Cedar Creek

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #black_pearl #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #trance #pearl

Amelia returns to her hometown of Cedar Creek to handle her parent’s estate. She can’t wait to return to her life in the city, but someone from her past makes some mesmerizing arguments to stay in Cedar Creek forever…

Growing up in Cedar Creek, a town nestled in the rolling hills of the Midwest, Amelia had always been a social butterfly. Her parents were very wealthy, due to her father owning several businesses. They had settled in the town in search of a quieter life, and they quickly became involved in the local community and were seen to many as community leaders. They also brought much appreciated funding to many community programs and services. As a result, Amelia had grown up with all the privileges that came with her family's status and popularity.

She was a gorgeous woman, with dark hair that she wore short nowadays and sharp green eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. Amelia was the most popular girl in high school, and her beauty had every boy craving her attention. Amelia never let all that get to her head, though. She had a heart of gold, and everyone in Cedar Creek knew it.

After graduating from high school, Amelia left Cedar Creek behind and headed for the big city, determined to make a name for herself in the world of business. She had landed a job at a top marketing firm and had quickly risen through the ranks, thanks to her intelligence and her drive. But even as she climbed the corporate ladder, Amelia never forgot her roots.

She kept in touch with her parents and some old friends from Cedar Creek, always eager to hear about the latest gossip and news from the little town she had left behind.

And then, one day, Amelia got the call that would change everything. Her parents had passed away, and she returned to Cedar Creek to settle their estate.

Amelia stepped into the small 'Cedar Creek Café' and was immediately hit by the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. She scanned the room and noticed that there were only a few customers scattered throughout the space, all sipping their drinks and lost in their own thoughts.

As she approached the counter, she was able to take in the man serving up the simple treats. He was tall and lean, with short brown hair and blue eyes. It took her a moment to recognize him, but then she realized that it was Ethan.

They had gone to high school together, but Amelia had never paid much attention to him. He had always been kind of quiet and shy, but she remembered having some classes together. He had a school boy crush on her too but she kept him at arms length.

"Amelia!" Ethan said, his face lighting up with a smile. "I haven't seen you in years. How have you been?"

"Hi Ethan," she said, trying to be friendly. "I’m alright."

She hoped to keep the conversation brief. She just wanted to drink her coffee in peace, without any awkward conversations or unwanted attention.

"What can I get for you?"

"Just an americano, please."

"Sure thing. For here or to-go?"

"I'll drink it here."

As Ethan prepared her coffee, Amelia glanced around the café. It was cozy but aged, with soft lighting and comfortable chairs. She noticed that there was a worn-out bookshelf in the corner, filled with old junk. It seemed like the kind of place that could use a paint job or even an entire makeover.

When Ethan brought her coffee over, he lingered for a moment, clearly wanting to talk.

"So, what brings you back to Cedar Creek?" he asked.

Amelia took a sip of her coffee, buying herself a moment to collect her thoughts. Her parent were so influential, that she was sure he already knew why she is back.

"My parents passed in a car accident," she said finally. "I'm here to take care of things and wrap up their estate."

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents."

"Thanks," Amelia said, not wanting to dwell on the subject. "I just need to get through this and then I'll be heading back to the city."

"Well, if you need anything while you're here, just let me know."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Amelia was grateful for the offer but didn’t plan to take him up on it. She sipped her coffee and looked out of the window. She was hit with nostalgia. It was strange being back in Cedar Creek after so many years, like going back in time. The chime of the café's door opening pulled her out of her reverie. She glanced up and saw a man enter. He was tall, muscular, and ruggedly handsome, with short blond hair and a confident grin.

Amelia's heart skipped a beat when she recognized him. It was Greg, the quarterback from her high school. They had dated in their senior year, and he had been her first, well everything.

Greg made his way to the counter and looked around the café with a sneer on his face.

"Woah, Ethan, I thought this place went bankrupt already," he said, loud enough for Amelia to hear.

Amelia smiled to herself. The café had for sure seen better days. She was used to a certain level of luxury and refinement, and Ethan's café was a far cry from that. Then Greg's eyes landed on her, and his face lit up with recognition.

"Amelia? Is that really you?" Greg said with a grin as he approached her table.

"Hey, Greg," Amelia said, trying to sound casual.

"I heard you were in town. How long are you here for?" Greg asked, sitting down across from her.

"Not long," Amelia replied with a shrug. "Just trying to take care of some business."

"What kind of business?"

"Selling my parents' old house."

"Oh… right. I’m sorry about your parents, Amelia. That must be really tough."

"Yeah, it is, but you know me. Always trying to move forward. Actually, I’m about to start my own business."

"Wow, that's amazing," Greg said, his eyes lighting up with admiration. "What kind of business?"

"I'm not sure yet," Amelia admitted, taking a sip of her coffee. "I'm still trying to figure that out."

"Well, if you need any help, you know who to call. I’ve always believed in you, Amelia. You're going to do great things."

"Thanks, Greg. It means a lot to me."

As they sipped their coffee, Greg and Amelia fell into an easy conversation, their words flowing like they had never been apart. They talked about their old friends, their classes, and their favorite memories from high school.

"Do you remember that time we snuck into the school pool after hours?" Greg asked, laughing.

"Of course I do," Amelia said, grinning at the memory. "We thought we were so cool."

"And that time we ditched class to go to the beach?"

"How could I forget? We got in so much trouble for that."

"But it was worth it. Those were some of the best times of my life."

Amelia nodded in agreement, feeling a warmth in her chest at the memory of those carefree days. For a moment, it was like they were back in high school again, young, reckless and full of dreams.

"Hey, Amelia, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Why did we break up?"

"I don't know, Greg. I guess we just grew apart."

"But do you ever think about what might have been?"

"Yeah, I think about it sometimes."

For a moment, they sat in silence, their eyes locked in a wordless conversation. And in that moment, Amelia knew that the spark between them had never truly died. Greg looked at her with a glint in his eye.

"You know, Amelia, I was thinking. Maybe we should get together tonight and catch up properly."

"That sounds nice, Greg. Nothing too serious, right?"

"Of course not," Greg said, grinning at her. "Just two old friends catching up."

"Well, I hope you haven't forgotten my old address. Be there around eight?"

As he got up to leave, Greg turned back to her with a smile. "Of course not. I'll see you then," he said, before making his way out of the café. Amelia turned back to her coffee, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She knew that seeing Greg again could make things complicated, but she figured one night shouldn’t pose a problem as long as all the cards were on the table.

Amelia turned back to her coffee, lost in thought, but was soon interrupted by Ethan's voice.

"He's bad news, you know," Ethan said. "He always was." Amelia raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Greg. He's only interested in your money."

"Thanks for the warning, but I think I can handle myself."

"He's in debt up to his eyeballs, and he'll do anything to get out of it. You need to be careful. I'm not just saying that to be polite. I care about you, Amelia. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Oh, please. We barely know each other. And even if we did, it's not your place to tell me who I should or shouldn't see."

"I know, I know. I just...I can't help it," Ethan sighed. "I just don't want to see you get hurt by someone like Greg."

Amelia stood up, feeling frustrated with Ethan's persistence. "Thanks for your concern, Ethan, but I don't need your help. I can take care of myself."

"I understand. But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I mean it."

Amelia just rolled her eyes and left the café, feeling irritated with the whole conversation. She didn't even consider Ethan's story. He was a huge gossip in school and was known for lying. And she knew Greg. He was a decent guy. Amelia was actually quite excited to see him tonight...

Amelia sat in the grand living room of her inherited mansion. She wore a tight black turtleneck top with long sleeves and a white skirt. She heard a knock on the door and thought that Greg was a bit too early.

"Come in," she said, and got up. To her surprise, it was Ethan, who walked in and took a seat next to her.

"I’m sorry for coming here unannounced. I didn’t know what else to do."

"Ethan, what are you doing here?"

"Listen, I know you inherited this mansion and a lot of money from your parents. I just want to make sure you’re making the right decision."

"I've made it already," she said firmly. "I'm going to sell the place and move on to bigger and better things. Besides, what I do is none of your business. So, if you don’t mind…"

"It’s not just that. I know you’re planning to see Greg, and I..."

"And you, what?"

"I thought maybe… if you had feelings for me, that maybe we could… you know, be together, and build a happy life here in Cedar Creek."

Amelia scoffed. "What?! Ethan, I don't see you that way. I never did. I barely even know you."

Amelia thought that he was detached from reality, barging in here and telling her all this. It wasn't just presumptuous; it made her feel unsafe. Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue box, the size of a Rubik’s Cube.

"I brought you a gift," he said suddenly. "Can I show it to you?"

"No, Ethan. I don’t have time for this. Please leave now."

Amelia stood up powerfully to make it clear that she was done with him. Her unwelcome guest rose, too. The audacity of this man was too much for her. Ethan made a step towards her, lifted his little box, and opened it. Inside was a large, shiny black pearl, glimmering in the light.

"Ethan, I thought, I made myself…" Amelia’s words trailed off. The black pearl caught her attention like a magnet.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful," Amelia breathed, unable to take her eyes off of it, as Ethan made another step towards her. "W-Where did you get it?"

"I got it in a very special shop. This pearl contains some powerful magic."


Amelia’s voice turned soft, mesmerized by the reflection of light deep within the pearl. She had to admit, there was something special about this pearl, something that spoke to her in a way that she couldn't quite explain.

"Don’t worry about it, my dear. Just gaze at the wonderful gift I just made you, alright?"

"Alright… Thank you, Ethan," she said, admiring the pearl.

"I'm glad you like it," he said, lifting the pearl to her eye level. Amelia was fascinated by the seemingly infinite blackness of the pearl. It was as if any and all light was absorbed by it, like there was a whole dimension inside that pearl that kept going deeper and deeper.

"How about you just look at this beautiful pearl for a bit, Amelia. Would you like that?"


"So, you don’t mind me staying a while longer, right?"

"R-Right… Stay a while…"

"Don’t mind if I do."

Amelia felt Ethan’s free hand take hers, but she barely cared about that. He lifted her hand and put it under the box.

"Hold this up for me, will ya?"

Amelia nodded. "Yeah…" He let go of the box and let Amelia hold it. It was as light as a feather. She could hold this box forever. She could stare at the pearl forever. She had already lost track of time.

"Have you considered staying?"


"Yes, Amelia. Don’t you want to stay in Cedar Creek?"

"I… No, I don't want to stay… I have to go back to my real life… in the city."

"But you can have a much better life here. Just stay. You’ll be so happy if you stay, Amelia. You belong here."

"I… belong here…?"

Amelia looked at him for a split second, but her eyes darted back to the pearl instantly. Something shifted inside of her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she didn't have to leave Cedar Creek to find happiness and fulfillment.

"Yes, Amelia. You want to stay in Cedar Creek. This is your home."

"This is my home…"

"Say you’ll stay."

"I’ll stay," she heard herself whisper. "It’s what I want."

"Very good, Amelia. Keep your eyes on the pearl and listen to me."


Amelia felt light and empty. She didn’t see anything but the blackness of the pearl. She was drowning in it, but it felt wonderful at the same time. Yet, on some level, she still noticed how Ethan walked around her, coming closer to her right. She felt his hands on her. One on the back and one on her belly. She felt herself frown. This was wrong, she knew. She should do something or say something, but the pull of the pearl was too demanding.

"Don’t worry about me touching you, Amelia. You don’t mind that at all."

"No…" she sighed, relieved. "I don’t mind…"

"You can relax, Amelia. You trust me completely."

"Yes, Ethan… I trust you completely."

"Very good, Amelia. You’re doing great. Just keep looking at the pearl and listen. No need to think about anything else."


Amelia smiled dimly. She felt safe, and she didn’t mind at all feeling Ethan’s right hand sliding down her back. He whispered in her ear, "You want this, Amelia. You love my touch."

"Yes, Ethan", Amelia heard herself say, as she felt his hand feeling up her butt.

"Where do you want to live, Amelia?"

"In Cedar Creek."

"Very good. So, instead of selling your parent's home, the place you grew up in, why don't you just move into it?"

"I… had plans to sell it and start my own business…"

Amelia felt his left hand move from her belly upwards, feeling up her breasts. She barely noticed it, but what she noticed felt good. She loved his touch. She knew she’d enjoy it much more if she wasn’t so distracted by the depth of the pearl.

"Oh no, Amelia. It’s such a beautiful place.", Ethan said while groping her. "You grew up here. It’s your home. You can’t give that up, can’t you?"

"No… No, I can’t…"

"Besides, we both know you have enough money, even without that sale, don’t you?"

"I… I guess so…"

Ethan leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then he spoke softly in her ear.

"How much money do you have, Amelia? Don’t worry, you can tell me."

"About three million…"

"Holy shit!", he exclaimed and took a step back. There was a pause, and Amelia missed the warmth of his touch.

"I mean…", he started again, his voice returning to the low and gentle tone he used before. "Amelia, think about it. You can invest your money in something right here, in this town. Like my café, for instance. It could thrive with your support."

"Your café? But… my own business…"

"You don’t need your own business, Amelia. That would be way too stressful for you, wouldn’t it? You don't want all that stress. You want a simpler life. Simple and easy."

"Simple... and easy... Yes."

"Just invest all your money in my café and relax."


"Exactly. You could even work for me at the café, Amelia. You’ll be such a great waitress, I promise."

"Working… at your café? But... I don't want to be a waitress…"

She didn’t need to have a job like this. Not with her inheritance and qualifications. And yet…

"Amelia, you'll love it, I promise. I'll be a great boss, and you'll find so much fulfillment working for me. You want to be my waitress. You want to work for me."

"Yes… I want to work for you."

"Very good, Amelia. You’re doing so great. And don’t worry, you won’t just be my waitress. You’ll also be my girlfriend, my wife."

"What…What do you mean?"

"Isn’t it obvious, Amelia? You’re deeply, madly in love with me, Amelia. I’m the one."

Amelia felt her heart skip a beat, and a rush of warmth washed over her. She had always wanted to be with someone who challenged her, who wasn’t intimidated by her success, and who loved her for who she was. She realized that Ethan was that person. He really was the one.

"You’re the one," she said, her voice as soft as a kitten. Amelia still couldn't take her eyes off the pearl. It seemed to pulse with a life of its own, drawing her in and holding her there.

She felt Ethan's hands on her hips. He stood behind her and slowly lifted the fabric of her turtleneck top up and out of her skirt. He pulled it up until her bare breasts were exposed. She felt his body on her back and his arms around her. She felt both of his hands, first on her belly again, sliding up to cup her breasts, kneading them gently. She felt her nipples harden, while she still stood there, holding up the mesmerizing pearl like a statue, just so she could keep staring at it.

"To summarize: You’ll stay in Cedar Creek, you’ll work for me in my café, and you’ll be my devoted girlfriend."

"I’ll stay… I'll work in your café… I'll be your devoted girlfriend…"

"Good Girl. You’ll completely give up any and all connections you have with your life in the city. I need you to be all in, Amelia. And you are. You’ll give me anything you have, and you’re so happy with this decision. Happier than you’ve ever been in your life."

"Okay." Amelia nodded, still looking at the pearl. For the first time in a long time, Amelia felt truly at peace. She felt Ethan let go of her. He made a step to her side, and she felt his hand underneath her own as he gently took the box with the pearl, pulling it carefully away from her face. Amelia’s gaze followed the pearl he held, her arm still lifted in the air, holding nothing.

Ethan grinned, his eyes sparkling with joy. "I knew you'd see things my way," he said, slowly walking towards a cabinet at the wall, pulling the pearl with him, and Amelia followed as if she was pulled by a string, her eyes still fixated on the pearl.

"I promise you, Amelia," Ethan said, placing the box on the cabinet. "I’ll make you happier than you’ve ever been." Amelia nodded, her mouth hanging open while she leaned forward to be closer to the pearl. With Ethan’s guidance, she supported herself, by placing her hands on the cabinet.

Then, Ethan opened the zipper of her skirt and pulled it down, together with her panties. Only her neck and arms were still covered by the long sleeves from the turtleneck. Ethan leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You want only me, Amelia. You always crave my cock."

"Yes, Ethan", Amelia heard herself say as she felt his hand feel up her butt.

"You love me, Amelia, don’t you?"

"I do."

It was true. Even though she didn’t know why or how. This feeling of love was just there, and it felt real. It was a part of her. She heard a zipping sound behind her.

"The love you feel for me grows even stronger now. Every ounce of leftover love and attraction you currently feel for Greg is transforming into love and attraction towards me until it's all gone. Can you feel it?"

It was like emptying a bank account and putting all the money in another one. When Greg's vault was completely empty, there was nothing left but annoyance and pain. Ethan’s vault was full, though. Full of love, full of affection, and full of care.

"Yes," she said softly. "I can feel it."

She felt his embrace again, but this time he was naked. His cock slid between her legs, gently rubbing against her clitoris, while Ethan felt up her breasts again.

"The same goes for your attraction to any other man in the past, present, and future. Whenever you remember or feel any kind of attraction towards any other man besides me, you will instantly channel it towards me. You can't be attracted to any other man besides me. You only want me. You adore me completely."

"Yes, Ethan. Only you. I love you so much." She almost could not believe how much she loved him. Ethan was the most important person in her life. He teased her nipples and Amelia licked her lips, still unable to take her gaze off of the pearl. Then she felt his cock penetrating her.

"You realize now that you were too self-absorbed in the past, to realize that I’m all you ever needed. You were a fool to ever reject me."

"Such a fool."

Ethan moaned and penetrated her faster and faster. Amelia felt her breasts bounce and heard a clapping sound as they slapped against each other with each thrust. Her vision jumped up and down as he fucked her, but she kept her eyes on the pearl.

"You worship me, Amelia. I am the center of the universe for you. You would do anything for me."

"I would do anything for you."

"I can touch and fuck you whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want. You are always horny and wet for me."

"Yes, Ethan. Always. You can do anything to me."

Ethan stopped moving, his cock was all the way inside her, filling her up. He leaned over, coming close to her ear again.

"Everything we talked about while you were looking at the pearl seems completely natural to you. All you remember is that we had a deep conversation about your life choices. You don’t remember me telling you what to do or influencing your decisions. You only remember realizing what you actually want; thanks to our open conversation. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ethan. I understand."

Ethan pulled his cock out of her.

"Then close the box now."

"Yes, Ethan."

Amelia’s hand moved on its own, closing the box and therefore obstructing her view of the black pearl that Ethan had brought her. Amelia blinked, momentarily confused. She turned around, to see Ethan stand in front of her, naked and hard. He was a fantasy turned real, the guy of her dreams. Amelia lifted the turtleneck over her head, freeing herself from the fabric, and wrapped her arms around Ethan’s neck. There was no more need for words. They had talked enough.

She pulled him back, kissing him passionately as she leaned against the cupboard. Within seconds, he was back inside her, fucking her hard against the pricey antique furniture. "I love you," she heard herself moan. The confession surprised her, but it was truer than anything else she ever felt. "I love you so much, Ethan." She repeated and kissed him again. Ethan spread her legs further and said, "I love you too, Amelia," before he thrust inside her once more. "I always have."

Amelia was in a complete rush of lust and love, almost like on drugs. Ethan was the perfect man, and she didn't understand how she didn't realize it before when it was so obvious to her now. She felt like such a fool. He thrust inside her once more, and Amelia moaned and kissed him again, still taken aback by how amazing he was. She felt herself getting closer to the brink of orgasm when suddenly the doorbell rang. A sense of dread washed over her as Ethan pulled out, and Amelia inadvertently let out a little cry of despair.

"Do you expect someone?"

"No, I... Oh no!"

She suddenly remembered that she had invited Greg. She vaguely remembered that she was excited to see him earlier, but all that excitement was gone. The only man she was excited about was Ethan, of course.

"That must be Greg," she confessed. "I forgot I invited him over tonight."

"Oh, would you like me to leave then?"

"What?! No, of course not! I only want you, Ethan..."

She caressed his angelic face. The doorbell rang again.

"Why don't we just ignore him and go to the bedroom?", she proposed. "He'll get the message sooner or later."

"No," Ethan said with a grin. "I think you should go to the door and tell him that you have to cancel your plans with him. Anything else would just be rude, don't you think?"

Amelia hesitated for a moment, but nodded. She would rather not face Greg right now, but she simply couldn't say no to Ethan. And he was probably right. She got herself into this mess, and now she had to face the consequences. With a sigh, she picked up her clothes and quickly put them back on. The bell rang again and again, and by the time Amelia opened the door, she was plenty annoyed by it.

"I was almost worried you ditched me," Greg said with a grin. The first thing Amelia noticed was how ugly he was. Not subjectively. He had all the necessary features of a handsome man on paper, but to Amelia he had simply nothing that she considered attractive. How the heck was this guy the one who took her virginity all these years ago?

"Hello Greg", she said, her voice flat and cold.

"I brought you your favorite flowers."

"Thank you," she replied, taking the bouquet of dahlias. "That's very thoughtful of..." she trailed off as she noticed a spark of attraction igniting inside her. She knew that Greg just gave them to her, but that didn't make sense. She felt, deeply in her heart, that it was Ethan who deserved her gratitude for these flowers. He was the thoughtful one. Against all logic, she felt that these flowers were such a sweet gift from Ethan. 

"Are you alright?" Greg asked carefully, his winning smile turning nervous. "I was really excited to see you today."

"Greg, we need to cancel our plans," Amelia blurted out. She had to rip off the band-aid.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I need to be honest with you, Greg. I'm not interested in pursuing anything with you. I don't even know why I invited you tonight. I'm sorry..."

"I don't understand..."

Ethan, who had been quietly listening, stepped forward to make himself visible to Greg. "You were always a bit slow to catch up."

Greg, his confusion turning to shock and disbelief, looked at Ethan with a disdain. "Ethan? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, we were just talking, of course," Ethan said with a grin. Amelia smiled dreamily at him, as he spoke. He was so amazing, she thought.

"About what?" Greg asked carefully.

"About Amelia's future, mostly." Ethan replied and winked at her. Amelia could not believe her luck. "She'll stay in Cedar Creek, after all."

"You will?" Greg sounded surprised. "What about your life in the city? I thought you never wanted to move back here, especially after the passing of your parents..."

Amelia took her eyes off the love of her life and forced herself to look at Greg.

"I realized that I don't really need or want that life anymore," Amelia said, remembering what she and Ethan talked about earlier. "I want to life a simpler life. And there is no better place for that than Cedar Creek. Besides, Ethan lives here, and I want to be with him."

Greg's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?", he asked. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I've realized that my heart belongs with Ethan.", she stated the obvious for slow Greg and didn’t understand his inability to grasp the obvious. "I’m sorry you wasted your time coming here, but I’m in love with him."

"You've got to be kidding me! I've known you for years, and you never liked Ethan. We made fun of him just this morning! Now you suddenly love him? This makes no sense. He's a leech!"

"Don't you dare talk about him like that! He's the most wonderful man I've ever met."

"Don't listen to him, babe." Ethan's manly voice softly spoke in her ear. She felt Ethan's hands on her hips, and he pressed himself against her back. Amelia closed her eyes and smiled. "He's just jealous of what we have."

His hands moved up over the thin fabric of her turtleneck top, cupping both of her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze. Usually, she'd mind getting this kind of physical attention in front of someone else, but obviously Ethan could touch her whenever and where-ever he wanted.

"Oh, Ethan!" she opened her eyes again and tilted her head to him, savoring the caress of her beloved.

"This is sick," Greg exclaimed. "What did you do to her?"

Amelia was irritated and confused about Greg's anger. Ethan said, "I have no idea what you're talking about," while his hands roamed her body.

"Amelia, you're acting crazy. Why would you let him feel you up like that in front of me? What's wrong with you?"

"With me?" Amelia scoffed. "Absolutely nothing! I'm happier than ever before. It's not your place to judge our relationship."

Ethan softly spoke to her, "Amelia, you don't have to take insults from him. Let's end this, so we can continue where we left off… Remember?"

Amelia felt a twitch between her legs as the memory of his cock inside her resurfaced. "Yes, Ethan!", she breathed. All she wanted right now was to be alone with him.

"Amelia, don't let him fool you! He's-"

"I've heard enough of you. You don't have to like my choices, but you do have to respect them. Don't bother me or Ethan ever again!"

"Fine, be with this loser. You deserve each other."

Amelia slammed the door in the face of her past mistake and turned around to kiss Ethan, her one and only love. She dropped the flowers and jumped the man of her dreams, wrapping her legs around his waist and caressing his face with her hands, eagerly kissing him. He held her up by her buttocks and carried her up the stairs, and into the master bedroom. There, she gave herself to him completely.

And so, Amelia stayed in Cedar Creek. She had invested all her money in Ethan's café, and now they were living a rather simple life as husband and wife. Despite having to work long hours as a waitress, Amelia couldn't be happier. Every day was a joy, filled with the love of her life and the satisfaction of a hard day's work.

The café had become a huge success after Amelia provided the funds for a full renovation, with locals and visitors alike flocking to taste Ethan's delicious food and enjoy the warm, welcoming atmosphere. Amelia was a natural at waiting tables, and she loved the interactions she had with the customers. She felt a sense of pride, knowing that she had contributed to the café's success.

She and Ethan would spend their evenings snuggled up on the sofa, talking about everything and nothing. They would often reminisce about their high school days, and Amelia would marvel at how far Ethan had come.

Months went by, and there were times when Amelia would question her decision to leave her old life behind, wondering if she had made the right choice. But whenever she shared her worries with Ethan, he would show her the pearl, the one he gifted her on that faithful night she had decided to stay in Cedar Creek.

"Do you remember the first time I showed this to you?" he would ask, holding the black pearl in his hand, while Amelia was awestruck by the pearl’s pull. "It was the moment you decided to make a life here, with me. And look at where you are now. Content, fulfilled, and deeply in love with me. You made the right choice, Amelia. I’m all you need. Making me happy makes you happy. Everything is perfect."

And with those words, all of Amelia's worries would fade away. She knew in her heart that Ethan was right and that she had made the best decision of her life. Amelia realized that happiness wasn't about having wealth or independence. It was about finding someone who loved you, who put you to work, and who made you feel sexy and cared for. She had found that in Ethan, and she knew that she was right where she was meant to be. She never doubted that giving all her money to him was the right thing to do. She liked to depend on Ethan because she knew she could. He would always take care of her, and she naturally wanted to do the same for him. In any way, shape, or form.

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