Code of Conduct

Chapter Nine

by DustyVeil

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #corruption #dom:male #exhibitionism #f/f #mental_age_regression #sub:female #betrayal #blowjob #candy #college #free_use #hypnotic_screen #mass_hypnosis #mind_alteration #mind_control #slow_burn #Sluttification #solo #teacher_student_dynamic
See spoiler tags : #spanking

Please enjoy the latest chapter of my ongoing tale :) As always, you can reach me at with thoughts and feedback!

Need new clothes… Ali thought, settling into a comfortable mantra as they walked the halls of the English building. NEED new clothes.

New clothes. SUCH a good idea.

It was essential to the plan, really. Henry couldn’t, under any circumstances, suspect them as the serious women they secretly were. They needed to sell themselves as fully brainwashed BRATS, as stupid airhead bimbos whose tantrums were as sexy as they were ineffectual. Half measures like Ali’s full-length mini-skirt or Helen’s pantyhose wouldn’t do. They needed something more.

Ali’s mind swirled with possibilities. New colors. New fits. New accessories. Something youthful and spunky and FUN. And, of course, make-up to match.

She unabashedly loved clothes now. It was weird thing to admit after freaking out about it for so long. But the flurried excitement she felt at even the mere notion of picking out new outfits couldn’t be denied. She loved clothes, and she loved showing off her slutty body.

It was, she decided, SO cool that she could indulge in both while still resisting Henry.

With Helen’s ass swaying hypnotically in her micro-skirt, Ali wondered what else she could indulge in along the way.

But then Helen halted, the delicious strut of her ass brought to a stop at the open door to Shannon West’s office. Helen looked inside, agape.

“…Shannon?” She said in a small voice.

Open legs greeted them. They were propped up on the desk, unhooked stilettos discarded next to their bare feet, and they were spread. Wide.

It was Shannon, and apart from a pair of snow white fur wrist warmers, she was completely nude. Low in her chair, she pumped a dildo diligently into her pussy and rubbed her clit with tight fingers.

“Hiiii, Heleeeen!” Shannon sang. “I was just taking a little breaky-break! I know I’m s’posed to be all professional and stuff, but I’ve been working soooo hard. I just needed to– oh FUCK– turn off my brain a minute!”

Ali recalled the rule that had ambushed them not long ago.

WOMEN FACULTY, this is a reminder that you are PROFESSIONALS. When you come to WORK, please keep your mind off SEX, BOYS, and other SILLY TRIVIALITIES. You are here to be IN CHARGE, not to TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF.

“Turn off… your brain…” Helen repeated dully.

“Helen, we should keep going.” Ali said, antsy.

Their appointment with Henry was in an hour, and they needed to re-do their outfits and make-up first.

But Helen was transfixed by Shannon’s pussy, how its folds devoured the sex toy and how her clit, engorged with lust, swelled under her fingers.

“Right.” Helen said without turning her head. “Gotta go get sexy for Henry. Dress up for Henry.”

Ali frowned. That wasn’t… quite right. But on a basic level, that was the plan. And now wasn’t the time to split hairs about it. They had to GO, before Helen decided that she really DID want to turn her brain off.

“We’re gonna fix this, Shannon.” Helen said. “You were right about the protest. We’re gonna fix it.”

Shannon giggled. “Protest whateverrr! I was stressing way too much about that. Boy cock is too good. I can’t believe we’re not allowed to HAVE it! Did you know some of them can go twice in a row??”

Helen sighed dreamily. “I bet they can.”

Shannon pumped herself, reliving the memories. “I gave out like, soooo many good grades today! Prolly gonna get fired.”

“Come ooon!” Ali begged to Helen.

“Who’s the buzzkill??” Shannon asked. “You guys should JOIN me! I have extra toys. They’re giving them away!”

Helen swayed, faltering and swooning. “I’m am tired… Really wanna… turn my brain off…”

Mechanically, she sloughed her blouse off her shoulders and undid her bra. She let it fall to the floor, making herself suddenly topless.

“Helen, come oooon!” Ali tugged Helen’s arm, trying not to get distracted by her teacher’s exposed teardrop tits. “Keep it together! You’d just be doing what Henry wants!”

Helen sighed.

“Sorry, Shannon. I gotta go. Gonna go… stop all of this. And then we can play after. I really do need a break…”

“That’d be super fun!” Shannon chirped. “Oh! By the way, I hired your friend!”

At that, a spark returned to Helen, and she stopped just short of pushing her skirt to the floor. “What?! You mean Colleen?”

“Yeah! Apparently the school needs someone like, ASAP. A woman specifically, and they have to be mega-smart. Agatha told me so. It’s for something really important.”

“But… When does she start?”

“She starts– um– UUHM– OH– AHH!”

Shannon’s face scrunched up in pleasure, and her fingers became a flurry of purposeful motion.

“Fuck! I’m gonna–! GONNA–!”

Shannon’s hips bucked in her chair as her painted toes curled against the loose pages on her desk. She pumped herself deep and hard, rubbing faster, and then the quivers started.

“Shannon, when does Colleen start??” Helen repeated.

But Shannon was lost in the throes of an orgasm, and if she was trying to answer Helen, it came out only as squeals and gasps. She kicked a few pages off the desk, jiggling and convulsing in pleasure, her moans reaching a point of all-encompassing desperation, until, after half the desk’s contents had been strewn to the floor, it faded.

“Shannon, please.” Helen said as calmly as she could. “When does Colleen start?”

Lazily, Shannon came to with the flutter of her long lashes. In the wake of her orgasm, Ali noticed that there was already something different about her eyes. They bore a vapid contentedness that ran deeper than post-orgasmic bliss, like something permanent had just happened to them.

“Huh? That new teacher?” Shannon asked with a voice of a kitten. “Uuuum… tomorrow. Gosh, I hope she’s not like, too strict though. I HATE following the rules.”

It’s her pupils, Ali realized as Shannon took off her glasses and sucked on them passively. Her pupils were bigger.

“You okay?” Ali asked, buzzing her key card at the entrance to the low, square building of her dormitory. “You’ve been quiet.”

“Um. Yeah.” Helen lied.

But really, she didn’t feel good at all.

She felt fucking amazing. If she was quiet, it was only because she kept drifting off into daydreams of boys and clothes and sex and fun, and the emptiness of those moments felt heavenly. And her arousal, once a painful fixture of need, was becoming a pleasure unto itself. The state of hot wetness between her legs, as more time passed, became euphoric.

She was losing herself. A lot dripped out in Shannon’s office, when in one wet gush she envisioned herself sacrificing everything for a little pussy playtime. Thankfully, Ali was there to remind her of the bigger picture. They needed to become sexy, fuckable BRATS and foil Henry.

But that wasn’t quite right either. Though a BRAT is what she needed to be now, and she needed to with every fiber of her being, it wasn’t who she used to be.

She used to be a PROFESSIONAL, who when she came to WORK, kept her mind off SEX, BOYS, and other SILLY TRIVIALITIES. She was here to be IN CHARGE, not to TURN HER BRAIN OFF.

And now she had more pressing things on her mind, like how her best friend Colleen would be arriving to Monroe University tomorrow as a new teacher. If the code of conduct was still in effect by then…

Everyone should read the screen.

Helen shuddered in pleasure.

They had to stop it today. For Colleen’s sake, and everyone else’s. But after the encounter in Shannon’s office, Helen wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold out. And though Ali projected an air of optimism, Helen was sure the student’s grasp on reality was just as tenuous.

It was in how Ali skipped and bobbed her head, how her little pigtails bounced around and how she eye fucked every boy they saw. If, like Helen, Ali was super duper excited to rebel against Henry, the way she was showing it looked an awful lot like how every other girl on campus acted.

But as much as Helen tried, she couldn’t bring herself to take charge. Being IN CHARGE only left a sour taste in her mouth, and it was a lot easier to just follow her student through the dingy dorm hallways.

The scent there carried a rush of nostalgia.

In Helen’s own college career, she lived in buildings exactly like this one. Timeless places that were steeped in layers of stale beer, teenage hormones, and musty carpets. Helen wondered how many decades of transient student lives were accumulated here. And the sense memory went beyond smell. In this space, Helen again felt the anxious knots of having an essay due in the morning, the anticipations of an upcoming parties, and the annoyances of roommates.

The years of working in Academia had whittled away at those memories, had tapered the excitement of college life and replaced it with the dull realities of adulthood. But now that she was back here, now that all of it was resurfacing, Helen only had one thought.

I’d give anything to go back.

They came to a door that bubbled with frenetic, loud chatter. It sounded like a party going on in there, with girls talking loudly over each other and laughing freely. Parties, of course, were another staple of college living, and Helen felt a pang of curiosity at this one. But they had other matters to attend to.

However, when Ali stopped at the party door, Helen grew confused.

“Oh, good. They’re already here!” Ali chirped.

“Who is?”

Ali smiled and opened her door, the laughter riding into the hall on a fruity wave of sweets. “The GIRLS. They’re gonna help us!”

Recruiting the girls was probably Ali’s best idea today. Brainwashed as her friends were, there was no one better to prep Ali and Helen for their slutty mission into the heart of evil. They needed every air-headed, bimbo-brained BRAT they could get.

“And then a liiiiittle bit on your tits!” Sheena said, dumping the rest of the glitter all over Ali’s chest.

She was covered in it now. It clung to her cheeks, which were painted with stars and hearts. It stuck to her eyelids, so that every time she blinked they left glimmers in the air. And now, it shined sticky and sweaty on her tits. She was going to shed sparkles all over Henry’s boring office, and he’d probably be getting them out of his clothes for weeks.

Picturing his frustration made Ali hot and bothered.

Next to her, Helen got the same treatment. Triss did her make-up, giving her a thick glittery coat to match Ali and painting rainbows on her face. The twins, meanwhile, did the Professor’s long auburn hair in twin braids, each taking a side and tying ribbons into them.

Grace and Danica were on nail duty. Ali shivered at a brush on her pinky toe. It was Grace down there, and she hoped the smell of her wet pussy wasn’t too distracting.

“You’re like, SO cool.” Triss said as she put the finishing touches on Helen’s face. “I like, wouldn’t even know you taught here if Ali hadn’t told me. How old did you say you were again?”

“Umm… thirty something?” Helen said. “I actually kind of forget. Is that silly? It becomes hard to keep track after a certain point.”

“Not silly at AALLLL.” Mae said. “You’re like, so-fucking-hot, you look like TWENTY.”

Helen blushed. At the compliment, her pupils wavered, dilating then shrinking back to their normal size.

Ali couldn’t NOT notice it now. Like Shannon, so many Monroe girls walked around with permanent black saucers in their irises. Now that she knew to look for it, Ali could see Helen fighting off the same thing. In moments of weakness, they warbled like they were adjusting to a change in light that wasn’t there.

“I WISH I were twenty again.” Helen said. “God, college was the best.”

The girls all giggled, then Helen smiled listlessly.

“Hey, are there any wine coolers left? I think I’ll have one after all.”

The way Helen’s pupils widened again when she guzzled greedily from the frosty bottle made Ali nervous, because she was already halfway through her second.

Helen’s panties peeled slowly off her pussy, clinging cloyingly wet, and when the girls removed them, the air was cold and stimulating.

“Oooh, Hellie, we need to SHAVE this!” Sheena giggled.

And then she was being guided to a chair. She hadn’t intended on being naked for that long. It wasn’t APPROPRIATE, especially for a TEACHER and her STUDENTS. But now those students were spreading her legs and taking a good look at her pussy.

One of them stuck a lollipop in her mouth.

Not MY students, Helen told herself as she sucked it. At least not most of them, anyway. They’re just girls. Girl friends.

They age gap between them wasn’t even THAT big. She was like, thirty. And they were like, twenty. And they had, thanks to the universal joys of talking about sex, boys, and other trivialities, a lot in common.

Helen had just finished regaling them with the story of her one night stand. The girls cheered and squealed at every further development, like when Helen revealed that she wasn’t wearing panties, or the part where she’d begged him to call her a dirty slut as he railed her.

Telling the story reminded her of swapping hook-up stories in college, although back in the day, her girl friends didn’t surreptitiously grind on their hands and tremble through mini-orgasms as they listened.

One of the redheaded twins applied shaving cream between her legs, and then the tickle of cold hard steel pulled across her skin. Helen shivered. The girls were so helpful. They knew exactly what to do. Ali was seated next to her, because apparently she needed cleaning up too, and she reached for Helen’s hand when they lathered her with cream.

Down there, Sheena’s hot breath caressed Helen’s pussy every time she exhaled. Helen leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the sensation. It was starting to cause happy spasms, and the world was beginning to melt into blue swirls. Ali squeezed her hand and let out a small moan next to her, and Helen thanked the stars she had such a good friend to go through this with.

Ali was like, really cool.

“Mmm, Hellie, you look good enough to eat!” Sheena sang after some period of time, and Helen spread her legs wider.

She decided she would let Sheena lick her. Just for a little bit. She’d done so much for Helen already, it would be rude to deny her now.

And, Helen admitted, she really, really, REALLY needed a good cum to clear her head. She was having trouble keeping track of things, and memories of her life as a professor were starting to feel like intrusive thoughts.

But the tongue she so desperately wanted to feel never came. Instead, Sheena helped her up, and the twins carried over handfuls of brightly colored clothes. Ali was already half-way dressed, trembling in the arms of Grace and Triss, who giggled as they pulled a too-tight tee over her tits.

“You guys are gonna be SO HOT.” Sheena cooed, holding out a flimsy thong for Helen to step into. “Henry’s gonna like, blow his LOAD when he sees you. Maybe even have a heart attack. What exactly are you trying to do, again?”

Helen giggled. Make Henry cum, then give him a heart attack. That sounded like a pretty good plan to her.

Mirrors had a special gravity to them, and when they got in front of one, Ali and Helen didn’t want to leave. They posed together, lightly caressing each other’s waists as they stared, transfixed by the hotties looking back.

They were loud in every sense of the word, adorned from tip to toe in brightly colored slutstuff that screamed BRAT.

They stood on plastic chunky heels, toy-like on their ankles. Striped thigh-high socks hugged their legs, and their baby tees were so tight you could see perfectly the shapes of their tits and nipples inside them. Both read “NAUGHTY,” and their skirts were a flimsy three-inches. They hung trim from their waists, doing nothing to cover their sheer panties which were so delicately thin on their pussies.

Best of all, their tidy little landing strips, freshly styled by the girls, were crystal clear through the fine fabric. Once upon a time, Ali would have gagged at the thought of grooming her pussy. Now, it only made her horny.

Their loudness went beyond their clothes. They jangled and clattered with box-fulls of cheap jewelry. And they sparkled too. Their faces and tits were canvasses of glitter, and their moist lips constellations of sparkles. They looked like teen icons. Even Helen, who under layers of glitter, ribbons, and jewelry, had lost about ten years. Her hair was pulled tight into twin braids and she toyed with one, fascinated by it, swinging the tip of it loosely in small circles. Every once in awhile small giggles bubbled out of her.

Their pupils were very, very big. That should probably be concerning, Ali figured, except that it made them look even hotter, like living dolls. I’m more slut than girl, Ali thought, unable to feel anything but giddy pride about it.

Ali still had the thumb drive, returned safely to her tightly packed cleavage, and her awareness of it was the one thing that kept her hope alive. Despite everything, the plan was still working. Though there were a million sexy, hot, wet things she wanted to do, plugging the drive into Henry’s computer was still the sexiest, hottest, and wettest one. His very own BRAT programming was keeping her on track, driving her towards the ultimate act of disobedience.

And then there was a knock at the door.

“You GUYS, I said not to invite anyone!” Ali chastised.

“We diiiidn’t!” Grace sang, shimmying into a skirt lined with rhinestones.

Inspired by Ali and Helen, her and the other girls were all getting changed, bratting up their outfits and painting hearts on each other’s cleavage with wet, sticky brushes.

Grace popped open a tube of lip gloss and threw the cap on the floor.

“Unless, oh! I know! Tom knows we’re here. Maybe he wants to come see your new look Ali! He’s like, so hot for you.”

The mention of Tom electrified Ali’s skin. Ali wondered if Grave knew about their digital affair, and the possibility of that electrified her further. Was Grace so far gone that she’d happily share her boyfriend’s cock with another protester?

But it wasn’t Tom at the door. It was Scott, standing gravely.

“Oh. Hey.” Ali said.

He was stoic, and he took in the sight of her. She was in her funnest, most sluttiest outfit, looking like the horniest BRAT on campus, and now Scott was seeing it. Ali’s muscle memory kicked in, forcing her to bat her eyes and shift coyly where she stood.

“Um, hi.” Ali said, trying to sound serious. It was hard. She couldn’t find her chest voice, and the words came out breathy and light. She felt like such a girl.

Scott took a deep breath, then kissed her.

It had been awhile since Ali kissed a boy. His kiss was firm and forceful, and in his mouth she was overcome with overwhelming passivity. She moaned a little, and, yes, she decided. This was, without a doubt, the best thing ever.

Scott tugged her ass, squeezing it wantonly as she collapsed into his chest, and then he growled in her ear.

“I’m sorry about before, Ali. The truth is, I really, really, really want to fuck you.”

“Uhm. Uh huh.” Ali squeaked.

His hands were strong, and she was melting in them. This was Boy Attention, and the best kind of Boy Attention. More than looking at her, he was feeling her, appreciating her with every errant squeeze. She wanted to fuck him too, she realized. Now that she was here in his arms, that part was crystal clear. And, she was pretty sure, she must have had a crush on him from the start, because her body was jumping at the chance.

“I can’t stop thinking about you. About your slutty body. I saw pictures and… I’m tired of feeling jealous. I don’t care anymore. I need it, Ali. Enough teasing. Let’s just… let’s just do it.”

Ali’s heart fluttered. He saw her nudes, the illicit cries for attention she’d shared with Grace’s boyfriend. He saw them, and he liked them! How many other guys had Tom showed them too? Ali’s imagination reached for a high number, and her heart skipped faster.

They could do it right now, on her bed. It didn’t matter that the girls were here. They could watch, and they’d probably cheer them on. Some of them already were cheering, but it was difficult to pay attention to anything other than Scott.

His hard cock, even through his pants, pressed against her stomach.

Make boys cum, she thought against her will, repeating the impulse that the screen had drilled into her.

“We caaan’t.” Ali whined, stepping back. “I’m sorry Scott. I have to go do something. And then, you can like, totally fuck me. I promise.”

To prove her point, she tugged her panties tight against her pussy and wiggled her hips.

But Scott didn’t like that. His face turned red and he shook with thinly contained anger.

“Really, Ali? You’re a fucking tease. A BRAT! Just like all the rest. All of you sluts!”

He waved his finger across the room, towards Helen and the other girls, who shuddered happily from his words.

“I’m SERIOUS!” Ali stamped her foot ineffectually, her plastic heel useless against the carpeting. “I’ve got a special thumb drive and I’m going to plug it into the dean’s computer, and it’s gonna turn off his dumb screen. I PROMISE! It’s going to work!”

“Turn off… his screen?” Scott said, aghast. “Turn off his screen?”

“…Yes?” Ali squeaked.

Now that Ali had a chance to look at him, to really look at him, Scott’s pupils, too, were different. Unlike the girls, they were small, near pinpricks of darkness that gave his brow a steely focus.

“So you’re playing DUMB too, huh? Acting like an airhead because the rules say to be smart? Ali, if you turn off the screen, how will people read it?” Scott said flatly, looking at her like she was the silliest girl on the planet.

And that’s exactly what Ali felt like. To Scott, the screen was essential. The outrage it incited was the lifeblood of campus, the driving force of everything they did. The students needed it. They needed to read it to stay informed. How else would they know what to rebel against? Could any of them imagine a world without it anymore?

Scott scoffed at Ali’s silence. He left her there, her feeling STUPID and flustered at the doorway to her room.

STUPID SLUT! Ali thought angrily.

Why had she even brought up the thumb drive? It was supposed to be a secret plan, one even her brainwashed girlfriends didn’t know about. And she’d just gone and blabbed about to Scott, right after denying him her body. He was right. She was a BRAT. A bad, bad girl who couldn’t help making boys angry. Teasing them came as naturally as breathing, and denying them felt as good as being wanted by them.

“Well fuck you too!” She yelled after him, feeling the tantrum well up inside of her.

And the girls cheered at that, too, surrounding her and jumping up and down in excitement. Ali’s ears burned with pride and shame and righteousness, and she tried in vain to understand her own emotions. It felt good to act out, deliriously good, because she was a BRAT, and she didn’t even care now that she lost Scott’s dick. But something was still missing.

When BRATS acted out, Ali wondered, what did they really want? What did she really want?

Before Ali could find the answer, Helen grabbed her hands. She was recovering from a giggle-fit, along with the rest of the girls who were tickled by Ali’s outburst. She looked at Ali, mustering the most serious face that she could. But through her doe eyes and twinkling cheeks, it only looked like a girl playing pretend. Wasn’t this supposed to be Ali’s Professor?

“You ready for our meeting?” She asked eagerly.

And so they went, the throng of them leaving a trail of hot fire in their wake, strutting towards the student center where one final obstacle waited.

Don’t get thrown off, Ali told herself as they approached the wide double doors. You’re programmed to break rules, but the most important way to do that is the thumb drive.

There was a crowd of students inside, but through the doors it was eerily quiet. No music was playing, and as they approached, Ali could swear she heard soft moans seeping out through the cracks. But then Sheena pushed them open, and the screen, iridescent and blue and crackling with heat, pulled them in.

Helen crash landed. Her body ached pleasantly, like she’d just had the juiciest, hottest orgasm in the whole world. But as the spinning room came to a stop, that feeling faded into stillness too, and the needful arousal that lived in her pussy returned, stronger than ever.

They were in the student center. Helen, Ali, and the rest of the girls. But who knew how long ago they walked in there.

All of them, with their flashy jewelry and colorful socks, their big boots and boob tubes and tank tops and slut skirts, their G-strings and lollipops and scrunchies and sparkles, stared, transfixed by the latest rule that waited on the looming screen. Most of them were still lost in it, drooling and trembling, muttering and moaning softly under their breath.

But Ali was waking up too, her face flushed and her nipples hard, and she looked at Helen with fearful eyes.

“He wouldn’t really, would he?”

Helen looked at the rule again, at the latest impulse that had been seared into them.

“BRATS. You do NOT want to be SPANKED. This is your FINAL warning before SPANKINGS are MANDATORY. Men, until then, don’t even THINK about indulging these PETULANT SLUTS with PUNISHMENT.”

Helen tried to wrap her mind around the implications of it. Punishment. He was provoking the men to…

Spank us, I mean.” Ali elaborated.

“No.” Helen said. “Nothing’s changed. You still want to foil Henry, right?”

Ali took a deep breath. “Yeah. More than anything.”

Helen did, too. They had to stop him. Needed to. Even if it meant, potentially, getting PUNISHED.

“Right. I distract him, you put in the kill command. Then nothing else will matter.”

“But… what if we get caught?” Ali asked, a twinge of girlish fever creeping into her voice.

Helen didn’t want to think about that, about the PUNISHMENT that now sat tantalizingly on the table, about the consequences of being a BRAT made manifest in the code of conduct.

She did NOT want to get SPANKED. She did not WANT

“UNBELIEVABLE!” Sheena gasped. “I can’t– I can’t fucking believe it! LAST WARNING? Before spankings are MANDATORY? What the fuck kind of school IS THIS?”

All the students in the hall were waking up, their confused and incensed murmurs growing in fervor as they processed the code’s latest imposition. It seemed like half the school was here, drawn there for another evening of lurid dancing, teasing, licking and sucking. The new rule had ensnared all of them, and now, packed together in half-naked arousal, their bodies were figuring out what what they wanted.

You do NOT want to be SPANKED.

“I mean like, I DARE someone to try and SPANK me!” Sheena remarked with burning rage.

Grace’s voice joined the chorus next. “SO fucked up! A final warning?? Is that supposed to SCARE us?”

Mae joined her, red ponytail whipping furiously around her head. “They think PUNISHMENT is going to STOP us? I don’t fucking care! Go ahead and SPANK me! I’m NOT gonna stop protesting.”

The girls weren’t the only ones working themselves into a frenzy at the new rule. The guys too, woke up groaning, their pupils narrowing to sharp slits, their fingers tensing at their sides.

“Maybe a spanking is what these girls fucking NEED.” Craig Collins said under his breath, and one of his peers nodded in agreement.

“Why even give them a warning? Should just MAKE it mandatory. Would do ’em GOOD.”

“Ali… let’s… let’s go.” Helen said softly, pulling the dazed girl through the crowd. “Don’t wanna be… be spanked.” Ali muttered.

The people were getting antsy and energetic, and Sheena was already making her way to her megaphone. They needed to get out of here before things escalated, before Sheena incited the newest wave of rebellion, and before the men started taking punishment into their own hands.

Helen could see where this was going, and she did not WANT to be SPANKED.

Even though, she thought with wet, hot need, I’m a bad, bad girl.

How many rules had she broken until now? And what were she and Ali about to do if not break the most taboo rule of all. They were about to be really, really bad.

They climbed the stairs with heavy legs as the crowd behind them got rowdier. Students shoved into each other, and girls shrieked and spat and slapped at boys. “Hands OFF, PERV!” “Just TRY and TOUCH me, TINY DICK!” “You’re NEVER gonna get this PUSSY!”

Sheena preached through her megaphone, “That’s right, GIRLS! The dean thinks he can STOP us with EMPTY THREATS! If they want us to stop acting like this, then they’re gonna have to MAKE US! We don’t WANT to be SPANKED? Well maybe we DO! Go ahead assholes, give us your WORST!”

Then the chanting started. The girls did it unison, stomping their feet and filling the air with their hot breath. “Give us your WORST! Give us your WORST!”

“They’re… they’re asking for it.” Ali said.

She bit her lip in fury, anger burning hot on her glittery, star-covered cheeks. “BEGGING for it. I can’t fucking believe him. The fucking ASSHOLE.”

Ali moved up the stairs with renewed purpose that Helen struggled to match. DON’T wanna be spanked. DON’T wanna be spanked. She repeated to herself fruitlessly while Ali ranted on. The rule was getting to her, and already she felt a strange urge nagging at her that maybe she really did want to be spanked.

But no. She wanted only to defy Henry. To be a little BRAT and foil him. She wanted THAT.

Cause then he’ll SPANK me nice and GOOD! A petulant, horny voice sang in her head.

“He thinks he can just do that to them and get away with it?” Ali fumed, fists at her side, her skirt bouncing with her violent steps.

“I know, Ali– but– Remember the plan!” Helen had to run now, because Ali was charging towards for the heavy door at the top of the stairs.

“Fuck the plan!” Ali said. “We gotta confront this! I mean, ugh! He thinks he can make me want to bend over some man’s lap and just… just take it?? That’s like, so GROSS!”

“So gross!” Helen agreed, but then she imagined herself in just that position, and it filled her with nervous excitement. “But like– Ali! We’re trying to like– trick him!”

“I do NOT want to be SPANKED!” Ali yelled, then she plowed through the door.

Helen had no choice but to follow, slipping through as it swung closed behind them. Henry waited inside, calmly sitting on the edge of his desk with his hands in his lap. Agatha, now collared, sat on the floor in her skimpy secretary’s dress, and she nuzzled his leg with her cheek.

“Are you SERIOUS?” Ali spat at him as Helen rushed in beside her.

He smiled softly. “What exactly do you mean, young lady?”

Spankings?! That’s where this was headed?!”

“You all have been asking for it for quite some time. Breaking all of my rules. Flaunting your disobedience against my authority. You’re lucky I didn’t mandate it sooner. This rule is simply a last warning. You do NOT, I presume, wish to be SPANKED.”

“Fuck you!” Ali said. “Nobody was thinking about that until YOU put it in their heads! Now they’re down there getting all HOT at the idea! But we’re ending this, right Helen?”

Ali pulled the thumb drive out of her tits.

What is she doing?! Helen thought, panicked. This wasn’t the plan. They were losing the element of surprise.

Helen’s belly filled with butterflies as she realized, She’s going to get us both in trouble.

Henry eyed the drive in Ali’s clenched fist and smiled. “So it’s true.” He said coolly. “The young lad was right.”

He looked at Helen next, and her heart quickened. “You’ve been quite naughty, Miss Paisley. Spending unsupervised time with a student. Going on secret little trips together. That’s against the rules.”

Helen’s veins flooded with hot ice. She was being scolded.

“Of course, given how you’re dressed, I think you’ve proven yourself quite ineffectual as a teacher. You simply cannot follow some simple rules. Maybe you’ll have to go back to school yourself. What do you think of that, Miss Paisley?”

“What?!” Helen gasped. “But that’s not– that’s not FAIR!”

He couldn’t DO that! She was like, TWENTY-SOMETHING, basically an ADULT. How dare he talk down to her like that!

“TOO BAD. I am in charge here. You’re fired. You and all the rest of your BRAT co-workers. Clearly, you are not capable of PROFESSIONAL conduct. Given how you’ve taken to mimicking your students, I think you will be much more suited to the life of a schoolgirl.”

“But– But!!”

“Don’t bother with him, Hellie!” Ali said, stomping towards the desk with the thumb drive. “He’s a fucking loser. You DON’T have to LISTEN to him!”

Ali wasn’t acting rationally, Helen realized. The way she was provoking Henry, waving the thumb drive in his face and calling him names, it was like she wanted to be–


“Ali– waiiiit!” Helen pleaded.

Ali came face to face with Henry, her nose nearly touching his.

“Young lady. This is your final warning. Make one more move, and you will be in BIG trouble.”

Helen’s heart sank. It was over. Ali had given too much of herself over to her BRAT programming. Now, faced with the ultimate BRAT reward, faced with the delicious promise of PUNISHMENT, the poor girl would never be able to resist.

Her eyes widened at Henry’s words, the meaning of them washing over her from head to toe.

Then, she spat in his face.

Ali shrieked when Henry pulled her into his lap. Business-like, he tugged her panties down, exposing her bare butt from beneath her barely-existing skirt. Ali thrashed uselessly in his arms, cursing him and yelling, acting so convincingly like she didn’t want this. And maybe she didn’t. Even watching, Helen was filled with dread at what was unfolding.

She needed to do something. This was Helen’s last chance to be IN CHARGE, to prove she still could be a PROFESSIONAL. But the thumb drive was still tight in Ali’s grip, and Ali was in Henry’s lap. And Helen, for all her desparation, felt helpless and small.

Ali gasped when his hand landed on her ass with one quick swing. It was, mostly, a sound of shock, as if she didn’t think he would actually do it. The room fell deadly silent.

“Wait–” Ali started.

When Henry’s hand hit her for the second time, her gasp returned with a twinge of pleasure.


“No!” She gasped. “Stop! I– This was a mistake!”

And then he spanked her again, and she gasped, brighter and louder.

Her glistening skin was becoming slick with sweat and dew, and her pupils were getting bigger. The hits were doing something to her, Helen realized. “This was a– AH! Fuck!!”

And they were doing something to Helen too. She couldn’t look away, couldn’t help but feel the phantom sting on her own ass, and it turned her on

“Is… is that all you got?!” Ali challenged in Henry’s lap, changing tactics.

“Henry, wait!” Helen yelled, but even just calling him by his first name felt wrong now.

He was so much older, so much more authorative. And she was just a student– or– no– She was a–

“I mean… Mr. Hearst! Please! Don’t punish her! It was… it was my fault!”

If Helen could just get Mr. Hearst to punish her, then maybe Ali could still get the drive in. Maybe Ali could still save them.

But only if SHE got to be punished instead.

Wanna be SPANKED.

Henry remained unmoved. His hits landed harder and faster on Ali, overwhelming her until her pained yelps dripped with pleasure. Her pupils melted into deep black pools in her irises, and with each successive hit, flushed excitement washed over her.

“Stooop!” Helen begged, stamping her foot and feeling hot in her thigh high socks.

Ali’s ass glowed red from Mr. Hearst’s punishment, and between her thighs, her pussy glistened wet. In the air, her plastic clunky heels swung and kicked playfully.

“It’s time you apologized, young lady.” Mr. Hearst said sternly, hitting her again.

“F–fuuck you!” Ali jabbed, inviting another hit.

Her pert ass rippled from it, and this time she moaned, her pleasure oozing uninhibited from her throat.

“What was that?” Mr. Hearst asked, spanking her again.

“AH! I’m– I’m sorry, okay??” Ali gasped, tears welling in her ecstatic eyes as her resolve crumbled. “Just– just stop now! Before I– I–”

He hit her again, and her legs spasmed in the air. Her eyes opened into wide saucers, and, happily, tremors rolled across her body.

“I’m sorry SIRRR!” She gasped through her moans. “I’m SO sorry!!”

“Have you gotten your little rebellion out of your system?” Henry asked, spanking her again.

“Y-yes, Sir!” Ali gasped, a wide smile breaking across her rainbow face.

Tears ran down her cheeks, the droplets twinkling with rainbow glitter, and her pussy gushed too.

“I promise! I promise! I’ll be good from now on! Oooh, I’ll be soooo good, Sir!”

“Now, Miss Burke. There’s a young man who I think you owe an apology. He did me a great service by warning me of your little plan.”

“S-scott?” Ali asked eagerly. “Scott went to you??”

“That’s right. He gave me quite the heads up. He’s quite taken with you, despite all the teasing you’ve put him through. But I assured him you would make that up to him. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

“No, Sir!” Ali cooed. “Thank you, Sir! Thank you!”

Henry hit her again, and her soaked thighs quivered with joy and pain and rapture. Ali babble-moaned, thanking him for the punishment through delirious squeals. The thumb drive was still clenched in her fist, but it didn’t matter. With a sly smile, Agatha loosened Ali’s fingers, and it fell, surrendered, into the secretary’s slender hands.

Henry looked at Helen from behind his glasses, and he growled. “Don’t you think about going anywhere, young lady.”

Helen’s ears burned.

I should fight back, she thought dutifully.

It was her last thought, really, as Helen Paisley the Professor. The scolding did things to her. Delicious, heavenly things, and in that instant all her remaining years of professional experience seeped hot into her threadbare panties.

But the new Hellie thought fighting back was a good idea, too. So, she stuck her tongue out as far as it would go, and with the brattiest, most petulant sneer she could summon from deep within her horny little body, challenged him with all her might.

“Or WHAT, Sirrrr? You gonna SPANK me, too?”

Hellie smiled coyly. She hoped Mr. Hearst was as strong as he looked, ’cause she was gonna struggle SO hard.

Down below, all across the great hall of the Monroe University student center, girls shared in Hellie’s experience. They were shoved against walls, bent over laps, and pushed to the floor, their skimpy panties and thongs hastily peeled from their glistening slits as the men and boys took action. Reverberating across the room, their pained moans were punctuated by firm, direct SMACKS on their hot red asses.

Sheena was the first to cum. Shaking under Craig Collins’ punishing hand, her pussy drenching her thighs and her plump tits popping out of her askew top, she giggled deliriously. It was so silly. They were finally being punished for everything they’d done, and yet Sheena was more certain than ever that they were never gonna stop their rebellion.

The code of conduct flickered and swayed above them, washing them with its light.

Sheena was pretty sure they’d protest it forever.

My next posting will be the end of this story! Thanks for following along this far! 

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