Flying Together

Chapter 2

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:religious_guilt #f/f #first_time #religion #romance #urban_fantasy #dom:female #masturbation #sub:female

Mary took a moment to gather herself. She sat up, then after a frozen moment, started looking for something to… use. She could feel Lizzy’s beautiful rosy eyes on her all the while. She supposed Lizzy never had to worry about making a weird face. Lizzy always looked pretty. It wasn’t fair.

She thought about her pillow, but she didn’t want to get it… messy, right? No, definitely not. Nothing cloth would do. She couldn’t imagine explaining the stains to her mother.

That gave her pause. If this was something she was so ashamed of—if she’d hesitate to tell her own parents—was it really okay? Was she making excuses?

But she wasn’t doing anything like what they’d told her. She was just… just flapping her wings. While she happened to have something between her legs, but not inside her or anything. And she had her roommate watching her. Surely if she was truly ashamed of it, she wouldn’t be comfortable with that. And surely a fellow student would have said something if this was something weird.

This was smart. She was preparing for her future husband. It was normal to feel embarrassed about explaining a… a bodily function to her parents. That was all.

She looked up at Lizzy and felt her resolve solidify. “I’m—do you think it’s okay to put my arm down there?” she asked meekly. “I mean, not my hand, just—the arm.”

“Hmm.” Lizzy put a finger to those perfect beestung lips. “Yeah, I’ll allow it. But no fingers, missy!” She winked.

Mary managed a smile. She thought about how those lips had felt against her ear, then immediately tried to banish the thought. What was with all these intrusive thoughts all of a sudden? It was like her brain was trying to… to nauseate her. With gross fantasies.

But it was better to think about her roommate than about any of the boys she knew, wasn’t it? That would be much weirder. Much more of a slippery slope. Letting thoughts of a boy make her… orgasm… that was basically like letting the boy do it himself.

She nodded reassuringly to herself and, after a moment, tucked her arm between her legs. She wouldn’t even take off her panties. No temptation there.

She took a deep breath, looking at Lizzy for reassurance. Lizzy just smiled and shrugged. Your choice, those eyes said.

Mary tried to dispel thoughts of mythical temptations as her wings started to flutter.

At first, she didn’t feel anything that special. It just felt kind of weird and sensitive. She had to sit right at the edge of the bed, facing inward, to give her wings full room to flutter. Her arm felt soft, and very warm, although not as warm as Lizzy. She couldn’t bear to look at Lizzy’s eyes, so she focused on Lizzy’s hands clasped in her lap.

Then she started to feel it. It was faint, but her arm, vibrating against her…

… Oh.

She took a deep breath in. Oh, that felt…

Her wings sped up. She half-closed her eyes, the hand beneath her gripping the sheets tightly. Oh. Oh.

She’d had wet dreams before, obviously. She knew it was—but this—oh, oh, this was real.

She wasn’t sure when she started panting. Every now and then, her eyelids fluttered high enough to catch a glimpse of Lizzy’s shimmering eyes, Lizzy’s breasts pushing out against the thin fabric, and every time she saw Lizzy, the faint vibrations between her legs seemed to feel a little bit better.

Her lips parted. She bit her bottom lip, trying to hold in a sound. Faster. Faster.

It felt good.

It felt amazing.

It wasn’t enough.

She could feel that it wasn’t enough. A wet whimper slipped out. She trembled, struggling to beat her wings faster, faster, but they were just too… weak. It felt humiliating. Wasn’t this supposed to work? It felt so, so good, but she couldn’t—couldn’t quite…

Her wingbeats slowed. Mary went limp, falling forwardonto the bed, gasping from exertion. Her head fell onto Lizzy’s lap, and she didn’t even have the energy feel embarrassed by this. She was a sweating mess, and everything was utterly humiliating enough as it was.

“What’s wrong?” Lizzy asked. “Did you…?”

Mary almost lied. But lying was a sin. She shook her head wretchedly. “I—my wings, they’re not…” She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering.

Lizzy was quiet a moment. Mary felt a hand petting her hair, and she accepted the touch. It felt nice. At least she’d made a friend out of this.

Then she felt Lizzy’s hand beneath her.

Without warning, Lizzy flipped Mary onto her back. She rose into the air, the buzzing of her wings filling the air, and settled astride Mary.

Her thigh slid between Mary’s legs.

“Here,” she said sweetly, authoritatively. “Sit up. I’ll hold you.”


Lizzy’s cheeks were bright red. She visibly swallowed. “My wings are stronger than yours,” she said finally. “So I’ll handle it for you, okay?”

Mary froze. She felt like she ought to say no, but all that came out was a meek little, “A-Are you sure?”

She let Lizzy pull her up into her arms, and Lizzy’s scent washed over her once again. Involuntarily, she took a deep breath in.

“Sure! I don’t mind.” Melissa shrugged. “Again, this is purely a practice run, right? It’s like helping a girlfriend with makeup. It’s a sleepover thing. I bet lots of girls do it.”

Mary decided not to mention that her parents had once told her that if they ever saw her trying to wear makeup, they’d cut her allowance in half. “I-I mean, I… you…” She felt so embarrassed. Her wings were weak. Most dopterines’ wings were, compared to a siren’s or vespidae’s, but it still… “You’re practically half my size. Your wings are much smaller than mine.”

A wicked, almost vicious little grin spread across Melissa’s face, and Mary noticed for the first time that her cute little beegirl fangs looked awfully sharp in the dim light. “I guess we’ll see.”

Mary gulped. “Um, does your grip have to be… this tight?”

Lizzy pulled her in tighter. “Yeah, trust me. You need a lot of pressure.”

Mary managed a smile she hoped looked cocky. “Because your buzzing doesn’t do a lot on its own?”

Lizzy just laughed. Her wings flicked out behind her. They caught the glow of the nightlight behind them like stained glass panes, and Mary’s heart gave a strange flutter. She shyly folded her own wings behind her back.

Lizzy’s wings started to buzz.

“Nngh!” The groan slipped from Mary’s lips completely involuntarily. The wings went still as her eyes widened in embarrassment. The buzzing had caught her completely off-guard, and it was so different having Lizzy’s soft thigh between her legs instead of her own hand, and…

“Sorry,” Lizzy said sheepishly. “Had to warm them up really quick. They got some sweat on them earlier.”


Lizzy’s wings became a radiant, buzzing blur, and Mary’s whole world went red-hot with pleasure.

Her eyes flashed shut, and she had to raise her hand to stifle a sudden, uncontrollable moan. The hum filled the air around her, filled her entire body as Lizzy’s thigh buzzed against Mary’s… Mary’s womanhood with an intensity she’d never felt in her whole entire life. Not even in her best—in her most sinful dreams, not even then—

“O-Oh!” she cried. “L-Lizzy!

“Don’t worry, Mary,” Lizzy whispered, stroking her hair. Her voice resonated with the buzzing of her wings. “Just let it happen.”

A-AAH!~” Every touch from Lizzy made Mary’s whole form tremble with heat.

“Is—is this good?”

Mary could only babble and nod.

The wings’ buzzing seemed to speed up. Mary couldn’t have imagined that was possible. She bit on her hand to stop from moaning, staring at Lizzy in utter helpless… bliss. Lizzy was so beautiful. Her smile made Mary feel weak in a way she’d never felt before. She was such a… such a good… friend…

“Let it happen,” Lizzy repeated, as if sensing what was about to happen. Her eyes shimmered like a pair of beautiful golden lamps.

Mary’s moans broke through, rose in pitch, arced, soared—

“Oh, f-f-fudge,” she whispered, and her lips parted wide, her vocal cords opened—

Lizzy’s eyes widened. She grabbed the back of Mary’s head and shoved her facefirst into her chest.

Mary screamed as the pleasure hit. It crushed her like an avalanche, and she buried her face into Lizzy’s tits to smother her cries, utterly senseless, utterly insensible. She grinded against Lizzy’s soft, warm, perfect thigh, humping like the family dog, drooling, barely able to breathe and not caring, everything around her was Lizzy and she loved, loved, LOVED—

The tides receded. The pleasure lowered, then blurred into a soft, warm glow inside her. She went limp.

The buzzing around her head quieted.

For a long moment, Mary just lay there, limp and lost. She knew she was drooling, but fixing that felt impossible. She knew her panties were soaked, knew Lizzy’s leg must be, too, but none of it… mattered…

She sank through time. It could have been hours before Lizzy spoke.

“Hey, Mary?”

“uuh-huh?” Lizzy shifted slightly, lifting heavy eyelids. Everything around her was soft, warm, smooth…

… breasts.

She blinked, then recoiled so hard away she actually lost her balance and teetered on the edge of the bed. Lizzy grabbed her hand just in time. “Whoa! You okay there, Mary?”

“I—” Mary felt the glow wink out in an instant. Panic and shame exploded inside her. She recoiled, then covered her face with her free hand. She wanted to disappear, wanted to wink out like a star that God forgot. This was awful. She was awful. “I’m so sorry, Lizzy, I—I’m so sorry, I just—sorry, I—I mean, I wasn’t—”

“Hey. Whoa.” Lizzy grabbed her hand and pulled it away. “Chill out. Breathe. Mary, breathe.

She said it so forcefully, Mary unthinkingly obeyed. She took a deep, shuddering breath in.

And immediately burst into tears.

She had no idea where it came from. The tears just started pouring, and then she was crying, sobbing, bawling right in front of her roommate. She’d just—she’d just—what had she just done?

“Oh, gosh.” Lizzy grabbed her and hugged her close, guiding Mary’s head into the crook of her neck. “Breathe, Mary. Breathe.”

Mary did. She forced the air in, and let the sobs out.

“I shouldn’t have pushed.” Mary felt Lizzy swallow. “I wasn’t—I just w-wanted to help, and you seemed to really want it, and I got excited—”

Mary tried to speak, to apologize—to clarify that she was fine, Lizzy hadn’t done anything wrong, this was her fault, and she needed to go curl up under a bridge and wait for a rainstorm to wash her away and pray that God could forgive her for this—

“—a-aand I was too pushy with you, people always say I bulldoze people, I once accidentally peer-pressured a boy into asking me to prom even though I didn’t even like him, I just liked hanging out with his girlfriend—”

Mary’s sobs broke into weak, confused laughter. “W-What?”

“I bulldoze people!” Lizzy squeezed Mary tight, her voice quivering like she was on the verge of tears. “I’m a bulldozer.”

“You’re n-not a bulldozer.”

“I am too! I had to quit the Scouts because I was pressuring everyone to buy the stupid cookies all the time!

“I-Isn’t that what Scouts are supposed to do?”

“Not to the other Scouts!

The line between crying and laughing was blurring away. Mary pulled away, giggling, wiping away her tears. She took several deep breaths in and out, and her breathing began to steady. “Um, I’m—I’m really sorry, I don’t… I don’t know what that was.”

She looked back down at Lizzy’s knee, slick with… with her. Even through the panties. Mary’s breath fluttered, and her vision blurred again.

She felt a soft, warm hand cup her cheek. The next thing she knew, she was staring right into Lizzy’s gentle rosy-pink eyes. “Hey. You didn’t do anything… wrong here. You didn’t masturbate. You just climaxed. That’s okay to do.”

“Are you sure?” Mary whispered, feeling silly for the weakness in her voice.

“Does God send you to hell for stickysleeps?” Lizzy shrugged, giving a cocky grin. “This is totally fine to do. I bet lots of girls do it.”

Mary nodded. Lizzy was good at comforting people. Those eyes were just very… soothing. “Well, for… for what it’s worth, you didn’t pressure me or push me. We are not compelled. I made my own choice, and…” She took in a shuddering breath. “I mean, I guess it was okay. For a one-time thing.”

The way Lizzy’s face lit up with relief, the way those dimples sank in her plump cheeks… Mary wanted to grab those cheeks and squish them so badly all of a sudden. She was so glad she’d gotten Lizzy as a roommate. “Yeah! Just a one-time thing. I promise I won’t bring it up again. Never happened.”

“Right. Good.” Mary nodded again. “I’m… thank you, though.” She took Lizzy’s hand on her cheek and squeezed it, then, by compulsion, took it in both hands and held it tight. “That was nice. I’m glad I got to… practice. For my future husband.”

“Right. Uh-huh.” Lizzy nodded quickly. “For him. Boy, is he in for a treat.”

Mary laughed. But she looked down at her lap, biting her lip. “Hey, Lizzy?”


“Did I… make a weird face?”

Lizzy stared at her for a moment. Mary looked back up and met those shimmering eyes. Lizzy’s cheeks had such a beautiful pink flush. It was probably just the lighting.

Her fingers interlaced with Mary’s. “I thought you looked… really pretty.”

Mary’s breath caught.

They both sat there for a long moment. It wasn’t long enough.

“We should probably get to sleep,” Mary said slowly. Privately, though, she was hoping Lizzy would ask to stay. To look up at the plastic stars a little longer.

But Lizzy’s hand slipped from hers. She was hurriedly nodding. “Right. Yeah. I think I’ll be able to get to sleep now. Thanks for letting me keep you up, Mary.” She winked, then immediately looked away, hopped out of the bed and flew to her bunk.

Mary took a drink of her water, then left the room to freshen up. And change. And get some tissues to help her clean off.

Something suddenly felt oddly empty in her, she reflected, after she’d returned and laid back down. She hoped she hadn’t driven God away, or something like that. Was this what sinning felt like? An emptiness? Had He been by her side until this moment?

But she’d followed all the rules. She’d just… sat next to her friend. And her friend had flapped her wings a little. She hadn’t touched. She hadn’t even taken off her underwear.

She sighed. It didn’t matter. It was a one-time thing, probably. Definitely.

Mary lay there in silence, staring up at the stars, thinking about everything that had just happened, and everything Melissa had said to her.

She blinked.

“Wait, do you call wet dreams ‘stickytimes’?

G’niight, Mary~!”

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