The Wrong Identity

by Etherealust

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #humiliation #sub:female #hucow #lactation
See spoiler tags : #mythology

Skylar is your classic no-nonsense athlete. She doesn’t need anyone, and she’s happier when people just do what she says without argument. At least, until she meets a girl named Bea, who insists that Skylar is actually someone else. Someone friendlier and more submissive.

The whistle echoed throughout the courtroom. Skylar eyed the volleyball as it sailed over the net, right towards one of her teammates. She rolled her eyes inwardly and hoped they didn’t screw it up. As much as she loved the sport, it was infuriating to find a team that actually did their job. She was the best spiker in the college, so the strategy usually revolved around setting her up, but even that simple task proved too difficult for most players.

Thankfully, her teammates didn’t let her down on this occasion. They set the ball, and Skylar saw the opening. One of her opponents was clearly new. Her movements were shaky and unsure, and while she hadn’t made any mistakes, she hadn’t made any big plays either. But she was weak. Skylar could smell it on her from a mile away.


Skylar felt the impact on her forearm as the ball went flying to the enemy team. Directly towards the new girl. To her credit, she managed to save it, but she flinched in the process. The ball went out of bounds as a result. A grin spread across Skylar’s face as her team got the point.

“Ha, you see that? That’s how you play volleyball!” Skylar spread her arms in an arrogant fashion as she shouted at the opposing team. “I’ll whoop your asses all day, just try me!” The rest of their team gave her the stink eye, but there was nothing they could do. She was the best player on the court and she knew it. She wagered they knew it as well.

The game went on, with Skylar’s team gaining a steady advantage. Her team, the Sunhawks, were almost guaranteed to move on to nationals. They’d been on a killer winning streak and she intended to go all the way this year. While this game wasn’t as important, she wasn’t planning to concede any ground. And it looked like they were on track to victory. Skylar kept up her plan of targeting the new girl, staring her down like a predator cornering its prey. If she broke her spirit then victory would be theirs.

Eventually they were poised to win. It was the final set, and although the other team had been making a bit of a comeback, it was too little too late. She just needed to get a second point to clear the lead and end the game. 

This time, the ball was spiked over to her team again, and Skylar begrudgingly watched her teammate go for it. It was technically in her teammate's area, but it was close enough to Skylar’s that she should’ve been the one to cover it. But she didn’t want to get yelled at by the coach again, so she let it go. 

It proved to be a mistake. Her teammate fumbled the ball, and the whistle blew as the opposing team cheered. “What the hell was that? Can you not even return a basic fucking hit?” Skylar was glaring at her teammate, her face red with anger. This was what she got for expecting other people to do their job. “Jesus fucking christ Nat, get a grip on yourself.” 

Natalie just rolled her eyes and continued with the game. It didn’t take long for them to make up for it, and two rounds later, the game was finished. The Sunhawks had won. But Skylar didn’t join in on the victory hug, instead stomping over to the locker room while still fuming about the mistake.

Before long the rest of her team filed in, all happily chatting as they did. But the jovial mood vanished as they were met with Skylar’s glare. Everyone went silent and moved away as Nat and Skylar stared each other down. Nat was the first one to break the silence. “Got something to say, Captain?”

Skylar felt the anger bubbling inside of her. “Yeah, I’ve got something to say. What the hell was that on the court? That last move of yours was sloppy as shit, and you know it.”

Nat just shrugged and moved over to her locker. “It sure was, my bad for that. Good thing we still won the game and it literally didn’t matter. After all, it’s not like making one single mistake is something you’d blow a gasket over, right?” Her cocky nonchalant manner was getting under Skylar’s skin.

“We’re moving on to the big leagues soon. And next time-”

“But we’re not in the big leagues yet.” Natalie was quick with her response. “And even if we were, mistakes happen, even at the highest level. That’s what practice is for, that’s what these games are for. So we can get better in a lower stakes environment. Besides, we both know I’m still one of the best players on the team. You can’t afford to kick me out, and you can’t afford to talk to me like that either.”

Skylar let out a low growl. It was true, Nat was one of her better teammates most of the time. She could jump insanely high into the air to return seemingly impossible balls. But that came with an ego, and she often acted like she knew better than anyone else. This wasn’t the first time the two of them had butted heads. “I can talk to you however I want. After what you did out there you’re no better than fresh meat. If you’re going to play like a newbie you might as well get treated like one.”

Nat slammed her locker shut, bag in hand. “You know what? I was wrong, that wasn’t the biggest mistake I made. The biggest mistake I made was sticking around and putting up with your bullshit for so long. Sorry girls, but I’m out. I’m not doing this anymore.” 

She turned around and stormed out of the locker room. “Fine, walk away! We’re better off without you anyway! I’ll just find someone who doesn’t screw up the fucking game winning play!” Nat didn’t respond to Skylar’s taunts, she just held up her middle finger and left in silence. The rest of the team was staring at her, their expressions a mix of shock and horror. “The hell are you looking at? Get changed and get the fuck out. Practice at the same time on Tuesday.”

“Stupid arrogant bitch. She thinks I need her? I’ll do it without her. I’ll do it without any of them.” Skylar kicked a rock as she grumbled to herself. People always said she had an attitude problem, but as far as she was concerned, they were the ones with a problem. Her ruthless attitude was how they won, and it was the whole reason they’d been so successful. It was only after she had joined that they eliminated all of the rival schools and took them out of the competition. Anyone who threatened the Sunhawks were taken down, she made sure of that. And nobody ever bothered to be grateful to her for it. Not that she needed it, it just meant everyone else was to stupid to see what she was doing.

Other people took walks in the woods to calm down. Skylar was taking a detour home through the forest so she could vent to herself without being interrupted. But it turned out even that was being denied from her today.

“Oh my gosh, hi babe! It’s been so long since we caught up. How have you been?” Skylar’s train of thought was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. She looked up and saw another girl, excitedly smiling at her. Skylar cringed inwardly as she saw what she was wearing. The girl had a slim leather coat, covered top to bottom with both pride pins and animal pins. She had a pair of fingerless gloves with paw prints on them. And she was even wearing a headband with cat ears, completing the pathetic look. 

Skylar sneered at her. “Get away from me you freak. I don’t know you, and every time you open your mouth it increases the chance of someone mistakenly believing you’re somebody I would ever choose to interact with. Now get the fuck out of my way.”

The girl didn’t move, but her smile dropped right away. “Aww, did I catch you in a bad mood? Come here girl, tell me all about it.” She moved in closer for a hug, but Skylar grabbed her wrist.

“Didn’t you hear me? Are you deaf as well as dumb? I said to get the fuck out of my way. I don’t know you, and I don’t care enough to start.” Skylar spoke in her most menacing voice. She was already the tallest girl she knew, the muscles on her lean body obvious to anyone who saw her. This other girl was tiny and frail by comparison. In fact, she was probably smaller than most other girls. However, to her surprise, the girls slipped free of her grasp with almost no effort.

“Wait, don’t you recognise me? Bea? Your bestie for life?” Bea’s voice was confused, but still optimistic. “I know you can be a total dummy but it’s just a new haircut. It’s still me.” 

Her tone only stoked the fires of Skylar’s rage. “What the hell don’t you understand? I. Don’t. Know. You. You’re the one who’s a fucking idiot to get your friend mixed up like that. I bet this friend of yours hates you anyway.” It was harsh, but Skylar was already in a terrible mood. She needed to vent her anger and this ‘Bea’ was making herself the perfect target.

However, Bea didn’t seem to take the hint. She stared at Skyler, studying her body up and down. After a moment her eyes widened. “Wait, Heather? You actually don’t remember me? Oh fuck, oh fuck this is bad.” Skylar paused in confusion. She was ready to yell again, but instead she was just baffled as Bea continued her mumbling rant. “And you’ve been like this for how long? I knew I should’ve checked on you sooner. Izzy’s going to kill someone when she finds out.”

Skylar just waved her hand in a dismissive fashion. “Listen here, you stupid bitch. I don’t know who you’re talking about or who you think I am. My name is Skylar, not ‘Heather,’ and you’d better get out of my life fast. I’ve had a horrible day and if you stick around I’ll be taking it out on you. Understand?”

Bea didn’t look scared. She didn’t get angry or yell back. Instead, she just had this sad look in her eyes. It was pity. “Yeah, I’ll bet you have. I bet you’ve had a lot of bad days recently.” She shook her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it for you. See you again soon Hea-Skylar.” And with that she slinked away, disappearing into the woods as abruptly as she’d arrived. Skylar stared in bewilderment, the whole encounter beyond her understanding. After a moment she moved on. It was just some weirdo being confused and mixing her up with someone else. Nothing more and nothing worth thinking about.

That evening was another the same as usual for Skylar. Microwaved dinner and yelling at her TV, trying to stay just quiet enough to avoid getting in trouble with her landlord. Although she was already paying way too much in rent for the shitty apartment that she could barely afford with her shitty retail job. She was a hunter, someone who thirsted for victory and would stop at nothing to get it. It just sucked that nobody seemed to understand that. 

“Oh come on ref, what the hell was that?” Skylar almost flung her food at the screen. Nothing was cheering her up, and before long she’d have to start running new tryouts for the Volleyball team. Despite their success, hardly anyone was willing to sign up for the team anymore, and there were even fewer who were worth a damn. Nat quitting was more annoying than she wanted to admit. Especially because Nat was usually the nice one on the team, the one who encouraged new blood and convinced them to stick around instead of quitting once the pressure was on. Now Skylar needed to find someone new, and she had to do it without the team mom coddling them.

There was a knock at the door. Skylar paused for a moment, trying to remember if she was in trouble for anything. So far she’d managed to stay out of legal trouble, and she didn’t owe anybody favours. That meant it was either a solicitor or someone with a grudge trying to find her. Either way she was in the mood to yell at somebody, which meant it was worth it to answer the door.

“What the hell do you wa-” Skylar stopped her rant mid sentence as she opened the door. In front of her was Bea, the small girl from before, waiting patiently outside. “What the fuck? How did you find me? Why did you find me?”

Bea had a mischievous grin. “Oh don’t worry about that. You said if I stuck around you’d take your anger out on me, right? Well I’m here to take all your anger away.” She spoke in a seductive tone, inching closer to Skylar with every word. 

Although her first instinct was to tell her to fuck off, Skylar paused for a moment. Bea was kind of cute, in a pathetic freak show sort of way. Like the type of girl who’d be okay as a quick fuck if nothing else. And she was right, Skylar did want someone to release her stress into. “Fine, you can come in.” Before she even finished her sentence Bea slipped through and made her way inside. She did appear to be a surprisingly agile girl.

“Wow that’s a… place you’ve got.” Bea looked around at the piles of dirty clothes and empty cans. “Not that I’m blaming you! Or judging you, it’s not your fault.”

Skylar rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah the place is a mess, don’t try to give me crap over it. I’m not dealing with this today. So are we gonna fuck or what?”

Bea placed her hand on Skylar’s chest. She was wearing the same dumb outfit from before, complete with all the catlike accessories. “So crude! Not that I mind, by any means. It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen this side of you.”

“Don’t tell me you’re still on with that shit!” Skylar’s voice crossed into a low growl. “I told you I’m not this ‘Heather’ girl you think I am. I’m assuming you came here because you wanted to bang, unless you’re too dense to drop those hints, in which case you can get the hell out of here.” 

“Oh, of course not… Skylar. I’m here for completely unrelated reasons. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” She giggled at her own words. “In fact, you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about anything. She sat down on the couch, and Skylar soon joined her. “You said you had a bad day. Why don’t you tell me about it first? Then we can get to all the sweet sex you want.”

Skylar opened her mouth to fight, but instead a resigned sigh came out. There was something almost entrancing about Bea’s words, and it was hard to bite back against them. “It’s my bitch of a volleyball team,” she began. “I’m trying to win, to get us to do the best we can. And for whatever reason everyone treats me like I’m the asshole for it. Why am I the villain? Because I don’t let anything threaten the Sunhawks?”

To her surprise, Bea nodded and began rubbing her arm. “I don’t doubt it! You’re so big and strong, nothing can stop you. You’re a hunter, a protector, aren’t you? You’re just doing what has to be done.”

Her words caught Skylar completely off guard. “That’s - yes, that’s exactly it!” She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had validated her feelings like that. “You get it? My teammate screwed up, she should’ve just left it to me and I would’ve taken care of it. She’s fucking idiot for getting in the way.”

Bea pursed her lips. “Well, I’m sure she was also just trying her best. Not that I’m saying you’re wrong!” She held up her hands and preemptively, shutting down the inevitable argument. “But other people also have bad days. Don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’ll forgive you. It’s not your fault anyway.”

“Yeah it’s not my fault. She was the one who screwed up.” Bea curled up on Skylar’s lap. She wrapped herself into a ball as Skyklar spoke and let out a contented sigh, almost like a purr. Skylar couldn’t resist stroking her hair. “It’s just not fair. I’m always the one taking care of everyone, and nobody even tries to appreciate it.”

Bea jolted straight up, nearly whacking Skylar on the nose. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I forgot what I was doing. I’m really not used to this, it’s been a while since I took on this role. I’ve just gotten used to being the subby one.”

Although she didn’t really understand what she was saying, Skylar couldn’t help but laugh. “Well obviously you’re going to be the bitch tonight. You’re fucking crazier than I imagined if you think I’m submitting to a weak little thing like you.”

“...Yes, you’re right. You’re going to be the strong dominant one. So, why don’t we get started then?” Bea returned to her sultry tone from earlier. She reached upwards and gave Skylar a wet and messy kiss on the lips. “Tonight, you’ll be getting exactly what you’ve always wanted. What you really deserve.” Bea continued their makeout session, her hands reaching around Skylar’s body as she did. “Let’s focus on the simple things that you like. Booze, sex, and winning. I’m not going to try and win against you, and although I know beer would work, that’s not really my style.” She spoke between kisses, her words hot and breathy against Skylar’s skin. “And you absolutely love sex, it’s one of your favourite things in the world. Isn’t that right Heather?”

“I’m not, urgh, I’m not Heather! Quit getting me mixed up with someone else!” Skylar tried to sound angry, but it was tough as she was getting worked up.

“Right, of course. Skylar. My apologies. Let me make it up to you.” She began unzipping the fly around Skylar’s waist. “Why don’t you just relax for a bit? Even a big strong lioness like you deserves some relief, right?”

She had a point. Skylar was a lioness, tough and proud. Bea was more like a housecat. She was cute, but there was a pecking order, and Skylar was up at the top. “Of course I do. You’d better do a good job as well, given what a slut you’ve been acting like.”

“Oh don’t worry about me, I’m very skilled with my tongue.” Bea licked her lips, showing off her piercing. “We’ll get there later though. To warm up, why don’t you tell me about what you like?” She pushed Skylar’s pants to the side and began rubbing her moist cunt through her underwear. “Tell me about your dreams and your fantasies.”

Even though it was a simple touch, it felt incredible. For all her tough talk it had been a while since Skylar had properly gotten laid. If she had to indulge the weirdo wanting to hear about her favourite pastimes that was fine with her. “I’m a winner. I like destroying my opponent and getting the sweet taste of victory. What else is there to say?”

“Of course you do! But let’s talk about the simple stuff. Don’t worry about getting philosophical. It’s hard to think about serious stuff when you’re all hot and bothered.” She was right about that, if nothing else.

“I do like a quick fuck. It’s a great way to blow off steam after a game.”

“Everyone likes a quick fuck! You just love being horny, don’t you?” Bea slipped a finger into Skylar’s cunt as she spoke. “Sex is a wonderful feeling. It makes everything else melt away, like you don’t have a care in the world. Why would the stresses of life bother you? They’re not important in the heat of the moment, right?”

Skylar moaned in response. “N-no, I suppose not.”

“Right. During sex, you don’t worry about anything. Your problems are gone, they’re for another time. The only thing that matters is what’s happening, and what’s happening is you getting the pleasure you want. The release you crave.” Her fingers sped up as she spoke, the hypnotic words washing over Skylar’s ears. She could hear them again and again in her brain. It was true. During sex, she only had to think about the sex and nothing else.

However, much to her dismay, Bea pulled her fingers out. “But what about the rest of the time?” Skylar was lost for words, so caught off guard she didn’t know what to say. “You know that sex feels good, and you don’t need to worry about anything during sex, which is also good. So why wait?”

“I… I don’t know. What are you getting at?”

Bea chuckled. “Take right now for example. You want sex. I can see it, I can smell it. Fucking is the only thing that matters to you right now. Whenever you get turned on, fucking is what will make you the happiest. So you want to get fucked. Right?”

Skylar nodded. She supposed it made sense, in a way. “So… when I get turned on, I have sex? That seems kind of obvious.”

“It is! I’m glad you’re getting it.” Bea clapped her hands. “So when you get horny, you don’t need to worry about anything else either. The only thing that matters is getting a hot body against yours to indulge yourself with. You want to feel good, don’t you?”

Once again, the words rang through her ears. Skylar knew they were right, even if it felt strange. When she got aroused, she would go have sex with someone. It was the simplest thing in the world. “I get what you’re saying. When I want to fuck, I can go fuck someone. Other problems can wait until I’m not horny anymore. Right?”

Bea plunged her fingers deep into Skylar’s cunt. “Oh Heather, that’s the thing. You’re always horny.”

The pleasure hit Skylar like a truck. She’d been fingered before, but never like this. There was something intense, something primal about the way Bea was touching her. “It’s pretty much all you can think about. You constantly want to be fucked. It’s pretty much all you can think about. You’re an absolute Goddess of sex, and it’s the best feeling in the world. You want to fuck. You want to be fucked. You want it hard, soft, to give, to receive, any which way possible. You’re so fucking horny. You’re hornier than you can possibly know, all the time, no matter what. Isn’t that right?”

The words continued to echo in Skylar’s head. But this time it was different. She recognised that something was wrong, that these thoughts weren’t her own. Or were they? “That’s not, unf, that’s not true. I’m not the bimbo fuckdoll you think I am.”

“No no, nothing like that!” Bea cooed as she continued her ministrations with her fingers. “Those are such nasty, cruel terms. There’s nothing degrading about wanting sex, it’s not something you should be ashamed of! But Heather, you’ve always felt this way. For longer than you can remember. You’re happy when you’re fucking, because nothing else matters. Isn’t that right Heather?”

The name finally sparked something in Skylar. Her mind was a mixed up jumble of emotions, barely able to process thought, but it was just clear enough to figure out what was happening. “I’m not Heather. You’re… you’re trying to make me somebody I’m not.” It was hard to get the words out, overwhelmed with pleasure as she was. 

“Oh babe, you only think that! I know it’s all so confusing for you right now. But no, you’re my good friend Heather, and you are an absolute slut. In the best of ways!” Bea curled her fingers, and it was if she hit a weak spot that Skylar didn’t know she had. 

Skylar writhed in place, her body convulsing at the touch. An orgasm tore through her body, and she let out a moan. She had never moaned like that before, at least as much as she could remember. And yet now she found herself like putty in this stranger's hands. “How was that?” A gentle smile was on Bea’s face as she spoke up. “Did that feel better? Do you remember who you are now?”

“I…” Skylar was panting, her mind still racing from the experience. It was the best orgasm of her life. And yet, it somehow left her unsatisfied, just wanting more. But more importantly, she still had no idea what Bea was talking about. “I still don’t know who you mean. I’m not this ‘Heather’ girl, okay?”

Bea patted her head. “Gods above and below, you’re really deep in there. Which does make sense, all things considered. Don’t worry though, I’ll help you remember. Let me guess, you want another?” All Skylar could do was weakly nod her head. “Good, good, don’t you worry about it. You’re just a happy and horny girl.”

“Wait, that’s not… that’s not who I am.” It was getting harder for Skylar to think. Forming sentences took her full concentration, and even though she knew Bea was doing something bad to her, it was impossible to resist. Her mind had betrayed her and her body wasn’t far behind. “I don’t know what to think. You’re telling me all this stuff, and it’s not true, but I feel like it is. Why are you doing this to me?” Tears were starting to flow down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry, but it’s for your own good. You’ll thank me later.” Bea gave her another passionate kiss before continuing. “This is why it’s not good to leave you for so long. Your silly head has been filled with ideas of being a hunter, a guardian, a predator. But that’s not who you are. That was never who you really are.” Bea emphasised every sentence with a fresh kiss. “You’re not a brave and fierce lioness, you’re a dumb and happy cow.” 

The moment she said those words, it was like a flip was switched in Skylar’s brain. “I’m… a cow?”

“Yes, you’re a cow! A beautiful slutty and stupid cow, who embraces being all of those things! You don’t need to think. Cows don’t need to think, do they? They get to be horny all day and have sex while other people take care of their problems for them. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Her words rang through Skylar’s mind, the same as before. Except now it was like they found a proper home. Instead of bouncing around and getting jumbled, they settled into the grooves of her brain, and she knew they were true. It wasn’t a contradiction anymore. Even though Skylar still didn’t understand what Bea was talking about, she knew that it was true. 

Skylar was a cow. 

And she wanted another orgasm. It was just like Bea had said, she was always horny. And when she was horny, she didn’t worry about anything except for who to fuck next, because that was more important. And while she was fucking she didn’t need to worry about anything either, because she was fucking and that felt good. As a result, there was only one question left. “I don’t know what you’re saying, but can you fuck me again? That felt nice and I want to feel nice some more.”

Bea laughed. “There’s the silly cow I know and love. Of course Heather. You never need to ask, I’ll always help you cum.” This time she noticed a couple things were different. First of all, she was nude. Her clothes were gone. Skylar was fully exposed, her firm tits and toned body on display for Bea. She couldn’t even question it anymore after everything that had happened. And especially not compared to the change in her partner's equipment.

A large silicone cock was dangling between Bea’s legs. She had no idea where it came from, and she knew that it hadn’t been there before. But Skylar was too horny to care about the details. “Normally I’d go down on you, because you know how much I love pussy, but right now I need to be able to talk to you. Don’t worry, I’ll go down on you as many times as you want later to make up for it.”

Skylar didn’t really care about future promises. She was terrified at the sheer size of the strapon aiming towards her. It was almost the size of her forearm. But as terrified as she was, she was even more excited. “Is that thing even going to fit? It looks like it’s going to hurt.”

“You’re worrying again. What did I tell you about that? Thinking isn’t for cows, it’s for other people to do.” Bea poised the tip of the cock between her lips. She could feel the wet lube mixing with her own juices. “And besides, you’ve always been a total size queen.”

Bea thrust deep inside of her, and as she did, the words flowed over Skylar. Except they didn’t settle in her mind like the others. They wrapped around her body and her soul, warping them to fit what she said. Skylar had always been a size queen. Even taking a cock as massive as this was typical for her. She knew that it was a false memory, but she also knew it to be true. And instead of the knowledge causing discomfort, it brought her joy and relief. Because she didn’t have to think about that anymore. She was a dumb and horny cow.

“That’s right, you are a cow! I’m so proud of you! Doesn’t that feel so much better?” Bea’s kind words caused Skylar’s heart to flutter. “Now it’s time to get your body back into shape. You’re finally starting to act like yourself again, but you don’t look like it. At least not yet.”

Somehow, those specific words managed to pierce through the fog in Skylar’s mind. She was still horny, but she was indignant. Offended. “That’s not true!” She shot back with a venom that surprised even herself. “I’m in fantastic shape! I know that for a fact, and you can’t tell me otherwise.”

The thrusting slowed as Bea caught herself. “You’re right, I’m so sorry. This must all be so hard to deal with. Of course you’re in peak physical condition. You’ve got incredible muscles, and don’t get me wrong, they look great! But that’s the body of a lioness. And you aren’t a lion anymore.” She pounded the silicone cock in deep enough that her hips slammed against Skylar’s body. “You’re a cow. And cows aren’t lean, they’re thick and jiggly.”

Once again her words wrapped around Skylar. She felt them in her body, altering the physical world itself to fit her description. “You don’t need those muscles, you get to be soft and cuddly. Big boobs, massive boobs, as every cow should.” Skylar felt her chest expand at the words. Every time her chest heaved it caused them to swell a little more, growing outwards until they were larger than her head. “And of course, they’re full and leaky. Every cow needs tits that are just dripping with milk.” 

It was true. Skylar’s tits were huge, but they weren’t perky. They sagged against her body, with enormous nipples that were now a dark brown. But Skylar didn’t feel ashamed of them. She felt they were gorgeous, and perfect as they were. And she felt like they needed to be sucked. 

“Let’s not forget the rest of you. You’re not so tall, are you? You’re pretty average sized, at least in terms of height. It looks great with your fat pillowy ass and your thick thighs.” Her words continued to shape Skylar’s reality. She grew smaller and plumper, her ass cushioning beneath her while her thighs started to jiggle around as Bea continued to thrust. “And most importantly, your hips. You’ve got the thickest, widest, most perfect child bearing hips possible. You’re built like a fertility goddess. Isn’t that right?”

Bea was right. Skylar’s hips expanded and stretched out, so wide she could barely fit on the sofa. Now it made sense why she was such a size queen. With a body as thick and plump as hers, she needed the most massive cocks to fill her up. Not that there was anything wrong with something smaller, she was more than happy to get fucked with all sizes of dicks, even the littlest ones. But ultimately her preferences fell to size as the most important factor. She liked them big, big enough to stretch her insides and leave her feeling it for the next week.

“Now that’s more like it!” Bea continued her affirmations as she pumped in and out with her strapon. “You’re looking more and more like yourself again Heather. But you’re still missing something. She began to play with Skylar’s saggy tits as she spoke. “I said you were horny, didn’t I? It’s true that you constantly want to fuck, but that’s not all I meant. Remember your head as well.” 

Skylar remembered it. Two small nubs erupted from her head, a pair of horns. Her pair of horns. They parted her hair, curving forward and growing by the moment. Eventually they stopped when they were just large enough to fit in a palm. They were her handlebars. 

“My… mu…” Although she was trying to say something, the words just weren’t coming out. She wanted to ask about her body, but she couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried.”

“Aww, is the cow having a hard time talking? That’s alright, I wasn’t expecting you to. Talking requires thinking, and thinking isn’t your strong suit.” She grabbed Skylar’s horns and pulled herself inwards, using them to slam the strap as deep as it could go inside of her, all while Skylar’s body jiggled and bounced around with her movements. “Let it all out. Remember who you are, and cum for me. Moo for me you stupid cow.”

“Mo… MOO!” The animalistic cry burst forth from Skylar’s lips as the orgasm ran through her. “MOO! MOO! MOOOOOO!” It was impossible to stop, but she didn’t want to either. She was a cow, and cows liked to moo. Just as they liked to get fucked, and they were bad at thinking, and they were jiggly sexpots who had fat leaky tits for others to drink milk from while they jumped on the fattest cocks they could find. 

That was exactly who Heather was.

“I… Bea? Is that you?” The fog wasn’t exactly clearing in her mind, but was stabilising. It was a calm and pleasant fog. Something that felt natural to her. “It’s me, Heather. Your dumb cow friend.”

“HEATHER!” Bea jumped on her and pulled her into a deep hug, ecstatic to hear from her friend again. “I’m so glad you’re back. How are you feeling?”

It was strange, but Heather felt pleasant. The anger was all gone, washed out of her. The frustrations from before were all so distant. Was she worried about something? Probably, but it wasn’t about sex, so it couldn’t have been that important. “I feel nice? I think? And horny obviously. But also…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered. She’d been so full of anger and rage, so mean to everyone. Including Bea. Tears welled up in her eyes and her lip started to quiver. “Oh no, those things I said, I was so mean to you! I’m so sorry, I…”

“Hey, shush, it’s okay.” Bea spoke in a soft coo as she cradled her sobbing friend. “It’s okay. You didn’t mean it, you just weren’t feeling like yourself. That’s alright. I’m here now, and it’s all going to be okay again.”

“But you have to hate me. I was a bully, I was rude, I was-”

“Enough, Heather. Nobody hates you. I didn’t hate her either.” 

Heather looked up at her friend through blurry eyes. “You don’t? But she- I mean I- we?” She groaned in frustration. “I don’t know much, but I know she was mean to my friend and that’s bad!”

“She’s still a part of you. A wonderful part of you that wants to protect everyone. But she gets cranky if she stays out for too long, she deserves some time to rest. You’ve earned it, Heather. More than you can understand. Quite literally, because I know you can hardly think about anything that isn’t a body part right now.”

Heather wiped the tears from her eyes. “You mean it?”

“Of course I do. You’re my friend, whether you’re a fierce lioness or a dumb cow.”

A soft smile spread across Heather’s face. “I think I like being a dumb cow. It’s fun not being in thinky mode.” She giggled to herself at her own words. “Moo. Moooo.”

“I know you do. And you’ve earned the right to be a dumb slutty cow for a long, long time. You don’t need to worry about a thing, just let the rest of us take care of it for you.”

Bea helped her friend to her feet. “Now come on, let’s get out of this place and back to our real home. Then I’ll bury my face in those pillowy thighs of yours and give you as many cummies as you like.” Her cat ears twitched as a thought crossed her mind. “Then we’ll need to find someone more domineering, because I am really not used to being the one in charge. It’s fun for a bit, but it’s really not my preferred position.”

A worried expression crossed Heather’s face. “Am I going to have to domia-domino-tell people what to do?”

“No, of course not. Decisions are for other people, not dumb slutty cows.” A wave of relief washed over Heather. “If I have anything to say about it, you won’t have to make any decisions anytime soon. I’m sure the others will agree.”

Hathor nodded. “Okay. That’s good, I don’t think I can tell people what to do right now. Actually I don’t think… I don’t think.”

Bast nodded. “No you don’t. Sekhmet is the one who thinks, but it’s hard for her, so we’re giving her a break, for as long as she needs.” She helped Hathor to her feet. “Now come on, the others are waiting.”

“Okay. Thanks again Bast.”

“Anytime Hathor.”

You can find more stories just like this one over at my Patreon. There are plenty of other tales just as hot as this one, and members get to read everything two weeks before the general public. Come check it out!


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