I love you so much, Mistress!"

"I..." Ella blinked. Dimly, she could swear she saw colors shimmering around them. She stared at the dryad, confused at how...

...unbelievably beautiful she was. Oh, gods. Ella's mouth was watering. Those plush, red lips would put even Yumi to shame. And those perky breasts, and those bright, dreamy green eyes... "I, uh... what's that... hum..."

For a moment, she thought she saw a little shape flit by her—metallic and green, like a scarab.

"I don't hear a hum!" the dryad sang, leaning in, holding Ella's hand at her pussy. "But maybe you hear it 'cause you're so smart! Oh my gosh, like... you're a genius!"

She had the most wonderful, beautiful voice Ella had ever heard. Ella giggled, even as the humming resonated in her head. "Yeah, um, I..." She leaned in close, wrapping her free arm around her toy—her wonderful, sexy, adorable toy. "Thank you," she whispered, blushing fiercely at the praise. She started stroking the dryad faster, her breaths growing heavier as she savored the dryad's whimpers. "What's your name?"

"A-Anne," the dryad cried, clutching Ella with a grin and giggle. "Oh my gosh, like..." Her voice was getting increasingly breathy as Ella stroked her. "Oh my gosh, M-Mistress Ella..."

"Call me Ella," Ella cooed, gazing at Anne in devotion. "Gods, you're so sweet.""

"Like a cherry!' Anne giggled.

"Yes!" Ella giggled. "Gosh, just like a cherry! You're as sweet as a cherry." She leaned in and kissed Anne, holding her tight as she quivered. "And you're as pretty as one, too," she whispered.

Anne giggled. Ella giggled.

Ella blinked.

Since... since when did she giggle?

"There's, um..." The shimmering came again, as Ella started to fingerfuck Anne in a gentle rhythm, relishing her every cry, "A-Anne, there's something weird g-going on..."

"Uh-huh! Oh!" Anne was breathless, her brilliant red lips parted. She beamed at Ella. "Oh, um, that's just the bimbo bugs."

Ella giggled. What a silly name! "Bimbo bugs?'

"Yeah!" Anne started kissing Ella's neck, and Ella bit her lip at how good Anne's kisses felt. "Mm... like, they just make us nice and silly when we come through here."

"Silly?" Ella started petting Anne's head—no longer preoccupied with holding her tightly, she just wanted to make this wonderful, beautiful creature feel good.

"Silly." Anne planted a wet kiss on Ella's cheek and smiled at her. "Like, um, we fall in love super easily. And we get super horny." Her fingers dipped down and found Ella's pussy, causing Ella to gasp and bat her eyelashes. "And they can shrink people, sometimes, but they never do that to us." She beamed. "It'll wear off when we're out of the swarm, though! It's not so much a defense as, um, a play area!"

"Play area." Ella smiled in relief, bucking her hips as Anne started stroking around Ella's clit. "That sounds... super nice!"

Yeah!" Anne giggled. Ella giggled. "It's a super fun place. I'm so glad we get to have fun here. Together."

Ella kissed Anne tenderly, her fingers pumping in and out of the dryad's tight, wet pussy. "I'm glad, too," she whispered.

She felt so happy. So happy to be able to take care of Anne, to be gifted with the presence of such a wonderful, perfect fey, to be... to be... so tingly...

Hang on. She could swear she was feeling prickles all over her body, too. Was she getting pins and needles?

She bit her lip. "Hey, how come I feel... like, prickly?"

"What? Prickly?" Anne's finger sped up on Ella's clit, as with the other hand, she tickled under Ella's arm. "Are you sure you don't mean tickly?" she teased.

Ella flinched and giggled. "Stop that! Naughty girl."

"I love you so much!"

"No, I love you so..."

Ella trailed off, blinking in confusion. 'Love'? Succubi didn't love! Demons didn't love like this, all cherry-sweet and sunny and romantic! What was... why was she being so... silly?

Silly. Wait, it was the place! The play area! She beamed, having solved the puzzle, and kissed Anne hungrily. Anne moaned.

Ella clutched Anne tightly, helping the trembling dryad to remain upright as her fingers brought Anne to a wet, sticky climax. "Oh my gosh," Ella gasped, as the tingling increased, as Anne's own fingers sped up. "Oh my g-gosh, I love you so much!"

Wait. This was... She bit her lip as her pussy started to clench around Anne's fingers, almost as if trying to milk a mortal's cock. She was suddenly so tight.

This was wrong. This was... embarrassing...

"You're so sexy," Anne purred, and Ella giggled in delight. "S-so beautiful..."

"I am!" Ella squealed, as a powerful orgasm began to rise inside her. "A-And you're such a good slut! Such a good toy! Mistress's favorite... little..." She blinked. "Um... little... little..."

Anne wasn't that little anymore.

Ella's head started to tingle as she realized she was now being held in the little dryad's arms, cradled, a tiny femme fatale in her slave's embrace.

And her slave was starting to look really, really amused.

"Wittle Ella!" she cooed, pumping her finger in and out, and Ella started to understand why her pussy had been enjoying those fingers so much. "Aw, you're adorable!"

Ella blinked. "I..."

"Like, I guess they stung you 'cause you're a demon!' Anne giggled. "They must not sting fey, is all. Silly me!"

"Like, um..." Ella's eyelashes fluttered as the fingers continued to pump her. She looked up helplessly, gazing into the dryad's big, plump, sensuous lips. "I don't, um," she said pathetically.

The dumbing-down effects of the bimbo bugs were startin to fade, as her natural demonic resistances finally took care of the problem. But in the meantime...

"Put me down!" she shrieked.

But the dryad only giggled. Ella's fingers were no longer in her pussy, so it was time to be a bit bratty. "Ella doesn't wanna be put down!" she cooed, leaning in close. Ella shuddered as she smelled the dryad's sweet, perfumed breath. She was about a third the dryad's size, now, even smaller than a goblin. "Ella likes me doing this to her!" Her fingers pumped in and out, causing Ella to gasp.

"S-stop," she gasped, trying to project authority, but it was so hard to project authority when you were three feet tall. She usually preferred auditory hypnosis, but damn it, if this was how it was...

Her eyes started to glimmer. "Stop," she commanded, locking eyes with her mischievous lover.

The cherry dryad tried to avoid her gaze, but she was still nice and dumb, nice and ditzy. As if of their own accord, her eyes met Ella's. Her fingers started to slow.

Mistress Ella smiled. "Good girl," she said sweetly.

The dryad giggled, leaning in closer. "Good girl," she echoed, as her fingers slowed to a crawl.

Slowed to a nice, sluggish, molasses-speed stroking along Mistress Ella's g-spot.

Ella swallowed. "You," she whispered, as her eyes gleamed, captivating this wretched fey utterly, "are mine."

Anne's lips pouted, lush and tempting. "Yes, Mistress," she said sulkily.

"You are my slave."

"I am your slave." The fingers slowly, slowly stroked.

Ella bit her lip. "Slave, I... I..."

Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

"Yes, Ella?" asked Anne sweetly, leaning in and kissing Ella on the lips.

Ella drowned. The cherry dryad's lips were made for kissing, soft and plump and full of toxins designed to turn her partners into whimpering little playthings. Those lips were designed to master blushing mortal shepherds and orchard pickers, though, not a powerful succubus!

The fingers slowly slid in. They slowly slid out. Ella's pussy was dripping.

Anne pulled back, giggling, and waited for an answer.

And finally, Ella realized she wasn't staring into Anne's eyes anymore.

She was staring at Anne's lips.

Anne seemed to finally notice this, too, because she giggled again and blew Ella a kiss. The smooching sound against her fingers made Ella quiver.

"Little Ella?" Anne prompted, blinking adorably. Ella tried to speak, but she kept watching Anne's lips move, watching how sensuously they enunciated words. "Did you forget? I forget too, a lot, when I'm in here." She pouted. "We get all silly after the bimbo bugs play with us! But it's a lot of fun to play together like this and just not think for a while!"

Ella whimpered.

Those lips curved upwards in a smile. "Okay, Little Ella," the dryad sang, as she started to fuck Ella once again, her fingers thrusting rapidly into the tiny demoness's cunt. "Let me know if you remember!"

And Little Ella started to cum, cradled within her lover's arms.

~ ~ ~ ~

Loralei watched, arms folded, as the demoness trembled within the bimblossom's effects. She smirked. "Enjoying yourself, there, sweetie?"

"Ah—ah—f-fuck y..." The succubus writhed, staring at Loralei in pure torment as another orgasm was milked out of her juicy, fragrant body.

It had to be torture, Loralei thought, giggling. To have so much pleasure, but no soul to 'eat' for it. The perfect punishment for a demon.

Loralei had been left on guard duty. It hadn't been her idea, but when word had come from the orchid dryad Hillsii that the succubi had arrived, the nymphs had agreed that the worst possible outcome was a succubus getting in here and releasing Little Miss Mendicuizl. Someone had to stay here and guard while the others handled the invaders. Loralei was the least sexually potent of the four of them—she could hold her own, but she just wasn't as charismatic as Ruby, as sweet as Lapis, or as... delectable as Esca. Besides, she had a stronger will than Esca or Ruby.

"Now, now," she scolded, with a big, wide smile, "that's no way to talk to your warden, now, is it?" She rolled her eyes. "And here I was thinking about letting you go if you behaved."

The succubus only glowered, helpless, clearly terrified of being rendered mute with 'lips are for sucking' again. "My sisters of Hell are coming for you," she hissed.

"No," Loralei said sweetly, "you're cumming for me." She sauntered forward, biting her lip as she savored the sight. "Little Mandy, look at you. Tied up and helpless."

Mandy bit her lip.

"You're already ours," Loralei whispered, running a finger over her pussy, "aren't you? In a few months, years, decades, you'll be begging to serve us."

"N-Never," Mandy whimpered, but the fear in her eyes... oh, it was delicious. What a pathetic little toy.

Loralei was trying to quit preying on people, but... demons weren't really people, after all. And this scratched an itch she'd longed wished scratched.

"You'll be a submissive, whimpering little slave," Loralei cooed, stroking the demon's lovely black hair. "The perfect punishment for years of tormenting others. We'll have you begging Esca to let you lick out her pussy within the moon. Your 'sisters' will be at your side. We'll have you fucking mortals for their enjoyment like a helpless little whore. Again and again. "

"I-I..." Mandy trembled as Loralei ran her finger over her lips. Almost involuntarily, her lips parted, and Loralei slid the finger inside. The succubus's eyelids fluttered as the nymph juices touched her tongue. "Mmm..."

"That's right!" Loralei hissed. "Good girl. Good little slave. You love your new life."

"Mm!" The succubus was wide-eyed, like she wanted to object.

Loralei leaned in close, her voice a husky breath. "You can't fight," she said, her voice dripping with honey—sweet, venomous honey. She loved seeing this hateful creature suffer. Pay. Submit. "Yes, that's right, little girl. Suck it. There's a good girl. This is good practice for you! Soon, we'll have you sucking human cocks and begging to be allowed to swallow."

The succubus started to suck on Loralei's finger, her cheeks bright red.

"See?" Loralei giggled. "You give in so easily, little fiend. We'll have you moaning like a lust sprite in no time."

Mandy whimpered, her tongue lapping lovingly over Loralei's finger, her eyes almost spiraling with arousal.

"That's right." Loralei reached down and stroked herself to the demon's humiliation. "Suck. Lick. Beg. Ooh, you're a natural. You're so good at this."

"Mm..." The demoness's eyelashes fluttered. She wriggled against Loralei's body as Loralei pulled her close. "Mmhm..."

"Do you like that?" Loralei cooed, as the succubus suckled delightfully on her sensitive finger. "Do you like how I-aaah!"

She flinched as she felt something slick and thick slip along her inner thigh. She stared into Mandy's spiraling eyes, heart racing—then relaxing as she realized it was just one of the bimblossom's tentacles.

"Do," Loralei repeated, her lips inches from the succubus's, "you like how I taste, sweetie?"

She pulled her finger out. The succubus's lips formed a perfect o-shape for a moment as the finger made a popping sound. Her eyes were glazed in a mixture of helpless pleasure and helpless horror.

Loralei giggled. "Maybe another sample..."

She pulled the succubus close and kissed her, captured her. She thrust her tongue into Mandy's mouth, dominating her, claiming this demon for herself. And it felt so, so good. It felt so good to fuck this creature's mind away, to make her suffer, to degrade her. This worthless little whore. Loralei stared gleefully into Mandy's wide, helpless, beautiful, pretty sparkling spiraling eyes, reveling in the succubus's humiliation.

A slick, thick tentacle slid right into Loralei's hot, drooling cunt.

Loralei pulled back with a squeak. She bit her lip as the phallic tentacle started to pump in and out, not even wasting a second. "Oh," she whispered, her head spinning in momentary amazement at how good it felt. "Oh, f-fuck."

It had to be the bimblossom. It was playing with her. That wasn't dangerous—it was already full, so all it could do was play (it was really only dangerous if she got caught in it, or sucked on the vines). Still, the shock of the pleasure convinced her she was probably getting too into this. She took in a shuddering breath, and started to pull away—

"Loralei," the succubus whined, and the phallic tendril within Loralei seemed to speed up, ramming into her harder, faster, "I l-like how you taste. I... I n-need more. Your demon whore needs more. P-Please, another kiss?"

Loralei blinked rapidly as the plant continued to fuck her. "I... I..."

The succubus was so wretched. So clearly humiliated. But...

But fucking her was too much for now. Loralei fought off the suspiciously powerful temptation and released the succubus from her grip, giving her back to the flower. "I'll leave you to suffer," she said, with more smugness than she felt, as the succubus sank back into the flower's embrace. "Have fun wishing you could taste me again, you murderous hellspawn."

But the succubus only smiled. They both knew that, just for a moment, Loralei had been vulnerable. Loralei had given in to her inner sadist, and Loralei hated herself for it.

Loralei swallowed and tore her gaze away from the succubus's lovely eyes, reaching down to pull out the bimblossom vine.

But... it wasn't a bimblossom vine.

It was a long, pink, phallic tail sliding in and out of her.

Mandy's tail.

Loralei's lip quivered, and she let out a horrified moan. "S-Stop!" she cried, even as she felt actual bimblossom vines wrapping around her, recognizing a horny plaything when they saw one. "I command y—"

"Lips are for sucking," Mandy cooed sweetly. A vine slipped between Loralei's lips. Her eyes widened as the plant pulled her close, its embrace tender, irresistible..

... back into Mandy's arms, and the pleasure of her tail in Loralei's dripping cunt.

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