Ambrosia - Entrancing Smoke

Chapter 3 - The Last Box

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #ambrosia #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #hypnotic_smoke #sub:female #clothing #mind-control #mind_control #multiple_partners #sex #smoking #submission #trance

Alice felt right at home when Mike introduced her to his family. His dad, Giovanni, welcomed her with a warm embrace right away. "Ann, look at what our boy brought home. An actual woman!" He laughed as he let her go. "It looks like my son has the same taste in women as me. Charming and beautiful."

Alice blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, Giovanni."  

"Please, call me Gio," he insisted. Mike had told her that his dad was charismatic. It helped him significantly in his job as a traveling sales manager.

The slender woman behind Gio laughed and offered Alice a friendly hug. Alice thought she could easily be a model. While the while family had black, wavy hair and tanned skin, Mike's mother looked the most Italian. Alice noticed some dimples when she smiled, but there was nothing else to give away her age. "I'm Angelica, but please call me Ann. I want you to feel right at home! I've never seen Mike so excited about a girl before." Alice gifted Mike with a sly smile while he got all red in his face.

"Family has a duty to be embarrassing, didn't you know that that, Mikey?" A female voice rang from the back. A young woman came forward and shook Alice's hand. "I'm Melissa. Nice to meet you," Mike's twin sister introduced herself. Alice noticed that she looked almost exactly like her mother, except that Melissa was much younger and a bit smaller. If Alice was right about that sweater, she also had some extra weight on her chest.

As they settled in the massive living room and started chatting, Alice was amazed by just how healthy and attractive this whole family looked. Apparently, they were all really into sports. Alice genuinely liked them, which made her guilt feel even worse.

She still wasn't sure if what happened really happened, but then again, she had proof. When she watched the video on her phone the other day, she was utterly horrified. She saw herself moaning "I love you, Jake" repeatedly while fucking his brains out, wearing stockings and bunny ears. And she remembered doing it. She remembered feeling it. She remembered loving it. The memory alone made her miss this oblivious state of happiness that Jake had put her in. She still had no idea how he did it. Well, she did have one idea. It was obviously because the sex was so good and satisfying that she would do anything for him. And that was just completely off. How could she even get like that? Also, what made Jake such a god in the sheets so suddenly?

Alice always ended up confused when she thought about it and came to only one conclusion: She could not trust herself when around Jake. He had some kind of power over her that she simply couldn't resist.

"Oh Alice, did I mention that Melissa has a van?" Mike told her, and Alice felt flustered, realizing she wasn't listening.

"What?" she asked.

"Maybe we could borrow it to help you with that box situation?" Mike proposed.

Gio asked, "What box situation?"

"Well, Alice still has a lot of boxes at her ex-boyfriend's place," Mike explained, "and for some reason, she can never get them all."

There was a hint of bitterness in his voice. Alice knew he was suspicious. 

"I think I'll just leave them there," she said. "It's not important stuff anyway. By the way, I love your earrings, Angelica." She tried to avoid more of this conversation.

"Ann, please," The mother insisted, "And thank you. So why wouldn't you want to get the boxes? Melissa can help with her van, right?"

Melissa did not look happy about how her van was being volunteered. Alice didn't want to get more into this, but the conversation seemed out of her hands.

"Sure, she can," Mike insisted. "I'll just borrow it for tomorrow, and we'll be done within an hour."

"No!" Alice gasped. Everybody looked at her. She said in a calmer tone, "I mean… I really don't want to impose."

"I get it," Melissa suddenly spoke up. "Leave her alone, guys. Some worlds should just not collide, am I right?" Melissa winked at her. Alice smiled, grateful for safety. No way in hell did she want Mike and Jake to ever meet. Melissa continued, "I will drive you. It's my car anyway. Okay for you, Mikey?"

"Fine, I guess." Mike gave in.

Melissa turned to Alice and said, "So, Tomorrow afternoon?"

Alice couldn't think of an excuse, so she nodded and said, "Thanks." Melissa was smiling, but something about the way she looked at her made Alice feel uneasy.

Alice didn't put much effort into her appearance. She did not want to look good for Jake but not unkempt for Melissa to judge her either. Some basic natural make-up, a plain black shirt, and a pair of jeans. She received a text from Melissa, saying that she would arrive outside her place in five minutes. Alice was nervous about this. She prayed to God that Jake didn't do or say anything stupid. If Melissa got a hint that something was going on, she would surely tell Mike. Alice knew they were close and she needed Melissa's approval. Her relationship with Mike would certainly suffer without it. Alice left her apartment and walked down the flight of stairs. Melissa was already waiting for her in the van. When she got into it, Melissa greeted her and said, "Hey Alice, nice top."

Alice wasn't sure if that was meant as an insult or if she just wanted to be friendly. Alice chuckled and said, "No, it's not. But it's fine; we're just picking up some boxes, right? No reason to look pretty. Although, you got some very cute suspenders going on there." Melissa wore a tight black turtleneck top with long sleeves and denim suspenders. Alice found the outfit a bit odd. Was it supposed to look innocent? Alice didn't really get it. She also didn't like the dark-red lipstick Melissa used. If she had such full lips as Melissa did, she'd wear something more natural. It seemed like a waste to Alice.

"Thanks," Melissa smiled and started her car. "So, what's the address?"

Alice gave it to her and added, "You can park right at the door, usually."

Melissa blasted some R&B music in a way too high volume. "I love this song!" She yelled at Alice.

The blonde smiled and nodded. Not her vibe. "Yeah. Who is it?"

Melissa turned the volume down and asked, "Are you serious?! It's Nectar & Haze!"

Alice gulped and was in for a little lecture about some singer that Melissa adored. Alice faked interest, but Melissa seemed to dislike her already for not knowing who this guy was. Melissa concluded with, "I can't believe you never heard of them."

Alice just shrugged and tried to change the subject. "So… You have a boyfriend?"

"No, but even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." 

"What? Why?" Alice was taken aback.

"Because you're dating my brother, and you'd probably tell him," Melissa shrugged and let out a sigh. "He is overprotective when it comes to me. My dad is even worse."

Alice smiled and said, "I can keep a secret, really!"

Melissa just raised an eyebrow and said, "Good for you, but I have nothing to tell you." Alice started to feel uncomfortable. She had not expected this conversation to go so badly. After a minute of silence, Melissa asked, "So. About this dude… what was his name again?"


"Right. What's the deal with him? Mike says he is a stalking control freak, but I know he tends to overreact. Is this going to be weird?"

"Oh, no, don't worry. Jake was pretty difficult after the breakup, but I don't think he's gonna make any more trouble."

That was a lie. Alice had no idea how Jake would react. She should have told him she was bringing Melissa, but she was too afraid to talk to him. She couldn't. Not after what he did to her last time. Alice shuddered at the thought of that bunny costume. She just hoped that this was going to be over fast.

"You okay? You look a bit pale." Melissa noted in a non-empathetic tone.

Alice nodded, "Yeah, I'm good." She tried to change the subject again, but Melissa's answers grew shorter until they spent the rest of the drive in awkward silence.

Alice was almost glad when they arrived at Jake's place. He opened the door and greeted Alice with a big smile and a "hey". Alice was just about to greet him with a simple kiss, as usual, when she saw his smile turn into shock. "Who's your friend?"

Alice prayed that he would say nothing to make Melissa suspicious. "Ehm, this is Melissa, Mike's sister. She's here to help out with her van…"

Melissa shook his hand and seemed completely oblivious. Jake gawked at Melissa's body a tad too long, Alice thought, and Melissa's face read the same. Melissa asked loudly, "So shall we get started?" Which did the trick. Jake looked up, got a bit red, and let them in.

They instantly started getting boxes from the little room and carried them over to Melissa's truck. Alice was glad that they went to work without further ado. She was still worried that Jake would pull something, but he seemed okay with the scenario. Just when Melissa was outside, and Alice got her second box, he quickly came up to her and kissed her. Of course, Alice returned the favor with relish. Then he let go of her before Melissa came back and went on. It almost seemed like he didn't want Melissa to find out they were kissing, but Alice didn't understand why that would be a problem. It was a normal thing after all, wasn't it? She felt a bit warm now and went on to get another box. Melissa looked at her like she had shit on her face. Alice worried that Melissa would never like her. She just hoped that this didn't have any bad effect on Mike.

Then something odd happened. The box she carried seemed to feel heavier all of a sudden, and she felt some sort of soreness between her legs. Alice brought the box to the van and, to her shock, it was almost full. "How did that happen so fast?" she mumbled to herself out loud.

Jake appeared behind her and answered her question. "Time flies when you have fun, right?"

Alice smiled at him, feeling a little confused. "Loading a van is fun?"

He put it in his box and said, "Well, in the right company it is." He winked at her, and Alice tried to keep her poker face.

"Good to know," she said, giving him a cocky look.

He closed the trunk doors. "All done!"

Alice was surprised, "What? But we just started… or wait… didn't we?"

Jake looked like he was studying her reaction. Then he asked, "Everything okay, Alice?"

Alice felt like something didn't make sense, but what was it? The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became, that they were loading the van the whole time. But why did she think that she only carried two boxes before? She shook off the notion, because it didn't make sense.

"Can we go already?" Melissa yelled from the driver's seat. When did she get in there?! 

"You better go now," Jake said, "and don't be a stranger, alright?"

Alice realized that this was goodbye and felt bad. She would miss having sex with him, she knew. But this was for the best. "Goodbye, Jake, " she said, kissing him one last time before getting in the car.

Alice closed the door, and Melissa started the ignition. They did it! Alice said, "Again, I can't thank you enough for helping me out today." All her boxes were in the car, and Melissa was driving her home, where Mike was already waiting to help them unload. They would be done within minutes.

Melissa waved it off, "Come on, it was nothing! Glad to help you out. One thing really surprised me, though…" she said as she took a turn.

Melissa hesitated, and Alice asked, "What?"

The dark-haired girl gave Alice a look and said, "After all the stories I heard about Jake, I gotta say... He was not what I expected." Alice knew what she meant. If you judged him only by the stories that she has told Mike so far, then of course, nothing good could come to mind. Melissa added, "Don't take this the wrong way, but he is cute for sure. I can see why you dated him."

Alice smiled and said, "Yeah, all in all, he's a good guy. He just didn't take the breakup very well, you know?" Alice was still glad she never had to go back there again. To never lose control again. Oddly enough, she was also sad about it.

"Say, would you like to come shopping with me tomorrow?" Melissa asked suddenly, "I need some new stuff, and I'd like to get to know you a bit better. What do you think?"

Alice was surprised that Melissa would ask her that. After their drive to Jake, she was sure that Melissa didn't like her at all. The problem was that Alice had plans with Mike for tomorrow. She just wanted to tell her that, when Melissa stopped at the traffic light and met Alice's gaze. Melissa's eyes were beautiful. They had the same hazelnut color as Mike's, but Melissa's eyes were even deeper. There was something magical about them. Alice couldn't bring herself to say no to her.

"I would love to!" Alice breathed, giddy with excitement, and Melissa smiled. Alice's heart skipped a beat at the prospect of spending more time with her. She wondered how a person could just be so naturally drop-dead gorgeous.

"I'm glad," Melissa said. "I hope we'll become very close friends"

Alice smiled and felt her face getting warm from the seductive undertone in Melissa's voice. It was probably just her imagination. Or wishful thinking? Melissa focused on the street again, and Alice wondered what was going on with her. She felt a strong pull towards Melissa. And why couldn't she stop peeking at Melissa's chest whenever she got a chance? Alice noticed a strange desire that she'd never felt before. Not for another woman at least.

Mike waited for them at Alice's place. The three of them unloaded the boxes, and then they said goodbye to Melissa. Alice wished she could have stayed a bit longer. The rest of the evening was quite boring. Alice and Mike celebrated her final move-in with a bottle of wine and a movie.

The sex was nice, but not great. Alice liked Mike's body, but when she saw his eyes, she found herself thinking of Melissa. Her eyes were almost the same, but more saturated and with an incomparable spark in them. Alice actually wished his eyes were more like hers. He was very gentle, and Alice couldn't help but remember how Jake treated her earlier that week. How he made her beg and call herself a whore. The memory seemed to trigger something in her. She got a lot more aroused than she was before. How could the thought of Jake treating her like shit turn her on so much?

She rode Mike's cock harder, but she knew her orgasm was miles away. Mike came, and Alice faked an orgasm to end it. She really didn't want to make their disappointment even bigger by trying. Maybe he could make her come tomorrow, she thought. There was still hope, she told herself, even though deep down she knew he couldn't.

She had the most curious dream. It was about Melissa. She made out with her on Jake's bed while Jake was watching. It was a wild and surreal experience where Alice felt completely at peace and, at the same time, insanely aroused and submissive. Alice ended up sucking Melissa's pussy and found herself loving the taste of it, loving everything about the sexy Italian bombshell.

When she woke up, Alice found herself horny, and she could still feel the taste of Melissa's pussy on her tongue, and the sweet scent of her sex lingered in her nose. Alice opened her eyes and was disappointed to see Mike. Still, she needed someone to get her off, and so she woke him up by stroking his cock.

Mike did what he could but failed sadly. Alice gave up again. She wished she still had some boxes at Jake's place, just to have an excuse to go there and get properly fucked. No! She shouldn't think like that. It was over. Although, Alice was sure that Jake would have no problem making her cum.


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