All Aflutter

Chapter 2

by GigglingGoblin

Tags: #cw:ageplay #cw:CGL #cw:noncon #f/f #gentle_femdom #holstaur #kitten_play #lactation #mothgirl #begging #breast_fixation #breastfeeding #D/s #dom:female #edging #fantasy #humiliation #praise #sub:female #teasing

First published on 09/25/20!

Ásdís’s antennae twitched as she ducked her head slightly, avoiding the cowgirl’s friendly gaze. Her cheeks still felt hot, and she regretted horribly bringing up cowgirl… lactate. She didn’t know what had come over her.

Luckily, Aura didn’t seem at all offended. If anything, her host barely seemed to notice Ásdís’s embarrassment. Ásdís kept her attention firmly on her porridge anyways.

To her relief, Aura was happy to fill the silence now. "Your homeland sounds fascinating," she said, leaning over the table to watch Ásdís intently. "I wish I could visit, but I’m really quite in love with the badlands."

"Mm-hm?" Ásdís nodded, licking her lips and making sure to meet Aura’s gaze while she spoke. Gods, Aura was a wonderful cook. Then again, Ásdís was close to starving. Then again, even starving, she was sure she’d never tasted anything so delectable and creamy, so subtle in its flavors.

"Oh, and then there’s my garden." Aura pouted. "It needs to be watered regularly, the poor thing. Always needing to be taken care of. The badlands can really wreak havoc on delicate things." She smiled slyly at Ásdís. "But you know that."

"... Mm-hm!" Ásdís nodded. She ducked her head to conceal her reddening face, and tried to focus on the way Aura’s fingers fidgeted and played along the table’s surface. Such long, delicate fingers.

"Of course you do!" Aura sounded pleased, and Ásdís squirmed a little. "And I love taking care of my garden, of course. It’s nice to be needed." The fingers danced, tapped. Aura leaned over slightly.

"Mm-hm?" Aura’s voice was nice to listen to, too, Ásdís reflected. Sweet. Gentle. A little spice of mischief. Creamy and silky...

"It’s not just about the results," Aura said softly. "I’ve always liked… tending to things. And people." Her fingers toyed idly with each other. She reached up briefly to adjust the strap. Her fingers seemed to slide down, crawling along her lovely sky-blue dress, and Ásdís couldn't help but admire her full, gorgeous figure—those massive, round breasts catching the rosy light and positively shining, the deep shadows of her cleavage... "I have the su… the sunset strawberries, of course, but I also grow a few annual plants. Some flowers, a vegetable or two…"

Idly, Ásdís wondered if Aura really grew enough food to sustain herself out here, much less always have porridge ready for visitors. But the porridge tasted good, and she was so hungry, and she’d already been talking a lot. It felt nice to just listen to Aura’s voice as she ate. It seemed a shame to interrupt. "Mm…"

"Yes," Aura said with a little giggle, which Ásdís mirrored without thinking, "It’s very tasty, isn’t it? I always have some cereals growing. You just have to know how to manage the seasons, and being this far north, it’s not too difficult, dear."

"Mm-hm…" Aura’s breasts jiggled when she laughed. Ásdís swallowed another addictive spoonful of syrupy porridge, nodding distantly.

"This particular porridge is steppe ricegrass, which I grew last… last spring, I should think." Aura put a finger to her lips—those luscious magenta-red lips, almost as plump and pillowy as her plump, pillowy, bouncy… "And of course, the cake I have in the oven is entirely from what I harvested last month. That’s why the garden was so empty, aside from the suc—the strawberries."

"Mm…" Ásdís blinked. Wait, cake? She was curious, but didn’t want to interrupt. Had Aura put something in the oven earlier? Where had Aura gotten the eggs to bake?

"Those berries are honestly more for appearance, to be honest." Aura laughed. "After all, they’re not very good for eating, are they?" Ásdís shook her head, "Not at all, Ásdís. But they look pretty, don’t they?" Ásdís nodded. "That’s right, Ásdís, they're lovely. And I like to keep pretty things around my home.

"You like pretty things, don’t you?"

Ásdís nodded.

"Good girl!"

"Uh-huh." Ásdís wasn’t so much listening to the words anymore. She was trying to, but Aura’s voice seemed perfectly designed to send her to sleep, and she was starting to feel full—though still awfully thirsty—and drowsy from all the eating. She’s basically devoured the second bowl’s contents already.

She wasn’t listening to the words. Just the voice, and the emotions the voice carried. They were nice emotions, she thought, watching Aura lean in slightly, watching the tits bounce forward, so barely contained in the pretty blue dress. Kindness. Affection. Playfulness. Expectation. Praise.

It was a nice voice.

"Oh, dear," Aura said softly, and Ásdís gave a slight start as the cowgirl leaned in further - and reached towards her. "Come here, dear, you have…"

"H-Huh?" Ásdís’s heart suddenly lurched as she realized she was staring at Aura’s tits, and she jerked her head upright from the lazy position she’d taken resting between her palms she’d slumped into—with a dumb, brainless beaming smile, no less—and looked up with rising mortification into Aura’s pretty hazel eyes.

But as instructed, she instinctively leaned in.

"Good girl," Aura said sweetly, as she took Ásdís’s napkin from her unresisting hand and dabbed at the corner of Ásdís’s mouth with it.

And Ásdís felt her face melt into a volcanic boil as she realized she had been staring, slack-jawed, at Aura’s tits—and a bit of porridge had gotten on her, and Aura was now cleaning her like—like—

"I-I’m sorry," she stammered, reaching for the napkin.

"No, dear," Aura cooed, shooing her hand away and continuing to clean Ásdís up, "allow me."

"B-But—" Ásdís blinked rapidly, heart racing, barely able to breathe, desperate to recover some dignity—

"Stay still, sweetie," Aura said sweetly, and Ásdís stopped squirming. After a long moment of Ásdís not quite breathing in new air, the cowgirl pulled back, smiling happily. "Good girl!"

"Th-Thank you," Ásdís mumbled, still blushing brilliantly. She noticed Aura hadn’t given her the napkin back, and gulped.

This felt somewhat beyond what a normal host would do for their guest.

But… Ásdís had never left her village before. She bit her lip. How could she be sure?

"Anyways," Aura went on, her expression casual, innocent, as if totally oblivious to Ásdís’s mumbling, blushing, squirming state, "my garden is worth the trouble, of course."

"I-It is?" Ásdís brushed some hair from her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart.

"Of course," Aura purred. "It attracts such cute visitors, after all!"

"Mm?" Ásdís’s eyes widened, and she briefly made eye contact with Aura and saw the cowgirl smiling. She felt her face go beet red, and she quickly retreated back down to staring at her meal.

"Of course!" Aura went on, and Ásdís could hear the smugness in her voice, that knowing amusement that made Ásdís squirm. "Though it’s very rare I encounter travelers so bewitchinglyadorable."

"Mm!" Ásdís protested, squirming under the praise.

But Aura was merciless. "Oh, I’ve met dopterines," she went on silkily, "but I didn’t know, oh… that their wings could sparkle so prettily."

"Mm!" Ásdís shook her head desperately, stunned. She kept eating, now frantic to have an excuse to not speak.

"Or that their eyes came in such vivid colors!"

"Mm-mm!" Ásdís pleaded, swallowing her last spoonful of porridge. She shifted, staring nervously down. She felt about ready to melt into her own porridge bowl.

"Or so curvy and buxom..."


"Or that their cheeks could blush quite so lovely a shade of sunset."

"Nn!" Ásdís’s voice was positively a whine as she covered her face in her hands.

"Oh? Is something the matter, Ásdís, dear?"

"I-I—" Ásdís looked up at Aura, her own eyes wide—Aura’s heavy-lidded beneath thick, fluttering lashes to decorate a sly smile. "I, um. N-No? I mean—thank you, but—well—"

"What is it, dear?" Aura’s eyebrows arched. "If something is bothering you, I’ll stop!"

"Nothing," Ásdís whimpered after a long pause. "No. I-It’s fine."

Aura’s smirk widened, and Ásdís felt like molten putty. She squirmed. Gods, when had she… when had she started feeling so…

"Anyways, as I was saying." Aura straightened, and Ásdís forced her eyes away from those breasts. "I adore helping travelers like you! It’s quite a difficult life, after all. You deserve all the help you can get."

"Y-Yes?" Ásdís swallowed. Her mouth was dry again, and she sorely regretted drinking her second glass of milk so quickly. She was loath to seem greedy by asking for more after she’d already eaten and drank so much of Aura’s personal supplies.

"It’s a difficult life, as a traveler, isn’t it?" Aura frowned sympathetically. "This journey is a dangerous one for a dopterine on her own."

Ásdís hesitated. Part of her wanted to put on a show and act like no, actually, this was easy—but she was still too flustered to act tough. So she just nodded.

"It’s hard, isn’t it?" Aura’s voice broke with empathy. She reached forward to pat Ásdís’s hand. "And lonely?"

"A little," Ásdís admitted. She let Aura pat her hand, and even extended dhe rhand a little across the table for easier access. The contact was nice.

"The days in the badlands are just blazing, aren’t they? Sweltering." Aura sighed. "Without a shelter, without something to drink… it can be deadly."

"Yeah." Ásdís swallowed. "It’s… I-I mean, I know what I’m doing, but I don’t… I don’t know the badlands as well, M—Aura."

"Of course you don’t!" Aura stroked Ásdís’s hand, almost like a little... reward for Ásdís’s honesty. Ásdís felt little fuzzy pins and needles climbing up her arm at the affectionate touch. "It’s lucky you found my home, honestly. Don’t you agree?"

Ásdís nodded shyly.


"Yes, Aura." Ásdís bit her lip. "I mean, like… like, yeah, I don’t know what I was gonna do." Her pride rumbled unhappily at the implication, and she opened her mouth to amend this—she would have been fine, she’d been well on her way—

But Aura cut her off with more handpetting, more soothing, musical melody words. "Of course you don’t, dear! I’m so glad you made it here. I’m so glad I found you, dear."

"B-But, um…" Ásdís wiped her mouth self-consciously with her sleeve, though she’d been cleaned up perfectly. "I-I mean, I… I could’ve, um…"

"Yes, Ásdís?" Aura smiled down at her. "What is it, dear?"

Ásdís squirmed. Suddenly, staring back into Aura’s pretty hazel eyes, she wasn’t so sure of anything.

"Sweetie?" Aura’s eyebrow raised. "Tell me."

"N-Nothing," Ásdís whined, feeling her cheeks blazing. "I-It’s… fine. You’re… you’re right." She ducked her head. "I-I…"

"You’re glad I found you?" Aura offered sweetly.

Ásdís gulped. "Mm-hm."

"Yes?" Aura giggled. "Was that a ‘yes’, dear?"

Ásdís giggled, too, and squirmed. Gods, she was starting to feel… Her whole face was probably as red as the sunset as she forced the thought down and moved the bowl into her lap. "Y-Yes," she managed.

"Yes, what?" Aura’s smile was as innocent as sunrain. "I’m sorry, sweetie, you’ll have to speak more clearly."

"I-I’m glad I found you, M—Aura," Ásdís whimpered. Oh, gods, surely Aura had no idea the effect this was having on her. She wanted to bury her face in her hands. She wanted to be thrown into the sea!

"Aw, is that so?" Aura beamed. "I’m so glad you feel that way!"

Ásdís bit her lip to hold in a little forbidden sound. Despite herself, the tiniest little, "Yes, Aura," escaped her quivering lips.

"Good girl."

Ásdís shivered. Oh… oh, those two words… why did they make her feel so…

"Aww." Aura put a finger to her lips, as if only half-trying to conceal her smile. "And as hot as the days are, I’m sure you’ve noticed how cold the nights are, hm?"

"Y-Yes," Ásdís said uncertainly. She nodded. "Yes, the—I had a lot of trouble finding shelter at nights since my tent got damaged on the descent, so, um, it was—" She faltered under Aura’s smile. "It was—it was very hard," she finished weakly.

"I’m sure it was." Aura pouted. Gods, her lips were so… Ásdís winced, trying desperately to keep her thoughts… managed. Her grip tightened on the empty bowl in her lap. Aura’s eyes shimmered with sympathy. "It gets so dreadfully cold during the long dry months, doesn’t it?"

"U-Uh-huh," Ásdís mumbled. Her shivering had as much to do with the cold as it did with the sensuous, achingly breathy tone to Aura’s voice. "Y-Yes, Aura. I mean, it’s—like—like, um—"

"You poor thing," Aura cooed, causing Ásdís to squeak with embarrassment and her eyes to retreat back down to Aura’s hands. "And you were all alone out there!"

"Y-Yes, Aura." Ásdís felt her cheeks heating up, but she couldn’t help but pull herself a little tighter in. It did feel a little cold right now.

"And a poor little fluttering moth like you, with nothing to keep you warm…"

"I, um." Ásdís blinked rapidly. She met Aura’s eyes again, shy but trying to keep her senses about her. "I-I mean, like." She searched for the words. It was so hard to disagree with Aura, but… "I mean, I can… the cold isn’t, I mean, I know how to…"

"You must have been so frightened on your own," Aura purred, resting her cheek against her hand. "If only I’d been there!"

"Like, um." Ásdís shook her head feebly. "I-I can handle myself!"

"Of course you can!" Aura cooed indulgently. She smiled brightly. "Aw, I’m sorry, sweetie, am I making you feel… incapable?"

Ásdís was taken aback by the sudden shift in direction. She fumbled for words. "I-I, um. No. I-I mean, um, yes, but, no, I mean, like—"

"Speak clearly, dear."

Ásdís squirmed and wriggled helplessly as her… as her trousers grew ever more constraining. For some reason, being told what to do made her even more flustered, and her voice came out almost as a squeak. "I’m… I’m fine!"

"Are you sure?" Aura’s voice was as sweet as pouring syrup. "You seem uncomfortable. I can stop asking you these sorts of questions if you like!"

Ásdís buried her head in her hands—and shook her head, barely knowing what she was doing. She just knew she wanted the conversation to keep going, even though it was so overwhelming, so strangely… intoxicating? Oh, gods, she was terrified that Aura would suspect, would realize how Ásdís was ‘responding’ to this… this treatment...

"What was that?" Aura’s voice dripped with kindness, with indulgence, with care.

Ásdís quivered as that voice seemed to seep into her head. Oh, gods, she… she couldn’t actually…

"I-I’m sure," she whispered. "Um. it’s. It’s okay."

"Look at me, dear."

Not wanting to be told twice, Ásdís forced herself up into Aura’s beautiful gaze. Her lips half-parted.

"Good girl." Aura giggled. "So, to be clear, are you telling me you actually don’t mind me being a little…" Her lashes fluttered. "... condescending to you?"

Ásdís whimpered.

"Aww." Aura tutted. "You must speak up, dear."

Ásdís struggled with herself. But the wordsgood girl rang so sweetly in her mind. She didn’t… as long as it didn’t go any further, as long as she didn’t give away how… how… the way she was getting…

Her face burned crimson in the reflections of Aura’s eyes as she said, quietly, meekly, "I-I, um. I. I li—I-I mean, um, like, I—it’s not, um—"

"What was that, Ásdís?" Aura’s eyes widened slightly. So did her smile. "Did you say… you like it?"

Ásdís’s knuckles whitened. Suddenly awash in shame, Ásdís frantically shook her head. "Nn! I-I, um—no, I—"

"No?" Aura sighed, her expression turning serious. "Aw, okay, then. I’ll stop~"

"N-No!" Ásdís blurted without thinking.

There was a pause. Aura’s eyebrows arched.

"Oh, dear." Aura smiled slightly. The mischievous glow returned to her cheeks. "You must make up your mind, sweetie!"

Ásdís wriggled in shame. She felt like a bug in a jar. But she couldn’t escape Aura’s knowing eyes.

"Just tell me what you want, kitten." Aura’s voice was like an angel’s whisper.

Ásdís squirmed, rocked in her seat. Her poor cock was getting unbearably sensitive, and she couldn’t. She couldn’t possibly say...

"I’ll be happy to stop being so patronizing," Aura said sweetly, "if you don’t like it?"

"I like it," Ásdís whispered. "I like it I like it I like it I—"

The sounds came out unthinking, and the second she realized she was the one making them, her hand flew to her mouth with a squeak. Too late. Far, far too late.

"Aww. You’re adorable." Ásdís barely held in a miserable, humiliated whine as Aura admired her in her state. "Blushing so cutely, too~"

"I…" Ásdís trembled. She didn’t know why she was getting so horny at this. How could this make her horny? She’d never even… oh, gods, Aura’s smirk... "I-I, um…" She shook herself and forced herself to maintain eye contact. "S-So, um, I should… I should probably, um, be… b-be on my..."

"On your way to bed?" Aura suggested, batting her eyelashes. "Already tired, sweetie?"

Ásdís nodded uncertainly, though she wasn’t sure she had been going to say that. Or she hadn’t been. Until Aura had suggested it to her. And now she couldn’t imagine saying anything else. Aura was so pretty, and confident, and Ásdís was positive the cowgirl had no idea just how affected all this little flirting was making her. She needed to get to bed before Aura realized…

"Of course," Aura said thoughtfully after a pause, "there is only one bed."

Ásdís’s heart stopped.

"Um." She licked her dry lips. "Y-You said there was… cake? W-We should stay up for that, at least."

"Aw, okay." Aura bounced upright in her seat. Ásdís’s heart bounced with her. "Well, then. Where were we?" Her eyes lit up. "Ah, yes. The journey here."

"I-I, um, y-yes." Ásdís nodded nervously. Good. Familiar territory. She just had to get back on topic, just had to remember… what they’d been talking about before she’d started… She squirmed a little in her seat. "Th-The, um… m-m-my, um, I-I m-mean—"

"Oh, dear," Aura said sadly, lashes fluttering low. "Listen to that stammer! Are we shivering from the cold, precious?"

"What?" Ásdís shivered at the tone of Aura’s voice. "N-No, I… I…" She bit her lip. "Yes," she said meekly, ducking her head to hide her flushed cheeks and quivering lower lip. Please buy it please buy it please buy it…

"Aww. You’re cold, sweetie?" Ásdís squirmed and nodded. "Are you chilly over there, dear?"

"Y-Yes, Ma—Aura," Ásdís whimpered.


"Yes, Aura, I’m cold," Ásdís cried softly. She did feel cold now. The porridge was gone, the bowl in her lap was no longer hot, and the sky outside was dark.

"Good girl!" Aura sang, and Ásdís felt her cock give a pleading little throb. "Poor little moth. Do we want to be warmed up, precious?" A pause. "Do we need to be warmed up?"

Ásdís nodded. She couldn’t bring herself to speak, even though she knew that Aura would say...

"What was that, kitten?"

Aura’s voice was like a fine thread of gossamer, and Ásdís could almost feel it tugging her head upright once more. She was too shy to look her in the eye, certain that if Aura could see the look in her eyes she would know what a horny mess Ásdís was and Aura would… well, Ásdís didn’t know what Aura would do—send her away? Toy with her even more? Ásdís didn’t know which she feared more. Her eyes settled unthinkingly on Aura’s chest as she whispered, "I need to be… I-I need to be warmed up, Aura!"

Aura sighed happily, and stretched a little. "Goodness! Well, we simply must find a place to warm our sweet Ásdís up, mustn’t we?" She patted her lap with a sly smile.

Ásdís stared dumbly, lips parting slightly. Aura couldn’t be… she couldn’t be…

"Doesn’t that sound nice?" Aura cooed, batting her eyelashes. "It’s just a little laptime. Surely there’s nothing wrong with that!"

"B-But, um…" Ásdís trembled, all-too-conscious of her little tent, how she would be revealing herself if she wasn’t careful… how soft and warm and inviting the lap looked…

"Does it look warm?" Aura’s voice sparkled with innocence. "Does it look cozy, kitten?"

Ásdís gave a tiny nod.

"Yes? It looks warm? It looks nice and cozy?" Aura spoke as if to a pet, cooing condescension that made everything inside Ásdís melt into sweet icing in the hot sun. She patted her thigh. Aura was so curvy, and she looked so soft, so… so warm...

"It…" Ásdís couldn’t help but squirm. "I-It looks… warm…" She clutched her sides as a chill passed through her. She was so flustered, so embarrassed. So turned on. "But. But, um."

"Would you like a little cuddling?" Aura asked, her voice pouring over Ásdís like honey from a pitcher. "Would we like to cuddle a little, kitten?" She patted her lap again. "Just to get warm. Does that sound nice, kitten?"

"Mm." Ásdís gave a tiny nod. She was barely breathing. It was like every ‘kitten’ was Aura’s soft hand stroking her head, a long, indulgent petting, oh gods why did that sound so nice… "Y-Yes, Aura."

"Good girl!" Ásdís whined as Aura giggled. "Of course it does, kitten. You wouldn’t mind a little cuddling, would you?" She patted her thigh again, a little commanding. "You wouldn’t mind being… taken care of a little. Tended to. Pampered. Like a little kitten."

Ásdís was panting. "I-I… I…" Her brain was shorting out. The thoughts weren't connecting, and she was so flustered, and she just desperately wanted to say what she desperately needed to not say—

Aura smirked. "Speak up, kitten."

"Yes, Aura," Ásdís whimpered.

"Yes, you want to be taken care of?" Aura beamed. "You want a little cuddling in Mommy’s lap?"

Ásdís’s eyes widened. "I. I."

She nodded meekly.

Aura pouted. "Now, kitten, use your words."

Ásdís trembled. "Y-Yes, Aura," she whined.

Aura’s eyebrow arched ever-so-slightly. With the hand not in her lap, she drew a delicate line down her neck and to a breast, pulling Ásdís’s eyes down, down, down…

It was too much. Ásdís was too cold. Too needy. Too… too…

"Yes, Mommy," Ásdís mewled.

"Then come here, kitten." Aura patted her lap… and beckoned. Her luscious lips curved upwards in a seductive smile. "Come to Mommy."

Ásdís whimpered and squirmed and reluctantly struggled to her feet. Her limbs felt so weak, so helpless, and she stumbled initially before righting herself. She walked meekly around the table, staring at her feet as much out of shame as out of balance.

And to make sure her tent wasn’t too obvious. It… it wasn’t… right?

And she hesitated. Was… was she really about to…

But it was cold, she thought weakly, desperately. She just needed warmth.

Needed softness.

Needed… care…

Aura reached up and took her hand delicately in hers, like Ásdís’s hand was that of a fragile porcelain doll. The cowgirl smirked up at her. "Come now, kitten. You mustn’t keep me waiting."

Ásdís nodded dumbly and allowed herself to be pulled into Aura’s arms, as limp and pliant as a scruffed kitten, with little more than a squeak of protest.

And even those protests died on her lips as she found herself sitting meekly in Aura’s lap, staring up at Aura, and she had never felt so small.

"Isn’t that a goood kitten," Aura cooed, her hand rising up and—to Ásdís’s shock—started petting Ásdís’s hair like an adored pet.

"W-What?" Ásdís blushed brighter and hotter than a setting sun. She squirmed, trying not to moan as she felt Aura’s arms slowly, gently wrapping around her, as she realized how silky-smooth Aura’s dress was, how soft and warm this was and how cold she’d really been… "W-What, um, what are you…"

"Just observing that you’re being a good girl," Aura purred, scritching just behind Ásdís’s left antenna. Ásdís’s eyes widened, then half-closed, and she felt herself leaning into the touch without even thinking, without even wanting to think… "And good girls get headpets! And scritches!"

"I. Um." Ásdís panted. "B-But I, um, like—"

"We’re just cuddling a little bit." Aura giggled. "Doesn’t my good girl like that? Nothing wrong with a little cuddling!"

Ásdís was in hell. Ásdís was in heaven. "B-But, um, um, I mean, ye—um, well—"

"Aww." Aura’s eyes half-closed in delight. "Look at my good girl blushing~"

"Nnnn!" Ásdís ducked her head immediately, biting her lip. She squirmed, even though it seemed to achieve nothing but nestling her deeper in Aura’s embrace, making Aura’s dress slip down a little from her motions…

Then she felt those delicate fingertips under her chin, and Ásdís felt like molten goo as Aura daintily drew her upright to stare helplessly once more into those pretty, amused eyes.

"Now, now, pet," Aura cooed, fingertips grazing Ásdís’s cheek, "you mustn’t duck your head, or I won’t be able to admire my pretty kitten’s pretty blushing face!"

"Nn!" Ásdís shook her head weakly, but did not look away again. She was being pulled close into Aura’s comforting grasp, and a part of her never wanted to leave Aura’s arms.

"It’s good that you’re blushing," Aura said sweetly, booping Ásdís on the nose. "It’s nice to be a pretty, whimpering, blushy mess for Mommy, isn’t it?"

"I. um." Ásdís’s lower lip quivered.

Aura blinked big, innocent cow eyes. "Don’t you like being Mommy’s good, blushy messy girl, kitten?"

Ásdís licked her lips and squirmed.

Aura stroked up along Ásdís’s antenna. Slowly. Daintily. Almost innocently.

Ásdís squeaked and wiggled. "Yes, Mommy," she whimpered.

"I thought so," Aura purred. Her other hand—the one not petting Ásdís, the one not tickling and stroking her so-sensitive antennae—slid down to caress Ásdís’s thigh, and Ásdís’s heart started to race in sudden mortified panic as her cock twitched at the proximity alone. "Well, goodness, kitten, we’ll have to see what we can do to make you even blushier and messier, won’t we, kitten?"

"Yes, Mommy!" Ásdís’s thoughts were a frantic jumble as she struggled to think of a way to keep Aura’s hand from drifting a little to the left, and she didn’t know what else to say…

"Good kitten!" Aura seemed delighted at how quickly Ásdís assented. "Aww, such a good little subby fluttery kitten!" more headpats followed the praise, drowning Ásdís in wonderful sensation.

And Ásdís whined at the sudden rush of humiliation as she realized Aura thought she was… was… but as long as Aura didn’t notice…

"So eager to please me," Aura purred in Ásdís’s ear. "I wonder…" A finger stroked up Ásdís’s antennae as the other hand stroked Ásdís’s thigh, making Ásdís’s pathetic squirming get so intense that Aura’s grip around the mothgirl tightened a little for a moment—keeping Ásdís from falling off. "If only there was something I could do to reward her…"

"Nnnnnn!" Ásdís stared helplessly into Aura’s eyes, panting, almost drooling, as she watched out of the corner of her eye Aura’s hand sliding up and down her thigh, felt her cock twitching, pleading for release… "P-Please, Mommy…"

"Hm?" Aura blinked innocently down at her. "What is it, kitten? Do you have an idea?"

"I.i." Ásdís bucked and squirmed. "P-Please," she squeaked.

Aura smiled. "Does my little kitten want something?" she cooed, tickling under Ásdís’s chin.

Ásdís giggled. "Uh—" She barely held her agreement in, biting her lip. No, she didn’;t—she wanted not something, even though that something would feel so nice—she already felt so safe, so so safe, so horny, so submissive—

Aura caressed her cheek, and whispered very sweetly… "And how does Mommy’s good kitten ask?"

"P-Please, Mommy!" Ásdís squeaked, cheeks flushing with embarrassment and arousal alike, "Please, um, please can you… can you… t-touch Kitten’s, um..." No no no no no no

"Touch Kitten’s what?" Aura asked softly. Her smile was widening in sly understanding. Her fingers ran softly along to settle in Ásdís’s lap. "Touch Kitten’s… this?"

Ásdís squeaked and mewled and squirmed and nodded.

Aura’s fingers played along the buckle of Ásdís’s belt. "Tell Mommy what you want, little Kitten."

"Yes!" Ásdís gasped, bobbing her head desperately, melting under Aura’s sly stare and into her soft embrace. "yes yes—p-please, please, touch—touch Kitten’s—I-I mean, touch my—" Aura’s eyebrow raised, and Ásdís’s pride dissolved under the cowgirl’s fingertips. "please touch Kitten’s... cock," she whimpered. Aura’s fingers started undoing the buckle, tugging Ásdís’s trousers down. "please, Mommy, please, Mommy, please please please—"

"Look at you," Aura cooed, and Ásdís’s lips parted and eyes widened to the size of saucers as she felt Aura’s delicate fingers grazing over Ásdís’s panties. "Such a good little slutty kitten for Mommy. Does Kitten like that?"

Ásdís nodded and mewled in wordless delight, squirming closer into Aura’s arms. Aura’s touch sent little volts of radiant pleasure through her whole body, even through the cloth. Her cock twitched and dribbled as Aura’s fingertips stroked along its length, and she buried her face in Aura’s shoulder to muffle her tiny cries of delight.

"My, my," Aura murmured, giggling. "What a sensitive kitten you are! But Mommy wants to see your face, pet."

Ásdís bit her lip and forced herself upright again. She trembled under Aura’s angelic smile, barely holding in her whimpers and whines as the fingers stroked up and down her captive cock.

She couldn’t refuse Aura anything. Not when it felt so good to obey. So good to be taken care of. So good to wriggle in Aura’s warm embrace like a good kitten.

"Good girl," Aura cooed, and her fingers began to stroke more attentively around the tip of Ásdís’s cock, drawing needy little whines from Ásdís’s quivering lips. "Mommy’s gooooood girl!"

Aura cradled Ásdís’s head in her hand as Ásdís’s head lolled backward, as her tongue lolled out, as she drooled and panted in helpless bliss.

"Aww, does Kitten like that?" the cowgirl sang, tickling under Ásdís’s chin.

Ásdís giggled. "Uh-huh!" She bit her lip, but just as quick her mouth was poem again and she was mewling at Aura’s tender touches, her shame and embarrassment no match for the pleasure she felt at Aura’s fingertips—no, her humiliation somehow making it even harder to resist her base urges—it just felt so good—so good to be a good girl—

"You do?" Aura cooed, and giggled as Ásdís writhed beneath her attentions. She cuddled Ásdís closer, and Ásdís felt as if she could melt as she was squeezed against Aura’s massive breasts, as Aura’s face drew nearer, that sly, angelic smile holding Ásdís utterly captive within its smug delight. "My squirmy little Kitten likes being touched?"

"Uh—" Ásdís’s tongue was lolling out, and she was painting, drooling, staring up helplessly as Aura drew nearer, her eyes helplessly drawn to Aura’s shining hazel eyes—those glistening rosy lips, so plump, half-parted in a breathy pout—

"Does that make my good girl happy?" Aura went on, beaming, as her fingers deftly stroked Ásdís’s cock through the silky fabric, drawing smaller and smaller cries from Ásdís’s gasping lips. "Or… does she want me to stop/"

"Nnnn!" Ásdís whined pathetically, staring up at Aura with helpless, pleading eyes. She gasped and bounced, bliss-glazed eyes lost on the ceiling—and on the gorgeous cowgirl descending towards her.

"No?" Aura smirked, putting a finger to the corner of her pouting lips. "Really? Do you want… more, Kitten?"

"Uh-huh!" Ásdís couldn’t help it. She was drooling, panting, mewling, a sweaty, needy hot mess as the fingers stroked over and over around her needy, desperate, sensitive… Her mind was goo as she managed, "M-Mooore!"

Aura giggled. "What a cute, adorable little slut," she cooed, as indulgently as if it were the most glowing praise imaginable. Ásdís found herself giggling back, and flushed—but couldn’t help but nod limply as Aura waited expectantly.

And when she did nod, and mumbled, "Y-Yes, Mommy," Aura’s smile was radiant as she leaned in close and kissed her.

Ásdís melted into the kiss like she was born for it. Every bone in her body seemed to vanish, replaced with molten candy, every nerve in her body turned into rosy pink sparkles, every thought in her head turned to fluffy fuzzy baby babble.

Aura’s lips were so soft. Ásdís mewled happily as those pillowy lips met hers, as she tasted Aura’s sweetness. With her head resting back, Ásdís was totally helpless to do anything but meekly accept the kiss, nothing to do but eagerly melt into Aura’s touch. She was helpless to do anything but squirm and moan.

And it felt so good.

It felt so, so good to be helpless.

Ásdís whimpered in confused arousal, wriggling against Aura’s affections. Was… was this edging? Was this what it felt like?

It felt…

Her lashes fluttered, and she drooled nakedly, brainlessly, as Aura pulled back, a thin tail of saliva connecting them for just a moment.

"How are you feeling, Kitten?" Aura asked with a voice like sweet cream.

Ásdís stared back up at Aura, her mind a swirl of pretty colors and pretty girls and soft kisses and bouncy squishy hugs. "... feel… nice…" she slurred, her voice scarcely above a mew. It was all she could think to say.

Mommy had asked her a question, after all.

And Aura beamed and patted her butt, encouraging Ásdís to wriggle even closer. "It feels nice to be a good girl," she purred. "Doesn’t it, Kitten?"

"Mm-hm!" Ásdís nodded obediently. She licked her dry lips, and felt a pang of longing. Something smelled sweet in the air. Something… something, um…

… milky. Creamy.

Her mind started to buzz.

"And you like me taking care of you," Aura cooed, stroking her hair, her antenna. Ásdís wiggled helplessly. "Don’t you, precious?"

"Umm…" Ásdís blinked up at Aura, and bit her lip. "I-I mean, um, um…" Her brain started to swirl in circles as she squirmed beneath Aura’s unbearably loving gaze, unable to escape and unable exactly to want to—unable to place exactly why she should want to.

She knew this couldn't be right. This couldn't be... normal. It was horribly humiliating. Degrading. Embarrassing.


Her cheeks felt aflame as she stared into Aura's eyes and squirmed beneath Aura's petting—the headpets were almost more intoxicating than the... the edging. Was it mind control? Was she being hypnotized? It had to be magic, didn't it? What else could explain how wonderfully good she felt?

"I, well, you see..." She struggled for the words, feeling very much like a steaming kettle right now. If she didn't keep tight control, she knew she'd start 'whistling'. "I... um..."

"What is it, sweetie?" Aura pouted. "Do we want another kiss?"

"Nn!" Ásdís shook her head frantically. She couldn't take another kiss! She'd melt into... into...

"Are you sure?" Aura cooed. She caressed Ásdís's cheek, and the mothgirl felt herself pathetically leaning into the touch, mewling softly despite herself oh gods Aura's hand was so soft... "because I'll give my good girl as many as you like."

"Nn." Ásdís shook her head again, with all her remaining willpower, all her dignity. As many as you like. My good girl. No, she couldn't. She couldn't!

Aura smiled slyly, tickling beneath Ásdís's pouting lips. "Aww. Does my little one need to go to bed, then?"

Ásdís hesitated, then shook her head again. Her mind was oozing with... with milky, creamy bliss. She didn't want the touches to end. She told herself it was for her own pride—a Ranger didn't need to be put to bed, a Ranger didn't want to be carried off and tucked in and cuddled and petted into nice, dreamy empty-headed sleepy bliss...

"Really?" Aura smiled slightly, head tilting to the side. "My, my, so indecisive. So what does my pretty little one want?"

Ásdís keened softly. She didn't know!

Or. Well.

She licked her lips, shame flooding her like a desert rain.

She did know.

Her eyes fled Aura's questioning stare and settled on those breasts. Those massive, soft, positively glowing breasts, so tightly contained within Aura's dress...

"Oh?" Aura's voice dripped with condescending delight. "Does my little moth know what she wants?"

"Um." Ásdís shook her head weakly. "Nn. I-I mean..." She licked her lips. Her dry, quivering lips.

"Aren't you thirsty, though?" Aura purred. "You know I just want to take care of you, sweetie, don't you?"

Ásdís nodded weakly, trembling under the weight of the affection in Aura's voice. She knew it was true. She knew that this was... this was... good.

She shivered at the word as it flowed through her head. Good. This was good. It felt good. Aura was good.

Ásdís wanted to feel good.

Ásdís wanted to be good.

She stared at the breasts, noticing that the dress had two little... spots. Wet spots.

Aura's nipples were... were...

She felt Aura reach over with the handkerchief and wipe away a little drool from the corner of Ásdís's mouth. Ásdís flushed. "I-I, um..."

"Answer me, Kitten."

"Yes, Mommy," Aura whispered, barely hearing her own words.

"What was that?" The hands stroked Ásdís's hair lovingly, lavishing her with affection—or rather, one hand petted her head, while the other continued its lazy edging of her needy cock through her panties. "Speak up, kitten."

"Yes, Mommy!" Ásdís said more loudly, even as her voice shook with the humiliation of the words. Oh, gods, but it felt so good to say those words...

"Good girl!" Aura cooed, and Ásdís moaned at the praise without even thinking, panting as her cock twitched and throbbed with aching need. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, I—" Ásdís bit back the words, her shame overpowering her speech. She trembled on the precipice, lower lip quivering. She stared at the breasts, so smooth, so warm, so... so full...

"Is there something you want, Kitten?" Aura asked sweetly, reaching down to tilt Ásdís's chin up so Ásdís was again staring into Aura's pretty eyes, seeing that sparkle of adoring amusement that made Ásdís feel like she'd swallowed a cart of fireworks.

"Um." Ásdís panted. "um. um. um."

Aura leaned in close and kissed Ásdís on the cheek. Ásdís mewed softly.

"I'm sure I can't possibly imagine," Aura purred, giggling as Ásdís squirmed. "Goodness, what could make an experienced, seasoned Toxin Rangers make such cuuuute sounds?" She tickled under Ásdís's chin.

Ásdís giggled, then forced her mouth shut. Her shyness warred desperately for control, qas a part of her longed to melt into goo and drip, drip, drip into a deep, dark hole, to never emerge.

And the rest of her was already melted, but eager to melt in Aura's lap instead.

She wanted it. She wanted it so badly. She was so thirsty, and Mommy—and Aura was so pretty, so loving, so happy to take care of her just like a little Kitten wanted—

"p-please," she whimpered. Her cheeks were as hot as they could get. Her whole body was as hot as it could get.

"Please, what?" Aura asked sweetly, cocking her head to the side. She leaned in and planted another kiss on Ásdís's other cheek. Ásdís mewled, feeling the lingering lipstick marks on either cheek. Feeling marked. Feeling... possessed... "I'm afraid I don't understand, Kitten! WShat is it you want?"

"please!" Ásdís whined, squirming desperately. She couldn't do it, couldn't possibly beg, but... oh, gods, she could smell how milky and sweet Mommy was from here... "p-please please please..."

"You'll have to use your words, sweetie!" Aura purred, stroking around the tip of Ásdís's captive cock in little lazy circles. "Can you do that? Can you tell Mommy what Kitten needs?"

Needs. That was it. Ásdís drooled a little, feeling that word settling deep, deep, deep-deep-deep inside her, where it would never ever leave. Need. Not want. Need.

"K-Kitten..." Ásdís's words cut off in a squeak as Aura kissed her on the forehead. "I-I need—" Her words melted again into ooey-gooey whimpering as Aura's edging sped up a little.

"Just tell me what it is you need," Aura cooed, lashes fluttering, her hand stroking Ásdís's hair so very affectionately, lovingly...

"i need a s-s-su..."


"n-need a... a..."

"What is it, Kitten? What are you trying to tell me?"

"i need—need—"

"Goodness, what a stammering little slutty girl!" Aura giggled.

Ásdís whined with pleasure at the teasing. "i need!" She rocked back and forth. "need! i need a!" Oh, gods, words were so hard...

"Need a what, little thirsty moth?" Aura asked sweetly. "Need a kiss? need a hug? Need another bowl of porridge? Need your bedtime?"

"NNNnnnoo!" Ásdís whined, scowling and huffing up at Aura, very frustrated. Aura just smiled back innocently. Ásdís quivered, and her scowl gave way to a pleading pout within moments.

"Just tell me what you need," Aura said silkily, running her fingers over Ásdís's antenna gently.


Aura giggled. "Use your big girl words, Kitten."

"i need a suck!" Ásdís mewled. She rocked back and forth, forgetting her embarrassment, squirming and bouncing with indignation. "i want a suckle! i want a - i want—i want—i neeed it!"

"You do?" Aura's eyes widened with mock-shock. "Really?" Ásdís nodded sulkily. "You need a suck? What a thirsty little slut!" Ásdís whined and pouted even more. "From a straw?" Ásdís shook her head. "From a bottle?" Ásdís shook her head, blushing over her impotent sulk.

Aura's smile slowly widened. "From..." Her finger stroked down Ásdís's antenna, through her hair, over her cheek, down to her chin...

... and guided Ásdís to look down once more into her massive, milky chest.

And Ásdís felt all will to sulk drain out of her in mere seconds.

"... here?" Aura murmured, her sly smile seeping into her voice like honey into fresh-baked bread.

"uh. uh-huh!" Ásdís nodded meekly, suddenly feeling very docile and very pliant indeed. Very eager to please Aura. To keep Aura happy with her.

"You want a suckle from Mommy?"

Ásdís nodded again.

"What was that, sweetie?"

"i want a suckle from Mommy!" Ásdís begged, licking her lips.

"Really? You?"

"yes! yes yes yes yes!" Ásdís was drooling, mewling, squirming and bouncing in Aura's lap with the excitement of a kitten in sight of a bowl of cream. "yes yes yes!"

"Hm?" Aura's eyebrow raised slightly as she smirked, holding Ásdís tighter—but only so Ásdís wouldn't slip out, only to protect Ásdís, and Ásdís gasped at how safe and protected she felt, panted, drooled— "And how do we ask nicely like a good girl?"

"pleeeease!" Ásdís mewled, making her eyes as big as saucers. "pleeease, Mommy, please, may i have a suckle? i-i need a suckle! need milkies! Mommy oh please Mommy please Kitten needs a suckle please let me suckle!"

For a moment, she wondered how she must look—a grown Toxin Ranger, half-dressed, wings fluttering and antennae drooping in overwhelmed arousal, her cock tenting her pink panties and dribbling with femcum, her lips quivering and cheeks blushing as she allowed herself to be held in the cowgirl's lap and pleaded, begged, debased herself willingly—eagerly—for a suckle.

And she almost came at the thought. She drowned in the humiliation. Drank it in like she'd dived headfirst into a lake of honey.

"My, my," Aura cooed, caressing her cheek lovingly. "Are we ready to be taken care of, Kitten? Even if it makes you feel a little slutty?"

"please, Mommy," she whined, making her lower lip quiver, forcing her eyes deep, deep into Mommy's pretty hazel depths, desperate to earn Mommy's approval, Mommy's praise, Mommy's pity, "please let your slutty kitten suckle! please let me be your slutty kitten!"

And Mommy's lips curved upwards in a smile filled with adoration.

"Kitties don't beg like that," she said sweetly, booping Ásdís on the nose. The edging sped up. Ásdís's cock twitched and dribbled, so close, so so close...

And Ásdís melted completely.

"Mew!" she cried, squirming in Mommy's grasp. "Meww! Mrewwww!" She put her hands up before her face like little limp paws and begged like the horny, thirsty little Kitten she now realized she desperately longed to be. "Meewwww!"

And Mommy giggled.

"Then come to Mommy," she purred, placing a hand on the back of Kitten's head and guiding the mothgirl down into her warm, soft embrace. "And come for Mommy.."

The fingers wrapped around Kitten's cock through the fabric and at long last gave it a few indulgent pumps.

The orgasm flooded Kitten's body, rocked her helplessly within its rushing waves of lust and pleasure, and she found herself purring as her lips—her trembling, pouty, thirsty lips—locked onto one of Mommy's nipples.

And as she began to suckle, a different kind of bliss began to flow into her body, and she found she didn't care about the humiliated mess she was making of herself. Didn't care about anything at all. She suckled and nursed hungrily, needily, wrapping her arms around Mommy as Mommy held her close, and drank down the ambrosia as if to drown out her every little thought. Oozy lovey-dovey pleasure seeped into her as the dopterine sucked and sucked, and she felt the ecstasy she'd so long wondered about buzzing and sparkling through her own body.

She felt like she was made of clouds. Fluffy pink clouds. A being of pure pleasure, pure ecstasy, pure yummy, milky, drippy, fuzzy bliss. She felt Mommy scritching behind her antennae, and couldn't help but purr. She felt Mommy stroking her cock, drawing out every ounce of pleasure, heard Mommy cooing over what a little mess she'd made.

And she didn't care. She was just happy at how happy Mommy sounded. She squirmed deeper into the cowgirl's embrace, moaning happily, dreamily, and kept suckling.

Mommy would take care of everything for her now.

At least, the cowgirl was purring, for as long as Kitten wanted her to. Kitten couldn't imagine ever wanting to leave, though, so she just purred louder and hoped Mommy wouldn't make her.

It didn't have to be soon, Mommy cooed in her ear. Kitten would at least stay here long enough to recover her strength, to get nice and sweetened up. Then it would be her choice.

Kitten purred as she was hoisted into Mommy's arms, as she allowed herself to be carried to bed, still nursing like the good girl she was, the good girl she'd always longed to be.

And maybe, Mommy sang, as they settled into bed together, Kitten wrapped tightly in Mommy's embrace—feeling her cock already starting to twitch, again, ready for more edging, more teasing—maybe, next time Kitten found herself coming back for a re-sweetening, she could bring a friend or two along.

And Mommy could show even more pretty good mothgirls just how good a holstaur's milk tasted.

Kitten purred and nodded obediently, understanding none of it except the really important thing:

Mommy thought she was pretty.

Mommy thought she was a good girl.

And Kitten drifted off to sleep, still suckling her cares away, still squirming in Mommy's grasp.

"Oh, dear," she heard Mommy murmur, the last words she heard before sinking into deep milky dreams, "Did I leave the cake in the oven? Shoot!" A pause. "I guess tomorrow you and I will have to bake another. Wouldn't that be fun?"

But Kitten was already deep, deep asleep.

Dreaming of her new Mommy, and all the fun they were going to have together when she woke up.


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