
by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #subliminal #mind-control #mind_control #sex #slow_burn #solo #submission

Bill is an intern, biding his time in the HR department. He has a crush on Candice, who isn’t just completely out of his league and has a boyfriend, but she also barely acknowledges Bill’s existence. Using subliminal messages might be the only way to get her attention…

Candice was one of those women you just couldn't take your eyes off. She wasn't very flashy or dressed provocatively, but there was something genuine about the way she looked. She was of medium height, had shoulder-long brown hair, and a sweet smile. Slender body, perky breasts, everything about her screamed ‘girl next door’. Well, let’s say ‘woman next door’ - she was in her thirties after all. Anyway, maybe that was the thing that had Bill crave her attention? He usually didn’t get it, though.

Bill saw her almost daily within the office and sometimes she even looked at him, when they passed each other, but most of the time she didn't. Bill didn’t seem to exist in her eyes. To be fair, he and her had nothing to do with each other. He was doing an internship in the human resource department while she was an account manager, talking all day on the phone with some clients. His internship was about to end in six months and then he’d never see her again.

Candice wore a gray top, that would actually be boring if it wasn’t so tight, that the shape of her bra was showing underneath. She was wearing jeans and boots. Nothing specifically alluring, yet somehow she pushed all of Bill’s buttons.

The young man looked up as she walked past his desk, wishing she’d smile at him. But Candice walked past him without sparing him a glance, as usual. He would plant the ‘Blipper’ tonight. He just needed to wait until everyone was gone.

It was past 8 when everyone else had left. He finally made his way to Candice’s desk. There was a framed picture of herself with her boyfriend and a little plastic plant. He could stick the Blipper to one of those since the little grey device was not bigger than a matchbox, but if she moved them or threw them away, it would all be for nothing. Instead, he glued the Blipper under her desk and turned it on. Who came up with such a stupid name for a speaker? Well, not just any speaker, he thought and smiled. ‘I will put some nice feelings and thoughts in your head… and eventually my cock.’

Bill took out his phone and set up the Blipper with his app. He’d only need a few minutes to make sure everything still worked, but he was anxious nonetheless. If anyone would find him here now, he’d have no explanation for that.

Bill bent down and put his ear on the device. There was nothing but faint white noise, barely noticeable even if you tried to pay attention to it. It was all the confirmation he needed. He turned it off and set a timer via the app to play only during work hours. He would have to check the battery every few weeks, but besides that, it was all good to go. From tomorrow on, Candice would be exposed to an array of simple messages:

“You like Bill Gilbert from HR. You feel excited and happy when Bill Gilbert talks to you. You want Bill Gilbert’s attention. You are attracted to Bill Gilbert from HR.”

Rinse and repeat, all day every day. Of course, Bill had no idea if this actually worked and how long it would take. Six months should be enough time, though, he figured, and finally went home.

It was two weeks later when Bill noticed a clear difference in Candice’s behavior for the first time. It wasn’t much, but she certainly didn’t ignore him anymore in passing. After four days she started glancing at him. After a week she added a polite nod. Two more days and she started saying hello.  Yesterday, he was certain she checked him out. Well, at least her eyes darted down his body after they greeted each other.

Today, he wanted to see what would happen if he tried to have an actual conversation with her. That’s why he followed her as soon as he saw her walking towards the little office kitchen.

Candice stretched to get a mug from the cupboard. Her shirt lifted, revealing a glance of her slim waist, but Bill’s gaze rested on her butt. Oh yes, it was about time to get Candice's attention. When she noticed him she simply said “Oh, hi,” and offered a polite smile. She was about to turn towards the coffee machine when Billy spoke.

“You’re Candice, right?”, he said, doing his best to sound casual. “I think we never got formally introduced.”

“Huh?” She turned to him. “Oh… I guess that’s right.”

He smiled and said carefully, “Well, I’m Bill Gilbert from HR.” He lifted his hand to shake hers and watched as Candice nervously smiled. Hearing that mysteriously familiar phrase seemed to stir something up.

“Uhm… Yes.” She licked her lips and shook his hand. “I mean… nice to meet you. I mean- I know who you are, of course, but I mean…” She trailed off, looking at him as if seeing him for the first time, still shaking his hand. “I’m sorry.” She giggled and let go. “You must think I’m a dork. I’m useless without coffee.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Bill said. “I didn’t mean to attack you before your first coffee. Just thought it would be nice to talk to you since we kind of see each other every day. I’ll get out of your hair…”

He turned to leave, but Candice said “Wait! I didn’t mean it like that.” Bill turned to face her again. Candice pulled out another mug from the cupboard and said “Why don’t we drink our morning coffee together and talk a bit?” She smiled at him like she had never smiled at him before.

In the next few weeks, Bill found Candice in the kitchen when he entered it at least once a day. She always offered him a friendly smile and they shared a cup of coffee together while making small talk. Bill was convinced, that his subliminal messages that caused her behavior change were buried deep inside her and in full effect. Candice had become more and more friendly and close to him. Her subconscious mind knew exactly that Bill’s attention made her feel happy and excited and it wanted more.

The longer she talked to him the better she felt. She even got a bit flirty sometimes. Bill noticed her lick her lips and play with her hair more and more often. The fruit was slowly ripening and soon he would harvest. It was due time for a small upgrade.

He waited again until everyone was gone and checked the device. It was still working, but he exchanged the battery, just in case. He looked at the framed picture of her with her boyfriend and smirked. Thanks to their newfound friendship, he actually knew a bit about the guy. All he needed was his name, though. Gary Sanders. He used the app again to activate the second stream of subliminal messages:

"Gary Sanders is annoying and ugly. You hate Gary Sanders. Gary doesn't deserve you. Break up with Gary Sanders. Free yourself from Gary Sanders.”

These would play in the second half of the day, so she’d always hear them before she got home. For the first half of the day, Bill used messages that reinforced her positive feelings about him:

“You adore Bill Gilbert from HR. You feel comfortable and safe when Bill Gilbert touches you. You need Bill Gilbert's attention. You have a crush on Bill Gilbert from HR.”

Bill asked Candice via chat if she would like to have a coffee in the lounge, and shortly after the two of them sat downstairs on the couch. She complained about her boyfriend for the third day in a row. Once again, it was about two weeks after implementing the new suggestions. That seemed to be the time for them to take noticeable effect. Candice explained that she put in an effort and surprised her boyfriend with a massage the night before, but Gary wasn't interested at all.

Bill had a hunch that she never did such a thing, but told him that story, simply so he could imagine her doing something like this. Poor thing, he thought. She's undoubtedly begging for his attention.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, please,” he said and gently placed a hand on her wrist “But, can I be honest?”

“Of course, Bill,” Candice put her hand on his hand. “You can tell me anything.”

She has started to get touchy with him about three days into the new messages. He figured that different messages took a different amount of time, depending on the person and how receptive they were to that message. His theory was, that Candice was already tuned into being attracted to him, so this next step was accepted much faster.

“I think…” Bill hesitated, “Gary doesn't deserve you."

It was interesting to see how Candice reacted to this statement, which she had heard unconsciously for hours on end, but never spoken out loud before. She looked pensive for a few seconds. Then she looked at Bill and smiled.

"Thank you!” She called out. “That's exactly what I'm starting to think, too. I mean… I just need like a little more attention… you know?”

“Totally. You deserve someone you're comfortable with and who knows your worth.”

“I… I don’t know.” Candice blushed. She gazed at Bill with wide eyes.  She knew exactly what he was implying. “We've been together for five years, after all.”

She looked a little embarrassed and lowered her head, pulling her hand away from Bills. He boldly put his hand on her leg instead, and she looked at him with a mix of confusion and amazement.

"Candice, you trust me, don't you?” He slowly caressed her leg, amazed by how far he had come in just a few weeks. It seemed perfectly fine for her to be touched and caressed like this.

Candice made a face like she'd remembered something obvious. “Yes, of course. I trust you, Bill.” She put her hand on his again and smiled her sweet smile. "I'm really glad we've gotten to know each other so well lately."

“I agree,” he said and returned the smile. “You are very important to me, Candice.”

Bill decided to risk it. He leaned in and, to his delight, Candice did so too. Their lips touched and they smooched. Once, then again, but just when Bill’s lips slowly parted, Candice suddenly yanked her head back.

“I’m sorry, I… I can’t.” She said and got up from the couch. ‘Shit’, he thought. He should have waited some more. “I’m sorry,” she said again. “I- I didn’t mean to lead you on. It’s just… you’re too young and I’m… you know…”

He knew that Candice was not happy with her reputation lately. Ever since they became friendly, wild rumors have been spreading through the office. Obviously Bill worked hard on making those rumors come true, but he knew that Candice’s standing with her coworkers would suffer. Bill didn’t care about that, though. And soon she wouldn’t either.

For the next two weeks, Bill kept a bit of distance from Candice, pretending to be busy and not looking up when she passed his desk. He wanted to appear like he knew he overstepped and at the same time see how she’d react. To put it frankly, she looked miserable, almost like a drug addict in withdrawal. He was getting sick of it too, though. That night he updated the messages about himself one more time:

“You love Bill Gilbert from HR. You feel aroused and horny when Bill Gilbert looks at you. You want to look sexy for Bill. You crave Bill Gilbert's attention. You love to flirt with Bill Gilbert from HR.”

He left the stuff about her boyfriend as it was. The little speaker was far more powerful than he thought it would be. It was only a matter of time before Candice was single…

Candice woke up and didn't know whether to feel bad or great. She broke up with Gary yesterday. The thought of it turned her stomach. It has been torture to see him like this. He pleaded, cried, and begged on his knees. It was all too late. Candice couldn’t stand him anymore and she deserved someone better. Someone who paid more attention to her needs. Someone she felt comfortable with.

A memory shot into her head. Bill was holding her hand and she was talking to him on the couch and they kissed. The thought of him made butterflies swirl in her stomach. It was completely absurd because he was almost ten years younger than her.

Besides, ever since that kiss they barely talked, and Candice felt so shitty because of it. She would never find a man like him. If he only was a little older and had a stable job instead of an internship. Maybe they could see each other in secret? The fantasy made her feel like 16 again. She decided to finally talk to Bill and clear the air. It couldn’t go on like this. She missed him, not just because of her stupid little crush, but because he had quickly become one of her closest friends at work.

Candice got dressed. Something with a cutout today. Oh, and red lipstick. She wasn't actively thinking about it, but she wanted to look good when she told Bill, that she was available again.

Bill avoided her gaze again when he saw Candice approach, and she felt her face getting hot. He looked up when she stopped at his desk at least.

“Hey, Bill. Do you have a moment?” God, he was sexy, she thought, as he checked out her cleavage.

“For a gorgeous woman like you? Always.”

Candice gave him a playful wink. She felt a little weird and childish, but she just couldn't help but flirt a little. She leaned over, putting her hands on his desk, and gave him a good look at her boobs. “Can we please be friends again? I miss you.”

“Of course, Candice.” Bill sounded relieved. He put his hand on hers and looked into her eyes. “I missed you, too! I’m really sorry about what I did last time. I mean… I’m in HR, I should know better than to… you know…”

Candice felt such a strange pull towards him. She wanted to kiss him, she realized. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and make out with him. Her sudden arousal surprised her so much, that she took a step back. Why was it so hot in here?

“I… uhm.. gotta go.” She mumbled “We talk later, okay? Coffee?”

“I’m looking forward to it.“

Two weeks later, Candice arrived in the office and made her way to Bill’s desk to say hello. That was always a good way to start the day. He smiled his charming smile when he saw Candice and she gave him a playful wink. She felt a little weird at times afterward, but while she was talking to him, she just couldn't help but flirt. In fact, two days ago, she dropped a pen on purpose just so he could look at her butt when she picked it up. She enjoyed his eyes on her to the fullest, but afterward, she often felt like a cheap hooker.

Bill asked her what was new, and Candice leaned in and lowered her voice as if she was about to share a conspiracy. “I had a dream I want to tell you about. Do you have time during the break? I really need to talk to someone about this.”

She put her hand on his and made sad puppy eyes while pouting with her lower lip.

"I can't possibly resist that,” he raised his hands as if giving up. She grinned, then bit her lower lip, and disappeared. Fuck, she was so attracted to him! And this feeling he gave her when they talked and flirted was so incredibly addictive. She simply couldn’t stop herself. How was that even possible? The small part of her that knew the answer was repressed.

For the lunch break, he wanted to meet in the old HR meeting room. She remembered she had her interview there, back in the day. Barely anyone used that room anymore since they moved the open-plan office to the second floor last year. Candice had completely forgotten about it.

She knocked and opened the door. He was already there and greeted her with a smile.

"I thought you wouldn't find it.” He approached her, "Come in and close the door.”

They made themselves comfortable on the old couch and Candice talked about last night. How she dreamt about being with Gary again. How she couldn't stand being in a dead relationship anymore and how devastated her boyfriend was when she broke up. It was painful to think about, but when she spoke to Bill, it seemed almost irrelevant. It was so good to talk to him. He listened to her and gave her the attention that Candice so urgently needed.

"...and that was it,” Candice finished her story and sighed. “Five years of a relationship down the drain. Then I woke up and felt terribly alone.”

Candice swallowed hard. She only now realized it. She really was alone. The love she had was gone. She didn't even know why she didn't want him anymore. Then she looked into Bill’s eyes. His voice was very comforting.

“You are not alone, Candice. You got me. If you need me, I’m there for you, no questions asked. If you need an ear, you have my full attention.”

Candice knew he was right. As always. She felt a little better. But that wasn't good enough. "You're right, but I can't rely on you alone. I love how I feel when I'm with you. We’re close, but we both know it's not the same. I need... more..."

Bill shook his head. "I know exactly what you need." He stood up and offered her his hand. Candice took it, curious what he was doing now, and pulled herself up. He stood in front of her, stroking her arms with both hands and it felt so comfortable and familiar. He looked into her eyes and came closer. Just now, Candice realized what was happening here... and this time, she let it happen.

It was the kiss she had yearned for, for so long. How could she have been so blind? Of course, it could only be him. She knew it and yet didn't want to admit it. It was too surreal, too far-fetched, just a flirtation and yet... it happened.

As he broke the kiss, her body was longing, begging for more. But what.... what about his age? Damn it! Fuck it! Fuck what everyone else thinks. Candice looked at him, stroking his upper body. "Is this really happening?”, she breathed.

"This is really happening." He kissed her again. She felt complete and never wanted to stop until he clumsily grabbed her breasts.

“Hey!” she said and pulled his hands away. “Not like that.”

He was a little hasty for her taste, and it kind of ruined the beautiful moment they shared. Bill looked disappointed and she gave him a warm smile and another kiss. “Let’s take things slowly, alright?”

Bill looked at her as if calculating something. He then let go of her and said, “Of course. Let’s go back before someone starts looking for us, alright?”

Candice didn’t mean that slow, but she nodded. “Yeah… okay.” She hated herself for it. She was fucking wet. But it was better this way in the long run. If she was about to start something with Bill, they should do it right at least. Not here and not like this. They smiled at each other before they parted.

What Candice didn’t know was that Bill was about to have three weeks off. He would enjoy some quality time at the beaches of sector 5 with some friends while Candice was left with some choice words she never heard:

“You worship Bill Gilbert from HR. You feel empty and lonely when Bill Gilbert is away from you. You need to obey Bill. You ache for Bill Gilbert’s attention. You crave to fuck Bill Gilbert from HR.”

Bill was back from vacation, and he still had a day off, but he agreed to meet Candice today. He insisted on the old HR meeting room, during her lunch break. He could have easily invited her over after work, but he wanted to break her in where she previously rejected him.

Candice was already there when he arrived. She looked anxious until she saw him. They had texted and talked on the phone a lot while he was gone. After a week she admitted that she missed him deeply and that she regretted not going further with him when she had the chance. After two weeks he started receiving some juicy pictures of her, which made him miss her a lot, too.

As soon as he closed the door, Candice threw herself at him. She kissed him like she was thirsty, and he thought he loved her attention almost as much as she did his. Bill grabbed a boob and squeezed it. This time Candice didn’t reject him. On the contrary: She moaned in delight and pressed herself closer to him.

He opened her blouse and she pulled up his shirt. They continued kissing, exploring each other's bodies. She smelled like spring, he thought as he kissed her neck. He undid her bra and admired her naked chest. Her breasts were symmetrical and her delicate pink nipples were already hard with arousal. She bit her bottom lip so sexy again and smiled at him. He loved the way she flirted.

Candice opened his pants and in no time at all, they were both naked, making out standing up. It was a dream come true, to finally knead her perky breasts and her firm ass. She moaned as he touched her clitoris and he enjoyed her delicate hand around his shaft. He whispered in her ear, "Do you want my full attention?”

"Fuck yes!"

"Then put your hands on the table."

Candice did as she was told, supporting herself with both hands on the table, stretched out her bottom invitingly, and managed to turn her upper body sideways so that he could still see her breasts and her longing gaze.

"Stay like this," he said, happy to confirm how obedient she was. He was curious how far she would go now.

Candice did as she was told, supported herself with both hands on the table, stretched out her bottom invitingly, and turned her upper body so that he could still see her breasts and her longing gaze. She bit her lower lip when she noticed he had pulled out his phone. She looked at the camera and he took a picture. Hopefully, it turned out well. Candice was so grateful for the attention he gave her.

Bill put the phone away and stood behind her. She felt his hard cock between her legs and his hands explored her ass. Then he got down on his knees and kissed her butt cheeks, kneading and hitting them. He even paid attention to her butt! She felt giddy.

Bill stood up again, kissed her, and held her waist with one hand. With the other, he slowly inserted his cock into her dripping wet pussy. Candice groaned immediately as he filled her. From behind he massaged her breasts and kissed her while penetrating her. Then he slowly took a step back, pulling her body with him, so that she had to lower her upper body horizontally to keep him inside her. Candice was in heaven. She kept her head turned, because she simply had to look at him.

Bill moved faster. And wilder. Candice moaned. She had everything she wanted. His full attention. His body. His cock. It all felt so good. Every fiber of his body was focused on hers and Candice relished every second, every glance, every groan. It was ultimate bliss.

Her arousal grew so fast she could barely keep up. Was she already cumming?! She felt his seed pumping inside her, and that took her over the edge. The orgasm was so intense that Candice thought she would faint. She moaned and let it wash over her, while he kept thrusting inside her, not slowing down once. Her orgasm had barely started to subside when he pulled out.

”Sit on the desk,” he said in a commanding tone, that took her by surprise. His cock was still rock hard. How was that possible? Didn't he come? She definitely felt it! Normally he should be limp now, right?

Her look seemed to betray her, because he said, “Are you surprised? Perks of dating someone younger, I guess.” He met her eyes and grinned. “I got a lot more for you in store.”

Candice lay in front of him with her legs spread wide. Legs and pussy smooth as silk. He teased her clit with his tongue and, thanks to her conditioning, Candice now came very quickly and intensely with a minimal amount of stimulation. After her third orgasm, he felt like having another go himself. He got up, pushed her legs back, and entered her, again and again. Then he held both of her legs up like a candle. Her pussy felt nice and tight like this. She was moaning loudly and didn't seem to be fully grasping her arousal. He thoroughly enjoyed seeing her like this.

This was the same Candice, that barely acknowledged his existence a couple of months ago. The same Candice, that didn’t bother to even say ‘hello’ or look at him. She would only be able to find satisfaction in his attention from now on.

He fucked her hard, then released her and let her lower her legs again. He gestured to move and knelt over her.  She squinted at his cock and opened her mouth as he started jerking off all over her face. He let her hand take over and Candice caressed the shaft with her tongue.

"Look at me,” he said and Candice looked into his eyes. Her gaze stayed intent while she jerked him off and they stayed that way the whole time. He loved it. “That’s a good girl,” he said and kneaded her breasts with both hands “You like that, don’t you? Making me cum like that? Getting all of my attention?”

Candice stayed silent but nodded submissively. Her hand quickened and she moaned. She clearly enjoyed it. Candice suckled the tip of his cock, still keeping eye contact.

“I won’t be your dirty little secret, though,” he said. “I want you to be proud to be with me, you understand?”

“Of course, Bill!” Candice breathed in awe. “I love being with you! I want everyone to know.”

He came all over her face. Candice closed her eyes, licked her lips, and smiled, looking like she was in heaven.

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