
Chapter 1 - Dinner and Games

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #cuckold #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #kane #sadism #sub:female #sub:male #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #dom:female #exhibitionism #mind-control #pee #sadomasochism #submission

This story is inspired by the character Kilgrave from the Jessica Jones series.

"Mum, can I have ice cream?" Hunter asked meekly. Kathrine was in the kitchen, cooking the steaks for dinner. She looked down at her five-year-old son.

"Dinner is almost ready, honey. You can have some afterward, okay?"

"Thank you!" Hunter yelled excitedly and jumped around. It looked so cute that she couldn’t help but smile.

"Can you tell your father to get the plates?" She asked, and Hunter immediately rushed to the door and out of sight. "No running!" She yelled after him but he was already gone. She sighed.

Katherine loved her life as a mother, but sometimes she missed the old days. Seven years ago, when she and Marc were newlyweds, they were going out every weekend and they had the most adventurous vacations. Now her life was all about being a mum. Cute outfits and outings turned into sweat-wear and cooking. Marc came into the kitchen with a big smile on his face. He looked the same as ever, but recently there were slights of grey in his hair and she loved it.

"I hope the little tiger will sleep fast tonight." He said. "He seems way too agitated."

"As usual.", Katherine sighed and nodded.

Marc took three plates from the closet and left the room. She had ten minutes left until the potatoes were ready when the doorbell rang. "What the…" she said to herself. "Who the hell could that be?" She heard Marc’s footsteps from the hallway as he went for the door. "This better be quick," Katherine yelled "Dinner is ready soon." She heard the main door close again and became more curious. "Who was it?" She shouted, just when Marc appeared again.

He had the same casual smile like nothing happened, but then Katherine saw their neighbor from the apartment upstairs following her husband into the kitchen. His name was Kane. Katherine was not fond of him.

They didn’t have much contact in general, with Kane being a young man in his mid-twenties who lived alone and them as a late-thirties married couple with a kid. Besides that, whenever Katherine and Kane interacted or met, he always had this leering look on her that gave her the creeps. And most recently he seemed to throw quite a few parties. Last night they had to call the police because Hunter woke up every five minutes.  She could not understand why Marc would even invite him in.

"What’s going on?", she asked. "Did something happen?"

"You could say that," Kane said and smiled, which just added to Katherine’s confusion."I’ll be your guest tonight." He went on. "You are delighted to host me."

For a split second, Katherine felt herself stuck as her brain processed this information. Then she smiled at her guest, feeling delighted to be his host, just as he said she would be. She said "Please, make yourself at home. Dinner is ready in ten minutes. I’m afraid I didn’t cook enough, though."

"Ah, don’t worry about that." Kane waved it off. "Marc will finish up with the food here. You go get changed. Wear a nice dress with lots of cleavage and put on some makeup. Be quick about it and join us in the living room once you’re done."

Katherine let go of the frying pan immediately and rushed to the bedroom, passing Kane and her husband on the way out. This was completely off. Katherine tried to make sense of what just happened as she quickly slipped out of her sweatpants and the comfortable sweater she was wearing.

She was aware of the fact, that Kane somehow made her do this and this thought was terrifying. Yet there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. And she was still absolutely delighted to have him as their guest tonight. Katherine sat down on her cosmetic table and quickly but carefully put on some eyeliner, a bit of rouge, and red lipstick. She brushed her shoulder-long black hair a bit to get rid of its frizziness. It was absurd how final this felt. As if his words were the ultimate law. She simply had to put on make-up. Then she was browsing through her closet, looking for a nice dress with lots of cleavage. She found a black dress that she hadn’t worn in years and was relieved to find out it still fit. She took another look in the mirror and realized how long it’s been since she looked that good.

Now that she had done everything that Kane had told her she felt odd. Katherine felt helpless because nobody could actually help her. Kane probably just had to say a word and anyone would just do his bidding. What kind of supernatural bullshit was that even? She felt afraid of what would happen next as she made her way back to the living room.

Kane and Marc sat at the table. There were only two plates, though. One in front of Kane and the other across at an empty seat. Marc had no plate. Meat, potatoes, and salad were waiting in the middle of the table as well as a bottle of wine. Kane gazed at her when she entered.

"Now that’s better", he concluded. "Marc, your wife looks incredibly hot, doesn’t she?"

Her husband's smile was gone. "She certainly does," he said, and looked at her, blushing.

Katherine carefully took a step forward. "Where is Hunter?" She asked, trying not to sound scared.

"I sent him to bed." Kane said, "He should be sound asleep."

Katherine wanted to protest. "But he hasn’t eaten anyth-"

"Shut up." Kane cut her off, and Katherine could not manage to speak another word.

Kane said, "Forget about that kid tonight." Katherine stared confused at her guest. What just happened? She suddenly felt a bit more relaxed, as if a burden was taken from her. But she could not remember what she was so worried about in the first place.

"How about serving dinner now?" Kane asked and Katherine quickly put some food on his plate and then hers. She smiled politely at their guest. She was still afraid of him and this whole situation, but at the same time, she was really happy to be his host for tonight.

"Wine?" She asked and he nodded.

As she filled his glass he said "Good girl."

"Excuse me?" Katherine raised an eyebrow.

Kane chuckled "It’s fine. You love it when I call you that. Makes you feel happy."

"Oh… right."

How the hell was he doing this? Kane started to eat. Marc was still just sitting there, looking at his wife. He seemed completely fine, almost bored. She wondered what Kane told him. Katherine stood there and tried to figure out what to do. She didn’t want to bother their guest, but she knew she had to get out of this situation somehow.

"Don’t just stand there" Kane suddenly said. "Sit down, eat."

Katherine took a seat and started eating, still feeling very out of place. Kane shamelessly leered at her chest. "Tell me your cup size."

Katherine promptly stated "They are D’s"

Kane just said "Nice", and took another bite. Katherine felt more tense by the second. What would he do to her? She should run. She should have run away as fast as she could, but she simply could not get up.

"Don’t be afraid", he said. "Everything is fine."

Katherine was taken aback. Her tension and her fear turned into a numb stone that vanished instantly. She knew that she was still in the same situation as before but she felt okay with that now. And not two seconds later she wasn’t even in a horrible situation at all. Everything was just fine. What a relief! She could feel herself finally relax. Kane smiled at her and Katherine smiled back. She was so delighted to have him as a guest.

"Do you want to know why I decided to join you tonight?" Kane asked as they were eating the food she prepared.

"Sure!", Katherine said, now actually curious about it.

"I came to thank you for calling the police the other night."

"What?" Katherine felt herself blush. "We didn’t-"

"Don’t lie to me.", Kane cut her off, but his voice was warm and calm. Katherine fell silent.

"It’s okay." Kane continued. "At first, I was upset, but I had quite a lot of fun with the female cop. Had her make a nice striptease for the whole party. She really loved it so much she might make a career out of it. Her partner sure liked her performance as well. They are more than just partners now."

Kane grinned. Katherine knew that wasn’t right by any means, but she felt it would be smarter not to express her thoughts. Kane took a big sip of wine.

"Anyway", he said, "I thought I would pay you a visit and return the favor."

"What do you mean by that?" Katherine asked with honest curiosity. She wasn’t worried, because obviously everything was fine.

"You’ll see soon enough." He said with a sly smile. "This was very good by the way."

"Thank you!", Katherine beamed at the compliment. "I am so glad you liked it. Are you sure you don’t want anything else?"

Kane’s smile didn’t faint as he said "Oh, I’ll certainly have you for dessert."

Katherine just looked at him and blinked. Did he mean what she thought he meant? How was she supposed to react to that? She was his dessert, but her brain seemed either unable or unwilling to make sense of that.

Kane told Marc to clean the table and he went at it. After he brought the plates to the kitchen and wiped the table, her husband sat back down and looked patiently at Kane. Kane had only eyes on Katherine though.

"Stand up," He suddenly instructed her. "Put your hands on the table and lean over to me."

Katherine did as she was told. She felt a bit like a puppet on strings, as she leaned over towards her guest, giving him a deep look inside her cleavage.

"Now that’s a nice view. Good girl."

Katherine felt a warm feeling building up from inside her stomach. The lovely praise made her smile, but it didn’t last long. Her face turned into a shocked expression as Kane suddenly groped her right breast. Before her reflexes kicked in he spoke.

"Don’t move. This is fine."

And it was fine. Kane lifted the breast a bit as if to get a feeling for the weight and shape. Katherine patiently remained frozen as Kane’s hand let go of her breast and found rest on her cheek. She was unbothered by that but wondered what Marc thought about it. Alas, she was unable to look at her husband, bound in her frozen state she kept staring into Kane’s eyes.

"It’s more than fine actually.", he went on. "My touch gives you incredible pleasure and you love it."

His hand on her face was a gift from heaven. It made her feel warm and safe and just so good! Her mouth opened unwillingly, and she took a deep breath. Before she could truly relish it, Kane let go of her and she instantly felt a steep drop in her mood. She missed his hand. Missed his touch. She felt kind of cold and lost without it.

Kane casually added "I am the most attractive, most handsome, most sexy man you have ever known. You adore me, don’t you?"

Katherine knew he had done it again. She knew it wasn’t really real, but it just was, too. He didn’t look different at all, yet now all she saw was perfection. If she could dream up the perfect man, he would be it and more. She literally adored him! Her face felt hot.

"Oh my god." She whispered. He smiled and she melted.

"Would you like to kiss me, Katherine?" He asked gently.

‘Hell yes!’ was her first thought, but she quickly remembered her situation. She had a husband. He was sitting right here at this very table. This was wrong!

"I… I can’t. Marc. I love him. I’m sorry." She replied meekly.

"Look, he’s fine with it. Right, Marc?"

Katherine finally managed to move her head and looked at her husband. Compared to Kane he was ugly. But she loved him more than anything. This was the man she married. This was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She would be loyal to him no matter what!

"Yeah, totally fine," Marc said and shrugged. "Go ahead, honey."

"You don’t mean that." Katherine shook her head. "He just made you think so."

Marc looked at her like she was insane. Then she felt Kane's hand on her cheek again, turning her head in his direction. His touch sent waves of pleasure through her skin and just by looking at him she felt drawn to his perfect face.

But she would resist. This was attraction, not love. If this would be her choice, she would make the right one. No matter what he did to her and how incredibly beautiful he was. He leaned in and Katherine, still frozen in her position could not move. As his lips touched hers, she had to give everything to keep her mouth shut. She didn’t move her lips at all, showing him that she was loyal to her husband. Kane grinned.

"Wow, a real fighter, huh? I like that." Kane suddenly leaned back in his chair and said "Let’s do something else then. Stand up straight."

Katherine let go of the table and stood straight like a statue, feeling like a puppet again. Her brain tried to alarm her, but she felt so sure that everything was fine and there was no reason to be afraid. Her alarming thought bubbled away as fast as it came.

Kane stood up as well, walked around the table, and approached her slowly. He was so sexy she still could not believe it. If Marc would not sit right here with them, Katherine wasn’t sure if she would be able to resist. If he would just say something.

"Marc…" she started but didn’t really know what to say. She asked Kane "What did you tell him?"

"Not much." Kane smiled his perfect smile. "Basically just that he’s totally cool with whatever is happening."

Katherine thought that this could not be all of it. On the other hand, this one sentence covered a lot of ground, especially coming from Kane.

"Spin around for me. Slowly." He said while twirling his finger. Katherine’s body moved by itself again and Kane inspected her thoroughly. His eyes seemed to pierce through her tight black dress as she turned around for him. When she was done he said "Good girl" and another wave of happiness rushed through her. "Now turn to your husband and look at him."

Katherine did so as Kane walked behind her. His hands were placed on her hips, she could feel his breath on her neck.

"Now let me feel you up.", he said gently. "I can touch you wherever I want. You don’t mind that at all, don’t you?"

Katherine looked at Marc, feeling Kane's hands moving up her side as she replied. "No, of course not." She was confused by the question. Why would she mind? Kane’s hands explored her body very slowly through the fabric.

"This turns you on.", he added casually. If it wasn’t already it certainly did now. Even though she was looking right at Marc, she just wanted to close her eyes now and enjoy getting touched everywhere by her mysterious sexy neighbor. She knew it would feel even better if she wasn’t wearing that dress.

One of Kane’s hands tilted her head and he started kissing her neck. This wasn’t feeling her up. This was kissing! Although she thought, he said he could touch her anywhere he wanted. That probably also accounts for his lips. Yes, it must. She felt relieved not to have to make that decision. Or did she just make one?

She couldn’t think about it anymore. She found herself getting more and more aroused. His hands started to feel up her breasts through the fabric and his lips and his tongue on her neck gave her incredible pleasure. She closed her eyes and wished he would just tell her to let go. Tell her it was okay. Tell her to fuck him. She opened her eyes and wanted to say it, but then she saw Marc. "No…"

She wanted to be stern, but her protest sounded feeble. Kane scoffed.

"This must be very confusing for you." He spoke softly in her ears. "Most people aren't as strong-willed as you when it comes to my power. Your mind seems to try to fight it, when most people don't even notice what's going on when I talk to them. I can see how you’re struggling. I really like this. Sadly it’s probably not gonna last much longer."

His hands let go of her breasts and she could not feel him anymore. She missed his touch instantly, but looking at Marc gave her strength. Then she heard Kane whisper in her ear again.

"It’s time to drop the dress. Take it off."

Katherine’s hands moved to her shoulders, sliding down the straps before she could even think. Well, there was nothing to think about, really. She pulled the dress down, exposing most of her body. She wore a simple set of black underwear, nothing fancy. Marc looked at her with a faint smile and a somewhat blushed face. He had her front view and she also knew behind her was Kane, probably checking out her physique and butt. As if he could read her mind she felt a slap on her ass.

"Ouch!" She complained, but as Kane once again started to feel her up, all was forgotten.

Having his hands all over her skin gave her more pleasure than she was able to bear. Still looking at Marc she could not help herself but let out a quiet moan as Kane’s hands caressed her belly, her back, and her ass.

"Are you ready to give up?" He said, his low voice ringing in her ear. Katherine was ready a long time ago, but she refused. She had to fight! Even though she wasn’t sure why exactly. Her mouth opened, but she could not give him an answer. She could not say no and she was not ready to say yes. Then he came closer, wrapping his arms around hers, hugging her from behind.

Katherine felt the sensation of his naked chest all over her back. He must have taken off his shirt while she took off her dress. The pleasant feeling that the touch of his skin gave her was everywhere, clouding her mind more and more with blissful happiness. He started sucking on her neck again. His hands moved even quicker now, one of them sliding inside her bra, teasing her hardening nipple. This was too much. Way too much.

"I’m so sorry!" She gasped at her husband, before turning her head and kissing Kane eagerly.

She immediately felt regret for what she did, but she wasn’t able to stop herself now. She had never been this aroused before. Katherine and Kane kissed each other passionately while she was feeling up his insanely perfect body. She wanted more. Her brain had signed off. She wanted him to fuck her right here, right now, but Kane suddenly ended their passionate make-out session and pulled back.

"You lost this round," Kane sounded amused. "Freeze."

Katherine felt her body stiffen. She turned into a living statue, frozen in time. She could barely breathe. Kane turned her head to look at Marc again. She was trapped in her own body.

"Now let’s play a different game," Kane whispered in her ear so that only she could hear him. "Whatever your husband says, you will unknowingly understand the exact opposite. And you will do, feel, and think whatever you think he said. You can’t tell him that, though."

"Now, Marc." Kane went on and took a step towards Katherine’s husband. "It’s your turn now. If you win my game you will be rewarded. If I win I’m gonna keep your wife as my personal sex slave and you will never fuck her again."

Katherine was shocked by the prospect. She wanted to protest but all she could do was watch."Remember what I told you before?" Kane went on, talking to Marc. "How cool you are with everything I’m doing here and nothing strange is going on?"

"Sure, what about it?"

"That’s not gonna be the case anymore. You are now fully aware of the situation, what I’m doing here, and how I manipulate people with every word I say."

Katherine saw Marc’s eyes widen. In a split second, he jumped up from his chair, taking a step forward with clenched fists.

"Sit back down.", Kane said almost sounding disappointed at the lame attempt.

"YOU BASTARD!" Marc shouted while retreating to his chair, "I’M GONNA KILL-"

"Be quiet." Kaine waved him off and Marc shut up.

Kane sighed before he spoke again.

"First of all, you will speak in a normal tone and volume. You don’t want to wake the little one up. Second; You can only talk to me when I ask you a question and only to answer it. You don’t have to be honest, by the way. And last but not least: If she sucks my dick, I win." Their guest clapped his hands together. "This is going to be interesting."

Katherine could not believe this was happening.

"Alright, Katherine, you can move again." Kane sat on the dining table, his shirtless upper body was an inviting view. She came back to her senses thanks to the interruption, but she knew this was far from over.

"Please don’t do this to us" she begged. "Please just let us go."

Kane shook his head smiling. "Ah come on, I know you liked it. Why don’t you come over here and we continue where we left off?"

Katherine shook her head and was relieved that she wasn't forced to do this now, because he phrased it as a question. She wondered why he didn’t just command her. Katherine wanted to tell him to fuck off when Marc suddenly said "Do it."

Katherine could not believe what she was hearing. "Please, do it.", he repeated. Then she understood Kane's sadistic plan. Katherine had no choice. She had to do what Marc said and she was unable to warn him.

Katherine had to come over to Kane and continue where they left off. She fell into his arms, kissing him passionately. Her neck was bent all the way back, since he was high up sitting on the table, while she stood before him.

"Yes!" Marc groaned in despair. "Don’t stop, Katherine!"

It was so strange having him cheer her on like this. On a logical level she knew he must have said the exact opposite, but thanks to Kane’s manipulation she was unable to hear it. And she had no choice but to do as her husband said.

"Hey Marc," Kane teased, "would you like her to take her bra off for me?"

"Absolutely, you mouthseal."

Katherine raised an eyebrow, wondering what Marc actually said. What was the opposite of mouthseal?

"There you have it," Kane said. "Take off your bra for me Katherine. Show me your tits."

Katherine’s hands went to her back, opened the clasp, and let her bra slide over her arms. With her naked breasts fully revealed, Marc let out another "Yes! This is fair! Katherine, please, you don’t need to think. This is what you really want. You don’t have to resist him."

Oh, if he only knew what this did to her! She thoroughly enjoyed Kane's hands kneading her naked breasts. This was what she really wanted. She didn’t have to resist or think. She actually felt a bit giddy.

"Damn, I can’t believe I finally get to see them," Kane said with a wicked grin. "I have to admit, I fantasized about playing with your MILF tits ever since I moved in."

Katherine didn’t know what to say to that. She kinda felt insulted, but his touch felt so good. One thing she knew for sure though, was that she did not want to become his sex slave. If Marc didn't figure this out soon, Kane would change her forever. How could she make him understand without telling him?

"Tell me, Marc," Kane started again, "is she a good cock sucker?"

"That’s all of your business."

"Answer my questions just with yes or no if possible. Is she a good cocksucker?"

Marc’s face turned red and he said "No."

Katherine was disappointed to hear that. She knew he didn’t really mean it, but now it was a fact for her that she wasn’t a good cocksucker.

"Don’t take it so hard," Kane said to her. "I’m sure you’ll do just fine. How often do you suck him off?"

"Maybe once a week," Katherine responded. "He never complained before."

"Marc, would you like me to teach her how to suck a cock properly?"

Marc’s face was full of hate. Katherine never saw him this angry. He let out a single "Yes!"

Kane shrugged and asked, "Would Katherine want me to teach her?"


Katherine felt a glimmer of hope. She did not want Kane to teach her how to suck a cock properly. Did Marc figure it out?!

Kane asked "Why would you say that? You can answer normally, but no insults."

Marc waited a second before saying, "Because you can’t make her want it."

It was true. He couldn’t. Katherine was sure of it. Kane smiled and looked at her before turning back to Marc.

"Well, for this game to be fair I’m not going to command her to suck my cock. Where would be the fun in that?"

Marc just shook his head. Katherine realized she had an opportunity to help Marc out without talking to him. She said to Kane "I don’t want you to teach me how to suck a cock properly. You can’t make me want it. That means Marc has won, right?"

Kane looked at her, visibly surprised. "Well, I don’t think we are quite there yet. Let’s see."

Kane opened his pants and pulled them down with his shorts. His hard cock was freed and Katherine was yet again amazed by how gorgeous everything about Kane was. Even his cock was beautiful. But she definitely did not want to suck it.

"Take it in your hands and make me feel good."

Katherine did as she was told. Touching it felt as good as touching any part of Kane, but she was only doing this because he commanded her to. This didn’t really count.

"Enjoying the view, Marc?"

"Yes! Katherine don’t come to your senses. Don’t think about Hunter!"

For a split second, she wondered who Hunter was, but that thought bubbled away as fast as it came. She just shot Marc a confused glance while her hand jerked Kane off. Marc stared at her, begging.

"Please continue, babe. You love that guy, remember? He’s an angel. He deserves you."

Oh Marc, you fool, Katherine thought. She looked at Kane and remembered that she loved him. He was such an angel all along.

"What do you think?", he asked with a winning smile.

"I love you," Katherine confessed, and she meant it. She felt it. It was true.

Kane’s beautiful smile turned into a grin. He leaned over again and kissed her. Katherine felt so close to him, kissing back the man she loved, while still rubbing his cock.

"I think it’s game over." He said, before turning to Marc. "Does your wife want to put my cock in her mouth?"

Katherine knew it was coming. She didn’t even feel bad about it anymore. She still loved Marc but she also loved Kane and he was so beautiful and made her feel so good. She didn't really care much anymore why she felt the way she felt. Maybe this wasn’t all that bad? She looked at Kane's cock and licked her lips when Marc spoke again.

"No. Katherine stop. Take a step back."

Katherine immediately let go of Kane's cock and took a step back. What the hell?

"My, my, my. Not bad Marc. You figured it out, huh?" Kane didn’t look disappointed at all.

"Go away," Marc said quickly. "Go to your sister's place. Fast!"

"Stay where you are Katherine," Kane said, and Katherine stopped in her tracks. She barely made two steps to the door at this point.

"Marc, you be quiet now," Kane instructed and turned to Katherine. "You won't hear the opposite of what Marc says anymore and you are no longer under his control. That means you will understand him correctly again starting now and you're not forced to do, think, or feel whatever he tells you anymore either."

"I gotta say, Marc, I’m impressed." Kane stood up from the table and sighed. "You will receive a very nice reward for this." He clapped his hands together and said "Alright, let's see… Katherine, put your dress back on and Marc, bring us another bottle of wine and also glass for yourself."

Katherine did as she was told, unable to think too much about it anymore. Marc came back with another bottle of wine and a glass. Kane pointed at the armchair in their lounge area of the room and looked at Marc.

"You sit there. Katherine sits on the couch."

Katherine and Marc took their places, once again feeling like puppets on strings. Marc stared at Katherine and he looked just distraught. It was as if his eyes were trying to beg her for something, but she could not make out what. Katherine shrugged at him, not knowing what to do. There were too many conflicting thoughts and feelings going on inside her that she simply couldn't deal with right now.

Kane put the glasses on the table and filled them with wine. Then he sat down next to Katherine and smiled. Marc glared at Kane, his eyes filled with pure hate. Katherine could feel the tension in the air, and a faint nervousness crept up from deep inside somewhere.

"Oh, come on guys!" Kane exclaimed suddenly. "Don’t be so mad at me. I was just messing with you two! It was all just a little prank and some pretty harmless fun. I'm your best buddy in the whole wide world, Marc. You know I would never use my powers to do anything bad to you guys, right?"

Marc instantly knew this monster was messing with his brain again while he spoke. However, admittedly Kane had a point. Maybe Marc really was overreacting a little bit?

"I know you wouldn't do anything bad, but this was insane, man. I mean, yes, it was mostly harmless, but you almost had her suck you off. Thin line is all I'm saying..."

"Okay, okay. But you have to admit it was pretty funny." Kane grinned and Marc couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well you certainly got me good," Marc admitted. "It was pretty funny in hindsight."

"Ehm, yeah," Katherine chimed in. "We all had a good laugh, but since you had your fun now... how about reversing it? I'm still totally in love with you and all that. I feel super crazy and I have all these thoughts that I know I shouldn't have and I don't even know what was there before and what wasn't. I would really like to feel and think like myself again, please!"

Marc noted "Right! You messed her up pretty good there. You even made her forget our son!"

Katherine almost choked on her wine "We have a SON?!"

"Oh man, sorry about that." Kane rolled his eyes but kept smiling. "I just thought it would do her good to not feel like a mum for one evening."

Katherine seemed flabbergasted "That's still part of the joke, right? I‘m not... a mum?! No way!"

"You remember everything about your son again. Actually, let's make this easier: You never forgot about him. There. Can we now please move on and just enjoy the evening?"

"Come on," Marc said, losing patience with his friend. "Don't be a dick. Katherine still looks at you like she wants to jump you. Turn her back already. And don't leave anything out!"

"Right, let's see."

Marc hated how adoring Katherine looked at Kane. It was obvious that she was trying to hide or suppress it, but that look in her eyes was giving it away. He watched as his best friend turned to Katherine, "Everything you feel for me and think about me is completely natural. You have felt like this for a long time already but never acted on it so far. I never used my power on you and you trust me completely. Now forget what I just said and all this stuff that we did during dinner."

Marc felt goosebumps and his stomach churned. How could Kane, his best friend, do this to him? This was an awful betrayal. "W-What the fuck?! That's not funny Kane!" He blurted, scaring Katherine, who looked like she had woken up from a daydream.

"Huh?" She looked confused at her husband.

"Relax Marc," Kane said. "Everything is fine. Just don't ever be jealous and forget all that stuff, too. We just had a nice dinner together and nothing else happened, alright? I've never used my power on any of you guys."

Marc wanted to follow up on that but... what were they talking about? Kane's powers? Marc was of course aware, that Kane had the power to control anyone with just a few words, but he was his best friend and Marc felt completely safe that Kane would never use his power on him or Katherine. So why even bring it up? Before Marc or Katherine could ask anything to make sense of their inexplicable confusion, Kane stood up and gained their attention. Wineglass in hand he cleared his throat.

"A toast to Marc and Katherine. I am very glad to be such a big part of your life. A lot of people would avoid me or even be afraid, because of my mind-controlling power, but not you guys. You actually find it super cool what I can do, and that just makes me so grateful. You still love to be with me after all these years of friendship and you are always there for me, whatever I need. As both of you already said: I am always welcome here and we are practically family at this point. Cheers to you guys!" Marc and Katherine stood up as well, clinking glasses with Kane.

"Dude, we are family," Marc said, feeling touched by Kane’s speech. "I love you, man!"

Katherine added "Absolutely," and blushingly gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting back down.

"What a nice evening!" Marc concluded and put his glass back on the table.

"Totally," Kane agreed and let his hand slowly move up and down Katherine's leg. Marc wasn't jealous at all of course. This was Kane after all. He and Katherine were more like brother and sister than anything else. Katherine didn't seem to mind either. Marc kind of felt like he should say something though, but what? And why? He shook his head and shrugged it off. Whatever.

"So, what's new?" Marc asked Kane to start a conversation.

"Oh, the usual," Kane grinned. "Brainwashing more and more hot chicks to join my harem, talking people into giving me whatever I want, and so on. This is of course completely typical for me and you are used to that. I'm actually expanding by the way. Going to move in the upper apartment next week."

Marc and Katherine listened, while Kane's hand moved up, caressing Katherine’s back, and neck.

"The maisonette apartment where our landlords live?", Katherine asked. "Are they moving out or what?"

"Well yeah," Kane replied. "Did you know that they actually own two buildings in the city? They have this one here and another one, that is rather old and located in the slums. So I think it was very nice of me to just take over this place and let them move in the other building."

"Wait, you used your power to make them give you this building?" Marc leaned forward. He shook his head. Sometimes Kane really went too far. Sometimes, he was a bit worried, that this power corrupted his friend. And also they actually really liked their landlords. Marc and Katherine went to lunch with them at least once a month.

"Obviously!", Kane replied with a snort. "I even had him sign the papers while fucking his stupid bitch of a wife in the ass, bent over the dinner table. She's a bit old, I admit, but damn that cunt deserved a spanking, don't you think?"

Marc nodded "Totally!" She was such a cunt.

"So you own this building now?", Katherine asked. "As in, you are our new landlord?"

"Oh, yeah. I guess I am!"

"Wow!" Katherine looked rather impressed. "There's really nothing you can't do."

Kane smiled at her and caressed her cheek with two fingers. Marc noticed his wife’s cheeks turning tomato red. Good thing he wasn't the jealous type. Instead, he asked, "Do we get a family discount?"

Kane grinned and said, "You guys should be excited and grateful that I’m not kicking you out right away!"

Marc was thrilled. "Awesome. You’re the best."

Katherine even hugged Kane and whispered, "Thank you so much."

Kane let go of her and looked at Marc again.

"Now let's get to your reward, shall we?"

"Reward? For what?"

"Oh, right, you forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"We played a little game and you won and I promised you a reward, remember?"

"No, I... Wait... I'm not sure."

Katherine chimed in "What are you talking about, Kane?"

Kane took a deep breath and explained. "Well it's a bit embarrassing, to be honest, but I have to honor the agreement I made with Marc. So... Marc, can I assume you don't want to tell her what happened? You want me to tell it. Is that right?"

Marc still tried to remember what he was talking about and a strange unsettling feeling came over him.

"I want you to tell it."

He would probably remember when Kane told Katherine what happened, even if it was a bit embarrassing. Whatever it was.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Marc. You were a bit drunk when it happened. So Katherine... Here goes: Marc and I were at the bar yesterday and played a game of pool. He got a bit braggy, because he was drunk, but still played very well. The last game was pretty close halfway through and he wanted to make a bet. He said he would let me turn you into one of my harem girls if he lost..."

Katherine shot Marc a disgusted glare. "What?!"

"I'm so sorry, babe," he felt like shit about it. "I was really drunk and I knew I would win. I mean, I won! So, it's all good, right?"

Katherine gave him a look that clearly stated that this was so not done. Marc gulped and wished Kane would have left that part out of the story. He clearly remembered now what happened yesterday at the bar. At least up to this point.

"It's alright Katherine," Kane went on, "Obviously, I said no to that. You know I would never use my power to split you guys up. No matter how attractive I find you..."

Marc watched Katherine lick her lips at this. Was she aroused? No that couldn’t be. He shook his head and almost smiled at this ridiculous notion.

"Anyway. I wanted to finish the game, but Marc insisted on betting. So I told him we could play about paying for the next beer. He said that he would buy me a beer if he lost, but if he wins he wants a proper reward. Something only I can do."

Marc was really curious. He remembered everything up to this point.

"He got very persistent, so I finally agreed. If he would win, I would have to use my power on you, Katherine, to satisfy his fetish." 

"What?" Katherine looked confused. "What fetish?"

Marc gulped and looked at his wife, unable to explain. He said "I'm so sorry. I take that back, Kane. You don't have to do anything."

"It's alright, mate," Kane waved it off. "I always honor a bet. Besides, you know you want me to do it anyway. As you know, part of the deal was to make her to be fine with it, right?"

Marc nodded, avoiding looking at his wife. He felt too ashamed. Kane added "Oh and Katherine, don't be mad at me. I tried everything to talk him out of it, but now my hands are tied. It's really not my fault at all. I simply have to comply.

"I'm not mad at you, Kane," Katherine said gently and empathetic. "I know you have a good heart. My husband on the other hand…" She ground her teeth during that last part. Then she almost screamed at him. "Are you insane?! What were you thinking, betting about me like that? I am so disappointed in you, Marc. This is unbelievable!"

"Well, Kane?" Marc started, still looking at the floor. "Can you please make her fine with it already? I feel really horrible, so let's get this over with."

Katherine stood up and shouted, "Look at me!"

Marc looked up and felt tears running down his cheeks.

"Katherine, sit back down," Kane told her. "Relax. Don't you trust me?" Kathrine sat back on the couch, visibly calmer.

"Of course I trust you. More than him right now actually."

Marc swallowed his anger and waited. Kane was supposed to make her fine with it. Why did he have to do it this way? All he wanted was for her to accept his fetish. His... No... What was his fetish again? Come to think about it, the only fetish Marc had was kind of fulfilled anytime his wife blew him. That actually happened often enough, so that he had no reason to complain. On the other hand... Well, if Kane was true to his word, Marc could soon have a wife that would just cheerfully suck him off anytime he snapped his finger. Nice fantasy, but... can you even call that a fetish?

Katherine placed her hand on Kane’s. "I just didn't think he would do something like that. Besides, you know I don't want to get my head messed up, like those girls in your harem. No offense."

"None taken. Don't worry about it. I actually have an idea how to separate this part completely from the rest of you."

Marc looked up now and said with Katherine in unison "What?"

"We can use a trigger word," Kane explained, "Whenever Marc says the word, you will change and once he's done with you, a different trigger will change you back to normal. I make sure that you will feel amazing while changed and have no regrets afterward about anything you two did and everybody wins. How does it sound?"

"Still horrible," Katherine admitted. "How could you do this to me, Marc?"

Marc's cheeks were burning. He had to ignore his wife for a little longer and said to Kane, "It's perfect. Do it now. And please make her happy with this right away. I can't take this scrutiny much longer."

"Oh you poor thing," Katherine scoffed. "It's not like I stabbed you in the back and had Kane turn you into my submissive sex slave or whatever. Do you have any idea how bad this is, Marc? How bad you hurt me?"

Marc felt like the smallest piece of shit on the planet. "Please!", he begged Kane.

"Alright, alright," Kane finally complied "Let's go. Katherine, you just gave me a wonderful idea by the way. Marc's fetish is actually, that he wants to be YOUR submissive sex-slave and not the other way around. He wants to be spanked, cuckolded, cuffed, humiliated, insulted and degraded. He wants you to spit on him, pee on him, whatever disgusting or demeaning thing that comes to mind, he wants you to be horrible to him while he jerks off. That was it though, right, Marc?"

Katherine turned pale like a ghost and Marc felt so vulnerable with his deepest, darkest desires finally out in the open.

"Yes," he admitted meekly. "It's what I’ve always wanted."

Katherine just shook her head, her eyeballs almost jumping out of her face. Kane said, "Now, Katherine. I know this is a lot to take in, especially since you like to be rather submissive yourself."

"I... I just had no idea," Katherine stammered. "I wouldn't even know how..."

"Don't worry," Kane calmed her down, caressing her hair. "That's what you got me for."

Kane turned to Marc and winked "Enjoy the show." He turned back to Katherine and said, "Before I start, you need to forgive Marc for the bet. It would have been better if he had told you his fetish in private, but at least this way I can help you satisfy him. And that is what you want anyway, right? You want your husband to be sexually satisfied. Thanks to me, you can give him what he needs without feeling bad about it. My idea to use triggers on you is the perfect solution to make Marc happy without changing your true personality. It's a good idea. You are ready, aren't you?"

Katherine nodded and said "Yes." Marc discreetly adjusted his boner, as Kane turned his wife into his personal dominatrix on demand.

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