Magic Touch

Tuesday - Motivation

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #mind_control #slow_burn #sub:female #corruption #mind-control #sex #submission #workplace

Johnny had just gotten to the office when he saw Nina walking down the hallway toward the office kitchen. Her auburn hair waved behind her with every step. He counted to ten and went after her. There were a few other coworkers in the kitchen, talking about some soccer game. Damn, he had to isolate her somehow. Getting seen by someone else while using the power was a big no-no according to the old man. This rule didn't really need explaining.

Nina made herself tea and joined the group for a chat. She saw Johnny and her body language noticeably changed immediately as well as the color of her cheeks. Johnny grabbed himself a mug and put it under the coffee machine. He tried to join the circle of people but stood awkwardly one row behind them. Nina kept peeking in his direction.

He watched as she threw her teabag in the trash. Her ass was divine. He told himself to stop it and studied his coffee. He had to fix this, he knew. At that moment, the group apparently decided to head back to their respective desks and left the kitchen, but Nina did not notice this exodus. She was too busy looking at him until he looked back at her. At this moment, Nina looked around and noticed that the kitchen was empty beside herself and her crush.

He said "Hey there,” and sighed. This was the moment to fix his mess, but he didn't feel ready to let go of this stupid little fantasy.

"Oh, uhm, hi. H-How are you?" Nina asked as he made a step towards her. Nina looked him up and down. That look… She will never look like this at you again if you do this. John shook off the thought.

"I'm good. What about you?"

Nina smiled nervously and played with her hair "Y-Yes me too. I just wanted to say... If you need me to do anything... Just let me know, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," he said with a dry throat and hesitated. "Are you nervous about the oral exam?" He asked instead of fucking doing it.

"A little bit, but not really. I mean it's the least difficult part of our exams and I already know I passed all the others, so..." she shrugged.

Just do it, he told himself. His heart was racing again, but the power somehow soothed him and he knew it would work. Johnny could feel it almost lifting his arm for him and grabbing her wrist as they stood there.

Nina's pupils widened as Johnny said, “Remember what I told you yesterday? About your crush on me?” Nina looked him in the eyes. Her gaze mesmerized and in awe.

She softly said, “I have a massive crush on you.”

Johnny inhaled sharply. "Y-Yes and you remember why you keep looking at me?"

"I can't help it. You're so handsome and hot. I... fantasize about you all the time."

John listened to her voice and realized how ridiculous it would be to reverse that. This was perfect. He wanted this.

"That's very good, Nina. You want me to see you. You need my attention. You crave my approval. I'm always on your mind."  He wanted to say more to her, make her obsessed with him, make her irresistibly horny whenever he was near her… but Johnny heard steps and let go of Nina, just in time when Keith entered the room.

"What are you two doing here?"

Johnny was quick on his feet. ”I just thanked Nina for helping out yesterday. She's a really good writer."

"You really think so?" She looked at him gleefully.”

“Oh, Absolutely.” John confirmed. “You'll be a great journalist if you keep this up."

"Thank you so much!” Nina's eyes seemed to sparkle and John was worried she was about to cry tears of joy. “If you need any help at all with another article, please come to me, okay? Or whatever else you need. Yes?"

Before John could answer Keith jumped in, “Hey, you don't have to suck up to him, Nina. It was just for a day." He scoffed and turned to Johnny, "Sorry mate. You probably had no idea how ambitious Nina is, but I won't share her with you. Gotta keep the best one for myself."

"Are you serious?” John rolled his eyes. “Natalie is the best trainee we ever had and I also don't need someone to bring me coffee and use as my personal slave every day."

Johnny was angry, but he noticed two things while he was saying his last sentence. First, Nina looked seriously hurt when he said Natalie was the best trainee. And second, that part with the personal slave was a total lie. Well, he didn't really need it, but he sure would like it. He'd never admit it to Keith, though.

"Sure thing buddy,” Keith said smugly, “and for the reminder: Nina, I'm still waiting for my coffee."

"Oh, uhm okay." She walked to the coffee machine and to Johnny's surprise she seemed to try to smell him as she passed.

”You're ridiculous,” Johnny said to Keith “The machine is right here."

Keith just shrugged and left. Johnny turned around to Nina and said "You know, you don't have to do this, right?" Nina stayed with her back to him. John carefully made a step towards her. "Nina, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it when I said Natalie is the best we ever had. You're just as great, I'm sure."

Nina nodded without turning around. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Is everything okay, Nina?" The young woman suddenly turned around and before John could react or say anything, Nina wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Natalie asked him as they went out for lunch at noon. They were sitting in their little corner at the diner, the one across the fancy Italian place. In their usual booth, eating a cheeseburger and sharing some fries. 

“Well, I think things are finally turning out good after all.”

Natalie gave him a funny look. She fumbled with one of the drawstrings of her grey hoodie. She did that a lot when she wasn’t chewing on them. “Where did you get this optimism? And also, can I have some?”

He laughed and said, “Sure! There you go!” He reached into his pocket and gave her a folded piece of paper.

She tossed her brown mane behind her shoulders and took the paper from him, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. She unfolded it and then her face dropped. “It’s empty”, she concluded, playfully disappointed.

Johnny made a gesture, lifting up his finger. “That’s the secret,” he said, sounding wise. “The power of optimism was in you all along.”

Natalie grinned. “Is that from Kung Fu Panda?”

He slowly nodded and confirmed, “Pure wisdom.”

They had a short laugh but her smile faded fast. He asked, “So... big day tomorrow?”

“Urgh, I’m gonna die!”

He waved it off and said “Ah, come on. It’s a fifteen-minute presentation. You’re gonna nail it!” Johnny did not understand her problem. Natalie was insanely sharp and smart. Smarter than him, if he cared to admit it. She knew her material back and forth. If she would only be a bit more confident. And then it struck him.

“Do you really want some optimism?”

She looked up to him. “I thought it was in me all along?”

He smiled at that and then said, “It is. We just need to channel it! Give me your hand.” He held out his right hand. She looked at him suspiciously, obviously expecting him to mess with her again. “Come on, I’m serious!”

She rolled her eyes but laid her hand on his. He let the power rush through and her pupils widened. “Don’t beat yourself up so much about this presentation. You know what you're talking about. Be confident. I believe in you.” He let her go and asked, “Did that help?”

Natalie’s hand was hanging in the air for a second as she looked at him amazed. “Thank you. This actually really helped!” Then she smiled. “I feel much better now.”

Johnny said smiling “See, you did have the power all along.” Natalie changed her posture. Instead of slouching she leaned back and straightened her back. Then she casually took another fry. “I guess it was. Thank you for believing in me.”

He had no idea the suggestion would be that strong. She looked genuinely confident now, even though she was blushing a bit. Johnny really liked Natalie and was glad he could help. Seeing her like this made him think he could do so much more with her. But that wouldn’t be right. There was absolutely no need to corrupt Natalie for his bodily cravings, even though he was admittedly curious from time to time.

If Natalie was a few years older, worked out more, and dressed very differently, he would have probably asked her out by now. She had a beautiful face and she was smart and funny as hell. On the other hand, he was her superior and she was his trainee. Although, it was no secret that their relationship was more than just that.

In the past two years, Natalie became one of Johnny's best friends, and they didn’t give a shit about the age gap. He felt protective of her. He wanted her to be happy, as she deserved. He wanted to use his power, but not on her. At least not for this. This would be wrong. Besides, he already had plans with Nina anyway.

“You still haven’t told me why you are so happy.” She pointed out. “Is it because we can both look for a job together next week?” She asked jokingly. Usually, their dark humor about that matter came bittersweet but this time she seemed actually okay with it.

Johnny leaned forward a bit. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” He said in a conspiring voice.

“Oh? What do you know? Spit it out!” She demanded a bit too loud. He was intrigued by her newfound confidence.

“Keep it down. You never know who’s listening from the company.”

“Okay, Okay.” She said, leaning in to hear him talk quietly.

“Yesterday, I had lunch with Susan.” Natalie looked at him, trying to see in his face if this was a joke, but he just continued. “From what I understand, there should be a way to keep my job and even take both you and Nina in full-time”

Natalie didn’t curb her curiosity “What? How? And why did Susan have lunch with you? And why would she tell you all this?”

He rolled his eyes. “Calm down. I kind of… talked her into it. Nothing is sure yet, but I’m working on it. She seems to be very interested in my ideas.”

Natalie was still not convinced, but said “If you can actually pull that off, you will be the most awesome person I know! Do you really think you can, though?”

Johnny smiled. “I do.”

“But the position to take over the trainee is just one. They made it quite clear, that only one of us will get it. And that one is Nina anyway, so if you actually get a chance to influence  which one they take... maybe sway them towards me?” 

Johnny shook his head “Why do you always assume she would get it?”

Natalie waved it off “Never mind. I just know.” For the first time, he noted that she wasn’t just saying that because of her insecurities. She seemed to actually know something. He reached out without thinking twice, using his power.

“Come on, you can trust me. What is this about?” As he saw Natalie’s pupils grow, looking at him in an empty stare with her pretty face, he felt that urge again. He let go quickly and felt guilty. He shouldn’t have done that. Not to her, just to make her talk. Now it was too late.

“You’re right. If I can tell anybody, I guess it’s you. I think she’s sleeping with Keith. And since he is the one Susan is listening to, it will be Nina who gets the job. It's as simple as that.”

Johnny was shocked. Not Nina and Keith. God no. “What? Are you sure?” Natalie looked into his eyes with pity. Or was it disappointment?

“I’m sorry. I know she’s your dream girl.”

There was a very subtle tone of bitterness in her voice. He had hoped that more confidence would also help her get over that senseless jealousy. Nina was simply cute. He didn’t get why Natalie even cared about that. She was a beautiful young woman herself and Johnny was sure she could have anyone she wanted.

As if she could read his mind she said “Last Christmas party, Keith tried to make out with me.”

Jake was surprised by this sudden change of topic. “What?! But you didn’t-”

She cut him off. “Are you serious? Of course not! But later that night when I was out to get a cab I saw him making out with her. Then they disappeared in a taxi of their own…”

Johnny's mood was down. He could not wrap his head around the idea of Nina and Keith. When they came back to the office, Nina looked up from her desk and gave him a look like she wanted to have him for dessert. She was so gorgeous. Why Keith? For god's sake. Johnny wasn't sure what had happened between them, but he would find out soon enough.

He didn't get why Nina would ever want to do anything with someone like Keith. At least she didn't want him anymore, that was for sure. As the day progressed he decided to enable his plan.

Johnny had doubts about it before, but after what he learned today he barely felt guilty for getting back at Keith. He remembered all the times when he explained things to Keith back in the day, and then sat there to watch as Keith used his own words to impress Susan and other people all around.

He went to Keith, touched his arm, and said “We need to talk alone. Follow me.”

Keith instantly dropped the pen he was holding on his desk and got up. “Lead the way.”

They went to one of the small meeting rooms and Johnny closed the door behind them. “What’s up?” Asked Keith.

Johnny grabbed his wrist. “You really need some time off. You should call in sick for the rest of the week and go out. Screw that meeting with the CFO. Have some fun. Go to some club on Thursday, get really drunk, and keep posting what you’re doing on social media. Enjoy your life and don’t think about the consequences for a few days."

Johnny focused on his wish for Keith to forget all this and think it was his own idea. He let it flow through with the magic hand. He let go and waited for Keith to wake from his trance.

After a pause, Keith suddenly blurted “Dude, are you gonna say something or what?”

“Oh, right,” Johnny said, remembering his backup story. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m done with the layout and ask you if you could give me something better this time. The Goldspoon interview for example”

“I don’t think so.” Keith said, looking slightly absent, “I wanted to give that to Hendricks.”

Of course, his drinking buddy got the better treatment. Johnny simply touched Keith again, saying “You should give the Goldspoon Interview to me. You know I’m best for the job and you want me to have it.”

He let go and Keith nodded. “Okay, you got it. It’s probably better that way. Is that all? I'm feeling a bit under the weather and wanted to leave early today.”

Johnny faked an empathetic look. “Oh, I hope you get well fast. Don’t you have that presentation on Thursday?”

Keith shrugged and said “Whatever.” Then he left the room.

Johnny decided to pay Susan's office a visit before heading home, just to make sure that she didn't change her mind. Her reliance on him would be important tomorrow. He knocked on her door and opened it. Susan looked up from her laptop. "John. What can I do for you?" she actually smiled and, with a gesture, directed him to sit.

Johnny took the seat in front of her desk and said, "I wanted to ask you for some information. Our available budget and the list of people on the chopping block to be precise."

Susan raised her eyebrows. "I can not give you that, John. It's sensitive information."

"Keith has access to it, doesn't he?"

"Keith is your superior.” Susan pointed out.

"Uhm, actually he isn’t,” Johnny scoffed. “We have exactly the same position. Keith's superiority doesn't exist on paper. He just weaseled his way up somehow."

"It doesn't matter,” Susan said. “Keith takes a lot of responsibility, works hard, and as far as I can tell, is very reliable."

Johnny felt like he got punched in the gut. He had to touch her, but her desk was too large and her hands clenched together on her lap. He had to make a bold move. He stood up, circled her desk, and walked up to her. Susan didn’t have much time to react. She looked surprised, but Johnny was touching her neck already. “What are you…”, she started before her eyes went blank.

Not letting go he moved behind her, saying “Relax, Susan.” He started massaging her shoulders with both hands, careful that his right hand kept touching the skin of her neck. “This feels so good, doesn't it? You really need this right now.”

“I really do…” Susan said slowly and sighed. Her body became less tense.

“Very good, Susan. Just relax now and enjoy this. You can trust me completely, Susan. You know that, right?”

She slumped a bit forward, giving him more access to her shoulders. She said, “Yes, I can trust you completely.”

Johnny leaned down to her ear and said, "You trust me so much more than Keith. I work harder than Keith, I am more reliable than Keith, and I can handle more responsibilities than Keith. Don't you agree, Susan?”

Susan closed her eyes and completely let loose. "I agree."

"You don't even like Keith. Keith sucks."

“Keith… sucks…”

"You don’t trust him at all, but you do trust me."


Susan relaxed more and more. Johnny felt his cock waking up. Having this power over his otherwise unapproachable boss was so hot. To have such strange unnatural control over this fierce and cold woman, who was his superior. But he was in charge now. He could say anything, do anything. Johnny simply couldn’t resist. He whispered in her ear "You are incredibly attracted to me, Susan."

"I am incredibly attracted to you."

"I make you feel weak and feminine. You can't help it."

"I can't."

Johnny smelled her hair. Then he said, "Kiss me."

Susan turned her head and before he knew it, Johnny was making out with his boss, tasting her tongue on his, still relishing his power.  He let go of her shoulder and Susan pulled away from him very shortly after. "I-I'm sorry,” she stammered. “I don’t know what came over me." Their faces were still close.

"It's alright,” Johnny said, touching her cheek.

"No, it's not.” Susan shook her head. “We shouldn't have done that. I-I'm your boss."

Johnny used his power again as he spoke, "That's what makes it so hot and exciting."

Johnny leaned in for another kiss. Susan hesitated, biting her lip, but then she let it happen. Their lips met again and Susan even showed some passion now, her kiss way more eager than the last.

Johnny got incredibly turned on by this. All the possibilities rushed through his mind. One more whisper and he could feel up her breasts. He could make her strip. He could fuck her right here and now, bent over her desk, begging for more. He could turn his boss into his submissive bimbo slave, take over her body, take over her job, take over her power, take over her soul…

He let go.

What the hell had gotten into him? He quickly made a step back catching his breath and so did Susan. She licked her lips. "This... never happened, okay?”, she proposed, slightly agitated.

"Y-Yes, I think that's for the best,” he replied and walked back around her desk to get some physical distance between them. He had to get out of here before his newfound power got the best of him. Susan was blushing and seeing her riled up like this was plain hot. Johnny had to admit to himself, that he wanted more. Wanted to use this mysterious gift, wanted to play with Susan, wanted to feel the power over her again. And that also scared him, because he didn't feel like himself.

"Here," Susan said, opened a drawer, and put a binder on the desk.

"What is this?"

"The documents you just requested."

"Ah, right!", he said, happy that she changed the topic. "Thank you." He had completely forgotten about that. He grabbed it and noticed that Susan looked a bit uncomfortable now. Or maybe nervous?

"Is that all?" She asked and gave him a look that he could not figure out.

“Yes,” he said and grabbed the binder. “Thank you for this."

Then he walked out of her office without saying another word, his heart racing as fast as his thoughts.

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