Ambrosia - Entrancing Smoke

Chapter 2 - Bunny

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #ambrosia #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #hypnotic_smoke #sub:female #clothing #mind-control #mind_control #multiple_partners #sex #smoking #submission #trance

Mike had barely slept. Alice hasn’t answered any messages or calls since she left yesterday. Something was off, and he knew it. He didn’t really think she would go back to her ex, Jake, or anything like that. She hated that guy way too much for it. Mike was worried that something bad happened to her. It was not like Alice to ignore him like this. He looked at his phone again… Nothing. He decided to drive by her place to see if she was okay, just when she finally called him back.

"Hey! Are you okay? I was so worried."

"Hey, Mike. Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry about yesterday. I got a huge headache and had to lie down, and well... suddenly it was morning."

"Oh… I see. Sorry for the hundred messages and calls then, I guess."

"It’s… It’s fine. I’m sorry you didn’t hear from me."

"Hey, are you okay? You sound a bit… worried."

"No, Yeah… I’m okay. Don’t worry."

"O-Okay. So did you get your boxes?"

"… No"

"Ehm… why not? Was it too heavy after all? I told you I should come too."

"No, it’s not that… It was just… Well, they didn’t all fit. It was too many boxes. I gotta go there again."

"Oh, shit. Sorry to hear that. Was your ex a dick?"

"I… No, he wasn’t. I don’t want to talk about that right now."

"Uh okay, sorry. Are we still up for dinner today?"

"Yeah… Pick me up at 8?"

"Sure. I can’t wait to see you again!"

"Me too…"

"Are you sure you are okay? You seem… I dunno, sad?"

"I’m just recovering from this migraine I had yesterday. Alright?"

"Sure, sure."

"Oh and please bring my red bra. I forgot it at your place."

"No, you didn’t."

"Come on, Mike. I know I left it at your place."

"Nope, you didn’t. I bet you dropped it somewhere at your place. Just look around."

"I know it’s not here Mike. Come on, did you even look yet?"

"Alice, I remember looking at you while you put it on. I know for sure you left my place with your bra on…"

"B-But…. That’s not possible…"

"Babe, seriously what’s wrong?"

"Nothing! Really, just let it go. Fuck this, I need a shower. I’ll see you at 8 okay?"


Mike found a parking spot near her apartment and got out of the car. After their phone conversation earlier that morning he was worried, but when they texted a bit later everything seemed to be okay again. Since Alice still wasn’t feeling well, she proposed to stay in for the night instead of going out. Just to watch a movie and cuddle, she said. Mike didn’t mind. He knew where this would lead. Alice opened the door, already in her pajamas. She greeted him with a kiss and a smile, but he could also see a hint of sadness in her eyes. So far, everything seemed okay, though. They ordered pizza and watched a movie. Alice seemed to be a bit irritated at first, but the more time they spent together the better her mood became. In the end, they were snuggling and caressing each other. By the time the credits rolled, they were making out.

Alice even seemed a bit more into it than usual, kissing him hard and moaning with almost every breath. It almost felt a bit forced, but Mike wouldn’t complain. Alice was the sexiest girl he ever encountered, and he honestly loved her. He never met a person so hot, smart, and funny all in one. She wasn’t the kinkiest one in bed, but he wasn’t either, to be honest. Still, the sex was usually very long and very good. They never had any problems in making each other ‘happy’. The way she went at it now was very promising in that regard. He grabbed a condom and put it on. Alice looked shocked for a second. "You okay?" He asked, and she nodded

"Yeah. I just… remembered something. Never mind." He wasn’t going to start any conversation now and started kissing her again instead. He positioned Alice on her back and carefully slid into her. Alice moaned quietly while he slowly started sliding up and down inside her. He loved building up the tension like that. Slow and steady, faster and slower while kissing her and caressing her body. This time it was more difficult than usual. Alice was clearly aroused, but somehow, he could not get her past a certain level. He lifted her legs and thrust faster and faster. He had to close his eyes to focus on not cumming, but when he opened them to see how much she liked it, he saw her staring in the distance, showing no other reaction than heavy breathing. She almost looked sad.

"You… don’t like it?" He asked, letting her legs down and coming up to her face, kissing her.

"I do," she whispered. "I just… can’t cum."

"Oh, we’ll see about that!" he said with a smile and slid out, then kissed his way down her perfect body. He started licking her pussy, knowing exactly what he was doing down there. Just last week he got Alice to cum within 2 minutes.

"Oh god, yes!" She already moaned. He knew she was already close. He sucked her clit for a second just to let it go again to tease her. "Please, don’t stop. I’m so close!"

Mike smiled "Well, since you said please…" and went again, not letting go this time.

Alice moaned loudly, "Oh, yes! More! Just a bit more! Just a bit more!" Mike didn’t stop. "Oh god! Don’t stop. Please. Please."

He kept going. It should happen any second now. But it didn’t. She kept begging and he kept going, but after what felt like an hour his tongue got numb, and he had to give up.

"Why did you stop?!" Alice was almost crying. "I was so close!"

Mike’s jaw hurt when he got up. "You’ve been saying that since I started. I need a break."

Alice wouldn’t have it. "I got a better idea." She literally jumped on him, throwing him on his back.

"Woah!" That was all he could say before she grabbed his cock to get it hard again. He wished he wouldn't need to wear a condom. He knew it would feel better for her too. She sat on top of him, he slid in, and she rode his dick. Alice was enjoying it immensely, he could tell. The problem was, that in this position, there was no way for him to stop her and he was already close to climaxing. 

"Oh yeah. That’s it." She moaned "Just a little more."

He could not hold back any longer. He came, pumping his load into the condom. Alice didn’t seem to notice and kept riding him until the inevitable happened: His cock got soft.

"Nooooo!" She screamed in distress.

Mike said, "I’m sorry babe!", but Alice clicked her tongue and stood up. She stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her. Mike was left on the bed alone, stunned. He never saw her react like that.

Alice sat in her parked car and, again, listened to the voice message she sent earlier today. "Hey Jake it’s me. Like I said: I’m coming over at six today to pick up my remaining boxes. Before I come over, I want you to know and understand that what happened last week was a one-time only thing and will never happen again. I will just get my boxes and leave, nothing else. Don’t get your hopes up and don’t try anything, please. No offense, but I need to get this over with. See you later." She needed to hear this again.

After what happened, Alice tried a hundred times to wrap her mind around that day. She remembered clearly that Jake was the one who initiated the kissing, but there was nothing wrong with making out a bit. Besides that, it was basically all on her. She could have easily told him off, but instead, she jumped him like a nymphomaniac. Alice had never felt so out of control, yet she knew she wasn’t. Not really. It had just felt so good that she didn’t want to stop, and suddenly all she could think about was fucking.

Alice shook her head again. How could she be so brainless? She spent most of the next day crying. In the end, she decided to act like it never happened and not to tell Mike. She simply couldn’t do this to him. And she couldn’t lose him. She still felt like shit, though. And Jake was such a jerk! She could not believe she let him take those pictures of her! He literally must have fucked her brains out to get her to agree to this. She remembered posing naked for him so he could make 'mementos' of her, and she even liked it! She still couldn't believe it. Though she did remember how good she felt. How thankful and satisfied...

Alice shuddered and shrugged the feeling off before she'd miss it again. She tried to get her mindset straight and listened to the voice message again. That helped. It would not happen again. It couldn’t. She got out of the car and made her way to his front door. She knew she would feel much safer if she wasn’t so horny. All week she wasn’t able to cum. Neither Mike nor her toys could bring her to it. And her toys had never disappointed her before. It was all Jake's fault! She could not allow this to happen again. She rang the doorbell and put on her coldest face.

Jake opened the door and smiled at her. "Well, hello Alice. Nice to see you!"

Alice just rolled her eyes, kissed him on the lips, and said, "Hey Jake. Gonna let me in?" He moved aside. So far so harmless. She needed to keep up that barrier and not get distracted by anything he might pull.

"So, if I got your message right you are just here for your stuff?"

Alice was not going to get into it. She just let him feel up her ass real quick and then she went straight to the cabinet to grab a box that was not too heavy for her. "If you could carry the heavies, I'd be grateful," she said loudly as she passed him and went through the door. When she came back, he was still standing in the hallway.

"I know other ways to make you grateful, you know?" He said with a sly smile on his face.

"No, thank you!" Alice replied, and brushed right past him, ignoring the tingling feeling between her loins. He was already pissing her off. Good. She tried focusing on that feeling instead of thinking exactly how he could make her feel grateful. Alice was already back at the cabinet to grab the next box, but she was unable to lift it. She tried another one, which that was heavy too, but she could manage it.

"You really don’t have to be like this." He said, suddenly standing behind her at the door, and blocking her way.

"This is heavy!" She yelled. "Either grab it or move!"

He took the box out of her hand with ease.  "I'm sorry, Alice," he said in a calm tone. "I thought you liked it."

Jake left her with a sad and disappointed look before turning around and going to the car. Alice felt a bit guilty. From his point of view, she must come across as pretty horrible right now. Especially since she had been that 'nice' the last time she was here. But it was better this way. She felt more in control keeping him at a distance and he should not get his hopes up. She went back, found another box she could lift, and passed him on the way back to the car. She offered him an apologizing glance but said nothing. This time, when she came back from the car, Jake was standing at the cabinet, looking inside a box on the shelf.

"What are you doing there?" She asked.

"This one has so many books in it, that it almost fell apart. I think we need to rearrange the content with another box to even it out a bit."

Alice sighed. "Okay, let’s do it." She found another box that didn't feel full and put it on the floor.

"I’ll be back in a second." Jake said and left for the kitchen.

Alice grabbed a bunch of the books and put them on the floor. She emptied about half of the heavy box and then sat down on the floor to open the light box she had picked before. She got a bit flustered when she saw what was inside. This was some stuff from way back when she and Jake were in their honeymoon phase. Some lingerie, handcuffs, and some kinky outfits that he had gifted her, but that she had never worn. Come to think of it, she never wore most of the stuff in that box, but some of the lingerie was actually quite nice. She could surprise Mike with those. There was also a rope and a plank or something like that. She had completely forgotten how much into this bondage shit Jake was into at the beginning. Alice was glad that he respected her boundries on that matter and, after a while, he stopped trying to push it any further.

When she heard him coming back, she quickly threw some books in the box so the stuff was covered up by the time he reentered. "Making progress?" He asked standing next to her, his bulge literally on her eye level.

"Sure. You could grab another box if you want to help."

Instead of grabbing a box, he knelt next to her, putting his hand gently on her arm. "How about a little break, hm?"

"We only did three boxes, dude!" Alice rolled her eyes. "Come on, Jake, I really wanna get this over with."

His hand was now slowly caressing her arm. "I know, you are right. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. You are not in a rush, are you?"

This was the moment she had prepared for. Alice knew he would try to pull something like this. His hand left her arm and moved onto her face, his thumb stroking her cheeks. Alice felt the tension leaving her body. He was right, she knew. She really wasn’t in any kind of rush. She closed her eyes for a second and enjoyed the soothing touch of his hand on her face. It was just Jake, she figured, and he just wanted to talk. She had no reason to be stressed out right now.

"Okay, " she agreed. "After I fill up this box we talk."

He smiled at her and said, "I’m glad." His thumb softly moved over her lips before letting go. Alice missed his hand as soon as it was gone, but she was also a bit relieved since it also made her kinda horny. Not that she would mind that, but she should focus now on finishing.

"Well, this is a bit messy don’t you think?" He started to sort the books she had just thrown in there.

"No wait!" she panicked, but he saw the stuff inside already.

"Oh. I see…" He grinned and pulled out a wrapped bag with the label "Hot Adult Bunny Outfit." which he read out loud.

Alice shook her head and said, "I can’t believe you actually thought I would wear something like this."

"Yeah," He chuckled. "I was a bit naive back then. Would you wear it now?"

Alice flipped him off. "Never."

He laughed and threw it back in the box. "I gotta write something down." he said, as he quickly got up. Alice shrugged and thought she could throw most of this stuff away, and then she'd only have two boxes of books and some of the lingerie she wanted to keep.

"By the way, did you tell Mike that you’re cheating on him?" Jake reappeared through the door. That question took her by surprise and instantly filled her heart with dread. Alice stood up and looked him in the eyes.

"I am going to say this only once: I am not cheating on Mike. What happened was a horrible mistake and it will never happen again! Do you understand?"

Jake put one hand on her face and the other around her hip. For a split second, Alice had a feeling that something was incorrect, but she didn’t know what it could be.

"Are you sure that is what you want, Alice? You know how good you felt last time, don’t you?" He moved her shirt up a bit and moved his fingers over her tummy. It felt really good, and she was glad to feel more comfortable now. But she had to tell him the truth.

"I love him, Jake. I’m sorry but it’s over between us, and there is nothing that could change my mind."

Jake swallowed and nodded. "Okay… You know, I could accept this much better if you weren’t such a cheating whore."

Alice needed a moment to process what he just said to her. "I am not a whore!" Her shock even increased as he leaned in for a kiss. Her lips parted just in time to eagerly receive his tongue. Alice put her hands on his chest, almost losing her balance as she stepped closer to him, desperate to get more of her tongue in his mouth. He backed out to say, "I think you are a whore, and you need to admit that if you ever want me to fuck you again."

"Who said I even want that?" Alice inhaled sharply and shook her head. "Are you crazy?!"

He leaned in again and Alice wrapped her arms around him, embracing the waves of pleasure he sent to her once again. It made her feel so good that she could not even be too mad at him for insulting her. She felt his hand pulling up her shirt, and she let it happen. She wanted to feel him even more. Alice noticed herself quickly getting hot and excited. Again, he pulled back and smiled at her.

"Lift your arms, " he said, and Alice followed his command so he could take her shirt off. "Now take off your bra," he said but Alice hesitated. They were not just kissing anymore, she realized. Was she going to do this again? Her wet pussy screamed 'yes!', knowing deep down that he could give her the sweet release she needed all week long. Suddenly she remembered something else.

"Did I leave my bra here the last time?"

"Yes, and you can leave this one here just as well." He grinned. Alice was baffled. She was so sure that she left it at Mike's place, but if she didn’t, that would mean…

He interrupted her thought with a "Hey!" and lifted her face at her chin to lean in for another kiss, and Alice naturally responded eagerly. She loved how Jake's hands wandered over her upper body while making out with him. It felt so good! She never wanted him to stop. She felt her bra opening and seconds later her breasts were finally free for more fumbling. She actually wanted him to fuck her, she realized. While he started sucking on her nipples, she lifted his shirt and revealed his chest. She could not help, but find Jake's body completely irresistible. Was he always this hot? He didn’t look any different than she remembered and yet…

He kissed her again, groping her ass. Her pussy yearned for his cock more and more. Alice needed his cock in her pussy so bad right now.  As if he could read her mind, he backed out again. "What about now?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Alice’s breathing was heavy and all she wanted was more of Jake.

"Do you want to fuck me now?", he specified. 

"Oh, god yes!", she breathed with a smile. She tried to get close again but he held her back. Alice felt a shiver of fear at the thought of him rejecting her.

"Then say it." He demanded.

Alice complied in a seductive voice "I want you to fuck me!", leaning in for another kiss. He kissed her back briefly but pushed her away again.

"Not that." 

"What then?" Alice asked, growing desperate.

"Say that you are a cheating whore," he said in a demanding tone. "Confess that you cheated on me with Mike. Tell me the truth and I will consider fucking you."

Alice was completely taken aback. Why would he want to hear this now? Why wouldn’t he just fuck her? With her body still aching for him, she also felt afraid.

"I… Are you sure you want this?" She begged, tears building up.

"I am. You need to confess."

She could not believe he was actually going to fuck her after telling him the truth. But if this was the only way…

"I… I did. I am so sorry, it just happened. Please forgive me."

"I don’t think it just happened and you are not actually sorry, since you broke up with me for him." He snorted in anger. "But that is going to change soon, I promise. You will be sorry!"

"I… I am sorry and I never wanted to hurt you, really." Alice’s tears were running wild now. "Please fuck me now. Please?"

Was she crying because she was actually sorry or because he might not fuck her? She wasn’t sure. She couldn’t cope with so many conflicting thoughts and emotions. Jake chuckled quietly.

"So you are a cheating whore, aren’t you?"

Alice's lips shivered as she nodded. She should give him what he wanted. Maybe it actually turned him on?

"I... I am. Jake, I’m so sorry."

"Come with me," Jake said, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to the bedroom. Instead of going to his bed, he stopped in front of the closet. The doors were basically two giant mirrors. He positioned Alice in front of it and stood behind her, meeting her gaze through the mirror. "Look at yourself and say ‚I am a cheating whore.‘"

Alice’s mascara was running down her eyes, her upper body completely exposed. It was incredibly demeaning but for some reason, she felt painfully submissive.

"I… I am a cheating whore," she said looking into her reflection's eyes, tears building up again. Jake put his hands on her hips, slowly pulling down her skirt.

"Repeat it," he whispered in her ear, kissing her neck. Alice immediately started to feel better. His warm hands were all over her body, getting her naked, and his mouth was kissing and pleasing her.

"I am a cheating whore," she said to herself again, feeling both humiliated and aroused at the same time. It became obvious to her, that it was a major turn-on for him to degrade her like this. She had to play along, whether she liked it or not.

"See, it’s not that hard to admit what you are," he said smiling.

She was smart enough not to answer this. Anything displeasing could lead her further astray from her goal, from his cock. "Yes, Jake," she said hopefully. "W-Would you fuck me now? I did everything you wanted, right?"

Alice thought her prayers were answered as he turned to her side and said, "Take off my pants." Alice was so relieved! With the mirror now to her side, she unbuttoned his pants and leaned in for a kiss, making her embrace him and his cock even more. She went down to get rid of his pants and he lifted his feet so she could also free him from his socks. They were finally naked, but before she got up he said, "Stay down there. I want you to suck me off." 

"What?!" Alice looked up in shock. "No, you said you would fuck me!!" He bent over to grab her throat. "I did and I will. As soon as you deserve it. I am not ready to forgive you for what you did to me. What you need to do now is to give me a very convincing blowjob."

Alice bit her lip. "But you are not cumming, right?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I will. Maybe I’ll even come all over your face. I always wanted to see what that would look like. And don’t you worry, I got enough stamina to fuck your pussy after that. Or do you doubt me?" He asked coldly.

"Of course not!" Alice answered promptly. "I-I will do whatever you want!"

And before she knew it she was giving her ex a blowjob, kissing his balls, licking his shaft up and down, all while looking him in the eyes. She swirled her tongue around the tip and then took it in, deep. Anything he said she did. She needed him to fuck her so badly; it didn’t matter what he wanted. He treated her like shit, but she had no other choice. She was completely trapped, her craving cunt not letting her think about anything, but to be obedient to Jake. Alice sensed, that he was getting close.

She hated giving blowjobs, even though she was told to be good at it, whatever that meant. Back when she gave her first one she swallowed the load and almost puked afterwards. She swore never to do that again, but if Jake would ask her to do it now… She was getting ready to take in his load when he suddenly pulled his dick out. A glimmer of hope. Would he fuck her after all?

"Sit down on your ass, now., he said with this commanding voice that Alice wasn’t able to resist even if she wanted to. As Alice went from kneeling to sitting, a quick look in the mirror reminded her how awful she looked right now. Her black mascara was smeared down and dried up again, Her hair a mess from Jake pulling it while fucking her face. "Look me in the eyes and beg for it."

Alice looked up at Jake, who started wringing his cock hovering over her. Having cum all over her face was also a dream she never had. It was degrading and disgusting at the same time. She could not imagine why any woman would like that. Yet, here she was, saying, "Please cum on my face, Jake. I want your cum on me so bad," in a desperate voice. It was a lie, of course. She wanted him to fuck her, but to get there she had to obey and please him as best as she could. So she went on. "Please cum all over my face, Jake. I am a cheating whore and I don’t deserve anything else. Please, please, please, " she said when he unloaded and sprayed her face with his warm white sticky cum. Alice wasn’t sure what he would like her to do now, so she continued: "It’s all I deserve, Jake. I am a cheating whore and I will do anything for you."

Jake shut her up by putting his cock deep in her throat once more, where he unloaded another splash of his cum. Alice really did feel like a whore now. He pulled out and said, "Just look at that" pointing at the mirror. "Isn’t it beautiful?" Alice looked at her reflection and her face was a mess of run-down mascara and cum. "Lick your lips and stick out your tongue," he said. Alice gathered the cum from her lips and presented her tongue. "Now," he went on, putting his phone in her hand. "Make a little memento for me." Alice hated herself already for this, as she focused the phone camera on her destroyed face in the mirror. She knew she would probably regret this tomorrow, but she still obeyed, desperately horny and willing to suffer through anything, to finally get fucked by Jake. "Good Girl. Now go wash your face."

Alice got up and ran to the bathroom as fast as she could. In a hurry, she washed off all the makeup and cum and tried to get this disgusting taste out of her mouth. She hurried back to the bedroom where Jake already waited. She tried to kiss him when he held her back again.

"Woah! Not like this."

"W-What do you mean? You promised!"

"I said I’m gonna fuck you, but your face doesn’t look very presentable right now, does it?" Alice's jaw dropped at his insult. She was told a hundred times how beautiful she was, even without any make-up. Especially Jake never complained. "And your mouth probably tastes like my own cum. Do you think I wanna kiss that?"

"N-No I’m sorry." Alice's head sank.

"It’s okay. You weren’t thinking. I see only one solution." 

"What?" Alice looked up. "I’ll do anything!" 

"I know," he said and smiled again. "That’s good because I’m sure you would never let anybody else fuck you like that."

Alice just cared for the fucking part "Like what?" She asked.

"Like the bitch you are." Jake pointed at the floor. "Alice, sit."

Alice went down on all fours, kneeling on the hard floor. The bed was right next to her. She didn’t mind, knowing she was so close now. All her effort to get his cock inside her would finally pay off. Jake was teasing her cunt with the tip of his hard dick, massaging her clit but not sliding in. Alice was dripping wet and kept begging "Please, I’m your bitch!" She knew she would cum. She would finally cum and everything would be okay again if he would just put it inside her. She was so desperate for it. "Please Jake, fuck me like the bitch I am," she pleaded again. "I am a good bitch for you, I promise, I promise. I’ll do anything just fuck me please, please, please!" There was this weird sense of déjà vu as if she had done this before somehow, but Alice was sure she had never been in a situation even close to this one.

Finally, he slid inside her, just an inch, and Alice felt her body trembling the second it happened. She felt like dying from pleasure as the orgasm washed over her, taking her mind to higher levels. Jake waited five seconds before he rammed his cock deep inside her, causing Alice to gasp loudly in surprise and ecstasy. Her pussy clenched around Jake's hard cock which kept thrusting hard while his hand slapped her ass continuously. The next orgasm was already building up before her first one had even subsided. It was amazing! She needed this the whole week. The whole time.

Her next orgasm was even stronger than the one before and so on and so on. She almost felt that she would faint, but she could not miss out on any of these sensations. She bathed in them, taking in more and more. Like last time she lost track of time and orgasms after a while. Jake just kept on thrusting, calling her "bitch" and whatnot but she could barely hear him. She just moaned "Yes!" to whatever he said and cherished every second of cock she got.

The orgasms got so intense she started to see stars by the time Jake was pumping his load in her from behind. When he pulled out, Alice felt a serene peace wash over her. She collapsed on the floor, trying to catch her breath again. She was sweaty and sore, but as her breathing slowed down, Alice noticed she was smiling. Her smile got even brighter, realizing how happy she was just now. Her head felt dizzy and light as all thoughts and worries in the world just washed away. Everything was perfect.

"Alice?" She heard Jake from above. Jake… She could never be so happy and satisfied without him. He might have acted a little bit mean before fucking her, but then he made her feel so fantastic that she just couldn’t be mad at him. In hindsight, it was all worth the trouble and then some. Alice managed to get up and wonderful Jake even helped her with that.

"How do you feel Alice?"

"I feel just wonderful," Alice replied softly, her smile getting wider. "Thank you so much for fucking me! I really needed that." She felt like this was not enough. "Is there anything I can do to thank you?"

Before Jake could answer, her phone rang.

Jake found the bag in her car, just where she described it would be. He closed the trunk, smiling at the three boxes inside. At least she got something to show for, he thought to himself. Back inside he put the bag in the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom. The door was left open a crack and without looking inside he said loudly "Your make-up stuff is in the bathroom."

"Thank you!" She yelled back cheerfully. "You are going to love this sooo much!"

"I’ll be waiting in the kitchen then." He said grinning.

And back from her came a happy "Okeydokey!"

He went to the kitchen and sat down on a chair. He sighed. That was a close one, he thought. Right after he got her all happy and satisfied her fucking boyfriend tried to call her. Jake was afraid she was going to snap out of it, but he said "Do me a favor and turn that off, will you? It’s a bit rude." Alice promptly pressed the red button, looking a bit concerned though.

"Did you make plans with him for today?" Jake asked carefully.

Alice nodded. "We wanted to hang out after this."

Jake tried to remind her of her ‚gratefulness‘ by saying "So did you want to thank me or did you just come here to get what you want and leave?"

"O-Of course not!" Alice shook her head. "I really want to make you happy, Jake! Please let me prove it, yeah? I feel so good right now and It’s all thanks to you!" She looked at him like he was sent from above.

"Okay. Then sent him a text, that you have to cancel for today, without making him suspicious. He doesn’t need to know everything we do, right?"

Alice's smile faded for a second before it lit up again "Sure, I guess that makes sense." She started texting and threw her phone on the bed, giving him her full attention. He would avoid anything relating to Mike for now.

Jake knew he could just use the drug to make her split up with him without looking back, but the process he had in mind for her needed to fit the crime. Her path would be filled with an endless cycle of craving, humiliation, pleasure, and regret.

"Are you ready?" She asked as she entered the kitchen without waiting for his answer. "What do you think? Like it?"

Jake's eyeballs almost popped out of his head. Alice stood in the doorway, posing in that forgotten bunny outfit he bought for her all these years ago. The body was strapless, showing a lot of cleavage with fluff on the front. Her tits looked amazing in it. Her legs were wrapped in white net stockings. Too bad she didn’t have any boots here anymore, something for the list. Around her neck was a simple white choker with a cute pink bowtie in front. Re-applied makeup and eyeliner, glimmering pink lipstick, and rouge made her gorgeous face fit the outfit perfectly. And of course, her blonde hair was neatly brushed and crowned by a pair of white bunny ears.

"Say something!" She urged, gifting him with another bright smile that made her look even hotter.

"Turn around for me." Jake said and got up slowly. 

Alice lifted her arms and gracefully turned around for Jake, who noticed the costume also included a little white plush bunny tail. "You look absolutely stunning, Alice!"

"Thank you very much," she said happily and took a little bow. Jake couldn’t resist but feel her up again, his cock already growing a little tent in his pants. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Alice asked him in a seductive voice that made the hairs on his neck stand up. This had to wait a little bit.

"How about we take some sexy pictures while you do my dishes?" He asked and studied her eyes, interested in what she thought of this request. She did neither look disappointed nor any less happy.

"Yes, of course, Jake! That sounds great!" She grinned before giving him a peck on the mouth. He slapped her marble ass in return.

Jake grabbed his phone and Alice, just like last time, did not shy away from posing in whatever position he suggested. She was pretty fast in getting the dishes done and Jake was happy he didn’t have to do the dirty work. Soon she would do much more around here than just the dishes.

"All done!" She said proudly after putting the last plate in the closet and smiled at him with an expecting gaze. He knew what she’d say next: "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Jake nodded and smiled. "I need a few more pictures of you posing on the bed for me."

Alice clapped her hands in applause, acting like an overly excited kid "Fun!", she cheered and then winked at him before making her way to the bedroom.

He followed her and was pretty sure she wasn’t always swaying her hips like this. Jake had to appreciate how 'Ambrosia' made the impossible possible. Alice jumped without any further instruction on Jake's bed and started posing. She would be out of his life by now if it wasn't for that wonderful drug. He couldn’t believe his luck as he looked at his ex-girlfriend, wearing this slutty costume, posing on all fours like a Playboy model for him. About two hours ago she arrived here, determined to give him the cold shoulder and now she was cheerful and eager for him to take slutty pictures of her. Jake lifted his phone and started to direct her.

When he got what he needed he had to ask. "Say… do you like being with me?"

"Of course I do!" Alice beamed at him and jumped on her knees. "I love being with you! Nobody can fuck me like you, Jake. Nobody can make me this happy!"

Jake still wasn’t sure if he would destroy his suggestions if he did this now, but he was just too curious about her current state of mind. He sat down in front of her. "But you don’t love me do you?"

Alice's eye twitched for a second. She seemed confused but then smiled again. "I think I do love you."

"Really?" Jake raised an eyebrow. 

Her smile didn’t fade "Yeah, I mean. I totally love feeling like this and only you can make me feel like this. You are the only one who can fuck me like this, Jake, and for that, I think I love you."

He smiled faintly and figured that this would probably not be true anymore after she had her disenchanting sleep. But it could be very useful for later, so he decided to build upon it.

Jake joined her in bed, kneeling behind her. His head above hers, he started to slowly feel up her body. "You are right Alice," he started in a low tone. "You truly love me for making you feel like this, don’t you?"

He couldn’t see her face, but she gently purred "Yes, Jake."

He started to feel up her boobs under the thin materials, her nipples already erect. "Can you think of anybody besides me, who could make you feel this happy?" He kissed her neck.

"Nobody but you can make me feel this good, Jake."

Jake wondered what would happen if he got her into the desperately horny state again. According to the suggestion, it should happen any time they made out for a while, but would she even enter it after already being satisfied? There was only one way to find out. "Hey, Bunny," he whispered and Alice tilted her head towards him. They joined in a long kiss, while Jake's Hand moved down to Alice’s Pussy. It did not take long until the material was soaking wet. "How do you feel now, Alice?" He asked, still massaging her clit.

"God Jake, I can’t describe it! You make me feel so good. I need you so bad." She sucked his neck greedily. Jake pulled down the bunny suit, leaving her only with stockings, the choker, and her bunny ears.

"Do you still feel happy and satisfied or horny and desperate for my cock?", he asked bluntly. Alice moaned, bending over him, her hands on his pants.

"I feel it all, Jake!" She opened his pants and released his cock again. "I am so happy, but also horny and I would do anything to make you happy. And I also need your cock so so so bad." She started licking his cock, submissively looking into his eyes as he leaned back on the pillow.

"So you really do love me?" He tried again, opening her mind to the idea.

This time Alice didn’t try to find some way to get to her answer. "I do," she said without hesitation. She playfully licked his balls. "I love you, Jake! I love you so much! I’ll do anything for you, my love!" Jake grabbed her phone that was lying on the bed and activated her camera to make a little movie.

"Keep saying that you love me while riding my cock, please." He pressed the red button and started the recording. Alice got up at once, licking her lips before smiling gratefully at him and the phone.

"I love you, Jake! I love you, I love you, I love you! I lo~aaah!"

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm always grateful for feedback, so please leave a comment :) Also, please feel invited to join my Discord server, where you can find more of my stories, exclusive content, some cool people to chat with, and updates about further releases!

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