On the Tip of Her Tongue

Chapter 2

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/f #humiliation #hypnotic_voice #massage #multiple_partners #tentacles #bimbofication #candy #D/s #demon #dom:female #fantasy #rimjob #sub:female

First published on 01/07/22!

The druidess stared up at her captor, briefly struggling to wrap her head around what she was seeing even as she continued to thoughtlessly edge. She'd been so sure that she was alone in the corrupted ward cellar they'd dropped her into. Even hearing all the sweet, teasing voices, she'd thought... her imagination...

Larya squeaked, her hands flying up to grasp at the crimson blankets and pull them up over her nude form.

The voluptuous demoness giggled at this, a finger to her lips. "Oh, my! So shy all of a sudden!" She smiled smugly down at the druidess. "As if I haven't already seen all I could ever imagine."

Larya's cheeks were hot. "W-Well, all the same," she mumbled, blushing as she pulled the blankets up modestly over her tented nipples. "You'll excuse me for showing some discretion around a demoness."

"Aw. That would be quite a change of pace from you, wouldn't it?"

Larya glared. She was already unbearably embarrassed, but she had a sneaking worry it was only about to get worse and worse.

"Now, now, not to worry." The demoness raised her hands consolingly. "You see? I don't mean any harm."

"I'm just here to welcome you, dear," added another voice in Larya's left ear, silken and sweet and unmistakably the demoness', yet... not quite the same as the last..

"And you gave me quite a welcome in turn," added another sensuous purr in Larya's right ear, again half-familiar.

Larya stared nervously up at the fiend, whose lips hadn't moved.

"You're... n-not a normal succubus," she stammered.

"Oh, have you met succubi before?" The demoness laughed. "My name is ... call me Lingua, my sweet. My, my, aren't you a vision!"

Larya squirmed beneath the demoness's greedy stare. Lingua had an off-puttingly... maternal energy to her. Maybe it was her tall, shapely physique, or her sly, confident little smile--a smile that spoke of endless experience dealing with weaker beings like Larya. "W-Well, any picture will look pretty to you if you're the one who framed it," she shot back, not sure if this was exactly an effective comeback.

"Ah! Such a sharp tongue on you!" Lingua beamed. "And you're named Larya, aren't you?"

Larya nodded grudgingly, and a little shyly. She wanted to keep spitting fire, but in all truth, she was sort of trying to buy time for her head to slip all the way out of trance. This wasn't a good place for a druidess to be on her own. She'd learned the hard way up in the Mountains that ward cellars were too tainted by arcane magic to be easily accessed in the World Base. There could be contamination of unhealthy forms. The World Base itself could be corrupted. "Well, I'm just... I'm just passing through. I'll be out of your hair in just a moment."

"Oh, no doubt." Lingua smiled sweetly. Her long, strangely tongue-like tail continued to stroke along Larya's ankle, though it hadn't started to move further up yet, much to Larya's relief. "Goodness, such a beauty you are. But so headstrong! Aw, my dear Lia would just adore you."

"Lia?" Larya asked reflexively. The name rang a dim bell--but it was a common name, of course.

"My... daughter, I suppose." Lingua's eyes sparkled with whimsy. "In the way any demoness can have such a thing. We haven't spoken in some time, of course. Little birds need to fly at some point." She gave a soft, unconcerned laugh at this. "Tell me, who was it that sent you to spy on us, little one?"

"I-I'm not a spy!" Larya was startled enough that her confusion hopefully read as very genuine. For a moment, she'd actually sort of forgotten that she was here to spy. Sort of. "You're the one who dropped me down the f-fricking Tunnel of Vore!"

Lingua giggled. "Because you're a spy."

"I'm not a spy!" Larya insisted stubbornly. She folded her arms, at this point as much insulted that her well-told lies were being doubted as afraid of the consequences of being found out. Besides, she was already essentially at this creatures' mercy physically. The least she could protect was her dignity. "Lim and I came here to --"

"Ah, yes, Lim." Lingua's eyes glittered. "Such a pretty kitty. I expect she'll be down any second now... if she can pull away." Her eyes half-closed in smug pleasure. "Just the two of you, then? No one else?"

"We're just here vacationing!" Larya nodded eagerly. "Honestly, I came here to relax, and this isn't the most relaxing time I've ever had. You realize how bad for business this whole eating-visitors-thing is?"

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it, dear. Let's just say... the business is under new management." Linguas smile widened. "And we've decided to aggressively pursue a new customer base."

The tail, Larya noticed with a lurch in her gut, began to slither around her ankle, snaking its way up her leg, stretching once more into a long, sinuous, tongue-like tentacle. As Lingua went on, other melodic voices joined in, creating a beautiful otherworldly echoing effect. "I do find this private ownership model delightful. It reminds me of when I could just bring a duke or princess under my thumb and have a whole fiefdom eating from the palm of my hand in a day. Things were much simpler back then, little one. Oh, how things change."

Larya shivered as Lingua's voices reverberated around her. It wasn't easy to focus on the words, either. The sensation of the tongue-tail slithering up her leg... gods, how was she so unbearably, wonderfully sensitive.

"So tell me," Lingua said after a pause, plainly enjoying Larya's discomfort, "if you're not a spy..."

"I'm not!"

"Then what of the letter?"

Larya stopped herself from swallowing. "W-What letter?"

"The one my servants found in your bags." Lingua smirked. "My thralls were so eager to show me what you'd so eagerly handed them. They also mentioned that you were quite receptive to my ... aura." She reached down and caressed two fingertips across Larya's cheek. Larya gasped and half-moaned instinctively before jerking back.

"R-Right. The bag." Larya's stammering voice went slowly as she struggled to work out a response. The tongue-tail was rising up towards her knee now. "I... I stole that. I stole our passes, too. I don't know what was in it!"

"Oh?" Lingua arched her eyebrows. "Quite a naughty slut! And who, exactly did you steal it from, my sweet treat?"

Larya swallowed. "S-Some guy on the harbor. Stocky weirdo with, like, a big spear." Sorry, Alrek. But, well... maybe after you hopefully don't get brainwashed by whoever they send, you'll realize we need backup.

"I see." Lingua's head tilted to the side. "So you have no idea what was on the letter?"

"No! None at all!" Larya made her eyes big and pleading, naive, even. "Like, I just wanted to make sure we'd have a nice time, and, like, the passes here are soooo expensive..."

"I see." Lingua seemed amused, but she shrugged. "Well, I can tell you aren't lying. This isn't your backpack. It doesn't have your taste hanging about it. Or your scent, I should say." She arched one eyebrow thoughtfully. "Clearly you are no spy."

"R-Right! Larya stammered, and giggled. Her ankle was beginning to tingle from the strange saliva. Oh, gods, what is she doing to me down there? "I'm n-not any kind of spy at all!"

"Of course not," Lingua agreed as she bent down over Larya, her fulsome lips curving upwards in an indulgent smile. "You clearly aren't nearly smart enough!"

"R-Right!" Larya blushed. "I-I mean--I am, but--hey!"

Lingua laughed wickedly. "Clearly," she cooed sweetly, "you're just a dumb little naughty bimbo slut~"

Larya blinked.

And Larya squeaked as the tail-tongue stretched further, and suddenly it was slithering around her other leg, binding both legs together as the beautiful demoness smiled down at her. She wiggled, both her legs suddenly bound fast in slippery tongue-tentacle.

"I-I am not!" she managed, glaring fiercely. "I'm--"

"Just a dumb slut," Lingua purred, and her voices suddenly seemed to layer over one another, multiple sensuous purrs joining one another in an interwoven chorus of seduction, "who needs to be punished and shown her place~"

"A-Ah!" Larya squeaked and squirmed as the voices poured over her. Her pussy was dripping from the words, along, she realized with dread. Or from... the voices... gods, layered like that, they sounded so irresistible, so inevitable...

"You're going to obey me," Lingua said confidently, three melodic voices layering over one another, each a little different but each dripping with the same gleeful lust. "And do you know why, pretty girl? Because you're so dumb, you need me to tell you what to do." A fourth voice joined the chorus.

"W-what... to do..." Larya felt her eyes glazing over, and desperately fought the words back down, tried to force Lingua's echoing voice from her head. "No! You--I won't let you--"

"Won't let me what?" Lingua asked innocently.

Larya's breath caught. "I... um..." She wriggled helplessly as the tail-tongue slipped back and forth, twining around one ankle, then the other, binding both together. "... I won't..."

It was almost to her knees, now, and every time it stretched, the entire length of slippery tentacle slid deliciously along her so-very-sensitive skin...

She swallowed her lust and forced the words out. "I... I..."

And her cheeks went very hot as she realized she couldn't remember what she'd been talking about.

"Well?" Lingua asked smugly. "Go on, sweetie. Tell me~"

Larya gulped. She stared hesitantly up at Lingua. "I forgot," she admitted sheepishly.

Lingua's smile widened. "Oh, did you?"

Larya squirmed.

"Did you really forget already?" Lingua leaned down over Larya as the tail tongue licked lasciviously over Larya's lower thighs. As Larya tried to duck her head, Lingua's hand darted out and caught her by the chin. "My, my, your eyes aren't even that affected yet!" She smirked. "My venom is only just settling in, isn't it?"

"V-Venom?" Larya gulped. She struggled more urgently, but trying to reach down and pull even one of the loops of Lingua's tail away was like trying to pull away a wad of gum. It just stretched, tugged, and had almost looped around her wrist before she pulled away. She giggled nervously. "Um, what venom?"

"You didn't take any candies," Lingua said silkily, "did you?"

Larya swallowed. "N-No, um...?" Her brain suddenly felt so bubbly and fizzy. The tingling of Lingua's tail along her legs was getting more intense. She almost forgot what she'd been about to say, but managed narrowly to zero in on the thought. "No, I didn't take any candies," she said. She felt fairly sure that this had been the question.

"You're just naturally giving in," Lingua exclaimed with a giggle. "That's so adorable!"

"Whuh--" Larya's eyes widened, and she started struggling more, trying in vain to drag herself further away as the tail began looping around her thighs. "N--Nuh-uh!"

"But now," Lingua hissed, her voices beginning to echo around Larya, "you're getting forgetful. Getting silly. Before... my, my, you were just touching yourself because you're a horny slut, weren't you?"

Larya whimpered miserably. She couldn't quite remember how they'd gotten onto this topic, just that it was so horribly embarrassing. She'd... she'd given in easily? Despite not being poisoned until just now?

But... wait, what were the poison's effects now that she was affected?

She giggled as the slippery tentacle-tail slid lewdly along and between her thighs. Ooh, that feltsooo good! What was I thinking about?

She was still trying to use her hands to pull the tongue-tail away, but all she'd succeeded in, she realized, was getting her hands all slippery with Lingua's weird nectar stuff. She giggled again, feeling that same tingling on her hands now, right down to her fingertips. Gosh, I'm... a mess...

Her hands drifted away from the tail, since it was clearly a fruitless effort. She only noticed belatedly that her hands... well, they seemed to have decided to drift between her legs.

She pouted. She wasn't fully thinking about it, but, well, her hands were already nice and slippery...

And touching just felt... so nice...

"Aww, cute little slutty bimbo!" echoed two of Lingua's sweet voices in her ear as Larya's fingers slipped between her legs. "Does that feel nice?"

"Ummm..." Larya's eyelashes fluttered. She tried to focus on the question, but the pleasure was thickening fast around her now, submerging her, drowning her, and her fingers were speeding up. "Nnn... nnuh... nnice... um... n-no...?"

Lingua's voices giggled around her, making her blush.

"The venom is starting to take hold of you now," Lingua purred.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" several of her voices cooed as one.

Larya felt vaguely like Lingua had already asked her that, but she couldn't fully picture that moment in her head. So she just giggled vaguely and nodded. Yeah. It felt good.

Really, really good. Her fingers, slippery with something, felt so nice stroking over her tingling pussy, spiraling around her needy clit...

"My venom is making you so hot," husked a pair of voices in her ear, making her tremble with desire. "So hot and horny and dumb."

"Nnuh-uhhh,'' Larya groaned, biting her lip and stroking faster. She'd started edging again. Had she been edging earlier? It felt so hard to remember...

"That's right," several sweet voices bubbled in her other ear. "Getting soooo dumb and needy... but also sooo silly and giggly!"

Larya giggled. "No I'm not!" she cooed, rocking her hips as she edged herself.

"And so," Lingua gushed down at her, "soooooo forgetful~" She booped Larya on the nose with a grin.

Larya smiled dizzily. Wow. She'd hate to be whichever girl Lingua was describing. She sounded like a real slut!

Then the words clicked with her--what few words she could keep in her head, anyways--and she remembered herself a little. Enough to feel her cheeks burning with shame, anyways. She swallowed. "W-Wait... no, i... have to fight it..."

The tongue-tail twined up Larya's upper thighs. "Have to fight what?" the seductive voices cooed.

Larya frowned. "I... I... um..." She giggled. Gosh, why was remembering always so hard? "I, like, um... I forget?"

Lingua sighed and tutted slightly, her manner almost motherly as she reached down to stroke Larya's hair. "Oh, that's what I thought."

Larya bit her lip. Even though she couldn't remember, she... it sure seemed like Lingua was enjoying this. And that was bad, right? Lingua was... was...

... making her feel so good. Larya shivered as the tongue-tail licked up her thigh, as her fingers strummed teasingly along her own clit. So addictively, stickily good. But... but that was supposed to be bad... right?

"S-Stop," she managed with a glare. She knew she was getting confused, and it was something to do with Lingua, and historically speaking, that meant she was being brainwashed. She tried to sit up as best she could, trembling with the desire. "I... I won't give in,.."

The voluptuous demoness smiled widely.

"Be a good girl," her eight voices purred in Larya's ears. Lingua's voices seemed to savor the words like exotic delicacies, like little sweet treats, and they poured effortlessly into Larya's mind like sweet, gooey honey.

Larya blinked. And giggled. "Uh. I. Buh."

"Be a good girl," the eight voices echoed, humming around Larya like a Thriae's intoxicating wingbeats, as irresistible as a siren's coo.

Larya's head spun. Her eyelashes fluttered. "You..." Her voice was as soft and quiet as a little songbird's first peep. "... c-can't jusht..."

"Be. A good. Girl."


"Be a good girl."

Larya moaned.

"Be a good girl."

Larya squirmed.

"Be a good girl.

Larya edged.

"Be my good little bimbo slut~"

"... g-ggood... ssslut..." Larya's voice was groggy and dripping with lust as she sank back onto the bed and giggled dreamily. Her fingers pumped steadily between her legs, played and teased around her tingling, sensitive clitty. Gosh, she needed to cum, like, soooo bad.

Lingua beamed, clearly delighted. "That's right!" she cooed. "My goodness! And you're just the sweetest little slut I've caught yet, aren't you, Larya, darling?"

Larya giggled and started to nod, then stopped, already unsure she could remember just what she was agreeing to. She hesitated. After a moment of edging and squirming, she shook her head stubbornly. "I'm not a bimbo!" she declared.

"I said slut, my sweet treat~"

"Oh." Larya giggled. "Ummm... that too!" She wiggled, toes curling as the tentacles wrapped around her tosoles down to the painted toes.

Lingua gave her a calm, amused smile. "If you say so, sweetie~"

Larya smiled, briefly triumphant. With whatever she'd just said. Gosh, Lingua really hadn't been kidding--her memory was, like, totally scattered! She giggled. And edged. And giggled some more. And forgot what she'd just been giggling at.

And then the tentacle wrapped around her legs tightened, and Larya suddenly found herself being yanked up into the air.

"Eek!" she cried, remembering dizzily that this was bad and that Lingua was a dangerous enemy who she was supposed to be resisting. Even if Lingua was, like, totally a milf.

The tentacle tail stretched out as it plucked her up and over, and with a graceful flick, it dropped Larya astride its sinuous length.

Larya's world swam. Her heart was racing from the rapid motion, and it took her a moment to fully register that she was now straddling the tongue-tail.

The next moment, she had to bite her lip to hold in a squeal of pleasure as what felt like an impossibly slick, slippery tongue began to stroke directly between her legs along her hypersensitive, so-long-edged sex.

"Aww, you just can't resist, can you?" Lingua teased, shamelessly ogling Larya as the druidess squirmed. The tail bobbed her up and down in long, lazy arcs, causing Larya to slide up and down its length and making her heart lurch with every sudden motion. It looped back round her ankles and thighs, trapping her in place so she couldn't even flip upside-down, let along fall off--she was totally suspended by the very tentacle tongue 'licking' between her legs. "You just looove to obey."

"Obey," echoed the voices, interlaced and interwoven in irresistible harmony.

"N-No," Larya whined, unbearably turned on, unbearably horny. "No, I--I can resist--"

"No, you can't," corrected the voices smugly, and they layered so sweetly, so irresistibly, how could Larya disagree? "you just want to Obey."

"obey," Larya echoed brainlessly. She panted as her pussy was stroked and licked. "No," she corrected, recovering herself, "no, no, I won't--"

"Obedience is pleasure, silly girl!" encouraged the eight voices in her ears, and Larya quivered beneath the assault. The voices were so elegant, so persuasive, and she couldn't just say no... "And pleasure means feeling good."


"And good girls want to feel goooood," moaned three voices.

"Good girls get to feel good," sighed four more.

Larya babbled and whimpered, trying desperately to not echo the words and so managing only nonsense in their place. She was so, so horny. So needy. Her pussy longed for penetration, her whole body yearned to be taken and used like the hot little bimbo slut she was...

"Such a cute little bimbo," Lingua sang in all eight voices, sly and triumphant as she beamed up at her prize. "You'd do aaaanything to be fucked like the slutty little bimbo you are, wouldn't you?"

The voices drowned Larya in sweet temptation like endless waves of thick, heavy maple syrup. She giggled. "I'm n-not a bimbo!" she insisted, then started giggling again.

Her fingers were groping between her legs, she realized, still edging as best she could as she was swung to and fro. Ooh, but edging just felt so nice, so easy and natural...

... just like giggling...

"You're not?" Lingua asked with wide eyes, cocking her head innocently to the side. "But how can you be sure?"

"Ummm...'' Larya bit her lip. She trembled as yet another near-orgasm slipped from her fingertips, was denied by her own treacherous, edge-loving fingers. "Um, like..." She giggled. "'Cause, um... um..." Her cheeks were getting redder.

"Well?" Lingua asked sweetly, her luscious lips curving upwards.

Larya giggled. "I forget the question," she admitted, wiggling like a little slut on her tentacle seat.

"Gosh," Lingua said, putting a finger to her lips in mock-naivete, "that sounds like something a sexy little slutty bimbo would do, doesn't it, little one?"

"Ummm..." Larya bit her lip, wanting to say no, and yet... "W-What does?" she squeaked. Gods, she was so sure she could remember, but it kept slipping from the reach of her silly bubbly brain...

"Someone," Lingua purred, "who's sooo horny..."

"... soooo dumb..."

"... soooo silly and giggly and bubbly and babbly--"

"--needy and pleady and stupid and subby--"

"--drippy and drooly and ditzy and dizzy--"

Larya stared down at Lingua with big, wide eyes, her mind spinning around her head like a swirly little moon. She licked her lips and barely held in a whimper as she slid down the tongue-tail's length towards the gorgeous demon.

"--that," Lingua finished with her own voice, smirking broadly, "she can't even remember what she's talking about!" She reached up and caught Larya in her descent, her hand pressing gently against Larya's chest. Her eyes spiraled with crimson lights. "Can you imagine?"

"... oh," Larya breathed, briefly lost in the eyes, shivering beneath the assault of beautiful voices on beautiful voices. Her chest rose and fell as her breath quickened, as she felt herself starting to slide the other way, the tongue sliding delectably across her tingling inner thighs...

Then she realized she'd been asked a question.

"Oh!" She giggled and, as she vaguely remembered what Lingua had been saying, bobbed her head eagerly. She tried to keep her voice level as her arousal climbed, as her fingers sped up. "Gosh, she sounds like, like--" She panted and stroked faster and faster, drooling a little. "L-like... like..." She heard her voice break into a high-pitched squeak as she nearly climaxed again... only to deliberately ruin it before she knew what she was doing. "... l-like a tooootal slutty bimbo slut!!!"

She whimpered as her pussy dripped all over the slurping tongue-tail. She'd been so close...

Lingua giggled. "She does, doesn't she?"

Still dazed, panting for breath, Larya couldn't help but giggle back. She wasn't sure what was so funny. Everything kept dripping and melting, dazzling her memories. The venom, she remembered fuzzily. The venom she was currently absolutely slathered in from the waist down.

This was bad. She knew this was bad.

But it felt so, soooo good...

"You know," Lingua murmured, her voice husky and smoking with lust, "I think I've heard about you, sweetie. 'Larya'... you're one of Celeste's little toys, aren't you?"

Larya gasped, then shivered. Why did that name... sound so... familiar?

"Dear little Celeste." Lingua smiled smugly. "So precocious at her age. Give her a few eons and the darling might even be able to bring me to my knees."

She giggled, as if at some private joke. Larya giggled too out of reflex.

"I wonder what she'd say..." the demoness purred, reaching over to caress Larya's cheek, "if she knew I was having my way with one of her little bimbo conquests?"

Larya moaned at the touch. Every inch of her skin sang at even the lightest of strokes, and Lingua's hand was so soft and gentle and warm...

"'m... not a bimbo, though," she protested weakly, even as she nuzzled Lingua's hand.

"Goodness," Lingua murmured, "you're so insistent on that. But I wonder..."

Larya's heart raced and fluttered and melted as she began to slide down the seemingly endless tentacle length. Loops spiraled before her, and she was sure there had to be more than one tendril present now, but she was a little too concentrated on feeling her pussy slide over the sensuous tongue to even think about counting.

She giggled, watching the tentacle tongues loop and spiral so prettily. Her own eyes felt a little loopy, her vision swirling.

"You seem just," Lingua went on, giggling, "like the sorts of slutty bimbos my little Lia always liked to bring home back in the day." Her voices layered over one another, dripping with indulgent suggestion, sinful implication. "Eager. Open to suggestion. Desperate for guidance."

"Ohhh..." Larya moaned and drooled a little, then giggled. "Y-Yeah, well... m-maybe, but... n-nnnnot a b-bimbo..." She gazed in rapture into the spirals as she slid downward, headfirst towards the loops of tentacle, and giggled again. "Y-Yeah," she repeated, louder, more confident, "Like, I'm definitely not some dumb slutty bimbo!"

"Oh?" Lingua smirked. "And how can you be sure?"

"Cause, like, I'm totallysmMMMF!" Mid-word, Larya felt the tongue-tentacles tighten around her, as she slid right down headfirst into a warm, tight, slippery tendril cocoon.

Briefly, she was immersed completely. Pure pleasure oozed around her as the tongues licked and lapped at every inch of skin, teased along her inner entrances, slipped lasciviously between her asscheeks and even past her parted lips.

And she squealed in muted, captivated bliss. She couldn't help herself--it just felt so good, and her whole world was submerged in it. She was drowning in ecstasy, and she cried and mewled and thrashed joyously, happy for a brief moment simply to be lost.

Her head popped out the other side, and she was once again in the chamber with Lingua.

Larya drooled and moaned. The tentacle tongues slathered venom all over her nipples, looped around her breasts, between her asscheeks, along the lips of her dripping pussy...

"Well?" Lingua's voice was like warm mulled wine. Sweet, heady, and utterly irresistible.

Larya gazed up in hopeless stupid adoration. She struggled to think of an answer. How could she prove she wasn't a... a... a bimbo, that was the word. A nice, happy, horny slutty bimbo. How could she prove she wasn't one of those?

Her face screwed up in concentration, then lit up as she thought of the answer.

"'Cause I'm a spy!" she squealed, and giggled proudly. "I'm totally here to, like, spy on you! Could a dumb bimbo do that?"

"Oh, do tell~" Lingua encouraged, clearly impressed.

Larya glowed with smug triumph. "Like, Captain Tarromin--"

"The bargeman?"

"Yeah! Yeah, the bargeman, for sure! Like, he noticed his friend, umm, totes went missing!"


"Uh-huh! Uh-huuuh!" Larya's head bobbed eagerly as her head fizzed and popped with bimbo-pink bubbles. "And, like... like, um..." She frowned. "What was I... wait..."

"You were telling me how you're a spy," Lingua informed her, smiling.

"Ooh! Thanks!" Larya giggled. "Silly me!"

"You are very silly," Lingua agreed sweetly.

"For sure! So, like, he asked us to come and investigate!"

"'Us' meaning...?"

"Me, Lim, and Alrek--he's by the harbor, he's, like, suuuper strong-willed!" Larya twirled her finger off in a vague direction, then winked. "But, like, between you and me," she added conspiratorially, cupping her mouth so no one else would hear, "he's way weaker against poisons and stuff than I am."

"Oh, my!" Lingua purred. "What a clever little spy you are!"

Larya beamed with pride. "Yeah! And, like, we came here to investigate it! And I found you!"

"Oh, my goodness! But now you're trapped here with me!"

"... yeah," Larya admitted shyly. "Kinda." She squirmed and grinded within the slippery cocoon.

"Do you have any hope of escape?" Lingua raised an eyebrow, her eyes wide as if with concern.

"Ooh, uhh..." Larya bit her lip. "Gosh, I dunno if I should tell you..."

"Why not?" Lingua asked reasonably, eyelashes fluttering.

"Ummm... like, 'cause..." Larya squirmed uncomfortably in her wonderful pleasure prison. "We're here to stop you an' stuff! So even though I totally have an escape plan, I... probably shouldn't tell you..." She pouted.

"Aww." Lingua put a finger to her lips with a sneaking smile. "Did you not come without a backup plan? Such a silly bimbo~"

"H-Hey!" Larya protested, wiggling in lust at the words. "I'm not silly! And I'm not a bimbo! We totally have a backup plan!"

"You do?" Lingua asked, her voice as pure and guileless as her wide, shimmering eyes. "Can you even remember it, though?"

"Yuh-huh!" Larya giggled. Gosh, she was about to make Lingua look sooo dumb. "The captain, like, hid his barge by the reef, for, in case we need backup. His whole crew is there! They've even got a couple crystal mages, so, like, all we need to do is signal them by lighting a fire by the beach and they'll come to help us! So there!" She gave a big, smug smile.

Then something occurred to her. She frowned. "Ooh! But, like..." She giggled, then pouted. "You can't tell anyone! It's, like, suuuper a secret! 'Specially from you!"

Lingua's eyes glimmered. "Oh?" she asked, tilting her head down at Larya as if intently curious.

"Yeah! Totes!" Larya tried to reach her pussy to finger herself, licking her lips, but she was too tightly bound. Like a fly in a web.

Larya giggled. But Lingua wasn't a spider! She was just, like, a suuuper hot girl! And not even in an arachne girl way!

"Is it really a secret, my sweet?" Lingua purred, reaching down to caress Larya's cheek. "An important one?"

"Pleeease? Otherwise, like, we'll totes get caught!"

"Mmmm... I don't know, sweetie..."

"Please-please-please?" Larya made her eyes as big as she could as she whimpered and whined. "I'll be sooo good! I'll do anything!"

"Well, alright, dear little thing." Lingua murmured, a smile playing across those gorgeous, luscious lips. "I won't tell anyone, okay?"

Larya giggled and wiggled. Phew. That had been a close one.

"But," Lingua added, raising an eyebrow, "do you know what kind of girl would tell their 'enemy' the whole spy plan like that?"

"Huh?" Larya blinked vapid eyes, her pouty lips parting slightly in confusion.

Lingua smiled triumphantly. Her voices began to layer once again, interweaving with one another like impossibly delicate lacings of venom on sugar on venom. First one voice, then two, then three... "A dumb."






Larya's eyes widened and filled with spirals as all eight voices descended upon her, wrapped around her mind even tighter than the tendrils around her body, and her lips parted in wondrous pleasure.

And then she felt the tentacles daintily spread her asscheeks apart, and the tail-tongue's tip slipped inside her with one irresistible thrust.

Larya squealed and moaned, bucking and thrashing in sudden ecstasy. The tongue licked her asshole mercilessly, plunging inside her and pulling back out and plunging back in again, in and out, in and out, and she was more sensitive than she'd ever been in almost her entire life--

"There's a good slut," Lingua cooed, her seductive voices all layered together now, overwhelming Larya with pure inevitable dominance. "Such a dumb little slutty bimbo!"

"Ohhh~" Larya squealed and shrieked and giggled and kicked uselessly in her restraints, her whole vision going rosy-pink. "I--I--"

"Say it, slut."

"YES!" Larya cried eagerly. "Oh, yes, I'm--I'm--" Her arousal began to climb, and she was so close to the precipice, the so-long-denied precipice-- "I'm a bimbo!" she squealed, humiliated and so, so, so brainlessly horny. "I'm a dumb slutty little bimbo!"

"Whose slutty little bimbo?" Lingua asked smugly.

And as the answer flared to life in Larya's open, suggestible mind, Larya came.

It was like Larya was a feather caught in a whirling, thundering cyclone. She was seized and swept away in an instant, her whole being filled with glowing, effervescent pleasure--a pleasure that left no room for anything else in her head but pure sticky-sweet obedience. The tongues thrust into her ass, licked and lapped all over her hot, slutty form, and they left nothing in their wake but desire for more.

"I'M YOUR BIMBO!" The words spilled from Larya's panting lips in a delectable flood of humiliation, and Larya couldn't remember why she'd ever tried to hold them in. Even hearing her worn, high-pitched voice crying out the words was an ecstasy beyond measure. "I'M YOUR DUMB MOANING BRAINLESS COCKSUCKING BUTTSLUT BIMBOOOO~" She giggled helplessly and thrust her hips against the tentacles, her whole vision a pink blur.

"And you love this, don't you, slut? Love having your thoughts fucked away--love having your ass licked and fucked like the little slut you are--"

Larya was drooling, gasping with every thrust of the tail, mewling with every merciless lick over her bare nipples. The orgasm was giving way to the afterglow, and it was like being dunked into thick, heavy honey and gulping down her fill. "Yesss," she slurred, wiggling like a wanton catgirl in heat. "Yes, I l-looove it... wanna be all brainless for you, Mistress, wanna... wanna get aaall filled up!"

Lingua giggled. Larya giggled, too--and then found herself being spun around, still wrapped in the tentacles, to stare in sudden aching, molten desire at Lingua's beautiful, twitching cock.

"You will do anything, won't you, dear?" Lingua purred with all eight voices.

Larya gulped, licked her lips and nodded meekly. "Yes, Mistress," she whimpered.

The cock slid past her wonderfully sensitive slutty cocksucking lips, and she took it reverently, lavishing it with her tongue, her vision hazy, her thoughts a molten mess.

She felt more tongues probing at her cunt's entrance, licking over her pussy lips before sliding inside, and Larya mewled through the cock as she dutifully sucked, overjoyed at having all three holes so perfectly filled...

... overjoyed, as her head bobbed eagerly, as she moaned brainlessly, to submit completely to this mature, dominant, humiliatingly smug demoness who had so easily melted Larya right into the palm of her hand.

Goooood girl," Lingua cooed, and Larya whined and drooled happily at the praise, feeling her pussy gushing. "Such a good dumb little slut! Don't worry, dear..."

Lingua's cock twitched and pulsed, and Larya's whole world went hazy as she tasted the demoness's sweet, sinful nectar pouring on her tongue. She gulped it all down obediently and moaned for more.

"... soon you'll have the chance to prove exactly that~"

Larya thought of Lim upstairs, so cute and bratty and sure of herself, and came to another mind-melting orgasm at the thought.

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