Glistening, Listening

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #brainwashing #f/f #fairies #oil #plantgirl #size_difference #bimbo #dom:female #edging #f/m #fantasy #penetrative_sex #sub:female #sub:male

A group of dazzling fairies clash with a sultry dryad who’s very good at changing people’s minds.

First published on 11/30/17!

"Ooh, poor little cutie!" The little dryad's eyes sparkled with glee. "I bet you just can't even keep standing anymore, can you? Can you?"

"Nn..." Salvin felt his legs quaking beneath him. He fought to keep hold, fought to resist, but how could he? His mind was melting with sheer... agreement. Of course he couldn't keep standing. Coryl knew best.

She gave his hand a fond little squeeze as he fell to his knees in the grass and moss.

Her hand was soft. Her skin was smooth, and strangely slick, like she was oiled up or something. Salvin's hand tingled pleasurably, and he let out a soft moan as she ran her other hand over his arm, feeling his muscles and cooing over his strength. "Such a big, strong man!" she breathed.

Coryl was a slight young woman with meticulous spiraling braids, deep browned skin, and a cute, heart-shaped face. And yet Salvin, a brawny traveler standing nearly six feet—not that he could stand right now—felt helpless to her touches. Her eyes gleamed with hazel rapture as the hand played up his arm, dancing over his bare shoulder, and grazed over his face. "I think we both know how bad he wants to give my finger... a li'l sucky, huh?"

"Mm," Salvin moaned, leaning forward to suckle at her pointer finger. The thought filled him with bubbling need. How had he not realized before how badly he wanted this?

And the second his lips contacted her smooth skin, he moaned louder, feeling more intensely than ever how true her statement was. Salvin felt himself fading, unable to resist a single word that issued from those plump, dark, perfect lips.

She told him he wanted to unbuckle his trousers. Of course he wanted that. He nodded eagerly, smiling at her, still sucking and licking her finger. He didn't know why he wanted it so badly, but he did. Ever since she'd laid her hand in his, he had known she knew what was best for him.

He did struggle a little when she laid a finger on his cock. He wasn't sure he was comfortable with that. He'd heard things—things about seductive fey, brainwashing, people being turned into mindless, horny toys for dryads' amusement... If he felt this good and agreeable with her holding his hand, how overwhelming would it be if she... she...

But she flashed him a smug smile. "Shh. You know you want it, don't you? Let Coryl take care of you, sweetie!"

His struggles slowed. Yes. Of... of course he wanted it? He leaned in, savoring her touches as she slowly stroked over his erect, throbbing cock. Yes. Oh, fuck yes. He definitely wanted this.

Coryl started to hum as her finger pulled from his mouth and started to trace down his chest. The tingling was everywhere, now. It was in his head.

He felt so woozy, when dear Coryl suggested that he couldn't possibly remain kneeling, of course he knew it was true. He smiled numbly as he sank facefirst into her arms, filling his vision with her ample cleavage, his air supply with the sharp, hazelnut liqueur scent that pervaded her perfect body. The tingling field his brain with slick, fuzzy warmth.

She slowly stroked his cock up and down with her slick, warm hand, filling his manhood with a burning need for... whatever she said it needed. He trusted her. She pumped him gradually, building his lust, as roots gathered around his arms and legs. He could do nothing to resist—even the slightest murmur of concern was silenced by waves of melodic whispers reminding him how badly he wanted all of this.

Soon, he was murmuring just for the sake of hearing her voice. Every whisper made the strokes so much more sensuous.

It was after fifteen minutes of this gentle touching that Coryl apparently could wait no longer, because she leaned in closer. Salvin was by now totally bound within the vinelike roots of the hazelnut tree, lost within this strange fey woman's hazel eyes. She wrapped her arms around him, beaming. "I bet my cutie wants more, huh?" she cooed.

He stirred. More. More.

"Y-yes!" he gasped, bucking as her finger ran over his cock head. "Oh, f-fuck—"

"I know!" Coryl squealed with delight. "My cutie wants me to fuck his itty-bitty brains out! Only..." She frowned in a tremendous pout. "Oh, darn. Darn!"

"W-what?" His voice trembled as she moved closer and closer, rubbing his arms and legs between her slick hands and her toned thighs. Her lips were mere centimeters from his skin. He instinctively knew that once she kissed him, he could refuse nothing from her ever again. Once she kissed him, he would be forever lost inside her world where she was the Wise and he the Learner. Her will would be his reality. Inescapable.

"Well, it's just..." She bit her lip. "Aw, darn. The only way I can fuck your ity-bitty brains out is if you beg to be my slave forever!"

"Oh." Salvin blinked slowly. That did sound bad.

"You don't want that, do you?" Coryl batted her thick eyelashes. "My cute little toy doesn't wanna be my little sexy slutty toy forever and a day!"

Salvin trembled as her fingers ran up and down his shaft. He was getting closer and closer. He needed her! Needed her sheath, needed the sweet, slippery release she could grant him. This was tortuously slow.

"N-no," he whimpered, with the heavy weight of regret on his tongue. What was he saying? Of course he didn't want that, but...

"Ooh. No?" And Coryl's tone changed. She moved closer, so that her lips just barely feathered by his own when she spoke. Her deep hazel-green eyes bored into his own. Her hands rubbed over his arms as her thighs stroked and caressed his legs. "Did my boy say no?"

"N-no?" Salvin repeated, uncertain. He was still bucking towards her hand. He couldn't help himself.

Coryl giggled. "You know," she whispered, tickling under his chin with one finger until he found himself giggling, "I don't think you're being honest." Her fingers spiraled mischievous circles around his glans, as above, she leaned in and began planting the barest of kisses on his cheeks. His mind was awash in Coryl's wishes, drugged on them. It was like every suggestion she gave him entered his brain and stayed there, swirling as iridescent as oil in water. "Are you?" she asked sweetly, as he gaped in dumb rapture at her.

Her fingers skittered along his thigh, causing him to jolt. "N-no," he whimpered. He didn't even recognize he was just repeating himself now.

Coryl giggled triumphantly. "I thought so! What a naughty boy!" She leaned in and kissed him again, her lips trailing just a little bit longer this time. As she pulled back, she gently bit down on his lip, nipping him. As if she was claiming him. His mind splintered as she rose back up and grinned at him expectantly. "So what do you want?"

Salvin stared numbly up at her. "I... um..." What did he want? He couldn't even tell if she'd given him a suggestion to follow. He was so confused, and she was so beautiful, and she felt so good touching his cock like that...

He couldn't even begin to think straight. But Coryl could. Coryl had all the control right now. And he knew what she wanted, didn't he? And wasn't that the same thing as a suggestion? Salvin's mind was so swirled and confused, this almost made sense.

And he knew what Coryl wanted. Her eyes were fogged with lust as she studied his taut, muscular physique.

So he bucked once more towards her hand, causing her to smirk. "I w-wanna... wanna be your sexy toy!" he cried, as the orgasm slowly climbed higher and higher, teetering on the precipice with her cruel fingers. "Oh, please, Coryl! Please! Make me yours!"

And, eyes gleaming with pure joy, Coryl sank down onto his shaft.


"What a jerk!"

High up above the moaning, gasping, wriggling coupling between predator and prey, four fairies watched the proceedings with a mix of indignant fury and... other emotions. The speaker was a particularly short but curvy fairy—only the height of a particularly large praying mantis—with brilliant green hair, cerulean eyes, and hair the length of her body trailing after her.

"Easy does it, Ora," soothed one of her brethren, a darker-skinned fairy with shoulder-length pink hair, blue eyes, and rosy wings. Val stroked Ora's back comfortingly. "You know it doesn't pay to mess with the Ranch fey. Let's just keep going."

"Nn... let's wait, like, a few seconds more," whispered a fairy with brilliant gold hair. Glam's hair rose up above her head like wind was blowing beneath her feet. "J-just... maybe we can... help..."

"Y-yes," whimpered a fairy with positively glowing red hair and red eyes, gyrating slightly in midair, "h-help..." Erie's iridescent wings beat rapidly behind her, filling her area with dazzling sparkles. Those sparkles had been a special gift from a human illusionist, and Ora had to be careful not too look at them too long right now.

The four fairies were flying above the mighty bamboo forests, following the winds, as was their way. But this scene had caught their interest—in more ways than one. Val and Ora had been interested out of a shared moral outrage, while Glam and Erie were openly masturbating one another right now as they watched.

"This isn't something to get off to!" snapped Ora, trying to ignore the heat in her own nether regions. Much as she longed to enjoy the view, knowing the rape for what it was somewhat spoiled the experience for her. "We need to help him 'fore that dryad takes him completely! Don't you know how dangerous hazelnut dryads can be?"

"Do you?" husked Glam. The golden-haired fairy wiggled her hips slightly, letting out a soft gasp as the fingers between her legs stepped up their attentions.

"W-well..." Ora shook her head, irritated at this inconvenient fact. She'd never actually faced a hazelnut dryad before. They had some sort of very powerful mind control, but it was limited by something. Was it eye contact? Language? Some sort of consumable? "But I know what's right, darn it!"

"She is straying outside the Ranch zone," mused Val, rubbing her legs together slightly. "I bet they sent her out to catch that poor boy." She bit her lip, clearly thinking. "It might be safe to, uh, mess with her a little bit."

"Yeah!" Ora nodded eagerly. "We can save 'im while they're still out here, and vulnerable!"

"A little flash," gasped Glam.

"A little sparkle," moaned Erie.

"An' she's as good as ours," Ora completed proudly.

But Val still seemed unsure. "Dryads are tricky," she said, tapping her foot on the bark of the branch. "'Member the time we played with that pine dryad?"

"Ooh!" Glam bucked her hips. "C-couldn't sit down for days w-without g-giggling!" S-so... t-tickly!" The blonde fairy was already starting to lose control of her vocal skills, Ora noticed. Once those started to go, it tended to be a one-way street with Glam. That left Val and Erie as Ora's backup.

"Right!" Val nodded, wringing her hands. "And she was a friend." She turned imploringly to her two masturbating friends, clearly hoping to appeal to them, and in so doing, outvote Ora. "Just think about what this lady could do to us if we messed with her."

"Mm..." Erie let out a purring sound. "What she could do to us..."

"Oh, gods," cried Glam.


Val bit her lip, repressing her own rising lust as she watched her two old friends orgasm in each other's arms. Those two were hopeless. She tried to tune out the rising moans and screams from below as the new boytoy reached his first of many coming climaxes. This forest was a cacophony of lusty noises right now. It was time to get herself and her friends out of here.

"Okay, look, Ora," she said, trying to sound sympathetic, "I think we gotta be—" She turned around to face Ora. Or where Ora had been a second ago.

Because Ora was gone.

"Oh, shit," Val whispered. "Ora!" She spotted the glimmering little green fairy zooming down towards the couple, a verdant blur against the browning underbrush. Val spun back around to face the two lovemaking fairies. "Glam, Erie, snap out of it! Ora's getting into trouble. Help her out and..." She looked around nervously. "I'll... try to start a swarm, I guess!"

And without waiting for an answer, Val took off into the forest—leaving Ora alone, her plans known only to a pair of lusty-sweet fairies. But not for long.


Coryl smiled down at her prize with unconcealed glee. His eyes were currently rolled up into his skull with pure bliss, and he cried out with every stroke of her pussy along his long, hard, pulsating shaft. She'd already forgotten his name, in truth. He was just a handsome young man who had wandered too close to the Ranch, and Coryl was so, so happy he'd done so.

She wriggled her hips and batted her eyelashes, savoring his every gasp. "Do we like this, cutie?" she cooed down at him. She dropped down and kissed him hungrily, nibbling gently on his lower lip, then pulled away again. "Feels like you doooo!"

Out of the corner of her vision, a light flashed. She giggled and stroked his face. "You feel so good inside me," she whispered. "Gosh, I just wanna make you cum your adorable brains out!"

The much larger man trembled, his member caught in her pussy like a silken vise. She licked her lips as a light flashed again. "I g-gotta fuck you," she whispered, "til you forget what's going on. I hope you don't mind!" She stroked his chest, giggling. "I bet you do mind, huh?"

"Y... yes..."

"I bet you're super worried about consent and all those boring things!" She pouted, even as she lowered down and started kissing him. A light flashed in the corner of her vision. Gods, she was getting hornier and needier than she'd been in months, and she had a huge cock in her right now! Where was this need coming from? Whatever her new toy's name had been, he was in for a very long day.

"Y... uh, yeah," he mumbled, in-between her long, wet kisses. "C-consent... you shouldn't.. shouldn't do this... p-please..."

"But..." She booped him right on the nose, pushing him just slightly away from her as he lay helpless in the grass, "I bet you're too horny to care!" She bounced a few times for emphasis.

Pleasure suffused his body, and the strange concerns instantly dissolved back into dust again.He moaned loudly. "Yeah, yes, yes!" he whimpered. "Too horny... feels so good..."

"So good," she husked, bouncing faster. "So, so good—"

"J-just... submitting..."

"Feels so good...

"So good to submit.

"So horny and needy and... and..."

Coryl's eyelashes fluttered in confusion, even as she felt the orgasm surging within her. She bucked and writhed with pleasure, but inwardly, she was starting to get the sense that something was wrong. She was never, ever the first one to cum. Even as her new toy started to scream, now affected by Coryl's pussy juices to magnify the most recent suggestions a hundredfold, she couldn't stop bouncing in his lap.

She was mewling like a catgirl in heat. She couldn't help it. Her pussy was in heaven with every bounce, with every moan, with every...

... flash...

"Good girl," whispered a high-pitched, squeaky voice from above, and a tiny form descended into view. Coryl almost fainted from bliss as she saw the gorgeous green-haired fairy. Oh, she was so beautiful. And her breasts were so... large for a fairy's... "Just gonna be a nice, good li'l girl for Ora now, huh?"

"Uh..." Coryl's brain was almost dead with pleasure. The orgasms kept coming, one after the other. Just... kept... coming... "Y-yeah... just wanna cum..."

The fairy giggled, zooming in and examining Coryl more closely. Her form was nubile and perfect, despite her tiny size, and Coryl felt her arousal climbing at the sight even as she was dazzled by the brilliant fluttering wings, the gorgeous insectile emerald eyes, the blinding orgasms she was stripping out of her new human plaything's big, throbbing dick.

"Goddesses," the fairy murmured, "you are hot. I think maybe someone needs a taste of her own medicine, huh?"

"Uh..." Coryl started to grunt and moan, the orgasms finally taking firm control of her verbal processes. "C-cum," she whimpered. "Wanna c-cum..."

"I know you do!" Ora smirked. "Now climb off your new boytoy, hm?"

Coryl frowned. Something about that seemed off. She was... she was brainwashing him! She was cumming on him! She couldn't... didn't want to...

The wings fluttered, and the fairy whispered, "Be a good girl."

Coryl found herself climbing off the boytoy, leaving her pussy bereft and empty. The boytoy lay there, twitching and moaning, still glistening with her oils.

Coryl mindlessly crawled towards the fairy, who giggled as she flew backwards, leading Coryl away from the boytoy. Coryl could only follow, mouth hanging open, captivated by the brilliant glow of the fairy's glimmering wings.

So pretty... so horny... Time blurred into colors as she watched those lights and crawled.

At last, though, Ora came to a stop, and so did Coryl. Still numb, but finally able to use her hands, Coryl started vacantly stroking her sex with her spare hand. "Wanna cum," she whimpered. "Wanna h-help me cum??"

The fairy giggled. "Gosh, you're such a bimbo! I barely even hit you with that mirror enhancer." She fluttered forward, stroking the dryad's cheek with one arm. Coryl whined at the ticklish touch. Because Ora was flying, her hand vibrated ever-so-slightly. "How'd someone like you ever manage to brainwash anyone?"

Coryl licked her lips, trying to remember. All she could think about, though, was her boytoy's big, meaty dick. "Um..." The ticklish touches distracted her. She longed for Ora to play with her, as she knew fairies could do, but Ora seemed quite happy to just taunt and tease her. "Y-you wanna... know?"

"Oh, yes," the fairy purred, tickling along Coryl's lips.

"J-just... please... touch me..."

"Of course," Ora said, beaming as she began to rub her whole body against Coryl's cheek. She was practically grinding on her. The ticklish touches were excruciating.

"I..." Coryl stared stroking herself with both fingers, sliding back against a clump of bamboo for balance. "I s-saw him, all horny and hungry after a... p-pine dryad caught him. T-teased him."

"Yes..." Ora's voice was barely a breath. She started kissing along Coryl's face, tiny vibrating kisses. Her wings filled Coryl's vision with brilliant, gorgeous lights.

"I pretended to be d-dead on the path. He ran up and checked my p-pulse." Coryl started to gasp and whimper as her orgasm began to climb again. "People wh-who touch me... get so horny... obedient..."

"Obedient," the fairy repeated, running her vibrating arms over Coryl's plump lips even as Coryl spoke. Coryl couldn't help it—she let her tongue flit out and tease over Ora's nude body, causing the fairy to squeak and giggle with delight. "Heehee—h-horny!"

"So he wanted to... to kiss me..." Coryl started to swing back and forth on her hands and knees, toying rapidly with her clit. She was so close. So close. "Everyone l-loves my lips..."

"Everyone," the fairy echoed. Her wingbeats began to slow as she stared at Coryl's big, plump, soft lips. She atroked them with both lips, seeming to marvel at their softness.

And as the wingbeats slowed, Coryl felt a strange sense—like she'd been sleeping upon her arm and had only just rolled off of it. It was a sort of pins-and-needles sensation. She stared numbly at the fairy as her orgasm drew closer and closer. "You," she whispered vacantly, "l-love me?"

The fairy seemed to struggle a moment, and the wings beat once, scattering Coryl's thoughts for a few more seconds. But the wingbeats were weak and languid. Her eyes were glazed over, and her mouth was hanging open in desire. "I... I l-love you," the fairy whimpered. And she finally went limp. The fairy's wings stopped, her arms went slack, and she slowly drifted like a feather, down into Coryl's lap.

Coryl blinked.

Then she giggled. "Hi, cutie!" she cooed.

The fairy stared back up at her dimly. "Uh?" Her nubile body now glistened with hazel oil.

"Since you love me," Coryl sang, "I guess it makes sense if you wanna help me, right?"

"Um... sure!" The fairy smiled up at her. "Anything for you!

"Anything to feel this good?" Coryl whispered.

The fairy shivered, both hands creeping towards her tiny little wet pussy. "Y-yes?"

"I don't think you wanna stroke your aching pussy," Coryl said suddenly, a thought striking her. "Gosh, I... I think you can't!

The fairy's eyes widened. She seemed to struggle against this, deep down, but immersed in Coryl's oils and the scent of her pussy oil, there was nothing she could do to resist for more than a few doomed seconds. She didn't even speak. She just went limp, like a rag doll. Or a puppet.

As a reward, Coryl gave her a big, adoring smile. "Good! So, little fairy, I have some questions. But, uh. Gosh. First, though, I bet you can't help but start sucking my yummy clit, huh?" The need still roiled within her.

He fairy giggled. "Uh, of course not!" She rotated and stuck her head between Coryl's legs, and Coryl felt her sex being carefully spread. A strange sort of tickling pleasure rapidly trickled over her, leaving her breathless for a full minute. "Mm!"

"Good... good girl!" Coryl squirmed slightly, savoring the fairy's hot little mouth. "And now... you wanna answer a little question for me?"


Coryl smirked. "How many other fairies are with you, sweetie?"


Erie let out a long, satisfied sigh as her orgasms finally began to ebb. "G-gosh," she whispered, "that was... good."

"Mm..." Glam was still spreading her legs wide, begging Erie to bring her head where her fingers had been before. Her eyes were wide and needy. She let out a little needy whine.

Unconsciously, Erie licked her lips. But she shook her head. "No, Glam, I think we should check on Ora. I'm startin' to feel bad!"

Glam just scowled and let out another whine. Glam was bad at recovering from orgasms, and would be nonverbal for at least a minute more. Erie adored her in this state. It was all she could do not to lean in, and spread those legs just a bit wider, and...

"C'mon!" Erie said, grabbing Glam's hand and guiding her lover off the branch. "Let's go see what sorta trouble Ora's gotten herse—"

"Hi, girls!"

Erie and Glam both froze.

There, flying in front of them, was a slick, glistening Ora. Th fairy was beaming ear-to-ear, like she'd just had a few of the best orgasms of her life while high on nymph juices.

Erie swallowed. "Hi, Ora. You okay? You... kinda flew off."

"I feel great!" Or rubbed her legs together, openly caressing her big, naked breasts. Her wings fluttered rapidly, casting brilliant flashes of light all over the canopy. "So... complete!"

This put Erie on guard. Ora was usually the most untrusting one of the bunch, and if she was acting like she'd just gotten lucky... 'Did you get hypnotized?" she complained.

"Nope! Ora beamed ear to ear. She started to flutter back and forth, as though she was having trouble flying. "Gosh, I can't wait to tell you! It was so cool!"

"Yeah, I bet." Erie felt Glam leaning on her, and sighed. The blonde fairy was still mumbling something. She was trying to whisper in Erie's ear, in fact, but it was just coming out as moans, whines, and nnuh's. Adorable. It made Erie really horny.

"I just need to show you," Ora whispered, wings gleaming in the soft light. Her skin glistened, too, making her whole body appear to sparkle brilliantly. "You want to know what's going on. Gotta follow. Gotta follow me."

"I... uh..." Erie blinked. Ora was very hard to follow. She kept drifting around the corners of Erie's faceted vision, making it hard to focus on her or her words. Erie flew a bit closer, carrying Glam along with her.

"Nnuh," Glam whispered. "Mm. Nn! Aah!"

Deciding that Glam was a bit too needy right now, Erie sighed and reached down, fingers toying wit Glam's sex. Glam let out a startled moan, and seemed to fight for a moment, then just... went limp. And started to moan in a very different tone.

Erie squinted, flying after the retreating Ora. "Ora," she complained, "stay still!"

"Sorry." Ora giggled. "I'm just so excited! Feels so good!"

Erie sighed, almost half-smiling. "Okay, Ora, you're definitely hypnotized."

"Heehee! I'm not!" The fairy did a little spiral, making Erie's head spin. "Just follow me!"

"I'm trying," Erie complained, but she meant her eyes. Her eyes still couldn't keep Ora's body in their sights. Her wings were extra-sparkly right now, too, making it extra-hard to focus on her. Erie's head was turning into mush trying. Glam was still moaning in her ear from her fingers, too, like a looping erotic soundtrack.

"Just follow me," Ora cooed. "That's right. Why don't you touch each other a little?"

"Huh? Uh—aah!" Erie squeaked as she felt Glam's fingers returning to her own pussy. She wriggled and moaned, dropping a full foot in elevation in sheer surprise and pleasure before she adjusted to accept the attentions. Glam was practically latched onto her right arm now.

As Erie struggled to keep her balance, Glam leaned in and started suckling Erie's breast. This was a bit of a surprise, but... oh. Oh. This felt so... soooooo good. Erie couldn't help a big, dumb smile spreading across her face.

"You like that?" Ora sang, flying in a lazy figure-eight.


"I know you do." Ora zoomed close for a moment, and Erie almost managed to get a good look at her, but then her wings sparkled and Erie forgot what she was doing for a few seconds amid the pleasure of Glam's lips, Glam's fingers, the pretty sparkling, Ora's pretty smile... "I bet you wanna feel me, too!"

"Uh..." Erie's face was going red as she struggled to keep up with the strange-flying Ora. "G-gosh, I... um..."

"I know you do," Ora purred. "You've always wanted it. Almost so mad about how I tease you. I'm such a tease, tease, tease."

Erie shivered. She'd never said it aloud... had she? How she thought about Ora? Ora just had such... such big tits, especially for a fairy, and she sparkled so much... it would be so nice to touch those breasts, even just for a second, but Ora was always insisting on that boring old monogamy... made her a challenge...

Erie licked her lips, staring now quite brazenly at Ora's tits as Ora happily bounced therm together. "Oh, are these what you need?" she squeaked. "I like them, too! Aren't they... bouncy?"

"B... bouncy..." Erie's voice was faint. She quietly drifted after Ora, lost in Glam's strokes to her clit, lost in Ora's jiggling tits.

"Bouncy," Ora repeated, giggling. "And aren't your brains getting bouncy, too, now?"

"Bouncy," Erie mumbled. Glam mumbled something similar as she kissed Erie's neck, sucking and nibbling ever-so-slightly at Erie's sweet, sensitive skin.

"You just try to think," Ora sang, "but then the lights flash, and my breasts jiggle, and your brain gets so... bouncy!"


"Airhead! Slutty airhead!"

Erie smiled vacantly at the breasts as Ora mocked her. Slutty. Yes. That was what she was. What she wanted to be. But... she tried to frown, but staring at those bouncing breasts was too relaxing, so she just kept smiling. She wasn't an airhead, though. Was she?

She drifted after Ora, considering the point even as she squirmed and longed for more than Glam's strangely teasing strokes. Was she a slut? Yes. She loved sex. There was nothing wrong with that.

But she wasn't... wasn't an airhead! She was a smart slut! Her brains weren't... bouncy. She was clever! She worked out clever magic spells, and talked circles around humans with riddles, and stared at Ora's big, bouncy breasts and let her empty, slutty brain bounce away to anything to distract her, to keep her...

She lost her train of thought as Ora started toying with her nipples, teasing them with her nimble fingers. She was following Ora more to keep a clear view of the breasts than anything, now. If only Ora would let her touch them. If only... if only...

"Good slut," Ora cooed, as Erie found herself and Glam settling slowly onto a soft, smooth, slick surface. She realized with a numb start that they were nestling between someone's cleavage. A dryad's cleavage. "See, Coryl? I caught two of them! Just for you! 'Cause I love you so much!"

"I know you do!" squealed a girlish voice from above. Brilliant hazel eyes gleamed down at Erie."And you do, too, sweetie!"

Erie's eyes widened as the hypnotic trance faded. She tried to fight it off, but... but...

"Yes," whimpered Glam, wriggling weakly upon the surface of the breast, "l-love... love..."

Erie relaxed, but only slightly. This 'Coryl' was targeting Glam first. That gave her a few seconds to act.

"Aw! " Coryl giggled. "She's so happy to see me, she can barely speak! What a cutie!" She reached down with one finger and gently tickled the little fairy's body. "Gitchy gitchy goo!"

Poor Glam squealed and laughed like a helpless... helpless...

Erie tore her gaze off of Glam and tried to fly while Coryl was distracted. But no sooner had she taken a step that Coryl cooed down, "Aw, lovey, you can't fly, remember? You're too busy edging! Gotta tease that slick, horny pussy of yours!"

The suggestion caught Erie off-guard, but her fey resistance was strong. She squeaked and whimpered in agony, though, as the need rose in her. Yes. She couldn't fly. She fluttered weakly, but the sheer effort of resisting was too much for her. She was so horny. Needed to edge. Needed to edge. Slick, horny pussy.

Slowly, her fingers crept towards her cunt. She struggled in vain to hold them back.

Listening to Coryl brainwashing Glam in the background didn't help.


Poor, nonverbal Glam, who was so overwhelmed by orgasms she would lose her voice sometimes for hours at a time, squealed and whined helplessly as Coryl's long, slick finger rubbed her whole body in oil.

"Gosh," Coryl whispered down at her, "you're pretty, aren't you? What lovely hair!"

"I... ahh..."

"You love being praised," Coryl gushed with a grin. "It makes you cum to thank me for it!"

"I... aah!" Glam's golden hair bounded every which way as she struggled to speak. But all she could manage were gasps and moans. She felt the suggestion growing in her, and she knew it would feel so, so good to thank Coryl... "Th-th—aaaAAAH!"

Coryl pouted. "Do you not like the compliment? " Glam could only gasp and squirm. "Aw, you're getting so red in the face..." Coryl's pinkie finger gently caressed Glam's cheek. "Do you want another?"

"P... aah..." Glam writhed as Coryl picked her up and placed her in the palm of her hand. She was helpless to resist the suggestions, but she was physically incapable of following them. She still couldn't manage a single word beyond 'love'.

"Okay!" Coryl beamed. "You're really pretty, Glam. And you're so good at taking compliments! Whenever you get one, you just can't help but beg for another! That's so sexy!"

"Aah... tha... pleEEEEE!"

"Oopsie. That was three." Coryl giggled. "You must get so horny when I do that. Sorry, cutie!"

Glam could only cry out in utter need.


Erie struggled with all her might. She was sweating profusely, and she knew that her sweat had to be reacting with the mind control of the dryad's oils in some way, but she prayed it was neutralizing it thanks to her fey nature. But she was getting hornier and hornier with every passing second. She was physically gripping one hand with the other to keep it away from her groin, biting her lip almost hard enough to bleed.

Need to edge. Need to edge. Love to edge. Too busy edging. Need... need...

It would feel so good. So much built-up pleasure. Even better than an orgasm. Why not? She was going to cum anyways. She was going to give in eventually anyways. Edging would be so nice. She needed to edge.

But edging would doom her. Her pussy juices definitely reacted with the oils in a negative way, and besides, the hornier she got, the harder it was to... to...

She bit her lip, rocking back and forth with the burning need swelling inside her. What had she been thinking about, again?

She narrowly struggled to her feet, teetering slightly as she balanced on Coryl's right breast. She couldn't fly, but she wasn't immersed in oils yet. Not as badly as Glam or Ora.

She could still jump off. She'd land in the ferns, probably, even if she couldn't fly.. She might be able to recover there. Might be able to...

"Hi, gorgeous," husked a voice in Erie's ear that made Erie whimper with longing and dread. She turned to see Ora smiling at her, clutching a paintbrush in both arms. "Miss us?" she cooed.

"Wha... oh." Erie found her eyes slipping down into Ora's cleavage, which seemed to have swelled somehow. Seemed to glisten.

She tried to step backwards. Ora took her hand. Ora held her hand and smiled smugly. "Bad girl," she scolded gently. "Down."

Erie bit her lip. She struggled, but feebly, as Ora guided her hand towards her sex. Need to edge. Need to edge. She stared at Ora in despair as her fingers drew near... and then it was like a magnet. Her fingers slipped into her pussy and began to toy with her clit.

And it felt so, so good.

"Unh..." Erie felt the vacant smile returning as Ora guided her knees to bend, forcing her to lie down in the dryad's enormous cleavage. It was like a big, comfy bed. Ora straddled her legs, giggling. "Oh... Ora..."

"Yes?" Ora said sweetly, swishing the paintbrush over Erie's legs. Erie realized the brush was covered in Coryl's oil as her skin started to tingle.

Erie felt her resolve crumbling. "C-can I... s-suck you?"

"What's that?" Ora asked, moving the brush up to cover Erie's belly in oil.

Erie flinched and giggled at the slick, ticklish sensation. "Aha! Hee! I mean... s-suckle..." She was having trouble remembering what she was talking about.

"Suckle what?" Ora beamed. She was clearly enjoying herself. She watched Erie's fingers stroke back and forth over her pussy, and her wings fluttered with excitement. "Poor bouncy-brained slut. What do you wanna suckle? Toes? Fingers?"

"B-bouncy," Erie whimpered, latching onto the one word she could easily remember. "Bouncy! Boobies! Suck your boobies! Aah!" Her edging was driving her up a wall, as were the paintbrush's loving strokes.

"Oh, but Erie," Ora whispered in mock-shock, "if you're sucking at my big, bouncy 'boobies', how'll we get you aaaall lathered up in this nice oil?"

'Bouncy," Erie chanted, her voice barely a whisper as she rocked back and forth against her toying fingers. "Bouncy. Bouncy. Bouncy."

Ora looked at her a moment, then gave an exaggerated sigh and set the brush aside. She wrapped her slick arms around Erie and firmly guided Erie's head to her breast, even as she started rubbing all over Erie's body, rubbing in her own oils from Coryl until Erie was totally covered. "Suckle, my bouncy bimbo, and be a good girl for Coryl," she cooed. "Gooood bimbo."

Erie's eyes widened in delight as she latched onto Ora's nipple and started to suck.

And her mind went blank.


Coryl smiled down at the squealing, tormented fairy in her hand. Oh, she was being mean. Very, very mean.

But it was okay! Once they were hers, she'd have them cum all the time! They'd be so, so grateful to her then.

She looked down at the two fairies in her cleavage with a gleeful smile. What sweeties. Little Erie was being cradled in her Ora's arms as she suckled at her breast like a hungry infant.

She always had uses for fairies. They were such little delights! And they made wonderful sex toys. She already had an idea for their next target, in fact.

"Ora," she whispered, "did you say that there was a fourth of you?"

"Ooh, um..." Ora bit her lip to hold back a gasp from Erie's thirsty attentions. She looked hesitant. "I—gosh, shouldn't..."

"Silly girl! You want to tell me about them! It feels so good to tell me about them."

The conflict on Ora's face immediately melted into blissful obedience. "Oh, yes, Coryl," she moaned, "Val went off. Dunno where. She's... smaaart."

"Just like you," Coryl said, smirking. "Ooh, what fun. I hope she comes back soon. In fact, I think..." Coryl tapped her chin thoughtfully. There was no way she was going to risk letting a silly little cloud of fairies cheat her out of her new boytoy. "I bet I have an idea of how to handle the little cutie-pies! And it involves you three!"

"Yay!" Ora's wings fluttered with excitement.

Coryl's face flushed slightly at the sight. That never stopped being... weirdly hot. Ora was such a pretty little dear. Oh, if only she were a little larger...

Ora's wings fluttered again as she let out a loud moan, and Coryl grinned with triumph. Oh, how she owned this little delight. Ora was so, so good at hypnosis, and those breasts of hers made her look like a miniature holstaur...

No. Coryl bit her lip. Now was not the time. "Ora," she whispered, "why don't you make our little dear there think she's still suckling you so you're free to help me out now?"

"Yes, Coryl," Ora whispered, and her wings started to beat with newfound purpose. Coryl listened to their little whirring noises and let them, and Ora's wispy voice, fill her horny head.

"Now, little bimbo, open your eyes." Ora stroked Erie's hair. "That's it! Not so hard, huh? Good girl. No, keep those eyes open. Good. Good. Keep edging. Edge and look at me. Bouncy brain. Bouncy brain."

The wings flashed with a million green shades and tints. Coryl reached down and started stroking herself, badly missing her boytoy's big cock. She'd get back to it soon. Just as soon as she was ginished with these fairies. "Good girl. Good bouncy bimbo."

Erie mumbled something as she suckled.

"Yes, bouncy." Ora sounded very pleased. Coryl could see why. Erie's voice was exquisitely husky and weak, immersed, drenched in lust. "Just stay bouncy and keep watching my pretty wings. Aren't they pretty? So pretty. Pretty little girls like you just get lost in all those colors. Doesn't it feel nice to watch them?"

"Mm..." Coryl had to admit, it was pretty nice. She stroked her clit, gently teasing herself. Normally, she wasn't interested in edging—she preferred to bring the orgasms as quickly as possible, savoring the instant gratification—but something about it just felt... right. These fairies were just delicious.

"Good girl. Good girl, edging for me." Ora stroked Erie's back as she allowed the woman to keep suckling at her nipple. "Now, my good little bouncy bimbo, you're watching my wings? Listen closely..."

And she leaned in and began to half-whisper, half-babble nonsense in Erie's ear. The sounds carried and vibrated thanks to the wingbeats, and Coryl felt tingles running down her spine at the clickiness of the nonsense. She licked her lips. Idly, the hand on which poor, squealing Glam lay came up to her lips, and her thumb slipped in. She numbly sucked as she watched.

Down below, Erie began to suck her own thumb. Coryl's soul trembled at the erotic display—this clever little teasing fairy reduced to a needy plaything, desperate to suckle anything she could reach, totally in over her empty little slutty head. Coryl's sucking sped up as she watched those gleaming, flashing lights.

The clicking tongue filled her head now. All she could hear was Ora's erotic, hypnotic whispers, though she could still only make out a few isolated words. 'suck'. 'Needy'. 'Boobies.'

Coryl giggled through the thumb. 'Boobies'. What a childish word. What a childish word for such a magnificent rack. Ora's tits really would be fantastic if she was a human. As it was, they were the size of small plums, but she might even rival holstaurs or helium wraiths if she'd been human-sized.

Coryl could almost imagine what it would be like to suckle one such breast. Eyes reflecting the shimmering lights, she imagined her lips locked around a nipple, just as they were currently locked around her thumb. She imagined her grip on reality weakening, imagined her mind drifting and wandering as she suckled that breast, suckled hungrily, tasted a tangy fluid that wiped her mind of all thoughts save bouncy obedience, drank up as she smothered herself in those perfect, soft, smooth boobies...

"All done, Coryl!" Ora squeaked. "Now what?"

Coryl blinked. Oh. All done. Great. She wanted to pause suckling the breast for a moment, but it... felt oddly nice to just sit there and suck. Maybe she'd keep doing it for a few seconds longer. Just a few seconds. So she just mumbled and gestured for Ora to come closer.

Ora did, detaching herself from Erie. Erie continued to suck her thumb, eyes listless and dull. Coryl relished the sight. This fey, who had thought herself so very clever, now reduced to sucking her own thumb and thinking it was a breast! It was almost too delicious.

Coryl moaned aloud as she clutched at the breast with both hands, even as Ora flew up to her. The patterns on the wings gleamed brilliantly. Coryl felt her mind almost bouncing. "Coryl?" squeaked the little fairy, flying up to her. "Oh, Coryl!"


There was a long silence.

"Oh, no, Coryl," said the fairy's sly, sultry voice. "I think I've made you awfully confused!" Coryl felt a tiny little tickling on her cheek, and realized the fairy was kissing and licking her. "Why, you can't even tell fairies how to feel like this!'

"Mm!" Coryl couldn't stop suckling, but she had the vague sense that something about this was wrong. Why was she sucking this breast? Hadn't she been... since when had Ora's eyes been quite so clear and focused?

"Gosh," Ora said, pulling back, "what to do about this?"

Ora wasn't fully free, Coryl vaguely registered. She was still under the sway enough to be dumb and horny, but not enough to be under Coryl's control. A dangerous combination for poor Coryl. Who knew what she would want from her?

Ora flittered around her head, filling Coryl's eyes with shimmering sparkles that made Coryl's head throb ever-so-subtly. Coryl felt so weak. So submissive. "Keep edging," Ora cooed, and Coryl only then remembered that she was still edging. She had been edging the whole time. She felt so open, so horny, so desperate and thirsty and needy and eager and submissive and... "... receptive," Ora whispered, and Coryl couldn't even remember what she'd been saying for the last minute or so.

Maybe Ora wasn't as dumb as she'd thought.

"Are we liking this?" Ora cooed.

"Mmn!" Coryl whined, struggling to stop from suckling at Ora's—sucking her own thumb. But the illusion was too powerful. It filled Coryl's head like cotton balls. Made her dumb. Horny. Receptive. Open to anything Ora tried to tell her

"I know you are," Ora said with a giggle. Her voice vibrated with power that made Coryl's pussy throb. It didn't help that Ora's two friends, Erie and Glam, were still squealing with needy glee, desperate for anything or anyone to...


"You just can't help yourself," Ora taunted. "So smug and cruel, but when it comes down to it, you're just as desperate to give in, aren't ya?"

"Mm..." Coryl's eyes were getting heavy with every flutter of those wings. She watched as Ora flew closer, filling her vision with glimmering color.

"Just as desperate to be a slave..."

"Mm..." Coryl was practically keening around her thumb. She was, she was, it sounded so good, so... soooo...

Ora settled just beyond the tip of Coryl's tongue, wings beating furiously enough to make Coryl cum—if she weren't still edging, that is. "You're lucky:" she said sweetly, "that we fairies are kinder than you. I would never—"

Coryl barely did anything, really.

She just brought her hand up slightly.

"Oop!" Ora squeaked as she was batted from the air by the same hand whose thumb Coryl was currently sucking from. Her wings fluttered, and just as quick she was airborn again, giggling. "Is that the be—"

"Nn!" squealed a familiar voice, and Ora went pale. Just before being tackled by a golden-haired praise-craving fairy who had just spent the last few minutes edging her brains out with unfulfilled suggestions.

Glam pushed Ora down onto Coryl's fingers, rubbing her whole body against her, kissing and stroking and licking with wild abandon. The poor creature was slick with oil.

"No!" Ora cried. "Glam, don't—nn—aah—nah—" She cried out as Glam swiftly found and began to lick at her clit, as her thighs rubbed against the sides of Ora's face, coating her head in the musk and oils that would swiftly break her brain into nice, pliant pudding for Coryl.

Coryl smiled. Around the thumb. Exactly as planned.

She actually quite liked how unable Glam was to speak. Glam would make a lovely little pet—like a parrot, or a gerbil. But she wouldn't need Glam for this particular assignment.

Purring with excitement, even as she continued to edge herself, she reached into her cleavage and drew out her third new toy. The little airhead moaned and writhed in her palm, sucking hungrily at her own thumb. Coryl sucked her thumb and, internally, smiled, as the sparkles covering Erie's wings drifted around, filling Coryl's vision with beautiful scarlet hues. This one would do nicely.

She would soon be in complete control of the situation.


"C'mon, girls!" Val hissed, making her way through the bamboo forest. A swarm of twenty-three fairies followed—fairies who had thus far carefully avoided the depredations of the Ranch's lamia and other horny fairy catchers. The fairies had been reluctant to come with her, but when they'd heard that Coryl had strayed out of the Ranch to hunt a bystander mortal, they'd agreed that this could not stand. Some things were not done in the Wild East, and fey preying on humans—and vice versa—was one of them. "She was right down here!"

The sounds of moaning met her enhanced fey ears, and the swarm sped down through the canopy and towards the ground. The moans were supplemented by...

... sucking sounds? Val stopped, dumbfounded, as she saw what was causing those sounds.

Down in the midst of the foliage lay a petite, curvaceous young lady with dark brown skin and bright hazel eyes. Those eyes were currently glazed over with some sort of illusionary hypnosis. Her supple, plump lips were wrapped around her thumb, and she was suckling at it like... like an infant at a teat.

The three fairies lay in her midst. Val spotted Glam and Ora off to the side, both slick with oil and sliding against one another in a horny haze. The two fairies seemed oblivious to everything except their own bodies. And there was Erie, resting in the edging dryad's hand, wings beating with brilliant reds as she humped the dryad's fingers. The dryad couldn't tear her eyes away from Erie's fluttering, sparkly wings.

"" Val sucked in a deep breath. "Well, this was not what I'd expected."

She flew over, hesitating, just in case it was some sort of bluff. But there was no mistaking that look in the dryad's eyes. Coryl was hopelessly hypnotized. The dryad had gotten in over her head.

Val rested a hand on Erie's shoulder. "Erie? Erie?"

"Mm..." Erie's eyes bore the same glazed expression as she sucked her own thumb, a tiny mirror of her 'captor'. Her wings fluttered as her edging took her closer and closer to release.

Val gave a sympathetic smile. "Having trouble, Erie?" she cooed, stroking Erie's cheek.


Val's fingers crept downwards. Time to put an end to this mess. "Get the other two!" she called, unable to keep a slight edge of lust from her voice. "Get them out of each other arms and... get them satisfied."

As the fairies hurried, quite eagerly, to obey, Val gently tugged Erie's fingers away from her cunt. Erie whimpered needily, but Val only smirked. "Easy does it," she whispered. "Let me... ease some of this." Her hand replaced Erie's, and started to stroke much more firmly. Erie's relieved moans as the edging finally slipped into pleasuring were all the reward Val needed.

"What should we do with the dryad, Ms. Val?" asked the local matriarch, Glin, a fairy with hair the color of green-tipped embers. Glin wrapped her arms around the oil-crazed fairy and gently lifted her off the whimpering dryad's palm. In time, the oil's effects would fade.

Val hesitated a moment, even as she started to speed up her strokes. She eyed Erie's sucking lips with a sudden need, and hesitated another moment. Her breasts were tingling strangely. Maybe I could... no. No, that would be bad. Maybe later. Yes, later. So bad... so, so bad... "Leave her here for now," she said finally. "We can always come back to her later. She's ours now."

And already, she had plans for how to play with their new pet. Somehow, all of Ora's talk about consent just... didn't seem quite as important anymore. After all, the dryad deserved it, right? Who'd have known a hypnotized slut looked this hot?

"Later," she whispered, leaning in to take Erie's thumb away, lifting her own breast towards Erie's gasping lips. "L-later..."


The twenty-four fairies' eyes swirled with colors as they stared at Erie's rapid-beating wings, lost in the shimmering lights and sparkles, lost in their own fantasies. The pink fairy named Val drifted closer, lost in the daze, and slowly took Erie in her arms. Other fairies mumbled agreement with her suggestions to move closer and moved to embrace Ora and Glam, whimpering with need as the oil slid against their smooth fairy flesh.

Coryl watched, and sucked her thumb, and smiled. She smiled as the illusion worked exactly as intended. Slowly, she emerged from her hiding place in the brush, swaying towards the patch of fairies who were now fast being brainwashed.

Now she had twenty-seven new toys, plus the boytoy. All-in-all, a delectable little outing.

She leaned down, and plucked out Ora, removing her from a fast-growing web of moaning bodies. The green fairy whined and whimpered, clearly desperate to touch herself but still compelled by the suggestion not to. Coryl smirked.

"You're mine now," she cooed, before leaning in to give this bold little fairy a tongue bath like no other.


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