Jogging Partner

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #clothing #D/s #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #big_tits #exercise #mind-control #mind_control #photoshoot #sex #shower #sports #submission

Marle loved to run, even though her body wasn’t designed for a sport like this. Burdened with a petite body and a large bust, she was anxious about running alone, so she joined a jogging group at her uni. At first, she wasn’t fond of newcomer Phil, but his gaze was mesmerizing…

DISCLAIMER: Don't forget to stretch!

Phil smiled as Marle came out of the locker room, wearing her usual jogging outfit. Well, almost. Nylon leggings accentuated her toned legs and firm butt. Her tight top hugged her big chest better than Phil could have imagined. He almost felt guilty about her missing bra, but then again... not really.

Her heavy tits looked perfect like this. He could even make out the shape of her nipples under the fabric. Phil always had a thing for big tits, especially when the rest of the body was rather petite. Marle was easily more than a head shorter than him, but her body was lean and fit.

There was this familiar impulse to dig in immediately, but Phil restrained himself. This would be much more enjoyable for him if he stretched the scenario out.

Marle walked up to him. “Ready?”, she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She must have caught him staring for too long. Phil focused on his power as he met her eyes. Marle’s gaze turned dull within seconds.

“You find it extremely flattering whenever I check out your body. You crave my attention and the more you notice me looking at you, the more you want it. You are grateful for any compliment I give you. Nothing I say to you will ever be inappropriate. Do you understand?”

He let the power subside and Marle blinked twice before the spark of life in her eyes was back. “Sure!”, she answered as if she had any conscious idea about what he just said to her.

“I dig your outfit, Marle. You look sexy as fuck.” Phil watched the small woman blush and smile.

“Aw, Phil, thank you so much!” Marle lowered her arms and proudly stretched her chest. “It’s just basic sportswear.”

Phil concluded that Marle would not pose any problems. Zero resistance so far. He gazed at her chest again and reminded himself to keep it in his pants, at least for now.

“So, are you ready?” She asked again, her cheeks slightly purple from his compliment.

“Sure. I can’t wait to see that forest route you told us about on our last run!”

“Oh, it’s really nice! Too bad that everyone else had canceled for today.” She frowned.

“Their loss,” Phil concluded and shrugged. “Well then, lead the way!”

Marle nodded and they started jogging at a slow pace away from the campus. There were not too many people on the street, but the ones that were ogled at Marle’s bouncing chest. Phil couldn’t blame them; It was truly a sight to behold. He expected some bounciness without her sports bra, but the effect was even better than he thought.

They picked up the pace and turned to a more rural area. The forest was already close. Phil was hoping to find a nice isolated spot there. Of course, it was no coincidence that everyone else from the jogging group had canceled at the last minute. Phil had prepared for this day for a while now.

He had spotted Marle about a month back when she and the rest of the jogging group came back from a run. Joining a college to find good harem material was the best idea he had in a long time. He signed up to join their group that same day. He didn’t get to know Marle very well at first, but that wasn’t a problem. He wanted to take his time for that.

Of course, he could have just done his thing and taken her home on day one, but he found no pleasure in that anymore. It took him some time after discovering his power, that the longer it took for him to strike, the better the satisfaction was in the end. Phil needed the build-up, needed to make it special.

The first runs were just to get to know her and the rest of the group a bit. Two of the other girls looked nice, too, but they didn’t have that special something he was looking for. It was best to stay on one target at the time anyway. So far, he used his power on Marle only once, to make sure she never missed a run no matter what. Then he used his power carefully on everyone else in the group to have them cancel whenever they read a specific phrase (“No pain, no gain”) from Phil in their WhatsApp group.

He sent it out a few days ago, right after Marle proposed the forest route. Sure enough, everyone canceled shortly after. That led to Marle being rather confused and maybe even suspicious, but Phil didn’t care. Thanks to her conditioning, he knew she would show up anyway.

So when he met Marle at the gym today, she was finally alone. She suggested to just do a short run and postpone the forest route, but one more use of his power and that was that. Oh, and there was the bra thing of course. This would be so much fun later on. She’d notice as soon as he snapped his fingers, but right now she was absolutely clueless about it.

They finally reached the forest area and soon the path got smaller. Marle took the lead and was running in front of him. Phil appreciated the sight of her firm butt and remembered the latest suggestion.

“Nice ass!” he shouted. She turned her head and smiled a cute smile. Phil knew she was feeling wonderful right now, knowing he was checking her out the whole time. He could see it in her eyes.

It had been around five minutes since they saw another person when they reached a small, desolate picnic area. This was as good as it was going to get, Phil decided. “Wait,” he shouted and slowed down to stop.

Marle turned around, running in place. “What’s up?”

“I got an idea,” Phil said. “Come over here.”

He walked a few steps away from the path to the edge of the picnic area. She followed him with a curious expression on her face.

“I think we should do some exercises here,” he proposed. “To mix things up a little, you know?”

“Oh, I actually just wanna run,” Marle frowned. “I just got into that flow...”

She started running on the spot again, eager to get going. Phil lifted his eyes from her bouncing breasts and locked into her gaze. As he unleashed his power, Marle’s legs slowed down and came to a stop. Her eyes went dim. Phil made a step towards her, not breaking eye contact. Marle looked up to him, completely mesmerized, her mouth hanging slightly open.

“Doing exercises right now is a great idea. You really want to exercise with me right now. Anytime I tell you to do something, you think it is great sports-related advice and you will do it instantly. There is nothing uncommon about it. Do you understand, Marle?”

“Yes,” she replied, her voice soft and weak in her entranced state.

“Then let’s try that again.” Phil’s power subsided once more as he added, “Are you up for some exercises?”

Marle seemed confused for a split second but quickly regained her wits. “Sure, great idea! Got something in mind?”

“How about some jumping jacks?” Phil proposed, and Marle clapped her hands once to pump herself up.

“Alright, let’s do it!”

Marle started jumping, full of energy. She jumped and spread her legs while in the air, throwing her arms above her head. She landed like this and then jumped again to lower her arms and put her legs together. Phil appreciated a woman like that. Marle wasn’t just special for that giant tits meets petite body combo. She also had so much drive! Phil admired that. She was truly worthy to join his collection.

“What about you?” she asked while jumping. He watched her body move and didn’t even look into her eyes anymore as he said, “I think it’s better if I check that you’re doing it right.”

Marle seemed to mull it over for a moment. It was clear, that he just wanted to check her out, but that was exactly what she wanted and what made her feel so exquisitely good.

“Alright…. Thank you.”

The jumping girl deserved a compliment. “You’re doing great by the way.” He said, coming a bit closer.  “Your tits look fantastic!”

“Thanks!” Marle replied, a bit out of breath now. “But I gotta say… They are somewhat annoying today. No idea why, though.”

Phil hoped she would say something like this. He proposed, “Why don’t I make a video recording to analyze later? Maybe that will give us a clue.”

Marle jumped slower now. For the first time, she looked like she had a clue that something was odd. “A video of my… my breasts?”

He smiled as he looked into her eyes and Marle jumped one last time before she finally stopped and stared back at him, her attention completely captured by his eyes. He focused hard to get his point across.

“You think it’s great when I take pictures and record videos of you. It is perfect to analyze your movement and your body.”

“I think it’s great when you take pictures and record videos of me. It is perfect to analyze my movement and my body.”

“It is very important to follow my instructions at all times”

“It is very important to follow your instructions at all times”

“You trust me and you think I am very professional.”

“I trust you and I think you are very professional.”

“You want to impress me”

“I want to impress you.”

The fact that she was repeating his every word was a clear sign, that his additional focus truly hit the spot. It was time for the real fun to begin.

Marle started jumping again, as Phil pointed his phone at her. She really liked his idea to do some exercises in the middle of their run. She could learn a lot from him, she figured. Her heavy breasts jumped up and down with her. That was already super irritating when she was running. If only she knew what was up with that! Hopefully, Phil’s video analysis could help.

He recorded her front first and then diagonally and from the side. Then he came closer to focus on her breasts. He was very attentive. Usually, she didn’t like it when people stared at her chest, but it was different with Phil. He kept it professional somehow and, admittedly, it simply felt nice knowing he was checking her out.

Marle wasn’t attracted to Phil at all before today, but there was something different about him now, that made him stand out somehow. She didn’t really understand it herself. It was probably just hormones. Marle’s libido was always a bit higher after her monthly suffering subsided.

“That’s certainly good material, but I want to try something else now. Stop with the jumping jacks and do rope jumps instead. Just imagine you had one, alright?”

Marle didn’t hesitate to follow his instruction, of course. Phil was full of good advice. She pretended to hold a jump rope and started jumping up and down on the spot. This time she kept her legs together and swung her arms in circles. She could almost feel the imaginary rope.

Phil recorded her movements thoroughly, this time even from the back. Her nipples started to hurt. That was also new. She never had this problem during sports before. What the hell was wrong with her? “Alright, Marle. Keep jumping, but this time put your hands under your breasts and hold them up a bit. Squeeze them tightly, but don’t cover the nipples.”

Marle thought this was another great idea, even though she didn’t understand what it was supposed to do. She trusted Phil’s advice, though, and obeyed. He recorded her again and Marle was aware that the video probably showed her hardened nipples, that were piercing the fabric of her tight nylon tee. It was still great that he recorded her, though.

Phil snapped his fingers for some reason, and Marle suddenly noticed that holding her breasts actually did help with her problem. Her breasts were not bouncing anymore, solely because Marle was holding them. Then it struck her like lightning. That was it! Her breasts were not held by anything! Marle stopped bouncing at once and felt her face getting red hot in embarrassment.

“I forgot to wear a sports bra…” she mumbled stupidly into the camera. Marle felt so dumb and ashamed. The whole time she wasn’t wearing… Oh no! How did that even happen?! How could she not have noticed until now? Phil stopped recording and lowered his phone.

“Oh Marle, that could have happened to anyone.”

“Fuck!”, she spat, shocked by her own idiocy. ”This is so embarrassing!”

She lowered her head and hid her face with her hands. Phil just chuckled.

“Look at me,” he said gently. Marle forced herself to look up and he said, “It is really not embarrassing at all, Marle. Your boobs are amazing as they are and you should not hide them ever behind a bra. Not even for sports. You should be so proud of their massive size. You are very proud of your boobs. Aren’t you?”

Well, he did have a point. Her boobs were amazing and she hated to hide them in stupid bras.

“I am… I am proud of them, of course.” Marle felt a bit lightheaded for a second, but it already passed. “The problem is that it hurts to do sports without a sports bra. My poor nipples are getting red and sore. I don’t really have a choice here. Oh man, I can’t believe I am even talking about this stuff with you...”

Why the hell did she always have to overshare? Sure, Phil was really knowledgeable when it came to sports, but he surely knew nothing of those kinds of problems.

“You can talk to me about anything, Marle. You trust me completely. No topic is too intimate. You understand?”

Marle heard herself saying “Yes” while being lost in Phil's piercing eyes. He was so understanding. “Don’t worry about your nipples. You feel so much better without a sports bra. You were just not used to it before, but you’ve already adjusted to it. Your nipples don’t hurt at all. What you feel is just pleasant stimulation. It feels better than ever before. You cherish the rush of running without a bra, feeling so wonderfully sexy and free whenever your boobs bounce, whilst you run. You even love the attention your tits draw, don’t you?”

“Yes…” Marle believed him. “I love it.” She wasn’t even completely sure what exactly he just said to her, but she felt really good about herself suddenly.

“So you feel alright now?”

“Yeah, thank you.” Marle nodded and blinked. “I feel like I can really talk to you, Phil.”

“You’re welcome. So, how about we turn back?”

They left the forest area again. Marle was happy as a clam, her bouncing boobs not bothering her at all anymore. On the contrary: She felt so free and sexy like never before. Every heavy bounce gave her more confidence and motivated her to keep going. Her nipples, although stiff from all the friction didn’t hurt at all. If anything, Marle enjoyed the tingling sensation she felt coming from them. She noticed a lot of people were ogling her boobs again on their way back, but Marle bathed in the attention. She was so proud of her body.

They arrived back at the campus gym and found it empty, which was nothing unusual this time on a Saturday. Phil made sure they would not be disturbed today. He even recruited some of the janitorial staff to keep anyone out, just in case.

“You were great today, Marle. Especially with your tits.”

“Thank you so much! You did great, too! I gotta say, that was a really good workout today. I'm glad we still went, even though everyone else canceled. See you tomorrow then, okay?”

“Wait, don’t you think we should stretch before we leave?”

“Oh, I usually do that at home right before hitting the shower.”

“There’s showers here…”

“I’m not doing that here. I don’t trust public showers.”

“It's really important to stretch right after the workout, though. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that… Alright, you got me. Listen, I know you’re right and I would stay to stretch, but I’m having a date later and I don’t have so much time left, to be honest. Next time we stretch, though, okay? I promise!”

“We should definitely stretch right now.”

“Definitely... Yes…”

"Any pose I suggest is a normal stretching exercise that you know. You'll happily do any exercise for me."

"I'll happily do any exercise for you..."

“It’s a given that I can touch you wherever I want and however I want. That’s perfectly normal.”

"It's... perfectly normal... yes…"

“Smelling my sweat arouses you deeply.”

“Smelling your sweat arouses me deeply.”

"I can take pictures of you anytime. You enjoy being my model.”

"I... enjoy being your model..."

Phil started them off with the usual post-jog stretches: lunges, side stretches, calf stretches, and so on. He even did the exercises, too. They bent forward with straight legs to get their hands on the floor. He stopped and walked around her as Marle touched her shoes with her hands. She was so flexible, he noted. He eyed her tight ass, which she directed up as if offering it to him.

She asked, ”Are you okay?"

"Yes, stay in the pose and don’t move."

He rubbed his hands in anticipation and then planted both of them gently on her marble ass, feeling her cheeks up under the nylon.

“Okay", came her voice from below. He squeezed. Then he slowly moved two fingers in the center, running down the crack until he reached her soft pussy-lips. He stopped himself and decided to move his hands down her legs instead.

“You have an amazing body, Marle” he complimented her.

She simply said, “Thank you,” still frozen in her position.

“Okay, come back up. I want you to do a bridge next.”

Marle raised her upper body, sat down on the mattress, and let her back down. Then she put her hands behind her head and lifted herself up again. Her dark hair was falling on the mattress below and her massive rack tried to spread out sideways but was contained by the tight nylon top.

Phil knelt down next to her and, for the first time, cupped her tits. Not a word from Marle. Phil let them bounce a little, getting to know his latest toy. Then Phil moved a bit, to massage her pussy with his fingers. Marle said nothing, but her breathing became audible due to her arousal. Besides that, she didn’t look like anything unusual was happening to her. She kept looking at the wall behind her, her face still upside down, probably just focused on keeping the pose. A fascinating state.

"Come back up,” he instructed, and Marle complied, again without comment. “How about I take a few pictures of you in a sporty pose?"

She hesitated briefly but then said "You can take pictures of me any time”, sounding somewhat mechanically. He heard a faint struggle in her voice, but by now it was too little too late. He pulled out his phone.

“Show me your victory pose.” Snap. "Smile." Snap. “Put your hands behind your back.” Snap. “Look Angry.” Snap. “Shy." Snap. “Sexy." Snap. "Have you ever considered becoming a model?"

"I'm way too small for that,” Marle laughed, “but thanks for the compliment. I'm happy to be your model, though, if you want.” She suddenly giggled and blushed.

Oh yes, her reluctance was gone. She clearly had fun now. Phil made her stand on her side with her arms bent and her hands on her hips. He stroked her breasts with his fingertips and the nipples immediately hardened. Marle would probably have sore nipples for the rest of the day, but thanks to him, she’d perceive it as pleasant stimulation. He planned to intensify that later on.

This was a beautiful picture. Marle went along with everything until she suddenly gasped and stared at his pants. His boner was unmistakable, as his shorts were sporting a massive tent, and Phil wasn’t sure if her expression was just shocked or downright terrified. He walked up to her and did what needed to be done.

"You are aware that I have a boner, but that's nothing unusual. In fact, it’s perfectly normal. It's just one of those things that can happen naturally to any man when he exercises a lot. There's nothing wrong or odd about it at all. However, it turns you on incredibly to see me like this. You wish I was naked. Whenever you feel my dick against your body you can’t help but imagine it sliding deep into your pussy. Can’t help but imagine how good that would feel. How much you want it.”

Marle’s gaze changed quickly from dull back to horrified and then to lustful. That was better.

“Are you up for another pose?” Phil asked casually.

“Sure thing,” Marle replied, blushing. “I could do this all day.”

Phil told her to kneel. The poses he told her to do became more and more sexy. After he took a picture of her lying on her back, touching herself in all the good places, he decided he was done playing around. He couldn’t take it anymore or he would burst. Time to heat her up properly.

"Let's take a selfie together, to wrap it up."

Of course, she agreed and got up. He walked up behind her and pressed his hard cock against her back while he used his free hand to squeeze one of her tits. He heard Marle inhale sharply. He took the picture and then put his phone back in his pocket, still holding her tit, pressing her against him. Marle didn't try to move, which didn’t surprise Phil after what he just said to her. He used his free hand to slide between her legs and massage her clit. She was wet between her legs and he didn't know if it was sweat, pussy juice, or both.

After a few seconds, she asked hesitantly “What… uhm… What now?" She moaned slightly and turned her head to the side trying to look at him, even though he was standing behind her. He moved sideways, just enough to look into her eyes.

"What do you feel like doing?" Phil asked, not using his power just yet. Marle licked her lips and he knew she was ready for the final push.

Marle’s heart was racing. How did they end up like this? Never in her life had she such a turn-on from doing sports. She wanted to rip his clothes off long ago. If only he didn't have a boner! Everybody knows that's just what happens sometimes when men do sports. She felt almost childish for it, but she couldn't stop staring at it the whole time.

When he was standing behind her and holding up the camera to take a selfie, Marle felt his cock pressed against her back. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel it inside her. Even Phil’s smell made her almost dizzy with arousal. How was it even possible that sweat smelt so hot?!

Phil put the camera down and went back to massaging her clit, as he'd done earlier during stretching. It went without saying that he could touch her wherever he wanted, but Marle wondered if he also had any idea how horny he was making her in doing so. Her nipples also tickled pleasantly because he was playing with them.

The moment became kind of awkward for her. She was really horny, but at the same time they were basically done and she really had to go. Marle was due for her fifth date with Finn today and she had to get ready. She planned to sleep with him tonight for the first time. Getting all riled up from doing sports was never her intention.

Did Phil feel the same, she wondered? Maybe he was just as horny as her? Maybe his dick was hard because he was aroused and not because he was doing sports? Should she say something? No, that would be stupid. What was she even supposed to say? She had no clue what to do. It was just too much for her. She managed “What… uhm… What now?" Unfortunately, a little moan escaped her in doing so.

She met his eyes. "What do you feel like doing?" he asked softly. Marle kept staring deep into his eyes. She felt lightheaded again as he spoke. He had such a beautiful voice. Such a beautiful body. Phil was amazing. Marle suddenly realized that she didn't have to worry at all. It was perfectly normal to get horny while exercising. She just had to release the sexual energy. It was basically just like another exercise to cool down. Luckily, she had such a great training partner. Marle understood that she had to let go of her inhibitions and with that, she felt strangely confident. Once again she had forgotten what he just said, but at the same time, she felt the words were not lost on her.

She moved her face a little closer to his and said softly but firmly, "I think it's time to take a shower." She pulled away from him, grabbing his hand. She turned to show him a playful smile. “Let’s go.”

Marle led him to the women’s locker room. When he closed the door behind them, Marle immediately threw her arms around his neck. His kiss tasted of salt and sweat. She thought it was delicious. First, she took off his shirt and smelled his upper body. It made her feel nice and dizzy as if she was tipsy. She felt his boner and almost ripped his shorts off his legs. She wanted to stroke him with her hand, but Phil stopped her. Marle looked at him puzzled.

"You first,” he said and pulled Marle's top over her head. He looked at her breasts with a mixture of awe and disbelief. He yelped “Wonderful!”

Marle was flattered. They kissed again and Marle's leggings and panties quickly made their way to the floor. Without letting go of each other, they moved into the shower and let the hot water dash down on them. She felt wild! He grabbed her ass with both hands, picked her up with ease, pinned her against the wall, and thrust his cock deep inside her.

Marle cried out in pain, not expecting this, but one look into his deep eyes was enough to forget the pain. There was only more pleasure now. He rammed it in deep, again and again, all while holding Marle up like her weight was nothing to him. She felt his fingernails digging into her butt cheeks.

"Oh yes!” She moaned and dug her hands into his hair. "Oh god!" She was out of control, sucked his neck, kissed his mouth, and even licked his cheeks. "Oh my fucking god!" She came.

Phil was very happy. The lengthy "foreplay" has proven its worth once again. Now that he was reaping his reward it was all the more satisfying. He hadn’t felt this wild and horny in a long time. It was almost primal as he ravaged Marle’s wet cunt like that. Her body was so small and light that he could easily hold her up like that. She was butter in his arms and he felt like a savage. His power made it easy to make her cum three times in a row, each orgasm stronger than the last.

Marle was completely out of herself, lost in uncontrollable lust. He gazed into her eyes one more time. “Cum again, even stronger.” Orgasm number four made her squeal and he saw tears running down her eyes. Not the first time he saw that. Many women got emotional from cumming so often and so strongly. Phil decided to cum himself and pumped what felt like a gallon of sperm into Marle's cunt. She screamed with pleasure all the way through.

It was time to have some fun with her best assets, but he needed to free his hands for that. He broke away from her and let her down. Marle stood on her own two feet again. She seemed to be dizzy. She was breathing heavily and looked at him, her head shaking in disbelief. Then she laughed, just before she kissed him again.

"Wow," she breathed and continued to nibble on his ear. "That was madness! I've never come so fast and so intensely in a row!” She must have thought this was over.

“I’m not done with you, honey.” Phil grinned.  “That was just the warm-up."

Her eyes widened.

Marle was deeply impressed by Phil. Within such a short amount of time, he had expanded her horizons on so many different levels that she almost felt like a new person. She saw the world completely differently now. After nailing her to the shower wall, he left shortly to get his camera. Then he filmed Marle taking a shower for a while. At first, she wanted to object, but that would be stupid. She loved posing for him and being filmed. It really turned her on, especially when she was naked.

She lathered her breasts properly for him and also cleaned her bottom thoroughly for the camera. After she rinsed off the soap, she was overcome by a surprising wave of lust. Marle just let it happen. Somehow this was just how it was meant to be, she figured. He didn't seem surprised at all and just kept filming while Marle massaged her own pussy.

Marle was too horny to stand after some time. Luckily, there was a small step to put down shampoo and other products at the back wall of each shower stall. Marle let herself down on the step and spread her legs for the camera.

"Smile for me," he said. Marle didn't just smile, but beamed when she heard a snapping sound. So he took pictures as well, how wonderful. She tried to look as seductive as possible and continued to massage herself, stroking her breasts, pinching her nipples, and moaning in pleasure again and again.

Her nipples didn't hurt at all, even when she pinched them. It was inexplicable, but as soon as she or he touched her sensitive buds, his hard cock was penetrating her pussy. It wasn’t really there, of course, but it felt as real as if it was! She didn't know how that was possible, but she decided to not question and just enjoy it.

Marle quickly came again thanks to the feeling of having his cock inside her again. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it to the fullest. This orgasm wasn’t as intense as the ones before, but it lasted a long time. Even after it was over, Marle kept her eyes closed for a while and savored it. Just to remember it all. She never wanted to forget this again.

When she opened her eyes the phone was gone. Instead, there was a cock. Right in front of her mouth. It wasn't exactly her favorite activity, but Phil definitely deserved it. Marle gave him a smile.

“I usually don’t do that, but I’ll make an exception this time."

Then she took the cock in her hand and started to slide up and down. She looked up into his eyes and pulled out her tongue. The taste of salty pre-cum hit her. Marle didn’t mind the taste so much, usually. Her real problem with this stuff was the consistency. This weird stickiness was simply disgusting. At least they were in the shower, she thought. She could just spit it out and rinse her mouth right away. Still, she wanted Phil to have a nice time. He made her cum about five times after all. He seemed to enjoy it well enough.

”That feels amazing, Marle.” He said just when Marle thought how pretty his eyes were. “You really like that, don't you?"

Yes, she liked that. It felt amazing. ”Yeah," she said with his cock on her tongue.

"You love to put my cock in your mouth, huh?"

That was definitely true “Yef." It sounded silly but Marle couldn’t help it.

"There is no better taste in the world than my sperm"

Her taste buds were delighted by his sweet juices. Marle noticed her saliva collecting in her mouth, anticipating more of his delicious sperm. She closed her lips around the shaft. "Mh-Hm," she agreed. That taste! She moved faster, and couldn't wait to get more.

When he came, her mouth finally filled up with delicious juice. It was so good that a tear rolled down her cheek and mixed with the shower water. Never in her life could she spit out something so wonderful. She didn't want to swallow it right away, either. She never wanted like to taste anything else again. Before her own saliva ruined more of his taste, Marle finally swallowed. She closed her eyes and relished the delicacy that was Phil’s cum.

Phil reached out with his hand to help Marle up, but her eyes were still closed. He wondered how his cum tasted for her now. When she opened them again, she took his hand gratefully. Her breathing was still heavy. He smiled at her knowingly before leaving the shower. Then he grabbed two fresh towels and gave her one. “Thanks.”

As they dried up he said “I’m spent for now, but I still want to have some fun with your tits. Are you up for another round later today?”

Marle blushed and said “I… uhm… I can’t... sorry. Like I said…”

Phil remembered, “Oh, right, you have a date?” He laughed.

Marle looked gloomy, but said “Yeah.”

“Is it serious?”

She avoided his gaze and opened her duffel bag to get dressed.

“Let’s not talk about that now, alright? I really need to hurry up.”

Phil didn’t expect her to get reluctant now. “Hey, look at me,” he said, and Marle turned her head to him. She was under instantly. “Answer my question.”

“Yeah, it’s serious,” Marle sighed “It’s our fifth date and we we wanted to take our relationship to the next level today.”

“As in ‘have sex’”, Phil asked, ”or as in ‘become exclusive’?”

Marle shrugged “I was hoping for both, but now it kinda feels wrong after…” She looked guilty. “I really like him, though.”

Phil rolled his eyes. He never had the patience for competition, but he didn’t say anything anymore until they were both dressed. Together they walked out of the gym, not saying a word.

“Alright then,” Marle said awkwardly “I see you next week? I… I’d like to do this again.”

Phil chuckled “You want to keep doing this with me while dating another guy?”

Marle shrugged. “It’s just a workout, isn’t it?”

“You’d think that, wouldn’t you?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He sighed and reminded himself that it was not her fault that she couldn’t connect any dots here.

“Listen,” he began and took her hand. Marle looked up and was instantly enthralled. “You fell deeply, madly in love with me today.” She nodded and opened her mouth in awe. “You need to be with me, Marle, whatever it takes.”

“…whatever it takes…”

“You’re not interested in any other man besides me,” he said, caressing her cheek. “You’ll dump this guy you’ve been dating as soon as possible, and without any shred of remorse or regret. You only want to be with me.”

Marle nodded. “Yes," she breathed. "I only want to be with you. I… love you so much.”

Phil stopped the flow of power and Marle’s eyes refocused, not looking away. She softly whispered, “When can I see you again?”

“I would pay you a visit later, but you have that date, right?”

“No, no, no!” Marle fervently shook her head. “I’ll cancel that, obviously! I only want to be with you, Phil. I… I love you!”

“That’s better,” He smiled. “I’ll see you later then?”

“Yes!”, Marle whispered and then kissed him. “I can’t wait!”

“You’ll wear something sexy for me.”

“I’ll wear something sexy for you…”

Phil slapped her ass and then turned around. He was looking forward to Marle’s final enslavement.

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