Incomplete Gallery

by Etherealust

Tags: #bondage #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #humiliation #sub:female #gaslighting #manipulation

(AKA The Main Character Of A Hentai World Gaslights Everybody Into Thinking Her Rival Is A Weakling By Deliberately Losing To Everyone Except For Her)

Minha nursed her drink, swirling it in her hand amidst the general ambiance of the bar. All around her was laughter and joviality, and for good reason. A local princess had been kidnapped, one of the major cities was being taken over from the inside, and their army was growing stronger than ever. It felt like a matter of time before the Demon Queen inevitably took over, and her followers were celebrating every step closer to victory.

And by all means, Minha should be joining them. She was, after all, second in command to the Queen herself. An agent of corruption and the most dangerous tool in her army. But instead she sat on her own and scowled at the general merriment. 

A particularly loud and garish fit of laughter caught her attention. Grelzi, the pit boss and leader of the Goblin Casino, was showing her underlings a video on her magic crystal. “No no, that’s the best part! The rest of the girls all wore regular bunnysuits, she was the only one who had to wear a reverse one! Complete with a fluffy tail buttplug! It was great, all her naughty bits were on full display the whole time!” The table erupted in laughter as they looked at the picture.

Minha didn’t need to see it to know exactly what they saw. It was Aurora, the chosen one, the hero of legend. Aurora was the only person who could wield the Celestial Sword, the one weapon capable of sealing the demon queen away for another thousand years. The entire world was counting on her, hoping she would bring justice and protect them from the infernal army.

And the picture was of her in a shiny blue latex reverse bunny suit, flushed expression on her face, serving drinks to the lowest goblins and orcs in the Queen’s army.

“Really, this is the one we’re worried about? This dirty little slut?” Grelzi slammed back another drink, far more than her tiny green body should have been able to handle. “It took me three rounds to knock her out. I didn’t even have to use my special ability. It’s almost sad how weak she is.”

Something inside Minha snapped. “No she’s not. You don’t know a damn thing about her.” The table went silent at Minha’s outburst, all eyes on her. “Aurora is a lot of things. Uptight, annoying, self-righteous, and a huge pain in the ass, but she’s not weak.”

Grelzi eyed her carefully, choosing her next words with patience. “Sorry my liege, I didn’t mean to offend. It’s just, you know, she did go down rather quickly. I’ll admit I didn’t think I had much of a chance either, but you can see for yourself how it turned out.” She tapped the crystal and showed the next picture, which was Aurora down on her knees, face buried in the cunt of a waiting goblin in her same slutty outfit.

“I know how it ended, I’ve read the reports!” Minha didn’t mention how much time she’d spent looking at those pictures in her own private time. “But you’re forgetting yourself. You’re pretty tough for a goblin, I’ll give you that, but Aurora’s in a whole different league. Don’t get all cocky because of some dumb luck.”

“You’ve got a good point there, maybe I did catch a lucky break.” A smirk pointed up from the corner of Grelzi’s lips. “At least I thought that the first time. But this was what, the third time this week? That can’t have been a coincidence.” The other goblins broke out into laughter. “And that’s not even counting the time she lost to one of my minions on the way. Or how somehow she’s managed to fall into every single trap on the way to my room. I mean, fuck, is she really dumb enough to fall for a cursed treasure chest? That’s the oldest trick in the book.”

She laughed again, but Minha didn’t join in with her optimism. “Then she’s planning something and you’re all to incompetent to see it!” She threw her drink on the ground, the remnants spilling across the floor. “I’ve known Aurora longer than any of you. We’ve fought countless times and had countless competitions, long before she had the Celestial Sword. She’s more skilled than you can imagine at both combat and tactics. If you underestimate her, even for a second, you’ll have lost before you even realise what’s happening.”

She glared at the rest of the crew, trying her best to instill some fear and motivation. Sure, it was hard for them to take Aurora seriously now that they’d seen her at her lowest. But Minha was the one who had learned to train with her. She knew how dangerous the hero truly was.

Unfortunately, her attempts were cut short by her least favourite voice in the world.

“Aww, is someone getting mad about their precious hero again? Don’t mind her girls, she just gets really frustrated on this topic.” Minha could almost feel the steam coming from her ears. Lydia Duskshade floated beside her, a mischievous grin on the spectral woman’s face. “Minha here might be important to our Queen, but you don’t need to let her talk to you like that.”

The goblins started to look more relaxed while Minha ground her teeth in frustration. “Lydia. You are the first boss, the weakest officer in the Demon Queen’s army. And you dare talk to me with such disrespect?”

“I do dare, as a matter of fact!” Lydia wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated. “Because I’ve done my job here. I’ve kept Aurora at bay and stopped her from getting through the crypt. In fact, I have some pictures of it as well.” She pulled out her own crystal and showed a new set of pictures. This time Aurora was buck naked, walking through town with an eager grin on her face and an empty look in her eyes.

“Her body was quite easy to inhabit, almost no resistance. I got to do all my favourite activities from when she was alive. Sucking dicks, masturbating, sucking dicks while masturbating, licking pussy, licking feet…” She scrolled through more and more pictures as she described the situation, each one showing Aurora in another degrading pose. “The whole time I made her talk about how she was giving up on the whole hero thing to be a town cumdumpster instead. I think I did a great job making the people lose confidence in her, don’t you?”

Minha held back a growl in her throat. “Yes, and afterwards she happened to find the key that let her bypass the crypt, putting her in functionally the same place as if she had beat you. And you’re not the least bit suspicious?”

Lydia shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, I did my job regardless. I beat her down and showed off just how dangerous the Demon Queen can be.” She tapped her chin in pretend contemplation. “But you’re right, you’ve fought her more than anyone. Can you remind me how many times you’ve won against her?”

This was it. The central point of MInha’s unending rage at the hero. “Look, this is why I’m saying you can’t underestimate her. If you ever think you have Aurora in a corner, she’ll-”

“That’s right, zero! You’ve never actually beaten her in a fight!” Lydia’s voice was filled with smug superiority. “In fact, I think you might just be the only officer who hasn’t beaten Aurora. Here, let me pull up the gallery so we can all take a look.” Lydia didn’t give her any time to respond as she started browsing through images on her crystal, holding it up so everyone could see.

“We have Lillith, leader of the Succubi. Seen here brainwashing Aurora into a ditzy bimbo with gigantic tits that can barely speak in full sentences. Ropemaster Elwyn, at her Shibari Shrine. Kept Aurora strung up from the rafters all day long in half a dozen brutal poses. And my personal favourite, the farmhouse. Aurora spent four whole days as a human cow, a human pony, and a human pig. Each.” Lydia continued to drive her point home with more examples, each showing the hero in a more lewd situation than the last. Minha saw her rival hooked up to milking machines with a cow print bikini, pulling a carriage behind her while in absurd boots and an armbinder, and crawling around the mud in a pink latex bitchsuit and a nose hook that gave her an utterly pathetic look. “And then we have Minha with… none at all! Looks like the only variable here is you.”

It was true. Minha had plenty of plans for what she wanted to do with her nemesis, but not once had she gotten the opportunity. Whenever they fought Aurora went all out, being the cunning and dangerous warrior she was all too familiar with. A person who none of her colleagues ever seemed to fight against.

“Are you trying to imply something about my strength?” A dangerous edge had crept into Minha’s voice. “If you think you’re better than me we can take this outside, and I’ll show you just what happens to those who fall before me.”

Lydia, however, wasn’t taking the bait. “No thanks, I’m fine as I am. After all, I have nothing to prove. It’s not like there are rumours that I got my position by literally kissing the Demon Queen’s ass.” She grinned, and Minha saw red. “Woah, looks like you’re getting awful worked up over this. Maybe when you meet your girlfriend you can take it out on her for a change.” With that she vanished into the air, leaving Minha fuming. The rest of the bar made sure to keep their distance, but it was impossible to ignore the whispers and subtle looks.

As Minha walked through the night, she considered all the possibilities. Something weird was going on with Aurora. That much was clear, but she couldn’t figure out what. By this point she’d become a bit of a joke throughout the kingdom, with even the citizens losing faith that she could be their saviour. Everyone in the army had gotten their way with her, most of them multiple times. Everyone except for her.

“Fucking hell, what’s her problem!” Minha kicked a rock and watched it sail into the far distance. Was something actually wrong with her? Was she losing her edge, as the only person who couldn’t take down Aurora?

“You know you might want to watch where you’re going with these midnight brooding sessions, that almost hit me.” Minha bolted to full alertness, eyes darting around before she saw the smug figure in front of her. “Though I guess you’re the expert at trying to hit me and missing.”

Aurora. The hero of legend, the only one who could stop the Demon Queen. And Minha’s best friend/worst enemy/it’s complicated for years. Her perfectly conditioned hair shone in the moonlight, flowing in a nonexistent breeze. Her thick armor and array of enchanted jewelry made it clear just how dangerous she was. And of course, there was the Celestial Sword, glowing with the power of the stars in her hand.

You. What the hells do you think you’re doing here, in the middle of our camp?” Minha looked around, trying to see if there were any onlookers. She wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relieved to find that they were alone.

“I just thought I’d visit an old friend,” Aurora replied in a casual tone. “After all, I’ve been on a bit of a losing streak recently. Some of my friends are starting to think that I’m throwing the fights on purpose.” She let loose a small chuckle. “Can you imagine that? Me, the saviour of the world deliberately losing to one of my enemies?” Her eyes narrowed and she pointed her blade at Minha. “So I figured it’s about time I whooped your ass again to prove I’ve still got it.”

Minha drew her own sword, adrenaline pumping through her veins. This was it. Her chance to prove her strength, and to show why she was the strongest officer of them all. “Come on then, let’s see what you’ve got. You think you’re so tough, but you can’t even beat a goblin?”

“Maybe not, but I can sure as hell beat you.”

The two of them charged towards each other, their blades clashing through the night. Minha kept up an unrelenting assault, dancing around Aurora and slashing her with various elemental blades. A good number of them were connecting as well.

But for all of her prowess, Aurora was consistently getting the better trade. She only landed one hit for every three of her own, but that one hit would hurt. Even worse, Aurora was constantly buffing her defenses and regenerating health. Light energy constantly enveloped her, and while Minha was steadily chipping away at her health, it just wasn’t fast enough.

Aurora landed an extra powerful magical blow, with her own strength buffed and dealing bonus light energy damage. Minha went flying back, panting for breath, hardly able to stand back up again. Meanwhile, Aurora had barely worked up a sweat. “Whew, that was a fun match! I’ll admit, it’s fun to cut loose every once in a while.”

“You… this…” Minha was gasping for air as she tried to respond. “Why won’t you fucking go down? I know that none of the other bosses can hit you this hard. So how on earth did they beat you?”

Aurora laughed in the moonlight. “What, you really think I want to just waltz through your army and take out each of you in a single shot until I reach your Queen? What would be the fun in that? No, it’s much more about the journey than the destination.’ She licked her lips. “And hot damn the journey’s been fun so far.”

Minha froze. Was she hearing this right? “Wait… So you admit it then? You held back against the others?”

She cocked her head sideways. “You haven’t actually watched me fight them, have you? I’ll give you a hint, there’s a lot of attacks conveniently missing and a lot of ‘accidentally’ drinking poison instead of potions. Followed by overly dramatic acting that I’m just too exhausted and beaten to go on, and I have no choice but to surrender.” Aurora shrugged her shoulders. “Really, you’d have to think I was actually trying to win. Not my fault all of your coworkers are idiots.”

Although the pieces were starting to come together, Minha only had more questions than ever. “Why though? Everyone subjects you to such horrible degrading experiences. They turn you into your fucktoy, even though you’re supposed to be the hero.”

“Haven’t you answered your own question? That’s exactly why.” Aurora’s voice grew hot and lustful. “I love your group’s style. Being abused, hypnotised, transformed, bound, humiliated… I love all of it. I want as much of it as possible. Fuck, I could spend an entire week tied up at the Shibari Shrine and not get bored. You think your Queen is a fan of sex? I’m just looking forward to the day I can lose to her and be forced to serve as her personal fucktoy. Sure I’ll take her down eventually, but not before I get to experience all the depravity she has to offer.”

So that was it then. All these years of sparring with her rival, and Minha was just now learning her true motivations. What an utterly insatiable slut she was. It was a horrible blow to her ego that she was only learning this now, but there was still a silver lining.

Because now she had an opening.

“So, you’re a fan of the dirtier stuff, are you? You want to be put in… compromising positions?” Minha purred as she spoke, getting to her feet and eyeing her rival. “Then I’ve got the perfect solution for you. Just give in, surrender to me, and I’ll give you something far more intense than any of those dumbasses could provide you.”

Minha had fantasised for years about what she wanted to do to Aurora. Sure, she had imagined beating her in a fight and taking her as a trophy, but even with a voluntary surrender she could get the same result. “You have no idea how much anger I’m ready to take out on that pretty little ass of yours, but let me give you a taste. Strapped to a wooden cross with thick leather belts, unable to move an inch. Hours and hours of relentless teasing, overstimulating your body and caressing every fold, but never giving you the release you crave. Does that sound good for a start?”

To her relief, Aurora nodded, a dreamy look in her eyes. “Then I’ll follow it up with the real action. I’ve got a fresh set of paddles with your name on them - literally. Aurora, Bitch of the Demon Queen is engraved on them, leaving perfect marks on your skin to remind everyone what you are. And you’ll be forced to beg for more. Then, and only then, will I fuck you. I will rail your ass with the biggest strapon you’ve ever seen. I will spank you, pull your hair, insult you, and make you feel like a worthless pile of trash whose only use is to be fucked.

“Oh! That… does sound enticing.” Aurora was thoroughly flushed, desire clearly in her voice. Minha had never seen her lose focus quite so heavily.

“Then come on. We can all say you lost here. And then we can work out allllll that sexual tension that’s been building up over the years. You want it, I want it, the world wants to see it. So what do you say?”

Aurora took a deep breath before speaking. “You’re right. That sounds so fucking hot, and you have no idea how badly I want it. I figured you were a kinkster, but damn if that wouldn’t be the best scene of them all.” Her body shivered. “And I’ll make sure to think all about it while rubbing one out tonight. But no, I’m not going to do that. I won’t pretend to lose to you.”

Minha was utterly gobsmacked. “What? But you- this- you said- WHY?”

“Because even though I’m a huge slut, I’m an even huger bitch.” She let out a forlorn sigh. “Believe me, I’d love to hatefuck you. It’s one of my biggest fantasies. But I’d love to just piss you off even more, and I know this gets under your skin. Good luck explaining to your crew why you’re the only person who can’t beat me.” 

“I’ll- I’ll tell everyone! I’ll let them know that you’re throwing the fights on purpose, and that you just want them to take advantage of you!”

Aurora just laughed. “Right, good luck with that. No one will ever believe you, I’m the hero of legend, remember? What kind of self respecting heroine would voluntarily subject herself to the whims of her opponents?”

Minha let out a shriek of primal rage as she charged one last time at her rival. Aurora simply held up her sword to the moonlight, and a celestial beam of raw lunar energy slammed into the battlefield, leaving Minha knocked prone again in a smoking crater.

‘Well, it’s been fun, but that thing you described got me all worked up. I’ve gotta go blow off some steam now.” Aurora dusted herself off, barely paying Minha any attention. “Maybe I’ll go lose to the tutorial slime, that was a fun scene. Maybe then I’ll pay Lydia a visit, it’s been a while since I’ve done that one. Say hi to the Demon Queen for me!” A beam of light engulfed her as she warped away, leaving Minha beaten, bruised, and even more frustrated than ever.

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