Code of Conduct


by DustyVeil

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #corruption #dom:male #exhibitionism #f/f #mental_age_regression #sub:female #betrayal #blowjob #candy #college #free_use #hypnotic_screen #mass_hypnosis #mind_alteration #mind_control #slow_burn #Sluttification #solo #teacher_student_dynamic
See spoiler tags : #spanking

For those who have followed this story to the end, thank you very much for your interest, patience, and feedback! You can always reach out at I hope you enjoyed the story! 


There were so many rules. They were etched in white, and they burned. It was hard to take them all in. They piled on top of each other, the words collapsing under their own weight, each successive line buckling with more instability. But what did it matter? She didn’t want to–

Wear skirts. Wear short skirts.

She wasn’t here for that. Nor was she here to–

Wear make-up. Look hot. Look sexy.

She was here to teach. She wasn’t the kind of woman who would ever–

Show off my body. Show off my slutty body.

Hell, she didn’t even own–


The words wavered, leaving trails of RGB, and they sunk heavy into the bright blue background. The rules were getting weird. Could she be reading them correctly? She read them again–

Use my mouth. Use my tongue. Wanna suck. Wanna suck.

That couldn’t be right. She really wasn’t allowed to–?


Not that she would ever. She was a good girl. She always followed the rules.

I’m a brat. A slut. A disobedient little—

She wasn’t a–


So what was that feeling building in her loins? Why was it pushing, ever needful, outwards through her nerves towards her extremities? Why was she, against all reason, feeling like she was gonna– She was gonna– Oooohhh, fuuuuuckkk!!!


Colleen was on the floor.

Why was she on the floor? She’d must have been there for awhile, because her butt ached against the hard tile, and her neck felt stiff.

Something else was… cold.

A man in a tan suit, with small glasses and a trimmed silver beard, jotted something into a notebook, watching her. That’s right… it was her first day at Monroe as an adjunct. And he was her… guide, or something?

Colleen stood up, and the cold followed. It was her underwear, she realized. It was soaked through, and now the cotton was cold and wet.

They were alone in what Colleen now recognized as the tall sanctum of the student center, and it was so early that the lights were still off. Above them, a blue screen hummed and flickered, casting its glow across the darkness.

It was coming back to her, why she was here this early in the morning, with a strange man who was…

Observing her. He watched her inscrutably, moving only to write down notes in his book. Colleen swept back some hair and straightened her jacket, and the man wrote that down too.

That’s what he was here for. His name was Gregory Wheaten, and he was here to watch how she settled into her job. But wasn’t she just… Yelling at him?

“What do you think?” He asked.

Right. This was part of her orientation, too. Reading the Student and Faculty code of conduct. The same one that, from her best friend Helen, she’d heard so much drama about. And now she’d finally read everything it had to say, and…

What did she think?


“A lot of rules.” Colleen said, though at the moment she couldn’t quite remember any.

She was having a hard time…


Her answer must have been satisfactory, because Gregory Wheaten wrote it down and said no more.

Colleen thought maybe she should check the board one more time, just to refresh herself on the rules. She was sure there were a couple that were… strange. Ones even Helen hadn’t mentioned.

But reading over rules sounded so boring.

It was all perfunctory anyway. Colleen had started enough jobs in her life to know that of all the rules they would inundate you with during orientation, most of them wouldn’t come up in the day-to-day. And how many were actually enforced?

“What’s that over there?” Colleen asked.

There were racks and racks of clothes, and boxes too. And… was that candy?

Colleen eyed a tower with a rainbow of lollipops sticking out of it. It was a little early for sugar, but something to occupy her mouth might help with her nerves. She was feeling anxious with how little time she had to prepare.

No time, actually. She’d gotten the call yesterday. Apparently they needed someone to fill a vacant position IMMEDIATELY. Colleen was thrilled for the opportunity, but also a little confused. One of the classes she’d be stepping in for was Shakespeare, Helen’s subject.

Colleen went to where the candy was. Her wet underwear clung to her, and went with her.

“Mmmm…” Colleen pushed a long, red pop into her lips, and mellow sweetness filled her mouth.

It was good. Really good.

Mr. Wheaten was still taking notes, which was silly because all she was doing was sucking a lollipop.


But maybe she was getting carried away with it. She was sucking it pretty hard, moving it in and out of her mouth nice and slowly, sucking it like a–

“Sorry.” Colleen said, bashful. What was she doing? “Just um, missed breakfast.”

“That’s quite alright.” Gregory said. “Remember, I’m just here to see how you settle in to things. Just do what you think is right. You’re doing well.”


She wasn’t sure what exactly he meant. She hadn’t done anything yet. Except, somehow, soak her underwear. It was so cold and wet down there. And the discomfort had a ripple effect, calling her attention to the stiffness of her pants.

She was surrounded by clothes.

Skirts and tops of all shapes and sizes. Well, not all sizes, because most of them were pretty short. These must be the slutty protest outfits, she remembered. The stuff the students wore to stick it to the rules.

And Helen, too, apparently. Colleen still hadn’t forgotten how her friend arrived to their last meet-up with SEXY dialed up to concerning levels.

Colleen found it kind of funny, now. She always hated the bureaucratic pitfalls of Academia. Rules were an ever-present reality of the field that you had to deal with. But they were, truthfully, so stupid.

Maybe that’s why Colleen didn’t bother to remember any of the ones she just read.

Colleen’s underwear, her sopping wet panties, nagged at her. This would distract her all day, if she let it. And she really needed to bring her best to this. Teaching at Monroe University could be huge for her career.

She was surrounded by clothes.

Colleen did a quick check around. It was only her and Gregory here. And he was only here to observe. Would it really be a problem if he caught a glimpse…?

“You don’t mind if I…?” Colleen asked.

She undid her pants and stepped out them, then out of her wet undies too. There was probably a rule against this, but rules were so stupid, and she wasn’t about to walk around in wet clothes all day.

Without thinking about it too hard, stepped into something new.

Gregory Wheaten wrote that down, too.

Danica, once a smokey, sardonic drifter, blew a massive pink bubble. It popped, and she plucked with long fingernails the stray strands off her glossy lips.

Her long hair, once jet black, was dyed pink.

“That’ll be twenty dollars.” The clerk said.

On the counter sat a webcam and ring light, and even with the mall discount, the price was far more than Danica wanted to pay.

The clerk’s computer screen glowed blue, flickering with all sorts of employee rules.

“Uuuum, I don’t knoow…” She tittered, pushing her tits together and licking her lips. “Isn’t there like, ANYTHING else I can do?”

Her curvy body was squeezed into tight neon pink cotton, and her thighs spilled out of black-and-pink striped socks. She bent low over the counter, letting the clerk get a good look at exactly what she had to offer.

She really hoped this would work. She was thinking about getting into streaming, and she needed this stuff to do it. Danica wasn’t much interested in video games anymore, but the idea of being on camera made her nipples hard.

The clerk examined her closely, his eyes dashing in short bursts back to the screen of employee rules. Then he groaned.

“Fuck it.” He said, unzipping his pants.

“Hey, guys, wrap it up.” Colleen said.

She hated to begin her first class with a negative energy, but two students were going at it. Really going at it. The girl sat in the guys lap, arms around his neck, and they were making out heavily, the guy running his hands up her mostly bare back, and sometimes, into the band of her tight little skirt.

“They like, just got together.” A small Black girl with big hoop earrings said. “It’s Ali and Scott. It’s their honeymoon phase!”

“They can Honeymoon after class.” Colleen said.

Ali, without taking her tongue out of Scott’s throat, directed a middle finger back towards Colleen.

Colleen gasped. “Hey! That is— so—!” The little BRAT!

The Black girl laughed. “You can send her to the Headmaster for punishment, but that’s probably what she wants. Mr. Hearst officially delegated all her punishments to Scott, anyway.”

In concurrence, Scott spanked Ali playfully on the ass. She wiggled in appreciation, her crotch grinding harder into him. In the back of the room, Gregory Wheaten stoically scribbled into his book and looked up at Colleen from below his glasses.

“Look everyone, I know you all don’t know me, but I’m taking over this class, and I’d really like to get off on the right foot, so—”

The class was looking at her. Maybe a little too closely. She tugged her skirt down. It was shorter than she anticipated, but she was glad for the lighter attire, because it was warm in here.

And it was still so hard to think straight.

“—So, um. How about we all start with a fact about ourselves?”

That would be good. An ice breaker. It was OFF TOPIC, but Colleen needed a warm-up too. At least until she felt like herself again. And it would help ingratiate her with the students.

Three girl hands shot straight into the air, and three pairs of boobs popped out of their teeny tiny tops when they did.

“I’m Sheena!” The Black girl said, letting them just hang there. “And a fact about me is… Oh! The most amount of cocks I’ve serviced at the same time is THREE. And after class, I’m gonna break my record.”

“Okay… Maybe let’s try and keep the facts a little more appropriate for class, though.” Colleen said.

She imagined how Sheena did it. Probably working two with her hands while the other was in her…

Colleen tugged her skirt again. In her pussy.

The thought came easier than any other. Thinking was hard, but thinking about sex was easy. Of course one of the cocks would go in Sheena’s pussy. That’s where cocks went. And now that Colleen thought about it, and it felt good to think clearly again, one of the other two cocks was probably in Sheena’s mouth.

Actually, they probably traded places down her little throat every time she needed to come up for air.

The guy sitting behind Sheena leaned over, squeezed her tit, and grinned. “Hey Sheena. How about I help you break that record later?”

Sheena stuck out her tongue at him and flicked his nose. “As IF, loser!”

“Okay. And, um. Who else has a fact?” Colleen said, trying to keep things on track.

A voice rang from the door. “I dooo!”

It was Helen.

Sort of. Even since the last time she saw her, when in a pencil skirt Helen so uncharacteristically seduced a stranger at a bar, she had transformed completely.

Her lips popped cherry red, and they matched the bows that topped her tall white socks. Like the rest of the girls she wore a skirt, a micro-pleated schoolgirl number paired with white panties, and had a collared crop top tied across her breasts. Her hair was braided in two long strands that hung over her shoulders, and she leaned back and forth with her arms held straight behind her back.

“I’m Hellie!” She said popping a big pink bubble of chewing gum. “And its like, my FIRST day of school.”

Shannon West forgot how HARD school was.

“Oohh fuck– Shannon– Jesus!” Professor Singleton groaned when she finally got the full length of his cock down her throat.

Okay, so it wasn’t THAT hard. It just took a little practice at home with the biggest dildo she could find.

With her nose to his pelvis and his cock in her mouth, she smiled up at him from behind her glasses. She still wore them, though she didn’t expect to be doing much reading anymore. Not when she could earn her grade this way. She sucked hungrily, slurping his shaft with her tongue, driving him closer and closer to what was sure to be a yummy orgasm for both of them.

“Fuck– I can’t believe you’re such a– unngh– slut–” Her Professor’s cock tensed in her throat, and she sucked it harder.

They were BOTH getting used to the new dynamic. It was hard to believe this man used to work UNDER her. Especially since he had such a big cock, and was very good at giving orders. The idea of being IN CHARGE of him filled Shannon with girlish confusion, but she had been, somehow. She vaguely remembered sending him e-mail after e-mail about deadlines, schedules, and meetings. To her frustration, he would ignore most of them, but now that she was on her knees she was certain he had very good reasons.

Her firing, probably, was for the best. She was going to learn SO much from him.

“I’m gonna– oh fuck– let me do it on your–”

He pulled back, and air rushed into Shannon’s lungs through her sloppy, spittle slick lips. He aimed himself, his face straining with impending release.

“Oooohhh, fuuuckk…”

He came on Shannon’s face, and she greeted it with a wide open smile. It landed on her nose and lips and cheeks, and it was hot and sticky on her sweaty skin. Some of it hit her tits, pushed up so tantalizingly tight inside a fluffy little bralette. But most importantly, it splashed in ropes across her glasses, leaving dripping trails down their thin metal frames.

When he finished, Shannon swiped some off one lens and licked her finger.

“Holy shit. That was so hot.” Her new Professor said. “I’ve always wanted to do that to you.”

Shannon giggled. So THAT’S why she still wore them. What man didn’t love to cum on a girl’s glasses?

Colleen knew she had officially lost control of her class the moment Scott penetrated Ali.

She’d warned them over and over that they’d better not start having sex in her class. It was bad enough that Ali was grinding on Scott’s erection like that, and even worse when Scott untied Ali’s top to tease her nipples with his tongue.

Then there was Sheena, who kept needling at the boy behind her, Jackson. She teased and insulted him devilishly, until his face was so red that Colleen was sure he would explode any second.

Something was building in Sheena, too. As her games progressed, her nipples came to strained points through her top and she squirmed, excited, in her seat. If she really didn’t want him to shut her up with his cock, she was doing a bad job of showing it.

Then when Ali finally slid herself down onto Scott’s girth, interrupting the lecture with a moan of breathy satisfaction, Colleen gave up completely. Dealing with this wasn’t her job. If this is how it was going to be, she didn’t want to be IN CHARGE.

Scott slapped Ali’s ass and squeezed it tightly as she rocked on his cock. “Unggh, you like that, you little slut??”

“Uh huh! Yeah, babyyy!” Ali gasped.

Ugh, Colleen thought in disgust. That is just so… gross.

Gross. It was definitely gross, and not the least bit hot. So why was she…?

Oh dear. Her skirt sat high on her waist, basically pulled up to her belly, so that its feeble length covered only half her panties. And she was rubbing herself there, just a little bit.

“Okay, um, maybe we should just break.” She announced, pulling her hand away.

She needed a break. To think she was almost masturbating in front of everyone. She hoped no one noticed, or she could get in major trouble. Her head felt foggy, and when she closed her eyes, the darkness there was tinged with blue.

“You can all get off– I mean go off, or whatever. But next time PLEASE come prepared to learn.

The students giggled and spilled out into the hall, and in the back, Gregory Wheaten scribbled more into his book. Despite the fact that students were fucking just a few rows ahead of him, he looked only to Colleen, examining her every movement. The scrutiny was starting to get to her. His gaze arrived with goosebumps.

“Helen, could you, um, stay back?” Colleen asked her passing friend.

“It’s Hellie!” She corrected with sugary breath. Her cheeks twinkled.

“No it’s not! What the fuck is going on! Why is everyone a walking fetish here??”

Helen wrapped her arms around Colleen’s waist and spun her around.

“Oh! We’re like, SO brainwashed. They turned us into horny brat sluts! Isn’t that hilarious?”

The room spun around them, because they were spinning, and it took all of Colleen’s effort to stay upright, relying on Helen’s arms to steady herself. Out there in the spinning room, Ali and Scott’s lovemaking continued, urgent and rhythmic.

“Helen, what are you talking about? What did they do to you?”

Helen giggled. “Not JUST me. Gosh, grown-ups can be so THICK sometimes. They got you too! Why do you think you’re breaking all those rules?”

Colleen succumbed to a flush of heat, and the moistness between her legs thickened. “I.. I am?”

“For one, this skirt is MUCH too short.” Helen scolded, swishing the bottom of Colleen’s skirt playfully.

Colleen flashed hotter. Fuck. The skirt. That was like, rule number ONE, she remembered, and she was breaking it. But that wasn’t because she was rebellious, or brainwashed, or anything. It was because… some rules just didn’t really matter.

Gregory was still watching her with his impenetrable expression. And elsewhere, Ali started to cum from her deep, hard dicking. She had a squealing orgasm, one that bubbled out of her happily and endlessly, and it sounded amazing.

“But that rule is… is…”

What was the word she used before? The one about rules you weren’t really expected to follow? Perfunctory. That was the one. But in her head, it sounded clumsy and confusing.

Stupid.” Colleen said finally.

Gregory wrote that down, and Hellie smiled wide.

“That’s the spirit!”

Sheena pushed Jackson to his limit.

Of course, it was entirely on purpose. She had, she was discovering, an uncanny ability to tell exactly where a guy’s limit was. In Jackson’s case, it was about one class period’s worth of “tiny dick” jokes.

And his dick was anything but tiny. He proved it in the hallway of the English department.

“Oooh fuuuck, I’m sorry! I’m soooryyy!!” Sheena cried, melting, crumbling, folding like a wet napkin.

Apologizing felt good. Better than good. It felt natural. She was, despite all of her posturing, an utterly submissive whore. It was the whole reason for leading the dumb protest in the first place. She wanted to be put in her place. She needed it.

And she was getting it. Jackson really let her have it, spanking the ever living daylights out of her, turning her pussy into a sopping needy mess. She was so lucky he was willing to fuck her after all she did to him, but he did made her beg for it.

In the throes of that bliss, it was hard to imagine ever breaking a rule again. Being good was the ultimate pleasure.

Except Sheena still wanted to break her record of three cocks, so even as Jackson fucked her into oblivion, she couldn’t stop from scheming how to make four men angry at the same time.

All rules are stupid, Colleen decided later.

She didn’t want to enforce any. That would be, with this student body, impossible. There wasn’t enough manpower to punish every rule-breaker, and it seemed like punishment is what everybody wanted.

They competed for it, fighting lasciviously with their slutty bodies for a chance to get sent to the headmaster. And even when Colleen indulged them, for example scolding some redheaded twins for their overly passionate PDA, the lustful sisters returned from the coveted office even hornier than before, with wet and sticky smiles.

So she couldn’t enforce them. And she didn’t want to follow any, either.

There were too many to keep track of. She couldn’t be bothered to remember what parts needed to be covered, or what she was or wasn’t supposed to put in her mouth. She didn’t want to think that much, least of all about dumb rules. The job was hard enough already.

She broke more rules in her second class. They were as incorrigible as her first, so in a desperate bid for their attention she let some of them give her a make-over. That was a mistake. A lovely, silly, happy mistake. They showered her with soft brushes and pleasant creams so that her already youthful Korean skin glowed delicate pink.

It looked really, really good. So good in fact, that laying eyes on her reflection did another volley of permanent damage to her faith in rules. What was the purpose of a rule that forbid a pretty face?

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Now, in the privacy of her new office, she fellated another thick, yummy pop through her freshly coated lips. A bit of sticky drool dropped onto her shirt, a tiny little thing that read “EAT ME.” a blonde named Triss gave it to her off her own back, removing it right then and there in the middle of class. Colleen was about to scold her, but apparently her own top was getting in the way of their make-over. So instead, she took it gratefully. Besides, Triss’ naked tits were nice to look at.

This top had spaghetti straps, which meant Colleen had to take off her bra to wear it. But that was okay, too. Her tits were small. Bee stings, basically, where her broad nipples made up the bulk of them, and they fit right at home in snug teen clothes. As long as her nipples didn’t get as hard as Sheena’s, there wouldn’t be a problem.

Meanwhile, Gregory Wheaten observed her across her office. She was getting used to his presence, sometimes forgetting he was even there. And when she did remember him, when suddenly she’d feel his eyes on her ass or her legs, she’d playfully tease a part of her body as if to say, “Enjoying the view?”

He clearly was. Every time she posed lewdly, the perv would write something in his book, and Colleen would feel her nipples stiffen just a little more.

Grace wore her new cheerleader uniform with pride, and when she showed up to class in it and turned a roomful of heads, she knew she’d never wear anything else again.

It was more of a costume, really. Scant, slutty, and 100% protest compliant, all in Monroe’s red and white school colors. It even came with fishnet stockings, high heels, and fun fluffy pom poms.

The rest of the girl’s basketball team wore matching sets, though they weren’t a basketball team anymore. They’d decided, with Coach Lisa’s support, that the best way to stick it to the administration was to unanimously disband the team and deprive the school of their best performing division.

The cheerleader thing, however, was Grace’s idea.

It was supposed to be ironic. Everybody knew that the men’s team wasn’t very good. How much fun would it be, Grace thought excitedly, to dress up as cheerleaders and tease them from the sidelines?

The other girls agreed, though none of them really thought it through. In their post-orgasmic haze from being freshly spanked, getting a little revenge on the boys sounded like a juicy idea.

But when they showed up to men’s practice later that night in their slutty new get-ups, slinging sarcastic comments at each missed shot and giggling hysterically at bad plays, it didn’t take long for the men to respond.

First, they threatened. “Why don’t you shut up before we MAKE you!”

But threats did hot things to girls now, and the boys were looking really pissed off.

“You can’t even MAKE a two-pointer!” Grace shot back, heart fluttering.

For good measure, she stuck her tongue out and braced herself.

Once it all came together, both teams were excited about the new arrangement. The boys may not be good at basketball, but they were REALLY good at taming brats. By the end of the night, the girl’s cheerleading team was officially broken in.

It was only after the Men’s team captain fucked her roughly against the bleachers, coaxing bigger apologies out of her with each thrust of his cock, that Grace remembered she had a boyfriend. She would have to request punishment from him, later.

“Look, um, what was your name again?” Colleen asked the tall boy who stood much too close to her.

She could smell him, a dizzying combination of fabric softener and guy musk, and he was very broad.

“Cody.” He said.

“Cody. I don’t know how your last Professor handled these things, but I do not do things that way. If you have a problem with your grade–”

He put his hand on her ribs. It fit easily around Colleen’s slender body, and it was hot.

“I TOLD you, my grade’s fine. What I want is an assurance that it’s going to stay that way. I’m about to get real busy with basketball, you get it? The girls team disbanded so now the men have to carry the mantle. We’re going all in.”

His thumb brushed against her too-hard nipple through her shirt.

“You’ll just have to find a way to keep up with your schoolwork.” Colleen said as forcefully as she could, but the stimulation to her nipple made her knees weak.

He squeezed her tit, and Colleen lost vision in a brief, sudden, tunnel of blue.

He reeeaally won’t have time for schoolwork though, she reasoned. Not if he wants to focus on his athletics.

And he was very athletic, with those muscular legs and defined arms. Who was she to stop him from proving his commitment to class in another way?

Sensing her hesitation, he pulled her tight little shirt above her tits and teased her nipples proper. Gregory Wheaten was still watching, ever detached, from his place in the corner, and Colleen could hear the scribble of pen on paper.

“I could, um, get fired for this.” Colleen said.

But then Cody took her nipple into his mouth, enveloping the sensitive stiff flesh with heat and saliva. She squeaked out a noise that sounded weak and submissive, far more than anything she’d ever uttered during sex, and the shock of it was enough to make her muster her renewed authority.

“Okay, Mister. You have ten minutes.” She said, but the words came out dripping with a faux-bossiness that sounded more like an invitation.

That wasn’t quite right. He was going to take it as a challenge, or a flirtation. She tried again, making sure to sound serious and in control.

She looked him dead in the eyes, and laid down the law.

“But don’t you even THINK about touching my HOT little pussy.”

It felt good to forget.

Maybe even better than getting spanked or fucked, although both of those things accelerated the forgetting.

Today, Hellie was doing a lot of forgetting.

She was pretty sure she used to go by a different name, but she forgot it. It was all, HELLIE HELLIE HELLIE now, and if there was ever a reason to remember the other one, Hellie forgot that too.

“Fuuuuck…. How old were you, again?” Her math Professor asked when she found his hardness in his pants.

Hellie also forgot how old she was. Her last estimation was twenty something, so she tried to do the math, adding up four years of high school, then four years of college, then–

Well, she couldn’t really remember what happened after that. And now that she was in college AGAIN, her first degree was fading fast. How many years of it did she do before she… dropped out? Or… did she transfer to Monroe?

The age thing was a lost cause. She was gonna have to just pick a number. She was experimenting with different answers, and she was pretty sure she found the winning one.

“Eighteen.” She said coyly, squeezing his dick.

It had the intended effect. Professor Evans liked the answer, A LOT. He groaned, and his cock stiffened in her fingers.

“Eighteen, huh? Must be a freshman. Precocious little— ungh— whore—!”

He couldn’t keep his hands off her now, and as the pair fondled each other Hellie felt him become forceful and eager. He pulled her by the shirt in for a kiss, and playfully Hellie bit his lip.

“Ach! You little… eighteen year old BRAT!” He scowled, his cock straining.

Yep. Eighteen was the magic number. He was gonna give it to her. Hard. And the moment he got his cock in her trimmed pussy, Hellie suspected, would be the moment she’d forget she ever made the answer up to begin with.

“Um, is this about before?” Colleen asked Mr. Wheaten timidly as she followed his brisk pace.

He didn’t answer, only walking ahead with steady, undisturbed steps.

“Am I in… trouble?”

A shiver ran down Colleen’s back when she asked it. Trouble sounded, for some reason, very thrilling right about now. And she likely was in trouble, she thought, for the things she let Cody do to her. Cum dribbled down her thigh, reminding her how absolutely naughty she had been.

Her “no pussy” rule, as it turned out, was as toothless as every other rule at Monroe. And once Cody got his hands in there, once he slipped some fingers inside and her wetness betrayed just how turned on she was, there was no way she was ever going to stop him from taking things further.

But if they were going to fuck, she should have probably insisted on a more dignified way other than with one knee on her desk and one foot on the floor. It had made her look like such a whore, especially with her “EAT ME” shirt bunched up over her tits and her tiny skirt flapping uselessly on her waist.

Then there was all that stuff she said, begging to be used like a slut and showing her appreciation with vulgar specificity. She really wasn’t supposed to trade grades for sex, but with how much she clearly loved Cody’s performance, she basically had no excuse NOT to give him the A he wanted.

And Gregory was there to see it all. He was there to write it in his book, just one more in a long list of rules that she was breaking.

“This meeting was scheduled already, remember?” Mr. Wheaten said. “Henry Hearst wants to check in on your first day.”

For emphasis, he lifted his book of notes, the pages of which were now very full.

“Oh. Right.” Colleen said as they approached the Headmaster’s door. “Am I, um, meeting expectations?”

Mr. Wheaten smiled. “You’ve done quite well. So well, in fact, that I am convinced Henry’s program is a rousing success. As such, I will be buying this University and leaving him in charge.”

He adjusted his collar. “Wheaten University will make for a phenomenal ecosystem. The perfect place to send uppity, problem-women. Better yet, I have some ideas of other things we might test here.”

“Oh… But… What does that have to do with me?” Colleen asked.

Mr. Wheaten chuckled. “Do you remember what you said to me this morning, dear?”

Colleen tried to remember, but everything before reading the screen was fuzzy.

“Um. You said something mean.” Colleen said. “And I didn’t like that.”

“That’s right. As we entered the student center, I said that if all goes well, you’d be begging to be spanked like a bad, little girl by the end of the day.”

Colleen giggled. “Oh yeah! And I said, like, EXCUSE ME? What kind of woman do you TAKE me FOR?”

At least, it was something close to that. She may have used a curse word or two. And she likely threatened to report him to somebody. But that was just as she was stepping m into the student center, and then she saw those RULES, and then–

“That’s right.” Mr. Wheaten said, amused. “So, yes. You are exactly the proof I needed. And to answer your original question, you are very much in trouble.”

Colleen shivered and moistened. If they were gonna try and SPANK her, it was going to be against her will. There was NO WAY she was going to give them the satisfaction of BEGGING for it.


She searched for her inner adult, for the Colleen that had reacted so strongly to Mr. Wheaten’s infantilizing comments. But she was wiggling around in there, and hard to grasp. Colleen wondered if maybe what she needed wasn’t a good spanking to set her straight. But– No. She WASN’T going to beg.


But now that she thought about it, she did kinda wanna be spanked.

He opened the door, and Collie buzzed with anticipation. A word was bubbling at her lips, and it sounded something like “Please.”

Ali’s life was the absolute best.

She had a boyfriend. That carried with it so many perks on its own. Scott was always down to fuck, which was important, because Ali really liked fucking now. And he used her the way she needed to be used, like a slut. But most importantly he was her own little private enforcer, somebody who was always there to punish her when she got out of line.

That was the BEST thing about boyfriends. You could never count on any random guy to put you in your place when you needed it. But a boyfriend? They were invested in you. They owned you. And though Ali would never stop misbehaving, never stop defying him and troubling him and teasing him, she was starting to call him “Master” when he put her over his lap.

She had girl friends, too. Tall ones and curvy ones and short ones and waifish ones, each with sweet mouths and fun pussies, all of them special to play with in their own ways. Ali would think back to the hazy before times, back when she just had Sheena. Even then, she had been so guarded with her friend. It’s like the weren’t even friends at all. They would NEVER eat each other’s pussies, let alone kiss or hold hands.

And she had a job offer. It came from the man she met at Wheaten Dynamics, Jeffrey, who was so interested in her mouth that day she visited. This morning, he reached out to her with an opportunity on his team. It was an outreach position or something, and he said she could start right after graduation.

Ali didn’t quite understand the role, but it involved making friends with girls her age. She suspected it had something to do with brainwashing them. After all, that’s exactly what they did at over Wheaten, with their mysterious chambers of light and sound, and their ever-growing schemes of hypnotic mobile games and slutty casual Fridays.

And though she felt a little conflicted about taking a job with them, with furthering their sexy, girl-sluttening ambitions, the prospect of having more girl friends to play with never failed to make her wet.

She read again the listing that Jeffrey sent her. It didn’t explain much, using as many vague words and meaningless descriptors as it could fit, but reading it made Ali feel more certain that she wanted the job.

Wanted the job.

Wanted to brainwash girls.

She closed the webpage, landing back on her computer desktop. On it sat a folder, one hastily labelled “BACKUPPP,” and Ali shuddered at seeing it.

It was a horribly wicked thing to do, backing up that thumb drive, but then again she did it when she was at her most wicked. Back when she and Hellie were getting their make-overs, when they actually thought they might foil Mr. Hearst.

Before they knew how badly they wanted to get caught.

In private, Ali still sometimes fantasized about trying it again. It was the juiciest, hottest fantasy in her arsenal, the ultimate transgression, the one thing she knew could really get her in trouble.

That thumb drive was the best thing she ever owned, a one way ticket to the bestest, most mind melting spanking of her whole life. And she still had its contents right here, in “BACKUPPP.”

All she had to do was copy it to another drive, Ali would think with her fingers deep in her wet folds. And if she wanted to be REALLY naughty, she might actually try and plug the thing in this time. Might even try running the program.

To even entertain that made her squirm and squeeze her thighs on her ceaseless little fingers, and she would cum, blissfully, imagining the kind of punishment she might get if she suceeded.


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