Charming Coven Cosplay

by Feldor

Tags: #bimbofication #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #sub:female #urban_fantasy #breast_expansion #cosplay #CW:dubious_consent #magic

Author’s Note

This is my first short story in the third person. There is likely going to be some errors, so please leave some constructive criticism letting me know how I should improve. I may also submit another story for the Halloween Contest, but I'm not sure how much time I will have to do so. But anyways, enjoy!

Charming Coven Cosplay

Cassie was no stranger to loneliness. She was only just floating through life even though she was only 20 years old. Her eyes opened, staring at her ceiling fan as it slowly spun in a hypnotic manner.

The few friends she had from High School were in college, and none of them were really close friends so they didn’t really keep in touch other than the few times a year they would send a quick “Merry Christmas!” or a “Happy Birthday!”, Cassie was alone.

Well, as alone as a 20-year-old woman who lives with her divorced mother can be. Her parents split when she was 14, only to find out that her Dad was getting married to an absolute knockout of a woman. Her name was Rebecca, and she was in her mid-30’s, an ex-model, now avid painter.

Cassie would never admit it to Brenda – her mom – but she secretly admired Rebecca. So much so that she wished she could be a model like her. Then people would like her and pay attention to her. No longer would she be harassed and humiliated by her school bullies. But that was the 15-year-old version of Cassie. The Cassie of now knew all too well that it would never happen, she could never get the confidence and work done to even attempt that career.

It saddened her that she was unable to participate in something that she only felt more passionate about the more often she would ask Rebecca about her former career. Her dad was happy to support her in any way he could, but Cassie never told anyone that she wanted to try it out.

Cassie looked down at her body, still wearing her pajama clothes which consisted of a worn-out shirt she got when she was 10, and a pair of pink cotton panties. The shirt had holes in it and didn’t even reach her bellybutton. She knew she didn’t really have anything to hide though.

Her most hated nickname in High School was “No Ass Cass”, and to be fair, they were not wrong. Cassie was the opposite of curvy. She had always been skinny and bony, only having barely there A-cups, and an ass that was – as you probably have guessed – nonexistent. One of the only things she had going for her is that you could say she had a cute face. With a short bob of brown hair which framed her face, long eyelashes, and light hazel eyes, she was pretty easy on the eyes.

None of that really mattered if the rest of herself never caught up. She could thank her mom’s genetics for all of that. Her mom had always been very skinny. She was a bit of a nut when it came to running. That gave her the stereotypical “runner’s body” since she too had a flat chest and a boney butt, perfect for being a runner, but terrible if you ever wanted to be seen as sexy.

Cassie would lay awake at night, playing with herself, wishing that she could be beautiful like Rebecca. Cassie would imagine she had Rebecca’s D-cups, and her heart shaped bubble butt. She would think of all the people who would be looking at her, knowing that she was capable of stealing all of the attention in the room.

Cassie jerked awake yet again, realizing her hand was in her panties, rubbing her clit. She was so sleepy that she had been half-asleep, imagining being a hot sexy model.

She rose out of bed, her hair a mess since it had been a few days since her last shower. She knew she would need to take one before work today, otherwise people were gonna notice her uncleanliness. Most days Cassie didn’t even know why she cared about looking presentable at work anyways, it wasn’t like she needed to impress anyone.

Cassie worked at a mall arcade, one which she had worked at since she was 17. It was a very easy-going place, only really needing 2 people max to man the place most of the time. The owner rarely came in. He usually would show up once Cassie counted out the machines earnings at the end of the month. He would give her a handful of quarters “as a tip” he would say.

It was early in the morning, but Cassie didn’t want to sleep all day up until she needed to leave for her shift. Getting in the shower she lazily cleaned herself, only caring to do the bare minimum needed to be presentable.

After the shower she went back to her room and booted up her self-built PC. This was probably the only thing she was ever proud of that came from the money her job made her. Cassie was pretty hardcore into video games, anime, and movies… nerd stuff to be honest.

Cassie booted up a multiplayer shooter and went at that for an hour until she got tired of 12-year-olds yelling misogynistic comments at her. As much as she loved multiplayer games, the moment they found out she was a girl they either told her to make a sandwich or asked her what she was wearing. She wished she could say fuck it and just go full E-girl, but she knew that wasn’t possible either since she was so shy and unattractive.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the front door slam, indicating that her mom was home from her job as a director of nursing at Harborview Hospital. The fact that her mom had slammed the door showed that she was not in a good mood. Her mom’s job was very stressful, but she was well respected by her peers and the money she made was no joke.

“Cass! Are you up?” Her mom yelled from down the hallway, as her footsteps quickly grew closer. Before Cass could even respond her mom opened the door without so much as a knock. “Still playing your video games I see.” Cassie’s mom said, a hint of disdain in her voice. She wasn’t a fan of any of Cassie’s hobbies, thinking they were a waste of time.

“Uh, yeah mom, I was actually about to get up and make breakfast, I gotta head to work in like 2 hours.” Cassie said meekly, withering under her mom’s stern gaze. Cassie always felt ashamed that she had no life direction, especially when her mom had been so hardworking and successful in her career. For that matter, she knew her mom thought the same things about her, like why she didn’t seem to have any motivation, and why her hobbies were so unproductive.

Her mother Brenda grew up with parents that didn’t really care what she did with her life, and so at the age of 18 she moved out, and worked her way through nursing school. Then getting her Masters in order to become an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, she was the exact opposite of her parents. It was because of all of that that Brenda grew up with little to no social life, it was actually a miracle that she met her ex-husband – Cassie’s dad – at all. And it was because of these workaholic tendencies that her ex cheated on her, ending up with them getting divorced.

“Alright,” Brenda said, sighing, “I'm gonna shower, just make sure to leave me some and to clean up after you are done in the kitchen.”

Cassie nodded and with that her mom turned around and headed to the master bath to wash off. Cassie knew that her mom loved her, but she also knew that she didn’t understand her. Just like her mom was the opposite of her parents, Cassie was the opposite of her mom. While it wouldn’t be fair to say that Cassie was a slacker or a burnout, instead she thought of herself as more apathetic and lost.

Cassie felt as if the gods of good genetics had cursed her to want for a career that she would never be able to do, and that honestly left her depressed most days.


Cassie made a pretty standard bacon, eggs, and toast breakfast, she could have made more since the only upside of her rather boring body was that she just didn’t gain weight. That was a double edged sword as well since she had a hard time building muscle, then maintaining it.

By the time Cassie finished her food her mom had walked into the kitchen wearing a sports bra and tights. Cassie looked at the clothing, noting that her mom didn’t even need to wear a bra since she was completely flat. Cassie felt a quick jolt of frustration towards her mother which then faded as she remembered that it wasn’t like her mom intentionally made her this way, but sometimes Cassie wished she got her genetics from her dad’s side of the family.

Both of her aunts on her dad’s side were stacked. You could say they were a little overweight, but they still had the stereotypical late 40’s milf body. It was all just so unfair for Cassie, why couldn’t she be like that?

Cassie snapped herself out of that thought-spiral, knowing that to continue that cycle yet again would put her into another depressive episode.

“Have you taken your medicine this morning?” Cassie’s mom asked.

“I was just about to… I wanted to get some food in me before doing that.” Cassie replied, not wanting to meet her mom’s judging gaze. She got up and washed her plate off, putting it in the dishwasher before she headed to her room.

Cassie looked down at her medication. Another day, another pill she thought, as she popped it into her mouth and swallowed. Shortly after her parents’ divorce, she had gone to therapy for depression/anxiety, the catalyst being the dissolution of her family structure. This was apparently one of the few genes she got from her father’s side. Her grandma on her dad’s side had a history of severe depression, and it seemed she was the next lucky one to get those depression genes.

As much as Cassie hated taking medication, she also knew that it was necessary to keep her functioning. It really did help her, but it more so just leveled out her peaks and valleys, allowing her to be more emotionally stable.

Not wanting to think any more about her own mental state she booted up an anime on SushiRoll that she had been enjoying, wanting to just turn her brain off until she had to head to work.


Arriving at work Cassie saw her other coworker, Alice, who had been working there for almost a year and was soon going to graduate high school. Alice was one of the “weird kids” that you would see at school, not caring what others thought of them, going from class to class with their rolling backpacks, and their constant reading of fanfiction.

Cassie knew this because, of course, Alice loved telling her about her own fanfiction that she wrote for the TV show “Supernatural”. Alice really loved just shipping characters that had no right being together. Cassie grew up a huge fan of the show, but she would never tell Alice that, not wanting to encourage her inane ramblings about how Castiel was actually perfect husband material and how she wishes she could kiss him.

Now, this was the odd part for Cassie, while Alice’s personality was grating, she was actually pretty hot when she made herself up. Alice was probably 5’3”, she had long blonde hair, wore thick horn rimmed glasses. But her body was stacked she had huge tits, and a fat ass, Alice was not fat by any means, but she was delectably plump, or so Cassie thought.

If it wasn’t clear by now, Cassie is Bisexual, and she has known this since she was 12 years old.

While Cassie found Alice physically attractive, she could not get passed her personality.

“Morning Cass!” Alice waved at her with excitement.

“Morning Alice.” Cassie groaned inwardly, already knowing that Alice was geared up to start talking about something.

“Hey so I was wondering if you could read something that I wrote?” Alice asked.

“It’s not more of your Dean + Castiel fanfiction, is it?” Cassie asked with a sigh.

“Oh, no, it’s actually a fully original novella that I have been writing.” Alice said, unable to contain her excitement.

Cassie couldn’t decide if this was better or worse than reading Alice’s fanfiction.

“What is it about?” Cassie asked.

“It’s about a powerful warlock who enslaves a beautiful princess, but over time the princess begins to develop feeling for her captor, and well I can’t tell you more than that since that would spoil the ending.”

Cassie was actually somewhat interested in the plot, it had been a while since she read anything, and a short novella might just do the trick.

Before Cassie could answer, she heard multiple footsteps behind her approaching. Turning around, Cassie blanched when she who the footsteps belonged to. Three guys and a girl, all of them were bullies to her in high school, and they liked to harass her from time to time since they all had jobs that were pretty close to the mall.

“How’s it going flatty?” The girl smirked, her smarmy attitude palpable.

“Hey Shanice.” Cassie mumbled. “What do you want?” Cassie knew what she wanted, but Shanice always like playing the game of pretending like she didn’t torture her at every chance she got.

“Oh, you know, we just came here to play some games, and talk to our former classmate, No Ass Cassie.” Shanice giggled at mentioning Cassie’s nickname.

Cassie cringed, her eyes locked to the ground, unwilling to look at the group in front of her.

“Cassie, you can go into the back and get the coin machines restocked, ill handle them.” Alice whispered into Cassie’s ear. Cassie breathed a sigh of relief, before thanking Alice and walking into the backroom.

Alice was good to Cassie. So much so that Cassie often felt guilty that she judged Alice’s passions so harshly. Alice had been nothing but kind to her, and that made Cassie feel like shit for evening thinking about Alice in any negative light. She told herself that it was because she was a bad person, and that maybe if she treated Alice more like a friend than a coworker, then maybe she would learn how to talk comfortably with her.

Grabbing a bag full of rolls of quarters, Cassie went to the money exchanging machine in order to restock it. Yet again though she was ambushed by one of Shanice’s cronies, Arin.

“So, tell me Stringbean, how has your hot step-mother been?” He said to her, cornering her against the change machine. Arin was much taller than her, so all he had to do to appear intimidating was to just stand over her. “You should really get some sexy nudes of her, would love to see those big tits of hers.” Arin grinned, looking at Cassie as though she was prey, ripe for the slaughter.

“I-I’m not doing that A-Arin, there is no way she would ever want to show her body off to a slob like you!” Cassie hissed out, trying to get Arin to leave her alone.

“Well, that’s a shame Stringbean, because I sure as shit don’t wanna see your naked body. Would basically be like looking at a boy’s body.” He smirked, staring into her eyes intensely.

Cassie felt her eyes begin to water as she tried to hold back the pain she felt from being humiliated for her most obsessed upon flaw. They knew how to hurt her, they had perfected it all throughout high school, and it was a big reason she was so obsessed with her body.

“Aw gonna cry flatass?” She hears Shanice say off to her side, now noticing that she and the rest of the crew had arrived to laugh at her.

Cassie ducked under Arin’s arm and ran out of the arcade. She finally came to a stop at the central hub of the mall where all of the bench seats were. She sat down next to the community board, which hosted various ads for tutoring or music teachers, all the way to announcements about an upcoming convention.

At the moment Cassie didn’t care about her surroundings, she just sat on the empty bench and pulled her knees up to her flat chest. Her face hidden by her legs she cried a bit; she cried at how unfair it all was. Why her, why couldn’t they leave her alone?

After a few minutes Cassie extended her legs and sat up, drying her face off with her shirt. She glanced over at the board, noting the multitude of personal ads and flyers. But one stood out to her more than the others.

Standing up with a stretch, Cassie made her way to the bright blue flyer. With curiosity she read it.

Help Wanted:

Looking for a female model (No experience necessary!) to help me with my brand new cosplay business. I will give anyone a chance because I know I can make them shine!

Call my number at ***-***-**** for further inquiries about this position!

Cassie felt a flutter in her stomach as she read the flyer. Strangely she felt like this could be her chance, the proverbial foot in the door. The fact that it was cosplay too was a plus since Cassie was already decently knowledgeable about the subjects it covered.

Cassie pulled her phone out and dialed the number, but before she pressed the call button she hesitated. Remembering all of the times she was ridiculed for how she looked, she almost closed her phone and put it away, but with one final jolt of confidence she pressed the button and put the phone up to her ear.

“Hello, this is Charming Coven Cosplays, how may I help you?” Cassie was surprised at the sound of this woman’s sultry voice. The woman sounded like if sex itself had a voice. “Hello??” The woman’s voice repeated, becoming impatient at Cassie’s lack of response.

“Oh! Oh! I'm sorry miss, hi my name is Cassie a-and I saw your flyer at the mall, and I w-was wondering if the position was still open?” Cassie was visibly shaking, her anxiety skyrocketing, making her breathing shallow and shaky.

“First of all, calm down honey.” The woman’s voice felt as though it echoed throughout her skull, and by the time the reverberations stopped, Cassie was strangely calm. “See now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” The woman asked.

“I-I guess not.” Cassie responded, a look of confusion on her face. She had never so easily overcome an anxiety attack like that, and she was flabbergasted at the speed in which it receded.

“So, the model position. That is what you were calling for?” She asked Cassie who had spaced out in thought once again.

“Um, Yes! Yes! That’s why I called, I noticed it said no experience, and that you could make anyone shine.”

Cassie could almost hear the smile in the woman’s voice, “How about you come down to my studio and we can do an interview in person? Are you free at the moment?”

“Um… I still have work for the next few hours, but I could come by at say 5pm?” Cassie said, nervous she may miss the chance due to her job.

“Hmmm,” the woman went silent with thought, “Alright, 5pm it is, now I want you to bring something with you when you come here, and it will be a big reason as to whether or not you get hired.” Cassie gulped, her nerves once again rising. “I need to bring a piece of jewelry or just something that you wear often that has significance to you.” Cassie was confused at that but thought that it was probably some sort of superstition this lady had.

“Okay! 5pm, I’ll be there!” Cassie said, her belly alit with excitement and anxiety. With that the line hung up and Cassie went running off back to the arcade feeling a bit better about her day already.


What the hell am I gonna bring Cassie wondered. There was a time in her teens when she had piercings and wore some rings or necklaces, but since graduating high school she hasn’t cared enough to really accessorize.

She would ask her mom, but it was likely that she was already asleep since she worked graveyard shift.

Digging in her closet she finally found an old jewelry box of hers. Cassie had fond memories of this box, it was a present from her dad when she turned 12. She wanted to get her ears pierced so she could look grown up, so her dad got her the box to keep her accessories.

“How did I even forget about this?” Cassie asked herself, trying to think back to why this was buried in her closet.

Unable to think of the reason she shrugged it off for now. Sitting on her bed she opened up the box and looked through the jewelry. Her goth/punkish phase was where she got the majority of the jewelry, so they all had a certain style to them that Cassie found corny now a days.

Digging through she saw something at the bottom, immediately memories came back to her. It was a locket that her grandmother had passed on to her shortly before her death. She must have been only 4 when that happened, remembering how upset her father was afterwards, while she was too young to truly understand the situation.

It was a brass locket with a brass chain. The thing looked old; older than her grandma was maybe. Cassie tried to open the locket but was unsuccessful in her attempts.

Cassie decided that this would be the item she brought, and as she looked over at the clock, she realized that she didn’t have a lot of time to clean herself up some more then drive over to the address that woman sent her.

Cassie had debated texting Rebecca for tips on how this would go, but again she didn’t feel confident in herself enough to commit to telling everyone about this.


It was 5pm on the dot when Cassie knocked on the door of the very nice condo. This person must have been running her business out of her home for now.

The door opened and Cassie looked at the woman standing there. She wore a long sleeved mesh top which was underneath a black metal band tank top, then she wore low rise black jeans, with black high-waisted thong straps coming out and framing her hip bones perfectly. The woman had silverish platinum blonde hair which was tied up in a messy ponytail at the moment. Cassie also noted that this woman had a firm set of breasts, that were possibly C-cups.

“Um… h-hello I'm Cassie.” She stuck her hand out to shake hands with her. The lady just looked her up and down and made no movement to return the handshake. Finally, after what seemed forever, she gave Cassie a smirk.

“I'm Sabrina, why don’t you come in and we can talk over some tea.” Sabrina stepped aside, allowing Cassie to enter her home.

Walking ahead of her guest, Sabrina was properly intrigued by this tabula rasa that had landed upon her doorstep, she was convinced that Cassie was perfect for this already, but she didn’t want to seem over eager and end up scaring away this obviously shy and anxious girl.

Sabrina led Cassie to her kitchen and asked for her to take a seat while she started up brewing some tea. Sabrina was looking through her selections of tea, wondering which would work best on Cassie. She decided that her Devil’s Breath brew should do just the trick for what she wanted to know.

Pouring the tea into two bone looking teacups, Sabrina handed Cassie her tea. Sabrina made sure that she didn’t pour herself the same tea, using her assassins teapot, which could hold two separate liquids and by holding a finger over one hole or the other she could choose which liquid went into which cup.

“Mmmm, this is really good!” Cassie said, sipping her freshly poured tea. Sabrina smiled at her, happy to see that Cassie had no qualms about drinking something a stranger gave her.

“Thanks, it’s a special blend I made.” Sabrina said, letting one corner of her mouth rise in a subtle smirk. “Now let me ask you… why do you want to model for me?”

Cassie took a moment to think, during which she gulped down some more of the delicious tea.

“Uh… well it’s something that I’ve always wanted to try, and this just kinda seemed like something fun to do.” Cassie said, cringing at her unintentionally insinuating, that she wouldn’t take this seriously.

Sabrina studied her face, waiting for some sort of sign from Cassie that the tea was working.

“Fun, you say? Well, I will admit it can be fun, but you must also know that it is hard work, especially something like cosplay which requires me to individually design the outfit to the model.” Sabrina lightly chastised Cassie’s nervous slip up.

“I-I-I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to say that this wasn’t a serious thing.” Cassie blurted out, suddenly feeling a strange drunken fog slowly creeping over her mind.

Sabrina saw the dull look in her eye as the tea began taking effect.

“This time I want the truth. Why did you choose to come here for this modeling work?” Sabrina asked again, this time making her voice more authoritative.

Cassie’s mind was swimming, she kept trying to think of things to say, but what ended up coming out was her real deep inner thoughts; thoughts that she never told anyone.

“I wanna be hot, and sexy. I want people to look at me and recognize that I am the beauty standard. I want- I want people to think about what my body looks like under my clothes, but not-not this stupid body.” Cassie looked down at herself with disgust, “I wanna… I wanna be hot like Rebecca.”

“And who is this Rebecca you speak of?” Sabrina asked, eyebrows raising with interest.

“That’s my stepmom.” Cassie slurred, her words becoming heavy yet passionate.

“Do you have a picture of her?” Sabrina asked.

Cassie just nodded slowly as she pulled out her cellphone. She languidly scrolled through her photos until she found what she was looking for, then handed it to Sabrina.

“Holy fucking shit!” Sabrina swore, enraptured by this woman. “This is your stepmom?” Sabrina asked incredulously. Looking back at this picture, this woman was the gold standard for a swimsuit model, and she even looked like she was in her mid to late 30’s. Sabrina was beginning to get wet as she pieced together Cassie’s desires along with her fixation on being a model.

Cassie’s eyes were drooping a bit, Sabrina knew she wouldn’t have much longer before the truth serum would have her take a little nap.

“Cassie, tell me, if I said that I could make you desired, that if I could making you a model, what would you do to obtain that.”

Cassie hadn’t even thought for a second before responding, “I would do anything, and I mean it, literally anything is better than this horrible reality I live in every day.” As she finished saying that her head drooped forward and Sabrina could her gentle snores coming from the girl.

I think I found her, my canvas, my muse, I will give her everything she has ever wanted, and also everything she has ever needed, but was denied to her due to the cruel mistress that is fate. I think it’s finally time for Charming Coven Cosplay to make its first big appearance. Sabrina thought, smiling at how much fun they were both about to have. Sabrina picked up Cassie in a bridal hold, then gently kissed her forehead. She carried her over to the living-room couch and laid her down on it. Sabrina couldn’t wait for her to wake up in a bit so that she could take her measurements and have Cassie sign some contracts.

Chapter 2

Cassie’s eyes began slowly creaking open. She wiped the bleariness from her eyes, feeling as though she slept an entire day. She sat up from the couch she had been sleeping on, trying to remember where she was.

Looking around, Cassie saw some measuring tape and a paper with what looked to be contract-like language on it. She finally remembered that she was at Sabrina’s condo, she must have fallen asleep somehow but was unsure as to when or how that may have happened.

“I see you’re finally up sleepyhead.” Cassie heard from her side, looking over to see Sabrina leaning against the wall, sipping on a mug with some kind of floral smelling tea.

“Um, yeah, w-what happened? I don’t even remember falling asleep.” Cassie said with a look of bewilderment before her eyes returned to Sabrina’s.

“Of course you wouldn’t remember,” Sabrina chuckled, “you drank that Devil’s Breath tea, so naturally you would be out cold.” She had said it so casually that Cassie was unsure if she had heard her correctly.

“Wait, a-are you saying you drugged me?” Cassie asked with a hint of fear, rising to the surface of her voice.

“I guess I technically did. I did it to get a better idea of why you wanted this job.”

“Y-you could have just asked me!” Cassie shouted, becoming unable to think about this rationally. “What the hell is wrong with you!? Did you do anything to me you sicko?” she was becoming hysteric with anger at this beautiful gothic punk queen.

“Relax” Sabrina’s voice echoed through my head, I could feel reverberations travelling down my spine, turning into goosebumps. Just like before on the phone, any sense of panic or fear was cut off at the knees. I fell quiet, feeling calm, waiting for her explanation.

“Devil’s Breath is a natural truth serum made from scopolamine.” Sabrina explained. “I needed to hear your full unbiased thoughts about why you wanted to do this. And well… you gave me some satisfactory answers.

“I invite you to sign that contract, that way we can finally get started on the projects I have stuck in my mind.”

“Ok, but why me, I'm not sexy, I have no curves, and I think my personality is rather boring.” Cassie wanted to keep talking until Sabrina snapped her fingers and gestured to her mouth in a zipping motion.

Cassie shut her mouth, startled at the ease in which she could be silenced by this beautiful platinum blonde punk girl.

“As I was saying,” Sabrina smirked, standing up to move over next to where Cassie was sitting, “I would really, really like if you were to sign these little ol’ contracts.” Sabrina pouted, her bottom lip out, speaking with a cutesy affectation.

Cassie looked over the papers, or to be more precise these looked like old pieces of parchment. While Cassie could tell it was written in English, for some reason the words just slipped out of her mind the moment she read them.

“W-what does this say?” Cassie asked, her voice a mumble.

“Oh, just the usual,” Sabrina leaned back on her palms, arcing her back to better stick her breasts out, “In exchange for helping to grow my cosplay obsession, I’ll make your dreams come true.” Sabrina said matter-of-factly, Cassie was unsure if she was joking or not.

“How do you know what I dream about? Did I say something after you drugged me?” Cassie’s brows furrowed, getting worked up at Sabrina’s cavalier attitude towards this whole encounter.

“Are you gonna sign this or not?” Sabrina snapped at Cassie, causing her to start at Sabrina’s raised voice. “If you have no intention of signing the get out.” Sabrina stood up and walked out of the living room into her kitchen.

Cassie was not sure what she wanted to do. By all rights she should have just wrote Sabrina off as a crazy bitch that liked drugging her guest’s tea. And yet… there was something magnetic about her words…something… arousing. Cassie blushed as she thought of Sabrina’s tight and curvy body. Looking down she again saw the old timey looking contract, an old fountain pen laid next to it.

If I leave now, I could be walking out on an actual chance to do something with my life… but if I sign this how is Sabrina gonna make my “dreams” come true?

Cassie’s thoughts were spiraling, she did not want to go back to working that arcade every day, she felt that she was sinking more and more into a depression.

With a quick movement of her arm, she grabbed the pen and signed her name on the dotted line, not allowing herself to overthink and second guess. As her signature dried upon the parchment, she noticed how the script on the page glowed like the dying embers of a close to extinguished campfire. The glow spread to the whole page, proceeding to burn up in a flash of flames, no longer any sign that the contract ever existed.

“you don’t know how happy I am that you signed that.” Cassie heard Sabrina say off to the side. “Now that you are bound in secrecy, I can reveal what it is we are going to do. Now, before you snicker at what I say I am just gonna get ahead of it. Yes, my name is Sabrina, and I am a witch.” She looked at Cassie, waiting for the obvious ‘like the tv show?’ question to pop up.

Not even batting an eye Cassie spoke up, “Well I guess I need to believe you since I just saw a paper magically burn up.” Sabrina smirked at Cassie’s disinterest in making fun of her namesake.

“moving ahead, yes magic is real, but there are rules put in place by those more powerful than I. Part of that contract you signed makes unable to willingly give up information about magic, my coven, or just personal details about me.

“You don’t need to worry about my coven, I have split off from them in order to do my own thing.” Sabrina waved her hands in front of her, pink light trails traced off of her fingertips. Cassie saw these neon lights form into sigils and geometric shapes. She became enraptured by the way Sabrina’s fingers would dance and intertwine, showing a practiced proficiency.

“You may be wondering how I am going to make your dreams as a model come true,” Sabrina said, effortlessly constructing some kind of spell, “I have always loved designing clothes. Then I discovered cosplay, I was already into games, comics, and anime, but learning that I could fuse all of my hobbies together just really stuck with me.

“Anyways, I am going to design cosplays for you to model. We may do photoshoots here or in public. But my big goal is to build up recognition at conventions.”

Interjecting, Cassie asked, “So is there an end goal to your business? What do you get out of notoriety other than being well known?”

Sabrina looked at the floor, her mood quickly shifting to a dourer tone. “I want people to feel like they are their true selves. Understandably, real people cannot actually be their favorite character, but I want to help those dysphoric in their own skin to reach their idealized self. I know that sounds too altruistic, and you must be thinking if I am lying about this, but all I can tell you is that I am not.

“I plan to magically infuse the clothes I make in order to change someone into something or someone else.” Sabrina’s hands finally stopped moving, a constructed magic circle floated in between her hands. “Could you do me a favor and grab that collar?” Sabrina nodded her head over to the end table next to the couch that Cassie was sitting on. On the end table was a pink leather collar with a ring in the shape of a heart in the front, it clasped on the back with what looked like a miniature belt buckle design.

Cassie handed the collar over to Sabrina.

“Just place it in the middle of the circle.” Sabrina ordered her.

Once in the circle, Sabrina began to chant in a language that Cassie couldn’t even begin to understand. The pink energy soaked into the pink collar, making it glow like a neon sign.

Once the light died down, she handed the collar to Cassie, “Put this on.” She told Cassie.

“I'm not really one for collars.” Cassie said with a light blush.

Sabrina only clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes as she moved forwards quickly, placing the collar around Cassie’s neck, buckling it together.

Once Cassie heard the click of the collar, she strangely didn’t feel like she needed to take it off. In fact, she kind of liked how it felt on her neck.

“W-what did you do?” Cassie stuttered.

“I'm just giving you a little taste of what is to come.”

Cassie waited for a moment, waiting to see if anything happened. The silence became deafening before Cassie spoke, “Um… I don’t feel any different.” Cassie gave Sabrina a shy smile.

“It’s working, no need to worry about it for now. So, let’s start discussing what cosplays were gonna do for the upcoming convention!” Sabrina was shaking with excitement.

“Wait, w-what convention?” Cassie asked, her nerves visibly fraying.

“Emerald City Comic Con of course!” Sabrina stood at attention, a dreamy look in her eyes, “Only the best cosplay artists in the whole north-west will be there, which will make it the perfect spot for our debut!” Cassie had a hard time not getting pulled along with Sabrina’s enthusiasm.

“T-that’s such a big convention! N-no way, I'm not doing that!” Cassie was imagining a dense crowd of people surrounding her, but they weren’t taking pictures of whatever cosplay she was wearing, they were doing it to show just how unattractive she was, they were laughing at her.

“Woah, Woah, calm down Cassie,” Sabrina placed her hands on Cassie’s shoulders, rubbing them for comfort, “It’s gonna be ok. I'm gonna make you look so hot! Don’t you wanna be admired, all of those people wanting your picture, to study you’re curves and beautiful facial features?

“I thought you wanted to be a model. How can I help you if you won’t even try? Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me?”

Cassie’s breathing finally evened out, thankful for Sabrina’s support in calming her. Cassie knew that Sabrina was right, she couldn’t just hide in her room or the arcade for the rest of her life. If she never put herself out there, then she would miss all of the chances she never took.

Most of all, Cassie was finding that she did want to be Sabrina’s good girl. Just the thought of it sparked a fire in her belly, she was sure it was a fire of motivation, and clearly nothing else.

Cassie looked up into Sabrina’s eyes, “Do you really think I can be a sexy model?” Cassie pouted cutely at Sabrina. For her part, Sabrina ran her fingers through Cassie’s short hair, comforting her.

“Of course you can be. With me by your side, I can make you a real good girl model. It will be exactly like you have always wanted.” Sabrina smiled at Cassie’s cheeks blushing red at the thought of fulfilling a dream of hers.

“S-so how do we start. How can I be a good girl?” As the words slipped from her lips, she felt a shiver run down her body, a ghost of a sensation enticing her.

“It’s so easy to be my good girl, you just need to listen to what I say and let me think for you.” Cassie was awestruck, how had she never thought about that before, maybe that was the problem all along, she needed someone to tell her what she needed to do. Due to her lack of connections and knowledge of the model world, she never could make an entrance, not to mention her issues of self-confidence.

“W-what should I think?” Cassie blurted out, an eager glint shown in her eye, making Sabrina smirk.

“Hmm…” Sabrina purred, gently dragging her fingers down Cassie’s back. Goosebumps erupted all over her skin, making Cassie let out a satisfying sigh. “I think… you should let me get your measurements.” Cassie looked pensive at that, not wanting Sabrina to see just how ugly her body was. Almost as if Sabrina could read her mind she said, “I do not want you to think about any kind of shame towards your body. You are a beautiful woman, and with my help I will make you the best cosplay model.” Sabrina’s confidence began to rub off on Cassie, giving her a second wind of confidence.

Nodding her head Cassie responded, “O-ok… how do we do this?”


“Do you know the game series Metal Gear Solid?” Sabrina asked Cassie.

“Yeah, of course. I'm somewhat of a gamer myself” Cassie said with feigned smugness.

“Well in the 5th game there is a character named Quiet,” Cassie’s eyes widened as she caught on to Sabrina’s plan, “and as you have guessed that’s going to be the first cosplay. It is simple yet elegant, sexy and mysterious!” Sabrina’s eyes glinted with a fervor.

“T-there is n-no way I'm doing that!” Cassie almost yelled. “I would be practically naked, and besides, in no way do I even have the body type to pull off her looks.”

Sabrina found Cassie’s flustered look to be incredibly adorable, it made her want to tease Cassie even more, but she knew that she not only needed to begin work on the costume, but she also needed to prep Cassie both mentally and physically.

“What happened to you wanting to be my good girl?” Sabrina asked, smirking wickedly.

Cassie’s train of thought came to a screeching halt. Unsure of what she wanted to do; her brain blanked out for how long? Cassie couldn’t tell if it had been seconds, minutes, or hours.

With a start Cassie sat up quickly, noticing that her head felt like it was spinning.

“What happened?” Cassie groaned as she rubbed her temples.

Looking around Cassie noticed she was no longer at Sabrina’s, she was in her own bed. Standing up from bed, making sure to steady herself, she stepped out of her room into the darkened house.

“Mom is probably at work right now. How the fuck did I get home? I… I blinked and then I was here.”

Cassie pulled her phone out of her PJ’s noticing a text from Sabrina.

Sabrina: Sorry about dropping you off at home, but it seemed that your head needed a break from all of this magical cosplay stuff. I got your measurements before I took you home so no worries on that. I will see you in about a week, so I have instructions in your note app for you to do in the meantime. You must adhere to all tasks and finish everything before we meet next. And if you don’t finish in time, that will make you a bad girl!

Cassie gasped in shock as she read those last two words. Those words made her feel physically ill, she couldn’t let down her mistress.

Why had she thought Sabrina was her mistress? Clearly that couldn’t be true… although, she really did want to be her good girl. So maybe it isn’t a bad thing to think about her that way.

Cassie opened up her notes app and began to read the note, only for her mind to once again blank out.


The sun was shining through Cassie’s blinds, rousing – rudely – her from her slumber. Cassie could have sworn that she was just standing out in the hall, and it had been dark too, now it was early morning.

Cassie made sure she fully stripped out of her PJ’s and begun to put on her normal baggy clothes. But something felt off, these clothes felt gross to her, they made her feel sick.

Looking in her closet she spotted a bag that hadn’t been there before. The bag had a note in it that said, “To: Cassie From: Mistress.”

The bag was just full of clothing! But as Cassie pulled out more and more of the clothes, she realized that these would all show off a lot more of her body than she was used to.

You need to get used to showing off your sexy body, show a little more skin, it will feel really good.

A voice popped into Cassie’s head. Strangely it sounded like Sabrina, but before Cassie could question it her train of thought halted, and she consciously forgot about the voice.

Cassie looked down at a thong that was in the bag, maybe I should try these on, if Sabrina got them for me, it would be rude to not at least try them on, right?

“I do need to get used to showing off some skin if I want to even attempt cosplaying a character like Quiet.” Cassie muttered to herself.

She pulled the lacey black thong up her legs until it was firmly nestled against her crotch. Turning around to look at herself in the mirror, she sighed, still not liking what she saw.

“Never thought I would see a thong make someone look less hot.” Cassie said, dejected at her lack of an ass. “Why would Sabrina even get me these if I was just gonna look stupid wearing them!” Cassie sat down in her bed in a huff, losing her confidence again that she was never going to be a model.

I can’t give up before I have even tried everything on. Maybe the whole ensemble will turn it all around. Cassie kept having intrusive thoughts, but she had to consider that maybe it was the part of her that wanted to change, that wanted her to succeed.

With a sigh she got up and put on the rest of the clothing.

Cassie looked in the mirror, seeing a twig of a girl wearing a short pink pleated skirt – the thong straps poking up over her barely-there hips. Her top was a pink spaghetti strap crop-top, the decolletage having a lace design, probably to frame breasts that she didn’t have. Lastly, she was wearing pink thigh-high stockings, with white flats on her feet.

Cassie grimaced, she thought she looked like a mockery of a valley girl bimbo, the pink slutty clothing did her body no favors.

“This was such a waste of time!” Cassie stomped her foot on the ground in frustration, wanting to cry at how useless she felt. She began to feel that she would only end up disappointing Sabrina, thinking she might as well call her and apologize for wasting her time.

The phone rang twice before Sabrina picked up.

“What’s up Cass?” Sabrina said, her tone upbeat. Cassie froze, feeling like she would ruin the mood, but she knew that she needed to tell Sabrina that she couldn’t do this.

“Well… I-I was just thinking about these clothes you got me-.”

“Oh yeah! How do you like them? they’re gonna look so good on you!” Sabrina sounded very excited, which ended up making Cassie even more nervous to rain on her parade.

“Uh… I am actually wearing them right now.” Cassie blushed at the thought of Sabrina wanting to see her wearing the clothes.

“1 to 10 how hot do you look in them?” Sabrina asked. This was like a nightmare for Cassie, now she had to rate the clothing, meaning she had to give a sliding scale of how shitty the clothes made her look and feel.

Cassie had paused maybe a little too long when Sabrina spoke up again, “You don’t like them, do you?” Excitement left her voice making Cassie cringe.

“I-I-I’m sorry Sabrina! It’s just… well… I look like a twig pretending to be a slutty bimbo, and frankly it just contrasts me so much that I just feel like shit.” Cassie tried to slow her breathing, but she felt an anxiety attack beginning to creep into her periphery. Her breathing became more shallow and rapid, causing Sabrina to take notice.

“Hey, hey, it’s ok Cass, I actually totally forgot to give you the final part of that ensemble. So just listen to what I say, and it will all be better, ok?”

“O-ok…” Cassie stuttered out in between shaky breaths.

On Sabrina’s side of the phone she smirked, ready to add the pièce de resistance, “Alright Cassie… just take a deep breath and listen to my voice,” She could hear the anxiety ridden girl attempt a deep albeit shaky breath, “On the count of 3 I am going to say a phrase, and once I say it, all of the bad thoughts will go away…”

Sabrina talked Cassie through some more deep breathing until she began the count.


“2… just relax.”


“3… Candi wants to come out and play.”

Sabrina heard Cassie’s breath hitch, then suddenly the call ended.

“Well, I should have a few hours to get myself prettied up before she gets here. Oh, I’m so excited to play with her!” Sabrina clapped her hands together as she thought about her upcoming playdate.


Ding Dong~

Sabrina heard her doorbell go off, she nearly ran to the door, unable to contain her excitement.

“Ok Sabrina, you got this! Show her a good time, boost her confidence!” she said to herself quietly before taking a breath to compose herself. Sabrina put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

Standing on her porch was a platinum blonde beauty, hair lightly coiffed down to her middle back. She stared at an impressive set of breasts – or Sabrina could think of them more as tits. The pink crop-top was holding on for dear life, the lacey decolletage framing her milky cleavage. The woman had an out of this world hourglass figure. Her hips flared out right below her toned midriff.

“Can I help you miss?” Sabrina asked the woman, a knowing smirk on her face.

The woman’s hazel eyes lit up when she saw Sabrina, a wide smile broke out on her face, showing off her plump pink glittered lipstick covered lips.

“OMG! Mistress, it’s like, me! It’s Candi!” the girls jumped up and down in place, her impressive chest lagging behind with recoil.

Sabrina playfully gasped, humoring Candi, “Oh, Candi! You look so good; did you get new shoes?”

For a moment Candi looked unsure, “Umm… I think so, like, all of this is new for me, and don’t I just look so fuckin hot, Mistress. I wanted to totally look my best for you!” Candi let out a giggle, causing Sabrina to notice how her tits rippled from the sound.

“Well, come in Candi, it’s time to start our first lesson.”

“LOL, I'm like so bad at school, are you gonna give me an F if I do bad?” Candi giggled as she walked into Sabrina’s condo.

“I guess you will have to see.” Sabrina smirked at her bimbo toy. “I'm sure there are always other ways you can try to pass the lesson.”

“Oh man, I'm like so bad at multiple choice questions.” She furrowed her brow in thought.

Sabrina began to laugh heartily at Candi’s misunderstanding. Still having a challenging time keeping her laughter in, she guided Candi to her bedroom for her little lesson.


Candi decided she was a woman of simple means. She decided this when her Mistress woke her up over the phone. Candi couldn’t understand why Cassie had been so worried about the clothing; she looked hot as fuck in them!

Candi had to pull herself away from touching herself, not wanting to be late getting to Sabrina’s place. Candi knew she was just an Effigy, a person manufactured from the foundation that was Cassie. Candi’s main directives given to her by her Mistress were: Be an airheaded bimbo, look hot as fuck, and teach Cassie how to let go by not thinking so much.

Candi felt the magical warmth emanating from the pink collar around her neck. She was astonished at how sexy the magic made her body, she just wanted to grope her heavy tits and big ass. If it wasn’t for her Mistress keeping her on track, she would be constantly distracted by her own body.

“Candi!” Sabrina yelled at her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Y-yes, Mistress?” Candi yelped out.

“What did I say about thinking?” Sabrina raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer.

“Thinking is for bad girls. If I want to be a good girl, I need to be dumb and needy to cum!” Candi raised her arms excitedly as she finished her mantra.

Sabrina couldn’t help but smile at her little bimbo fucktoy. “Alright, Candi, it’s time for the first lesson.” Sabrina pointed to her bed, waiting for Candi to sit down on the edge. “Now, as we know, we need to help Cassie gain confidence in herself. Just magically altering her body won’t do what we need, we need her to believe she is sexy on her own. So, how do we do this you ask?” Sabrina paused, staring at Candi’s vacuous stare.

“Oh! H-how do we do this Mistress?” Candi giggled as Sabrina gave her an exaggerated eye roll.

“It’s simple my voluptuous vixen!” Sabrina said, sounding like she was about to give a game winning speech to a football team.

“What does voluptuous mean, Mistress?” Candi interrupted.

Sabrina stared at her, her flow disrupted, “Lay down on the bed with your butt sticking up.” She said monotonously.

With excitement Candi flipped over showing of her large creamy globes, framed by the lacey thong.


Sabrina gave her a swift and strong smack across her ass.

“Eek… I-I’m sorry Mistress for speaking out of turn!” Cassie cried out.

Having calmed down after admiring the red handprint contrasting her cheek, Sabrina continued on. “Ahem… as I was saying. The first lesson will be to get Cassie used to people watching her. Knowing that she already has confidence issues, I thought it would simpler to just throw her into the deep end – magically enhanced deep end of course.

“So, I set up a laptop with a webcam, and you're gonna do a little performing.”

“What will I be performing! I know how to sing that Tequila song!” Candi clapped excitedly.

Sabrina stared at her blankly, “flip back over.”


Moving on from the second handprint on Candi’s other cheek, Sabrina continued, “Ahem, you will be doing some camming, you know a little bit of sexy teasing and masturbating. Also, the tips will be a nice supplement to Cassie’s income.”

Candi sat there bouncing up and down, seeming like she was about to burst.

“What is it, Candi?” Sabrina sighed.

“Ooh, ooh, and, and can I also like, eat you out while I'm doing this?” Candi asked excitedly.

“I don’t see why not, but I’ll be wearing a mask. The show is all about you girl, I don’t wanna steal the spotlight.” Chuckling, Sabrina grabbed her laptop and begun the setup for the camming session.


Panting heavily, Candi was watching herself in the window displaying what her camera was seeing. She knew she was really fucking hot, but the hundreds of people currently watching her strum her clit like she was playing a banjo definitely made it better.

“Thank you for the 50 coins! Mwah!” Candi gave an exaggerated kiss towards a generous chatter.

Sabrina was sitting on the other side of the laptop – not on camera herself – watching Candi do her thing.

“God, I was already liking Cassie’s whole deal before she became this bimbo camgirl, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t wanna fuck her so hard right now.” Sabrina’s thoughts were tainted with desire for Candi’s body, Sabrina was thinking that she should go on camera now, so Candi could eat her out, but a sudden noise jolted Sabrina out of her reverie.

The noise was high pitched, but it was coming from in her head. Holding her hands to her ears, Sabrina winced as the noise began to descramble into legible words.

“What the fuck is happening to me? I-I can’t believe these people are watching this bimbo who’s controlling my body do this!” Sabrina recognized Cassie’s voice.

She knew that Cassie would still be conscious. She would still be able to see, hear, smell, and feel everything Candi was doing. But Sabrina was floored at how Cassie was telepathically speaking to her.

“Cassie? How are you taking to me right now?” Sabrina sent her thoughts to Cassie.

“Wha… hello? Who said that?” Cassie sounded increasingly more and more panicked.

“It’s Sabrina, look I'm sorry that this is happening, but I am putting you through some hardcore exposure therapy in order to be more confident.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!!” Cassie screamed into Sabrina’s head.

“Hey now, I thought you would like this.”

“How the hell did you assume that? We’ve known each other for like, less than a day!”

“Mmmm… oh fuck, I'm gonna cum soon… thanks for the 100 coins LargeD0ngDaddy!” Candi was still chugging along with her masturbation show, getting very close to climaxing.

“Ok well tell me how you would go about this?” Sabrina said incredulously through their telepathic link.

“Oh, I don’t know, how about you fucking ask me what we can do. Instead of tricking me into becoming this… this, dumb bimbo slut!” Sabrina could feel emotions creeping into her mind along with Cassie’s words. Cassie was definitely feeling Candi fingerfucking her pussy. But Sabrina could feel something else in there, like, a sort of yearning, almost as if she was getting off on being watched. She wouldn’t consciously admit it, but she had secretly wanted to be a model for years now, meaning you would probably need to have some kind of obsession for exhibitionism; at least on some level.

“Oh fuck… her pussy is about to cum!” Cassie yelled into Sabrina’s mind.

“You mean your pussy is gonna cum. I know that this is all very anxiety inducing, and I'm really sorry for pushing you like this, but… well… I just—”

“I'm c-cumming!” Candi moaned loudly, her pussy releasing a steady stream of squirt which hit the webcam. The chat for the livestream was going into turbo mode, scrolling faster than the eye could see. Until the screen suddenly went black, as the laptop randomly shut off.

“Uh-oh…” Candi pouted, looking over at Sabrina.

“So, you uh… just came so hard you broke my computer.” Sabrina sighed, chuckling lightly to herself. “That’s actually pretty fucking hilarious.” Sabrina stood up and threw the likely broken laptop off of her bed and crawled up until she had Candi pinned to the mattress. “I think it’s time for Candi to sleep, let Cassie come out and play, but she’ll keep the physical and mental transformations.”

Candi’s eyes glazed over, crossing slightly. When she refocused them, Sabrina could tell that Cassie was back in control, but still looking like bimbo slut.

“Like, omg! My head feels so fluffy. It’s like my head is full of foam.” Cassie giggled but tried shaking her head to gain a modicum of clarity. “Um… hi.” Cassie said, her voice small and mousey.

“Hello my sweet little bimbo whore.” Sabrina smiled, letting her lust drip out with her words.

Cassie shivered at the words, her pussy heating up once again even though she had just came not even a minute ago.

“I can’t believe people saw me cum on camera.” Cassie hid her face behind her hands, her face and ears were flushing red.

“Yeah, you looked so fucking hot. I had to hold myself back the whole time, else I would have fucked you right then and there.”

Cassie’s eyes widened, “D-do you really mean that? You thought I looked h-hot?” she mumbled, her eyes poking out in between her fingers. “I g-guess I wouldn’t be opposed if you still wanted to you know… ‘fuck me’, or whatever.” Cassie attempted to act nonchalantly, but Sabrina could see the need in her eyes.

“Sounds good to me,” She leaned down and took Cassie’s lips into her own. Cassie let out a soft moan into Sabrina’s mouth, her body shuddered with desire.

Sabrina’s tongue slipped into Cassie’s mouth, tangling as their tongues wrestled back and forth. Cassie moaned even more as Sabrina placed a hand on one of her magically enhanced tits.

“OMG… like, that feels so good Mistress. Please fuck me Mistress, I need you in me!” Cassie’s breath came out ragged.

“Ok, my sweet little bimbo whore, let me grab something real quick.” Sabrina got up, making Cassie whine from the separation of their hot bodies. Sabrina moved to her closet and pulled out a black strap on, but it had weird writing on it.

“This is a magic strap on,” She said nonchalantly, Cassie giggled at her bluntness, “It allows me to feel everything as if I had my own penis, it would feel real to you as well. Oh, and it does have some fake sperm it shoots out when I cum, you know, to give you the whole experience.” Sabrina chuckled as she pulled her panties off and inserted the inward dildo part into her pussy until the strap on was flush to her crotch. Buckling the straps she walked back over to Cassie and got on top of her.

“Um… M-Mistress, just so you know, I-I wouldn’t know what a real penis feels like. I’ve only ever kissed a guy once, and it was only because his friends dared him to kiss the ‘weird girl’.” Cassie blushed more at admitting she was a virgin than talking about the bullying she underwent.

“Don’t worry my good girl, I’ll make you feel better than any man could ever hope too. I consider it an honor that I get to have your first time.” Cassie blushed cutely, pouting at Sabrina’s words, all the while feeling a deep thrill run throughout her body at being called a good girl.

“Mistress, please fuck your dirty little bimbo slut!” Cassie said in the sultriest voice she could muster, which to be fair, Sabrina thought she did a good job of.

Sabrina grabbed the shaft of the magical strap on, moaning and the sensation of it – Sabrina was very proud of this toy, she claimed it to be her crowning achievement of enchanting items – she lined up the tip with Cassie’s soaked fuckhole.

“Last chance to back out.” Sabrina whispered in Cassie’s ear.

“For the first time in a long time, this is one thing I am sure about. Stick that fat cock in my cunt!” Cassie grunted as Sabrina slowly parted her pussy lips.

Cassie could feel her entrance stretching, and while it did hurt, strangely Cassie didn’t mind it. Especially along with the pleasure she was beginning to feel build up from under the pain.

Sabrina pushed in another inch, eliciting a soft gasp from Cassie, breathing out a soft moan. Cassie’s head was swimming in conflicting sensations. Not only was she feeling the pain of her deflowerment, but she was quickly building up one hell of an orgasm.

With one final push Sabrina bottomed out inside of Cassie. Cassie couldn’t believe she managed to take the whole thing. With her legs shaking, Cassie wrapped them around Sabrina’s waist, begging her to start fucking her.

Sabrina, while being no stranger to using a strap-on – albeit a magically enhanced one – was quickly losing herself in the sensation of Cassie’s unused pussy.

“Ffffuck, Cassie, you are so fucking tight. I feel like if I start moving, I'm gonna quickly blow my load!” Sabrina said, panting at the vice-like walls of Cassie’s sex.

Cassie, relished in this feeling that she was able to control the witch’s orgasm with her own body. Cassie felt powerful in the moment, and before Sabrina could get her bearings, Cassie began to grind and her hips into Sabrina’s, feeling the strap-on twist and grind against all of her most sensitive spots.

Sabrina’s eyes widened, shocked at Cassie taking control. Looking down at Cassie, Sabrina saw a smug spark in her eye, she could see that Cassie was turned on by the fact that she was able to go on the offensive, especially since Sabrina had been one to often control others.

Cassie grabbed Sabrina’s shoulders and spun her around so that Sabrina’s back laid down on the bed. Cassie began ridding her, a feeling of invigoration rose throughout her body, for the first time, she felt desired, confident, sexy. Cassie wanted to make Sabrina cum inside her pussy; she needed it in her.

Cassie’s new bimbo body smacked against Sabrina’s hips as she bounced on the goth girl’s magical cock.

“C-Cassie, I think… I-I’m about to cum!” Sabrina managed to say just before she felt the strap-On’s stimulation make her pussy clamp down onto the internal dildo.

Cassie felt hot ropes of girlcum splatter all around her insides, triggering her own mind blowing orgasm.

Moments later the two girls were facing one another while lying on the bed, panting as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“That was amazing!” Cassie said, still trying to catch her breath.

“I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard from using that strap-on.” Sabrina said, thinking back on how sexy and in control Cassie seemed.

But things had to come to an end. Cassie’s pink leather collar began to pulse and glow. Sabrina watched with sadness, thinking that she would be miss Cassie’s enhanced bimbo body.

But Cassie was the saddest one of the two, begging for her body to stay voluptuous.

“W-what is happening?” Cassie yelled out as she watched her tits deflate. “Sabrina, cant you stop this! I-I don’t wanna go back to being who I was!” Cassie’s eyes began to fill with tears as she panicked at the loss she was feeling.

“I’m sorry Cassie, magic doesn’t work like that. At least not a witches magic. There are no permanent shortcuts, I did this to show you what you could become.” Sabrina explained, brushing Cassie’s hair as it’s color changed back along with its short length.

“B-but, h-how can this be permanent! I don’t wanna be ugly again, please you need to help me!” Cassie was starting to feel the beginnings of a panic attack, her thoughts turned to the fact that as Candi, she did not grab her emergency anxiety medication. Cassie began to hyperventilate, her body once again back in its original state. Cassie began to sob, feeling that overstimulated numbness as the panic attack began to wash over her. Darkness began to encroach the periphery of her vision, she felt like she couldn’t breathe, maybe she was dying for real this time, it sure felt like she was dying.

A warmth pulsed through Cassie’s body, as she felt Sabrina cradle her head into her chest.

“It’s ok Cassie, let it out. We can talk about what the future holds later, for now just let your worries slip away while I take care of you.” Sabrina cooed into Cassie’s ear.

Cassie firmly entrenched her face into Sabrina’s cleavage, basking in the warmth of her body; relishing the pulse of her heartbeat as her own slowed down to match Sabrina’s rate. What felt like hours latter but was probably only 10 minutes, Cassie finally broke her silence.

“What were you saying about ‘What the future holds’?” Cassie mumbled into Sabrina’s chest.

With a smile, she pulled Cassie’s head back, wanting to see her eyes. “I promised to make your dream of being a model to come true. As I mentioned, my magic cannot give you any sort of easy and quick permanent shortcuts, but I can enhance and stimulate growth and change in your body. This would still require you to put in the work, but together we can make you feel whole with yourself.”

Cassie looked into Sabrina’s eyes, watching for any lies or tricks. When she found none, she smiled and pulled Sabrina into a passionate kiss.

After several minutes of making out, Cassie broke away once again look into Sabrina’s eyes, “So, how do we get started?” She smiled, matching Sabrina’s devious yet excited grin.

“Well… let’s just say that you’re going to need to get used to drinking nasty smoothies every day.” Sabrina laughed, watching Cassie grimace.



Several months later

It was a packed day at Emerald City Comic-Con. The crowds were dense with all kinds of cosplayers, gamers, and any person who had an active D&D campaign back home.

One area where the crowd was particularly dense was around a relatively small booth. The banner said, “Charming Coven Cosplays”, advertising supplies, clothing, and props; designed for all of your cosplay needs.

And while the crowd was certainly impressed by the quality of everything that was sold, their real draw was to the scantily clad girl wearing a tied black bikini top with a black thong. Waist-high black ripped stocking adorned her long legs, while her feet were covered by black tactical boots. She wore black elbow length wet-look gloves, her hands covered with black tactical gloves. She wore several pieces of tactical gear: an olive-green harness that buckled to her tactical belt. On one hip was a pouch, and on her right thigh was a pistol holster.

Her brown hair tied into a messy ponytail, she eyed the crowd of people taking pictures of her. She gave them a serious look as she hoisted up her prop sniper rifle. The dark war paint around her eyes gave her the look of a deadly assassin, but the crowd didn’t mind that since they got to see a real life version of Quiet from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

“This is probably the best cosplay I have ever seen of Quiet!” said a nasally voice somewhere in the crowd.

“What I wouldn’t give to bend her over and show her my ‘Big Boss’!” some other voice laughed, enjoying his attempt at an innuendo.

Cassie didn’t mind all of this, because in this moment she wasn’t Cassie, she was the genetically modified assassin Quiet. She felt no shame as hundreds of people took pictures of her showing of her skimpy outfit. Cassie would sometimes give them angles that would be considered a little more risqué, such as leaning over on her rifle while she stuck her ass out towards the crowd.

Sabrina could see how excited Cassie was to be the center of attention. Sabrina knew she could bring out her inner model. Sabrina also knew that Cassie’s panties were most likely soaked through. Considering Cassie’s recently realized exhibitionist kink.

Sabrina pulled a little remote out of her pocket and pressed a little plus button.

Cassie started as she felt the vibrator in her pussy start vibrating even harder. Cassie let out a rather loud moan, closing her eyes and rolling her hips. It took her a second to realize she was still on the show floor getting her pictures taken by a bunch of horny geeks.

Cassie looked around at all of the blushing faces in the crowd and gave her brightest smile, “Who want’s their photo’s taken with me!”

As several hands shot up and a line began to form, Cassie felt the happiest she had ever been in her life.

Looking over at her girlfriend Sabrina, she locked eyes with the goth witch as she gave her a wink and licked her lips sensually.

Both of those girls knew that tonight they were gonna fuck each other’s brains out.



Yes, this is the same Sabrina from The Rainbow Collar, but this is some other point in time separate from the events of that series. I do plan for more Cassie and Sabrina some time in the future, but I would rather write them as short vignettes.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed and give me a follow if you want updates on whatever I post. I would like to write a lot more, I will have a good chunk of time off in November so maybe I’ll retreat into my cave and write until my fingers are sore!

May or may not have a Halloween contest story idea that I'm calling “The Mommy’s Curse”, I like the idea, but I’ll see if I have the time for it.


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