HypNovember (bilingual)

HypNovember Day 30: Free Space.

by Espadachin

Tags: #D/s #dom:male #exhibitionism #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #slutification #Spanish #urban_fantasy

Me pregunto con qué gif caerás hoy. Hemos jugado con tantos que muchos de ellos han dejado su impronta en ti. ¿Será con los (malditos) hexágonos? ¿Las tetas de la Daddario? ¿Otras chicas cayendo? Voy bajando por la carpeta y entonces lo veo y me decido. Oh dear, vas a caer a plomo.

I wonder with which gif you will fall today. Having played with so many, many of them have left a lasting impression. Will it be the hexagons? Would Daddario's tits work? Other girls dropping? I was scrolling down the folder and I saw it clear, this one. Oh dear, you're going to drop like a stone.

Lo hize.
I did it.


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