Ambrosia - Entrancing Smoke

Chapter 1 - Pink Smoke

by Floradriel

Tags: #cw:noncon #ambrosia #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #hypnotic_smoke #sub:female #clothing #mind-control #mind_control #multiple_partners #sex #smoking #submission #trance

Alice rested her head on his arm while caressing his abs with her fingers. Mike was well-trained and his stamina in bed was something she had never encountered before. She knew they were still in the honeymoon phase but damn he was so perfect she really couldn’t believe her luck.

"Hey, where are you?" He asked her, pulling her away from her adoring thoughts and she felt caught.

"I’m in a dream." She said, gazing into his hazelnut-brown eyes.

He chuckled "Is it a good one?"

She sighed, held his hand, and smiled at him. "The best I ever had."

He said "I love you", and Alice felt her heart racing and her face getting hot.

"I love you too,” she replied and kissed him. "More than anything."

"I wish you could stay," he said, now disappointed. Immediately she felt a stone in her stomach and her smile faded.

"Trust me, I wish so too." Alice got up and picked up her bra and panties.

"At least it will be done after this." Mike said "Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I bet he’s gonna be much less creepy if I show up there with you. And besides, I can help you carry your boxes. I don’t wanna brag but I work out, you know?"

He grinned at her, knowing how much she liked his muscular body. She smiled but declined "No, I’m afraid I have to do this one alone. He feels shitty enough. If he sees you he might jump from a roof. And if he is not a total ass today who knows, maybe he is able to lift something, too"

They both laughed and Alice got dressed. She quickly went to the bathroom to comb through her long blonde hair and put on some basic, natural-looking make-up. Before she left she gave Mike another kiss and went out. After this, she would finally have her happy end. She could not wait to get it done.

Jake opened the door and he looked a bit better than in the last weeks. "Hey, " he said, and a "Hey" he got back from her. He moved to let her in. Since the breakup, it really went downhill with him. After all the drama and the begging, he finally seemed to accept the fact and slowly moved on but she was still worried about his reactions. He became really unpredictable lately and the guy she once loved became basically a stranger. Now he seemed fine. A bit agitated though. He asked "Can I offer you something to drink? Water? Tea?"

Alice shook her head. "I really just want to get this over with." He seemed honestly disappointed.

"Oh come on. Can we just talk for 5 minutes? I promise I’ll behave. I need to apologize." Alice knew this could end in disaster if the conversation shifted just a little bit in the wrong direction. But his dumb puppy eyes won again.

"Just one glass of water and you can say your thing. After this, I’m getting my stuff, alright?"

He nodded happily. Alice took off her jacket and shoes and sat down on the couch. The place looked almost like she never left. Except that her things were gone. But much of the furniture she picked was still there. It felt odd.

"I know I have been difficult since you broke up with me…"

Difficult was an understatement, but she was smart enough not to say that out loud. What followed was a very honest apology that she did not see coming from him. He really seemed to be over it. Even wished her and Mike all the best.

"I hope he makes you very happy."

She smiled and nodded "Thank you. He does."

He said "I’m glad" and he looked sincere.

She added, "I think he’s the one." And bit her lip. That was a stupid thing to say to Jake. For a second she thought he looked mad but if he was, he overplayed it and got up.

"Okay, time to get you your stuff, right?"

Alice stood up, too. "Right." She was so relieved how smooth this went. She was so worried before. But she could still not wait to get out of here. "Where did you put them then?"

"Everything is on the shelf in the cabinet."

She followed him and he opened the door for her. She went inside the small room and took a look at the boxes while he left her to it. It was a bit more than she thought. Would all of that fit in her car? Hopefully, it wasn’t too heavy. Alice was just about to lift a box to see how heavy it was when she picked up the smell. She turned her head to see Jake standing at the door smoking a cigarette. Though it was pink and thicker than a normal cigarette.

"You are not seriously smoking in the apartment now are you?" She was baffled. As a response he inhaled again and blew the pink smoke in her direction, filling the tiny room with it. Wait… pink? "What the hell…?"

"This is not a normal cigarette," He said and smiled,  "Don’t you smell it?"

Alice knew what he meant. It didn’t smell like the other disgusting things he usually consumed. It smelled like a field of flowers and something else that she could not make out. It was definitely sweet and very pleasant.

"Smells wonderful, doesn't it?" He puffed another cloud in her direction and Alice had to agree.

"It actually does. What is that?"

His smile got bigger "You can’t get enough of it, can you?" He came a bit closer and blew the smoke slowly but directly at her face. "Inhale it. You love it, am I right?"

Alice felt different when she inhaled more of that wonderful pink smell. "What… What’s in there, Jack? I feel…"

He finished her sentence for her "…perfectly peaceful and relaxed."

"Yeah…" She felt her mouth starting to form a smile. He let out another whiff and Alice sucked the delicious taste in as fast as she could. She felt so at peace.

Suddenly he took her hand and said "Come with me."

She let him lead her away from the cabinet. It was funny. She didn’t think at all. She just let it happen. She was so relaxed. Alice floated behind him, his hand pulling her gently but determined into the bedroom. She felt an unknown warmth streaming through her body. It felt so cozy as if her soul would take a bath. He put her on the bed, where Alice immediately dropped on her back. It was incredibly comfortable. His face appeared over hers and his wicked grin was somewhat unsettling.

"What’s happening?" She managed to ask.

"Another puff?" 

Alice eyeballed the cigarette in his hand and finally understood why she felt so high. "Jake… What is that stuff doing to me?" Again, instead of answering he inhaled and puffed a pink cloud above her face. She knew it would not be smart to breathe in any more of this stuff but she just could not help herself. It just smelled so good and it made her feel so good.

"This just puts you in a wonderful deep trance."

A trance? That made sense. She could barely keep her eyes open now and she felt a bit disconnected from her body. Yet she was wonderfully relaxed and at peace. Still… on some level, she knew exactly that she was in deep shit.

"What are you doing to me?"

Would she soon lose conciseness? Would he rape her? As scary as her thoughts sounded, she just was not afraid at all. She didn’t really know what to think of that.

"Sit up straight now," he said and Alice was surprised at how fast her upper body shot up from the bed to sit straight while still feeling so sleepy and heavy. She felt his hand on her chin and said "Open your mouth." Alice did it without hesitation, without thinking. He took another drag from his magical cigarette and put his lips on her open mouth. He exhaled the delicious smoke straight through her throat and Alice was happy to suck it in. She was filled up with pure bliss. "That should be enough to start with," he concluded, still holding her chin. Alice looked him in the eyes. She felt her grin getting bigger and her eyes getting heavier.

When she woke up, the first thing Alice thought was that she was home. Then she remembered that she did not live here anymore. She sat up in bed and was confused for a second. Jake entered the room and asked, "How’s the head now?" Alice needed a moment to make sense of that. Then she remembered.

"Much better! Thank you for letting me rest here a bit. I really thought I was getting a migraine or something."

He sat down next to her and put his hand on her forehead. "Well, you are not hot or anything so that’s good." She actually felt a little hot, though. Aside from that, she felt perfectly fine. Better than usual even.

"I am glad you feel better, " said Jake and the hand that was on her forehead moved on to stroking her hair. His other hand he placed on her lap and without really thinking about it Alice put her hand right on top of his.

She smiled at him. "Yeah, me too. I feel really good now." Alice knew that she would usually react somewhat differently now, but his touch felt so nice and normal that all of a sudden she didn’t mind at all. It seemed perfectly fine now. She quite enjoyed it, even when he stopped stroking her hair and started to move his hand down her spine. He went under her T-shirt and scratched her back. "Damn, that’s good!" She said closing her eyes for a second.

"Glad you like it, " he said smiling. Since when was her creepy ex suddenly not so creepy anymore? His hand on her back felt so pleasant. And since when was she running around without a bra? Alice suddenly realized that she must have forgotten to put it on when she was at Mike’s place. Fuck, her nipples would be totally visible through this white shirt. Oh well, whatever. As much as she enjoyed being fondled, there was something to be done.

"We should get back to those boxes I think," Alice said but Jake did not make a move.

"Can I ask you something before we do that?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"How about a kiss?"

He leaned in on her, and before Alice was even able to grasp a thought it was already happening. And she did not just let it happen; She instantly loved it, opened her mouth, and greeted his tongue as if they'd never broken up. She was somehow not even surprised that he kissed her. It felt completely alright for her, and so she wrapped her hands around his neck and returned his kisses eagerly. Everything seemed to be perfectly fine. Her own passion did surprise her though. It was as if she could not stop herself. Sucking on his lips, feeling him up everywhere. She got more and more excited by the second. His tongue and hers melted together in an epic make-out session.

"Oh my god!" She moaned not knowing what was going on here. Everything happened so fast and she could not even think about what she was doing. She didn’t really want to think right now. All she wanted was more. Jake started kneading her breasts through the shirt so roughly that it hurt, but instead of slapping his hands as she would have done back then, she just lifted her shirt, whirled around, and jumped on his lap to relish in this amazing feeling he gave her. "Oh god Jake, please fuck me," she heard herself whispering in his ear and a weird feeling of deja-vu overcame her. For a split second, her brain made a crucial connection, but it was gone so fast that she had no idea what it was. She just knew she needed Jake's cock inside her more than anything now. Alice stood up swiftly and dropped her pants while he threw his shirt in some corner, feeling hornier than ever before. She knelt in front of Jake, opened his pants, and pulled them down.

"Alice, you surprise me. I never thought this would ever happen again." Alice got back up and sat down on his lap. This time they were both naked.

"Me neither," she breathed while grabbing his hard cock, and just when she tried to guide it inside her, he grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"One last thing before you do this," he said, holding her back. Alice could not take it anymore. She would do anything to get that sweet relief now. "You know you are cheating on your new boyfriend now, right?"

Alice was in shock. What the fuck was she doing here?! Jake suddenly let go of her hand and gave her free reign. Alice was torn. She didn’t want to cheat on Mike. She had no reason to. But she was desperately horny. She lowered herself just a few inches, full of doubt still. When Jake's dick entered her body something changed. A wave of warm pleasure rippled through her body as she sat down to take it deeper. How could she already…? The orgasm hit her by the time his cock was all the way in. Alice moaned and didn’t care about anything anymore. There was no time to think about Mike. She had no control over her brain or her body. Jake kissed her while grabbing her breasts and her ass and Alice passionately rode his cock as she felt a second orgasm coming up before the first one was even over. How the hell was this possible? These were by far the most intense orgasms she ever had in her life and it just didn’t stop. Alice screamed in pleasure, her body riding Jake's cock like there was no tomorrow as she came yet again and again. She lost track of her orgasms and at some point, Jake must have come too, because she felt his dick less and less while she was still riding him. Shaking from her latest climax she was almost glad that it was ending.

As he lifted her butt and let his cock slide out of her, Alice’s mind bubbled away on a cloud. Every worry left her body and she was light as a balloon. She was never so happy in her entire life. And it was all thanks to Jake. He was so wonderful. She had no idea how he was able to make her cum like that, but she was sure nobody else could ever make her feel like this. He stroked her back and asked, "Can you stand up?"

Alice pulled back from him and stood before him. She could not stop to smile. He smiled too. "That was very nice, Alice. Did you enjoy it?" Alice giggled and nodded eagerly.

"It was incredible!" Her voice sounded higher and she felt very lightheaded "I never felt so good in my life Jake. Thank you so, so much!" She felt like this was just not good enough "Is there anything I can do for you?" Jake stood up and looked at her naked body. Alice was glad he liked it so much.

"Just one thing. Pick up your boxes on another day. Would that be okay for you?" Alice waved it off "Of course, Jake! Anything else? I’ll do it whenever you want" Her smile turned into a grin.


Jake was still unsure if he should really do it or not. If anything went wrong he could end up in jail for this. But when she said "He’s the one" he made up his mind. Did he not suffer enough? It was time to make her suffer. He grabbed one of the ‘Ambrosia’ cigarettes from his bedroom drawer right after showing her the boxes in the cabinet. At first, he could not believe anything like this even existed but he got a little "demo" when he bought them, so he knew they worked. Now it was time to change some things about Alice.

Jake was happy with how easily she was entranced. After moving her to the bedroom and giving her that last blow directly in her mouth she completely spaced out. It was about half of the cigarette and exactly the amount he had intended for her. With only half of it, he could probably not change too much of her deepest feelings and thoughts, but it should still be enough for some powerful suggestions that would work in his favor. If there would be a barrier he needed to break, he could always give her another puff and go on from there.

Alice sat on his bedside and grinned like a maniac. Her blue eyes were dull and empty. He sat next to her and placed a hand on her neck. 

"You are completely relaxed Alice, you hear me? That’s it. Just close your eyes and listen to my voice."

Alice gave a slow "Uh-Huh" while her eyes shut down. Her grin turned into a faint smile. He looked at her body and had mixed feelings about this. But having her here now, completely in his hands was more than he could ever dream.

"You are in a wonderfully deep trance Alice. The only thing that is important now is listening to my voice. My voice is all you can focus on. All that matters. Nothing else matters but my voice Alice. Do you understand?"

"Yes…" Alice said slowly but determined.

"My voice is the only thing in the world for you now. The only thing that makes sense. The only thing you have to listen to. It is very easy, Alice. Just listen and obey. Relax and listen and obey my voice."

Alice let out some air as she relaxed even deeper. Good. First things first; He needed to know some things before he could get started.

"I will ask you some questions now and you will answer them honestly and immediately. Do you understand, Alice?"

"I understand," Alice answered robotically. He knew he would not like this part, but it was necessary.

"Alice, what is the name of your current boyfriend?"


"Where do you know him from?"


"And since when are you dating Mike?"

"Three months today"

"Fucking bitch! I mean… How much do you like him?"

"I love him more than anything in the world."

"Oh, we’ll see about that. Did you end your relationship with me because you met Mike? "


"But you were meeting him on Tinder, so you were already cheating on me before you met Mike?"

"No, I was just bored."

"Did you still love me?"


That was hard to hear, but he knew it was true before he asked. This was not a matter for today anyway.

"Do you want me to fuck you?"


"Did you enjoy Sex with me when we were still together, Alice?"


That was hopefully all the angle he needed. "Open your eyes now and look at me." Her eyes opened and she lifted her head. The look she gave him was pure boredom, but she wasn’t very eye-focused right now due to the drug. "You will do as my voice commands Alice, do you understand?"

She answered mechanically again "I understand."

It was time to test what he could do with only half a cigarette. "I can touch and caress you anytime I want to. You would never do anything to avoid it. It is completely natural and nice for you. My touch makes you feel comfortable and safe. Your stress fades away and you simply relax, because my touch is so soothing. You are unable to have any problem with me touching you."

Alice did not react to that. He placed his hand on her cheek and caressed her. He had no idea if his suggestion worked. "My touch also arouses you sexually. You don’t mind that at all. You want more of it. Do you understand?"

Alice nodded and her lifeless voice said "Yes…", and for the first time, he saw a reaction. Her breathing became slightly deeper and her cheeks turned purple-red. Even her eyes shimmered for a second with a spark of life.

He licked his lips and said gently "Now give me a kiss." Her eyes focused for a tiny second on his lips and she gave him a small peck on them. Not really what he was hoping for but it was a start. He removed the hand from her cheek. "Good, Alice. It is completely natural for you to kiss me." He came closer to put his lips on hers but she did not react at all. This was getting annoying.

He whispered in her ear "Don’t you want me to kiss you?"

"I... I don’t know…"

His hand went back to her face to give her a good feeling while he said "Of course you do. Whenever you realize I want to kiss you, you will just let it happen. You desperately want to kiss me back. You will always return my kisses eagerly and with uncontrolled passion."

He moved back from her ear and adored her beautiful mindless face. If this would not work he needed to use more of the drug. He leaned forward to kiss her again and before his lips could touch hers, Alice’s eyes closed and she embraced his kiss as if her life depended on it. He was relieved and very pleased with her response. She was kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Alice. The woman he thought he'd lost forever. His dick felt suddenly like it was exploding in his pants. Jake could not believe this was really happening. He backed out and held her face in both hands, feeling a rush from the power he had. Alice needed some time to get her tongue back in her mouth.

"That was wonderful, am I right, Alice?"


"I can kiss you whenever I want. It just feels right." He kissed her again and she responded just as passionately as he teased her tongue. "You will not mind it or even think about it. You will just open your lewd mouth and greedily kiss me back without wasting any thoughts on it," he suggested in between and sucked on her lip. "You can’t resist at all and there is no reason to."

Her eyes were still blank but as soon as he leaned back in to kiss her, she closed them and put her mouth to work. "You enjoy it. Revel in it. Kissing me turns you on so much. You could not stop yourself even if you wanted to. And of course, you don’t want to stop." She released a little moan before she greedily received his tongue again. "Making out with me makes you so horny and wet that you want it more and more. Wanting me more and more. You will become more passionate and lewd by the second." She suddenly wrapped her arms around him and started rubbing her upper body on his. He could feel her breasts behind the bra on his shirt.

"Kiss my neck," Jake said and was pleased to see that Alice didn’t just give him a little peck this time. On the contrary, Alice started sucking and caressing him with her tongue. Good to know how little of the drug was needed if used right. He stroked her blonde hair and said "This is very good, Alice. Just like that. You want me so bad. Making out with me makes me completely irresistible to you. You become so desperately horny for me that you can’t think about anything else." As if to confirm his suggestion Alice’s left hand wandered to his pants, finding the big bulge, but before she could do more he pushed her abruptly away from him.

"That’s enough for now," he said and Alice let out a desperate sigh. Still, she immediately let go of him. His ex was frowning now but her eyes were still blank. Her intense desire for him should make the next step much easier. Her hands were moving all over her own body.

"Don’t move until I tell you to," he commanded and Alice froze in place. He placed her hands behind her head and left them there. It was like playing with a puppet. "How do you feel Alice?"

She wistfully said, "I feel desperately horny".

"Why do you feel like this?"

"I… Making out with you made me sooo horny."

"That’s right. And you enjoyed every second of it didn’t you?"


"Do you want me to fuck you now, Alice?"

"I… I do…"

"Of course you want me to fuck you. It’s even more than that. It’s something you need. You urgently need me to fuck you. You crave my cock to be inside of you. You feel so desperate and helpless without sexual satisfaction and you know that only my cock can give you that. Making out with me makes you so horny and wet that you would do anything to receive my cock." Alice's breathing got really fast now. She almost seemed in pain if her eyes weren’t so blank.

"Stand up," he commanded and Alice promptly got up from the bed, her arms still bent with her hands bound behind her head. Her face was all red and her breath heavy but aside from that she was a statue. "It’s time to show me what you need, Alice. You can move again."

Jake went for a kiss and Alice immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, making out with him again like it was the only thing that mattered in the world. She was pulling up his shirt and he helped her out of hers. Her hands rushed behind her back, undid the bra, and threw it away like she needed to get rid of it badly. Her naked breasts rubbed against his chest as she pulled him in even closer, passionately embracing his tongue and body. She was so fast and eager to get them both naked that he was unable to keep up. He let her open his belt and pull down his pants and his boxers in one go. She didn’t even pay much attention to his cock when she did that, even though she had to get on her knees for it. She jumped right back up and opened her Jeans. This was going way too fast for his taste. He needed her to fight a bit more for it.

Alice was naked in seconds and tried to pull him backwards to the bed but he didn’t move. She didn’t give up tough. She started kissing him again, stroking his super-hard cock, before attempting to hump him standing up. It was to no avail since they were both about the same height and she could not get high enough to get him in.

"P… Please" she moaned finally. He smiled.

"Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me!" Alice responded frantically. For the first time, he saw real emotion in her eyes and loved it. "Beg me and I might do it."

"Oh please! Please, please fuck me. I beg you, please fuck me. I need your cock. I need it so bad."  She begged while kissing his neck and mouth and stroking his cock. He was already more than ready but this moment was important. He had to make the most out of it. He needed this to work in the long run.

"Use my name while begging. You must recognize that only I can give you what you need." He started kneading her breasts. Something he knew she hated, but right now it just seemed to increase her need for him.

"Oh fuck, Jake, please! Please, Jake, fuck me. I need you to fuck me so bad, Jake. You made me so so horny, Jake. Pleaaaaaase!"

"Very good. You would do anything for me now. No matter how demeaning. No matter how humiliating. You will be submissive and obedient. It feels completely fair to you to do whatever I want. You know you’ll get my cock as a reward if you are obedient and do as you are told. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Jake, anything." Alice plead. "I will do it. Please, what do you want me to do??"

"Turn around, crawl on the bed, and beg me to fuck you like a dog."

Alice hated doggy style, never let him do it. He remembered her words from back then: "It’s so gross and disrespectful. I am not a fucking dog and I sure won’t let you fuck me like one. I really don’t get why somebody would want that, honestly." She could be weirdly prude sometimes. Now she was something else. Alice didn’t hesitate to crouch on the bed, bending over, giving him a full view of her ass and wet pussy. Her head turned to him and her look was part desperate, part empty as she begged him, "Please Jake. Please fuck me. Fuck me like a dog. I’ll do anything. Please, please, please!" It was an exhilarating sight for him. He grinned and knelt behind her.

"I am going to fuck you like the bitch you are, how about that?"

"Yes!!" Alice nodded and shivered. "Yes, please. Fuck me like the bitch I am. I’m your bitch, just fuck me please, Jake!"

He slapped her ass and said, "Before I do, there is something you need to know, so listen carefully." Alice was breathing heavily but stopped her begging at once to listen. "You will always have the most intense orgasms while I fuck you. From the moment my cock enters your pussy you will have one orgasm after another and they get better and stronger the more you have. It is a sexual experience that nothing else you knew before could ever compare to. Nobody except me will ever be able to give you that kind of pleasure and you know it. Do you understand?"

"I… I understand" Alice's voice was trembling.

Now for the cherry on top, "I am the only person who can make you cum, Alice. Say it."

Alice hesitated for a moment but she said "You… You are the only person who can make me cum. Please…"

That should do it. He grabbed his cock and, just to be sure, said "No matter what you try, nothing in the world can make you cum except for this." He thrusted inside her and Alice moaned in pleasure. Her pussy was soaking wet and entering was no problem. She clenched and came within seconds. It did not last very long but as soon as the first orgasm was over, the next one started building up. Her moans got so loud he was afraid the neighbors would complain. He had to be careful not to cum now because he knew he had to do the whole procedure again in a short time.

Alice had already come at least three or four times when he pulled out before he exploded. It was time to finish his suggestions anyway before the drug wore off. She was panting, still recovering from her last orgasm, but her eyes had that dull glare again. A clear indicator that she was still under the influence of the 'Ambrosia'.

"After we had Sex you will be insanely satisfied and filled with a blissful happiness that lasts until you fall asleep. Whatever I did, said, or made you do before we fucked is forgiven, because it was all worth it for this satisfaction. You are so satisfied that you completely forget any worries you ever had. Your mind and body will be in perfect harmony. And of course, you are incredibly grateful to me. So very grateful that you feel like doing me all kinds of favors. Whatever I ask of you seems perfectly reasonable and even exciting now, doesn't it? No matter what I want you to do, you will gladly do it. Got it?"

"Yesss, anything!" Alice started to smile wide and looked pretty dumb like this with her empty-minded eyes. She was also still naked and bent over.

"Now, do me a favor and put your clothes back on." She got up and picked up her things. He had a funny idea and added, "Leave the bra. You forgot to put it on before you came here." Alice dropped the bra on the floor like it never existed. He picked it up and put his trophy in a drawer. Ironically, this used to be her underwear drawer when she lived here. Then Jake got dressed himself.

When they were done he could see her nipples through the white blouse. "Now lay down on the bed." Alice did as she told. "How do you feel now?" 

"Blissfully happy, satisfied, and grateful," she sighed content.

"Now listen to me carefully again. You are still in a very deep trance, do you remember?"

"I do."

"Very good. You really like being in this trance, am I right?"


"Your eyes are getting very heavy again and you will become very sleepy, Alice." Jake could see the change in her breathing and face immediately. "When you wake up you will not remember anything that happened during this trance. You will bury all this deep inside your mind. Only your subconsciousness will have access to that memory. You will never be able to actively remember it. When you wake up, you will think that you came here and we just had a very pleasant chat. Then you got a bad headache and I was nice enough to let you lay in my bed for a bit where you fell asleep. You will feel completely comfortable and relaxed when you wake up. Do you understand that? Can you do that for me?"

Alice nodded and whispered a "Yes."

"Sleep now," he said, and her eyes shut down.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm always grateful for feedback, so please leave a comment :) Also, please feel invited to join my Discord server, where you can find more of my stories, exclusive content, some cool people to chat with, and updates about further releases!

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