Pain (Inflicting) and Pleasure (Receiving)

by Ezra Carmichael

Tags: #D/s #dom:male #drones #pov:bottom #pov:top #sadomasochism #m/m #m/nb #spit

Alex hurts a drone, then gets eaten out.

The drone was standing in position 3A when Admin and a man walked into the playroom. It had earlier been placed in standby so it did not respond.

“Standby ended, attend,” said Admin.

The drone knelt and assumed position 1C.

“Alex, this is my drone,” said Admin.

Alex looked at it. “Can he take the helmet off?” he asked.

Admin shook his head. “It, not he. And the helmet can come off if you want it to.” He turned to the drone. “Remove helmet.”

It removed the helmet and resumed position 1C.

“Nice hair,” said Alex. “I guess I kinda thought he – it – would be bald.”

“It’d look more drone-y, I guess,” said Admin “But it’s such a luxurious mop that I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it. Plus it’s good for yanking.” Admin demonstrated how to yank its hair. The drone’s impassivity protocols were engaged, so it didn’t respond. “Go ahead, try it.”

Alex tugged on the drone’s hair. “It doesn’t respond at all when you do that?”

“Not when its impassivity protocols are engaged, unless you startle it or hurt it really badly. It’s a very well-behaved drone.”

“Stand up,” ordered Alex. Alex was not an Approved User, so the drone didn’t respond.

“You aren’t a User,” said Admin. “But we can fix that.” He faced the drone. “Alex is an Approved Temporary User for the night. You will obey all appropriate commands. Stand up, position 4A.”

The drone stood and assumed position 4A.

Alex walked around the drone, appraising it like he would a sculpture or a piece of art. “Go on, you can touch it,” encouraged Admin.

Alex grinned and began to stroke the drone’s hair, then pat its face, then fondle its chest. Suddenly, he reached down and grabbed the drone’s crotch. “In chastity?” He smirked.

“Always, when not bathing or specifically released for ejaculation or edging. You may want this,” he took the necklace with its key off and handed it to Alex, “or you may not. That’s up to you. Holding the key entitles you to full use of its cock, so go ahead and make it orgasm if you want to. It will need a condom if you want it to fuck you, and that’s an administrator-linked rule, so you can’t suspend that.”

The drone repressed a shiver. It hadn’t cum for weeks and until just now had had no reason to expect it would be allowed to any time soon. Of course, it still might not. That wasn’t a choice it was entitled to.

“Are there any other rules I can’t suspend?” asked Alex.

Plenty, but I doubt they’ll come up. Some general prohibitions on self-harm and its safeword – that’ll be ‘red,’ by the way, and it will use ‘yellow’ if you approach its limits, but eventually we’ll be taking ‘yellow’ away.” This was the first time the drone had heard of that, but of course it was Admin’s right to give or take away such things. It was grateful for the warning. “A few other things as well; don’t worry, it’ll tell you if you give it a command that attempts to override an administrator-linked rule.”

“Does anyone else have administrator access?” asked Alex.

Not right now. I might give someone else the access under extraordinary circumstances, but it’s a trust issue, you know? It needs to know that its well-being will be protected. I can’t go around giving everyone full power to fuck with it. That’s my role.” He patted the drone affectionately.

“Its face is so… blank.”

Admin smiled. “It’s taken a lot of training to get the deadpan. I’m very proud of it. That said, the impassivity protocols can be turned off if you want it to be more responsive.”

“Yes, please.”

The drone wasn’t certain whether that constituted a release of its impassivity protocols, but it hadn’t been a direct command. It considered asking, but remembered that its voice had been turned off.

“You have to actually give the order,” explained Admin. “Release impassivity protocols. Voice on. It’ll be fully responsive, and vocal, now. Feel free to turn the voice back off if you get sick of it.”

“Can I take its clothes off?” said Alex. His pupils were dilated and his breathing was a bit heavy.

“Just order it to strip. I know you like to cut them off, but we only have so many uniforms.”

Strip,” Alex ordered.

The drone took off its clothing and carefully folded it in the approved manner. Having completed its task, it returned to position 4A.

Alex walked around the drone predatorily, not bothering to disguise his lust. The drone blushed, glad its impassivity protocols were released; that meant it wouldn’t be punished for its involuntary response.

“All right, here’s what’s going to happen,” Admin faced the drone again. “This drone has become highly proficient at sucking cock, but it has no experience eating pussy. That’s going to change tonight. Alex will teach you how to eat him out. He might smack you around a bit or tie you up first to get his juices flowing.”

I might do a bit more than that,” Alex smirked.

Do pretty much whatever you want to it, as long as you have it give you a few orgasms with its mouth,” said Admin. “If it can, of course. It was gay and never hooked up with any trans guys when it was a person, so don’t be too disappointed if it can’t. On the other hand, feel fully free to punish it for the inadequacy in that case.”

Alex grinned. “Hot.”

Admin walked over to the table and picked up The Binder. “This is The Binder,” he said, handing it Alex. “It contains a full list of all protocols, standardized commands, positions and postures, basically everything we can think of. Consult it if you need to, but the drone’s pretty good at working out what you want even if you don’t state it perfectly. It also has records of basically all of its previous interactions; it’s very thorough. Anyway, I’ll be in my room if you need me. Have fun!” He waved at Alex and left the room.

Alex put The Binder down and walked toward the drone. “Kneel,” he ordered.

The drone knelt and assumed position 2C.

Want to know a fun fact, little drone?” asked Alex. “I’m a bit of a sadist, I can really only get off if you’re crying.”

The drone gulped.

“Are you scared, drone?” asked Alex.

The drone’s voice had been turned on; it could speak. “It is scared, sir,” it said.

“Mike probably hasn’t hurt you much,” said Alex. “What has he done to you?”

“It has been beaten, sir,” said the drone. “And caned and flogged. But only at the beginning of its training. It is a good drone and rarely needs punishment.”

“And of course Mike only whips you for punishment, not because he likes to make you cry,” said Alex.

This was true, but it wasn’t a direct question. The drone was not proactive, so it didn’t respond.

“When’s the last time you were hurt, drone?” asked Alex.

“Its memory is imperfect, sir. The information will be recorded in The Binder. Section 8: ‘Maintenance and Incidental Punishments.’ ”

“Heh, Mike does maintenance spankings, does he? Never thought he’d come around on that point,” said Alex.

The drone thought Alex was speaking to himself, so it didn’t answer the question.

Alex picked up The Binder and leafed through it. “Section 8, Section 8. Here we go. Let’s see. Looks like you get a maintenance spanking once a week. Don’t see any recent punishments besides that. If you were mine you’d be getting maintenance spankings daily, at least. And your last spanking was three days ago. That’s recent enough that you should remember. Why didn’t you?”

“It is kept in a windowless room and fed at irregular intervals. It also sleeps at irregular intervals as ordered. This prevents it from having a sense of how much time is passing. It does not need to know that, sir,” said the drone.

“Okay, that’s pretty hot,” Alex grinned. He continued to leaf through The Binder. “Hmm, you haven’t cum in four months. Don’t expect that to change, although if you’re good I might edge you.”

The drone tried to repress a whimper.

Alex noticed. “Don’t like being edged, drone?”

“It doesn’t have likes or dislikes, sir,” said the drone. “It accepts whatever is done to it unless the conditions permit it to safeword.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “I know you’re not supposed to hate things, but that doesn’t mean you don’t. I want you to be honest.”

“It does not like edging, sir. Edging hurts and makes it horny,” said the drone.

“I once edged a guy for twenty-four hours straight,” Alex told it. “He was begging to cum by the end. He didn’t get to. What do you have to say about that, drone?”

The drone swallowed. “It accepts whatever is done to it unless the conditions permit it to safeword, sir.”

Alex thumbed through The Binder. “And you last safeworded… never?”

“Not since it began training, sir,” said the drone.

“Damn.” Alex rubbed his crotch. “Mike’s an attentive dom, so that makes sense. Let’s try not to break your streak.”

The drone sighed in relief.

Again, Alex noticed. “I’m a lot meaner than Mike,” he told the drone. “But I’m not that mean. I don’t want to break you.”

Alex looked at the drone expectantly, but it didn’t know what he wanted. “Well, aren’t you going to thank me?” he demanded.

“It doesn’t express gratitude, sir. It accepts whatever is done to it unless the conditions permit it to safeword, sir,” said the drone.

“Typical Mike,” muttered Alex. “I bet he mostly keeps your voice turned off. Well, I think that’s boring. I like it when you react. And if that makes your programming go all haywire and reduces you to a confused mess, well, I’d say that’s more of a feature than a bug.

“Aw, look, you’re trying to work out what to do; I can see it on your face! You know I want you to talk but you don’t know what to say because it’s outside of your programming.” He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the drone’s face.

The drone was panicking. This was entirely outside of its protocols! None of Admin’s other guests had acted like this. They gave it orders, took their pleasure from it, and left it alone. Alex was treating it almost like a person, but not a person who was in any way his equal.

“Impassivity protocols on!” Alex barked.

The drone tried to school its face and body to neutrality. It succeeded, but it took longer than it should have.

“Tsk. Maybe I’ll just tell Mike you aren’t sufficiently droned yet, that you can learn to eat pussy once you’ve earned it. How does that sound, drone?”

“It exists to please its Users, sir,” the drone answered.

Without warning, Alex backhanded it, tipping the drone off its knees and onto its side. Alex spat on the drone. “Honestly, I’m already too horny not to make you make me cum. You’re a very lucky drone.

“Stand up, impassivity protocols off.”

The drone stood and assumed position 4A.

“Mouth open,” ordered Alex.

The drone opened its mouth; Alex spat in it.


The drone swallowed.

“Does that humiliate you, drone?” asked Alex.

“It doesn’t experience humiliation, sir,” said the drone.

“Boring,” yawned Alex. “Well, if humiliation is off the table, we’ll just have to stick with fear and pain.” He thumbed through The Binder. “Hm, assume punishment posture 2E.”

The drone walked to the St Andrew’s Cross and pressed into it, back facing Alex. Alex quickly buckled it in place.

“Eyes closed,” ordered Alex.

The drone’s impassivity protocols were released, so it didn’t suppress the whimper. Admin had a collection of implements on the shelves that he’d never used on the drone. Implements the drone was afraid of. Implements that Admin had been able to keep it obedient with just by threatening to use them. Alex, it knew, wasn’t just going to threaten.

The drone listened for Alex’s footsteps, but he was only wearing socks on his feet and made no sound. The drone listened for the sound and direction of an implement being selected and thought it had a sense of where Alex was – he had probably grabbed a cane or riding crop – but it didn’t know when Alex would return.

The cane stung where it struck, and Alex struck without warning, hitting the drone on its ass, hard, five times. The drone yelled. Admin usually warmed its ass up first with light impact before its maintenance spankings, but clearly Alex had no intention of accommodating it. Its ass would be covered in stripes or welts, it knew; it could already feel them. The cane was replaced by a paddle that hit hard and fast, Alex deliberately targeting the stripes on its ass. The drone shrieked again. The paddle didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, didn’t relent. Then, again without warning, it stopped. The drone stood in silence, eyes closed, with no way of knowing what would come next.

Alex was getting wet hurting the drone. It was a shame it didn’t respond to degradation, but he supposed droning was sufficiently dehumanizing to remove that sort of impulse. The drone’s ass was nice and red, already beginning to bruise. He put the paddle back in place and picked up the cane again.

“All right, drone, time for a test,” said Alex, lightly tapping the cane on the drone’s calves and thighs. I’m going to hit you ten times. You’re going to count out the strokes from one to ten. I’m going to count the strokes from ten to one. If you get mixed up and say the wrong number, we start over again. How does that sound?”

“It exists to please, sir. It accepts what is done to it,” the drone replied.

Alex hit the drone’s left thigh and said, “Ten.”

“One,” said the drone.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear that. We’ll start again,” said Alex. He swung the cane, this time at the drone’s left buttock. “Ten.”

“One!” yelled the drone.

Alex smirked. “Better.” He aimed for the same spot on the drone’s ass. “Nine.”



The drone squirmed and gasped before saying, “Three!”


“Six!” The drone immediately realized its mistake; it went rigid.

Alex was beaming. “Wrong, little drone. Very wrong. Let’s start again from the top. Ten.”

“One!” The drone yelped.


Another gasp. “Two!”


“Three!” The drone was twisting, trying futilely to shield itself.


“Four!” the yelled, beginning to sob.


The drone was shaking, but it still managed to shout, “Five!”


The drone whimpered out, “Six!”


“Seven!” The drone was openly sobbing now. Alex decided he wanted to see the tears, so he walked around the cross. The drone’s face was streaked with tears and snot. Alex licked some of the tears off the drone’s face, spat in its eye, and walked back around the cross.


“Eight!” The drone wasn’t squirming or trying to escape. It just hanged, limp, in its bonds.




“Ten,” the drone said, too weak to yell.

The drone had performed better than Alex had hoped. Mike’s training was good, honestly better than Alex liked. He preferred submissives with a bit more resistance and a bit less training; it gave him an excuse to punish them.

Still, the drone took pain beautifully, making all the right noises and squirming just the right amount. Mike was good at this training shit.

Alex chose a flogger next and began to whip the drone’s back and shoulders, slowly working his way down and back up again. But he was getting too horny to focus. He stripped and sat down in one of the armchairs and quickly brought himself to orgasm.

With his mind less fogged by lust he had the presence of mind to take the drone off the cross and let it rest. He’d subjected it to a lot, especially considering that Mike wasn’t particularly sadistic. While the drone lay prone on the floor, breathing heavily and wincing, Alex took up The Binder and made the appropriate annotations for their session so far.

“Do you want water, drone?” he asked.

“It needs to hydrate regularly, sir,” the drone answered.

There was a pitcher on the shelf filled with ice water. Alex filled a cup of water and brought it to the drone. “Kneel,” he ordered. “Impassivity protocols on.”

The drone slowly, shudderingly, picked itself up into a kneeling posture. Alex put the glass to its lips. “Drink.” The drone drank and drained the glass, so Alex refilled it. After two more glasses the drone was satiated, so Alex refilled the glass again and dumped it over the drone’s head. The drone yelped in surprise and its eyes flew open. They were only open for a second, but Alex noticed. He grinned at the drone. “Eyes open, impassivity protocols off,” he ordered. “Lie supine on the floor.”

The drone winced with pain as it laid itself on the floor, its back and ass in full contact with the ground. Alex lowered himself to the floor, took out the drone’s key, and unlocked its chastity cage.

“Your punishment is a nice, long, slow edging with no climax, drone,” he told it. “It was probably going to happen anyway, but now it’ll be listed in the ‘Punishments’ section of The Binder. It’ll feel good, but it’ll also hurt, and in the end you’ll just be a horny, whimpering mess. And then we’ll see if you’re any good at eating me out.”

The drone was semi-hard already. Alex took its cock into his mouth and slowly ran his tongue around the glans, placing a light amount of suction. Then he took more of the cock into his mouth and sucked it. The drone’s cock wasn’t big and even fully erect it fit easily in Alex’s mouth. He bobbed up and down on it, varying speed and intensity. Sometimes he’d take it all the way out and focus on the drone’s balls or inner thighs.

The drone squirmed under Alex’s ministrations. It wasn’t highly vocal; only to be expected from someone trained by Mike, Alex supposed, a bit disappointed. He took its cock all the way into his throat, finally getting a soft, muffled moan. The drone’s cock throbbed as he sucked it; Alex immediately took his mouth away from the drone’s cock and squeezed its balls. “No cumming,” he chided.

The next time Alex sucked the drone off he had a lubed finger up its hole. He fucked the drone with the finger but didn’t aim for the prostate, not this time. The drone twisted and squirmed under his ministrations, letting out small breathy noises, but largely keeping its composure.

For the third edge Alex used his hands, not his mouth. The right stayed on the drone’s cock, but the left moved around. Sometimes it was also on the cock, but it equally might be teasing its balls, back up its hole, or tweaking its nipples. The drone was now responding beautifully. Wincing, squirming, and squeaking as Alex worked its body.

The edging continued for a long time. Alex had set his phone’s alarm to go off after two hours, but by then he was in the zone, so he just switched it off and kept going. Lick, suck, or rub until the cock throbbed. Stop, rinse, and repeat. A few times he poured ice water over the drone’s genitals to make it soft again, then brought the drone back to full arousal.

Alex could have edged the drone all night, but a) he was getting too horny to think again and b) Mike had asked him to train the drone, not just play with it. He used ice water to get the drone soft again and locked it back into chastity. The moan that elicited went straight to his dick.

He sat down in an armchair and ordered the drone to crawl to him. When the drone arrived, Alex spread his legs. “Look at my cunt,” he ordered. He began to point to various parts of his anatomy. “This is my dick. Unlike yours, which is made for torment as well as pleasure, mine is entirely for pleasure. Most of your time eating me out should be spent with your mouth here, worshiping. I like suction and motion, make sure to tease it with your tongue.

“The labia. Spend some time licking these, too, also lipping them and caressing them with your fingers. My hole. I like a finger or two up here when you eat me out, fucking me, but get your tongue in and around here a bit too. Get some juices on your face.

“My inner thighs. Light bites and caresses only. Finally, eating me out should be a full-body experience. If your hands aren’t fucking my hole they should be wandering over my body, tweaking my nipples, rubbing my pecs and stomach, massaging my hands and feet. My entire body is an object of worship for you. Centered at my dick, yes, but encompassing everything. Any questions?”

“It is ready to perform, sir,” said the drone.

“Get to work!”

The drone was tentative at first, not sure how Alex’s anatomy worked. That got it a smack across the face.

“I want to see some enthusiasm, drone!” said Alex.

The drone tried again, nibbling at Alex’s thighs the way Admin liked. That got its hair pulled. It didn’t know if that meant it was doing well and Alex was adding sadism to pleasure himself or punishing it for a badly done job. It was too scared to ask.

It put its tongue around Alex’s hole and began to swirl.

“Wrong! Your tongue goes inside the hole!” Another slap across the face.

This time the drone aimed its mouth higher, putting its mouth to Alex’s clit while it stuck a finger in its hole. How to proceed? The drone wasn’t sure, so it tried licking up and down.

Another slap across the face. “Well, drone,” said Alex, “What did you do wrong?”

The drone tried to think, but it wasn’t familiar with these parts. It didn’t know the rules. It didn’t know what Alex liked. “It doesn’t know, sir,” it said.

“My clit is a dick, you suck it. Try again!”

The drone put its lips around Alex’s clit and sucked. Alex pulled it off him by its hair.

“What are you doing with your hands, drone?” he asked.

The drone had just been resting them on Alex’s thighs, focusing entirely on sucking. “Its hands should be pleasuring you, sir,” it said.

“Good drone,” said Alex. “Mouth open!” He spat in the drone’s mouth. “Swallow.”

The drone swallowed.

“Back to your job,” said Alex.

The drone was licking, sucking, probing, and fondling for all it was worth while Alex pulled its hair, tweaked its ears, and occasionally smacked it for no reason. Or for a reason, as warranted. The drone was fairly sure that how well it performed had no impact on how often it got hurt; the only difference was whether the purpose of the pain was to punish it or pleasure Alex.

Finally, the drone brought Alex to orgasm. “Oh yeah! God, don’t stop, keep going, fuuuuuuuck!” The drone kept its mouth on Alex’s vulva and continued to lick, nibble, and suck. It had one hand on Alex’s left nipple and the other was lightly tracing Alex’s anus with its fingers.

Alex’s next orgasms came progressively more quickly and easily. He alternated between tweaking the drone’s ears, pulling its hair, and pulling it away from his crotch to smack its face. Eventually he was so blissed out that he no longer tried to hurt the drone. Two orgasms later he panted out, “That’s enough.”. He lay in the armchair while the drone knelt before him, unsure of what it should do.

It took awhile for Alex to collect himself, but eventually he sat up, stood up, and yanked the drone up by its hair. “Open your mouth!” he ordered. The drone complied and Alex spat in it. “Swallow!” The drone complied again. “So what do I do now that I’m done with you?”

“It is usually placed in standby mode when a User is finished with it, sir. But it needs to relieve itself, may it do that before going into standby mode?” asked the drone.

Alex nodded, and the drone went into the adjoining bathroom and took care of its needs. It returned and knelt in Position 1C.

“Eyes closed, standby mode on,” ordered Alex. The drone entered standby mode, ceasing to be aware of anything that was not the voice of a User.


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