
by Foxcutiepie

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #dom:male #m/m #pov:bottom #sub:male #urban_fantasy #furry #lamia

Dawn is a normal guy who has an odd friend named Grail, he always wants to hold onto something or snuggle. Dawn has gotten used to this after years of being friends and on a normal Sunday, they get to Hangout!

Took me soooo long to do this, I hope all who read this enjoy it!

The black car drove into the parking lot and quickly got into a spot. The engine goes quiet as Dawn leaves the car, a short, lean boy with fluffy brown hair. He is wearing a comfortable black hoodie with gray pants. He is holding onto a case of beers. He was looking at his phone and the text messages on it. It was a message from Grail. “Hey man, wanna hang out later~?” Grail texted, after two minutes the short boy responded “sure, should I grab some drinks like that time?” And after, annoyingly, 10 minutes, Grail responded “pretty please Dawn~.” Dawn puts his phone in his pocket and starts to head to the apartments nearby. After checking in with the guard and allowed access, he made his way up the stairs. Grail lived on the 3rd floor so it was a bit of a trek. It took around 5 minutes to get up there, Dawn believed. It only took a little looking for his friend’s apartment until he was right at the door. Dawn looks at the door number, 301, it's the right apartment. He knocks on the door and waits for any reply. He hears a muffled “Ah fuck… it's time!” Followed by the sounds of crashing and banging.

The door swiftly opens with a brown skin man leaning against the door frame and wearing a green, wooly sweater, hiding his slight muscles. He is also wearing his comfortable gray sweatpants. he swipes at his long black hair back and plays with his front braid as he speaks in a subtle southern accent to Dawn.”Hehe it great to see ya Dawn.” ‘Heh of course Grail is trying to be cool.’ Dawn thought with only a slight chuckle. Before Dawn could say anything, his friend quickly pulls him into the apartment and guides him to the living room. The tall man quickly sits Dawn down on a comfortable couch, and joins him by sitting down himself and slowly takes the case of beer and puts it on a table in front of them. Dawn rolls his eyes and says in both an annoyed but joking tone “I’m not a doll you know, I can walk and move on my own.” Grail smirks and giggles as he leans in really close to Dawn and wraps his arms around the short boy in a warm hug “hehe yeah I guess so~.” as much as Dawn is annoyed by Grail’s actions and carefree attitude, he’s always like hanging out with him and he’s helped out a couple of time so… Dawn can forgive some of Grail’s flaws. The short boy wraps his arm around Grail in return, Grail always says that he usually feels cold so he tends to cling on any warmth, including his friends. As Grail leans into Dawn, he grabs a remote and turns on the TV to display a show that the two are currently loving. 

It's only been around 1-ish hour into the show and Dawn and Grail have been drinking the beer, leaving the empty bottles to the side as Dawn leans into Grail's body in a tipsy daze. Grail takes advantage of this by gently brushing his hand through Dawn's soft brown hair. Dawn always kinda likes that and besides they're both a bit tipsy, it's fine. “Hehe you like that Dawn~?” Grail says softly as he keeps brushing and petting Dawn's hair, soft and long strokes and brushes. Dawn nods a little as he leans into the touch, mumbling quietly “yeahh.. it's nice…” his drifts close as he relaxes into the brushing. Dawn's breathing is already slowing down, leaning more into Grail… and he smirks. Grail slowly moves closer to Dawn and whispers into his ear “Heh feeling a little sleepy~?” The small boy nods slowly with a small “kinda, when you do that” Grail chuckles softly as he continues to whisper in Dawn's ear. “Wonderful, just relax. This is our time to just not worry about the rest of the world~.” 

Dawn feels… floaty, almost weightless.  is weird, it feels familiar but he can't remember when he had this floaty feeling. The only thing that connects him to the world is Grail… Grail keeps playing and rubbing the small boy’s hair, every moment that passes sends waves and waves of relaxation through-out his body. He leaned into Grail's hand but soon found himself on… his chest? Dawn opens his eyes and looks up at Grail's e-eyes… that are glowing a pretty green… and Dawn can't… can't…doesn't wanna look away from the wonderful glow. The small boy just lets his body melt away into Grail's arms as he keeps watching the glow “good boy~” Grail whispers softly as the slow repetitive bushing of Dawn's brown hair becomes something that's just so… wonderful. “Just sinking down without effort, because it feels so good to sink… right~?” Dawn feels himself sinking deeper and deeper and he tries to hold onto anything else, to keep any sense of the real world. But the perfect comfortable feeling is too much…

Dawn could only mumble out a small “y-yes… it feels good…” Grail seems all too pleased, letting out a gentle chuckle. The only thing Dawn can feel is the soft touch of Grail’s hand that brushes through his hair, the only sound is Grail’s voice that glides its way into Dawn's mind, the only scent was the faint smell of sweat coming from Grail, all that he can see is the pretty green glow of Grail’s eyes. Dawn's world was only Grail… 

Soon a smooth, cold, scaly feeling slowly coils around Dawn's legs. Slithering upwards, making Dawn squirms as he feels the long scaly thing graze across his skin. ‘W-why… am I not wearing… a-anything?’ It continues to climb up across his skin, feeling that coolness slowly wrapping around his body. Dawn feels the coiling coolness slowly close his legs together, moving up and up until it brushes against Dawn’s cock, sending a wave of bliss throughout his body. and making him squirm, but he couldn’t move, he can’t move. The feeling continues up and wraps around his arms and chest, giving a firm and long squeeze that makes Dawn tension up until it releases and Dawn just melts into the coils around him…

Grail smirks and slowly moves away from the couch, tugging Dawn long with. Dawn could only squirm as he took a good look at his friend who is also naked now… except now there's something new with the bottom having a long and thick tail that pulls Dawn closer. Grail pulled Dawn closer and closer until they were so close with each other, Dawn only mumbled and squirms in the coils' hold until he's pulled into a deep kiss. Dawn was pulled into those beautiful green eyes as the forked tongue was pushed past his lips, moaning and whining as the kiss went on and on and on. ‘Fuckfuckfuck w-why does Grail taste so wonderful and perfect? just… gods…’  was the only thought that went through Dawn's mind as the kiss grows more and more desperate, humping and thrusting into those prefect coils as the green glow messes with his poor mind. 

Grail pulls away from the kiss, despite Dawn’s loud needy whines and pleading for more. He gently caressed Dawn’s cheek, drooling from the kiss that left his jaw slack. Grail speaks in a soft hush tone, unlike his usual brashness “such a good Servant… weak and needy from just my eyes, my touch, and… My Coils~” there's a firm pressure that presses around Dawn’s body that squeezes him tightly, sending a sudden wave of bliss straight to Dawn’s empty head. ‘I love being coiled, I love being coiled, I love being coiled, I love-’ Dawn thought endlessly as he finally lets go in Grail's coils.

“There we go… nice and limp, just as a good Servant should be~.” Grail coos as he keeps squeezing and squeezing Dawn in his coils, only leaving a gap for Dawn’s cock. Grail presses himself against his new servant, reaching down to spread open his slit just under his stomach. Dawn can only moan and squirm as he feels the warmth and wetness of Grail’s pussy teasing the head of his cock. Grail whispered into Dawn’s ear and asked a simple question, “Do you want to be inside me, Servant~?” Dawn nodded desperately as he mumbled out in a green fuzzy haze “yes please Gods. p-please Grail, please…” and with one smooth motion, Grail slides down on Dawn’s cock.

Dawn’s world was spinning around from the wonderful bliss and pleasure as he humps and grinds in Grail’s soft perfect pussy, but can only do so much as the coils Squeezes around his body. Grail simply chuckles at Dawn’s desperation for more pleasure and asks “Do you love this, My Servant~?” Dawn nodded quickly and mumbled a quick “yes..” Grail continued “and you love the pleasure I give~?” “yes” “and you love my pussy~?” “yess..” “and… you Love me~?” “yyes” Grail leans in close, and whispered “then Say It~.” 

Dawn's heart feels so heavy yet so light, his mind races with every moment they spend together. Every time they touched every time they talked,  every time the held each other close and he.. he… gods he love him, he love Grail he needs him pleasepleaseheloveshim please let him kiss his Master please let him do anything for him please please please. “Come on, I know you want too… My Love-Servent~.” Grail uttered to Dawn as he squeezed his small body in his tight cold tail and Dawn muttered out in a happy daze “I love you I love you iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou” over and over. Love filled his head, Love filled his thoughts, only Love for Grail. 

“Good Lover~” Grail whispers before leaning and kissing Dawn deeply, gripping him tight as his hips start to slowly slide up and down on Dawn's leaky cock. The short boy can only drool and moan in helpless bliss, only pleasure and warmth in his needy, lovesick head. He can’t even thrust, can’t even pleasure Grail as his new lover slowly bounces and slides up and down on his sensitive cock. 

Cold coils slowly squeeze around his small frame, the only tether to reality as the pleasure grows and grows more and more. His cock leaks and throbs inside of Grail’s warm perfect pussy as he gets so close, moaning and squirming, desperate for any more pleasure and love from his love. “Aww… are you close, My Love-Servent~?” Grail whispers in his teasing tone into Dawn’s ear. He nods and groans “yesyesyes, please please please…” he whines and whimpers as the pleasure grows almost unbearable.

“Then… Cum for me~” 

Dawn could never hold it, shaking and moaning as the pleasure overtook his whole body. Finally a release from the unending pleasure that fills up Grail’s cunt with white hot pleasure… “Good Servant, I’ll make good use of you~.” is the last thing Dawn hears before descending deep into a dreamless sleep…


Dawn soon woke up in bed with Grail, holding him tightly, he looked around to see that he was in Grail’s bedroom. He turned to his right and saw Grail sleeping soundly in his sweatpants and comfortable black shirt. It is odd that they fell asleep together but everything from before was so fuzzy and hazy, but this isn’t the first time they snuggled in bed. Dawn opens the window curtains and sees that it’s pitch black outside, he decides to simply stay inside and snuggle with Grail. It’s perfectly normal after all, at least according to his memoires. 

Thank you so much for reading, I know it's been so long but I hope you all liked the story~!

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