Magic Touch

Monday - Information

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #mind_control #slow_burn #sub:female #corruption #mind-control #sex #submission #workplace

Johnny’s head was spinning when he woke up. He looked at his hand and wondered if everything had just been a weird dream. He kind of saved a guy from being run over by a car last evening. Johnny was pretty sure the older man was about to kick it. Johnny jumped at him in the last second while the car just kept its speed. At first, Johnny was expecting the man to yell at him for tackling him like that, but he was actually really grateful.

The man convinced Johnny to treat him to a meal and then he gave him ‘the touch’. Johnny didn't believe the old man at first, but he had to shut up real quick when the man called over the waitress. She was cute, young, and blonde. The man touched her arm and told her to kiss him. To Johnny's surprise, she instantly made out with the stranger who was sitting across from him. Then her boss, a huge guy who looked rather intimidating, came over and scolded her.

The man just took his wrist and told him it was fine and, just like that, the manager agreed and walked off. Johnny knew this was not an act, because he ate at that place at least once a week and he knew those people. Not like friends or anything, but something like this never ever happened before and he knew the waitress actually had a boyfriend, who also worked there! Long story short, Johnny was convinced, that the man did have the power he claimed to wield. And then the man transferred it to Johnny. He said it was time to give it up anyway.

"The magic touch craves a new host. I can feel it. You saved my life. You have a good heart, I think. You might do alright. After a few weeks at least." He touched Johnny's hand and like an electrical current, Johnny received the power from the man. It was so absurd and surreal, that Johnny still had trouble believing it.

"How do I use it?" he asked the man.

"You simply touch someone and say what you want. It's also important what you feel and think, though, not just what you say. All you need is a little concentration. You'll see."

Johnny nodded. "Can I give it a try?"

"Not on me. It doesn't work on people who already had 'the touch’, but the rest of the world is your oyster. Be careful, though. This power corrupts you way faster than you can imagine. Trust me. When I first got it….", he trailed off and then waved his hand. “Eh, I'm sure you'll find your bearings soon enough. You will probably go off the rails at the beginning, but that's pretty normal. The Touch knows what you want and it doesn't like people who lie to themselves. Trust me, the truth will set you free. Anyway, I gotta go now."

The man stood up and was gone before Johnny could ask him for means of contact. And then Johnny realized he had lost his wallet, probably when he tackled the old man. "Will you pay cash or card?" the blonde waitress asked just in time. Johnny figured he had to explain, to go back to the street and look for it. He just thought about testing the power right away, but what if it didn't work? That would be so embarrassing. Just as he imagined that he felt a warmth in his hand. As if the magic inside him was reassuring him. As if it was telling him "I got this."

It was a very weird sensation. Johnny reached out for her wrist and gently wrapped his hand around it. He felt the connection instantly. He said "It's on the house,” and let go.

The waitress smiled at him and said "It's on the house. Have a nice day, okay?"

Johnny said "Wow, thank you so much! Bye then!" He got out of there and walked straight home, thinking of all the possibilities. But now it was Monday morning, and he had to go to work.

Johnny worked for a local newspaper, writing and editing articles for the paper and its online platform was his daily doing. He entered the office and looked around, excited to try out his new superpower. To his disappointment, Natalie and Nina were in school today as a part of their traineeship. He wasn't going to use his power on Natalie, because she was his friend, but he had his eyes on Nina ever since the two girls started their traineeships here two years ago.

Johnny sat down at his desk and had barely booted up his computer when Keith appeared next to him. "Did you finish the layout for the new teaser elements?"

Johnny closed his eyes and took a breath. He just got that assignment late last Friday and Keith knew it couldn’t possibly be done by now. Johnny said "You know there was no time for that, right? Also, I'm a journalist, not a web developer."

Keith shook his head "I expect more from you, Johnny. You need to show us some ‘drive' if you want to stay relevant.”

Johnny was pissed and tried to swallow his anger. His fist suddenly felt hot and Johnny was perplexed until he remembered. He placed his hand on Keith's arm and saw his pupils grow bigger as Johnny felt the magic doing its work. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it done in time. There is no reason to bother me with this. How about you get me some coffee?”

Johnny let go and Keith responded, “Yeah, uhm... sorry to bother you. I mean I know you’ll get it done in time. I think I’ll get some coffee. You want one too, right? Black?”

Johnny grinned. This would be a very good day.

Johnny could barely focus on work, too excited to try his new power on other people. He was about to go out for lunch when luck struck. Susan was waiting for the elevator and there was no one else in sight! Susan Conrad was his boss, running their whole department. Sadly, she always favored Keith and his opinion and never really cared much for socializing with her other employees, especially Johnny.

They barely knew each other, come to think of it. Susan rarely came out of her office. Rumor has it, that she and Keith were to present a plan to their CFO soon. Something about how to keep their department afloat with as little staff as possible. Lots of whispers about layoffs.

She was dressed in a suit, as usual, her hair up in a tight bun. She always looked a bit too professional and strict for his taste, but it sure matched her personality. They greeted each other politely and he asked, “Going out for lunch, too?”

“No, actually,” she answered. “I just wanted to grab a salad from the cantina and head back to my office.”

“Stressful times with all this restructuring, right?”

“Right”, she said in a tone that made clear this conversation was over. As if to underline her point, the elevator arrived with a ding.

As they entered the elevator together his heart started racing. He knew he could do it, but he was so nervous. The doors closed and the elevator started moving. Well, now or never. Johnny managed to suppress his fear and wrapped his hand around her wrist, feeling the power building a connection with ease. He didn’t even have to look at her to know it was working.

“Let’s go out and have lunch together. I can help you figure things out.” He let go and Susan seemed to have forgotten he ever touched her or just chose to ignore it.

“I could really use a proper lunch break for once,” she said as if his proposal was a great idea. “How about that Italian place down the street?”

This would turn out to be a very expensive break, he thought, and then remembered once more that he would not have to worry about that. “Sounds great.”

He took a short walk with Susan to the Italian restaurant. They barely talked and it felt rather awkward. This restaurant was always too fancy for him and Natalie. They usually made fun of all the suits in there while eating currywurst at the little diner across the street. But now he was there with Susan.

He sat down right next to her instead of across, which made Susan raise an eyebrow.

“You’re fine with us sitting like this,” he said touching her once again.

“Oh sure,” she shrugged. “Absolutely.”

The waiter brought the menu and Susan seemed to get more broody by the minute. She must be wondering why she was even here with him. “So about these changes that are supposed to come…” he started.

Susan looked nervous. “Look, I appreciate your interest, and I’m sure you could help me figure things out, but I simply can’t talk with you about this. You understand, right?”

Johnny put his hand on her wrist and gently said "It's alright, Susan. You can tell me what's going on."

“Alright,” Susan sighed. “if you insist..."

Susan told him, that they plan to let half of their team go and use more freelancers for the projects. Johnny didn't ask if he was going to get fired. Instead, he put his hand back on hers and said, "You know that’s not a good plan, right? Freelancers don’t know the details of the project. We are faster and more efficient in the long term producing in-house.”

Susan nodded "Yes, I know. The problem is that Mr. Thumton, our CFO, wants to see black numbers by the end of the quarter. He doesn’t think long-term."

Johnny shook his head "There must be another way!"

Susan shrugged "I have been trying to find a solution for weeks, but there is nothing we can do. Keith is presenting our final plan on Thursday, although right now it's more or less a list of positions that will be freed up."

Johnny rolled his eyes. Of course, fucking Keith was the one who had that power. Johnny never understood how he became Susan's right hand. Johnny had to stop this.

"What if I came up with a plan that allowed all of us to keep our jobs?”

"You have no idea what you're talking about.” Susan said, “It's impossible."

Johnny put his hand on hers once again and felt the power rushing through. "I will find a solution. Believe me." He focused hard on this one and kept the contact. Susan's eyes were dull as they met his gaze.

"I believe you."

"You will let me help you with this."

"I will let you help me.”

Johnny suddenly felt a strange arousal, seeing his boss like this, mesmerized by his words.

"You need me”, he added, trying to convince himself it wasn't meant sexually. He knew it was bullshit.

"I need you.”

Johnny felt his dick shift in his pants and quickly let go of her. Susan came out of her trance so quickly and fluidly that it seemed like nothing had happened.

She asked, "Can you help me?"

Johnny pretended not to hear the change in tone. Slightly deeper, slightly playful, slightly begging. He could say anything to her right now, he realized and remembered what the stranger had done to the waitress the other day. Johnny could make her do anything. He wondered what Susan would look like without the suit and the bun. Enough! Johnny reminded himself to focus.

“Give me a few days and I’ll show you what I come up with, alright?”

Susan nodded and smiled. "Thank you, John. I didn't know what to expect when I approached you today, but... I'm glad that I did."

Johnny didn't know what to say to that and mumbled something about just doing his job.

She added "I'm sure you will find the solution. I feel actually quite relieved now."

Johnny said "No, pressure, right?" and wondered how the heck he was supposed to solve all this.

"You should probably talk to Keith first,” she proposed. “He can bring you up to speed and, like I said, will present our solution to Mr. Thumton on Thursday."

Johnny made a face. He thought about how to phrase his next sentence and used the magic touch again. "I won't need Keith for this. Keith is just interested in his own career. You should be careful around him.”

She blinked confused and said “Hm. He has proven to be very trustworthy so far, but I guess there is no harm in being careful. Anyway, thanks for the advice.”

They both had finished their lunch by now and a waitress came to bring them the bill. As Johnny expected, the food was three times the price of what he’d usually pay for lunch.

Susan asked him "Something wrong?" He must have a bad poker face.

He grinned and said, "No, everything's fine." Then he concentrated on his next sentence as he put the bill in her hand while making sure their fingers touched. "You are so grateful for my help that you insist on inviting me."

"I want to invite you,” Susan said immediately, “for helping me."

"Oh, no that is really not necessary. I can pay for myself."

"Please, I insist!" Johnny raised his hands in defeat "Alright. I don't want to argue with the boss."

"You better not." Susan grinned and Johnny chuckled. She was actually kind of cute, he thought for the first time ever. If she just wasn't so stuck up all the time…

Susan and Johnny went their separate ways when entering their big office building, but Keith spotted them coming in together. Johnny was amused by the shocked expression on Keith's face. It didn't take five minutes after sitting down when that idiot popped up next to him.

“So, what was that all about?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” Johnny played dumb.

“Did you just go to lunch with Susan? I haven’t seen her going out for weeks.”

Johnny shrugged and said, “Oh, yeah. I guess it was pretty spontaneous.”

“So, there was nothing specific she wanted to talk to you about?”

Johnny tried to figure out why he was so nosy. Was there something else going on? Johnny put his hand on Keith's arm and said “Tell me why you're so curious about my lunch with Susan."

"Every piece of information could be crucial, especially when something that unusual happens."

John wanted to make another suggestion when Nina suddenly entered the office, carrying with her some files. Johnny quickly let go of Keith.

"There you are", she said to Keith, ignoring Johnny completely, even though this was his office. "I got everything you wanted. What should I do with it?"

Keith turned to her and said "Just put them on my desk. I'll be with you in a minute."

Nina frowned and said "Okay." and left.

Johnny asked, "I thought Nina and Natalie were supposed to be in school on Mondays?”

"Yeah, usually, but I told Nina to come in afterward today for some extra credit so to speak. You know how desperate they are to get that job." Keith chuckled.

"That's shitty man,” Johnny frowned. “How does that give her an advantage anyway?"

Keith rolled his eyes and ignored the question. "Hey, you still haven't told me what Susan wanted with you."

Johnny had an idea and used his ‘magic touch’ again. "What I talked about with Susan is none of your business. That is also not why you're here."

Keith shook his head dimly. "No, it's not" he confirmed.

John said "You want Nina to assist me for the rest of the day because you got nothing to do for her. Do you understand?"


Johnny let go. Keith asked "Do you have anything for her? I can't tell her to show up here and then not give her anything, you know?"

“Sure,” Johnny said and smiled, “just send her in.”

"Alright. Thanks, man. See you around."

Johnny's heart was racing for a whole minute. That was the time he had to wait until his door opened again. Nina entered with the same frown on her face. She and him never really spoke much before. Since Keith was her supervisor, Johnny only got to admire her from afar.

She had a slim figure and long auburn hair, wrapped in a long ponytail. She wore dark blue jeans and a tight white sweater, that looked professional and alluring at the same time. At least it perfectly accentuated her chest. She also wore glasses today, but usually, she wore contacts.

"Uhm, Hi," she said and Johnny assumed she was very nervous. "Hello, Nina. How are you doing?"

“Fine,” she responded shortly. “Keith told me you have work for me?"

Johnny’s eyes darted over her body, and Nina crossed her arms. Shit. He quickly looked through her glasses and into her green eyes.

"Uhm, yes let me show you here on my computer."

Nina sighed and walked around his desk and sat down next to him. She was so close to him now, that he could smell her perfume. Lucky for him, there was always work to do, since they were understaffed. Johnny explained to her that he needed her to write an article about a protest that was happening tomorrow. Nina asked some questions that gave John the impression that she knew what she was doing.

When all was said and done she nodded and said, "Okay. I can send you a first draft in fifteen minutes. Is that okay?"

"No need, you can finish the whole thing and I'll just give you some pointers at the end."

"Are you sure?" Nina raised an eyebrow.

"You've been doing this for two years. Do you really need me to hold your hand?"

Nina gave him a look he could not really decipher. She said "No."

Johnny felt like the mood just got awkward. He tried to encourage her "If you have any questions or need my help, you can always come to me, okay?"

Nina pursed her lips. "That won't be necessary,” she said in a way that made John really uncomfortable. And he knew it was time to use his power.

His heart was racing as doubt flared up in him again, but just like earlier, the magic power in his hand pulsated and somehow reassured him. All he had was to reach out.

Nina asked, "Are we done here?"

One small move and his hand was gently laid on top of hers. He felt the rush of power immediately. "No, Nina. We're not done here. I feel like you have some reservations about me. Is that true?"

Johnny saw Nina's dull eyes and her slightly open mouth as she quietly said "Yes."

He gulped and wondered what this was about. Did Keith talk some bullshit behind his back?

"Tell me why."

"You're always staring at me, but you never talk to me. It's creepy."

Johnny was so shocked by that revelation that he let her go for a moment. Nina's eyes went wide in shock. "Oh my god. I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry."

“It’s alright,” he said and quickly put his hand back on hers. “Calm down. It's good that you told me that. You can always talk to me." She nodded. He was in control again. He could fix this.

"You don't think I'm creepy. You like it when I look at you. You always liked it."

Nina said with a faint note of surprise in her voice "I always liked it." Her pupils were wide and Johnny felt his power over the young woman. Her empty stare alone made Johnny experience this peculiar arousal again. He could say anything. Make her crave him. Make her adore him. Johnny could not resist that fantasy and found himself talking before thinking it through. "You feel very attracted to me."

To his delight, Nina repeated in a soft voice "I feel very attracted to you".

Johnny felt his power like a rush now. "You always felt drawn to me. Completely infatuated."

"Completely infatuated." Nina softly confirmed.

Johnny felt blood pumping in his head and in his cock. “You have a massive crush on me."

While Nina confirmed that she had a massive crush on him, Johnny hoped that she would not remember this exchange of words. He checked her out again as she sat there, chest raising with every breath, completely under his control. Fantasies flashed before his eyes and Johnny noticed a greed he never felt before.

He shook his head and reminded himself that this was neither the time nor the place. And he remembered something else, that the old man told him. ‘Be aware of the corruption.’ Johnny shuddered at the words in his mind, and could now truly understand what he meant.

He decided to shut down his urges for now and let go of her. Nina's eyes blinked rapidly and she looked confused for a second.

"I'm sorry, what were we talking about?" She looked at him and suddenly gasped.

Johnny asked, "Is everything okay?" Her reaction startled Johnny. Did she remember? Did she know what he just did to her? Did it even work?

“No, I mean yes! Yes, everything's great. I mean... I'm just sorry I just spaced out for a second."

Nina looked him up and down, her mind probably processing her new view of him. No, not new. She should think, that she always thought of him that way. Johnny wondered if his power was even able to do that. Her face started to blush in a rosy hue and she licked her lips nervously while pulling her hair behind her ears. Holy shit she really had a crush on him! Johnny never saw her this nervous.

"No worries,” he said, “So yeah, if you need any help with the article, don't hesitate to come to me, alright? Or with anything else that's on your mind. Just because you're Keith's protégée does not mean you're not allowed to talk to me, you know?" Johnny thought this would lay some groundwork.

Nina glanced up at him, then nodded. "Okay,” was her reply, and then she avoided his gaze again. Johnny was fascinated by her reaction. He thought she would be flirty now, but Nina seemed almost more distant than before. Was she really that shy?

He took her hand one more time. "Look at me,” he said and Nina looked up, her green eyes somehow dull, yet piercing. "Yes, just like that. You like looking at me, don't you?"

"I really do."

Johnny felt the power swirling in his brain again. Before he knew it, he said  "I'm incredibly handsome. You can't help it. You have to check me out."

"I have to check you out.” Nina complied, her voice softened again. “I can't help it."

"You fantasize about me all the time.” Johnny felt the rush taking over. Just a little bit more. “I'm so hot."

"You're so hot."

Johnny let go of her and was instantly annoyed with himself. He wanted to defuse the situation and just make her less nervous. Instead, the power got the best of him and he overcorrected.  Well, at least she was looking at him now. Nina sat there, licking her lips, cheeks still red as a plum and she literally leered at his body. Johnny should get her out of his office before he'd lose control again.

"Do you have any further questions?"

Nina was startled and looked up at him with embarrassment. She said, "Uhm, no. Thank you, John. I'll give it my best."

"I'm sure you'll do great. I'll send everything over to you, alright?"

Nina looked at him with a mix of awe and disbelief. Her cheeks had the color of a tomato. “Yes, thank you." She got up and John had no choice but to check out her firm ass on her way out. Somehow he felt like he was in trouble.

Nina was a few years younger than him and dating her would probably raise more than just a few eyebrows. That was something he never had to worry about since she ignored his existence anyway. But now... Jesus, what did he even say to her?

Nina knocked at his office door just fifty minutes later. She entered and Johnny noticed how she strutted her chest now. She also suddenly wore her hair open and her glasses were gone.

"I'm done.” She said with a nervous smile. “Would you like to read it?"

Johnny told himself to be cool when she bit her lip. Did she apply lipstick? Damn, he had to remain professional. He took the papers out of her hands and Nina sat down in the chair in front of him. Johnny read the article and couldn't help but glance up from time to time. Nina started at him and her eyes were filled with plain lust and desire.

"This is a solid article, Nina.” He said and meant it. “I'm impressed"

She smiled from ear to ear. He gave her some notes to finish it up which she eagerly accepted. Then she asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you, John?" There was such a need in her tone, it actually made his dick move.

"I honestly didn't think that you would be this fast. How about you finish up with my feedback and I'll prepare your next assignment?”

"Sure! I could also bring you some coffee?"

"Coffee?" Johnny was confused

"I usually bring Keith his coffee..."

Johnny chuckled and shook his head "Wow, seriously? That is...." he paused. He was going to say ridiculous, but then he changed his mind. "That's actually a good idea. After you finish your article."

Nina walked out again and Johnny shook his head once more. He imagined ordering Natalie to make him coffee. She would most likely give him a friendly kick in the ass and walk away laughing. Keith was such a dick to use his trainee like this.

Then again, Johnny just did the same dickish thing to Nina, just because she's used to it. Just because she had a huge crush on him now. No. She ‘always’ had a huge crush on him. Johnny felt guilty all of a sudden. What if she had a boyfriend? What the fuck was he doing, messing with a poor innocent girl like this? He should fix this, he thought. Yes, he would put her back to normal. It was the right thing to do.

Fifteen minutes later, Nina entered Johnny's office with the updated article and a cup of coffee. She put it in front of him and gave him a smile that made him melt. "Do you want sugar or milk?"

"This is fine,” he mumbled, “thank you."

Nina stood tall and stretched out her chest again. Something seemed different. The shape of her breasts was somehow... Johnny realized she must have taken off her bra! She nervously played with her hair and asked, "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

John decided to put her back to normal tomorrow after all. Even if he wasn’t doing anything with her, just knowing she’d be lying in bed later, thinking about him was too enticing to give up. But at least he would not abuse her free time anymore. He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I got nothing else. You should take the rest of the day off. It's a school day anyway. You shouldn't even be here."

"Oh, I don't mind!” Nina said, “I like to do some extra work!"

She stretched her chest out even more if that was possible. Damn, did he want to feel up those breasts right now. John shook his head again. "I'm sure a young woman like you has a bit more on her plate than this. You must have some friends or a boyfriend who would like to spend time with you. And your oral exam is on Wednesday, right? You should study for that."

“Okay.” She gave him that look again. Nervous and longing at the same time. “Thank you."

"It was nice working with you today,” Johnny said, hoping it would make her feel good.

"And with you.” She beamed at him. “I'm glad we get to do this more often next month." She turned around and walked toward his door. John wondered what she meant by that and was about to ask, when she suddenly turned around again, giving him a thoughtful look. She hesitated, and then said, "I don't have a boyfriend." She started blushing again before quickly leaving his office.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm always grateful for feedback, so please leave a comment, or even better: Join my Discord server, where you can find more of my stories, exclusive content, some cool people to chat with, and updates about further releases! Don't be a stranger ;) 


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