Blank Date

by Gajah

Tags: #consensual_kink #dom:male #drugged #f/m #scifi #sub:female #blowjob #cunnilingus #first_date #first_time #mindless #Student_Body_Centre

Michael and Sierra have an intense first date with the help of their campus’ newest installation. Based on PotluckSoup’s Student Body Centre stories.

As stated in the description, this is based on PotluckSoup’s Student Body Centre stories, with particular inspiration from “Blank Delivery” - check him out at, or on Twitter and Bluesky @potlucksoup. Many thanks for giving me permission to use the setting!

As always, the use of the term "girl" does not imply that any participant is underage - all characters are over 18.

Sierra looked up from the counter as the door to the campus bookstore opened, and smiled. Michael, a fellow student and one of her favourite customers, had just walked in. The two of them had had a mutual crush on each other since they’d met, but neither had felt quite bold enough to actually take the first step and ask the other out. As Michael browsed, the two made small talk, and as he approached the counter to order in some books they had run out of, the conversation naturally turned towards the campus’ newest installation: the Student Body Centre.

The premise of the Centre was simple, if rather shocking to the more conservative elements of society. Any student could go there and be injected with a drug known as BLNK. Its function was to temporarily shut down all the subject’s higher brain functions, leaving them thoughtless, pliant, submissive, and, most importantly, horny. The “blank”, as subjects of this drug were known, would then stay at the Centre for a few hours, and during that time would be available for students and staff to rent out for their use, either at or outside the Centre. Rooms at the Centre were monitored for the blanks’ safety, while blanks taken off-site would be fitted with collars for the same purpose - as well as administering further injections, if necessary. As the drug wore off, the former blank would have no memory of their time under its influence beyond their libido. Naturally, the process of becoming or renting a blank involved a lot of paperwork - but for the result of being or having what was essentially a living, breathing fuckdoll was, for many, totally worth it.

“So… you ever been?” ventured Sierra.

“No, I haven’t. Don’t get me wrong, I like the premise… but there’s something a bit impersonal about it, I think. If I’m looking at someone who’s completely mindless, I think I’d rather know what they’re like with their mind on first - knowing what the difference is seems hotter. I’m not making much sense, am I?” he grinned.

“No, you are - honestly, same but opposite situation here. I considered getting blanked once or twice, but I think I’d rather know the person I was doing it with. I know it wouldn’t make a difference in the moment, but…” She was sure she was blushing at this point, and fortunately Michael was mirroring how she felt, cheeks colouring behind his brown beard. He pushed on nonetheless.

“Have you… um… y’know. Found anyone you’d want to do it with?”

She stammered for a bit. “Um… I’ll tell if you tell.”

“Deal. I guess… you first?”

She checked her reflection in his glasses. God, she was blushing hard, red against her dark brown skin. “I… I have, but just one.” She realised that by using his glasses as a mirror, she was making direct eye contact, and quickly dropped it.

“Yeah. Same- same here.”

Both of them knew that they were talking about each other - friends had conveyed their mutual feelings towards each other on multiple occasions - but neither was quite willing to broach the subject, and they moved on to safer ground.

“Right, from the looks of it, those should be coming in on Friday. Do you want to pick them up from here, or… I could deliver them for you?” She looked shyly at him.

“Actually, I’ll be in all day then, so that should work. When should I expect you- them- the delivery?”

“Probably around lunchtime, but I’ll see how it pans out.”

Michael nodded and paid for the books they did have in stock, giving her his dorm number so she could find him. As he turned to go, Sierra stopped him.

“So… does this count as a date?” She immediately cursed herself for her impulsiveness, the blush returning, but Michael just smiled back nervously.

“I… guess it does? If you want it to, that is…”

“I- um- yes. Yes, I do.”

“Great! I’ll, uh, see you then, then.” He awkwardly backed out of the store.


On the day Michael’s delivery came in, Sierra was thinking back to their conversation. She’d had an idea for most of the week, and had been going back and forth on it ever since - “It’s coming on too strong!”, “No, you know he’ll be fine with it, he told you himself,” “Really? On a first date?”, “Look, he’s a sweet guy, he won’t get upset even if he doesn’t like it!”

As she picked up the bag to bring his books over, she was still prevaricating. At almost the last second, she made her decision.


Michael heard a knock on his door and sprang up. He had considered cooking for Sierra, but realised that he hadn’t actually asked her what she would like, and didn’t fully trust his culinary skills, so he’d decided that just going to a nice cafe would be better. At least, he’d tried to convince himself that that was the better option. Maybe she wouldn’t like that idea?

And then he opened the door and realised that Sierra had quite a different idea of how this date was to go.

She was dressed simply, in a purple t-shirt and blue dress. As he opened the door, her gaze rose to meet his, looking at him with an adorably dreamy smile. The motion also gave him a good view of the collar around her neck.

She’d got herself blanked.

Michael looked at her in shock for a couple of seconds, then regained his composure, gently taking hold of her arm and guiding her into his dorm, then closing the door behind them. In one hand, she was clutching a bag- his delivery. He took it from her and discovered a note inside, in her handwriting. He read it.

“Hi Michael!”, it began.

“After our chat the other day, I decided I should surprise you. Hope you like me!

“Sorry if I’ve ruined any plans, or if this is too much. If you don’t want to use me, just keep me in the bathroom or something. The dose should only last an hour.


“Love, Sierra.

“P.S. All the books are here as well. We can chat payment once I’ve recovered.”

He put the note down, ignoring the rest of the bag’s contents, then stepped back to consider her. With no explicit orders, Sierra had barely moved at all, continuing to stand still near the door. She was swaying gently, head turning to follow him as she awaited instructions. She was clearly feeling the bodily effects of the drug already, nipples starting to stand out against the shirt. She’d decided against a bra, probably because blanks tended to find tighter clothing somewhat overstimulating. Michael walked over to her slowly, and cupped her face.

“Well,” he murmured to her. “You certainly have interesting ideas about what constitutes a good first date. I’m in.”

She wasn’t that much shorter than him, but he still noticed how he had to stoop to kiss her, as she was still staring ahead. As soon as their lips made contact, however, she acted swiftly, returning the kiss with enthusiasm. He reached around to let her hair down from its ponytail, then moved back. The blank was already panting with arousal as he slipped her shoes and socks off.

“Let’s go to the bedroom, shall we?”, he asked, and she followed docilely. He blushed at the state of the room - never once had he considered that he’d bring her here already, and so it was still in a slightly messy state. Then, sneaking a look back at her face, still completely vacant as he went to close the curtains, he remembered that she certainly wouldn’t care.

He stood her beside the bed, then ordered her to pull off her shirt, which she did instantly, fumbling slightly to get it over her breasts in her dazed state. They bounced pleasingly when she succeeded, with some help. He kissed her again, moving his hands to her breasts. The blank moaned at his touch, still gazing at him in adoration when he paused for breath - she certainly wasn’t going to. He tentatively kissed her breasts, then knelt and pulled down her skirt. As he’d expected, she had forsaken panties as well, and it was a good thing too, as she would have already soaked them through by now. He ran a finger across her pussy, and pulling it back, found it glistening.

“Sit down,” he told her, and she obeyed, instinctively spreading her legs. She looked at him pleadingly.

“We’re going to have so much fun, you and I,” he said. Almost offhandedly, he added, “Oh, you can play with your breasts, if you want.”

She immediately began to do so, moaning in pleasure, and Michael leaned in and began to eat her out. He hadn’t ever thought of this as being an especially dominant act - not that he’d had much experience at all - but feeling how reactive she was to every movement of his tongue, how she gasped with every brush of his hands against her thighs and butt, how totally reliant upon him she was for the pleasure she was so focussed on, he felt a rush of power.

With the drug acting on her, Sierra came soon and came hard. Somehow, in the remnants of her mind, the blank knew to stifle her cries of pleasure. He savoured the feeling - and the taste - then stood up and lightly shoved her torse. She offered no resistance, falling limply back onto the bed, breasts jiggling again, legs still dangling off. He moved around to pull her fully onto the structure, then went over to his bedside table. Fortunately, he still had some condoms from the last time they’d been handing them out, and, quickly disrobing himself, he slipped one on. The blank had been tracking his every movement, eyes coming to fix on his cock as it emerged. He ran his hand down her naked body, delighting in how she shivered at the touch, and then moved to the foot of the bed.

“Open wide,” he ordered, and she instantly complied, exposing herself to him fully, and he entered her.

If Michael had been inexperienced at oral, he was a complete novice to full-on sex, but it was clear that the blank didn’t care, as she writhed underneath him. She stared up at him as he fucked her, eyes and mouth becoming wider and wider with each thrust. Soon she was shuddering beneath him, gasping, and he leaned towards her ear, murmuring, “You don’t have to hold it in this time,” and she obliged, moaning fully into his mouth as he kissed her once more, spurring him to his own climax.

He lay there for a while, resting on top of his doll, and although his full weight must have been heavy for her, the blank did not - could not - offer any protest, instead lying limp and mute, eyes gazing into his as always. After a while he stood up and, throwing the condom away, beckoned her to kneel at his feet. She eagerly did so, taking him into her mouth. As with his own efforts, her enthusiasm made up for lack of experience, and soon it was Michael’s turn for a second orgasm. As he moved to stand up, he ran his eyes over her body. She was clearly ready for yet more, body still thrumming with drug-induced sexual energy, a sentiment he did not quite yet share.

“You just stay here for a while,” he told her, running his fingers through her hair. “I need a break, but I’ll come back for more later, yeah? You can tend to yourself if necessary.”

She gave no acknowledgement that she’d heard him as he walked out, leaving the naked girl kneeling beside his bed, staring into nothing, lost in bliss. He returned to bring her a cushion - covered with a towel - and, after adjusting her body so she was now atop them, let her be.

True to his word, he returned to the room after about half an hour. He had heard the blank moaning a couple of times in the intervening period, and judging by that and the state of the towel, she had been enjoying herself even on her own. Still, the look she gave him when he said, “Hello, darling” and then gestured for her to join him on the bed was unparalleled - clearly, part of her still desired him, as opposed to pleasure.

After grabbing protection again, he pulled Sierra on top of him, thrusting into her once more. She started moving even without a command, and he was initially content to just let her do all the work, admiring her body as she bounced mindlessly on his cock. Eventually, he joined her in motion, beginning to thrust further into her, working with her motion.

The timing worked out perfectly. He saw a light turn on in her eyes - confusion and delight mixing together - and then both of them were coming together as the dose wore off.


Sierra was floating in pleasure. No thoughts were needed, the drug whispered to her - all she needed was pleasure and joy, and she had lost herself to them.

And then she awoke, sweat glistening on her face, Michael thrusting inside her. She met his eyes, and knew that he’d deliberately given her this gift, and then threw back her head as she came.


Some time later, they were getting dressed. Sierra had thought to bring her undergarments with her in the delivery bag, which Michael had missed. She snuggled up next to him as he did up his shoes.

“So, how was that?” she asked.

“Incredible,” he immediately responded. “You looked adorable when you were blanked, and I was right - knowing who you normally are, with your mind intact, made it so much hotter. How about you? How much do you remember?”

“Really, the last thing I can recall before waking up atop you was pressing the trigger for the collar. I was so nervous you wouldn’t like it… and then that all just faded away, replaced by desire. What did you have me do?” The two of them stood up and made their way to the door. They still needed lunch, and the Centre had strict rules about returning the collars.

“How much detail do you want?”

“Tell me everything,” she grinned, and they walked out together. Whatever the answer, Sierra knew the two of them would become regular patrons of the Centre before long.

Once again, many thanks to PotluckSoup. I hope I did your work justice!


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