Magic Touch

Wednesday - Temptation

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #mind_control #slow_burn #sub:female #corruption #mind-control #sex #submission #workplace

Before Johnny could sit down that day, Susan came rushing into his team's office.

"John, I need to see you in my office," she said with a sense of urgency. "Can you come with me please?"

The looks on his colleagues' faces were a mix of shock, curiosity, and pity. Of course, they assumed the worst, but Johnny smiled knowingly.

"Sure thing," he said, and followed Susan to her office.

"Close the door, please." She sat down behind her desk. Johnny took the seat in front of her and waited for her to talk. "Keith called in sick. For the rest of the week. This is a disaster!"

"What's the matter?"

"The presentation with the CFO is the matter," she sighed, "Keith was supposed to have everything prepared, but now he's not answering my calls. I knew I couldn't trust him! This whole department is doomed if the presentation doesn't go well tomorrow. You said you would come up with a different solution. One that saves all our asses. I want to hear it. Now."

Johnny was impressed by Susan's assertive aura. She radiated confidence and acted like that kiss yesterday never happened. He thought about what to say next. "Well, it’s not completely fleshed out, but my goal is basically to convince Mr. Thumton to increase our manpower instead of cutting corners."

"Well, that’s a nice fantasy, but it's not going to happen." Susan scoffed and shook her head. She was clearly stressed out. "How would you convince him?"

"Let me fill in for Keith, and I promise you will not be disappointed."

Susan shook her head again. "There's too much at stake. I need to know exactly what your idea is. So far, I’ve gotten nothing from you. I really thought you could help me, John."

Did his suggestions from yesterday even stick? His presence should've made her feel weak and feminine, but there was no sign of that yet. This was the first time since he received the power that it seemed to be failing him. He had to find out, so he stood up and leant over Susan's desk, towering above her. Susan's face softened and her eyes looked up at his with uncertainty and curiosity. There it is, he thought to himself

"Don't you trust me?"

"I do trust you. I'm just... I don't know what to do."

She was like a completely different person now. Suddenly, he felt like he should protect her instead of doing this stupid power play. It was obvious that she was in distress. Johnny lifted his right arm and put his hand on her cheek. Susan let it happen.

"You want me to give the presentation to the CFO. I can fix it, Susan. You need me to do it. I'm your only hope."

"Yes. I need you to do it," she confirmed softly, "You're my only hope."

Johnny felt it again. The high. He wanted to say more, feel more. He didn't even know how he got the idea, but the words came out of his mouth, "You want to have dinner with me tonight, to discuss my plan."

"I want that, yes…"

Johnny looked at his mesmerized boss in her pantsuit. He had never seen her in anything else. He leant closer to her ear and whispered, "You will dress excitingly and elegantly for dinner tonight, without knowing why. You need to look very sexy."

Susan let out a "Hmm." He let go of her and leaned in for a kiss, wondering if she would give in to it without further use of his power. To his surprise, she did.

It was a slow kiss, rather gentle and yet still so fucking hot. Susan gave him a sly smile and said, "We really need to stop doing that."

He smiled, too, and sat back down.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

As she looked at him, Johnny could see her mind processing. "This stays between us, right?"

"Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody. Besides, there's no company policy against consensual kissing, right? Nothing wrong with that I think."

"That might be right, but it doesn't matter," she said firmly. "It wouldn’t look good. The last thing we need is a scandal."

"I see. Well, like I said, I wasn’t going to tell anyone. I thought you trusted me, anyway? Maybe I was wrong, thinking to do this presentation after all..."

"No!" Susan's eyes went wide. "John, I need you on this! And I do trust you. Please, I'm sorry." She looked at him apologetically, and it struck Johnny once more how pretty her face was. "Let me make up for it, okay?" she proposed. "Let's have dinner tonight. We can discuss your ideas for the presentation. My treat, and I won't take no for an answer! What do you say?"

Johnny pretended to consider this for a moment. "Well... I can’t say no to you. You know a good place?"

"I’ve been looking all over for you!" He turned around from the coffee machine, and Natalie hugged him so fast that he almost spilled his coffee. Johnny put the mug down and wrapped his arms around her.

"You passed?"

"With flying colors!" She squeezed him. "I couldn't have done it without you. I owe you big time for encouraging me yesterday!" She moved her head back, still hugging him. Her face was very close to his and, as she smiled, he was struck with happiness for her. He saw her face blush and he felt instantly drawn to her. Her breasts were pressed against his chest. It made him... curious. Johnny let her go quickly before his magic powers could get the best of him again.

"I never doubted you."

Natalie moved her hair behind her ears and grinned. "I know. You really believe in me and that’s… just very nice." He gulped, thinking he might have overdone it with that one. Hopefully, she wasn’t too much affected by his powers; so far, though, she seemed much better off. Then, he noticed something else: Natalie was wearing a tight, red blouse and an open, black blazer along with matching pencil skirt. He didn’t even know she owned a skirt. Or a blazer.

"Hey, since when do you dress so nice?"

That earned him a glare. "If that was supposed to be a compliment, you should try again."

"Right, sorry," he quickly corrected himself. "You look very nice."

"Well, that sounds better... Obviously, I couldn't have my oral exam in my usual clothes, could I?" she said with a lilting tone. 

"Oh, that makes sense. Anyway, looks great," Johnny encouraged her, "Super professional, even. You should wear this more often, once you're hired on salary, you know?"

"Well, I don’t know," Natalie blushed again. He was so used to it, that he barely noticed anymore. "That blazer might be a bit too much. I don’t want to end up like Susan," she joked, taking it off.

Now on full show, he saw how the red blouse wrapped nicely around her upper body. Johnny had always assumed that Natalie was a bit chubby, due to the hoodies she always wore, but now he saw that she actually had a rather slim waist for her body type. Besides her round hips, the only ‘big’ thing about Nat was her rack. He kind of knew they had to be big, but Johnny had never seen them as 'presentable' as they were now. His face felt hot.

Johnny slowly put his hand on her arm. Before he even thought about what he was doing, he said, "You really should keep dressing like this." He let go again and mentally kicked himself for giving in to his stupid urges. 

"I... think I will," Natalie said, a ring of surprise in her voice.

This will help her career, Johnny told himself. He was just doing her a favor in the long run. Yeah, that was it, right? It was simply a fact that hoodies were seen as unprofessional and blouses and blazers such as these would make her appear more competent. Professional, even. The fact that it happened to show off more of her physique was just an alluring little bonus. Johnny took in the sight of his protégé and friend one more time and found the view messing with his mind. He had trouble reconciling how feminine and sexy Natalie suddenly looked.

"Come on, stop looking at me like that!" Natalie exclaimed, as she slapped his arm playfully whilst avoiding his gaze.

Realizing he’d been staring like an idiot, Johnny rushed out an apology. “Sorry! I was just…” Though he stopped himself when he realized that… Natalie didn't seem too bothered by it. In fact, she smiled. Nonetheless, he was embarrassed and found himself feeling nervous suddenly. Why was his heart beating so fast? What was this… feeling? He turned around to get his mug with sweaty palms, wondering why he suddenly felt like this.

Before either of them could say another word, Nina suddenly entered the room and threw herself at Johnny, just like Natalie before her. It was a miracle that, once again, no coffee was spilled on this momentous day.

"Guess who just passed the oral exam?" She breathed softly in his ear, hugging him a bit more gently than Natalie did, but surely more sensually. Johnny smelled her vanilla perfume as he wrapped his hands around her back. Damn, Nina was a real bombshell.

"Congratulations," he said, enjoying the embrace. Her perky breasts pressing against his chest were his main focus in that moment. Natalie's were surely bigger, but Nina was taller and leaner than Natalie. For Nina's frame, her cup size had to be bigger than average, he thought. He quickly shook off his obsession with his colleagues' breasts. "So, the two of you really nailed it today, huh?"

Nina let go, her hands still resting on his arms. With a blink of surprise, he noticed that Natalie was gone. "Huh..." It was just Nina and him in the kitchenette, now. He briefly wondered where Natalie had gone. And why? Had they been hugging that long?

Nina turned around, noticed Natalie's absence as well, turned back to Johnny, and shrugged. "I certainly did. And I want to celebrate."

"Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Nina looked at him with a longing gaze, and time seemed to slow down. He wanted to kiss her so bad right now. As if reading his mind, the simmering redhead came closer and leant into him. First, a gentle peck on the lips, and then a second later, she opened her mouth. For the second time in as many days, Johnny tasted Nina's tongue.

He backed off. "Not here," he said quietly. Just like yesterday, Nina was beaming. 

"Okay," she replied, kissed his cheek, and then whispered in his ear, "How about tonight, then?"

Johnny got goosebumps. He could not believe how forward she was. Yet tonight was Susan’s turn. "I can’t tonight, sorry. How about tomorrow?"

"Deal!" She grinned, showing those perfect white teeth. "Are you going to take me somewhere fancy?"

It occurred to Johnny that she wanted a proper date. He looked around to make sure the coast was clear before he took her hand in his, feeling the power. It surged through him, to her. Her gaze went blank.

Driven by the pounding desire in his chest, Johnny leant towards her to whisper softly in her ear, "I make you incredibly horny and wet. You crave my cock. You want me to fuck you."

"I want you to fuck me so bad..." Nina confirmed dreamily.

Releasing his magic touch, he suggested, "Why don't you come over to my place? I'd like to cook for you," he lied. Nina blinked quickly, consciousness returning, and suddenly beamed at him.

"Even better," she said, looking at him as if he were sent from heaven. "I can’t wait!" 

Johnny met Susan at some restaurant he'd never even heard of. It was French cuisine, very chic. Good thing, he thought, that he checked ahead cleaned up accordingly, wearing one of his better suits. He looked around the restaurant and figured she wasn’t there yet. A waitress walked up to him, asking for the name of the reservation. Before he could answer, he noticed a gorgeous lady waving at him. She had long black hair and wore a revealing blue dress. Johnny’s first thought was that this beautiful stranger must be mistaken. On his second look, his eyes widened briefly in surprise. It was Susan! He saw her with her hair down for the very first time. It fell in waves over her naked shoulders. The stunning blue dress was strapless, and it revealed more bosom than he'd ever known she had.

"Didn't you see me?", she asked a moment later as he approached the table.

Johnny shook his head. "I did, but I didn't recognize you at all, looking like this." Johnny sat down, unable to take his amazed eyes off his gorgeous boss. "I mean... wow! You look stunning!"

"I think that dress was a bit too much, actually. I don’t even know why I picked it. I just…" Susan blushed and looked apologetic. "...I don't know."

"It's fine." Johnny offered a supportive smile. "Nice to see you out of work clothes for a change."

Susan smiled shyly and looked a bit nervous, but quickly changed the topic. "So, are you nervous about the presentation tomorrow?" 

"Not really. It's just us two and Mr. Thumton, right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Just wondering... Anyway," Johnny pivoted the subject, keen to talk about something other than work, "this is a fancy place indeed. You come here often?"

"I used to, back when I still had a life outside of work..." she offered, the conversation trailing off.

A waiter came and took their orders.

"So what's your plan, then?" Susan asked bluntly. 

"It's a surprise." Johnny chuckled, causing her to frown.

"This is serious, John," Susan said in a pleading tone. "I need to know."

"How about we just get to know each other a little bit and I'll tell you all you need to know later?"

"Look, John..." Susan paused, taking a deep breath. "I don't want you to get the wrong impression here, because of," she sighed and lowered her voice a small bit, "that kiss this morning..."

"And yesterday." Johnny jumped in to remind her.

"Yes, that too." Susan nodded, rushing past it, "You need to know that nothing can ever happen between us. This is a business dinner, not a date. I am your boss, and you are my employee."

Johnny smiled calmly. It was starting to amuse him when she started asserting herself like this. "Are you done?"

"Yes. I'm sorry if that came across harshly. I just need to make sure that we are on the same page here." 

"We are, Susan," Johnny said, gently putting his hand on hers. "We are totally on a date. We both know it, even though we have to keep it on the down low. The presentation is just a pretence. You are incredibly excited about this evening." He let go of her hand, pulling back to admire her once again. "What else could this be if not a business meeting?" he asked mischievously, and Susan smiled knowingly.

"Exactly," Susan agreed, winking at him. "Speaking of business, John, I still don't know anything about your proposal for tomorrow. Did the documents help?"

Johnny rolled his eyes and touched his incessant boss's hand again. "We've talked enough about work, don't you think?" 

"Yes," Susan nodded, thoughtlessly agreeing, "we have."

"You have an unshakable faith that I will save you and our department. You don't need to know anything else about tomorrow. Just let me handle it. It feels good to let go, knowing that I take care of it."

He released her for a second time that evening, and Susan blinked rapidly before smiling brightly at him.

"You're my hero, did you know that?"

"Just doing my job," Johnny smirked.

"You're doing more than that. I just feel bad for not realizing it sooner."

"Well, you can start making up for it tonight."

Susan gave him a cocky smile.

"This was nice. I'm glad we got a chance to finally do this," Susan said as they stood at the front door of her sizeable house. Her porch light lit her face softly against the noise of a calm, cool night.

"Me too," Johnny replied, and (to his own surprise) he honestly meant it. "Good business meeting."

He noticed his gorgeously dressed boss fumbling around with her keys. Johnny slid his hands around her waist and Susan looked at him, smiling. They kissed for the second time that day. They'd had a lovely evening, and Johnny didn't even have to use his power once the drinks started coming. All in all, it was a fun 'date'. Now, though, he was excited to see how far she'd go. 

"Yes, a very good business meeting." Susan agreed as she pulled back, her lips curling up. "We should do it again sometime."

"Or we can continue the meeting upstairs?" Johnny proposed, and Susan licked her lips.

"Maybe another time. This was really nice, though. Thank you."

Johnny felt weirdly motivated by her rejection. Somehow, this made it even more exciting for him when he channelled his 'magic touch' through to her. He simply said, "Invite me in."

"Okay," Susan replied dimly, eyes glazed. Johnny let the power subside and watched her tilt her head invitingly. "Please, come in...", she said and then slowly turned to the door to open it. Alas, as soon as they were inside, Susan turned around again, stopping him in the hallway. "Actually, tonight is really not good, John. I-I think you should go. This is too soon."

Johnny took his time to admire the sight of her. Susan, with her open, long black hair, wearing make-up and this fancy, wonderfully sexy blue dress. He could get used to that. Grasping her hand, he and concentrated on conveying the right feelings to match his following words: "Just be honest. You desperately need to fuck me."

As if to confirm his command, Susan kissed him eagerly, her left hand caressing his chest and her right hand grazing his crotch. That last one really did the trick, Johnny thought, as his boss frantically opened his zipper.

"I want you." She whispered in his ear, a sense of urgency ringing in her voice. His lips found the soft skin of neck, and were rewarded with a sensual moan.

"How about we go to the bedroom, then?" Johnny proposed, figuring the hallway was not the best place for this.

Susan giggled and took his hand, leading him upstairs to her bedroom. She had a big house, must have a lot of money, he noted as they kicked off their shoes. The master bedroom was dimly lit, the gentle orange glow of table lamps casting a warm, intimate ambiance. Susan closed the door behind them, turning to face Johnny with a sultry gleam in her eyes. She threw herself at him again with a force he didn’t expect, kissing his neck and scrabbling to open his shirt.

As she tried to unwrap him, Johnny let his hands roam her body for the first time. Her ass was firm to his groping, and her sizeable breasts felt incredible through the silky blue fabric.

"God, I'm so horny," she confessed shamelessly, her voice thick with lust. "It's been way too long."

He didn't ask any questions about that. Instead, he helped her out of her dress. "You deserve to be worshipped, Susan." He breathed, "You're an amazing woman." 

"Oh, John!"  she moaned softly. "Your hands feel so… ah… so good! Please... just fuck me. I need you inside me so badly!"

They were both naked in seconds.

Johnny threw Susan on her bed, and she wasted no time spreading her legs for him. Crawling over her, his hungry eyes took in the divine sight. Fuck, he was lucky…

"Why are you shaking your head?" she asked him in a small voice.

"Because I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Me neither," she gulped. "Now, fuck me, John. Please, just fuck me, okay?"

And so, Johnny slid into his boss. Susan was tighter than he expected. Her long legs wrapped around his waist. She was wet and moaned in pleasure as he penetrated her. She arched her hips, taking him deeper.

"Ah, John... You're so big... This feels incredible!" she gasped, her voice ragged with passion.

The woman underneath him surrendered completely, her body yielding happily to Johnny's dominant thrusts; he didn't need to use his magic touch to feel the rush of power this time. As Johnny set a relentless pace, Susan matched him move for move, thrust for thrust, beat for beat. Their coupling became a frenzied dance of mutual satisfaction.

Johnny was surprised at how easily she crested over the edge. Susan's climax seemed to crash over her like a tidal wave, her inner walls convulsing around his shaft. She groaned his name, fingernails digging into his skin, and he felt himself cumming, too. White-hot pleasure filled his mind, his orgasm seeming to last an eternity, each pulse of his cock prolonging this exquisite moment. Finally, spent and shaking, Johnny collapsed onto the mattress, feeling Susan's breath of ragged gasps on his cheek.


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