HypNovember (bilingual)

HypNovember Day 6: Restriction

by Espadachin

Tags: #D/s #dom:male #exhibitionism #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #slutification #Spanish #urban_fantasy

This was a scene based on a thing I learnt from HypnoHedonista in the XII London Hypnosis Workshops that then I replicated with my playpartner. 

El suelo se abrió debajo de tu silla y de él comenzaron a brotar cuerdas, de las que te gustan: suaves pero firmes, mullidas pero fuertes.

Y bailando alrededor de ti, en espiral, iban restringiendo tu cuerpo subiendo cada vez más. Tu mirada de asombro ante lo que estaba pasando era indescriptible. El torbellino de cuerdas seguía girando alrededor y adhiriendose a tu cuerpo. Primero sucumbieron tus piernas, luego tus brazos se hicieron uno con tu tronco. Cada vez que te envolvían te generaban más placer. Las cuerdas ya te habían inmovilizado completamente...

Y entonces comenzó el orgasmo.

Under your chair, the ground opened and ropes began to arise from the crack. Soft yet firm, smooth yet strong, these are the ones you like.

Dancing around in spirals, restricting your body. The look on your face was one of surprise, even astonishment. Ropes twirled around and stuck to your body like a whirlwind. After your legs succumbed, your arms merged into your core. Whenever a new revolt broke out around you, your pleasure grew. By the time the rope had completely wrapped around you, you were immobilized ...

And then the orgasm began.

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