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The Four Housemates of the Apocalypse


by Etherealust

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #scifi #sub:female #bondage #fantasy #implied_consent #supernatural #urban_fantasy

Melonie was used to sharing. However, that didn’t mean she enjoyed it. 

Other immortal deities often called her ‘petty’ or ‘selfish’ or ‘an accursed blight upon humanity,’ but they just didn’t understand. She let others use her toys all the time. Sometimes she even gave them away, if the toys asked nicely enough. But that didn’t stop others from accusing her of being possessive.

It was getting on her nerves again. This time it was Kassandra, who kept hogging April for her own studies about humans. And although April was fooled, Melonie saw right through the act. She just wanted to hog their mortal housemate for herself. Melonie had been patient. She’d been fine with sharing her favourite toy and even the house with the others. But enough was enough, and it was time to teach the alien upstart a lesson in humility.

Fortunately, she’d managed to get the perfect tool for the job. The Scroll of Saint… something or other. To be honest Melonie couldn’t exactly remember who she’d snatched it from. The important thing was that once unfurled, it would trap the reader in a catatonic and blank state. A perfectly empty mind, only capable of the most basic thoughts until someone was kind enough to untangle them. 

This magic was ancient, and it far surpassed even the gods. It also targeted the spirit directly of whoever chose to open it, which meant that none of the fancy gadgets from Kassandra’s homeworld would be of any use.

And of course, Melonie had put her own extra fun spin on the scroll. It still emptied the mind of the target. But thanks to her charm, it would also start filling it up with lust, rendering the victim a mindless ball of arousal incapable of dealing with it themselves. Once Kassandra was trapped in such a state, it would be easy for Melonie to swoop in and teach her a nice lesson. 

She’d let the alien girl free afterwards, of course. Once she’d thoroughly learned her lesson.

The trap itself was easy enough. Melonie set the scroll on the counter, firmly wrapped up, and added a simple note in front. “PRIVATE - DO NOT READ.” April was too much of a scaredy cat, and Iris simply wouldn’t care. But Kassandra? She would fall victim in no time. 

Melonie snickered to herself as she imagined it. She was looking forward to having some fun this evening.

For the most part, Kassandra considered herself to be rather easygoing. It took a lot to get under her skin, and she was pretty happy to let most things in life slide on by. But when something did happen to get under her skin, her entire mentality transformed. She became bitter and petty, determined to prove that she was right above all else. Even worse, she became productive. Final project for her term due in an earth week? No biggie, she’d get around to it once she was in the right mindset. Somebody making an offhand comment that she knew was wrong? Kassandra wouldn’t rest until it was resolved. It was the only time she would actually apply herself, with a fierce determination to be the winner.

Iris had recently managed to get under her skin. It wasn’t any specific thing this time that triggered her. It was the entire attitude, how Iris was constantly acting like she was above ‘carnal pleasures of the flesh’ and pretending it didn’t interest her. Which would be perfectly understandable if it were true. Kassandra’s own girlfriend across the galaxy was asexual, so she was used to those sorts of conversations from people who genuinely didn’t care, or simply enjoyed specific aspects.

But Iris wasn’t like that. She was lying, either to everyone else or to herself. All three of them went out of their ways to trap April in their horny perverted fun. However, Iris was the only one who would afterwards say she didn’t really enjoy it and come up with a convenient excuse. It pissed Kassandra off to see someone acting like sex was beneath them while being just as much of a horny bastard as everyone else. 

Fortunately, she had a solution. It wasn’t easy, but she’d managed to rig up a device to enter the digital realm. To trap somebody in the equivalent of a virtual game on the human realm. And she’d managed to get the perfect program. The dirtiest, horniest, and most cliche hentai movie she could find. Even better, she’d managed to form a trap that specifically targeted wormhole technology. 

She was actually feeling quite proud of herself. Once it was connected to the TV and activated, the next time anything came near it through a tear in hyperspace, it would trigger and suck up anything travelling through, or anyone. It would then convert the contents to a digital form and export them to the program. Which in this case, was the hentai world.

With a smug grin, Kassandra set up her trap. Iris would be dumped into the raunchiest overly sexified world possible, and she wouldn’t be able to lie her way out of it this time. She was going to make Iris admit the truth, and she was going to enjoy watching it happen.

Iris knew she wasn’t the most socially aware person. She knew that she was strange, even by the standards of other supernatural beings, and that her own conversational skills were a fair bit lacking. That didn’t bother her. She was happy with who she was, and she’d put in a fair bit of effort to reach the point of holding a relatively natural sounding conversation. In fact, Iris was somewhat proud of how far she’d come over the eternities.

And that’s what made it so deeply frustrating to have her efforts mocked and insulted. Melonie was rarely serious, so she probably hadn’t thought twice when she’d casually teased Iris for not knowing how to connect with people. But it had stung. It had stuck with her, and she refused to have her efforts dismissed and mocked.

Thankfully, Iris knew how Melonie worked. She knew how to get her revenge and prove her point in one fell swoop. The trickster deity was always having fun trapping others in sexually compromising situations, turning their bodies into erotic works of art for others to ogle. So that was exactly what Iris was planning to do to her. It had taken a fair bit of effort, but a pocket of reality was ready to tear open just for her. The next time Melonie sat on her favourite spot on the couch, the rift would open, and she would be trapped in a carefully selected set of bondage gear. 

Then the pair could sit down and have a nice friendly chat about expectations and civility. Iris would explain how she felt hurt that Melonie didn’t notice her genuine efforts towards building up social skills. Melonie wouldn’t be able to respond, thanks to her gag, but that didn’t matter. She would understand that Iris had catered a trap specifically to her needs and based on her interests. And that would prove that Iris understood her.

If Iris happened to experience any arousal or pleasure from seeing her housemate in such a state, that was simply an added bonus.

It was almost time. Iris concentrated once more, and the air around Melonie’s seat began to shimmer. Not enough to be noticeable for anyone except for herself, but enough to signify that the trap was ready. It was only a matter of time. And then she would see who was laughing.

For once, April was beaming as she strode into the door. “You’ll never guess what happened today! Remember that girl I was saying I liked? Well I started talking to her, and in a spontaneous moment of confidence, I actually asked her out. And she said yes! We’re going on a date!” Her infectious enthusiasm rang out through the house. However, instead of the joyous and friendly teasing response she’d been expecting, she was only met with silence. 

“Anyone? Kass, I took your advice, and it worked really well. We struck up a whole conversation about meteor showers and-” She stopped mid sentence as she walked into the kitchen. Kassandra was on the counter, but not in a manner April had ever seen her before. Kassandra was hanging midair, arms spread out like a cross, completely nude except for a scroll wrapped around her. The scroll had writings in an ancient language, and April could hear the faint sound of chanting coming from it.

That wasn’t the strangest part. What confused her the most was Kassandra’s expression. Her body was limp, but her mouth was hanging open, tongue hanging out and unfocused eyes. She was panting heavily, but she didn’t appear to even acknowledge April’s presence. “Wanna… cum…” She spoke in a soft tone. April noticed the wetness between Kassandra’s thighs, but also noticed how she was making no efforts to relieve herself.

“Okay then, I’m just… I’ll just leave you to it.” April didn’t quite know how to respond. She knew that she was in too good a mood to deal with it. Instead she called out to the rest of the house. “Melonie, Iris! You’re always asking for gossip, and today I’ve actually got some.” Normally that would’ve been enough to get at least one of them to come flying in. Today, however, there was no response.

Upon finding the living room, April started to understand why. The TV was playing an extremely lewd hentai scene, which in itself wasn’t overly out of place. What caught her attention was the character on screen. April saw a very familiar pale girl with lilac hair and a vacant gaze, head tilted slightly to the side. She was dressed in what appeared to be the tattered remains of an extra skimpy magical girl uniform. 

The tattered remains were due to the cosmic monster she apparently had been fighting. Currently, the girl who looked exactly like Iris was getting ravaged in all of her holes by various dark purple tentacles. A pair of them were alternating pumping inside of her cunt and asshole, another was in between her tits and spraying her face with a white goo.

Not that the character appeared to mind. Even with Iris’s classic vacant eyes, she had a somewhat giddy expression. After a particularly harsh thrust from the tentacles she gave what appeared to be an imitation of the classic ‘ahegao’ expression, with eyes rolled back, tongue out, and hands doing the peace sign. It looked somewhat demented and twisted with Iris’s uncanny body language, which only solidified April’s theory that she was more than just a hentai character.

But there was somebody else in the living room, sitting on the couch and watching the TV. Although she wasn’t exactly watching it. April recognized Melonie, due to the fox ears and bushy tails coming out from behind her, but otherwise she never would have figured out it was the Kitsune. She had a shiny black latex hood over her face, complete with a bright red ballgag and a blindfold. Her arms were wrapped behind her in a leather sleeve, and an extra tight corset showed off her busty tits. Although she was wearing a pair of extremely steep ballet boots, it was irrelevant because the end of the armbinder was secured behind her, forcing her to remain kneeling on the couch.

All of those faltered in comparison to the intense buzzing that could be heard from her crotch. April could practically feel the vibrations, even from across the room. Melonie moaned, turning her head towards April’s direction, but she made no other movements to get up.

Everything was starting to come together. April figured she had a vague idea of what was going on, and she knew what she was going to do. She poked her head back to the kitchen, seeing Kassandra mindlessly hanging in place and thirsty for pleasure that would never come. Iris was busy on the screen, silently screaming as the final remains of her uniform were stripped away. Melonie’s entire body shuddered in what could only be a massive orgasm. From the way the buzzing continued, April got the feeling it wasn’t her first, and that it wouldn’t be your last.

“You know what? I’m not dealing with this. You girls can sort this out for yourselves.” April turned around and walked away, relishing the satisfaction of having the upper hand for once. This truly was a remarkable day. Not only did she score a date with her crush, but she had an evening of peace and quiet, where none of her housemates would bother her. She pulled out a book that she’d been meaning to read for ages.

Only she swiftly found it difficult to focus on reading. It didn’t take long before the book and her panties were discarded, and April was rubbing one out to the thought of her housemates just outside of her room. She still wasn’t brave enough to interact with any of their predicaments. They would figure out how to get out themselves, April was happy to just enjoy the sights and sounds of it all.

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