Bouncy Bounties

Chapter 1

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:CGL #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #breast_fixation #dom:female #humiliation #hypnosis #slime_girl #catgirl #collars #f/f #f/m #fantasy #hypnotic_eyes #kitten_play #mind_control #sub:female #sub:male #tentacles

First published on 12/30/18!

Original author's note: This story is set after the events of Monstrous Ranch—while it's mainly focused on new characters, if you plan to read Monstrous Ranch and really hate spoilers, I would head there first!

"So, Ms. Limini..." Valina's arms were crossed as she reclined in her chair, her tone totally neutral, her expression as cool as mountain air. "... what exactly is it that you do, again?"

Valina had not, Senya noticed, taken so much as a sip from her tea since they'd sat down. The catgirl had instead been nibbling at biscuits the entire time, her feline eyes narrowed as she watched their surprise holiday guest.

Teatime was a very important custom for fey-mortal relations in this part of the Wild East, Senya had noticed. It was a time for fey and humans to put aside the usual mischief and focus on cordial conversation—or mundane flirtation. Hypnosis, or any form of mind control or drugging, was a major faux pas, even for the fey more prone to misbehaving. In the time of the Solstice, especially, it was a time for pine needle tea and sugary biscuits, for minty breath and merry voices.

Valina rarely insisted on the rite when the Crows came by the Verdant Ward, or when Senya's sister, Anya, visited. It was a formality she didn't seem to care much for, and though their cottage was bedecked in colorful wreaths of winter-blooming flowers, bright berry bunches, and evergreen plants, pervaded with the festive scents of the traditional maple candles Senya had had imported from southern Lacra, she hadn't been very interested in getting into the holiday spirit, either. Her dark hair hung unadorned with red bows or holly leaves, and indeed, the only decoration Senya had been able to convince her to tolerate had been a necklace of tinkling silver bells.

And Valina had a certain weakness for bells.

She had consented to decorate him, at least. In fact, she'd taken great delight in adorning his short dark hair with red ribbons and lace, looping pretty glass bells she'd made herself around his neck right beneath his spelled collar, tying little ribbon bows around each of his fingers and slipping a bright pink winter rose behind his ear. She had taken great delight, and shown it, and shared it very generously. Senya was festive enough for the both of them, and this was just about the only way she seemed willing to tolerate any holiday cheer whatsoever.

But she had been very insistent when this woman had shown up that it was only proper. That they had to be hospitable. That, on the eve of the Solstice and in the midst of the New Year, it was important to observe the traditions of the season of formalized kindness to travelers. It was only courteous.

Her expression, tone and manner were anything but. And behind her, slipping from beneath her forest green skirt, her tail was twitching with irritation.

"Oh... a li'l of this, a li'l of that." The newcomer waved a finger aimlessly. She gave a sharp twang and drawl to her words, and her shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and pale—but well-tanned—skin marked her as being from the western portion of Lacra, like him. She wore a leather overcoat—one of those coats that could almost pass for a robe—and a wide-brimmed leather hat. "Primary-wise, though, I'm a merc until recently. Western Plains. Been doin' that for the last couple years, I reckon."

Senya, personally, wasn't sure why Valina had taken such a dislike to her. She'd been very civil on her arrival that afternoon, and seemed more lost than anything else.

"How interesting." Valina nodded slightly and nibbled her biscuit. Not drinking the tea was, as Senya understood it, a major sign of disrespect—an indication that she was eager for teatime to end. But they had only been dining for about five minutes.

Spoons clinked against cups. The catgirl nibbled, brushing back her black hair with one hand and idly scratching an ear. Valina was being extremely rude.

"Mercenary work is a risky work," Senya said, hoping to fill the silence. He smiled at Limini, fiddling with the pink primrose-studded bow atop his head. She herself wore no decorations, though it was harder to maintain them when on the road. "Are you a warrior?"

"Spitter, primary-wise." Limini grinned. "That's, ah, a mage, as y'all deal 'em."

"Oh, really. That's very interesting, Limini." Valina arched her eyebrows. "So a sorceress? A witch?"

"Wizard, to lay it clear." Limini took a sip of her tea, seemingly oblivious both to the meaning behind Valina's abstention and of the ceremony altogether. "Spent a bit between Towers, so I'm all licensed. Makes it easier to find work." She gave a wry half-smile. "I don't ride cart with no inborn nonsense. Never squared for me. I earned every spell."


"With that sort of thing, you either have it or you don't," Senya agreed uncertainly, knowing even less about magic than Valina. "So what brings you all the way to the Wild Continent?"

"Eh, a bit and a bit." Limini tapped her slightly crooked nose. She was very pretty, but had a roughness to her, a bite to those bright blue eyes—as mercenaries often did, of course. "Samplin' the sights. Sometimes you get tired of the same-old and you go lookin' for a bit of the exotic, y'know?"

Senya winced slightly, noticing Valina's tail bristling. Up until recently, the Verdant Ward had been in the care of a number of his relatives who had been very much interested in peddling the 'exotic'. And Limini's gaze had unmistakeably brushed over Valina's chest, pushed up slightly by Valina's red blouse. Valina was, unlike Senya, very clearly a native of the region. She did not consider herself 'exotic' in the slightest. "Well, it's... a very remarkable place. Continent. And it's nice to take a break now and then."

"Oh, you betcha." Limini grinned. She took another sip from her tea. "And y'all out here, with this, ah—neat li'l prison of yours. That's quite an undertakin' for a couple kids."

"We are both adults," Valina said primly, crunching on a particularly stale biscuit. "How old are you, then?"

"Well, I'd hope you're adults!" Limini guffawed, spilling a little tea on Senya's green sleeve. She grimaced and brushed away the drops with her hand. Senya heard Valina give a little growl at the familiarity, but Limini seemed totally oblivious—perhaps a little swept up in what she was talking about. "With these gals you got penned in here, that is—I've never in my life seen so much sugar in one cup.

"Me, I'm sittin' around thirty. Waitin' to die, really." She winked at Senya, who laughed slightly. "But I didn't mean offense. What I meant was, y'all got your hands full. Do you mainly just keep the little sorts? Slime girls, lust sprites..."

"No, it's a variety." Senya winced slightly. "We have a cupid, a few Thriae, a holstaur—"

"A holstaur!" Limini raised an eyebrow. "Damn, those are hard to come by. I used to work for one of those—ah, um, carefully, to lay it clear. Never partook, myself." She took a quick sip of her drink, and Senya couldn't tell if it was the hot tea or the topic that had her cheeks suddenly flushed. "That's one of the few minds the Brat Baroness ain't cracked in all these years. It was a wild time workin' for fey. I don't envy you having to deal with one of the udder sprites."

"We manage." Valina crunched her last biscuit.

"I'll say you do!" Limini grinned. "Y'all are a marked lot, and no mistake. Nothin' but respect."

She tipped her hat and finished her tea. Valina seemed to visibly relax, seeing that the ceremony was drawing at last to a close. "Listen, I really appreciate it." She grinned at Senya. "It gets kinda lonely out here on my lonesome. Nice to see some friendly faces. Especially... well, nothin' against the locals, but now and 'gain it's good to see another face that ain't yell—"

Valina's tail bristled like a scrubbing brush.

"Yelling. Yes." Senya cleared his throat loudly. "People can be very noisy, with all the wars. It's best not to speak of it."

"Ah. Yes." She tapped her nose knowingly. "My sorrows about all that. Cowgirl like me sometimes... forgets how to make polite talk. It's very kill-or-be out in the Plains. Not much room for learnin' what not to say when" She stood up and stretched, pushing her wide hips forward and spreading her arms in a great yawn. "Anyway, it's good to have a nice, civil chat now and 'gain."

"Yes." Valina nodded very slightly. "A pleasure to have you."

Senya shot Valina an uncomfortable look. He understood her discomfort with their guest—who was clearly very much out of her element around here—but Limini's visit had been very short, and his personal instincts always inclined towards politeness. "Indeed," he said, standing up as well with a friendly smile. "Best of luck on the road! Just remember to get out of the forest speedily. Lacratians aren't actually really... supposed to be here unless they have dispensation like me. You don't want to wear out your welcome."

"Yeah, I've gathered!" Limini snorted, then offered her hand. "I'm eager to put my ass to this place, don't you worry. But I do appreciate the warnin', and the tea."

Senya shook it, smiling weakly. She had a very firm grip. "I'm sure a Western Plains mercenary can take care of hersefl."

"Well." Limini smiled knowingly. "I was really more of a diplomat. Up until recently."

Senya felt a strange charge course through his hand. It wasn't like static—more like the feeling of reaching beneath a waterfall. The feeling swelled, and his breath caught, words dying silently on his tongue.

He blinked. Limini's eyes seemed very interesting to him all of a sudden—so, so much prettier than he'd realized. He admired them. Such a striking cobalt-blue. Piercing. Revealing. They caught his gaze endlessly, so bright and friendly, so full of tiny little pink flames.

She kept up that knowing smile as a strange warmth started to spread through Senya. Senya would have flinched, had he not been occupied by those eyes. The warmth was like a sunbeam, swelling inside him, easing his worries, relaxing his muscles as it rose through his shoulders. The warmth felt so very, very... very...

... good.


Too late, Senya tried to resist, tried to fight off the pleasurable glow inside him as pink sparks danced in those eyes—those pretty, pretty eyes. His collar was tingling strangely, filling him up with buzzy confusion. It was supposed to protect him from outsiders' mind control, but to his dazed confusion, it was making him feel exactly as he'd felt when Valina had decided to decorate him earlier.

He was helpless to resist the two-pronged assault, but he struggled desperately anyways.

He blinked again, vaguely understanding all this was happening in less than a second. That thought—that it had been so very, very easy to slip so far under so quickly, that he had only successfully held off her control for a few moments so far, that he was totally, utterly doomed—made his will go limp as the warmth finally spread into his open mind.

He shivered very slightly as Limini's magic blazed inside him for a few quick blinks, and suddenly everything seemed just a little bit different.

Limini smiled at him. An angelic smile, heavenly, goddess-like, perfect and wonderful in every way, beaming joy and love from those bright blue eyes and those lovely, perfectly kissable lips.

Limini was pretty. Very, very pretty. A pretty lady who knew exactly what was best, because she was pretty and Senya wanted to make her happy, because he would do anything a pretty lady told him, and she was the prettiest. This logic unassailable in its perfection, just like Limini, Senya smiled at her—even as a tiny part of his mind still writhing in the warm glow rioted in protest. The glow would soothe it to sleep soon enough.

She wanted him to do something. Of course. Senya was unspeakably happy to help. He turned, smiling down at Valina. Pretty, pretty Valina, with such a pretty bell necklace and such pretty green eyes. Almost as pretty as Limini.

The catgirl blinked up at him, caught off-guard as he reached down to lay a hand on her forehead. She stiffened. "Senya, wha—"

The warmth flooded through Senya in an instant. He shivered with bliss as his hand tingled and pulsed.

Valina's katana, already shimmering into existence in her hand, clattered to the floor.

Her lips parted. She trembled, her words lost to her.

Senya felt how pleased Limini was with him—he had been a good boy—and he moaned softly. It flowed through him and into Valina, who moaned as well half-second later. She seemed to be resisting something, trying to hold back information he was helping Limini to pull out of her dazed mind. But no one could resist Limini for long.

"Oh," Limini said quietly. "Kitten, is it?"

Valina's eyes widened. They were rapidly filling with pretty pink light, but she seemed to try to rise from the chair, her hand fumbling for the hot tea kettle. Senya felt Limini's liquid amusement, and knew what was coming.

He let out a soft sigh as he let all her praise and love flow into their struggling companion. Wave after wave of pink whispers flooded her head as he held his trembling hand steady, watching Valina's movements go jerky, halt, stutter...

The catgirl slipped and fell to her knees on the floor. Her ears twitched, and her jaw went slack. She shuddered and panted for a moment, the fight raging inside those pink eyes, a bit of drool trickling from the corner of her mouth as her familiar scent filled the air.

"Mew!" she squeaked.

"There we go," Limini purred. Senya felt her nuzzling his neck, nibbling his earlobe. He quivered, unspeakably happy that sweet, wonderful Limini was touching him, that she was... pleased with him. "That's so good, ain't it, darlin'? Why don't you make that li'l sound again, and I'll make sure it feels even better this time."

Kitten stared up at Senya, her pink eyes a mirror of Senya's own, filled with Limini's magic. Limini's words were no longer needed, of course. Her will was their world.

Kitten mewed again, her eyelids drooping.

Waves of pleasure and praise coursed through the two of them instantly. Senya cried out and fell to his knees in front of Kitten, staring into her beautiful eyes—the eyes Limini had given her.

"There we go!" Limini sounded delighted. Senya felt her smooth hands stroking his hair, playing with the ribbons, and saw her stroking Kitten's ears, scratching them slightly with those painted pink nails. "Aw, who's a cute kitty?"

"Me!" Kitten whined, squirming.

"Are you a cute kitty?"

"I'm a cute kitty!"

"And didn't I make it feel good when you make those noises, Kitten? Ain't you gonna feel good every time you mew like a cute kitty for me?"

A pause. Kitten seemed to be struggling with the words.

The hand scratching Kitten's ears paused and stroked a single finger down to Kitten's lips. Senya could just barely make out the pink light flowing from those fingertips, sinking into Kitten's vulnerable, surrendered mind.

"Yes," the catgirl whispered.

Limini settled into Valina's chair, still holding Senya's hand. Out of the corner of his eye, Senya saw the fingers on Kitten's lips travel down her neck.

"Y'know, I thought you seemed kinda rude, but you're just a soft, sweet kitten, arentcha?" Limini sounded fond as she continued to lightly stroke Kitten, pouring in more, more magic.

Kitten squirmed ever-so-slightly, and Senya knew that Limini was playing with her breasts now, pulling down her blouse. Squirming at all was not allowed, he knew, smiling blissfully, and Kitten soon succumbed and went still once more. She was almost vibrating in torment, though.

His hand was still on her head, but now that Limini was touching both of them directly, there was no need for this anymore. He knew this because he felt something—something slick and slippery, coiling and wriggly, something the waves of Limini's magic told him was part of her even if it felt more like a strange tentacle—gently take his hand and lower it to his side.

And coil around it. And hold it there. And he could feel more of these lovely tendrils wrapping around him—more pieces of Limini binding his legs, his arms, slipping tenderly around his belly.

Limini was still talking as she continued toying with Kitten's tits. "Mm... Senya, sugar, thanks for bein' such a doll while I puzzled out that collar o' yours. It's a real trick and a half to bypass, but you made it a pleasure. Such a joy chattin' with you while I... worked out the kinks." She giggled. "And worked in some kinks."

"Yes, Mistress," Senya whispered, suddenly wishing both he and Valina were wearing far fewer clothes. He could see rosy-pink tendrils slipping lewdly up Kitten's thighs, and her breaths were coming quicker, higher, as they wound around her arms.

"An' that collar's not givin' you trouble no more?" Limini cooed, rubbing his shoulders, pouring more waves of relaxed, mindless bliss into him. The tentacles were massaging his neck, and he watched them doing the same to Kitten—saw her going increasingly limp into the tentacles' clutches—felt himself doing the same—"You're a good boy for me?"

"Yes, Mistress!" he cried, feeling her presence in his mind, comforting, tender. He watched as the pink tentacles on Kitten started to rise up, like rising cobras—one on each side, coming to point right at her ears. He wondered what they were about to do to her. Perhaps he was lucky all Limini was having them do to him was play around his neck, though he couldn't turn to look and see what they were doing to him.

"You two are charms in the sand. I wish I could spend all day here, but..." Limini sighed. "I really gotta get goin'. That's the chore of the new job: I never have time to just brainwash some sugardoll anymore. Gotta make the captures an' find 'em a buyer." She patted his head. "But at least I get to be my own boss, y'know? So that's nice."

Senya stared into Kitten's eyes. They were both drooling, on their knees next to the table as the wizardess petted them, brainwashed them, groped Kitten's tits. It felt so good. Senya never wanted this to end.

The tentacles slid into Kitten's ears from either side. They seemed to... blossom, like twin flowers, splitting so that the 'petals' could latch onto the sides while whatever lay within... entered her.

Kitten's pupils visibly dilated. "A-Ah," she burst out, a tiny squeak quickly cut short by Limini's orders.

The tentacles started to pulse, as if these shimmering pink tendrils were... filling Kitten with something. Senya watched, fascinated, as her pupils and whites turned the same brilliant pink as the rest of her eyes. Her lips hung open in mindless bliss, and her eyelids half-closed as a long, helpless breath slid out of her.

Senya would have giggled, had he been allowed. Poor Kitten. Limini was really playing with her—lucky that she'd decided not to oh oh oh oh OH

He felt the tentacles latch on. He felt the tendrils slip in. Felt the pulsing, felt the power Mistress had already put inside him swell and pulse and flash and and and and

And nothing else mattered. Nothing save Mistress's words. Mistress. He loved Mistress. His tongue lolled out as he stared in blissful trance into Kitten's eyes, mirrored her total submission.

And Mistress's voice filled them both with radiant, endless glory. "Now, I'm just gonna leave you two here to take care of each other while I go catch some dolls, kay? Y'all don't mind, right?"

She giggled at their vacant sighs. Yes. Anything for Mistress. They were so happy she was taking what she wanted from them. She could do whatever she wanted to them, and they would be so, so happy to allow it.


"Mm?" Kitten squirmed slightly, clearly desperate to mew but scared to do it without Mistress telling her to directly.

"You like feeling nice like this, don't you?" Giggling, Mistress slipped something into Kitten's hair—a pretty red bow to match Senya's pink one.

"Yes, Mistress," Kitten whispered.

"You like it when Senya feels nice. You like makin' him feel nice and dumb an' happy."

"Mm. Mm!"

"Senya, you like it when Kitten feels good, don'tcha? You like feelin' good for her."

Senya whined and nodded.

"Kitten, you're gonna help Senya be a good boy for me." The tentacles slid out of her ears, and Mistress stopped groping her tits. Kitten blinked. "Senya, you're gonna be happy for Kitten, and fuck silly Kitten just as she wants. You're gonna make my pet mew like a happy little kitty for me. Okay?"

The tentacles slid from his ears with a popping sensation. He blinked, feeling the fog clearing slightly. He swayed.

He stared at Kitten. She stared back at him. Her tail twitched.

Kitten moved first, purring as she crawled forward and pushed his still-dazed body to the floor. He fell with a little cry. She crawled atop and beamed down at him, her eyes glowing brightly.

"Mew," she said sweetly. "Mew for Mistress!"

Senya shivered as she started grinding against him, registering that both of them were still fully clothed. He tried to reach to change this, but the tentacles helpfully guided his hands to grip Kitten's hips instead, to help her along.

The tentacles continued to play wickedly, and both he and Kitten shared looks of delicious agony as they teased and tickled their obedient, fully-clad bodies. But Kitten did not let up.

As he started to cry out, he heard Mistress walking away, giggling slightly. "Whoops. Guess I wasn't specific enough. Well, that'll be cute."

The door opened. As Kitten started licking his face, Senya barely noticed. Especially when the tentacles finally slipped his pants down and her skirt up, finally guided him inside her. But Mistress's voice echoed easily in his otherwise empty pink mind. "Y'all be nice and cute and happy for me, now. Maybe I'll stop by before I leave and play with you kitties a little bit, make sure I didn't spell your minds permanent."

The door closed, and Senya didn't hear the last thing she said, because he was already inside Kitten and on the verge of coming.

He stared up happily into Kitten's pretty eyes, started to mewl in entranced pleasure, and knew they would be very, very good kitties by the time Mistress returned.

They were both mewing helplessly by the time they hit climax.

~ ~ ~ ~

Limini hummed cheerfully as she made her way into the bog. Senya and Kitten were so adorable. She hoped she did have some time to play with them later. If she was lucky, she'd have an excuse to stay here a day or so settling affairs, and she'd be able to really indulge.

She tried to put it out of her head, though. Limini had a job to do, and she wasn't here to play around. Being your own boss meant you had to have some self-control now and again.

She sighed and waved a hand, whispering a minor spell, and spectral pink tentacles lifted her feet just above the muck. No sense in getting messy. Yet, anyways.

Awful good thing I took the time to meet with those two, she thought. That collar had some real fancy wards. Wouldn't wanna get surprised by that out here.

Limini hated surprises. Working as a Western Plains indulgent diplomat was delicate work, and a surprise usually meant she was in for trouble. She wasn't an adventurer—she was an ex-diplomat and current bounty hunter (well, of sorts). In that line of work, Limini liked her missions as cool and calm as a glass of milk.

She licked her lips and looked around. There was a platform in the middle of the bog. Wild cranberry bushes grew all around—currently out of season. That was fortunate, as Limini had no idea if these bushes were fae and had no fondness for berry dryads. But the dryads would be sleeping right now, in the winter months. The one good thing about orchard and berry dryads was that you usually only had to deal with them about three-quarters of the year.

That's right, she thought, nodding slightly as she tentacle-walked to the platform. This place used to be a farm. This must've been a cranberry bog. Wonder if they still harvest.

She didn't really care much. After Senya and Kitten shook off her spell, they could do whatever they liked. Limini wasn't in the game of conquering mortals and near-mortals like catgirls, not permanently. She felt she was actually a very gentle sort of bounty hunter—she always did her best to leave bystanders more-or-less untouched, give or take a tendril or five (Give, mostly, she thought with a wicked grin).

As an indulgent diplomat, the Milky Baroness had tasked her with a lot of ugly jobs—brainwashing husbands away from their wives, wives away from their wives, catgirls and beastfey away from their dens. Whoever the Milky Baroness wanted to suckle her, the Milky Baroness got. And she never gave them back.

As a bounty hunter, though, Limini could take the brainwashing as far as she wanted, pick her own jobs. She didn't have to break boys' minds and turn women to brainless milkbimbos. There was no decadent holstaur to threaten her with endless bliss if she didn't bring back enough hungry mouths to feed. And she could pick her own jobs.

Brainwashing mortals, and the more near-mortal fey, had always made Limini uneasy. It was one thing to claim a tavern wench for the night and make her squeal like a cupid's last kiss. That sort of thing was harmless—good fun, in Limini's view, and a real treat. The barmaids had no right to complain. Limini only let them do what they wanted to do—and if she made them want it, well, that was a technicality. Everyone had fun, eventually, when Limini was in control.

But permanently brainwashing people? That was clearly a line to cross. That was killing. That was Western Plains diplomacy—a way of making war without spilling a drop of blood.

Limini hopped onto the platform and dismissed the tentacles. She gave a sly smile as she saw bubbles already beginning to emerge—as she'd suspected they would, the slime girls had left her alone until she was right in the center, 'trapped'.

Brainwashing petty sprites, on the other hand, was as sweet and harmless as could be. Slime dryads, mothgirls, sprites—they were barely really people, were they? They didn't mind. Not really. Mothgirls and mothboys played hard to get, but once you got them really doped up on licking you out, they were as happy and docile as real fey. Limini loved her new job.

"Hi!" bubbled a voice, and Limini turned and locked gaze with a pair of brilliant pink eyes.

Those pink eyes belonged to a brilliant pink face, which was part of a brilliant pink body. The slime girl—more accurately termed a slime hamadryad—was quite beautiful, if you liked shiny, goopy, translucent women who dripped and jiggled with every other step, their cute heart-shaped faces accentuated by long 'locks' of dripping 'hair', their smiles inhumanly wide, their whole forms shining slightly in the midday sun and their breasts the size of ripe, plump melons, round and smooth and defying gravity in that way even normal fey would find difficult. She was drop-dead gorgeous, if you were into that sort of thing.

Which Limini was. A lot. Enough that her breath actually caught for a moment as she stared at the slime girl, who had emerged from the murky water nearby—behind a lone cranberry bush, as though she had been behind it all along, even though she'd have been hard-pressed to conceal her... assets behind anything smaller than a redwood.

"Hiya, there," Limini said, recovering herself. Slime girls were very little threat—sure, letting them touch you could be dicey if they got too handsy, but they had no meaningful hypnosis powers that couldn't be duplicated by a well-trained parrot with a pocketwatch. Giving you yummy little suckles could only go so far unless you were insanely weak-willed. But Limini was a professional, and she had no intention of taking risks. Limini didn't like taking risks. "And what's your name, sugar?"

The slime girl giggled, her pink cheeks going a striking red. "Oh, sugar! That's such a cute name!" She bounced slightly in place, beaming as bright as the sun. "You can call me that! I wanna be called Sugar!"

Limini giggled back, both to be friendly and polite and to keep 'Sugar' happy with her while she felt out the wards with her inner magic. Mm, nice and simple. Most of the wards around here clearly applied to that Warden collar, keeping him compliant while still giving him enough free-will in case of emergencies or long-term attempts. Powerful magic. But possible to cheat if you knew how to weave around it. And Limini's form of mindweaving, while not exactly subtle, could be very, very delicate.

But there were almost no wards on the fey themselves. A few charms to ensure they didn't try to leave—it was a prison, after all—but those were mainly enforced by arousal punishment as far as she could tell. Arousal punishment was popular, but extremely easy for a skilled mindweaver to redirect into her whims.

She watched cheerfully as more slime girls emerged. Three, four... seven in total. Gods, this was going to be a trick.

Two hot pink. Three grass-green. Two sky-blue. They smiled up at her, and Limini casually sat down, as if totally heedless of that predatory glint in their eyes. There were some minor wards to ensure they didn't go after anyone other than the Warden, but those wards were quite fragile—someone frequently helped them to break that rule.

Limini giggled again. Oh, silly, slutty Kitten. How helpful she was. Those dalliances would make it pretty easy for the prisoners of the Verdant Wad to stretch, and Limini had no doubt that these slippery beauties would be fully engaged in the art of capturing her soon enough.

That was to say, if they actually had any hypnosis other than jiggling their bodies like jello and hoping Limini was dumb enough to just sit and stare for ten minutes while they tried desperately to put her under. It sounded kind of fun, honestly, in a boring kind of way.

Limini knelt down and slipped off her trench coat, as if she had no further need of it. Underneath, she was wearing her nicest two-piece swimsuit, showing off a slender but well-endowed frame. Her breasts were quite large (by human standards), and the top visibly struggled to contain them.

It was not easy on her back. This was one gift the Milky Baroness had given all of her favorite agents—one Limini had not been allowed to refuse. But it was useful at times.

She smiled flirtatiously at the fey slowly surrounding her. "Well, okay, Sugar. My name's Limini. And what'll I call the rest of y'all?"

The slime girls giggled, delighted at their prey's oblivious etiquette.

"I'm Lushi," said another pink slime dryad whose long "hair" spilled over on eye, as though she was very shy. The way her hands were caressing her bare breasts was anything but.

"I'm Slippi," said a blue slime girl, licking her lips with a long, slick, slender 'tongue' that rather reminded Limini of a frog's tongue. Or a tentacle.

"I'm Sleek," chirped a green slime girl, with a mischievous grin.

The other slime girls said nothing. They just smiled and swam closer, either uninterested in conversation or too dumb to think to reply. Dumb, dumb, dumb. That was why Limini had taken this bounty up. Some pampered noble wanted as many slime girls as you could get him? Slime girls were dumb, easy to brainwash, easy to ship. Easy money if you could find some.

And Limini had found the perfect supplier.

Seven. Limini would be set for months if she could even score five. And she'd spelled a half-dozen catgirls once in a single spell. While sixty-nining one of them. Limini wasn't worried.

"What pretty names," she purred, reaching down and fiddling with the strap on her bikini bottom. She concealed her grin as seven pairs of eyes started watching that hand very closely.

Limini slipped a finger beneath and started to rub herself slightly—very slightly. Slightly enough that it wasn't doing much of anything. But the slime girls could still see it. And they could smell her arousal, alright.

She made sure to give them a nice show, spreading her legs slightly. She was on her knees to avoid exposing too much skin in case they rushed her, but she rocked back and forth, giving them a nice view of her lovely form.

Sugar's 'jaw' had dropped. She was almost panting, in fact, but she quickly closed her mouth as they drew near. "Wow," she breathed. "You're, like... horny, aren't you?"

Limini giggled, sensing the clumsy induction attempt instantly. "Yes," she murmured. "Soooo horny."

The slime girls exchanged gleeful grins. Such an easy toy they'd caught!

Limini wasn't even thinking about her words, though—as an indulgent diplomat, you learned to dissociate from what you said when you got to a conflict and focus strictly on actions. Words could trick, disorient, hypnotize. But only if you gave them meaning. This was just words.

She reached out, humming invitingly, to take Sugar by the hand. The pink slime girl had strayed closest to her, spellbound by the lewd display. Strayed from the protection of the other six, the poor lost lamb. She blinked in confusion as Limini took her hand.

Slowly, Sugar sat down beside Limini, still looking confused. She held Limini's hand like a lifeline, staring at Limini helplessly.

Because the second Limini touched her hand, she had her.

One wouldn't be able to tell unless one was very alert—and most slime girls were colorblind, anyways. The little pink sparks in Limini's hand, in Sugar's eyes, were almost unnoticeable. Limini poured her magic into the jiggly vessel and watched her quiver. She met Sugar's eyes, and was that a sparkle of alarm in her eyes? A tiny realization of what was happening to her?

Limini giggled and smiled happily up at the other six as they approached. The hand felt quite nice—it was true what they said about slime dryads. Every inch of slime felt like luscious lips smacking and suckling at her skin, and with their fingers interlaced, Limini savored the sensation.

It wasn't hypnotic. But it was certainly a treat.

"Is that nice?" cooed Sleek, slipping beside her. "Does she feel nice?"

Limini smirked at Sleek, who had started bouncing her breasts together. "She feels very nice," she said, licking her lips. "She feels so, so nice, Sleek."

Sleek blinked coquettishly at her, then down at her breasts. Limini followed her gaze.

Sleek was magnificent—they all were. The biggest, roundest tits limini had ever seen.

Behind Limini, Sugar let out a little moan.

Limini quickly sent a strong burst of obedience magic to quiet her, but too late—Sleek and the other slime girls looked startled. They clearly weren't used to 'victims' making them moan like that.

Sleek in particular looked wary, and moved to get up.

Limini smiled, took her other hand out from between her legs and reached forward. "Where's your rush?" she asked, with an innocent little smile. "I reckoned I could..." She bit her lip.

Sleek paused. She looked at the hand, then at Sugar. Then at Limini's big, blue eyes, seemingly glued to Sleek's bosom.

"Do you... like them?" Sleek purred. She squeezed her tits together.

"Mm." Limini licked her lips. "They're so... big."

"They are, aren't they?" Sleek smirked, lifted one up, and planted a little kiss on one. "Such nice, nice pretty boobies. So nice to watch them, isn't it?"

"I wanna watch them," Limini said, and gave the pathetic, needy whine that never failed to have would-be doms eating out of her hand.

"Oh, yes," Sleek breathed, lowering down slightly. "Don't worry, sweetie, you can watch them as much as you want."

"As much as you want," Limini repeated after her, waggling her fingertips.

"As much as I want," Sleek sang, clearly barely holding in her giggles.

Limini was rocking back and forth slightly. "Oh," she gasped, "but if just looking at them feels so good..."

"To touch them," Sleek whispered, her eyes shining. She reached to take Limini by the hand, to guide her hand to her breasts. "Oh, you're just a happy little slut then, aren't you?"

"Why, I'm just helpless to resist you," Limini said sweetly, as their fingertips were ever-so-close to touching...

"Helpless for these nice, full udders," Sleek murmured.


A taste from Mommy's udders.

Limini blinked. The world seemed to go foggy for a moment. As if lost in someone else's body, she found herself staring at Sleek's breasts and... licking her lips.

She blinked again, clearing her head, and took Sleek by the hand. "Helpless to do anything," she cried, "but make you feel good!"

Sleek's eyes widened imperceptibly, and a shiver ran through her as Limini sent floods of blissful adoration and loyalty flowing through her little bubbly brain. It wasn't even a fight this time, and Limini relished that.

"Ooh, you feel so niiiice," she cooed, giggling. "Don't you?"

"Y-Yes," Sleek panted. Her chest was heaving.

The other slime girls were settling around them now., lounging, watching, circling. Limini had a burst spell she could use if she needed to get out of here, but she wasn't worried. As nice as it felt to let her hands sink slightly into the dryads, she was still fully lucid, and they... well, they were just getting dumber, weren't they?

Relishing the thought, Limini sent in a wave of be my dumb girls to both of them and watched them try so hard to squirm.

But there would be no naughty squirming, no mark of her influence on them. This would be a subtle job. She didn't want them realizing how easily she could captivate them—the rest needed to remain in doubt for as long as possible on what her touch could do to them, how one-sided these mental 'battles' were.

She marveled as Sleek continued to bounce her breasts, determined to the end to hypnotize her 'prey'. So cute. She had Sleek guide her hand down to one of those pendulous breasts, sighing happily at the size, the slickness, the sweet suckling sensations as her hand caressed the breast. So smooth. So soft.

"You like her boobies?" whispered a pink slime girl—Lushi—as she spilled her gooey, dripping form in front of Limini. Limini turned to face her as she gave a shy grin, raising her own breasts for inspection. "Do you like mine?"

"Very nice," Limini purred. She continued to run her hands over their breasts—Sugar seemed happy to take her right hand there, and it was generally easier to administer the control closer to the head, to increase the power of her enchantments. She watched Lushi's hands massage her tits, so drippy and slippy and soft... "Very nice, Lushi. Those are very nice."

Lushi was almost pathetically happy about this, judging by that smile, by the way her breath caught. She was massive, in fact—larger than Sugar or Sleek, and maybe the biggest of the bunch. She jiggled beautifully, too. Limini had always liked slime girls, but Lushi was absolutely gorgeous. A lush, pink goddess who could smother Limini in those udders of hers.

Limini was breathing heavily, now, stroking Sleek's and Sugar's breasts, flicking their pert, sweet nipples. She smiled, feeling almost a little dizzy, as she stared at Lushi's beautiful boobies, bouncing, bouncing...

"Bounce, bounce, bounce," Lushi sang.

Limini glanced to her left. Sleek was sandwiching Limini's hand in her cleavage, whimpering slightly with every pulse of magic as she bounced her tits around it, letting Limini appreciate the full range of... sensations.

She glanced to her right, moving her head slowly so the world didn't spin. Sugar was clutching Limini's hand as Limini petted her breast, a spellbound look in her eyes. With her free hand, she mindlessly groped herself, squeezing her own tits, her eyes half-closing in sensual agony as Limini's finger rubbed her nipple...

All around her, the slime girls were giggling, cooing, moaning as they played with their boobie—thier breasts. Seven happy milkco—seven submissive slime girls up for grabs.

Limini sighed and continued to smile as she stared at Lushi's jiggling tits.

"Bounce, bounce, bounce," Lushi sang. She beamed, as if expecting something from Limini.

"Bounce, bounce, bounce," Limini mumbled, her head bobbing in time with the pretty bouncing breasts. It seemed right to repeat after her. From the gleeful laughter, she concluded she had done exactly what Lushi had wanted. She admired the way those slick breasts seemed to ripple with every giggle.

Numbly, she realized she had been sitting here and stroking these two slime girls—and staring into the sea of tits—for... a lot longer than it felt like. The sun was lower in the sky. Her magic was starting to tingle in the way it did when she'd been using a lot of it without time to regain her focus.

It was a good thing slime girls weren't very good at hypnosis. She beamed at the bouncing boobies. Otherwise she'd be in real trouble.

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