On the Tip of Her Tongue

Chapter 1

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/f #humiliation #hypnotic_voice #massage #multiple_partners #tentacles #bimbofication #candy #D/s #demon #dom:female #fantasy #rimjob #sub:female

First published on 01/01/22!

Original author's note: This Alrek/Larya story is set after With Silver Bells, but quite some time before Sea Slimes. As always, the stories can be read in just about any order, but check my profile for more info if you're looking for a full timeline!

Sea smoke curled and rose above the cyan waters of the Southern Castle Seas as the boat pulled up to the docks of Maplemoon Island.

"So, this is the place." Steam poured from Larya's mouth as she spoke. She squinted up against the hazy morning light, her eyes running over the pale castle in the distance. Its narrow spires loomed high over their surroundings as if built for a larger island. She glanced back at her companions. "It doesn't look like much."

"Well, lass, many of the Southern Castle Isles don't at first," commented a passing crewman as he went to open the luggage hatch. "Wonders o' the world, every one, but never much to look at." He gave a hoarse laugh. "No accountin' for royal taste.

Larya blinked deep green eyes. She hadn't meant to sound disrespectful. The castle itself was beautiful, its pale stone matching the hues and shades of the island cliffs so perfectly it could only have been carved right out of the living rock. Dozens and dozens of little houses surrounded it, like ants around a great beetle's carcass, none of them matching its strange style. Somehow, this only added to the fairytale mystique.

The wind picked up. Larya shivered and drew her blue coat tighter around herself, pulled her cute sky-blue wool cap down lower to cover her ears, and tossed the end of a coppery-brown angora scarf back over her shoulder. As an afterthought, she leaned against the person who had so thoughtfully purchased these gifts for her a week ago, hoping to steal some extra warmth from her companion.

"Bleeding whiskers!" Lim breathed, leaning over the taffrail next to her. She didn't seem to mind Larya's closeness one bit, if she even registered it. The catgirl's reddish-brown ears flicked above her bright red hair, freckled cheeks dimpled in a wide-eyed smile as she gazed up at the castle. "I've never seen such a big house, Larya, love!"

Larya giggled at her sort-of girlfriend's reaction. "Yeah? It's called a castle, you know." She ignored Lim's furry tail flicking up to impudently tickle her nose. "I grew up with a gigantic fortress right next to my home, so I guess it's sort of..." Remembering herself, she turned back to their other companion. "Hey, are you sure you're not coming?"

Alrek stood by their luggage, eyes narrowed as the crewman gingerly approached to take Larya's and Lim's bags. "No thanks."

"I seriously don't think you'll stick outthat much, Alrek." Lim winked. "Adventurers must come by here all the time!"

"It's a lot warmer on the island, y'know, lord," chirped a female sailor, and Larya could see the worry etched across his face: Was the passenger who'd spent the whole voyage complaining and getting sick going to be making a round trip? "They say the Maplemoon was built on a prisonered volcano. All kinds o' magic afloat here to make it the perfect resort."

"Just don't forget what we're here for." Ignoring the sailor, Alrek hefted Larya's little backpack and tossed it to her. Larya caught it. Aside from an extra change in clothes, the only thing it held was the letter. A letter from a concerned sailor. Always beautiful women. They go in. Never come out. "You'll blend a lot better, you druids. I'd just spook this lot."

Larya suppressed a smile. He wasn't all wrong. Alrek wasn't ugly, exactly--actually, objectively he'd probably be considered quite fetching, even if the thought grossed her out personally--but he had an ugly manner to him, a coarseness to his speech that matched his nearly endless supply of scowls, glares and grimaces. She was pretty sure he found time to maintain his dark hair, but he certainly never brushed or combed it, and he only ever wore thick, practical clothing and well-maintained, heavily patched leather armor. He hadn't even agreed to stow away his spear for the voyage until the ship's harpy had told him it was a self-impalement risk if they hit something.

... And now... yup. She pursed her lips. Yeah, he was getting it out again. Not even hesitating about it.

"Besides," she heard him mutter, "my old woman used to say, never trust anyone who tells you to 'relax your muscles'. Masseuses are trouble."

Gods, he was so weird.

Larya and Lim were much more 'the part'. Larya was tall, willowy, and graceful, with long wavy dark hair, full lips, and currently, the second-cutest cold-weather outfit she'd ever seen. Cozy as it was, her getup flattered her supple, curvy form very well, and she looked quite ready for some rest and relaxation.

Lim, meanwhile, had shoulder-length red hair as vivid as her flattering freckles. Though lacking a few inches on Larya in height, she more than made up for it in her wide, curvy hips and ample bosom, flattered by a tight forest-green sweater and layered cerulean skirts that flowed over warm but fashionable striped blue stockings. She was dressed to turn heads.

"Aw, Alrek, love, don't you worry!" Lim gave a crooked grin as she hooked her arm in Larya's, jarring Larya from her naked admiration of Lim's body. "We know this isn't any pleasure trip. Get in, do the job, get out, what?"

"R-Right!" Larya nodded quickly, blushing as her eyes left Lim and returned to Alrek. "We're just here to investigate disappearances. This is purely business."

~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh my gods," Lim bubbled, "this's going to be so much fun!"

Larya giggled slightly. The catgirl was ecstatic, positively bouncing in circles around her as they made their way through the little village. "I mean, it will be nice to take a bit of a break from things." She bit her lip. "Everything's been so intense lately, with the oneiromancer, the vampires, the succubi... I just don't--"

"Oh, yes!" Lim's head bobbed, tail flicking urgently behind her head as she twirled in her dress to clasp Larya's hands in hers. The catgirl audibly purred, a rumbling deep enough to make Larya's fingertips tingle. "I've always wanted to go to the Maplemoon Resort, you know! Did you know just a few people own it? Not the whole village, love, just a few lucky bunnies!"

"Yeah, Lim." Larya rolled her eyes good-naturedly. Lim hadn't been listening, but... that was fine. This wasn't the time or place to focus on the negative. "That's just how people from the cities do it, I guess. Sometimes just even one person owns it all."

"It sounds terrible!" Lim grinned. "But I guess it can't be so rotten if the other people living here haven't revolted yet." She blinked, putting a finger to her lips. "I can't reckon how they get any people to work on the place, though, if nobody's getting a share in things..."

"Lim, remember to stay on-task." Larya tugged the catgirl along by one hand. They were drawing near the castle gate. "We have an important job to do."

"We're visitin' a ruttin' pleasure resort, Larya!" Lim teased, giving Larya's hand a squeeze. "We can multitask a little!"

"This is all business, Lim. We're just here to help."

"Oh, right." Lim smirked, leaning in to nudge Larya's shoulder. "'Causeyour top priority is prrrofessionalism." Her voice crackled with a sultry, knowing purr on the last world.

Larya flushed. She tried to ignore how nice those purrs felt against her hand. "W-Well--"

"Oh, and now she blushes!" Lim crowed. She leaned in closer and beamed up at her fellow druidess. "Like you aren't excited to get all pampered and dolled up like a pretty--"

"D-Don't say it," Larya stammered.

"Princess~" the catgirl cooed.

Larya felt her cheeks burning. 'Princess' was a new pet name Lim had been trying on her lately. Larya was pretending it didn't affect her. She was not very good at hiding her reactions when Lim's tongue was involved. "L-Look," she sputtered, "I--you can't just--"

"Ooh, there's the booth!" Lim chirped, bobbing back and smiling innocently. "Why don't I get us checked in? Wait right here, and don't move a muscle." She winked, tail flicking as she backed away from Larya. "It's so cute when you start making yourself all small and meek."

Larya realized she was squeezing her legs together, and she glared and stammered incoherently as Lim skipped up to the booth to present their passes.

Larya folded her arms and fumed.

Lim was such a tease lately. Ever since the affair with the vampire harem, the catgirl had seemed to delight in tormenting Larya, not only drawing out humiliating reactions but making sure to taunt her over each and every one mercilessly.

And... Larya loved it, of course, much to her even greater frustration. Not that she would ever admit that outside of a check-in.

"Is this yours?"

Larya spun so fast, she nearly hit the woman right in the jaw.

The druidess went bright red, realizing that two women in the flattering pale uniforms of the Maplemoon attendants had basically snuck up on her while she'd been daydreaming. Each had brilliant curly pink hair shoulder-length, bright hazel eyes, and a big smile on her face. One was slightly taller and had a more angular jawline and wider shoulders, bared by the revealing uniform, while the other was shorter and softer, with a pleasing plumpness to her.

"Hiiii~" cooed the tall one, beaming as she picked up Lim's suitcase. "You mind if we take these to your room?"

"U-Um--" Larya's head spun, literally, as she looked between the distant Lim--off twirling her hair, leaning over the booth, giggling at something the clerk had said--and the two pretty attendants. "Well, um, it's--it's ours," she managed lamely.

"Oooh, of course!" cooed the shorter one as she reached forward and took one of the straps of Larya's backpack. "But you aren't supposed to be carrying luggage around everywhere, sweetie."

Larya blinked. "You're... you're not?" she managed weakly.

"Teehee! Of course not, cutie!" the tall one flashed her a wide smile, pressing in and grasping the other strap. "You can't be carrying these heavy things around everywhere! They're, like, super heavy and stuff!"

"I... I guess so," Larya said, feeling flustered. They were being awfully familiar, with their hands grazing over her shoulders...

"Right, of course!" the short one pressed. They seemed to be taking her stammering agreement as further acceptance--not only of the confiscations, but of the touches. She reached out to give Larya's hand a little squeeze. "You'd get all tired!"


"And you wouldn't be able to enjoy all the wonderful fun things the Maplemoon can offer you!" chirped the tall one as she leaned in, running her fingers over Larya's bare arm.

Larya shivered. The touches felt... unusually good. She squirmed slightly. "But... but, um..." She desperately wished Lim could have been the one to deal with these two. They were just talking so quickly, and she just couldn't focus. Lim was still busy. Lim hadn't noticed. Larya was on her own. But she could handle herself... right? "I-I mean, it makes sense, but..."

"Sweetie," soothed the short one, her fingertips trailing along Larya's neck, "just let us help you. This is what we do."

"It's our job," the tall one breathed, then bit her lip. "We might get in trouble if we let someone through with just whatever gear they happen to bring with them."

"You don't want us to get in trouble, do you?"

Larya was overwhelmed, and every time she even started to hesitate, these two seemed all-too-eager to take advantage, to press in, to escalate. It was going so fast. She wasn't even sure why she was objecting anymore, except that it all seemed so rushed, and... and...

"I... of course not," she stammered, squirming. "I mean, but, it's just... if we could, um, slow down..."

"Slow down?" the tall one asked sweetly.

"We can slow down," the short one said with a smile.

"Yeah, we'd be happy to... slow down for you~" The tall one's fingertips started to stroke more slowly up and down Larya's arm, long, lazy, delicate motions...

Larya gasped.Gasped. The sensation was... was... she'd heard stories about how the mermaids could be sensitive all over their bodies, like every single inch of bare skin was an erogenous zone. She felt so sensitive. So vulnerable. Almost... naked.

Lim, she realized, feeling her cheeks getting very, very hot, hadn't been able to really fuck her since they'd got on the stupid little boat. A few fingerings, several of which, most recently, the teasing catgirl hadn't 'remembered' to let Larya finish from...

Larya's face got warmer still as she realized that Lim had been priming her all the last week. Edging her, building her up. Oh, the catgirl had plans for this resort.

The pink-haired beauties giggled in unison at her flustered silence, which only made Larya's embarrassment worse. She shifted from foot to foot. "Oh," the short one purred, "you're gonna have soooo much, like, fun here." Her fingertips stroked down from Larya's neck, down her neckline... "Sweetie, we're your guides. It's important that you trust us."

"Trust..." Larya shook herself. Focus! This was just how a place like this no doubt ensnared pretty girls all the time.

Pretty girls... like... these two... Larya shivered as the fingers of the tall one played along her right arm like a musical instrument.

"So, um..." whispered the taller guide in her ear.

"Y-Yes?" Larya whimpered, tingles spreading over her whole body.

"Can we..." the short one breathed in her other ear.

"Y-Yesss?" Larya half-moaned, as the finger stroked along her arms, down her sides...

The guides grasped the straps of her backpack.

Larya blinked. "Oh."


Sheepishly, she raised her arms. "S-Sorry," she stammered. "I-I thought..."

The guides tittered as they slipped the backpack off of her. "Not yet, silly," said the tall guide with a wink. "We'll just get these items checked in~"

"Th-Thank you," Larya squeaked, her face hot as a crucible. Gods, they'd just been... and she'd...

As the pair took the luggage and started towards the castle, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She shivered at the touch--then spun around, squeaking, to see Lim standing there with one hand on her hips.

"Did you just let them take our luggage?" Lim asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah. They're... they're taking it up to our room." Larya desperately willed her face to stop its blushing.

"Did you remember to take the letter out of the backpack first?"

Larya blinked. Her eyes widened. "I--um--"

"Gosh." Lim giggled up at her and patted her cheek. "You're such a bimbo sometimes!"

"I-I'm not--" Larya held in a whimper, barely, at the delicate touches to her cheek. Why am I suddenly so sensitive? She glared. "I'm not a bimbo!"

"Sure you're not, love." Lim winked. "Good thing you've a clever lass like me keepin' you on track." Her grin widened as Larya continued to glare. "Aw, don't gimme that look. Here, I bought you something."

She tossed a small round object to Larya. Instinctively, Larya caught it. It was a ripe, sunset-pink peach.

"Oh!" So that's why she took so long. Larya smiled sheepishly. "Um, thanks."

"No problem." With an affectionate tilt of her head, Lim reached up to pet Larya on the head. "You're stronger-willed on a full stomach, as the goblin maids say."

"And I'm sure they have no ulterior motives for that expression," Larya said under her breath.

She took a bite out of the peach. She was taken aback at how intense the flavor was--how deeply sweet and juicy. The fuzzy skin of the peach brushed her lips, and it was exquisite. Larya had always known she could get a bit over-sensitive when she'd been denied for a while, but this was... Larya's thick eyelashes fluttered at the sensations, at the flavors. Delectable.

Lim, already turning away, didn't seem to notice. "Anyways," the catgirl chirruped, "time's-a-wasting. Let's get right down to business."

~ ~ ~ ~

"And if you need anything else," the pretty guide cooed, her head just poking through the closing doorway, "you just give us a ring and we'll come running~"

"Thank you!" Larya called, her head nestled cozily in the middle of a donut-shaped pillow. She lay sprawled there, face-down, essentially naked except for a thong and bra on the cozy massage bed. Lim lay on an identical bed next to her. "We'll let you know!"

The guide winked as the door closed.

The massage parlor was beautifully-decorated, with pretty white tiles bearing pink paisley patterns, tinted pink windows, shimmering silver speaking pipes rising from the walls, and bundles of pink mint and yellow chamomile hanging from the ceiling. Not that Larya saw much of it. She was currently admiring the darkness that her face formed when filling the donut hole of her pillow.

"Isn't this nice?" Lim purred next to her. Larya peeked out of the pillow an see the catgirl stretch lazily, rolling onto her side to smile at Larya. She reached over to the little bowl of pink candies that rested on the table between them, popping a candy into her mouth. "I'm honestly startin' to reconsider being a druid, love. Who knew there was so much pampering to be found behind brick walls?"

Larya rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure. You're just a cat who's being taken care of. You'd be out the door the second they stopped petting you."

"Maybe." Lim smirked. "Nice nails, by the way."

Larya giggled and wiggled her toes, showing off the blue polish she'd chosen. "I look good in blue, you know?"

"You look cute in every color, silly." Lim sucked and chewed on her candy with a rosy glow in her cheeks. Her own nails had been painted dark green. "But you see how nice it is? Manicures, massages... it's so warm in here, too, compared to the outside..."

"Lim, I've literally worked in a place a lot like this." Larya snorted. "You didn't need to sell me on it. I just think we should be... focusing a little." Her eyes traveled over the room, noticing two levers on the wall between their tables--made of silver, like the pipes, and styled to resemble panting wolves. "You suppose those are for reclining the tables, or something?"

"I'll bet there's all kinds of magic-work in these old castles." Lim gestured to the speaking tube. "See that old thing? It's made of silver. Alrek said silver's used a lot for magic items, remember?"

"Mm... I guess." Larya sighed contentedly. "I mean, we can relax a little bit, I guess. We just shouldn't..."

A low hiss began beneath them. Liarya wasn't sure what it was, but she also wasn't fully awake, so she ignored it. "We just shouldn't... get distracted, you know? Carried away."

"You're the one always getting carried away." Lim sighed. "And I'll be by to rescue you. Just like with the wifwolf."

Larya squirmed. "I told you, I don't even remember any of that whole incident," she said. She tried not to think of how the slippery tongue had felt between her thighs.

"Uh-huh. Sure." Lim popped another candy past her fulsome pink lips, then held another up for Larya. "You want one? They're really good."

Larya eyed it dubiously. "I can't believe you're eating those. They're obviously drugged, if anything here is."

"This place can't just be drugging people." Lim shrugged and popped the second into her mouth as well. "I mea', if 'at wash all it took, the shailor's ex-gir'frien' 'ould've been immune." She swallowed. "She was a treefrog-girl, remember, love? Close to toxin-immune."

"You shouldn't tempt fate, is all."

"They'll probably come along after the guests go to bed. That's when we'll be ready." Lim yawned. "But I kind of doubt it's the resort itself, sweetie. Losin' customers isn't profitable for them, right? Rumors are already spreading on the mainland--this is gonna be right awful for their business, losin' people, especially with the whole Chosen stuff so nearby already making people skittish. It's probably some monster or fey catching people when they wander along the shores. Tons of weird creatures in the waters around here."

"I know, but..."

Larya trailed off. The hissing was getting louder. It sounded like steam escaping.

"But it doesn't mean the Maplemoon doesn't know something that they're trying to cover up," Lim added sharply. "So quit acting suspicious or they'll find an excuse to kick us out!"

"Right, but..." Larya gave a low sigh. "Do you hear something, sweetie?"

Lim blinked. She wiggled to peek under the bed. "It's just the steam. Don't massage parlors do it all the time?"

"Yeah, but... how is it just coming from the floor? Shouldn't they be bringing in... stones or something?"

Despite her words, Larya was relaxing on the bed. Lim was right; she was tired of always being on edge. Alrek always expected things to go wrong, and Lim always expected her to end up submitting to some fey, and she was trying to balance both of those to be hyper-responsible.

Lim was right. The resort wasn't about to brainwash them. It would be... she started to turn her head back into the donut hole. Bad for business.

"Must be some sort of magic." Lim gave a catlike yawn and giggled. "Like how it's... pink." She returned her head to the pillow.

"Mm..." Larya breathed in. The air tasted humid. Maybe a little sweet. "Pink?"

"Perfumes, I guess. Incense mixed in." Lim's voice was a sigh. "Just relax, princess... it's gonna be fine..."

Larya felt shivers skitter up and down her spine at the word, as her face placidly returned to its resting place.

Just them, she heard the door open, and several pairs of footsteps entered.

"Hello, our darlings," said a sweet, sugary voice. "I'm Myna, and this is Senni."

"Hi, gorgeouses," Senni sang, her voice higher, daintier as she followed Myna in.

"We're, like, soooo excited to help you relax," Myna sang, and Larya started as she felt the blanket sliding away from her basically nude body. "That's what we're here for, isn't it, Senni?"

"Ohh, yes," Senni agreed, and Larya heard Lim give a little gasp. Larya chuckled silently into her pillow--then squeaked as she felt Myna's hand grazing her shoulder. "To help you relax."

"Relax," Myna echoed.

"Relax," they purred together.

Larya squirmed. "Umm..."

"Shh, pretty girl,'' Myna cooed, and Larya went still as her hand began to delicately run over her bare back. "Mustn't worry about speaking. This isn't a place for conversation. This is a place for pleasure."

"Pleasure," Senni eched, and Larya heard Lim mewl softly.

"You might," Myna went on, "begin to feel a little sleepy. Maybe even a little suggestible. That's normal."

Larya whimpered softly. She already felt so disoriented. "Um... but..."

"You did pay for the subliminal experience," Myna added, her lips tickling Larya's ear, "didn't you?"

Larya felt her whole body go hot. Lim, you... you... Myna's soft, smooth hands began kneading her shoulders, and Larya's arms went totally limp. ... wonderful sexy perfect smart adorable...

"Y-Yeah," she managed weakly. "Um, just... no... lingering..."

"Of course not," Myna agreed. "Why, a Toxin Ranger even lives on the isle, sweetie! They've confirmed it many times over the years. Utterly temporary. Besides, your friend isn't getting one. She'll be able to keep an eye on you."

"O-Okay..." Larya knew this was a reckless idea. Accepting a liminal-experience massage on a trip like this was like getting drunk at a bar while looking into press-gangers. Lim never thought ahead. She was so... so...

"So goood," Myna was whispering in her ear, as her knuckles kneaded and petted the tension out of Larya's shoulders, rolled between her shoulder blades. "You're good. You work so hard. You're a good girl."

"g-good..." Larya moaned as Myna's hands milked all worry from her body, her mind sinking deeper and deeper into the relaxed trance space. She realized, foggily, that she hadn't asked about the pink mist... or just how far this massage was supposed to go...

But as Myna's wonderful hands continued to work, as Myna's voice continued to pour around her, Larya found she couldn't quite find it in her to worry.

She could relax a little. Just a little. The resort wouldn't be behind this, after all. No business sense,no profit, and private companies cared for nothing else, didn't they?

"Just let us take care of you," the masseuse soothed. More hands joined hers--massaging Larya's back, her aching shoulders, all the way down to her tense arms and wrists. "We're here to make you feel good~"

"good," Larya echoed. The pink steam smelled so good. She was so, so sensitive, and her breaths came in deeper every time, filling her more with the heat. She was slipping deeper and deeper into the trance now. She felt so sleepy... so relaxed... so...

"Good!" the voice of what Larya took to be another masseuse agreed with a giggle. The multiple pairs of hands stroked and rubbed along her sides, caressing her whole body, descending down towards her hips... "That's right, sweetie... feels good... to relax..."

"Ohh..." Larya felt like she might as well have been made of jelly. Or of lead. Or of heavy, heavy molten gold. Gods, it had been so long since she'd had a real massage... "Y-Yes... relax..."

Dimly, she heard Lim giggling, and she felt embarrassed. This was a truly cruel trick, even for the dominant catgirl. She just couldn't help herself. The pink mist seemed to make her so, so sleepy...

The hands started to dip lower. Larya's whole mind oozed like syrup as Myna began to knead and caress her ass, as other hands began tugging down her thong...

"W-Wait," she mumbled, dimly registering this, squirming slightly. "Is... is..."

"Shhhh." There multiple voices at one in her ears, overlapping.

"Just relax," eased two of the masseuses, their voices silken and delicate as they wove together around Larya.

"Just sink down," echoed three others as Larya's thong slid down her hips. "You're here to feel good, remember?"

"uuunnh... gggood..." Larya drooled a little. The voices oozed over her like slow-pouring syrup. She struggled to remind herself to object, to resist... but then remembered that she didn't need to. Did she?

A finger tapped her ass meaningfully, and not even thinking, Larya rolled and lifted her hips with the supple agility of a mink, allowing her thong to be slid away from her.

"Good girl," cooed the voices in tandem. "Gooood girl~"

"good... girl..." Larya moaned. The hands touching her ass felt so good. How could it possibly feel so wonderfully, amazingly good just to be... touched?

"That's right," whispered the voices, interlacing and overlapping in a disorienting way that made Larya's mind spin and twirl out of control like a falling maple seed. "That's right, just relax and focus on letting us make you feel gooood..."

Larya smiled dazedly and did as she was told. It didn't help her efforts at dignified resistance one bit, she thought sourly, that she was so thoroughly submissive lately, a fact Lim gleefully took advantage of and, frankly exacerbated. These masseuses clearly knew quite well what kind of girl she was.

A good one.

She moaned but couldn't quite find it in her to object as she felt hands parting her asscheeks. She suddenly felt very, very self-conscious of the 'cleanings' they'd been taken to first thing. Oh, gods, was... was this...

She squeaked and wiggled faintly as she felt fingers probing her asshole teasingly, almost curiously. She wanted to pull away--at least, a part of her thought she did...

... but her thighs and hips were so, so relaxed. So easily limp. She could barely even wriggle. She just moaned helplessly.

"Aww, good girl!" cooed Myna in her ear. "Heehee, does this feel good?"

The fingers teased and stroked, lubricated. Larya gasped as she felt herself be penetrated. In and out. Three times. Four times.

"Y-Yes," she admitted, blushing brilliantly, praying Lim couldn't see her--but a part of her wishing Lim would, so the catgirl could humiliate her later. Only a tiny, minuscule part of her remembered that Lim watching her was supposed to be what kept her safe for this. Thinking of how distractible Lim could be, some very mixed emotions passed through Larya's foggy mind.

"What was that?" the many voices asked teasingly, each voice dripping with mock-innocence. Just how many masseuses were here with her? "Sorry, we didn't quite hear you."

"Y-Yes," Larya whimpered, "it's... okay..."

The fingers pulled out. Larya gave a sigh of relief mixed with disappointment.

Then she felt her asscheeks spread again, and heard a faint sound from above.

A wet, lewd sound.

She squealed weakly into the pillow as the masseuses' tongue darted into her, but her voice was already so, so very weak from so much prolonged submission. Muffled by the pillow. And honestly, a part of her was trying to keep quiet so Lim wouldn't notice. All she could think of was how embarrassing this was...

"And how about this?" purred several sweet, girlishly innocent voices in her ears. "Is this... pleasurable?"

"Oh, yes," Larya gasped and whimpered, her ass unconsciously rising to meet the tongue, wiggling needily. "Oh, yesss..."

A chorus of giggles rose around her at this, and she quivered in humiliation. It felt almost like she was being toyed with--degraded more for sport than for any concern for her bodily autonomy. But that just made it feel so, so much hotter...

... being taken advantage of right next to Lim, being tormented and humiliated while the catgirl dozed off...

... not crying out when she could, because it all just felt so wonderfully good and she didn't want this to stop...

... relaxing into it, because relaxing was so easy... accepting her treatment like it was all she deserved...

The tongue plunged into her asshole and lavished its attentions on her without mercy. Larya squirmed and bit her lip to hold in a squeal of delight. Lick. Licklicklick. Licklicklicklicklick. Lick. Licklick. It was uneven, unpredictable, and unbearable. And all the while, two other pairs of hands worked at kneading her aching muscles, keeping her nice and limp and massaged into submission... gods, she'd been so sore from the boatride...

"Aww, just look at her!" cooed Myna as she pulled back. Larya moaned pathetically as the hands kneaded her ass, massaging until even the tension from having her ass eaten out right then and there was melting away from her and she was once again as limp as a sleeping kitten. "Does that feel goooood, gorgeous?"

"unnhh..." Larya lay there and drooled into her pillow, senseless with pleasure. She was in a dreamy daze of rosy bliss, like endless curtains of pink mist that she kept brushing aside only to find more, and more, only to fall amongst them and be entangled, wrapped up in billowing silks...

The voices around her giggled.

"Such a slut!" one of the masseuses gushed.

"She must have eaten sooo many candies!" Myna agreed smugly.

Larya's cheeks burned with shame.

She hadn't eaten one.

She wasn't drugged.

She was just a natural weak-willed slutty little bimbo, and she knew it.

She was so lost in the humiliation as the hands massaged between her shoulderblades, kneaded and stretched the aching soles of her feet--strangely, she only identified the original two pairs of hands at work, despite how many voices she was hearing around her--that she barely noticed as she heard a click.

"We're letting her down now," Myna murmured, reaching one hand up to stroke Larya's long, silky dark hair.

"W...whuh..." Larya mumbled, trying to crane her head up as she felt the bed thrumming with magic, felt it starting to arch upwards, pointing her head down towards the wall...

"Teehee!" Myna stroked her hair, then reached down and gave her ass a squeeze. "Don't you worry your pretty bimbo head about it, gorgeous~"

"B-buh..." Larya was still so sleepy, so entranced, but the bed was starting to rise so high that she was slipping down headfirst...

The pillow was taken away. Briefly, Larya saw that she was bathed in the pink mist. Myna and Senni stood beside her, cooing and giggling and helping her to slide gently down from the bed...

... and into a chute that was opening in the wall...

Worry welled within her then. Larya tried to struggle, but her body was still so relaxed, and she felt so sleepy and heavy and dazed that any kind of motion was like pushing up against weighted blankets. She desperately willed her arms to cooperate, but they moved so, so slowly to action as her head neared the opening...

"Have fun down there, cutie," Myna cooed.

Larya's painted toes wiggled and curled with nerves. She blinked blearily up at Myna, blushing hot. Her lips parted. "L-Lim--"

And then the bed finished its ascent, and with a squeak, Larya slid right down and straight into the darkness.

~ ~ ~ ~

The darkness didn't last. As Larya tumbled, lights began to stream into her vision--first a few, than many, and then she was falling through a strobing, spiraling sea of pure brilliant color.

Her whole mind felt like a molten river, a river that kept coursing around and around. She gazed downward, tongue lolling, as she descended as if on a waterslide.

The colors streamed past her like thoughts, fast here and fast gone. Larys moaned.

This should hurt, shouldn't it? she thought dumbly. She was sliding awfully quick. But the surface she was sliding on didn't feel hard or chafing. There was barely any friction at all.

It actually felt quite... smooth.

And slippery.

And warm.

And wet.


Larya began to squirm.


That felt kind of... nice, actually.

The spiraling colors zoomed around her as she enjoyed the sensation. Her bra had slipped away from her and her bare nipples were pert--and just as insanely sensitive as the rest of her--as the slippery slide ran against them.

It was like... like... Larya moaned aloud, unable to hold in her delight.

Then, realizing nobody would possibly hear her, she allowed herself a hopeless squeal of pleasure, grinding and wiggling as the slide stroked between her legs, lapped along her breasts, her nipples, her whole face...

The slide was licking along her body like a giant tongue.

Larya had a lot of familiarity with tongues. Her girlfriend was a catgirl. She'd kissed a succubus before. And there was the incident with the wifwolf. But this was... was...

She panted and drooled, all semblance of composure briefly leaving her as she lost herself to the sensations. She was so sensitive, and the lewd, indulgent, decadent way the tongue-slide slipped so wetly between her legs... she squirmed and moaned and panted, her hands thrusting between her legs. "Oh, yesss," she babbled in senseless lust, as the colors streamed past and flushed her thoughts away.

And then the slide suddenly arced up, and flipped, and Larya exited the chute and landed faceup on a large, very springy bed.

Larya stared dumbly up at the ceiling, briefly still lost in trance.

And she found she was gazing up at a vision of herself. A beautiful, spellbinding vision.

She saw herself lounging back on a dark crimson bed. She saw her eyes filled with rainbow swirls of every hue imaginable and three she couldn't name.

She saw herself panting like a wanton, brainless slut, tongue lolling, drooling senselessly.

She saw her fingers pistoning desperately and messily between her legs...

As Larya's hands shot away from her lap, she saw her reflection blush brilliantly. Her eyes darted to the chute she'd emerged from. From this side, the human-sized chute was decorated with a rather tacky ivory dragon statue, its ordinary-looking silvery tongue lolling out and up as the "slide".

The tongue and dragon head glistened, she saw, not with saliva, but with tiny runes. It was some sort of enchantment. Some sort of magic to project colors, to make the descent harmless and... pleasant.

She calculated dall of this in dizzy confusion. Her eyes traveled along the walls. She was in a darkly-lit chamber--probably a dungeon, judging by the uneven stone cobble not remotely matching the pearlescent marble above. A rosy-pink fire crackled from every torch hanging on the wall. Rosewood, she identified automatically. It could be used for nasty mind control effects, especially when burned, but the torch wood had the characteristic gold streaks that indicated the wood had been treated to avoid rot--which coincidentally and fortunately also nullified the sap's major effects when burned.

There was only one door she could see, as well as an archway that appeared to lead into some sort of walk-in closet. The door looked to be silver-wrought, at least from this side, but covered in scratches, and had a large pink Y painted across it.

Y for Yes.

Yes for Yes, you may.

Larya had seen enough ward cellars in her life--the memories of the Mad Succubus still rankled a little, in fact--to recognize a ward cellar defiled and compromised.

And it was with this realization--the realization that there was a demon present, and a powerful one, one that had escaped its prison, one that had no doubt ensnared the attendants, one that had, it seemed, just ensnared her...

... that her eyes traveled back to the ceiling, and she gazed up into her reflection.

The mirror reflected everything, to her shame. The little wet spot beneath the ancient but perfectly-kept crimson blankets between her legs. The way her pert nipples pointed straight up, her arms squeezing both breasts together in hopeless, wanton desire... gods, her tits looked so hot squeezed together like that.

So humiliating.

She stared up and met her own eyes. Still swirling with beautiful, beautiful colors.

The mild sleepiness inflicted by the pink mist and hypnosis hadn't fully faded yet. The mind-melting trance of the tunnel hadn't, either.

Her fingers began to stroke between her legs as she admired her own pussy, glistening, dripping, parting so eagerly for her delicate fingers.

Every ounce of her longed to just thrust her fingers in and fuck herself senseles slike the dumb little slut she was, just cum and cum and cjum.

Instead, gazing up at the pretty spirals in her eyes, Larya stared and began to stroke, began to edge.

There was no harm, after all, she thought dazedly. She'd just... touch a little.

Just for a minute. Just sort of... get myself topped off. Then I can go,

But her fingers kept stroking in teasing motions. Grazing her clit. Brushing along her puffy labia lips.

Gosh, I look so hot, she thought, lips parting, loving the way her dark lipstick made her lips look, so full and slutty, such pretty cocksucking lips... so hot and slutty and ready to be fucked, to be owned..

Her fingers sped up a little. I'll be done in just a few moments, she told herself, feeling a little uneasy now. Just gotta... build a bit more... make it satisfying...

She kept edging. Kept building. Her breath started to quicken, and hearing her own slutty gasps made her clit tingle eagerly. Her fingers stroked a little faster, fingers pumping in and out, but so delicately, so, so delicately. The faster she went, she realized, whimpering, the daintier and daintier her touches seemed to get.

And the spirals were so pretty. She gazed adoringly into them. So pretty and enticing. So encouraging. So many swirly colors...

She thought of the tongues. Of those hot, sexy, voices, smoldering with arousal, encouraging her to relax... to sink...

Her fingers sped up... her touches to her clit grew softer, more teasing, and her whimpers grew more slurred, more dulled from sleepy trance...

She looked so hot. So sexy and slutty. She was almost drooling again, and numbly remembered to lick her lips. She looked like a mess. Naked and fingering herself, like a... like a little...

Just... just a second, she thought desperately. Any second now...

She could stop any time she wanted... right? She was just... just edging because...

... because...

... because... she was just...

Such," a voice hummed in her ear, "a hopeless. Little. Slut."

Larya whimpered. The voice was of one of the masseuses, one of the nameless women she hadn't seen who'd arrived after. Remembering being massaged, being licked out, only made her fingering speed up--and get even more feathery and teasing in the process. She mewled in frustration.

She was on the edge too long. She couldn't get down. It felt so nice, dripping away into it... hallucinating those sexy voices...

"You like to edge," the voice said sweetly. "Don't you, sweetie?"

"Oooh..." Larya nodded along, watching her pretty eyes swirl. "love... edge..."

She was happy to play along. Hearing the voices made her even hotter, even hornier, and she was so close, surely just--just a few more minutes--

"it feels good, doesn't it?" another voice said sympathetically in her other ear, another familiar, sensual, silky seductive voice.

"feels goooood," Larya moaned.

"You just want to keep edging,," several voices said silkily, "and getting dumber, and dumber, and dumber, don't you?"

The voices were overwhelming, intoxicating. Somehow they sounded even more distinct and clear than they'd sounded back before. Larya moaned and nodded, loving the way she looked in the reflection, just nodding stupidly like a dumb horny hypnotized edgeslut bimbo, fingering herself while that pretty tentacle slithered toward her on the bed, dark and crimson and moving almost like ...

Wait, tentacle?

In the mirrored ceiling above, she watched the tentacle graze her ankle, slithering around it, and felt its soft, warm, slippery, distinctly tongue-like length touch her bare skin.

Her eyes widened, and she tore her eyes away and spun--

--and found herself face-to-face with a grinning demoness.

It was immediately obvious that she was a demon. Those large, glowing scarlet irises and golden pupils, shuttered by thick, dark crimson fluttering lashes were the first tipoff. The thick, curving orange ram's horns rising from within sparkling hair that glowed bloodred were the second.

The third was simply her breathtaking, gorgeous, indulgently curvy figure. Her breasts were massive, and Larya could tell just at a glance that they would be as soft as swandown pillows, barely contained in that black-as-night leather corset. Her wide hips swung from side to side with every step she took as she walked slowly towards Larya.

Larya's cheeks went bright red as she stared up at the new arrival. Her eyes darted down to see that the 'tentacle' was, in fact, the demoness's sinuous tail. But... it felt so much like a long, sensuous tongue...

She bit her lip and looked back up at the demoness, feeling her heart beginning to thump in her chest.

The demoness beamed and licked her lips with six long forked tongues. "It was," she said smugly, "sooo very sweet of you to drop by~"

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