
Chapter 2 - Mistress Katherine

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #cuckold #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #kane #sadism #sub:female #sub:male #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #dom:female #exhibitionism #mind-control #pee #sadomasochism #submission

"Do you understand all of that? Does it make sense to you?"

Katherine nodded "Yes. Is that all?”

"Yeah, I think I covered it pretty much. Anyway, I will send you a choice collection of porn later. You will also watch and learn from that. The same goes for outfit inspiration. There is lots of stuff online and in sex shops, obviously. Anyway, take it step by step, right?"

Katherine nodded again.”Right." She turned to Marc who was still red in the face. "Everything alright, honey?"

"Y...Yeah. You too?"

"Of course, I am,” Katherine smiled. “Although I am a bit nervous about it, to be honest. I can't really imagine being a proper dominatrix or something like that. And yet deep down I know there is a part of me now that is all that. Everything Kane had said to me is kind of in a box inside me somewhere. It's hard to describe."

"And you're not mad at me anymore?" Marc asked nervously.

"Not really,” Katherine shrugged. “I mean, I guess a bit, but you will get punished soon enough.” She chuckled and hoped that her husband would finally act normal again. Then she turned to Kane.

"More wine, dear?”, she offered and poured him a glass. She noticed his eyes resting on her cleavage while she was slightly bent over. She simply could not help herself around him. There was this uncanny attraction that she felt for him. And if that wasn’t enough, Katherine knew that Kane held a very special place in her heart.

She didn't remember exactly when she started to crush so hard on him, but it didn't matter anyway. She had to ignore it as best as she could and go on with her life. She had Marc and Hunter, and she would never risk losing her family for another man. Even if that man was downright breathtaking and still caressing her arm. It felt so good, she would just love to rub her whole body against his, naked, passionate, licking every inch of- "Katherine?" She blinked and looked at Marc.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you wanted to try it."

"Try what?" 

"You know... the dominatrix thing?"

"What? No, Marc, we still have a guest! Keep it in the pants for later, man."

"Well, Kane could just go, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous,” she scolded him and turned to Kane. “Sorry about that. Apparently, my husband is fourteen years old."

“No worries, it's understandable,” Kane chuckled. “I am quite curious myself, to be honest."

"No way,” Katherine stated firmly. “This is a very intimate matter. I’m sorry, Kane. I just don't feel comfortable with you to see me like this."

"Oh, Katherine, of course you don't mind. We should actually try it out right away. Just to see if it works and is reversible, you know? Imagine what could happen if you were unable to turn back. Consider it a test run. Oh, and Marc, you don't want me to leave either. Let's just give this a go!”

Katherine was totally up for it and nodded excitedly. Marc asked "But you told her it would only work if we were alone, right?"

“Oh, right!” Kane said, and turned to Katherine. “Katherine, I am excluded from that rule." He looked back at Marc and waited.

"Oh, that was it?"

"Should be. Say it."

Katherine looked encouragingly at her dear husband as he said the phrase, “I serve mistress Katherine!” Her smile faded instantly. Katherine felt like she had just woken up from a daydream. She felt powerful. She felt strong. She felt amazing! Marc sat in front of her on the couch, looking up expectingly. She would not disappoint him. She would make sure of that.

"What are you doing on my couch?” Katherine asked indignant as she stood up, towering above Marc. “On the ground with you or you'll get the boot!"

Marc was in shock at how well this worked. Katherine had a completely different aura about her. Her voice was as cold as her eyes and her whole posture was just... wow! He never saw his wife radiating more confidence. And she spoke like a real dominatrix, too. His secret dream, which he kept all these years have actually come true. He couldn't believe it, and was beyond happy.

"Thanks, Kane!” he exclaimed cheerfully. “Oh my god, it worked! This is awesome."

Marc raised his hand to give his buddy a high five, but Kane asked, "Don't you want to listen to your mistress?"

Marc lowered his hand and shrugged, "Oh, Come on, it's just a test and it clearly works. It’s not like we would do anything naughty right here in front of you. Let me just turn her back. Ehm... Happy w-"

„Don’t turn her back just yet,” Kane interrupted. “I‘m not done.“

„Done with what?“

„I said on your knees!“ Katherine interrupted them.

„Katherine, wait.“ Kane addressed her calmly.

„It’s mistress Katherine!“

„Oh, that’s only for Marc. I can call you whatever I want.“

„Yes, of course, Kane.“

„First of all, you need to look the part. I want you to go to the bedroom and change into something more appropriate for your new personality. Go up to my apartment, ring the bell and ask for Anabelle. She will help you pick a nice outfit and give you some other things which will come in handy. Come back here when you’re done. Understood?“

„Sure, thank you!“

She left instantly. Marc was a bit concerned now. Maybe Kane took this a bit too far? He really wished he could just be with Katherine now and explore this together with her in their own time.

Kane sat back down and Marc felt inclined to say something.

„Thanks, man. You did an awesome thing for me there. I can’t believe how well this worked and how much effort you put into this. You really are my best friend!“

Kane shook his head and grinned. „For as long as Katherine is in her dominant state I’m actually not. You see: While she is turned into a dominatrix, you will immediately remember everything that really happened today. You remember every manipulation I put into you and your wife‘s head and you will be completely back to normal for as long as she remains a dominatrix. One little catch though: You will have to do anything she says, while she is your mistress and you can not turn her back unless you have ejaculated. As soon as she stops being dominant, you will be back in your mind-controlled bubble, thinking everything that happened before was exactly what you wanted. That you were merely living out your fantasies and doing some role-playing. Whatever your wife did to you becomes a cherished memory and every dialogue exchanged was just part of the play. I will be your best friend again and you can’t wait to turn your wife back into your mistress. Rinse and repeat. How about that?“

Marc remembered everything. His heart pounded in his chest. This monster had weaseled his way in here and took his family hostage. All these fake memories he planted in him and all the real ones he took were now abundantly clear to Marc. He had to be smart now, as this was his only chance to do anything about it. He looked at the empty wine bottle on the table. If he was fast enough...

„Don’t even think about harming me in any way.“

Marc resigned, his shoulders sinking. He was still furious, but he had no idea what to do now.

„You stay here now and don’t move.”, Kane stood up. “I’ll go check on your delicious wife.“

„Don‘t you dare touch her again!“

„Or what?“

Kane scoffed and left the room. Marc sat there alone. He was unable to move, so all he could do was think. He had to come up with a plan and fast! Since he was only aware of the situation now and would forget reality as soon as he turned Katherine back, his only option would be to keep her like this and figure something out while he could. Although… better not today. As long as Kane was here, Marc couldn’t do actually do anything. His only option was to ride it out until he left and then try again when he was alone with her.

Marc had less time than he expected. Katherine came back into the room, her eyes as cold as before. Her outfit was a shiny latex bodysuit, complete with high boots. Even her lipstick was dark red. This was not his wife. Kane had turned the love of his life into a nightmare to torture him. So much for his ‘reward’.

Katherine pointed to the floor in front of her and said „Kneel.“ Marc felt his own body not listening to him. It was even worse than when Kane used his power because now he was fully aware and trapped at the same time.

„Wait, Katherine.” Marc tried to reach her. “I don’t want this. He made us like this against our will. He’s not our friend!“

He looked up to his wife, hoping she would believe him. She was able to resist Kane during dinner at least a little bit! She just smiled knowingly.

„Oh, I know. He told me all about your elaborate fantasy, where he came into our house as a stranger and brainwashed himself into our lives and all that. I gotta say, that’s pretty messed up, even for you. But you’re lucky; I am willing to play along.“

„It’s the truth, though! We have to escape his sadistic game, Katherine!“

Marc‘s hope of warning Katherine bubbled away. He couldn’t do shit while Kane was around anyway. 

„You will address me as Mistress Kathrine from now on. Do you understand?“

„Please, Mistress Katherine, you have to fight this.“ Marc was unable to call her anything else now, he knew. She smiled again.

„That’s better. And don’t you worry, I will take care of each and every humiliating sexual fantasy you entrusted Kane with.“

„No, please!“ Marc started crying. He looked at Kane. „Please let us go!“

Kane rolled his eyes and said to Katherine, „His role-playing is not very believable, but you just play along anyway.“

„Yeah, he really sucks at this,” Katherine nodded. “That doesn’t surprise me. He sucks at everything. I mean just look at this sobbing mess. I wish he would be more like you.“

Katherine looked at Kane, blushing again and that’s when Marc finally had another spark of resistance. „Stop it, mistress Katherine. He brainwashed you into this. Try to remember what really happened. Your feelings for him are not real! Do you really think this is what I wanted? It doesn’t make sense!“

Katherine seemed to actually think about that. „Well, in that case, all you need to do is turn me back to normal and tell me again. That's what safe words are for. If you don't want to use it, I can only assume that you really want to see me gushing over your best friend here." Katherine caressed Kane's chest playfully.

Marc was grinding his teeth. "He is not my friend!"

Kane whispered something in Katherine's ear which was a dreadful sight for Marc, who felt completely hopeless. Katherine then looked down and said, "Get naked and lay on your back."

Marc had no choice but to undress while Kane kept whispering more and more words into Katherine, corrupting her even more. Marc kept sobbing, unable to hold back his tears, feeling utterly helpless. He realized that he couldn't get out of this situation as long as Kane was there. His best strategy was to get him out as fast as possible and try again another time when he wasn't around. The less Kane talked the better, especially with Katherine in this state. Marc should also avoid talking and turn Katherine back as fast as possible. He was unable to say the phrase to turn her back, though. The only way to do so was to ejaculate.

He was lying on his back on the living room floor. Katherine and Kane towered above him, but Marc had to lift and stretch his neck to be able to see them properly.

“No…”, Marc whispered as he saw Katherine and Kane making out passionately. Kane was squeezing his wife's breasts through her latex outfit and she seemed to relish in that moment. She gazed down at Marc, while Kane kissed her neck.

“It’s really pathetic that you get turned on by me making out with Kane, but I’m not complaining. He’s an amazing kisser! What are you waiting for? You may jerk off now while watching me making out with your best friend right in front of you. That's what you want you little pervert, isn't it?"

"Please, no!"

Kane whispered once more and Katherine walked next to Marc, putting her boot on his cock, and squeezing it.

"Beg me to make out with Kane."

Marc groaned in pain and then the words bubbled out of his mouth: "Please, make out with Kane! Please I beg you! I beg you!"

"Now beg him to satisfy me because you are unable to. Tell us all about how your cock is too small and you're not man enough for a woman like me."

She squeezed again and Marc howled in agony.

"Oh my god! Yes, my cock is too small and I'm not man enough for a woman like you. Please, Kane, satisfy my wife, because I can't! My dick is too small, so you have to do it, please!"

Marc hated having no control over what to say, and seeing Kane's snarky smile now was just the cherry on top.

"Enough talking." Katherine bent down and Marc realized she was about to gag him. "No, please Mistress Katherine. I have to turn you back!”

“Well, if that's what you really want you can do it now." Katherine chuckled and waited for his reply.

"I can't, mistress Katherine! He made it so that I can only do it after I cum. Please, at least take it off immediately after that, okay? Promise me!"

"Ah, because he brainwashed you and all that, right? Well, of course, I will take it off as soon as you come, honey. Now open your mouth like a good boy and let me do this. There. That is a good look for you."

Katherine had applied the gag-ball and Marc was now unable to make anything more but a muffled sound. This was getting worse by the minute. All he could hope for was that Kane didn't talk her out of this.

He didn't have to though, because Katherine said, "Of course, I was joking about taking this thing off again. I like being in charge, you know? Maybe I'll let you be my stool for the rest of the evening, while Kane and I relax a bit, talking trash about you. Would you like that, honey? Or would you rather watch us fuck? We have a lot of practice with that, you know? Kane and I do it all the time behind your back and you are even too dense to realize how obvious the sexual tension is between us."

She laughed, but this time Marc knew that she was just acting. Obviously, he was aware, that around two hours ago, Kane wasn't more than an annoying neighbor to them. They barely knew him. Marc could also see in Katherine's eyes that she was playing a part to humiliate him. Kane had not actually made her believe that. At least not yet, and Marc could only hope it would stay this way. She stood back up again, and walked back to Kane.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?” Katherine asked him quietly. Marc saw Kane's fake empathy as he took her hands.

"You know I would do anything for my best friend. And as long as both of you are fine with it, I'm glad to help. Just this once."

"Thank you so much! Okay, let's do it!"

She turned back to Marc and positioned herself so that he was underneath her. Her boots were left and right to his kneecaps and she towered above him once more. Kane was somewhere behind her. Katherine started to undress. "What are you waiting for? When I take my clothes off, you have to start masturbating. But don't you dare cum without my permission!"

Marc started massaging his deflated cock. It didn't occur to him yet how difficult it would be to actually reach an orgasm this way. This was never one of his fantasies. This was quite the opposite of what he liked. But sure enough, his cock actually got a little bit harder, due to his physical stimulation. Seeing his gorgeous wife undress from this position was also not bad. He just had to cancel out everything else that was going on and focus on ejaculating. That was the only thing that could help him get out of this mess for now.

That and then getting rid of the gag somehow. He would turn Katherine back to normal, forget everything, and just hope that Kane would get bored and leave soon after. He could think of a plan the next time he remembered and Kane wasn't there to sabotage him. Then maybe he would find a way to save them. Marc focused on his wife's body as she dropped the dress on the floor, revealing that she wore no underwear whatsoever. Katherine was only left with her boots. Marc watched as she touched herself, caressing her breasts, her belly, her pussy. Yes, this was it. He was close. He tried to get over the edge, but he couldn't. He needed permission first. Fuck!

The moment he realized that, he saw the second pair of hands, wrapping around Katherine's waist, moving up and kneading both of her tits.

"Oh, Kane!” Katherine moaned. “Yes, that feels so good! Finally, a man who knows how to touch me. Unlike this pathetic excuse of a husband, you know exactly what I need. Look at him. Such a wimp. He could never make me feel like you do, Kane. Did you know I have to fake all my orgasms?"

Marc was trying to ignore what she said. He reminded himself that she only lied because she thought that this was what he wanted her to say. Nothing else. But then Kane spoke and everything was over.

"Of course, you have to fake your orgasms when you have sex with Marc. You probably can't even feel his micro-penis, can you?"

Marc saw it in her eyes when she nodded and frowned. "I can't feel a thing." She believed him. No! Marc tried to scream but only muffled noises escaped.

"That means you usually have to pretend that he has a normal-sized dick. That must be exhausting."

"It actually, really is..."

"Good thing you can vent about it in this state. You know that Marc is so dense, that he doesn't even realize that you're telling him the actual truth right now. For him it's just part of the act, right?"

“Yeah.” Katherine looked down at him with cold eyes. “At least one thing your micro-penis is good for, I guess."

"Wanna see what a real dick looks like?"

Katherine and Kane had moved the armchair so that Marc had a good side view of them from his position. Katherine had to make sure that he could see them properly. Kane was sitting on the armchair with his pants pulled down and his erect cock in plain sight. Katherine was kneeling between his legs, massaging the cock and looking at her gagged husband on the floor.

"I know what you think. Kane used his powers to make me crave his cock and made you watch, is that it?" She chuckled.

Katherine had never imagined her husband to have such strange fantasies and fetishes. She would have been completely weirded out if Kane hadn't used his powers on her to even accept all this. But she was glad he did it after all. She felt awesome like this. Besides, if this fantasy stuff would make Marc happy so be it. Of course, actually fooling around a bit with Kane in the process was a perk, too. Not that she would ever actually cheat on Marc, but damn Kane sure was hot as hell and he made her feel so incredible whenever he touched her.

Now that she was holding his cock, she longed even more for him. This bit about Marc's micro-penis was kind of sad actually, since this was an actual issue that has been driving her insane for years. It was still a miracle to her that Marc was able to get her pregnant somehow. It's not like she ever felt a thing when they were doing it. Marc muffled something again.

"Sorry, can't hear you. You wanna cum? I bet you wanna cum, staring at me sucking off your best friend. What? You're saying that he is not your best friend, but a stranger who just took control over us? Is that what you're trying to say? Well if that is the case then I guess it's better if I don't suck him off and actually release you, right? Should I do that?"

Marc looked at her, sobbing, nodding, and with a desperate look in his eyes, while still giving himself a hand-job. Of course, it was obvious to her that he was just acting. Such a weird fantasy, she thought again.

"Okay, I'll take off your gag and I will believe anything you say, alright?" Marc nodded eagerly and Katherine looked up at Kane. "What do you say, Kane? Does he tell the truth?" She was still rubbing his dick.

"Wouldn't that be hilarious? But on the off chance that he was actually telling the truth, what would be the smart thing to do?"

„Well, in that case, I should probably gag you, kick you in the balls, and run for the hills.“

„Good thing that you’re going to suck my dick instead.“

Katherine didn't need to hear that again and started sucking Kane off. His cock was so big and thick, she noted. She was used to Marc's micro-penis and not to have a real cock in her mouth. Whenever she gave Marc the occasional blowjob, she barely had to open her mouth. With Kane, she had to concentrate on her breathing!

She let go of his dick, still rubbing it. ”Now THAT is a cock. Marc, you can cum as soon as Kane fills my mouth with his jizz. All you have to do is watch closely as your best friend face-fucks your wife, while you just lay on the floor like a useless idiot."

Katherine had no idea how much fun and how exciting it would be to play dominatrix for her husband. Of course, this was just thanks to Kane's power, but she really understood the appeal now! She could even get how this was something for someone like Marc. In reality, she was rather submissive herself. Not as extreme as this and this humiliation stuff and the cuckolding was certainly not something she would want for herself, though.

Katherine went on to blow Kane and it didn't take long for him to cum inside her mouth.

"Don't swallow,” he instructed. “Use it."

Katherine thought about what he could mean by that and looked over to Marc who just came, too. His belly button was full of cum and some splashes even reached his chest. His eyes were red and still full of tears. Katherine crawled over to him, coming very close to his face. She caressed his cheek with one hand and then spat all of Kane's cum on the gag. "Sorry, I don't like swallowing cum, unlike you."

Marc was screaming under the gag. The white juice was covering the ball, Marc's lips, and got mixed up in his saliva. She hoped that she didn't overdo it with that. She would know soon enough.

"I will unleash your ball gag now and you will lick it clean. You are not allowed to talk until I say otherwise. Nod if you understood."

Marc nodded and Katherine released the gag. To her surprise, Marc actually complied and greedily licked the gag clean of his buddies cum. Katherine was relieved that she didn’t cross a boundary after all. She had expected Marc to complain, or use the safe-word instantly, but no, he went on. That was a huge relief because it meant that Katherine seemed to be doing everything right.

"Look at that,” she mocked. “Didn’t take you for a fag. I can't believe I actually married a sissy! Hey Kane, look how he cleans that thing. Your cum must be delicious. Too bad I didn't get any."

Kane appeared next to her, not even glancing at Marc. "I gotta pee. Mind if I use your husband as a toilet?"

Katherine hesitated. Was this really what Marc wanted? In her state, she was up for anything, no matter how demeaning. As long as Marc didn't use his safe-word she had to push any and all boundaries. If it would be too much he could always break the spell by saying the words, now that he had no gag anymore. It was not like she had any powers over him like Kane when he influenced other people.

"Yeah, you know what? I think I'll join you for a piss. Doesn't look like Marc here has anything to say about it."

She laughed coldly. This came easy with her new persona. Marc had a pleading look in his eyes but kept his mouth shut. As Katherine and Kane peed all over Marc and laughed she was oddly aware of how different she was now, compared to her normal self. She didn’t mind, though. She felt absolutely unleashed and enjoyed every second of it. She felt zero shame, not even in front of Kane. Her only concern was if ‘normal’ Katherine could handle those memories.

Marc was lying in a puddle of piss on their living room floor. The smell wasn't nice either. He still didn't say a word, besides a few sobs. It was pitiful to see, but somehow she just knew that he was actually loving every second of this.

"You may talk again,” she said in her coldest voice. “I think I deserve a thank you!"

"Happy Wife, Happy Life!"


Katherine felt funny, as her dominant part fell asleep, sinking down inside her body. What an odd sensation. She looked down at Marc who looked just miserable.

"Oh my god, honey! Are you okay?! Was it too much after all?"

She knelt down beside him, to hold his hand. To her surprise, Marc smiled at her and looked genuinely happy.

"This was the best thing you ever did for me. Oh my god, the humiliation was supreme! I hope you are not completely weirded out, that I am into this?"

Katherine shook her head and smiled, "No, Kane did a good job apparently. I'm totally happy with whatever we just did. I actually really enjoyed it, even though I could never imagine doing anything like this in my normal state! Was it really not too much? Like all this stuff I did with Kane..."

"No, are you kidding me?” Marc grinned. “It was awesome! If I had a real problem I would have just turned you back. As long as I'm not doing that you can just basically ignore whatever I say, no matter how much I protest, alright?"

"That's what I was counting on."

"Besides, that whole act must have been much harder for you guys than for me. You're practically like brother and sister, right?"

Katherine faked a smile. „Right." Marc still had no clue how drawn she felt to Kane. What a rush to get sexual with him under the premise of satisfying Marc. She hoped they could do that again sometime, but she didn't think Kane was up for it. Speaking of which, Kane came closer, already fully dressed again.

"I'm glad you're both happy, but Marc should really clean up this mess and take a shower while Katherine and I relax a bit on the couch, don't you think?"

"Yeah, good idea!” Katherine agreed. “You okay with that, Marc?"

Marc sat up, his breathing still going a bit heavy. He was drenched in cum and pee, but he was beaming. "Yeah, that's perfect! I know you're not in character, but me cleaning this up while you two chill on the couch is just so hot I might cum again."

Katherine grimaced nervously, feeling a somewhat uncomfortable talking about her husbands' weird fetish like that, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she got up and picked up the latex suit from the floor. She left her dress and her underwear upstairs she remembered. Eh, she could pick them up another time, she figured.

"I'll go change into some normal clothes again. Be right back."

"Oh, why bother?” Kane let himself fall on the couch “Just stay naked, that's totally fine and more comfortable anyway. Come here."

“Yeah, you’re right.”

She sat down on the couch next to Kane, who put an arm around her shoulders. Katherine snuggled up on him, while Marc mopped the floor in his underwear, sporting a tent. This evening turned out quite eventful, she noted. Katherine closed her eyes and relaxed while Kane gently massaged her clitoris. It never got boring with him around.


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