Average Familiarity

by Etherealust

Tags: #bimbofication #dom:female #drug_play #sub:female

A pair of world class scientists create an intelligence draining serum that can turn anyone into a dumb bimbo. They have a normal and healthy understanding of what a dumb bimbo talks like.

Authors note: Unfortunately I am not a genius world class scientist, and as a result I take no responsibility for scientific inaccuracies or simplifications.

“Are you sure you’re ready to try this? You know it’s still a highly experimental formula.” Gwen was always the cautious one in her relationship. She was just as curious, but she was a much more ‘by the book’ type of person. 

By contrast, Michelle was reckless and enjoyed taking chances. She relished in diving into experiments firsthand, and no matter what the results yielded, it was a prime opportunity for learning. "Of course I’m sure! We know for a fact that there are no lasting consequences, and that the entire thing gets filtered out of our system within a couple hours. You saw the results from the lab. The only question is what exactly happens to brain chemistry before then.”

“Yeah well… we both have a pretty good hypothesis about what it’ll look like.” The two of them turned to stare at the flask of pink bubbling liquid on the table. One of perks of being researchers of a world leading biochemistry lab was that once a new product was clear of a certain safety threshold it was pretty easy to snatch up an early prototype. And given that both of them were heads in their respective departments there was hardly even any paperwork.

The Brain Matter Bonding Operative, also called the BM-BO mixture, was one such product. The marketing team was getting ready to present it to investors at a showcase, although what such a demonstration would look like, Gwen had no idea. The very nature of the BM-BO made testing rather difficult. It was comparable to many types of narcotics, without the addictive side-effects, but also without the general pleasant feeling of a “high.” By design, its only real symptom was severe cognitive impairment.

Although she couldn’t fathom why anyone would be interested in such a product, Gwen had been assured by multiple higher-ups that it would find a rather sizable market. Not that she particularly cared about whether or not it made money. She was a science nerd at heart, and that was good enough for her. But a part of her had always expected the BM-BO would flop on arrival.

However, given her wife’s current excitement, she was starting to suspect that maybe her superiors had the right idea after all. Michelle had been quite excited at the prospect of a drink that made her dumber, and she had finally convinced Gwen to let her try and test its limits. Which led to their current situation, an extremely unorthodox date night with a brand new chemical that could have unpredictable side effects.

“Okay, but we’re doing this safely. We’re doing it like scientists. We’re following procedures, making sure to keep notes, and - Michelle put that beaker down right now!” Her words fell upon deaf ears as her wife downed the entire formula in one single swig. She set the beaker back down on the table, a massive shit eating grin across her face. 

“Sorry, what were you saying? I got a little thirsty.” Gwen frantically scrambled to grab her notepad as her wife continued to gloat. “I mean you said we were doing it like scientists, and hey, isn’t science all about trying new things?”

Gwen finally grabbed her notes and clicked her pen a few times. “Right, and this data’s going to be super useful without setting up a control group or establishing a null hypothesis. So first of all, how does it taste? Or feel? Are you noticing anything right away?”

“Well to be honest, it tastes pretty awful. Kinda like medicine but with a weird metallic aftertaste. Michelle made a face and stuck her tongue out. “Eugh, now it’s really hitting me. I thought I was going to be so cool by downing it like that.”

“Serves you right. They’ve been arguing on whether to make it soda pop flavoured or bubble-gum flavoured for the public release. Marketing even wants to do a bunch of different ones in a product line, which just creates a whole new headache.” Gwen continued jotting down various notes without even bothering to look up. “So, effects? Feelings? The activation period has been one of the more inconsistent parts of development so far.”

Michelle opened her mouth, but she swayed in place instead of responding. “Woah. I actually am starting to feel it now. It’s kind of… tingly?” She shook her head, locks of hair swaying wildly behind her. “It’s like pins and needles, but in my head. Not painful, but definitely weird.” 

Gwen nodded. “Interesting. Perhaps it depends on variables within the digestive system. I should’ve gotten you to write down everything you’ve had to eat in the last twelve hours before we started.” 

“Come on, you know what I had to eat most recently.” Michelle winked at her wife. “Your pussy was delicious as usual.” A fierce blush crossed over Gwen’s cheeks, causing Michelle to burst into laughter. “Come on, you walked right into that one. You should be smarter than that.”

“And you should be dumber than that.” Gwen pointed her pen at her wife. “You know that’s the whole point of this serum, right? To inhibit intelligence. But you insist on having that smart mouth of yours. I thought you wanted this to work.”

As Michelle continued to laugh, Gwen noticed something odd. It wasn’t her usual laugh. It was lighter, more giggly than typical. She pursed her lips and stared at Michelle. Now that she was paying attention, her posture was a bit different from normal as well - she was sitting upright, chest ever so slightly pressed forwards, somewhat limp wristed as well. Nothing that would be too far out of the ordinary to most people. But Gwen knew her wife well enough that even these subtle changes were apparent.

She decided to be cautious with her next line of questioning. A basic test to see where her mind was at. “Shall we do some hand-eye coordination testing? Maybe it’s like being drunk and it’s hampering your prefrontal cortex.” She tossed her pen over towards her wife. Michelle caught it in mid-air with ease, spinning it around in her fingers.

“Not a problem,” she said with a grin. As if to gloat, she flipped the pen up into the air, letting it spin around a few times before snatching it with her other hand. “See? My prefrontal cortex is just fine, thank you very much. Want to test out something else dextrous I can do with my fingers?” She wiggled her eyebrows with the implication.

However, Gwen had to suppress a giggle of her own. “Oh honey, you just proved that it’s working though. And far more effective than I would’ve imagined. You really are turning into a dummy.”

Michelle furrowed her brow. After a moment though, she let in a sharp gasp, looking mortified for the first time that day. “Oh fuck! You sneaky bitch.”

“You really got the prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum mixed up? Come on, that’s basic stuff. If you can’t even remember that the cerebellum controls motor functions, then you really do have something wrong with your prefrontal cortex.” She laughed at her own joke. “That’s alright, I’ll take care of you. Even if you become such a dummy you can’t remember the difference between amylase and maltase.”

“Oh please, I haven’t made that mistake since high school. You know this serum lets you keep your basic knowledge, right? The goal was to make you think simpler, not remove the absolute basics that everybody knows.” She paused, a slightly worried expression on her face. “Now, if I get amylase and maltase mixed up, you might have to call somebody.”

Gwen nodded. “For sure. If there are any signs of mental degradation that extreme, there could be a risk of something more serious going on.” She repositioned her notepad on her lap and continued writing down her notes. “Now, since we’re already this deep in, what else are you feeling right about now? Anything out of the ordinary since drinking it?”

“Well…” Michelle leaned in closer to her wife. “Since you mention it, I am feeling particularly horny. Like, more hornier than usual.” She started rubbing her hands up and down across her body. “Fuck, why don’t you just ditch the notes and get the strap already? I just keep thinking about how much I want you to pound my asshole. Fuck, my dick is rock hard just thinking about it. We don’t even need to go to the bedroom, we can do it right here.”

Although she was trying to maintain a proper composure, even Gwen felt her resolve starting to buckle. It was true that it was difficult to resist her wife coming on to her like that. “Okay fine, but I’m getting the ten-inch one. We’ll see how you react to getting pushed to your absolute limit.”

Michelle giggled. “Yeah you can bet I’ll react. Ten inches, one for each of the reactive nonmetals on the periodic table. Doesn’t that turn you on babe?”

Although she had been going to fetch the strap, Gwen froze in place. “What… what did you just say?” She slowly turned to face her bimbofied partner. “The ten reactive nonmetals?”

“Yeah. I know nerdy science talk like that gets you going.” Michelle, however, noticed an expression of genuine concern on her wife’s face. After a brief moment she realised her mistake. “Wait fuck! I mean-”

“You mean eleven. You forgot to count Hydrogen, didn’t you.” There was no more sensuality or teasing in Gwen’s voice. “That’s it, we’re taking it easy until this formula wears off. We need to let this filter out of your system before you can properly consent to sex.”

Michelle’s face dropped. “What? No, come onnnnn, It’s okay, you can touch me.”

“Nope. The other things we could overlook or justify, especially considering we’re experts. But forgetting the second largest category on the periodic table, excluding lanthanides and actinides?” She shook her head. “That’s just going too far. The formula is having some sort of an adverse effect on you, and it’s dragging you far down below healthy levels.”

“Come on, I’m so hooooorny!” Michelle started pawing at her wife. “Can’t you at least spank me a few times or something?”

In response, Gwen grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Michelle. “No. No sex, no note taking, no more experimentation until we know you’re fine again.” She pulled Michelle into a tight hug as they sunk down on the couch. “What we can do is sit here and cuddle until you’re back again. Next time we’ll tweak the dosage until it just makes you a little dumber, not render you completely incompetent. Okay?”

Although she grumbled, Michelle ultimately relented. “Alright fine. But you have to promise to fuck me afterwards, okay?”

Gwen kissed the top of her wife’s head. “Okay, I promise.”

You can find more stories just like this one over at my Patreon. There are plenty of other tales just as hot as this one, and members get to read everything two weeks before the general public. Come check it out!


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